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LONDON, March 16. A South Australian wheat cargo has Isold at 395, and a Victorian, cargo at 32. 7-gd. The American visible supply of wheat is bushels. A revised official estimate gives the Argentine wheat crop available for export at 2,200,000 bushels. At the tallow sales 938 casks were offered and 793 sold. Mutton, fine 37s 6d, medium 34s 6d; beef, fine 375, medium 345. March 18. Tire Bank of England returns show the stock of gold coin and bullion to be £23,112,000; reserve, £24,943,000; proportion of reserve to liabilities, 49.52. The notes in circulation amount to £27,903,000; public deposits, £9,644,000; other deposits, £40,896,000; Government securities, £23,976,000; other securities, £29,891,000. Short loans are discounted at 3| per cent., and three months’ bills at 3 9-16 per cent. Consols, £BJ, 2s 6d. The following are the quotations for colonial Government stocks, compared with those ruling a week previous: TVTn,. 11 Aim- is

Wheat: The market is steady, ana there is a quiet demand for cargoes, but no speculation. Victorian March and April, 38s 9d; South Australian and Victorian February and March shipments sold at 395. Holders are asking 38s 3d for steamer parcels afloat, and 3/s 9d for March and April. There is a little inquiry for Australian spot at about 42s 9d. Chicago, May 113 cents to 113£ cents. Flour: A considerable business at Glasgow in Australian, March and April shipments, at 275, 9d, c.i.f. Oats: Quiet. La Plata, April and May, 14s Id to 14s lid. Butter: The market is slow, and the high prices are checking business. The warmer weather is also having an effect, though Continental supplies are still insignificant. Danish, 130 s to 1345; Australian, choicest 1245, secondary 120 s; New Zealand, choicest. 1265; Argentine, 1245. Cheese: Firm. New Zealand. 60s to 625. Bradford wool market: Merino strong ; crossbreds, quiet; common sixties, 27£d super., 28d. At the kauri gum sales 570 cases were offered and 205 sold at full rates. March 19. Sheep: North Island, 4£d; best brands, 4 Id. nLambs: Canterbury, 5 9-16 d; North Island, sgd; selected, s|d. Beef : Fores, Australian sheep: Heavy, 3£d ; light, 3|d. Lambs: Best brands, 4|d; fair quality, 4|d: inferior ouality, 4|d. Beef; Fores, 3|d ; hinds, 4d. River Plate sheep: Heavy. 3 11-16 d; light, 3|d. Beef: Fores, Sjd; hinds, 4£d. Lamb, 4£d. March 20. A cargo of Australian wheat sold at 39s 4gd, and another at 39s Igd. cargoes, containing 14.000 quarters of Fouth Australian and Victoria, expected to arrive in March, and 6200 tons of Victorian per steamer, February shipment, all fetched 395. The hide sales were neglected, andi, prices are unchanged. Stocks of Australian leather on first hands are exhausted. Rabbits are flat. Large Sydney stores, 19a 6d; Melbournes. 14s. Melbournes. foe the present shipment, are offering at 12s 6d. The hemp market is dull. 'Consignments afloat arc quoted at £24 10s. Copra is strong, and fair business ha« been done in South Sea, in bags, at £24 12 s 6d. Silver, 23§d. Tin: Spot, £145 2s fid: three months, £147 ss. Lead, £l3 Is 3d. Shares: • Waihi. buyers £9 ss. sellers £9 10s; Waihi Junction, buyers £1 Ha 3d, "sellers £1 13s 9d THE WOOL SALES. LONDON. March 15. At the wool sales the Hiku clip realised 14J,d per lb, the average price being 12|d. March 15. The wool sales to-day had to be post* poned owing to fog. March 16There was an animated demand and splendid competition for merinos, which! have a hardening tendency. March 17. Tire Waihoku clip sold up to lljd, realising an average of 10-|d. ' There was keen and spirited competition at the wool sales, and full prices wer§ maintained. March 18. There is a strong market for all classes of -wool. The following clips were sold : —Wairere, 10£d (average 10£d) ; Tukoranga* (average Hid). March 20. The quantity of wool catalogued up t<?

