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INAUGURAL SHOW. ' The first show under th_«J auspices of the . reoently-f onmed .Qwaka AgriculturaJ and Pastoral Asaoci^ion -was held on the Owaka Sports Grounds on Wednesday conditions which indicate that, under judicious arrangements, it will become a permanent annual fixture. The weather, though fine, was disagreeably "cold, a bitiac wind which swept over the ground all day causing considerable disoomfort to a large gathering of over 1000 persons who aseenibled from all parts of ■• h^ surrounding districts. The takings at '(■'•'■ gate amounted to £4-1 6s, added to .iiii-u tha society had liberal revenue from entry fee?, s?.lo of privileges, etc., and tJiuj., from a jjnancdal aspect, nothing was left to be desired. Arrangements for the »how, being a first effort iif a back-blooks settlement, were not as well systematise^ as they are at older gatherings of the kind, bait what defects were- observable will no doubt be -remedied at future fixtures, particularly in regard to the keeping of official records of prize-winners and more expeditious judging. On the whole, however, the association and its officials are to be congratulated on the success which attended lie- first "effort to "' establish"" a "show" in a district which is gradually becoming recognised as one specially suitable for carrying on» th^ «^iiying.-wjdv(sferyr -.. Th^ Jiuleiutha Brass BaivJ, uriaer Conductor H. ■JGrby, -pfeyiß<J<:sei€»rfcioos-' firing the day,' a:i<J there wero nuwpi-pust show attractions .' cat te red over the* ground "which attracted or less attentipii^iijy^.jjgxCoi.-yisi-t-f»^ An accidenTT fortunately unattended ■*. itii se-rioue consequenoee, occurred during vi-j afterqicHHi. ' \ /Mr/jJU^&c -i^Jries 'gne< of u\m -./~adg|eß,-"-beii«g thrown to in'e ground awiil partia/lly- stuuppd, bv^a runawev horse ilfidcn b5- a, A&&yl i 3. /AtJWe time of th&, iiijshap Mr Petrie was attending to his 'luties in the ring, and the runaway g*lioped towardsvejii^, JkngAfchig tefm<f\g!iu> hut fortjum^l^riffictSrg^no^ertouS^njl&jV :<MtiV'Tg^^3? i^j!mong^hose- <>n the ?,' rotund ,iyefie. M«66z~6 A. <S. Malcolm and T. IMagkeniift, iLP.'s, ao4 ,the former, during an ' "adjournment for luncheon, complimented .the society. on its existence and on the ' arrangements made for holding its first -show. He. -also took advantage of the opportunity to state that the socioty represented a district that was just be- , sinning to be known as one of the best dairying, districts in Otego. Mr T. Barr . ■ (president of the society) briefly replied on behalf of .jbhe society, and thanked Mr - Malcolm." foe bifi commendations and good wishes. - ■ The exhibits live-stock generally were not,, up to * ,-high standaid r the cattle , v particularly,, being -of -a. <iass .identified with" bush settlement — hardy -«.nd sturdy,' hut lacking the finer points in breeding. Ayrshires jv«Ve tWi b&MC '<*jMss, but the onlyanimal natation was Mr •C. -JEL;i-SiMthsß bath, 1 whiobM" took" ; first tiQffOursJl aJid'J^hieh^also took feonourj'- 4t the Dunedin show. 5 '"?•• :-K5: -K5 -+hw*h»ep cUu#ei *ne-' l '«ntri£3'-were fairly good. There 'wware r ttiSbKmif special •to-Trtffe ii»3tteP<BeieMiterSJ' ftjjr J.-^.C. 'Atider60n^^€«ilM<H*n I< p¥!«!-^kers fi^fidirig^ut specially above the ekhlb'rfe' H nf " MeSsfs Glov^^^ r nptbljr'£paf Lpgaif^.' ,;Taefe .was, onfy ' one' 1 ' e^h hSit in ' ' tTTe,' ' Somtvey" , section, the sheep shown bojng'of average: quality. < ' 1 ;/,'Th£ i .cycssbiefl^shgfeg^^aH, round,' were a fat^ot, 'ttired gft°»"P /s^eep belo^^ng. to Mr 6Y£\er Jd^kei'vjn^ ' .sJMqi?