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-**» i (FB.OX OUB Ora CORRESPOKDEXT.) LNVI'IECARGILL, June IS. ; Mr Cruick.;hank, S.?\l., delivered judgment this morning in a ease in which tli3 Winton River Beard and the boulh- . land County Council came into com- > fiict- over the latter having stopped > ar old wntei course adjacent to a Ftraighten> ' ing ciiannel mace by the board. The . board contended thai ihe op<?n water-com\=e ■ v. at a ne^es.-'ty in flood tima t-o relieve ' the pi-assure ot the water. Tn ths course • 1 ot his judgment the Ma~ihlrate snid : s "The poivei? >. :i-v bo^rd are set-out in section 75 a;.d 70 of ' iiie River Boards i Act, 1908.' AH v.ater-cour&es sre, to ali int?ntd md puipo-e&, within the jurhdicI>Oh of the bond so far as may be requisite. ai:d for tl-e constmction and main-•.cnon<-e o* any works necsssavy to pre- \ snt or kn:en damage which may be oeeafronc- i ijy ihe ovei'How or breaking oi t!ie bai-ks of such water-couise. The board may make, alter, or maintain any protective works on -tiny land bounding the river for tl-e purpose of preventing or kss-enins: anj- threaienmg danger. I think it n uUmitled lliat the board, and tiii boaid aloap. hss» power .to deal with t!r.p Junk ;or the good of the district to prevent damage frcn iioods." The magistrate stated that the evidence did nol ratibly him that the board did not act in goucK faith in tits matter, and he gave judgment for the bcai'd. i An old man .i-iireri John Kane, who , had been swagging in the Pomahaka d:sj tiict, appeared v.t the Police Court tliisj morning on a cliaic;e cf having no lawful* visible mean-* ol" support.. SergeantBrookes explained that ihs man was 75 years cf age. at:d had been wandering from one settler's plac-e :o anoviier, aafd" tleeping out at i.ights. and action had boeii taken by flis police i:i his own iiiterestst, i The man could i.ot be taken in charge by', the Southland Hospital and Charitable Aid ■ Board, as he was not a resident of the charitable aid disirk-L, and had been ' i arrested outside it. Previously he had! declined to enter the Benevolent Home all • Dunerim. When questioned by the 1 t*. the old man hesitated about', agreeing to go to the Benevolent Home, though he thought -life might be a lit-tle • : easier there. Defendant wars convictsd, and sentenced to thi-ec monttis' inipris-on-niMit in t l ie Ducedin Gaol, the warrant j tr. be si:*ponded if hs remained in the i Caver.-hnm Home for a year. ! June 1&. I 'During the vrvk a fair quantity of cat 1 ; | has l>aen oifcriapr, tut merchants have not | been she. inj- tlia same keenness to buj' as I they were a few >veoks back. In" eoine cases iJiev haw covered ail c al?s made, and on iho present market outlook there is | nothing to warrant th-e present' priess being , maintained. A'.-countiy stations Is 3d to i "Is 3-kl on trucks is still the current quotations for B gisde, i\ hil-e A grade is makJ ing up to ]s 4d, and A grade Gartons Is 4^d. The ckmiavd from London has , p radically stopped, though a few days j back there were several inquiries for July" fehipmsnr, b'jt «3 far as ca-»i bo gathered no i business resulted. Xoith Island buyers K-era to be fairiy well supplied, and as they b^ive fevoial contracts for forwaid delivery running- into a large quantity of oat?, they j are not likoly to be on tho market, foi.&onv<i little Time to conic ' j Chaff has been offering very freely, but very little business has been pc-sing. Cur- ; j rant quotations rule at Zss to 37s 6d on i trucks at ocuntiv staiion=. i j Potatoes are still quoted at £3 1o £3 5s I on trucks at country atation^," but th-e l--u=i-I nrss pasiingr itr- \evy limited. Ths Xor'.i ! Island v merchu:i!s are still taking supplies, j but tho rcctvictions nlaced on Southland , meichauts by northern buyers do not admit j cf much speculation or of much business beinp- done. J j Rye g-r**^ is offering in small quanti , ii3=, bin thew l- no c'lange to roport. Gcod I heavy seed i~ tli3 only kind inquired for, and from Is ICd to 2s ?