date was 117,108 bales, of which 110,032 ft-e-re. sold., f The Americans are buying more crossbreds. Prices were in sellers' favour. Yesterday's selection was chiefly ' Bold to speculators Second-hand lots jealised full late rates. The sales ineluded the Kiwi and Okaraire clips, top price 13d, average 10^d; Raukawa, top price 14id, average 13 s d; Titi, top prffe 13d, average llfd; Awahea, top price 13d, average 10^d. WELLINGTON, March 20. The wool market is firmer for merinos, but not quite so firm for. medium and coarse crossbreds. The Bank of New Zealand has received fhe following cable advices: —Current prices for South Island farmers' lots: Canterbury style—inferior merino, common 60-64's quality, llgd to 12d per lb; superior merino, 60-64's quality, 13d to 14d; half or tjuarterbred, 56's quality, average condition, to 14gd per lb. Crossbreds coarse pieces are lower, par to 5 per cent. GRAIN AND PRODUCE SALES. Messrs Donald Reid and Co. report:— t We held our weekly auction sale of grain and produce at our stores on Monday. Ulcere was a good attendance of buyers, to whom we submitted a lengthy catalogue. Most of the lines on offer met good competition, late' quotations being generally .•well maintained. Values ruled as under: Oats.—-So' far this season's deliveries have been exceptionally light. There has been a fair local demand, which has absorbed toost of the consignments coming forward. Slippers are not keen to buy at the prices ruling; and as growers are not disposed to •jocept less (in the majority of cases they prefer to hold), only a small amount of actual business is passing. We hav6 fair inquiry for prime Gaa-tons, sparrowbills, and Tartars. Medium and inferior quality are not in strong demand- Quotations: Prime milling, Is lOd to is good to beat feed, Is. 9d to Is 9£d; inferior and medium, Is 6d to Is 8d per bushel (sacks ext,ra). Wheat.—During the past week the market lias been quiet, and quotations are practically unchanged. Nearly all lines of .Tuscan and red wheat in milling condition «re being taken on the basis of late values, •while' for velvet there is rather better inquiry at slightly higher rates. ' Fowl wheat is offering plentifully, and values for medium sorts have receded to some extent. Quotations: Prime milling, 3s. 9d to. 3s lOd; \elvet, to 3s lid; best whole fowl wheat, 3s 7d to 3s 8d; medium, 3s 3d to 3s 6d; broken and damaged, 2s 6d to 3s per bushel (sacks extra).-Potatoes.—-Consignments, have eased somewhat during the week, and prices Iri consequence show a slightly firmer tendency. proportion of consignments offering are more or less blighted, and these dti not command the same price as those guaranteed free from disease, Unripe 'stale sorts are still in byer-supply an,* daffi(<m to ouifr at onotations. Quotations: Best table Up-to-dates, £3 : l .s J o. £;.l7s

