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Monday Evening. On Tuesday evening Mrs Sinclair Thomson gave a most successful dance at "Rahoy," when about 40 to 50 people were present. The Billiard-room and schoolroom were used as the ballroom for the evening, both, being most tastefully decorated with scarlet gera- j niume and creepers. Bridge was pitayed by j many of the married 1 folk in "the drawingroom, so those who did not participate iir dancing enjoyed themselves with cards; etc. | A most recherchei supper was ready /in '-tfte 'dining-room, and the table was decorated" ■with different tones of carnations arid gypsophilla. ~\ •:,'. '] Mia Thomson received her guests In: .tlte^ hall, and was becomingly attired' in blacjj^ taffeta, bodice trimmed with white valenciennes lace; Miss Thomson wore »y dainty dress of white net banded with white satin; Mrs Riley, black silk with white trumnings.;Mrs Fitchett, grey ohiffon, bodice- made^with bolero of cream guipure lace; Mrs StanTev Batchelor, smart black net gown with white ! and» touches of pale" blue; Mrs -Russell Ritohie, white- chifion, skirt, and bodice with xuohings of white satin; Miss Fotheringhem/ dainty white net, frilled bodice edged with whfte lace; Miss Violet William* looked

charming in a dainty soft petunia silk gown, made in the empire style; Miss Batchelor, rose pink taffeta, bodice muoh trimmed with cream net and velvet of a dark rose pink shade; Miss Sise, becoming brown crepe de chine with bertha of lace; Miss Watson (Wellington), very pale pink crepe de chine with lace trimmings; Miss G. Webster, tangerine peau de soir, bodice made with Limerick lace bretelles; Miss O. Graham, black satin, black net bretelles edged with velvet completed the bodice; >Miss MacDonald (Christchurch), pale pink, trimmed laoe and bands of panne; Miss A. Turton. soft white crepe d« chine, bodice finished with turquoise blue rosettes; Miss Sale, oream fooe over white silk; .Miss. K. Ulrich wore a dainty " apricot Tfinon" bodice made with rovers of dark apricot- satin edged with thick cream insertion ; Miss Allan, white taffeta with bertha of lace; Miss Ford (Ashburton) pale green crepe do chine with bunches of violets on the bodice and: in her hair. Others present were Mr Fotheringhwm, Mar Sise, Mr A. Sise, Mr Webster Mr Birch, Mr Gallaway, Mr Stewart, Mr Allan. Mr S. JNeill, Mr Jock Ritchie, -Mr C. Williams (Palmerston North), Mr H. Graham, Captain Nelson, Dr Dr Ritchie. Dx Riley, and Dr Fitchett.

- On Tuesday afternoon the Misses MacIcerras gave a 'small afternoon tea for Mrs Leslie Harris and Miss Shand, both of whom leave Dunedin shortly.

On "Wednesday morning Miss TTlrich gave a small tea for Miss Watson. It being » ( very fine day the guests were able to partake of deligious tea «nd cakes in the garden. Those ■ present were Mrs Ulrich, Miss TJI- } rich, Miss Kathleen Ulrioh, Mis Riley, Mrs Fitchett, Mrs Q. Beid (Timaru), Miss Miiaren (Timaru), Miss Graham, Miss I. Katiray, Miss I*. Rattray, Miss Watson (Wellington), Miss Sise, Miss Batchelor, Miss de Lautour and others.

In the evening Mrs Theomin gave a dinner paity in honour of Miss Hart's marriage, which took place on W-ednesday in Sydney.

On Thursday Mrs Leslie Harris gave an afternoon tea 'at the golf links as a farewell td- her many friends before she leaves for England. FourEomea were played, and Mrs Mackay and Miss Kate Rattray cam© off victorious. They received dainty Liberty boxes with pinouehions to match. A band played all afternoon on the verandah of the golf house, which added greatly to the enjoyment of the day. Unfortunately for the golfers rain set in, which rather spoilt the games for a short period.

