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WRITE FOR CATALOGUE ASH SPEED SAL TROTTERS AMD PACERS AT AUCTION. of 'jTlhica 'SSTos’lsS.’s 2Sosti Blood jL.i2i©Ss. ~Z WRITE *s, FOR CATALOGUS M’s s ssski. 200 PAGE CATALOGUE Write at once and secure a Copy. 3RD MARCH, 1910, COME AND SEE HORSES WORK ANY DAY PREVIOUS TO SALE. 31 Brood Marcs in foal to Abbey Bells and Marvin Wilkes. II Stallions, 30 Yearlings, 2 and 3 Year Olds, will be sold. The followin' 11 STALLIONS. ABBEY BELLS (imp.) King of hires DAN PATCH King of Pacers MARVIN WILKES (imp.) King of Trotters CLARK McKINNEY (imp.) By the World’s Greatest Sire— McKinney DBLIGADO (imp.) Imported, and a Trotter HAL ZOLOCK (imp.) A Pacer. Brother to Boton-De* Ora.| LOU DOBLE (imp.) Imported and a Great Prospect GRATTAN BELLS Australasia’s Champion Trotter 'FINAL VOYAGE (imp.) Imported and the first of Eon Voyage’s get DIRECT VOYAGE (imp.) Dam by McKinney, and a halfSister to Directum, 2 5J FIRST VOYAGE (imp.) By Bun Voyage, the 2- and 3-year-old Futurity Winner ; are a few of the above : 1 1 BROOD MARES. LADY ELECT {imp.) by Re-Election, 2 EDNA PATCH (imp.) by Dan Patch, 1 COUNTESS of TODD (imp-) by Todd, 2 MYRTLE BEAN {imp) by Bowdean, 2 DIRECTRESS {imp.) ••• by Direct, 2 BABE McKINNEY {imp.) by McKinney, 2 ELSIE DOWNS {imp.) ... by Boodle, 2 TWINKLE dam of Twinkle Bells (3 yrs.) 2 MISS BELDEN d. of Laugh g Bells (2 yrs ) 2 MAY BELDEN ••• dam of Jay Belden, 2 p t g # ... dam of Twinkle (3 years) 2 You will have special advantages in buying at this SALE : 'You avoid the great expense of Sssa.]g9S3!E t fciiL»g£ Ameu? lea. You avoid the great risk of fiPOina J^WCtess’-iosa. Every Sire (living or dead) of any note in America, also all the great Brood Mares are strongly represented in the Stock we offer. You have the benefit of our expert knowledge on the various blood lines of the American Trotter and Pacer. EVERY LOT TO BE SOLD. Every Lot to be shown in Harness except Brood Mares. For furtlier Particulars apply to : LOU ROBERTSON, Allendale Stock Farm, Mentone, ’Phone 19 Cheltenham. Or ALLEN or GEO.RGE TYE, Sturt Sr., South Melbourne, ’Phones 1449 or 665. Auctioneers: CAMPBELL & SONS, Kirk’s Bazaar, Melbourne.

furlongs. Nomination, Isov; acceptance Isov. WINGATUI HANDICAP, of ISOsovs; second horse to receive SOsovs and the third lOsovs from the stakes. Seven furlongs. Nomination, isov; acceptance, Ssovs. Bates of Entries, Acceptances, etc., with Amounts t® he All Entries and Acceptances close at 9 p.m. on their respective dates, unless notified to the contrary.

BADIOL TSEATMENT prolongs the life of a Horse's Legs, completely removes, by radiation, ail soft swellings that disfigure and lama a horse, Sprained Tendons, Windgalls, Bog Spavins, Capped Elbow, Big Leg, Enlarged Glands. m BLISTEE; NQ LAYING UP; ISO EASE SBSBOVE9. An intelligent nee of Radiol Leg-Wash counteracts that daily wear and tear of the Legs unavoidable with the Horse in constant work, whether training, t doing or on the road. One flash of Radiol will mahe a gallon of valuable Leg-Wash. “The Field," June 16th, i§o£ :—" We have been able to test come trial bellies of "Radiol ” it: cases of Windgalls, Splints and Puffy Swellings, and have found "Radiol" to be very beneficial, and we have also found it useful as a leg-wash for polo ponies after a day's play. ISiJdiol Treatisicnt fines down a worn Horse’s Legs, and is a certain cute for Puffy Joints and Sprains. It prevents Filled Legs. Ash fir" Radiol" Australian Agents: Messrs. 1?'. H. FaULDING & Co., O'Connell St. SYDNEY; King William. St., ADELAIDE ; Murray St., PERTH. Messrs. Rocxk, Tompsitt & Co. Flinders St. MELBOURM E. New Zealand: Messrs. Skarlahd & Co. Wellington and Auckland. The New Zealand Drug Co„ CHRISTCHURCH & DUNEDIN, Manufacturers; The Radiol Co. (W. Stevens & Co.) £l2 Westminster Bridge Road, London, England. Write far illustrated booklet and uses of RaDTOI-ov Vet, of the " Farmer and Stock-keeper. m £ aw