6d; extra choice, to £4-; medium to good, £3 7s 6d to £3 12e 6d; stale and unripe, £2 5s to £3 per ton (bags included), i Chaff.—The market is moderately eup- ' plied with prime quality chaff, which meets ready sale on arrival. Prime old chaff is in most request, but the new crop, if of prim© quality, is readily quitted at quotations. There is practically no demand for medium and inferior quality. Quotations: Prime oaten sheaf, £3 7s 6d to £3 10s; medium to good, £3 to £3 ss; inferior and discoloured, £2 to £2 15s per ton (bags extra). Straw.—Quotations: Oaten, 32s 6d; wheaten, 30s per ton (pressed). Messrs Dalgety and Co. (Ltd.) report as follows:—We held our usual weekly auction sale of grain and produce at our stores on Monday, when we submitted a large catalogue to a full attendance of buyers. Competition was fairly keen, and we cleared our catalogue as under: Oats. —Lines offering at market rates have been taken by millers and for North Island shipment, but buyers are not keen to accumulate stocks in the present state of the market. More lines are offering: from I the country, but farmers are not disposed j to any easing 'off of prices, so business is limited. Quotations: Prime milling, is 9|d | to Is UOid; good to .best feed, le jjLjf; inferior to medium, Is to Is 7^d per bushel (sacks extra). Wheat.—The wheat market is quieter. Millers, having accumulated considerable stocks, are content to pick out best lines offering and to hold off in. anticipation of the market easing. Fowl wheat is now more plentiful, and prices accordinsrlv easier. Quotations: Prime milling, 3s 9d to 3s lOd; extra choice velvet, to 3s lid; beet whole fowl wheat. 3s 7d to 3s 3d; broken and damaged, 2s 6d to 3s 3d per bushel (sacks extra). Potatoes.—Prime, well-picked Up-to-dates are in reouest, but anything at all off is hard to place at a considerable reduction. Green and inferior are almost unsaleable. Quotations: Prime Up-to-dates. £3 15s to £3 17s 6d: extra choice, ut» to £4: medium to good. £2 to £2 ss: inferior, £2 to £2 5s per. ton (sacks included). Chaff.—Clean and heavy old oaten sheaf meft ts with ready sale at, .quotations, but medium is not much in request, while inferior is difficult to place. Quotations: Brim© oaten shea.f. £3 5s to £3 10s; medium to <*o<vd, £2 15s to £3: inferior, £1 15s to £2 oer ton 'ba.srs extra). Straw.—Ouo+ations: Oaten, 30s; wheaten. 27s 6d pi-essed (ex truck). HJT">TC RALES. MELBOURNE. March 17. At the hide sales to-day nriees for heavy lots w*re unchanged, but light sorts were gd to id lower. : Meso.s Stronach. Morris, and Co. report as folL/ws—W« heM «ur sale of hides on Thursdav. 17th inst.. when ™e s"bmitteri a small catalocu© totalliner 187. The attendance of buv«rs was an avArae-e one. and cjjrmotit.ion nil rou.nd was verv keen. th'*> laa.» Mo-h prices S»>ino- fullv and. i«. thn ease of exceeded, the ferinsins: vm to 9Sd per lb. ' In ox •■! hides »"W» tOD -■'■prices was B£d, which we

secured for one weighing 761 b, and we also sold 71's at Tid. In cow hides heavy medium and light all brought 7|d. In money value we sold ox to £7 8s 9d, and cows to £1 14s sd. The following are actual prices paid at our sale:—Ox hides: Prime stout heavy, 7gd to Sfd; good heavy, 7id to 7|d; medimr weight, 7£d to 7|d; light weight, 7gd to 7-id; inferior, 5-Jjd to 6|d. Cow hides: Best heavy, 7d to 7|d; medium weight, 7d to 7fd; light weight, 7d to 7|d; inferior, 4|d to yearlings, 6JUI to bid; calfskins, 6d to 91d. Messrs Donald Reid and Co. report: Our fortnightly sale of hides was held on Thursdav, and to a good attendance of the trade we submitted a catalogue made up of over 200 hides and calfskins, ail of fair even quality. Competition all round was keen, and prices for hides remain firm at late rates. Values for calfskins, however, show a slight advance of id to id per lb on those ruling at previous sales. Our top price for ox hides was 8d (weight 841 b), and for cow hides ?