(T ineJ^tioij, these pot^ipniy .^ejog""^-*!!, sb'^in^bfUt flt for exhibffkiii'.in. tha«,-fr«eziivgi class,,- _ajso, "tootj- first prize in „freezing, .freezing wetliers w'ifh U}icje very good ,ai^ecvrn«ns, these being Better than oiie usually expects to see at a show, r c^ the kind- , - There were a large ni«nbw oi ; entrie«r in the horse section, the la-rgesi-- proportion being ligiit spring-barters -and , Ka«ks- * The draught and thoroughbred eltallions were a good average lot, and working draught* all round were a .good, useful «tamp. Spriny-vanners were t on the, li^ht s^de hi the ton-w«igJir olass >^ria : JjaSk§ J wtre J 'a.big. mixed lofl *ineWArng' 'softie fasVly , good specimens in the buggy and ' lady's hack sections. '~' ' I-'. iii ' i - Tlie dairy produce section oT the show in point of quality all round was the best of the day's exhibits. Fieeh-mada butter was a very creditable exhibit, but most of the samples were over-worked, and in one or two cases were rather palo. Salt butter wa6 also gocwl in quality, but was also, in some cases, over-worked and gritty with salt. Two exhibits of fancy butter by the same exhibitor were well r>ut up and of excellent quality. Thp powrl-ered separator butter in rolls was a smaller cle. c s than fresh butter in rolls, and hpre also some of the exhibits were over-worked. One very ni«e exhibit in the cla^s lo«t a place through being insufficient I v salted. The hams and lwicon were a \t-rv trood class, Ml* Oeddes's ham 1 ? b^inc; -ppfwi'ly fine. Kggs were a!.«o a fine bjmple. being large and well-»shaped Bread and poultry w<»re specially j2cotl, an-d compared more than favourably witli «imLUr exhibits at larger sliows, showmsr ihal baking is not a lost art in the Owaka and Catlins districts. The quahfv of th-p lxiking classes wa-s so yoou that i- n.s difficult to di^crioainate, and the j- <-'.gcs

that the pastry was the finest that could be shown anywhere in the colony. Following is the prize-list : — CATTLE. Judges: Messrs J. R. Mitchell (Clydevaie) and George M'Donald, (Stirling). Shobthobns. Bull, three years and over. Two entries — F. Bradfield 1, G. Wilson 2. Bull, two years. Two entries— G. Johnston 1, A. Bradfield 2. Cow. over three years, in milk Taree entries — George Johnston 1, C. Anderson 2 Cow. over three years, m calf. One entry— George Johnston 1. Charnp:on bull — F. Bradfield. Aybshires. Bull, three years and over. Two entries— C. li. Smith 1, C. R. Eason 2 ! Bull, yearling. One entr\-— B.irr and Di^oley ' Cow, over three years, jn mjJk. Four en- , iries— T. Barr i and 2, C Andersen 3. > Cow over three yeats^ m ca'.i. Two enI tries— T. Barr 1, C. R. Eason 2. | Heifer, two years. Two entries— 3. EUiot , 1 stnd 2. ! Heifer, yearling. Two entries— T. Barr 1 ' and 2 Champion bull — C. E. .Smith. Champion cow — T. Barr. ; Cbosseeed j Cow, any age, in milk. Four entries — T. j Barr 1, S. Elliot 2, C. R Eason 3. % i Cow, any age, in. calf. One entry — T. -Birr • Pair of cows, in calf or milk. Two entries a —^T. Bart 1, S. Elliot 2. ; Heifer two years. One entry— T. Barr 1. • Herier yearling. Two entries— G. Harring-Aon-Jn- t 9\ Barr 2. I " Fat Cattle. 1 Pea -of" not les« titan two. any breed. One entry— D. Caldex 1. • Fa% "cow, any age or breed. One entry — P. Abernethy 1. .. t _ -.- r Store Cattle. i Three steers, three years or under. One entry— D..Calder 1. j* * Special Prizes. ~ f ~i>sfey cow, any age •or breed. Four en-Wr*es^-i\ Gaverhill J, C. Andrews 2, A. Adams HORSES. Judges: Messrs James Bryce (Lovell's Eiat) -j .