<1 is being .paid for j thj« class of farmers' che-*ed outside pri- '' I vate bu=ine==. j j Vory lirtla etoek dealing is going on. , Good .=lore vic-tlun-s are mostly sought after, ' j and ar© now quoted at 11s 6d to 12s 6d. i Good store Limbs, -\vdll woolled and well | grown, axe felling up to 11* Fat lambs i are still going into the work", but only in small quantities, and they are running out at 11s 6d to 12s 6d. Fat wethers ai-f> only wanted for butchers' requirements loeall}-, but fairly laige consignments ore weekly finding their way to Bumsidc. Pre- ', esnt quotations rule at 13s 6d to 15s 6d. } Freezing buyer= aro not able to operate in this clas.- of 6he-cp, though reports to ' j hand s-eem to chow that tha mutton market j is slightly bprtor. ! Beef is <til| quoted at 22* 6d per 1001b. 1 bnl\ei> i'ttlo i^oifeiing. Prime beef is very ' ' waice in Southland, and is likely to becomo i ! dearer. Good forward-conditioned cattle j I are also inquired for at from £5 10s to £7. There is plenty cf iurnip feed in Southland, . i cattle fe-ed being procurable at Is 6d to Is 9d ncr head per week, and sheep Is 4-d I to Is 2d per week. ! Tho fibre maiket still continues to be j fclov.' and disapnointing, and tho London \ and American inquiry seems to be falling off wenk by week. The arrival of fairly j 1 laigo parcels of Xew Zealand fibre under ' consignment to the London market has had ! ' a further depressing effect, and shippers j '. ' are finding a great deal of difficulty in ] • placing their un.=okl parcels. The latest ' quotations are equal to £18, f.0.b., for fair j | average qualify, £19 5s for "good fair," and £16 for "common." • The inquiry for tow from London has , ' practically ceased, owing to Ihe. Iow r rates ruling there, and millers and holders of tow are being paid better prices by the paper mills than can be obtained for ship- j rnent. The receipts of Manila fctill continue er-.ceptionallv heavy to the London market, and th-e price of fair curren' quality ig

Iss b.'low that of the same quality of Ne\T fibre. June 20. Tiie annual meeting of the Southland I'l-impion Ploughing Match Association vas held on Saturday. Mx James Tobia was elected president and Mr W. Baird I vice-president, while large and represeni tative General and Field Committees were appointed. The annual report showed that last ye-ar's match had been a success, an<l' ! that the association had a credit balance jof £o/. Tha report recommended the discontinuance for the present of horsejumping competitions at the match. The i-epcrt was adopted, and it was decided to give effect to the recommendation. Tha date fixed on for this year's match is the 14th July, which follows closely on ili9 dates of the Wairio and Drummona : matches. The place decided on was Mr Walter Blackie's farm, Ryal Bush. Messrs Malcolm Gray, P. M'Dermid, and Jchn Hamilton were appointed judges ot ploughing, and Messrs J. B. Sutton and T. Fraser judges of horses. The secret pry ship and g-eneral conduct of the association are s+iil in ths hands of Mr 0. A. Mitchell, whose name is (in Southland) alnic.=t inseparably associated with that of the champion ploughing match. The first meeting of the recently-formea Southland -Medical Association was hela on Friday evening, when Dr Cantrell was elected president, Dr Ho*^- vice-president, and Dr Hendry secretary and treasurer. These officers, with Dr Hunter, were appointed to act as an Executive Committee. The mseting adopted a constitution in accordance with a. draft of rule" and by-law.s submitted. The only outside business oi this initial meeting was the passing of a motion,' of condolence with •the family of the late Dr Grigor, who was one of the first, doctors to practise in Invercargill," and , who died- on the 28th ult. Juno 21. This Fouthland'o winter show may truly bs> sa>d to (have bcon tho best tho A. and! P. Asocial ion have yeu had. Taken- nltcflf2r,hi,'r ths exhibits wore mors numerous : 'ban in past years, tho airansr.smeni, of them was lr.oro- effective, iha attendance t^as a record — the takingL' being 1 £20 more than on any previous -occasion and owing tq spreading- tho show over fha-co days there vo?3 more oppcrcrjnily foi leisurely iiwpreliCTi cf the exhibits, tha crush bo ing not so bad as on Cermet occasiors. The asfesiation will not, hcve\<sr r .be able tof do full justice to Southland's oroch.