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Monday evening. On Wednesday afternoon the Horticultural Society's spring show was held in the Garrison Hall. Being « very good season, there was a very large number of exhibit*. The first prize for table decorations was -awarded to Miss Pullen, whose table was very artistically arranged with heliotrope cinerarias and maidenhair fern. A splendid exhibit oi bulb 3 was sent by Mr H-eaton Rhodes from his collection in Christchurch. Miss Amy Mackerras's variety of a magnificent orange polyanthus primrose, quite uncommon in these parts, was much admired by the public. The hall was crowded on the two afternoons and evenings. A band playing on the stage in the evening added greatly to the pleasure of the show.

On Friday evening Dr and Mrs Batchelor, Georgfc street, g«ve a large ball in the Art Gallery -'to brine: °vi Miss Tish Forbes. Miss Olive Burnett and Miss Ellis <Inver_c*rgill) also made their iebut. The Art Gallery looked perfectly lovely with beautiful masses of flowers. Small tables with prettily-arranged flowers, lounges, comfortable chairs, etc.. were placed all about the hall. The ballroom was decorated with niu&lin, garlands of greenery, and flags, whilst the stage, where the band was stationed, looked a perfect bower of flowers. The inner hall was used foT supper, which was partstlrea of a.t small tables. A large tatol-e in the centre of the room looked most tempting, with its daintily-arranged vases filled with -daffodils, .'Setting off the many dainties in it. 'Dr and Mrs Batchelor received their gnesis insidci the ballroom. The hostess was gowned in & perfectlyfitting attire of cream duchesse satin, draped with gold-spangled net and trimmed with gold cord, ruby and diamond ornaments adding , greatly to the brilliancy of tie gown. Mtes Batchelor wore* & charming pale Chartreuse preen satin made in the directoir. »tyle, the bodice being trimmed with beautiful silver fringe. Miss Tish Forbes looked well in a simple eown of white chiffon draped over white silk, .and prettily trimmed with lace. She arried a beautiful shower bouquet of white flowers and maidenhair fern. Some present were Dr and Mrs Stanley Batchelor. Dr and Mrs Fa-lconer, Dr and Mrs Hocken. Dr and Jlrs Macpherpon, Dr and Mrs Bameit, Dr and Mrs Fulton, Dr and Mrs Russell liitchie, Dr and Miss Allen, Dr Ferguson, Dr M'Kellar, Dr Marshall, Mr and Mrs Ritchie. Mr and Mrs Ross. Mr and Mrs G L Dennipton. Mr and Mrs Ga!lav.-ay. Mr and Mrs Tbeomin, Mr and Mrs Eardiey Reynolds, Mr and Mrs Alan Orbell, Mv and Mrs Alec Roberts, Mr P. Wright. Mr and Mrs C. Rattray. Mr and Mrs Bullock, Mr and Mrs W. A. Moore. Mrs Sis?, Mrs Wallis. Mrs Adarap, Mrs "Watson Sherman, Mr and Mrs 0. Fenwick. Mrs Eel 'Shag Yallev). Mr and Mrs Carr. Mr and Mrs Woodhouse. Dr Osrston, Mrs H. Wood (Christchurch). Mrs Forbes. Mr and Mrs Patullo, Dr and Mrs Blomfield, Mr and Mrs Reading. Misses Thomson. P. Thomson Eili= O. Burnett, Rattray, F. Rattrav. Lo^an {Tapanuii, Mil!, A. Mill, M. Reynolds, Cui-teit, Wilson. Fels, Shand, Ulrich. Barron. Fisfcer. -Mtcpberson, Williams, D. Williams. P. M'Master. Pearce (Wellington), Sim, Hageitt, M. Eaggitt. Jackson, D. Jack-on. Webster, G Webster. Oakley, MacPhillamev, Fotheringham, B Farquhaf, Scaife. M. Bowling;. Watson Shennan, Gladstone. Robinsor CTimarn), Woodhouse, D Al ! en, Fitzgerald, B Fergus. B. lirLean. L. Maclcerras. M'lntoph, M. M-Int-=h, G. Neil!. O. Rov=e. M. Si=e. E M'Lean. E. Her' L. Hart. F. D<>nniaton, Sinclair. G. Hoek-?n. M. Neill, M Stance. R. Orbell, Messrs J. Forbes, D. Crawford, Stilling, I». Harris, Hosking, H. S. Fenwick, Foster Fraser /England), Bridgeman, Barron, Aldridge, A Fenwick, I Webster, Mumo, Schere%j Hunter, lia,vi A j4j 4

