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on the Manawatu railway, and the expenditure of £5000 has been authorised by Cabi-

savings. Apart from the heavy ,less, his wife cap. scarcely forgive him for not

net to defray the cost of its installation

knowing that a stove ia the most suitable

substitute for a safe.

Cabinet has also authorised the expenditure

of £1200 for fixed signals on the same line. I The South Canterbury Education Board's The amount subscribed and promised working foreman reported that at a school towards the completion of St. Mary's ie had visited, to look Into the matter of Anglican Church, Timaxu, is £5584 2s 7d, water supply, he found the spouting full which, with £152 8s lOd interest and £36 of rubbish and the "downpipe ehoken from 15 3 refund of duty, makes a total of £5773 top to bottom. This (says the Timaru 6s 5d towards the estimated cost of £10.000. Herald) is a school where the water supply The British Museum recently received a is a rain- water tan-k. curious and gruesome rosary from the The popularity of the motor-car in 6outhmysterious land of Tibet. It is composed land was strikingly illustrated at Gore on of thin discs made from it' human skull, Wednesday, when' it is understood that no finished at th« end with three Deach ker- less than 30 of these machines were in nek, mnd strung on a piece of common active use in connection with the Gore A. string. an< l p. Association's agricultural exhibition. More than 5,000,006 boxes of oranges This number would represent capital to the have been shipped from California during amoU nt 'of over £10 000 * the season, or more than double the record Excavations which' have been in progress of any previous season The lemon acre- at Crovlaiid Abbey, in th© FenJand of age of the State has also been increased, South Lmcolnshire, have resulted in the and its output will soon be felt in Eastern discovery of the site of St. Guthlae's cell markets. Tl " J '

le saint (who landed

v ast quantities of flowers are gathered for perfumery purposes. It^ is estimated that each year 1860 tons of orange flowers ■are used, besides 930 tons of roses, 150 tons each of violets ad jasmine, 75 tons of tuberoses, 50 tons of cassia, and 15 tons of •1

i-uk-u on tow; leinuu or \jroyland on St. Bartholomew's Day, a.d., 697), tradition says, lived' in a cell directly w«st of the west front of th« abbey. A oonference of dentists is to be held in Wellington exurly in the new year, when representatives of the profession will attend

]O 3SJ".!*- , „ , , , from all parts of New Zealand, also from Whilst a drag which had been used & Francisco, Br>bane and Sydnty.. M** for conveying a patient to the hospital was « w A v, ,~-:ii „„ • j jit* tTt I H mi being fumigatedon Saturday laa t P a t Wai- £ S&^gjeff^r'w H kSSStTS S? !oV^rftSa^ h -K^SL^S^rS£ in . old' coa I mine on th, ,«t bM of S!^ tf ,^rof l^l{ ft i&sf» the river (writes the New Zealand Herald tbe tides at the water-edge. Lassco^ were Huntly corespondent) lias been very active, foTmed with hunting-crops, and, descending flaroea and emofcebemsr.emitcd from the +he woll tbo huntemanrkssieted by Lord disused shafte and workings. The flames Cholmondeley, effected a capture, illuminated the neighbouring country the This year » g drawing . o{ y military lota otner nignt. - (tiraegau sort) was the oocasion of a reDp Hall Edwards of Birmingham, whose markable case in Antwerp, where six investigations into the Eontgen. rays have brothers were called.. The six men were been at the cost of both hands, is still en- born in the same th j th . thuaiaatic in his devotion to the ficience of triplete in January, and again in the folradiography, and will continue his work lowi December. -The caee is unique in though, of course, he will have to depend Belgium, and probably everywhere else, largely on his assistant*. ...-.,., A judgment debtor who appeared at the In the Palmerston Magistrates Magistrate's Court at Wellington said h© Conrt a debtor appeared on a judgment a little less than 70s • week j^ summons 12 months old. Defendant in- htd cix children to-, keep, *nd his rental uri ?<^ th , e debfc f T boa l d and J od B in .SS was 31s per week. Counsel pressed him in 1896 but proved to the court s satis- for an offer> but Dr M'Arthuf, S.M. adfaction that he was a chronic invalid and the debtor to call his creditors tounable to reduce the debt. gether and place the position before them. " The season for canning ■ wliitebait has The Wanganui Hofcelkeepers' Association almost closed down at Hokitika Grey- soroe timß ago decided to restrict persons mouth, and VUstport, and it is stated to addicted to excessive drinking. At their have bsenon the whole a poor one. It is ]asfc mee ting two more names of habitual expected that the supply for tbe remainder drinkers were added to the list, and the Of the season Will not be any more pl&ntl- persons interested We been requested to mi than it has been so far # discontinue their visits to the hotels for Mr A. B Wallace a Masterton reel- the p Urposo o f procuring intoxicating dejit, was riding a motor bicycle at Maha- liquor rahara, near Wood ville one day last week, q,^- of the most rema , rka , b i 6 proposals when «. bull cnarged him and threw man by the Young Turks for the regeneraand bicycle over a ditch. The rider sus- ti of Tuxkey is thafc w . hieh aims »t» t rid . tamed a nasty wourd on the leg and tho din c<, ns tantinople of its street dog*. The "ffiVSi! a small f£ *'&» d ™l pony placed in a truck at Culverden to ■«« e . and deposited on two be railed to Lyttelton was missing on ar- land8 n m . ?« Sea , f A M % m^t rival at port/ It has einoe been found *>«* WIU be and ied Untll they