FRIDAY, 28th JANUARY, 1910. ENTRANCE. (On or about). Weights declared for First Day. FRIDAY, 11th FEBRUARY, 1910. Acceptances and further payments. - - &ova Autumn Hurdles .. 1 Glad brook Handicap .. 1 Champagne Stakes (sub.)' 5 Dunedin Cup .• 4 Stewards' Welter .. 2 Berwick Handicap .. .. 1 Publicans’ Handicap .. 4 ENTRANCE. Trial 2 WEDNESDAY, 23rd FEBRUARY, 1810. Weights declared for Second Day about 9 13. m. ACCEPTANCES at 10 p.m. Sovs. Hindon Hurdles 1 Henley Hack .. .. 1 Anniversary Handicap 4 Outram Hack 1 Domain Handicap 2 City Handicap 1 Suburban Welter .. 1 FRIDAY, 25th FEBRUARY, 1910. Weights declared for Third Day (to appear in Daily Times). acceptances at noon. Sovs. Owhiro Hurdles , 1 Flying Handicap 2 Warrington Handicap • • .. 1 Jockey Club Handicap 5 Hopeful Handicap I Abbotsford Welter I Waihola Handicap I Wingatui Handicap

JOCKEY CTAJB. Autumn Meeting-, 1910. President; Sir George M'Lsan. Vice-president: J. Hazlctt. Stewards: G. B. Bullock,. W. Charters, W. J. Goughian, R. Ewing, J. Gow, L. C. Hazlett, P. Miller, S. Myers. A. S. Qrbell, TV. L. Philp, H. Salmon, Jas. Thomson. Hon. Treasurer: P. Miiler. Hon. Surgeons: Drs Closs, Allan, Hall. Eon. Veterinary Surgeons: Messrs Snowball, Hamilton, and Knrrigan. Hon. Timekeeper; F. J . Townsend. Bon. Judge: G. B. Bullock. Handicappsr; J. E. Henrys. Starter: H. Piper. Clerk of Scales: G . TV. Williams. Hon. Clerk of Course: J. Jeffs. Secretary; If. B. James. FIRST DAY—WEDNESDAY, 23rd FEBRUARY. AUTUMN HURDLE HANDICAP, of 11550v3; second horse to receive lOsovs and. the third sso vs from the stakes. The winner of any hurdle race after declination of weights to carry 10lb extra. One mile and three-quarters. Nomination, Isov; acceptance, Isov. GLADBROOK HANDICAP, cf lOOsovs; .second horse to receive lOsovs and the third ssovs from the stakes. Hack conditions. Minimum weight, 7st 71 b. Seven furlongs. Nomination, Isov; acv ceptance. Isov. CHAMPAGNE STAKES, of 250sovs; second ■' horse to receive SOeovs and the third ikiaovs from, the stakes. For two-year-Alds. Colts, Sst 101 b; fillies and geldings, Hat 7ib. The winner of any race or races since Ist August, 1909, of the collective value of lOOsovs to carry 51b; of 200-ovs, 71b; of 300sovs, 101 b; of 60080V3, 12lb ; of GOOsovs or over, 141 b extra. By subscription of ssovs each, unless forfeits are declared and paid as follows:—Isov if struck out by Friday, 6th August, 13-99, or Ssovs if struck out by Friday, 3rd December, 1909. All horses remaining in after that date must pay the subscription of sbovs on General Entry Day, 11th February, 1310. Six furlongs. DUNEDIN CUP, of SOOsoys; second horse to .receive 70sovs and the third 30c svs from die stakes. One mile and a-half. ■Nomination, Isov; acceptance, 4-3 ovs, iffiaal payment, Ssovs, half an hour be--.tfore advertised time of starting. TRIAL PLATE, of lOOsovs; second horse receive lOsovs and the third Ssovs |rom the stakes. For three-year-olds and upwards that have not won a race exceeding 30sovs in value at time of starting. Three-year-olds, Sst; four-year-olds and upwards. Sst 7lb. Mares and geldings allowed 81b. Entrance, 2sovs. Six furlongs... _ STEWARDS’ WELTER HANDI CAP, of ISOaovs; second horse to receive 20sova and the third lOsovs from the stakes. Minimum weight. Bat. Seven furlongs. Nomination, Isov; acceptance, 2sovs. BERWICK HANDICAP, of lOOsovs; second horse to receive lOsovs and the third saovs from the stakes. Hack conditions. Minimum weight, 6at. Five furlongs. Nomination, Isov; acceptance,