Black, Birch, Purchas, S. NeiH, W. D. ] Si-ewaTt, Fotheringham, G. Gallaway, X ] Fenwick, Ellis, G. Ritchie, J, Ritchie, Hart, Cutten, E. Bullock, R. Sise, G. Sise, A. Sise, Fisher, J. C. Marshall, Richardson, Richards, Kember (Wellington), Sinclair, N-ash, T. Fraser, C. Maokellar, W. Mackellar (Hampden), Pitman, Power, E. Orbell, LeCren, Harris, KeddelL Mrs- C. JRattray looked well in a very pretty brigM blue satin trimmed with striped silver gauze; Mrs E. Reynolds wor« a charming cream lace gown with touches of pale blue v«lvet; MrssW. A. Moore, handsome rose' pink satin prettily trimmed with spangled lace; Mrs P. Wright, soft grey :hiffon ; Mrs Ritchie, handsome black jet gown over white satin; Mrs Sise, black corded silk trimmed jet; Mrs LeCren, very smart light cinnamon gauze over white silk, prettily trimmed with insertion; Mrs Forbes," white crepe de chine, with lace trimmings; Mrs Russell Ritchie, rose-pink satin, bodice made with, zoua^p of lace ; Mrs Wallacef black with handsome "bertha of white lace; Mxs A. Roberts, white all-over lace over white satin ; Mrs Stanley Batchelor, pale blue corded silk trimmed 1 with cream lace ; Mrs Burnett, pink satin with lace trimmings; Mrs, BJomneld, wnite silk relieved black; Mrs Sim, black lace gown over white satin; Mrs Macph«rson, goblin blue silk with white laoe; Mrs Gallaway, black silk; Mrs Bell (Shag V«.l.Jey), pale yellow^ brocade handsomely trimraed with lace; Mrs A. Fenwick, white satin with silver gauze.; Mrs Falconer, white silk with pearl trimming; Mrs J. Ross, black relieved _ with white lacs ; Mrs Watson Shannon, grey charmemse satin; Mrs Bullock, black satin with white lace; Mrs Oakley, black chiffon velvet handsomely trimmed with Limerick lace; Mrs Reading, soft pale pink crepe de chine; Mrs Carr, I handsome black and wlnte chiffon over white silk; Mrs .H. Wood (Christchurch), black silk relieved with gold; Miss O. Burnett (debutante) looked very pretty in a white messaline trimmed with white silk filet lace, white wreath of roses in hex hair ; Miss Ellis wore a very becoming white silk mad» in Empire style, trimmed with lace, forming square collar to the bodice; Miss Mill, charming gown of pale heliotrope satin trimmed with silver fringe.: Miss A. Mill, pretty white satin with gold? Miss L. M*ckerras, soft green peau de . soie" prettily trimmed with lace threaded with gold; Miss Royse, /white satin~^gown heavily «mboiderod with gold lace; Miss O. Royse looked very well in a. beautiful pale blue satin gown made with 'doable skirt, long sash of blue satin embroidered in 'heliotrope flowers; Miss Oakley, smart rose-pink satin; Miss Webster, pretty - gown of gale mauve silk, bodice lavishly trimmed with silver and pearl embroidery; Miss Allen, cream lace over silk witih touches of pale blue; Miss Williams, white silk trimmed with spangled lace; Miss G. Williams, pretdy white spotted net - over white satin ; Miss Sim, mole silk relieved with pale blue; Mias Pearoe (Wellington J, "bright blue silk wifh -white lacetrimmings; Miss Haggitt, white satin made in Empire style; Miss M. H&ggiit. pale pink striped gauze over pink silk; Miss Scaife, soft white satin"; Miss Farqujhar, yellow chiffon velvet; Miss Dowlmg, pretty pale blue satin made in Empire style ; '■ Miss Thomson (Invercargill), pale pink ninon over pink silk; Miss P. Thomson" (Invercargill), smoke blue taffeta with / white insertion; Miss Macpheison, white and heliotrope flowered silk; Miss Fotheringham, pale blue striped silk; Miss Fels, cream gown; Miss M. Neill, pretty blue silk trimmed with lace; Mass Sinclair, salmonpink taffeta silk with bertha of white lace; Miss Hart, white silk trimmed with lace; Miss Ulrich, smart salmon-pink crepe de chine trimmed with silver eequined lace; Miss M. Spence, cream taffeta prettily trimmed with lace ; Miss Rattray, black a-nd white gown; Miss. F. Rattray wore black; Miss Wilson, grey silk; Miss Mac-" Phillazney, charming gown of old rose satin made in the directoire style; Miss M'Lean, most becoming, rose-pink chiffon over silk and trimmed with silver sequins; Miss G. MkcLean, midnight blue silk with lace; MiEs Shand, pale pink silk with handsome real lace berthe; Miss Boss, white silk trimmed with hcee; Miss Fisher, pale pink silk ; Miss M'Master, white satin ; Miss . Orbdl, pretty laoe gown relieved -with bunches of -violets ; Miss Barron. white silk; Miss B. Fergus, very dainty pink flowered chiffon over silk.

