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The monthy meetine of the Southaml Land Board on -Tur," 24 won ai'-snded Ijy ' the Chief Commis.«iono- (Mr R. H. Wi- \ mot) and Messrs D. King, Jno. M'Lean, and Jas. King. — Applications for Land. — j Tlie application of Annie Stotr for seven acres (unsurveyed) in block 11, Longwcc-d, , ■was approved, subject to reservationb pugprested by tlie warden ; price to bs fixed by the beard when v-ailuip.g- otFLer sections in , tho vicinity. | i 'Flue following- applications were held over i for report by Ranger Cameron: — William 1 Knowler, 100 acres (unsurveypd), block V, Longwood; T. W. Rcbson, 100 acres (un- 1 surveyed), block V. Longwood : Alex, i M'Pherson, 100 acres (unsurveyed), block V. . ( Longwood. I i

Wm. G. "'ordan applied for 200 acres (unsurveyed) in . block V, Longwood, and the application was refused. It, was rocom- [ mended thai the anea\be amended to 100 .acres or applied for on renewable lease. The application of Ann Wood for 70 acres j (unsurvejed), remaining- portion of Orepuki i ! township, was refused. ■ The application of Wm. Pullar for 100 acres (unsurveyed), blocks II and 111, Longwood district, was adjourned pending advertisement. - ■ — Applications to Transfer. — - - ! <An application for the liraaiefer of section j 148e, block I, Brydone Village (BdendaJe' < seitJoment), from the Public Trustee (in j escate of the late Wm. Williams) to- Violet ■■ M. Argyle was held, over till next meeting, | pending inquiry as •to whether residence i condition complied with. 1 The following tiian&fers were recomi m-emded for tbo approval of the Minister : — Section 20, block VHI. Campbelltown HunI dred (50 acrss), from ,Jno." Fras&r to Alice ' Anna Shirley ; . section 7. " block" 11, Alton ' district (495 acres), from Smith Bros, to H. H. T\vemlow. y _ I'/ „„_ —General.— It; was ' dec-ideyi to' reopen forfeited sections 70 an 4."71,' N block XXIII, Invercargill I Hundred (20,§i acres), at the farmer price. ' The', boa'rcl 'considered 'an application to purchase som-g'^.i-pi^fceefcions* M^-eomjnittejSj, an/3 adjourncatiJ2'"lG -o'clock '"this morning." Tha meeting was continued' on Friday, 25th> inst.. when the following business was transacted : — ' — Applications - .for Land. — The fololwing applications were approved : Robert LoWis, - section 446 (<^acre), block I, I Brydone Village ; Mrs JM. A.