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Burnside, Thursday, October 15. 1908. Fat CaUle.— The supply of beef forward for to-day's sale was emall-ar than usual, totalling 162 head. The quality, hewever, vras hardly tip to the ciistomary the yarding being made lip chiefly of medium and unfinished cattle. There was a falling off in the demand, and in consequence prices for medium sorts -were slightly easier than tho&s rxiling last week, btu on best quality late figures were well maintained. Quotations: Beat bullocks, £10 to £11; medium, -£8 to £9 103; inferior and -unfinished, £6 to £7 10s; best heifers made up to £8 12s 6d. The National Morigege and Agency Company of New Zealand (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Mr Ales. Brown (Abbotsford), pen steers at M 10s; Mr William Kirjt pen heifers art £6 15s, pen at £4 17s 6d, pen to £i 15s. Donald Reid and Co (Ltd.) yarded 25, and sold: For Mr J T. Gibson (OtokiaX 10 bullocks at £11 7s Gd to £8 15s; Mt Waiter Blackie (Glasgow Farm), 10 bullocks at £9 17s 6d to £7 10s; Mr William Kirk (Mayfield), 3 bullocks at i 8 ss, 2 heifers at £4 15s. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Mr William Kirk (East Taieri), 5 bullocks and steers at up to £3 12s 6d; Mr T. W. Daunt (Komahapa), heifers up to £5. and steers up to £5 10s.— — The Otago Farmers' Coopafetive Association of New Zealand (Ltd.) yarded 49, and cold: For Mr W. J. J. Charters (Ury Park, Mosgiel), a pen of bullocks and heifers at Quotations ; the Southland Farmers' Co-operanve Association (Gore, as agents), 14 bullocks to £11 ; Mr W. Kirk (Mayfield, Easi Tsueri}, 3 bulglock3 at £8 123 6d; Mr T..W. Daunt (Romahapa), 3 bullocks at quotations; Mr John Smith (Ti'apeka West), 4 heifers to £8 ss, 3 bullocks at quotations; Mr John M'Leod (Woodeide), 18 bullocks to £7 17s 6d. Dalgety and Co. (Ltd.) yarded 44, and sold: For Mr G. M'Donald (Stirling), bullocks to £11 2s 6d; Mr J. B. Melrofe. bullocks to £8 17s 6d; Mr E. M'Lennan (Berwick), bullocks to £7 17s 6d; Mr A. Douglas, bullocks to £6 10s; Mr J. Alexander (Lauder), bullocks and heifers to £9 2s 6d. Wright, Stepiienecn, and Co. (Ltd.) yarded 35, and cold: For Mr Charles Ray (Bellfield), 4 bullocks > at up to £9 12s 6d, 12 heifers at up to £3 12s 6d; Mr Walter Biaokie (Glasgow Farm), 2 bullocks at £9 ss; Mr W. M. Matheweon (Styx), 5 bullocks at up to £7 ss, 2 heifers at £5 12» Cd; Mr John Kirkpa trick (Kelso), 2 heifers at £6 ss, 5 steers at up to £5 15s. Store Cattle.— Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Mr Wm. Adam (Oiokia), 4 cows from £2 16s to £2 7e. The Otago Farmers* Co-operative Association (L#td.) yarded and sold: For Mr W. Donaldson (North-East Harbour), Mr W. Townley (Highcliff), acd other clients, cows to £3. Wright, Stepheneon, and Co. (Ltd.) sold: For Messrs D. O'Brien (Wingatui), A. Townley (, J. and A. Mcc (Kuri Bush), and others, 20 head at up to £2. Dairy Cows.— Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Mr Wm. Adam (Otokia), 3 itt £3 7s 6d; Messrs J. and A. Mcc (Kuri Bush), 4 from £3 to £2 17s 6d. The New Zealand Loan and 1 Mercantile Agency Company (Ltd.) yarded and sold: Fo* Mr J. Doogue, 1 dairy cow for £4. The Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association (Ltd.) yarded 10, and sold: For Messrs W. Beavers (Caversham), T. Maxwell (Princes street, JDunedin), and other clients. cow 3to £4 10s. Sironach. Morria, and Co. (Ltd.) penned and sold: For Messrs A. Boyd and &. Holroyd (Sawyers' Bay), cows up to £3 15s. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. (Ltd.) sold: For Messrs J. Hughes (Wyllie's Crossing). E. Hewitt (Green Is'and). A. Cowan (Waitati), A. Kirklar.d (Green Island), and others. 15 head at up to £4 15a. Calves.— Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd ) yarded and sold: For Mr George Bro-w-n (Allanton), and others, calves at quotations. The Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association (Lid.) yarded and sold : For Messrs A. Moymhan (Monsona), also on account of a southern client, calves, to £1 2s Cd.— — j fcrtronach, Morris, and Co. (Lid) cold: For Mr A. Boyd (Sawyers' .ttay), calves at current rates. Sh«sp —To-day's yarding comprised 2788 sheep, which number proved to be in excess of the local requirements. In view of the butchers having full supplies on hand, the I attenda-nce was poor and the market con- , sidsrably blacker m cons.cquer>ce. There ] were only a few pens of heavy butchers' wethers forward, the major portion of the yarding being medium and unfinished sheep, tho sale throughout was an erratic one, and pnoas on heavy and aiso freezing weights suffered to the extent of about Is per head ; on unfinished kinds a drop of about 6d was shown. About 600 freezing weights were secured for export, and many trucks were consigned to the - country for topping off. Quotations: Best wethers. 19s 6d to 21s; extra, to 22s ed; medium, 17s to 183 ed; light and inferior, to 16s 6d; beet owas sold up to 17s 3d The National Mortgage and Agency Company of New" Zealand (Ltd.) yarded 500 and gold as fol•lows: For Messrs J. and J. Edgar (T«panuij, 2 pens wethers tip to 20s; Mr i>. Williamson (Chnton), 4 pens wethers up to 13s; Messrs Alc-x M'Gaw and Son (Clinton), 4 pens walkers at up to 19s 6d; Mr P. M'U. Murray (Clinton), 2 pens v. ethers up to 21s. Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) yarded 527 and 6oid : For Mr William Swale (Limeinlls), 54 wethers st 22s Cd; Southland client, 92 wethers at 21s to 18s, 2S ewes at 15<? 6d; Mir J. Thomson (Riverside), 63 wethers at 2is to 18s 9d ; Messrs Henderson and Co. &a ageut"), 119 wethers at 203 3d to 18s; Mr A. Kejth (Henley), 81 ewes at quotations ; Mr Robert Paterson (Hillend), 56 wethers at 18a to lit Cd; Southland Farmers' Co-operative (Riversdale-, as agents), 60 welhers at to 16s 3d; Mr J. Perks (Table Hill). 26 wetbeis at 15s 6d; Mr John Heads (Milburn). 8 ewes at 17s 3d. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Ltd.) yarded and sold 616 cheep: For Mr Robert Patterson (Hillend), 40 wethers at 18? 9d and 16 wethers at up to 17s 6d; Mr William Miller (Taumataj, 38 wethers at ISs 3d. and 20 wethera at 16s 3d; a southern client, 41 wethers at 17a 8d and 10 aethers «rt up to 18s 94;