Mr T. M. Wilford, M.P., Wellington, and] Mr Kember are the guests of the Hon. J George M'Lean, Elder street. j

The Misses Thomson (Invercargill) are visiting their sister, Mrs Batchelor, George street.

A great deal of interest has been taken' in Mr Foster Fraser's lecture*, at present being delivered in His M»j«sty's.

Miss Pearee -(Wellington) is the guest of Mrs J. M. Ritchie. .

Miss Ellis (Invercargill) is staying in Dunedin at present.

I2CVERCARGHZ., October 4. Last Monday Mrs Handyside gave a very pleasant morning- tea for Mrs F. Wright (Toi Tois), who has been spending a short lime in town. On Tuesday Mrs J. L. Watson, Forth street, grave a very enjoyable evening, cards and music providing the amusement. Amongst those present were Mrs F. Wright, Mrs Strong, Mrs Barrlay, Miss MacG«orge, Miss S.nith, Miss Wheeler. Miss Weymouth, Miss M'Lean. Miss Tothill, Miss M'lntosh, Massrs T Watson, Matheson, Alsop, Sise, Hamtnn. Williams, Field, Foster, etc. On Wednesday the Misses M'Hutch-eson, Elles road, gave a very pleas-ant afternoon tsa to their ?irl friends. A guessing competition provided a good deal of amusement, Miss M. Macalist-er and Miss M. Robinson winning first and eecond prizes. Various vocal and musical items were contributed by th( guests during the afternoon. Thoso present were Mr 38. Ba'sstian, Miss. Hay, Miss Smith, Miss Wheeler. Mis 3 Ronaldson. Mi&s V. Mitchell, Miss Robinson, Miss Gilmour. *Migs Ycung. Miss V. Robinson, Miss M. Robinson, Miss Armstrong. Miss Callender. Miss Macdonald, 'Miss Stock, Miss M. Stock. Miss Wylie, Miss Williams. Miss Logan, Miss Maoalieter. On Wednesday and Thursday a most successful daffodil show, under the auspices of the Horticultural Society, was held in the Victoria Hall. The display was a very ' beautiful one. The mild, warm weather we havo been enjoying for the last fortnight was most- favourable to tlie growth of narcissi of all kinds, and the show was in consequence a record one. The arrangement of the tables and stands was very effecth-e. Mr Longuet's collection of over 230 varieties was a magnificent sight, and arrested the attention of 'all visitors to the" hall. Mr Longuet took the champion prize for the best bloom in the "media section, and also secured the prize for the best collection of narcissi, besides other prizes. Mx A. B Haggrtt was also a very success .