-.Si.= till it has a commodious haJl of its own,Jas not only is the space available in tbs Jeeaiandia. Hall too little for tllo rnosfc effccti|-e display, but the ligilf; atao is slightly difecHve. The most noticeabls feauiVe, ol tho shorr was. ih>3 Govern- . ment exhibit, which was very comprehensive and splendidly" arranged, tho exhibit of apples, battt in cases and fully" dis■plSyed in a' pyrap-sid, attracting a, gcod deal - of attention. Tns sheaf exhibits of whe^t. j oats, urA lr*»!2s, and the exhibits of root tcrop-s fr»rn the opnevi mental farm at Levin. ij'rnjMis a. fitns show. The- exhibit of noxious §ive<!sds' attracted. th« attention of many ?armei-3. A new- forage plant, known aa then Jmarrow-cabba-j*', was also closely examined iby .maary. Tlie honey exhibit, presided. ibv.&r by Mr Hopkins, chief apiarist, also ittraot-ccl a gedd, <kal of attention, a great of differcen't grades of baing;" on "fc^is sva.pd. The bic'kgicali iec-trlon of tl|a exhibit, * comprising- all ••4>rt* of ' iniscts, helpful a.nd b.urtf ol ih farn'icrsi. il|iKcd ar^d set out einsfly ot • cards, 'had hi^rh educative valu-». Another. exhibit that attracted a <rood deal of atfcen-' r^jDn , was thajt' of tho Rc£ Woollen. Company in tbo north-west corner of the Itjull, ;iho exhibit including blanket;, ru^s ctfi different grades, and :.ven hic-h-elass t^seds. .-^pcalal attention was drawn to iHh exhibit by a youth grotesquely attired ird blanket from head to foot. ffh,e, chee;e exhibit, which wr a on iho stag", did not bulk quite so largely as usual, Edenrfeilp srtandinj? out ; but it was oiua high ,-j^ade of excellence and of r«niftrfcafbta uniformity, in one section only 2l\f points^iiyjdiincr the hiph-s't anJ. lowest curionw seven* .exhibit?. The root exhibits W.3K) ihag-nificent, as were also the- potato'spt although these last wore comparatively few c.n dumber. Han:s and l baron w:rj particularly '%God, the judge (Mr Johr. 1 ll'JF<arllnc\ 'of^Dunedin) icmarkin^ that in' 40 %oava' c-:cperienc^ al shows he- had not •ieefl ahythiag better. The bread ami califes were'bf ?. high standard of exselWitip, «nd were most highly commended by i!wfflu-dg». '< The country people did not avail thamFelv^s of th^ society's efforts on their bohalf>. ■In past year.; complaint had bsai madb'by country visitors thai, the fact of the |?hot>s jje*n£* closrd on the day cm whicli the- trains were delayed prevented' thenV 1 , from tcjoing tho amount of shopping 1 desiced, rh4 disposal of parcel* from 1 o'clock till/ the time- of train departure being '< a nuisance. This year the association tried to 1 arrange with the Railway Departraenti to delay the t'-ains on each' of the [days,] but »h<? department was unable to do; more than delay thrrm on or.c- da-v, and thje asspeiatioa chose Tuesday as lik-el-"-to I>4' tho/ most convenient for countrji visitor^. ' '.Phf* country visitors, fcov;«vAsi - . held "back^tiU "Wedn33c 7?. v.7 ?.v. Th« Tuesday conSiifg^ent i was not any larger than th« usual morning influx of country people* bu§" there was a very la-.-^c attendance of- ■Vyjedncs-day, wh- : cli, by the byw i: ' cc-Jitraafc i^ Tuesday, »va= a miserable day." and a.\ faiif number' also came in to town on Thursday. Matafcra.:, Dairy Factory topped the list in chce£,3ithj£ year, aggrejerawng 14- points to Apa-rin^aW 11 and. Omimi% 9, throe- oif th<" jVlatau^a exhibits going 95 points, .while the fourth was 9*. Advantage ,wa^ taken of tho presence cf fo manyH<#tt£iti-y people at the .