|d. The following are prices at present ruling in this market: —Ox: Extra stout heavy, ]7 e d to B|d; heavy, 7|d to 7|d; medium, 7id to 7id: light, 7|d to 7-id. Cow: Heavy, 7£d to 73d; medium, 6ld to 7gd; light, 7d to 7|d;' yearling, s?c! to 7£d; calfskins, Sid 1 to 9£d; bull, 3d to 5d per lb. Slippy and damaged hides at lower rates.- /. Messrs Wright, Stephenson, and Co. report as follows: —We held our fortnightly sale on Thursdav, when we offered a catalogue of 563 hides to the usual attendance of buyers. We had a most successful sale, competition being very animated for every lot submitted, the result being that we cleared our catalogue at highly satisfactory prices. In jx hides we obtained 8d per lb tor six different lots, and in cow hides 7|d per lb for seven, lots, and sold only 14 ox hides and 22 cow bides out of our total offering at under 7d per -lb. Calfskins also were very keenly sought after, and realised up to 9Sd.per ib. Our be6t return per hide was £2 10s for one ox hide averaging 841 b, and £2 9s 3d for one averaging 791 b. We also obtained as high as £1 16s 3d for cow hides weighing 631 b. We a-ive hereunder a few of the actual prices paid at our sale:—Ox hides: One 651 b, 8d; seven 651 b. 8d; 10 641 b, 8d; one 651 b, 8d; one 761 b. 8d: one 761 b, 8d; one 681 b, 7£d; two -741 b, nd; one 791 b, Vd ; 19 601 b, 7?d; one 741 b, 7?d; one 721 b, 7|d: 14 631 b. 73d: three 671 b. 73d: five 701 b, 73d; 14 651 b. 7?d: four 651 b, 73d; one 661 b, 73d:' one 651 b, 73d; six 671 b, 7?d; five 581 b. 7|d: one 541 b. 7fd; one 621 b, 7£d; 20 571 b. 7|d: 17 611 b. 7#d: 15 601 b, 7id; ] three 611 b. 7*d; one 561 b. 7£d; two 591 b, ! 7#d; four 631 b, 7fd: seven 641 b, 7|d; one 741 b 73d: five 611 b. 7&d: two 681 b. 7ld; one 641 b. 7*d: 10 611 b. 7*d; one 711 b, 7M; one 641 b. 7W;'two 561 b, 7W; five 531 b, 7Ad- one 541 b. 7J,d: one. 491 b. 7W : one 431 b Ud: one s*l b: 7Ads 16 511 b. %6: 12 581 V. lid-. 14 561 V. nd: four 58) b. 7id; 13 591 b 7id: 22 611 b. Wd: four 551 b. .7M: nn f 52)b 7id: five 501 H. 7Ad.: -five ■541 b , :. nd- one 761 b. 7J,d: two ■■■ 541 b. 7ld- ninA Pfllb. nd: five 551 b. 7JW: 13 571 h nd: 10 s*lb. nd: one. 791 b. . nd; ' or >o 841 b. 7W: two 541 b- 1M;. two 561 h. 73<1 r 4fllb. Wd • ono 4?lb. 551 b. one 6 s lb. 73r1; *««* 681 b, 73d. i Cow hides: 47lb, 7|d; two 511 b,

7|d; one 561 b, 7§d; four Rflb, 7§d; two 631 b, 7§dj one 601 b, . 7|d j 14 471 b, 7|d; one 40ib, 7£d; one 531 b, 7£d; one 53ib, 7id; six 501 b, 7*d; two 581 b, Ud>- three 411 b, 7id; two 561 b, 7*d; four 411 b, seven 601 b, Tid; three 531 b, %d', three 441 b, 7-id; two 461 b, 7id; one 561 b, 7id; seven 511 b, 7id; eight 441 b, 7£d;' 16 481 b, 7*d; three 631 b, nine 541 b, 7id; two 361 b, 7&d; two 461 b, 7d. A few of our gross averages at per hide were: —Ox hides: One 841 b, 50s; one 791 b, 49s 3d; one 761 b, 435; one 761 b, 48s; two 741 b, 45a lid; one 741 b, 45s 2d; one 761 b, 455; one 741 b, 44s 6d; one 721 b, 43s lid; five 701 b, 42s 9d; one 711 b, 42s 7d; one 681 b, 425; one 651 b, 40s 8d; seven 651 b, 40s 8d; one 651 b, 40e 8d; three 671 b, 40s 8-d; six 671 b, 40s 8d; two 631 b, 40s 8d; 10 641 b. 40s; one 661 b, 40s; 14 651 b, 39s sd; four 651 b, 39s 5d ; one 651 b, 39s sd; 14 631 b, 38s Id; seven 641 b, 38s id. Cow hides: Two 631 b,. 