\ ful exhibitor, winning a large number of first prizes. Mr Porter, Mr Findlay, and L-Mr A. M. M*cdon»ld were also very sucoessful, and exhibited largely. There was a very large attendance of the public, the Ball on Wednesday being uncomfortably! crowded. There is no doubt that the daffodil reaches tke perfection of bloon? in. Southland, and onr local enthusiastic growers spare neither time nor labour in. cultivating this beautiful flower. Mrs S- F. Cxrfchbertaon and Mrs. I>. Cuthbertson aTe spending a few days at Dipton. The Misses Thomson (kennel) are visiting D-unedin. Mrs T. C. Ellis, who was the guest of Mrs Massey (Avenal), returned to Merrivale on "Wednesday. Miss Mac George returned to Timaru on Saturday. OAMAEU, October "4. The last evening of the Kaihang* wad held at Mrs Darling's, Eden, street, Mrs Whitton being in the chair Among the performers were Miss Nichols; Mrs Babington, Miss Keddell, Miss Deihl, Miss N. Headland, Miss Headland, and Miss Milne. Th« Saturday night' Bridge* Club held the last meeting of the season at Mrs Bulleid's, Pen-y-bryn. Miss Murdoch and Mr Bums wer« successful in winning the first prizes, while Mrs Burns and Mr Woodward* gained second prizes, all- of which were handsome ■and useful. Mrs Cane, in .fh«' absence of her mother, entertained the visitors. The Columbia Highland fair was held in tbe Drill Hall on Friday <&d Saturday. The vaxious stalls were well patronised, the chief attractions being the poster" march, maypole dance, songs, and other dances. Mrs and Miss Bulleid left last' week for Rotorua, where they have joined Mr Bulleid. Miss Kitty Stewart (Dunedin) is staying; with Mrs Buckley, Eedcastle. Mrs Milner accompanied Mr Milner io Waimate on Friday night, when he took the Waitaki High School orchestra and military band to assist him in his lecture on the Nnvy^ League, under the auspices of tt;\ Waimate Technical School Debating Society, Mir And Mrs Rose have returned from' Rotorua," where they have b&en spending a &hqr7 holiday. TIMARU, October 4. " A Message from Mars " was staged on Tuesday, 21st ult M by the Allan Hamilton Co., and, in spile of the wet evenings* \(air house greeted tke actors in a play th*t' has been witnessed several times before in -Timaru. Amongst those present were — 'Mrs Rhodes (Bluecliffs), Mrs D. M'Laren, Mrs Finch, Mrs WaJcot, Miss Cargill, Miss Rhodes, 'Miss M'Beath, Misses Crawford (2) and Day (2), Mr Eerr, Mr Finch. Mr Arthur Rhodes, MV Stericker, Mr Blakey. There are several changes in the staff of the Bank of -New South Wales. Mr Mackay (Nelson) comes as manager, Mr Yal. .Tennanfc succeeds Mr Fish, and Mr £Herndale"is traxic-fe-rred to Christchurch. Mr Hugh. Tennani, of the Geraldine branch,' g<ses to Wellington, this week. Mrs A. W. Wright (Craighead) gave m email lunch party for Mr T«nn*nt on Friday, >24th. Those present were — Mesdtmes Scaly. Hassell, Barker, F. Barker, Tennant, Bristol, Perry and Buchanan. ' The flower show h«ld by tho Melanesian Guild was most -successful, the flowers ' being exhibited in greater numbers than usual. The " Daffodil Cup " was- won by Miss Arini Rhodes (iJluecliffs), who was also successful in other classes. A pro- - minent feature was a stand (for exhibition only} by Drs Gabites and Talbot. It wai composed of cinerarias and cyclamen in man] different colours, mixed with palms, ferjis/ and other pot plants. There was a very large attendance, and delicious tea was provided in one of the -side rooms. There wa« also a work stall and a flower »t»ll, good! business being done in every branch. Some , of those present were — Mesdames Arthui Elworthy and Percy Elworthy; Mrs Stud<_ holme, who wore a block dress,' black and white bonnet; Mis Rolleston, white and black striped dress, hat to match; Mrs Fish, sax« blue coat and skirt, large blue hat; Mrs Tens ant. grey and black striped coat and skirt, heliotrope toque with wing; Mrs Haesell, brown doth costume; Mrs Knubley, black costume wJiJi white lace; Mrs Talbot*. pale green costume; Mrs G. Bowker, bright* blue coat and skirt, hat to match, with, feathers; Mrs Wright (Craighead), black costume and bonnet with pink , roses ; Mrs Perry, black costume; Mrs Bristol, Mrs Arthur, Mrs Leslie Orbell. Mrs Se«ly, Mrs F. Barker, Misses Howell (3), Miles (2), Reid, Blair, Scaly (2), Woolcombe, Lee. Fraser, Fußsell, Smith, Laing-Meason, Onslow, Dry« den, Merchant, and many' otters. Mrs Tennant was the guest oi honour at the Croquet Club on Thursday, when she was presented with a very handsome silvermounted hand mirror by the members of the club. . Miss Tenoant was presented witk a silver cream jug by t&e members of "tbe Timaru Tennis Club, and Mr Tennant or. Saturday was given "a very handsome set of fish knives and forks and purse of soTereigna by the various business men of tbe town, who all expressed their regret at parting with him, though congratulating him on/ being promoted to a higher position — manager in Invercajjgill. Mrs S. Gillinguam (Fairlie) i visiting her mother. Mrs A. B. Smith. Elizabeth street. Archdeacon Harper, leaves for England at an early date, and during his holiday hie place will be filled by the Rev. Mr Adams, who has come from England to do so. Mrs .Herbert Elworthy and her children are staying in Stunner. Miss G. Scaly has gone to visit her sister. Mrs Peters (Anama). ' CHRISTCHTJRCH, October 2. Last Saturday Mrs Finch, Opawa, gave a very enjoyable evening party, the* various amusements being dancing, bridge, and billiards. A dainty supper was served in the dining room. Mrs Finch wore white ■ satin and Miss Finch pale blue taffetas. The guests included Mrs Wilding, Mr and Mrs W. Day, Dr and Miss Nedwill, Misses Oracroft Wilson, D., Symes, Hungerford, Murray, and Messrs Turner, Wilding, Ross, White, Hesse, Parkinson, and Dr Gribben. The Canterbury United Horticultural Society held their annual 6liow of daffodils and spring flowers in the Alexandra Hall on Wednesday and Thursday. There were a large number of visitors each day, and the -show was a gremi success. Among those who attended were Mrs and Miss Julius, Mrs G. Rhodes, Miss M. Cotterill, Mra Hansell (Wellington), Mrs and Miss Denniston, Mrs J. Cracroft Wilson, Mrs J.