-and- Alex.^etrie (Puerua). : Dbaughts. j^-^BfrtftC^gny age.- Pive entries — J. Rendell's Agitation 1, A. Twaddle's Dalmuir 2, J. Sim's Golden King 3. Biood mare, in foal or with foal at foot. , Four entries— Wilham. M'Lay 1, George Johu- . ston 2, J. Ford 3. f i Dry mare, four years and upwards. Six entries— P. Horan 1, John M'Lay 2, J. Ford 3. Filly, two-year-old. Two entries — A. Bra4aeld 1, William M'Lay 2. Mare and two of her progeny. One entry— John Ford 1 Gelding, fo«r years old and upwards. Five entries— John Ford 1 and 2. I Colt or gelding, two years. One entry — John Cook 1. Colt or gelding, ore year. Three entries — William Sl'Lay 1, John Henderson 2. i ' Best, yearling by Tannahill. Two entries— P. Abernethy 1. j Snring-dray borse, mare or gelding, tive , -entfietr-Jl.- Kerr 1, Smith Bros 2. James JH»wJey 3. Chftpipion entire— J. Rendell's Agitation. Champion roare — William M'Lay. Tewtt of three horses. Three entries— A. : -Bradfieic[ '1, J Ford 2. , Thoroughbreds. Entire any age. Two entries — T. S. Reeves's Amethyst 1, A. Francis 2 Mare any «ge. Four entries — A. Francis . 1, ,<5-,M:C*lsn*n 2, C. Berney 3. '•' Gelling, any age. One entry— l. Miller 1. •i - • Roadsters. ' I Stallion, any ag*. One entry— H. H. * 'Clarke's Kia-Ora. 1. „. Mare in foal or witli foaJ at foot. Five entries— F. M'Lalchie 1, George Wilson 2 J. , O C aider 3. ' „ I Colt, geldme, or filly, two years Four entries- John Calder 1. "William Abernethy 2. . Colt telding, ot filly, yearling. Two en- ' tues— R. Cubitt 1 [ Wcigut-carryms hack up to 14 stone, seven entries-J. C. Bishop 1, J. D. Sim 2. W. i ljS L^ht° n hack, up to 11 stone Seventeen I ' entries— Paterson Bros 1, T Miller 2 James Horn 3 -rn.-r.-i i Lady's -hack. Eight entries— W. Ross 1, tfJamep Horn 2. A. Francis 3. I Bet lady rider. Eight entries— Miss Camp- ■ , b«H 1- -r T-* n n j Cob. 15 hands Four entries— J. D. Calder • 1, James Calder 2. i Jumping. Seven entries — E Dabinett 1, ■ i A. Miller 2, J. ~T>. Calder 3. ' i Single buggy horse. Nine entries — J T>. '■ | Sim 1, H. Valentine 2. Chris Robinson 3 i Dog-cart horse Eleven entiies — H. and C. | Weir 1, W. Friend 2. Spring-cart mare or gelding Seven en- ' tries— William M'Lay 1, Smith Bros. 2. Gco i . Tbomwm 3. ' I Boy's or girl's pony, up to 14 hands, seven ■ ' entries— John Christie 1, R- Christie 2, W. 1 Best turn-out delivery or order cart. One ! ' entry— James Wyber 1 Best milkman's turn-out, horse, trap, and 1 harness Four entries— S Elliot 1 William ' M'Lay 2 Best turn-out, horse, gig. and harness — ' • J C Bishop 1, A. Paterson jun . 2 Alter , .t protect A. Paters-on was placed first 1 Pro Ra<-e Eight entries— J Wnzh* 1. A Kooiioy 2 A. Francis 3 SHEEP L Jiul<?c=- Messrs W Marshal' 'Warepa> and W. Murray (Ea'cHth .i. Leicester | It. ci, V... .c:th or Tl'Cc ei.t: c=—

T J. C. Ai«J«rson i and-efccmpion, F. Glover 2 James Logan 3 Ram, two-tcoth or under. Three entries — 'J. C. ' Anderson I", ' George ToEnstcne ~2 aid 3. Ewe, foui^looth or over. One entry — J. C. An*ier«on 1 suid'thajupioii iiwe^., two-tootli* or 'Veadt^.rXXae-^-ie&try^-J. C. AiMter^pn/ 1. "~*\ ... -,'•'' Two 'ewes, two-tooth or under. One entry — J, - C. Anderson 1. /. <• Bouxsf" Marsh. '_ > Earn, lo\]toA£6f& oiTpXer. Six entric^J. D. Sim 1 andMppC Glt^or.2.. , ,** r % C3OSSSRE9S. >**.. ' * Pen of two ewes, fine '■#ot>T.