36s 3d; throe 631 b, 35s 8d; one 601 b, 34s sd: seven 601 b, 33s lOd; two 581 b. 32a 8d; one 561 b, 325; two 561 b, 31s sd;'one 561 b. 31s Scl; nine 541 b, 30s 2d: four 531 b, 30s Id: three 531 b, 29s 7d; two 531 b, 29s 7d: two 511 b, 28« lid; etc. Quotations: Extra stout heavy ox, 8d to B|d; stout heavy, 7jj<? to 7|d; medium, 7gd to 7fd; light, 7£d to 7j|d.j stout heavy cow, 7id to 7|d; medium, 7d to V d d; light, 7d to 7id: yearlings, 6&d to 6fd; calfskins cgd to 9i<!. according to weight and condition. Slippy, damaged, and cut hides at lower rates. ■; The National Mortgage andjAgency Company of New Zealand report as follows: We held our fortnightly sale of hides on Thursday. The attendance of buyers was irood, and bidding was brisk for all classes. Late prices were fully maintained, and a very satisfactory sale resulted. We secured 73d per lb for" medium ox, 7|d for heavy and light oow in good condition, and to 9-id pe* lb for calfskins. Quotations:— Ox: Brim.? stout heavy. 7£d to Bid per lb; good heavy, lid to 7|d per lb: medium. 7d to 7;?d; iisrht. 6;]d to ,7|d. Cow: Best beavv, 7d to 7j|d; medium, 63d to 7fd: light." '6irl to 7fd; infer-i' row and ox 4d to sd: yearling, 4d to 6d; calfskins, 3d to 9*d: tip's to 2s Id per dozen. Messrs Waters, Ritchie, and Co. report as follows:—We held our usual fortnightly sale of hides at our stores, Crawford street, on Friday afternoon, when we offered a large catalogue consisting of 1001 hides and 231 yearlings and calfskins, a total of 1232. There was a good attendance of buyers, and competition was keen throughout the sale. Prices, as compared with the previous sale ruled much about the same with the exception of light weights, which were in some cases slightly lower, and also for bulls, which declined id per lb. Our highest price for ox was 8?d, and for cows 7|d per lb. In money value our best return for ox was £2 lis and for cow £2 53 lid. The following were some of our individual sales:—Ox: One 761 b, B£d; one 671 b, 8-W; one 661b* 8&d: one 661 b, 8d; . on© 591 b, 8d; two 681 b.. 8d : 0ne.791b, ,8d : one 721 b, 7gd; one 671b,7?d; four 611 b, 7£d; four 641 b, 7|d; two 661 b, 7?d; two 701 b, 73d; three 681 b, 73d: two 661 b, 73d; one 611 b, 73d; two 671 b, 73d; one 651 b, 73d; two 631 b, 73d; one 711 b. 7fd; four 661 b, 7£d; four 701 b. 7|d: one 681 b. 7fd; six 621 b, 7-*M: three 631 b, 7sd; two 58lb, 7|d; three 601 b, 7|d; one 651 b, 7|d; 10 671 b,

7Sd: three 641 b, 7fd; one 531 b, 7|d; four 561 b, 7|d; 32 621 b, 7£d; three 63ib, V]A} 26 571 b,. 7£d; 19 58lb, 7£d; 10 541 b, 7*d; three 601 b, 7£d; six 551 b, 7£d; four 491 b, 7£d; three 501 b, 7£d; seven 48lb, 7Ad; two 461 b, 7£d; two 661 b, 7£d; one 501 b, 7£d; 15 531 b, 7£d; two 651 b, 7£d; five 611 b, 7£d; six 711 b, 7£d; two 631 b, 7£d; four 70ib,. 7£d; six 641 b, 7£d; two 91b, 7£d; five 671 b, 7£d; three 561b,' 7|d; three 681 b, 7fd; five 521 b, 7|d; six 581 b, 7|d; seven 471 b, 7|dj two '46lb, 7gd; two 721 b, 7gd; two 621 b, 7|d; one 761 b, 71d; two 541 b/ 7fd. Cow: One 701 b, 7|d; three 441 b, 7gd; two 531 b, 7|d; one 651 b, 7gd; one 761 b, 7|d; 30 531 b, 7id: five 551 b. 74d; eight 421 b, 7-id; W 541 b, 71d; seven 441 b, 7id; seven 521 b, 7ld; two 431 b. 7£d; two 501 b, 7£d; 44 461b.