Deans. Mrs Symes, Mrs J. D. Hall, Mrs Hanmer, Miss Murray-Aynsley, Mrs E. Tnrrell. Mies Turnbull, Mrs T. Cowlishaw, Mrs and Miss Rose, Mrs Gibbs, Miss Merton, M!rs A. Reeves, Mrs E. Palmer, Miss Tabaari, Mrs and the Misses Burns, Mrs Borthwick, and Miss Gorrie (Auckland). The Ward-Palotta Company conclud?di their seasoi here on Thursday night. Among the audience during the week were Mr and Mrs R. Allen, Miss Ogle, Mrs and Miss Denniston, the Misses Humphreys, Mr and Mrs J. D. Hall, Mrs Deans, Miss Park, Mrs Beswick, Mis 9 Strachey, Mr and Mrs Bethell (Culverden), Mr and Mrs W. Montgomery, Mrs F. Cowlisha-w, Mrs Marshall, Mrs R. Garrick, Mr 3D. Matson, Mr and Mrs H. M'Lean, Dr and Mrs Stevenson, Miss Simpson-Perry (Sydney), Mr and Mrs Wardrop, Mr and Mrs Day, Mrs Loughnan, the Misses Hanmer, Mrs and the Misses Rose, Mrs G. Rhodes, Mrs E. Palmer, and Miss Mlirray-Ayn&ley. ' An enjoyable recherche lunch was given by Mrs Stevenson at the Shirley Golf House last Tuesday, in honoiu of Miss Grace Palotta. The guests included Ifesdaroes Wardrop, Allen, C. Reid, Cowlishaw, Bell, Pratt, Williams. Day, Thomas, Vernon and Merton, and Misses Perry and Ogle. Mrs 1. Cowlishaw left on a trip to Sydney last Thursday. j Mr and Mrs Bethel (Pahau Pastures) are in town. Mr and Mrs Hamish M'Lean (Mount Hutt) have been staying in Christchurch. Miss Gould (Dunedin) was in town for several days during thi9 week, on her way home from the North Island. Mrs Hansell Wellington) i s staying with Mrs Julius (Bishopscourt). Mr and Mrs R. Allen and Miss Ogle have returned from Australia, where they have spent the winter months. Major and Mrs Hutton arrived from England last week, and are staying at Warwick House.