** l »42y"age, with Jamb at foot. Two entries — Kb awaTd. One pen purebred, ether e not fine wo<si. Pen of three hoggets, stxo3f^wool. One entry. — "William M'Lpy 1. ' . Pen oj three shorn sheep. Three — T. Wrigftt I.>J. r Ford 2. , Pen o{ thMe.'siierß withers; fpr , Ireezmg. THree* en*rie>'— E 1 . T^ofeS 1, J. ' Wyber 2, A. Bradfield 3"” ' Pen oi, not less th«p .^hipee. fa^ jjajfcubs, aay breed or cross. Gne"*Wrrrj£— James 'Logan" -a. Three fat lambs, bre*d by exhibitor. OAe «|try — J. AajjterEoi^ (Ovraka) lll. 1 __ ( , - Juflges : JJtofers Ts:.i JlarshglL^^ J&x-Mxtxxfiy . "Colfte or^'^rtcb. TfugETiitit'.- -Five eatrieKSCcaies^ose 1. Chas-.^uthTiß~2.T, "-JZs ■€t<slSe™clog"ar bitch, smooth, jl-wo entries — J. D: Siiu 1. ,'« Bearded colli* deg or 1 bitch. Two entries — J. Ford 1. W. Neipon 2. ' s Any other breedi Four entries — F Glover PIGS. -Jud^e^: Messrs C."R-."*'Knson and P. "W-. ' : • . Eason. .-- Berkshire/ sow, any age. One' entry — G. ■*H>airiMgtcro'''E ■!""''.: 'J" . '"«. "--•" --• -•; "'J | Fat pig. One ei.try — G. IJaTringtpn 1. f ,- "■ '*• r 'POULTRY. ' ' .ludse^.Mx.p^.iU Easoii.^ — . - White Wvandotte. cook or hen. One entry — T Ban- "l. >„Mii^?)|ca On#-«utry— W.^ r ajptit lr J; -' '^3rov«»L-eglMs'«E3lfcoek atas«V,^|rw^ien«|es 3 -S&. Hfviis i;-m«B[. sijaeß.^. 1 --, -?',;££ 1 t^**P«*p J cio?sbreS&^llets. naTw»l«i«ti^B— W.. «• I Smith 1. ! Pair turkeys. One entry — C - Anderson 1. | Judge's : "Messrs tT. B. Waters and J. K. Scott ! , _„- ,-4B«H»d-in).-,--' - ■•-- »» -*.»« -• I Fresh butter, 2\h roll. 15 , plain. Eighteen entries— Mis T. Bar;; and.ifi-s B M'Master j (equal) 1. Mrs J. I.oga:u 2, ilrs Galbrajlii 3. j 21b separator butter. oo'kvdered, locaJ. i Eight entries — Miss K^err 1. Mrs J. Logan 2, [ Misa B. 3. I Fancy butter. Three entries— Mrs J. Ford 1 and 2. ! s'.b salt butter. Eight entries — Mrs F , Lawience 1, Mrs J. A. Eix 2, Mrs James Sim 1 3 Home-made loaf. Ten , en-tries — Mrs O. Osborne 1. Mrs J. W. CaMaxhan 2, Mra J. Ashmore and Mxs S Elliot (equal) 3. Oatcake Two entries — Mrs C. Anderson 1, Miss Toad 2. Girdle bcones. Sis. entries — Mies Dunlop 1, Miss R M. Gntbrie 2, Miss C Allen 3. I Oven scones. Four" eiitneg— Mies R. M. , Gutime 1, Miss D. Guthrie 2, Mis J Hewson ,3 > Tray of cakes. Four entries^- Mifs M Smith 1, Mrs Anderson (Pounawea) 2 Mrs J. Logan and Mias R M Guthn*. ho One dozen eg^.«. Five entries — Mrs J I'ord 1. Mrs W. Smith) 2. . Smoked ham^ .Fpiy entries— A W. . Geddes 1, A. Harris' 2. James Wyber 3. Gi-epii iiam Four 1 entries — A W. Geddes 1, Smith Bros. 2, James Wyber a- ' Rolled bacon, smoked.- Four entries— Jas. Wyber'l. A Harris l^, ; SmWh Brp's. 3. - Green rolled bacon Fmir- entries — Smith Bto s . 1, A. Harris- 3,,-James Wyber 3 - , ■ . v> jCOMPETIT-IOJS&j . Judges ••M«SMT*jJt.:GhAiKleiri6n (StiTiing) vind i* Simciai^< .■Wrighi^.<Baklatka): - v I" Best walking • 'hWJje. '■' <mtrie«-AV. Alle^i I.W.- M-iiacfcJaii".2. W. Driving competition. Three' entries— J. Wright 1° H. Hcggr- % WiUiwn Friend. 3 High jump. ■ Tlwee emtnee— — • I*orth 1, J- D, G«Jd«Y 2. E. ©abinett 3. Sheet) weight-guessing. Twenty-seven entries—P. Horan 1 (971b>. „,..,. Turkey weight-ueseing Tlnrty-nme entnes ll\c--darne'3 M'Kechme ar.ct (j«e j t ana Messrs F G Glover and W. H. Smith e*ob guessed the correct weight (311 W.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2857, 16 December 1908, Page 17

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OWAKA A. AND P. ASSOCIATION. Otago Witness, Issue 2857, 16 December 1908, Page 17

OWAKA A. AND P. ASSOCIATION. Otago Witness, Issue 2857, 16 December 1908, Page 17