-7id; 125 451 b, 74d; 12 371 b, 7id; two 40ib, 7ld; 14 641 b. 7jd; 88 531 b, 7&d; 36 45!b, 7£d; three 341 b, 7id; seven 411 b. 7id ; 11 431 b. per lb. We quote: —Ox: Extra stout heavy, Bid to 9^d; stout heavy, 71 d to 8d; heavy, 7£d to 7|d; medium, ?i-d to 7£d; light, 7d to 7|d. Cow: Stout heavy, 7gd to 7§d : heavv, to 7|d; medium. to 7gd: light,.,7d to 7gd. Damaged and bad-comditioned ox and cow from 4d to 6£d; bull and stag, 4£d to sd; calfskins. 9d to 9^d' for be9t, and from 8d to Bgd for medium, while damaged and inferior sold at from 2£d to 6£d per lb. BURNSIDE STOCK SALE. At Bumside on Wednesday the Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Limited) yard*>d- 26 store cattle, and sold : For Messrs Wm, Milligan (Balelutha), Sam Hinklej (North-East Harbour), Robt Ings (Tomahawk). W. Kirkland (Elm Grove, East Taieri), Mrs A. Bannatyne (Waikouaiti), Messrs 11. A. Turnbuil (Deborah), John Hogg (Milton), Hornall Bros ' (Upper Bush), G. and J. M'Leod (Brighton), T. Maxwell (Dunedin), Harbour Bros. (Woodhaugh), and clients, bulls to £6 4s; cows, to £3; heifers, to £2 15s. Messrs Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) yarded 42 store cattle, and sold: For Mr J. R. Wrcy (Oamaru), Mr John Gamble (Wvllie's Crossing), Mr Wm. Tovvnley (Highcliff), Mr J. Don (Waitati), Mr W. Bryant (Henley), Mr L. Gerrie (Ravensbourne), Mr J. Withers (Ravensbourne), Mr Jas. Curie (Mornington), Mr Jas. Alexander (Green Island), Mr Jas. Mowat (Halfway Bush), bulls to £6 ..10s; oowe, to £4 10s; heifers, to £3 12s 6d;j and yearlings, to £2. CLEARING SALE. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company report having held a clearing sale at Mr G. H. Gilroy's Inveresk Farm, Stirling, on Thursday. It proved to be one of the most sueoessf ul sales ever held! in the district, fully 600 people being present, including buyers from all parts of Otago and Southland. The stock was shown in the pink of condition, and the implements were. •in .excellent'.'order. The arrangements were carried .out in a most satisfactory manner.. The. p following were the prices realised:—Sheep: 193 two-tooth, ewes at 15s 4d, 179 two-tooth wethers at 14s 9d, 96 four and six-tooth ewes at 14s Bd, 106 full-mouth ewes at, 10s lOd, 286 lambs to 12s lOd, rams to 3 guineas. Cattle: 32 fat bullocks to £9 15s, 21 two-year-old

bullocks at £7 lis,. 16 fat heifers at £6 ss. 8 fat cows at £7 7s 6d, 12 cows with calves at £6 Bs. Horses: Brood mare with foal at foot 90 guineas, brood mare with foal at foot 70 guineas, brood ma-re with foal at foot 36 guineas, working mares to £4O, filly £33 10s, - geldings to £33, harness horses from £l6 to £29. The implements, harness, etc., sold at very satisfactory prices. DUNEDIN-HORSE SALE YARDS. Messrs Wright, Stephenson, and Co. report as follows:—For last Saturday's sal© there was a very good entry of horses as far as numbers were concerned, but unfortunately the greater number were past the most saleable age, ami in consequence the sale was rather dragging throughout.. There was a very good attendance of the