their own convenience, for the use of whioli they receive an allowance. Some idea of the miscellaneous nature of the packages handled by the Railway Do-partmenfc may be gleaned from the fact that on Tuesday, the Bth inst. (says Chriat-chui-ch Press), just prior to the departure of the first express, a porter was to be noticed casually propelling «. luggage track loaded with mr& tin 6, <*n top of which, there rooked and rattled an empty coffin! One of the steam shovels engaged in work on-- the Panama Canal recently lifted out «. quantity of dynamite, which k described in an official report as being " mord than a bushel." "What would have happened, if ihe shovel _ had struck the dynamite instead' of the earth around it is easy to imagine. The cartridges were of French make, and bor© -the- date- November 2, 1887. ■-.-'- An example of rapid photographic .work was given the^ other day by Mr Fitzgerald, a well-known amateur photographer' of Auckland.. "Mr. Fitzgerald, who was present at the laying^ of stone of tfetf new' Epsom Sunday <Steel ball, took - a photographXof the .proceedings during %h& ■laying -of- the. stone,. -and , ; in over. 30 minutes a finished photograph was handed round. During the- Maori war' a ford near the back ot Tswiranga township ivsra made .tse of by the Maoris, and shells were tforbim into it from a man-of-war lying come "di&--tancp ojit in the harbour. Some days ago a 551b aboil was found &"ih*Ort distance

from the place, and thfeze seems little doubt is one of those thrown from

the old K&sario to prevtfrilfc 'the Maoris ufiiner the ford.

It is rumoured (says the Manarcatu Herald) that roll-stoffinp has taken place in the Manatratu electorate, and that a number of electors livinjj in the Otaki electorate of Moutoa, were placed on the Manawatu roll, and recorded their rotes at the second poll. A number of names have been V submitted to the Registrar of Electors, in order to ascertain by whom they were obtained. The Auckland City Council has received a copy of the plan of the famous Ruapekapeka pa. The donor was Mrs C. S. Ruok, who stated in 'her letter to the. Mayor, conveying the offer, that her fatner (Captain Atkyns) was prominent in 'the taking of the stronghold. Although the relic was a cherished -family possession, it had occurred to the writer that it might be acceptable to the City Council. At a recent meeting of the Wellington

master bakers (6ays the Post) a general opinon on the merits of the cash coupon swtem and its working was sought. They were asked if they wanted to go back to the old way. There was a unanimous " No." Two members, said decidedly that f -k