Mrs Harris wore «• blue and white checked costume, trimmed with nevy blue corded silk, blue crinoline straw hat with rosettes of blue chiffon and bunches of petunia roses; Mrs Gallaway black, black toque to match; Mrs Oldham, brown silk, brown hat with wallflowers; Mrs Carew, gray cloth Eton coat «ad skirt, large black feather hat; Mrs Joachim, green ' silk voile, large black hat ; Mrs Fisher, black, Leghorn hat with black feathers and pink roses; Mrs Bullock, brue costume, hat to matcih; Miss Mack-erras, black crepe de chine, bodioe> trimmed with white chiffon .and turquoise blue ribbon, picture hat of hydrangea; Miss A. MSckerras, very smart brown^ taffeta silk 'gown, bodice with cream lace trimmings, brown hat; Miss, iMaoassey, navy blue coat and skirt, cream Leghorn hat; Misa Mill, strawberry rough serge coat <and skirt, large hat with pink: Miss Watson, neat tailor-made tweed, small purple velvet hat ; Miss Farquhar, black coat and skirt, black <hat with rosettes of pink and blue ribbon ; 'Miss Shand, sage green Eton coat And skirt, heliotrope hat with,heliotrope roses; Miss Royse, navy blue coat and skirt. Others present were Mrs Graham, Mrs Royse, Mrs Batchelor, Mrs Fitchett, Mrs Riley, Mrs Driver, Mrs Cheeseman, Mrs Butterworth, Mrs Fergus, Mra Allan) Mrs Mackay, Mrs Theomin, Mrs Loughnan, Mrs Sargood, Miss Graham. Miss C. Graham, Miss Mill, Miss G. Farquhar, Miss I. Rattray. Miss L. Rattray, Miss , Sise, Miss Batchelor, Miss G. Webster, Misa Roberts.

On Thursday Mrs Colquhoun gave a small luncheon partj at her residence in High street. v

On Friday evening Mrs Fisher (St. Clair) gave an evening in honour of Miss Ewing, who is- shortly to be married. During the evening B<Jme very nice 1 music was enjoyed. Bridge .was played in the drawing-room, and the supper was in the morning-room, the table being very artistically arranged with scarlet geraniums. Those who contributed music were Mi6s A. Coughtrey. who played several violin golos, Miss V. Williams (piaao), and songs- were given by Dr Ziele, Mr Hunter, and -Mt E. , L. M*cassey. Mrs Fisher wore a . black silk bodice made with white lace yoke; Miss Fisher, dainty pal« pink muslin; Mrs A. Fisher, a very becoming dress 'of • flowered chiffon, much trimmfed -with heliotrope velvet ribboi^; Mrs Leslie Harris, a soft cream lace 1 gown finished with a cream sequin scarf j Miss Ewing looked well in a pale blue satin, with Maltese lace bertha ; Misa Amy Goughtrey, slylish dress of black net over white silk, ruches of white lace and"palw blue riWwn; Miss Macassey, black - net over black satin. Others present were Miss de Lautour, Misa Royse, Miss O. Roys®, Miss Salmond, Miss N. Salmond, Miss Sinclair, Mr Ewen, Mr A. Ewen. Mr Carr, "Mr Jock Ritchie, Mr Macarthur, Mr Purchas, Mr Reading, Mr Keddell, Mr Jones, Mr Douglas, Mr Porter, and the Rev. H. Bedford. On Saturday afternoon Mrs Fulton, Pitt street, entertained a few friends at a ©roquet ! Yankee tournament, the winners being Miss 1 Hertsletfc and Miss Isy Rattray. ■ Mr and Mrs Earl« (Oiamaru) are at present in town. Sir John and Miss Madden (Victoria) are staying at the Gxand Hotel. Mr and, Mrs. Blomfield (Auckland) returned from the Sounds .trip on Friday. Mrs Losran is at present staying with Mrs A. W. Morris. M* and Mrs C. Chapman, returned from the north on Wednesdays • Miss Denriiflton and 'Miss Mary Ritchie returned. on Thursday from! Wanaka, , where *hey have been the guests of Mrs R. M. Turnbull. ' ■ ' "Misfl Handysid« and Miss Kettle (Napier) ! are both staying with Mrs John Roberts (Littlebourne). . 1 < 'Miss Shand left on Saturday for Wellington to resume her duties, while Miss M. Shand went north on Sunday to Auckland. Mr Harry Graham, who Eas been paying his parents a, short visit, left on Sunday by the Waikare for Auckland^