=.ho\v to hold tho,'*Q'n«al .meeting of the Southland Beekeeperl? ; Association on Wedin<2sday iii All-en's jjfell, 'when about 20 persons were prespn-fe; • {The- president (Mr James Allan, of "CM-kleifelv' Wvndham) occupied tho ohair, aif| M< Hopkins, the chief Government apiai'St? wa s present. Mr Allan eaid that tteiijttst seaeon had been ti'oe worst in his 25 years' experience of beekeeping, and he,- jmderetood that th^ returns of other bpefeeep.ara had also been unsatisfactory. 3ps AllaT expressed a. d-esire to retire fr*f the position of presiidejit, as ho thoughm th«j offioo should bo a rolling one. but t-h<» l^faiber« of the association would

Sat hcaj of this. Mr Allan had been the founctsr of the association aixl its mainstay, and it -was felt that it would be a very great misfortune to lose his services. Mr Allan was accordingly re-elected president, and a committee consisting of Messrs Hemingsen, Thomp-on, Gardiner, Gordon, ~" and Hf,mmond was appointed to carry out any necessary arrangement?. It was decided to again hold' the field day at the lionie of the president. "Oak Leigh." Wyndham, but to change the date from the 9th November to the third Wednesday in January, whei? the bees would be in full •work. , \. deputation .from the Master Butchers A^ociation waited oa the Invercargill Borough Council at its meeting on Thursday to complain, among othw things, that reiect meat from Wallacetowu wac brougnt into town and sold fft low praees tote hurt of butchers generally. The Maj n -regretted that the council was unable to io° anything in the matter so Ion 2 as tne meat "passed inspection at the abattoir-. Mr Edward Roberts, engineer, of Dunedin has forv.>rd&d to tno Invei-carguL Borou-h Council information regarding a system of tramways that does not require the putting down of rails. It is an electrical System controlled by overhead trolley notes, and costs for installation a very much less sum tnan th* orainaiy electrical systems. I understand however, that this system is ~ot ikoly to -c adoplec), the wear and tear on the reads being exceedingly heavy. •It ha.=s been decided to proceed with the formation of a dairy factory at Kyal Bush, a guarantee of 250 cows having Men received. < The Invercargili Dofi Little Folk held their annual social in Ashley a Hall en Friday evening. The weather was most unpleasant, but notv. hhstandmg Inns qua« 130 persons turned up, and had a fflcf. enjo vails evening together. In," consequence, of the difficulty of providing for ooiteumptive patienfa, and the fact that the rate ac th<* P.oek and Sanatorium has bom tfwsed from As t j £2 2s per week, the Souih.aud Hee P ita,r> and Charitable Aid Board ate oMing up negotiations with the i'tank'-wi Ho.spitu. Trust with a view to seeing w nether pro- , vision for consumptives can cc in&ca there. | It is to be hoped that arrangements can | be made, as the climate is an ideal one i for those troubled with hing complaints. , It is easily got at, and yet is sufficiently i remote from a town to avoid the piejudices usually attache r) "-o «• consumptive hospital in a district. Mr James Taylor, for many years oa^. connected with tho firm of Macalrcter ard Co., chemists, has taken over Mr ft>. to. | Bannister's Grand Pharmacy at the foot of Hi"h street, Dunedin. Beforo leaving he was entertained at a far^v.