WELLINGTON, October 2. There was a large gathering of smartlydressed people at the opening of the art exhibition in the Academy of Fine Arts last Saturday afternoon. The Mayor performed the ceremony and addressed the artists and would-be artists of New Zealand, giving then) what he considered much valuable advice on the subject, or subjects chosen for the brush. On the platform, besides the president and officers of the society, were the mayoress, wearing a navy blue tailor-made, and becoming black hat wreathed with tiny roses. Mrs Geo Fowlds wore pale blue cloth, with ostrich feather boa and hat banded -with gold and blue embroidery; Mrs George Pearce, navy costume and smart hat to match , Miss Sybil Johnstone, black paragon gown. Others present v;jre Mrs A. Crawford, Mrs Grace, Mrs Fell Mrs Larnach, Mrs MacArthur, Mrs Cls^-k, Mrs Balcombe Brown, Mrs Etheriugto-, Mrs Yon Haast, Mrs ■ Malcolm Ross. '/Irs W Young, Miss Richmond, Miss £* Jpthop, Miss Bcndall, Mias j

Chapman, Mrs Beere, Miss Beere, Miss Lucy Atkinson, Mrs C. Tringham, Miss Erica Fell, eta. On Thursday last Mrs Alfred Brandon gave a delightful little tea to welcome back Mrs and Miss Collins. . Dr and' Mrs Bell have returned from their brief honeymoon spent in Nelson. Mrs Finoh is paying a visit to Chiristchurch. Mrs Harold Alwyn is visiting Palmerston ' North. Miss Gellatley, of the teaching staff of the Wellington Girls' College, has resigned her position Jo accept an appointment in Dunedin. "* Mrs Bacon is the guest of Sir John and Lady Campbell (Auckland). Miss Partridge has returned from her visit to" Hawke's Bay. Mrs H. del and and hex little daughter are paying a visit to Wanganui. Miss Cora Lee (Hutt), who has been for some years in England, returned to Wellington on Wednesday. Her cousin, Miss G-. Lee, accompanied her. Mir and Mrs A. W. Morris left this week on -a- vieit to Auckland. Mrs Beetham (Weirarapa) is the guest of Mxs Brandon, Hobson street. Mr «md Mrs Birkett (Kelburne) left last Friday for Sydney, Where flbey will spend some weeks. Miss Robertson has returned from her visit to Featherston. Dr and Mrs Collins*and Miss Mary Collins returned from England last week. Mrs Miles and -Miss Hilda Miles leave for Hawke's Bay next week. Mrs Cliff, wife of Mr Cliff (examiner for the Royal Academy of Music), is the guest of Mrs David Nathan. Mrs Oibbes, who has been spending a short holiday at Paikakarikei, has returned j to town. j Mrs Willie Kennedy and her daughter leave on Tuesday for Napier, where they will be the guests of Mr C. Kennedy. Miss Rubi Seddon arrives from England! i on Saturday. Miss Mary Seddon went to Auckland to meet her sister. { The marriage of -Miss Betty CaldweJl i (Karori) to Mr Innes Ledger, of , Nelson, takes- place on the 12th of this month. Mrs Joe Tryse and her children are spending a few weeks at Heretaunga. j Miss Dora Redwood (Blenheim) is visiting ' friends, in Wellington. » j Mr and Mrs Simoox and Miss Simcox ' (Otaki), are staying at the Widsor. j Mrs Frank Leckie has returned from her visit to the north. Mr and Mrs" John Kirkcaldie, who have been on a visit to Australia, have returned to- Wellington. - Mrs Haseldean and her daughter, Mrs Cooper, are staying at the Empire.

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Otago Witness, Volume 06, Issue 2899, 6 October 1909, Page 71

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TABLE TALK Otago Witness, Volume 06, Issue 2899, 6 October 1909, Page 71

TABLE TALK Otago Witness, Volume 06, Issue 2899, 6 October 1909, Page 71