- A. Wybrow, | section 42 (9 aei-eil, block XI; Waikawa. Th'S following applications to purchase l.i.p. lands were held over for consideration: — J. E. Hodges and John Corkery, r»ecfcion 6 (416 acres), block XIX, Longwood; and ! Mrs Ma.vga.ret Duncan, section 1 (6 acres), tlock 111, Morley Village." "" ' —Applications to Transfer. — i The following were recommended for the ' approval of the Minister: — C. W. Markham ! to Henfv BuraLey, section 5 (255 acres), ibloek XIII, Otcramika Hundred; assignee I of H. Eewton -to Jessie F. Sinclair, secj tion 73 (92~acre&), blcck VIII, Winton; J. I and T. Bsunert to Richard Bennett, section j 35 (37 acres), block I, and section 102, block 11, Longwood; Mary H. Homer to Wm. I Herriek, section 103 (3 acres), block 11, i Longwood ; D. Macpbs/son to James King, , factions 9 and 17 (153 acres), block, HI, | Alton District, and' section 2 (4-1 acres), I block X, Alton district; W. A. Archer *to ! Wm. T. Shepherd, sections 85 a.nd 86 (9 ' acv?.s), and -iection 87 (3 acr°,s), block 111, j town of Sr-awa.rd Bush ; Public Trustee to j Al«>:. Srua.i-t, section 3 (1 acre), sections 4 j and 5 (2 acres), sections 2 and 6 (1 acre), ; blo-k VIT. Flint's Bush township. ! The followi ik? wer« approved: — G. T. I B-irki3i m to John Webber, sections 20 and 22 (184 acres), block V- Oteramika Hunc'rci; J. A. Br^r to John Pa?an, j»n., sections 19-22 (3£ acre^t), Mossbu.rn VilIn^e; D. M'Kenzio to G'.enham, Sawn; ill in^ Company. 24a (tramway rights), block JX. Wvn-lham district; J. R. Nutta.M to More «T)<l S<^n«, section 15 (tramway ! 'ia^ts), block XVII, Jacob's River Hundi«d. Tho following were hsld over: — J. "FT. Brown to Wm. E Carter, section 726 (28 -acres), block LTX, Hokonui; and the follow'np wn« r<-'u?ed : — Mary R. Gardnc-r to A. P R ri«r<lror. «^.«.tion 3 (1169 acres), block VI. Lillburn district. Tl-.-> Receiver was aut.horif'fd to pay over "-^ii-d.s" and rovalti"* to Stewart Island Co->mtv Council (£BO 10s 2d). and to Southland County Council £328 5& 2d. — Correspondence. — A. T). T?. Fro«pr nsk^d. that e^ction 1. block XLIH. town of Wall^cfttown. bo- offered ./or sa'e by auction. — To bs offered in Dff inl-pv ?C A. Xeider aD3'>lj'S<l to nuv^Tiaao 7 acr«s. norh'on of action 4. block IX, Oteramika Hundred, through which his tramway runs. — P.='n=cJ. Clvas. F. Snevd, at th-e reou-est of several Tuaraoere e-attler3, a^lccd that, a site for schrol a^'l other public buildings be g-et, asic 3 ? in Tuatifierr> f-ownf.hip, and sugg^-stod an araa fronrinsr the Tuatap&i - e-Merriva!e , r<-arl and adjoining the railway station. — To be priv«>n effect to when township reserve is beinsr subdivided. Assistant Ran go r Cameron valued the impiowm-ent* on section 4 2. h'osk V, Ot-eramika Hundrpd. at £20. — Improve'ror.'is to be reduced to £20,- and advertise]. •Limes Rcbert6on at>plic-d for extension of tin 1 s to ccmplv with resids-nen conjdition in rcsnoct of seetio3 23, block VII, Waibwa district. — Ciranted. D. Kin? a-polred to purchase section 78, block VIII, Winfcon Hundred, throusrh which a small stream runs, that he might obtain water for his stock. In regard to ■he same land Mrs B. Forde pointed out