-ii fcciat m Victoria Hall by the Soutb!ai-d bowlers, ■with whom lie is a. gieat la%curit<j, and presented with a 6<>l<± chain and sovereign case. Mr Joseph Stock has been eleoled viceprceideiit of the Invtrcargill Savings Bank, vice -Dr Urigor, deceetsd. At a meeting- of tl*» fru-stces, at which tho^ appointment was made, it was ir<>ijt:oren thar Dr (irigor liarl been as-o<'ia':.fHl with rhe tank f0r. 40 yoa», during 32 of which he had been vice-president. For a long time past a number of small coal pits' have been in operation in the Nightcaps district, but have bssn greatly handicapped in that they have had to carry their foal all the way to Wasrio— a distance of five miles— over roads which in winter got irato a rlcDlorable state. I understand "rhat rapital lias b^n found to construct a wooden Irarnwav between tb pits and Wairio Station, the work running into five miles of tramway, to be <ione by Messrs More and Co., of Longwood. Mrs M 'William, relict of th«» late Thomas M'William, of Winion.-duVi at her home. Winton. last week at the &^d a?e of 75. Mrs M'Willium. who wa? gr:atly i«spect*d throughout the (li?irict, bus been «, resident of Winton for the last 45 years. As a contribution to the tramway discuss ion Mr C. W. Pwov.-n, 'own clerk of Avenal. -ucrgc?L> that a su%-Jl rare o-i the linimcvovecl value of lad in 11-e »\ho!e of tho boror.ghs would 1 be the only satisfactory way of laibinif interest on thj tramway loan and providlnsr for any k)t?s. A? th-2 meHingr of rho District Court, held last wc-^. was the last to Ye hekl in Invercargili. the meir>l:-o"« of the beard who were present forrrallv bade jroocl-bv? 1o tho prosidlncr judgp i.Tr^.ro Hazold-en). Tn re-.pondin<! the Jf-'i!;<? brioflv thanke-J Mr J. E. Colyer, cleik of tbe c-om-t, uvl the otter offic«rs for their un van- ire: courtesy and h'-uir ?ftici°ncv in <he 'lisc'iari^ of ' lheir dv' '•?=;. Haz&lden fu-s-ppndcd tV> c^^cl'arffe of WiJliam Alsw:!":-, toba-econ-'^t. for a vc*.r T!^ Borcu^b C-.un'-'U of f>'t?diion=. N-r.rth Tnverwrgill. anrl Ea-r TnvercareiH have all decided to ioin wlrh Invercai trill in n3 vine Sir Joseph x Ward a ior^oTib!e Ruin for hb tramn'ST righi=, ard al.=o I'ov* intirnatod th°ir wil'ingnc-ss to oo in for n municipally-ownod up-to fate tramway py=itcm. In consfnnencp of the up* a tiir2 ofrra.nv of lh«> vsluaiion? placed on Tn\err r.rrJM |irc",-K?nipis bx the Govennr.ent Vsh.or, ar.^ iiv c-op'^qu'fit Itu of n.anv o c tho ot'-.^v valuation*, the f-Jove-nment hiriccidorl th"t the \al"»<-ion f or the furrenijxt'O'l i 3 to be made en tlie eair.e ba«U as la-* year. A«- the ontromo of the mo'-eiror ' in.iuTi'Tatal ' x v Dr Hodffkin'on io 'S ; .-» frn!~+o nrofiirp ft memorial o c T-Mwird Oi'->>-on TV.-Wefiald f-v.-o vc^i-'- larsrp f.itrj ; t< l-av.-> 'xron obtain-'^. ar<] wpv. v. ith p»np^r cc n'^•monv. hancWl ovr l-i.?t wr k +n ii u n Vavir. iepro=?nlins- the ! ov,;i. an.' Mr A. Stout, represent inw Inv>i*car-»iH A't!:"nflpurr. Th»* Aihoposum or" he* l=c> pircprl ov"' the firepHce at Hi* w«f nr! of th° rpa-clintr room in .•> fal'-ly lid'f A.t th-? pvr^r.t->tirn ir *he Coi'i^U Chi-r-1-t<; Dr Forf-Tkln-'.-i fo'liwxfi i!t» Mavrr with 3 s'-<v>r-.Vi. i" h" nvp i»;tpr^cfi'ir' r>inils fhr life rf 1 - i> g 'r-an w'-o h.i'l <=o nm^i to rV> v-;th *>" e'irir *>oloii-atio-i o c Xo-v p-v-tnitq j^ itpv !>-•» i-.'ct'ci"' 1 . ?.r o tho work of Mr A. E. T>;-'"l!ir«. of F=>'--Th<» Ti-^r-ceol to q-ive - r-'-ofit corm»--f to M''--. V.-i Thoirnern '>3« l^" 1 fnC"'"a6li<*al'y f-aJ.-p-'' up in Invprcn.r?ill. -At a nicotiofr helfl ls«t w*e'c io '■i? t ;r I "r jnaitr A nrovvosa' tr> i'.-e tl'.'> "Victoria TTa" tvas negatived, it b=ino- tn \r *hat Tb- < ""11" 1 trouM b-* -tn at^rdanr^ of t3'-» r'»Hic vTi:c^ trould i&x ths theatre, Ist alone tK-« .hall. The following ,is th« grain traffic on

Monday Tue^lay Wedn-esday Thursdij Friday . . Saturday Jure 12. . . 3564 . . . 4546 . . SGS3 .. 744t .. . 9202 .. esor .. June 13. . . 2475 . . 25-02 . 3225 24-47 .. 1563 .. 2GSS lei?ls . 40,341 17 313

I the Southland railways for ths week endi Ing iTons 12. iSCS, conti"a?ted with the I same week of June 13, 1908: —

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Otago Witness, Issue 2883, 23 June 1909, Page 60

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SOUTHLAND NEWS NOTES Otago Witness, Issue 2883, 23 June 1909, Page 60

SOUTHLAND NEWS NOTES Otago Witness, Issue 2883, 23 June 1909, Page 60