February 1,

Miss C. Graham went north by the "Waikare on Sunday. Miss G-. "Webster left for the north on Monday, to stay with her sister, Mts Chaffey, for a short visit. CHRISTCHURCB:, February 1. Last week Mrs Loughnan (Avonside) gave a small tennis party. Amongst the guests were Mr and Mrs Thomas, Miss Thomas, Mr and Mars Trekwur, Mt Butterworth, Miss Symes, Miss Wilson, Miss Campbell and Miss Poulton. Mr and Mrs R. M. Macdonald have returned from their motor trip to Mount Cook. Mrs and Miss El-worthy passed through Christchurch lest week on their way to Gis- j borne. They leave for England early this month. Mr and Mrs O'Rorke are the guests of Mr 1 and Mrs He a ton Rhodes, at Otahuna. j Mrs G. Gould gave a small luncheon party j i in honour of Mars Dawos (England), on Thursday, when amongst those present were Mrs Beaton Rhodes, " Mrs Payne, Miss Wigram, Mrs Stead, Mrs P. Campbell, Mrs Brans, Mrs Liana, and Mrs Beswick. - j Miss Reeves has returned to Timaru. I A smell afternoon te* wm» given by, Mrs O'Rorke. Mesdames Gresson, Bl«nt, and" Knight, Misses -MaJiny, Reeves, Hill, and Thomson were aitoongst those present. Dr and Miaa Ned-will have returned from their trip to the Gold lake's: , ! At 'present -we can think of nothing but "Clara Bufct'e concerts. She has » glorious voice, and her stage, presence is very charming. Her concerts have, of course, .been full . to overflowing, and her receptions at each appearance tremendous. On Wednesday, " at her first concert here, she wore a lovely gown of silver sequined tissue, with flounces of lovely lace. ■ , She received many lovely bouquets. At the second concent hear gown was of yellow chiffon over satin of the same shade; bands of satin and insertion of sequined lace ornamented the skirt, and twjy large red- roses were worn in the corsage. Amongst the large audiences were Mr and Mra A. E. G. Rhodes, Mrs G. Rhodes, Mr and Mrs Boyle, Miss Boyle, Mrs O'Rorke, Mrs and Misß. Deans, Mrs Beswick, M* and Mrs Heaton Rhodes, Mrs and the Misses Kettle, Mrs J. D. Lance, Mr and Mrs H. Loughnan, Mr and Mts Macdonald, Miss Macdonald, Mrs and Miss Symes, Mrs Blunt, Miss Wigram, Mr and Mrs T. Cowlishaw, Misß Lee, Mro Wardrop, Mrs Palmer, Mrs and Miss Louisson, Miss Bowen. Mr and Mrs G. Gould. Mr and Mrs Saville, Miss Phillips, " l£r and Mrs Ronalds, Mr and Mrs Russell. Miss de Lautour (Dunedin) is staying with Miss Deans. Mrs«T. Cowlishaw vcA her little daughter have returned from Sunnier. Mr and Mis Dawes (England) are staying with Mt and ' Mrs Stead, at "StrowanT" Mrs C. H. Gresson (Timaru) is in "town. Dr and Mrs Thacker left' for England last week. . . , • Dr and Mrs Attland sailed for England by the Athenic. ;■■ Mrs.Pyne gaye a sniall tennis party" on Friday. " Amongst the- guests were Madame* ' O'Rorke.,' Lee, Wardrop, Grigg, Beddington (Sydney); <Jould; Burns. Kettle, Campbell. Misses Lee, Wilding, Kettle, Hill, Burns, ana Boyle. s : WELLINGTON 1 , January 31. On .Wednesday last Mrs Levin gave a very jolly