I that a simihvr application -had 'been refused hier in 1907, and she asked that the section bs offered at auction. — Mr King's application refused, as board^ has no right to 6ell. Mrs B. Forde's application . held over. D. Lamb forwarded' a netiiion. from 18 settlers at Waikaka asking acres of section 14, block ,%XXvV Chattpn district, be made a. recreation reserve. V&overnment to be recommended to . comply. with the request.' ' \v-,--- ." * ,-, ' , t . - Thos.. Major, of- ti»vpox>posecJ Gorge Road Dp iry~ Factory, askeoV ior the reservation -of' a <}>airy t -Hfactory--site'on land being surveyed by -Mr Otway.— Granted. Tha Chief Surveyor submitted a proposed scheme of subdivision of sections 4, block IX, and 17 and- 18, block VII, Oteramika, by Surveyor Otway. — Approved.' , W. T. Edge wrote re placing on tlya market sections 13 to 15, 38, 38a, and 40, block IV,. Campsbelltown Hundred. The Commissioner intimated that the sections are not now required) by the Deparbmenr. j of Agrioclture. — Land' to bo surveyed andl opened to application as village homestead allotments. . .John Reily offered 10s per annum, fop a grazing right over section 30,. block X. -Waikawa district, with permission., to fell' and bum the timber and sow grass.,— Granted. | P . ,Wm. : M'Fadden ' offered' - 10s - per a:> nunt ! fo*K a grazing- license oven* -section 7, block I VII, Flint's Bush Township (3r»- 2p).— • Granted. • H. W. Wright offered 10s per annum ! for a »ren«Tral of grazing Tight over the ' western portion "of ' section 55, block IT. t Mabel Hundred, and undertook to keep | down weeds.— Granted. j Mrs -E. Milligan applied for a ren-srva! • of gracing right ovar island opposite sec- ! tion 7, Mara.ura Isla.ndi, at ICte per annum ' instead cf £1, as .half the island had boew Haken away by t}ta County Council and' private persons for gravel purposes. — j Granted. [ Th© Commissioner reported that Chr.Si 1 Mann had failed to pay the required; de- . posit of 30s in respect o£ his 'jrrazin,sr application over section 9, block IX, Makarewa j Townehip.— -Cancelled. W. ShieLds offered 15s- per annum fcr a j grazing right over sections la,' 4, and, 5, [ block I, Me-nzies Ferry Township. ' Assis • tant Ranger Canneron reported 1 rh-at tl»e offer \ms a fair one, but that the section I would oe purchased if offered for sale.— Gianrsd. Lachiand M'Kenzie applied for a licens* over sections 44a. block VIII, Waikaia dis1 trict- (20 acres).— Granted at 10s pea- annum. • Assistant Ran-ger Cameron, reported on t-h-s values of th-e i-mprovemen-te, etc., on sections 9 and 10, block IV, Gteramika, Plr.Txl'r-ed.— Sections to "be grouped and ] opened to selection at 10s per acre. A. J. Taylor and nin'2. othora petitionel ; the board re th© pj-ioes of their "h'oldiiijra in blocks XXm and XXIV, Invercargill ' , Hundred, asking, that the lands ba clashed as "bush or swamp" or that the rentals fee reduced..— Board no' power to comply with petitioners', request. Th 9 Commissioner, recommended, the acceptance of of year-to-year right held by W. St. George over section 36, block IV, Long wood district, and the granting of a right to St. George of the cleared portion of the section (45 acres), ' with permission to cultivate at £2 per J annum. — Report adopted. Access to be ! left to back of section. Jame3 Kennard applied- for extension of • time to comply with r-esidenco conditions ; respscting section 2, Jjlock XLI, Taranga- , tuia. district.-^To show cause at next meetin? why license should not ba foi-feit«d. A. P. Scobie applied to purohas*. raifway reserve runnins through section 10, ' block 111, Centre Hill district (7£ acres). — Granted at £1 per acre, subject to three months' notice being -given. H. Robinson wired that residence on section ,34a, Glenham Settlement, was com* meroecl on the 24-th. — Ransrar to report. E. J. Fannin, on bshalf of his mother an<> her family -acknowledged: receipt of [ minute conveying- the LantJ Board's reeolui tion of sympathy in their bereavement. a.nA Ahamksd th« members of the boa-rd foi.* the "kindly expressions contained th<-rain. — Received. The .board adjourned till July* 22.

In Singar, Malay, the time is told TjT placing- two bottle? n-eck to n-eek, and sand is put into one of ,th-2m. which poure ifcsolf into the otn«r every Jialf-houf. An attendant sounds the hours on a gong. A succession of colds or a nrotracted coldi is almost certain, to erid in ohronic catarrh, from which few persons ever wholly recover. Give every cold the attention ife' des«rve3 and you may avoid t-his disagreeable disea&a. How can your cure a cold? Why noh try Chamberlain's Coustfi Remedy? It J3 highly Fox sale Everywhere.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2884, 30 June 1909, Page 25

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SOUTHLAND LAND BOARD. Otago Witness, Issue 2884, 30 June 1909, Page 25

SOUTHLAND LAND BOARD. Otago Witness, Issue 2884, 30 June 1909, Page 25