Mr E. R. Hore (Kyeburn), 124 wethers at up to 16s 9d : M«ssrs D. and W. J. M'Cready (Ky«burn). 40 wethers at 17s 6d, and 21 wethers at 16s; a southern client, 11Q wethers at up to 21s. The Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Ltd.), penned 343 and sold: For Mr John Smith (Tuapeka West), 3 pen 3 wethers at 20s 6d; Mr> J. "Walker (Foray th), 60 wethers to 183 3d; Mr H. F. Blatch (Linwood^ T© Anau), 179 wethers at qiurtations; Mr John Smith (Tuapeka West), a pen of «wes at 15s. Stronach, Morris, and Co. (Ltd.) penned 269 and cold : For a southern client, 54 v, eihera at 21s; Mr J. F. Herbert (Ardmore, Kelso), 37 wethers at 20a, 21 at 19s; Mr James Kerse (Kelso), 34 wethers at 19s, 24 ewes at 16s 6d; Mr R. Mitchell (Portobello), 88 wethers at up to 18s. Dalgely and Co. (Ltd.) sold: Fcr Mr W Fretwell (Waikoikoi), wethers to 22a, ewes to 18s 3d; Mr T. Johnstono (Balclutha), wethers to 19a 3d; Messrs Ail ken Bros. (W-endon), wethers ■ at 15s Bd. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. (Ltd.) penned 576 and sold: For Mr Jamea W. Palmer (Kelso), 26 wethers at 203 9d; I Mr James H. Steele (Kelso), 27 wethers at I 18s 6d; Mr D. Macdonald (Edendale), 40 wethers at 20s, 17 at 18s; Mr W. Gordon (Garston), 110 wethers at up to 19s 3d; Mr VV. A. Baxter- (Kelso), 55 wethers at up to 20s; Mr A. Caithness (Waimnmu), 38 wethers «t up to 18s 3d; M$ 'D. Blue (Balfour), 180 wethers at up to 18s; Mr Thos» Muirhead (Atho!), 60 wethers a.t up to 15a 6d; Mrs D. Low (Kelso), pen wether hogget a at 16s 3d. Fat Lambs.— Dcn*!d Reid and' Co. (Ltd.) yarded 16, and sold: For Mr Jno. Heads (Miiburn), 10 at 21s to 20s; Mr D. ScoU (Miiton)7 3 at 21s 3d to 18s; Mr Andrew Grieve (Crookston Farm), 3 at 17s 6d to 15a 9d. i-ne Now Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. (Ltd.) yarded and cold: For Mr Meek (Enfield, Oaraaru), 10 lambs (2 at 21s 9d, 4at 21s 3*J, and 4atup to 21s). . The Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of Isew Zealand (Ltd.) penned and sold: For Mr A. G. Lewis (Portobello) and! clients, lambs frcm 16s 3d to 19s. Wright, Stephenson, end Co. (Ltd.) sold: For Messrs J. Robertson (Lawrence), Cross Bros. (Portobello), D. Bryce (Lovell's Flat), 17 lambs at up to 14s 9d. Pigs.— The yarding was a fair one, with * good supply of small pigs. Porkers and baconers were in good demand. Prices for the former were slightly easier, but on tha. latter late rates were well .maintained. Quotations: Suckers 18s to 21s 6d, slips 22s to 263 6d, stores 33s to 375, porkers 43s to 49b, light baconera 52s to 57b, heavy baconers BSm to ees. Donald Held and Co, (Ltd.) yarded. J 25, and sold: For Mr Geo. Brown (Hopehill), 1 at 603 ; Mr J. Middleditch (Sawyers' Bay), 1 chopper at £3 12s, 3 pigs at 39s to. , 38s 6d; Mr M. O'Ccamell (Mount Cargill) 4 at 295; Mr Geo. Lyall (Berwick), 8 at Sis to 33a 6d; Messrs flctlt and Ihum (Pine Hill), 6 at 29s to 21s; Mr Jm. Birtleaf (AJlanton), 3at 275. Otago Farmera' Cooperative Association (Ltd), penned 46, anol cold: For Messrs F. H. Perry. P. Dowling. Jas. Birtles, Holt and Dunn, T. Hewitt, A^ Moynihan, Ford Bros., G. Bemrie, D. Stewart, pigs from 15s 6d to £3 12s. —^ Stronach, Morris, and Co. (Ltd.) penned andl sold: For Mt H. Boyd (Sawyers' Bay), a. stores at 36b; Messrs Murray, Roberts, and! Co. (Gladbrook), 7 slips at up to 265; Mrs. Crozier (Wadtahuna), 6 suckers at up to 19s Wright, Stephenson, and Co. (LA&.), soldi 15 at quotations. Sheepskins. —Average catalogues wer*. offered at Tuesday's