dance in the Sydney street schoolroom. The hall was beautifully decorated wi-th masses of rhododendrons. The supper table, "■decorated with red and white ribbons, and lighted with, silver candlebraa, made a charming picture. Mrs Levin received her guests wearing a handsome gown of white satin, trimmed with bows^ of black velvet ribbon. Miss Levin, pale pink crepe ' de chine, trimmed with 'real lace; Mrs B. Levin, blue silk taffetas; Mrs W. Levin, white eatin r trimmed with sequins and lace; Mrs A. de B. Brandon, black, satin; Mrs A. Pearce, black and white net over silk ; Mrs A. Duncan, white cream net over silk; Mrs Bethel], pale pink silk taffetas; Mrs H. Johnston, old gold trimmed with block velvet and cream lace. Mjt3 Riddiford, pretty black and white . net ; Mire Biss, black ; Mrs Tweed, black «nd white; Mrs Fell, black satin; Mrs R. Dimmock, cream satin -trimmed with laoe; Mrs K. Duncan, pale pink silk taffetas; Misa Izard, cream silk net'; Miss Fitzgerald, pale pink chiffon; Miss Beauchiamp, pink silk; Miss Simpson, white silk; Miss I. Russell, pale blue taffetas; Miss Pearce, cream v silk taffetas.; Miss U. Williams, blue satin trimmed with gold braid ; Miss Miles, pale ' pink silk; Miss R. Simpson, mauve silk; Miss Fell, black silk; Mis^.E. Fell, pale blue; Misa E. Bremner, pink silk; Miss Yso. Bremner, white muslin de sole; Misa Duncan, cream .satin. Among v the '^others were Meadames Loughnan/ 'Barren, "Brandon, Biss, -Fell, Tweed, Holmes,- Misses Harcourt, Higginson, Nathan, Barton, Holmes, Jones. Brandon, and Miles. ' The officers of the fleet were also present. «.. • - Last Wednesday Mrs Hislop g^.ve & small 'luncheon p.arty for the ladies "visiting Wellington in connection with the ' Senate. The table, was decorated' with _p.ale' pylk pelargoniums and small floral baskets. Mrs' Hislop -wore a black ' cloth ''skirt and silk - blouse with black bretelles; Lady Stout, pale grey silk, arid hat with lavender plume: Mrs Salmond, frock of 'black lace over creami silk; Mrs Shend, black brocade, with white front; Mrs C. Izard, grey silk; Mrs W. Hislop, Indian muslin; Miss M'Lean, pale heliotrope muslin- over silk; Miss M'Donald, white embroidered linen frock; I Miss Holmes, grey silk. j ' Mrs A. Peaxoe and Miss Pearce leave this week for England. y » •; Mrs W. Levin, who has been in town, i returned to Tier home in. Rangitikei last , Thursday. ' Dr Tudor Jones and Mrs Jones .jre the guests of Mrs Fell, M*hin» Bay. Miss Coate, who has been in England for some time, returned to Wellington last Wedn6 Mr and Mrs Louis Blundell, who have been touring the world, arrived in Wellington by the Sydney boat last week. Lady Fawkes is at present in Wellington. She returns to Sydney to-morrow.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2812, 5 February 1908, Page 72

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TABLE TALK Otago Witness, Issue 2812, 5 February 1908, Page 72

TABLE TALK Otago Witness, Issue 2812, 5 February 1908, Page 72