PUBLICANS’ HANDICAP, of 2Sosqvs; second hors© to receive 25sova and the third 15sovs from the stakes. Six furlongs. Nomination, leov; acceptance, 4sovs. SECOND DAY—THURSDAY, 24th FEBRUARY. HINDON HURDLE HANDICAP. of llSsovs; second horse to receive lOsova and tho third Ssovs from the stakes. One mile and three-quarters. Nomination. Isov; acceptance, l&ov. HENLEY HANDICAP, of lOOsovs; second horse to receive lOsovs and the third saovs from the stakes. Hack conditions. Minimum weight, Bst. Six furlongs. Nomination, Isov; .acceptance, Isov. ANNIVERSARY HANDICAP, of 250&0va; second horse to receive 25sova and the third ISacvs from the stakes. One mile. Nomination, Isov; acceptance, 4sovs. RAILWAY PLATE, of XOOsovs; second horse to receive 15 so vs and' the third lOsovs from the stakes. For two-year-olds and upwards. Weight for age. Winners since Ist August, 1209, of any race or races collectively of the value of lOOsovs, 3lb; of 200s-ovs, 7lb; of 400eovs 10lb ; of GOOsovs, 141 b extra. Five furlongs. Entrance, 2&ovs. OUTHAM HANDICAP, of lOOsovs; second horse to receive lOsovs and the third osovs from the stakes. Hack conditions. Minimum weight, 7st 7lb. Five furlongs. Nomination, isov; acceptance, Isov. DOMAIN HANDICAP, of ISOsovs: second horse tv receive 20sovs and the third lOsovs from the stakes. Six furlongs. Nomination. Isov; acceptance, 2sovs. CITY HANDICAP, of lOOsovs ; second horse to receive lOsovs and the third sso vs from the stakes. For two-year-olds only. Five furlongs. Nomination, Isov; acceptance, Isov. SUBURBAN WELTER HANDICAP, of lOOsovs; second horse to receive lOsovs and the third ssovs from the stakes. Minimum weight, 7st 101 b. Seven furlongs. Nomination, Isov; acceptance, 3 sov.

PENALTY CONDITIONS—The winner of any flat race of 'the value of -lOsovs alter declaration of weights to carry 101 b extra, and of every additional race of the value of 4-Dsovs a penalty of 71b. H. L. JAMES, ogd Secretary.

THIRD DAY—SATURDAY, 26th FEBRUARY. OWHIRO HURDLE HANDICAP, of llosovs; second horse to receive lOsova and the third sso\ r s from the stakes. One mile and a-half. Nomination, Isov; acceptance, Isov. FLYING HANDICAP, of ISOsovs; second horse to receive 20sovs and the third XOsovs from the stakes. Five lurlongs. Nomination. Isov; acceptance, 2sovs. WARRINGTON HANDICAP, of lOOsovs; second horse to receive lOsovs and the ss<"-~ from the stakes. Hack conditions. Minimum weight, Sst. Six furlongs. Nomination, .isov; acceptance, Isov. DUNEDIN JOCKEY CLUB HANDICAP, of 350&0V5; second horse to receive 36sovs and the third ISsovs from the stakes. One mile and a-quarler. Nomination, I sov; acceptance. Ssovs. HOPEFUL HANDICAP, of 12Ssovs; second horse to receive 2Qaovs and the third lOsovs from the stakes. For two-year-olds only. Five furlongs. Nomination, Isov: acceptance. Isov. ABBOTSFORD WELTER HANDICAP, of ISOsovs; second horse to receive 20sovs and the third lOsovs from the stakes. Minimum weight, 7st 71b. Six furlongs. Nomination, leov; acceptance. Isov. WAIHOLA HANDICAP, of lOOsovs; second horse to receive lOsovs and the third Ssova from the stakes. Hack conditions. Minimum weight, 7st 71b. Five k

T 10 STAND THIS L SEASON, THE TROTTING T STALLION, NEW ZEALAND. NEW ZEALAND stands 16 hands, and was got by General Lyons from Water Lily, by Prince Imperial, the sire of Advance, Bribery, etc. General Lyons was got by General Tracey, a son of Berlin, For further particulars apply Id A, DAWES, Cumberland street.

Owing to the lateness of harvesting operations in South Bucks, a singular farming coincide rice is reported from Ohalfont St. Giles. While the corn was being carried seed was being sown in the same held for next year's harvest.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2914, 19 January 1910, Page 58

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Page 58 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2914, 19 January 1910, Page 58

Page 58 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2914, 19 January 1910, Page 58