if there wa6 any chance 01 going; bac^ to the old system -they would prefer to go out of bueiness^at once. Speaking at Birmingham recently, Sir William Richmond, BKA., said that Eng-land,-'throught want" of imagination, had lost irrevocable chances, and until we had separate Ministers of Science and Art — not amateurs or agents of party politics, but thoroughly reliable experts— witihin the Government, neither science nor ait would receive the attention they should from a. great nation like ours. The Bishop of Durham, commenting recently on a decline in the staff of Sunday school teachers, said it was found side by. side with the advance of the council schools. This pointed to the fallacy of looking to Sunday schools to do the main religions ' teaching of the youth of the working population.'- The week-dey teaching, which minimised the Christian element, tended to indispose the scholar for the Sunday lesson. An extraordinary demand has arisen in the eastern countries for second-hand' Bibles— the older and dirfier _±he better. Copies which formerly realised fourpenofe are readily bought for half-a-erown. They are being used, to manufacture evidence of age in the case of old-age pensions. A. woman who produced * x Bible to prove her ag© was 76 from an entry on the fly-leaf had, unfortunately, omitted to tear out the title-page, which stowed the Bible was printed in 1895. The proprietor of a jP«ris cafe noticed that after he had refused ■to give tho pianist an increase of salary the number of his customers dwindled rapidly. It only when all but one diner had deser him that he discovered the pianist been inflicting Chopin's "Funeral Man on the audience nightly. The plan pleaded at the court that he played acco ing to the mood he felt in after his quest had been refused, but he was fin £2'2 ' W i tb- G

m ?n"n iß i ft 0 "**?!, 11 ? n6WS (sa v ? the .- D °; UtZte'&J <***?*££) has not diminished granted a brief holida.v for the purpose of A **£ b* 811 **? manager of a church is visiting friends in the city. Such how- on « ?f? f the newest innovations m American ever, is the case in the Wellington disK. f -^T PI 1 "* if the statement made at the meeting of tr - l 'P rfLP^i^X L~ P J^fi U the trustees of the Benevolent Home can ""if 1 Methodist Church, one of the 1* be substantiated churches in the city, with an extens Mr T r, T^ menn tit T> o+ V-A ' charity work. The business manager s d High School had told him they would ££{* g n e min ister already vows have to withdraw them on account of the h * ;f; f ;= "+ho \Aea\ nhuwh sovernrnHnt " r^ ired . ln , the , "*"? J* ' A nake ?n*. W-^kSinrJS^T^olf) sohool-bookfl He strongly favoured _the a^ e 8 7 n Australian a nasty surprise c *^iV th cf marriageablo Z^^%t^l^lr^^.fZ\ younjf women in some of the most popu- in ren fovin ? a-sheepsVin whwh «-a7o^ lou3 industr^l distracts of Aisaoe-Lorratne * h « te fc f itteQ b J rf X ™. » causing the authorities some anxiety whic # unoer the skin. T' ' Throughout these provinces there are on man a<jted wfth t ee of . an average tW men to every woman, and cutd o faifc w£ fe s ket ., m the small town of Kneuttingen 1500 and ,» cki tfae wotmd He thWgallo, single women have 500 men from whom to Morven where he received furth choose their husbande. attention. He has since completely r The Wairarapa Standard has been shown cover^£ some small apples that have the «utoido Tho - E pso m (Auckland) Boa-rd finds itself beSi? tr'j He^eH Gre V yto^ a resid°ent n i" • gßodJar |^ wil\ inters nxember, 2?i the insset fa a qu*n- of -other local bodies. When <«*«•. *r* titjr of hi, frnit, notwithstanding the fact cutting up land, for eaiot^eiew no conthat the trees have been twice sprayed. He *«»! «rer^ the routes of the neir rowfe or. has written to the Governmsnt pomologist streets. Ihe local body hae power to defor advice on the matter. mand that these efcaJl be formed todf According to a statement made in the drained before they are taken over, btrfc thqi New South Wales House of Representa- local body is thereafter saddled vifch the tnes a few days ago 32 typewriters were burden of maintaining them, and this znaj; purchased l>v the Postmaster-geheral's De- be located ■without any connection with partment in New South Wales for the existing streets, and may be of no general general use of operators at Sydney. Thirty- u*e whatever. The board has decided 10 five operators provide their machines for get legal advice on, tire subject,

Absence, of whitebait pom ,c River- during the i»et few Sleeks is atti buted by a. local pap«r to the operations which have been going on at -the stranded steamer Haqrea- Tbe little fch are highly sensitive, and the timber being jettisoned annoys them co that they hare been soek^ ing other fccsfh-watei; etreame, a.nd leaving the disturbed Grey River to itself. Th tlv at the mouth of the Teremakau

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Otago Witness, Issue 2857, 16 December 1908, Page 4

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ANDREWS & BEAVEN, LTD., CHRISTCHURCH. Otago Witness, Issue 2857, 16 December 1908, Page 4

ANDREWS & BEAVEN, LTD., CHRISTCHURCH. Otago Witness, Issue 2857, 16 December 1908, Page 4