public,' and amongst . them were .quite a number. of actual buyers; but as indicated above, the class of stock forward was not attractive, consequently those buyers are still in the market. There is a very good demand at present for tip-top. heavy shatters, also for active farm-sorts if young, sound, and staunch, but unfortunately this class of stock is very scarce in the Dunedin market. Spring-carters and springvanners are also inquired after, and if good upstanding animais fresfl from t.'ie c-uri-try are put oh the market "they realiseexcellent prices. light harness horses arc also very hard to got. We quote: -Superior young draught geldings at from £4O to £45; extra, good ditto (prize-winners), at ffiom £45 to £SO; superior young draught, mares at from £SO to £6O ; medium draught mares and geldings, at from £3O to £4O; aged, at from £lO to £ls ; strong springvan horses at front "£25 to £3O; strong spring-carters at from £lB to £25; milkcart and butchers' order-cart horses at from £ls to £25; light hacks at from £8 to, £l3; extra gcod hacks and harness hors s at from £l3 to £25; weedy and aged at from £5 to £7. ~.,..■ r. , OTAGO FARMERS' HORSE BAZAAR. The Otago Farmers' Co-ope rativo Association of New' Zealand report:—Wo held our usual weekly, horse sale in cur bazaar on Saturday, when we offered 41 horses, comprising draught ' mares and geldimre, springtcartere, ex.prcssers, order cart horses, and hackneys., Consignment* came from Sydenham. Berwick, Taion, Mosgiel. Peninsula, and Mihivvaka. , Only a few gcod cart geldings, wero on offer, but there were several very nice springcarters, which met with fair competition, and realised good values. A few buggy and hackney gelding also received oon.s-.dor-able attention, and were easiiv a loosed of finding new owners, prhtefpaliy irom the oountrv. We shall not hold a sale on Saturday next, 26th inst.. being faster Week, and wr next sale will be held on Saturday, April 2. We quote:-Good young draught mares at from to £43, extra good Clydesdale'marcs, suitable for stid purposes. £45, to 70 guineas; superior young draught geldings, fit for 'shaft, and lorry work, £35 to £42; extra to £55; ordinarv draught mares and gildings at.from £25 to £32: aged draughta at from £lO to £ls: good strong, upstanding vanners. at from £2l to £3O; heavy sbring-carters at from £2O to £25 ordinary epring-carfers at from £ls ro £aß; upstanding buggy mares and gelding* from £l6 to £22; hackney and cob ponies, from £8 to £l4.

New South Wales 4’s 107 106* Now South Wales 3g’s 983 982 New South Wales 3’s ... ... 87>87A Victorian 4’s 103$ 103s Victorian 3g’s 98 A 98^ Victorian 5’s 86 86 Queensland 4’s ••• 104 104 Queensland 3g’s 9S^ 9 8jr Queensland 3’s _••• 86 86 South Australian ... ... 98 98 South Australian 3’s ... 84 A 84|r New Zealand 4’s 106A 106A New Zealand 3g’s 981 982 New Zealand 3’s 87 87 Tasmanian 3g’s 97g 97 A rei Tasmanian 3’s ... _ ••• 862 COgf West Australian 99 98| West Australian 3’s 89 89

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Otago Witness, Issue 2923, 23 March 1910, Page 23

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COMMERCIAL CABLEGRAMS. Otago Witness, Issue 2923, 23 March 1910, Page 23

COMMERCIAL CABLEGRAMS. Otago Witness, Issue 2923, 23 March 1910, Page 23