sale, ar.d udder good competition were cleared at satisfactory prices. Values ruled as follow:— Best halfbreds 6d to 6Jd, medium 5d to 6d, fin* crossbsreds s*d to 6Jd, coarse 4Jd to 5Jd, merinos, be*t quality sid to 6d, medium 4dl to 5d per lb. Rabbitekins. — Consignments continue fo coma forward freely, and all classes ar» j readily disposed of. Prices were •lightly better at Monday's sale, no doubt owing to. , the improved tone of the London market. j Quotations: Best winter- does 20d to 23d, I medium 16d lo 18d, best winter bucks 16d to17d, medium 18d to 14d, outgoing bucks and does 13d to 15Jd, springs lOd to 13d, summers 6d to Bd, best winter blacks 20d to 22d^ medium 13d to 15d. halfgrown and hawk- . torn 4d to 6£d per lb. Hides. — See individual reports of to-day*, and Saturday's issue. Tallow and Fait. — AH coming forward find* a ready market at quotations: Best rendered (in casks) 21s to 225, (in tins) 18s to20s, medium 16a to 18s, inferior 13s to 14s, best caul fat 17s to 18s, medium 14s to 165,. inferior 10s to 12s pcx cwt. Grain. — Oats: The market is quiet, th» majority of buyers showing little or no disposition to opsrate. — Late quotations are barely maintained. Quotations: Prime* milling, to 2s, gcod to best feed Is lOd toIs lid. inferior to medium 1b 8d to Is 9Jd per bushel (sacks extra). Wheat: Offering* for the week in this market have again been lig-ht. Millers, however, report having sufficient stock on hand for present requirements, and consequently are not over eager buyers at the moment. Fowl whea* ia. scarce, and has strong inquiry. Quotations are unchanged. Quotations: Prime milling 4s 5d to 4s s£d, medium milling and fowl wheat 4s 3d to 4s 4d, broken and damaged. 3s 6d to 4s par bushel (sacks extra). Potatoes.— The market is inactive, littleinquiry existing. Primo table quaJity Up-tc-Dal-es is the only description meeting with ready sale at prices about on a par with, late values. For inferior, roughly grown, and email sorts there is very Jittle sale at prices, which sliow considerable reduction. Quotations: Extra clioic« Up-to-Da-tes £9 15s, prim® Up-to-Dates £3 10s to £3 12s 6d, medium £3 2s 6i to £3 7s 6d. inferior £2 5« upwards per ton (sacks in). Chaff. — This market shares to some extent in the general quietness prevailing in the» other markeis. Prime, bright, heavy, and well-cut oaten sheaf is saleable a.t last week'a rates. Inferior, discoloured, and heated! lines are not wanted, and aro difficult toquit at low rat&s. Quotations : Primei oaten sheaf £3 17e 6d to £4. medium £3 10a to £3 15s, light inferior, and heated £2 10a upward per ton (bags extra). Straw. — Quotations: Wheaten 38s to 40b,. oaten (scarce) 47s 6d per ton (pressed). [The individual reports of stock agents, wool, rabbitskin. or grain brokers can be inserted in the Daily 'limes and Otago WitnM*. tt special rates.]

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Otago Witness, Issue 2849, 21 October 1908, Page 40

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WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORTS. Otago Witness, Issue 2849, 21 October 1908, Page 40

WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORTS. Otago Witness, Issue 2849, 21 October 1908, Page 40