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ro THE BDITOK. Sib, — The present is hardly an opportune time, and your columns probably not the most fitting place, to discuss the action of Mr W. C. Allnutt in resigning the position of president of the New Zealand Bowling Association on the eve of the annual tournament. Personally, I would prefer to say nothing- about the matter. Several members of the Dunedin Centre think, however, that in justice to them. some notice should be taken of Mr Allnutt's statements. I will try to be- brief, but explanations are - unavoidably -tedious. I feel sure thai, every member of the Dunedin Centre "will have read with the utmost astonishment the allegations made by Mr' Allnutt, and that individually and collectively they wDI repudiate the assertion that any action taken was intended to humiliate him or show disrespect to him as president of the association. Mr Allnutt's chief grievance appears to be that he was "only invited to attend one meeting of the Tournament Committee. I cannot see how he could have been asked to- attend more, because only one meeting has been held so far. I understand Mr Allnutt to complain that he did not receiya adequate notice of that meeting. Well, Sir, be was informed verbally by the chairman one. full week before the meeting, cordially invited to attend, and informed that he would *be asked to preside. On the fol lowing day he was informed verbally oy the vice-chairman, when he» added that he would try and attend. He was not informed as to the place where the meeting was to be held, but thai was because it was not known what placo would be available, un Wednesday, December 25, a notice was posted to "Mr Allnutt inviting him to at- | tend tho meeting of the Tournament Committee, to be held on Friday evening, December 27, at 8 o'clock: These intimations he deems insufficient. Strange _to cay, tho presidents of the 15 dubs belonging td the "centre received similar notices, yet although * interested in the tournament, merely as bowlers, every one of the 15 'either attended or sent an apology. Mr "Jos. Allen, president of the Taieri Club came all the way from his farm- near Allan ton, and Mr Lindsay, of Green Island Club, managed to be present. Busy men like Messrs Dawson, Greenslade, J. H. Hancock, W. King, C. R- Smith, and P Miller snatched the necessary time from their business concerns Then. I understand Mr Allnutt to complain that he was not consulted about th« programme. Sir, the programme was practical^ passed away back in November. Mr Allnutt, as vice-president of the association, under the old constitution, had it before him officially. Mr Allnutfc was one of the subcommittee acpointed by the old council to meet the Programme Committee of the Dunedin Centre to discuss the. details of the programme that the council had been asked to approve. The sub-committee appeared to admit frankly that every pom* raised "by them was more than met by the centre's cub -committee, and that nothing" remained but "to, leave- the responsibility of out -to the "centre. _ In_ compliance *with the expressed desire' of the council and its sub-committee, the North v. South match was eliminated, and_ with that alteration the programme now issued is the programme that was before the subcommittee and the council. As thus altered the programme was. again officially before Mr Allnutt at the' first meeting of the new council. The centre .submitted the time-table showing the time at which every game would commence and end (weather permitting), from 8.3p a.m. on Monday, January 20, to- Thursday, January 23. Not being prophets, or the sons -of prophets, they could not "carry the time-table further ■until the entries closed. Mr Allnutt says, in effect, that the chairman of the centre" has usurped the position of the president of - the association. At a- recent conference between the members of the two bodies Mr Allnutt was asked by" the chairman of the centre if he was prepared to "take the 'whole responsibility of running the tournament himself. He replied ia the negative. To show that there is -no attempted usurpation I &m prepared now, provided my colleagues on the centre give me leave, to hand over ■the running of the tournament at once, to Mr . Allnutt,- and will be deeply grateful at being relieved from, the mass of detail work which, has yet to be attended to in connection therewith. — I am, etc, - - _" OHAIEIfAN DTCtHDIN CBHTB?. January . 9. • THE PRESIDENT RESIGNS. A meeting- of the. New Zealand Bowling Association "Gounoil" was held on the I3th, there being present Messrs W. C. Allnutt (president), F. Smith, William Waddell, Jl M. Gallaway, W. Allan, W- Dall, and W. Austin. Jt having been decided that the question of Mr Afinutt's resignation as president 6hould be considered first, that gentleman eaid . at last meeting, a% fax as he was personally concerned 1 , there had been some hesitancy. That arose because of two things r First> because he had the support of the council, which, he thought, recognised throughout that in hw contentions he> was considering^ the status of the council as well as his own, *nd -he- had hesitated ; "in. the second place, hecause he thought he would attend" the special meeting of bowlera whioh he understood was to he called next week -to- deal with- the ' new .constitution, and probably -most particularly _with the point recently raised by himself in connection with the- position of tho president and " -tournament matters. He felt he would like -to be present, because^ he felt pretty sure the- meeting would see that what he had ' been' aiming at months before the new con- - stftutfon was Jui force would develop thorough local control and bring about friotion between the council and the oentres. He believed that was just what ■was wwhed for at-tha large meeting: that there should be. thorough local controL He had "not been feeateS as head of tournament affairs, and it -seamed to him that he had been left outside altogether. Since lasfi meeting' * controversy had taken place, end that courtesy they would like to ccc in. howling had not been of the standard bowlers would "Eke ia. se^e. was not including such. a. cominunacatfon. as- they fcad had? from the worthy chairman of the centre-,^- So far aff the tournament was concerned he felt, quite oonfidea*-' success would follow the efiorte of those engaged on. it. Be liad -thought- otfes 1 the -whole matter of his resignation, and contended that what he -Teaa staving', for as -to" the position" of. . the president would' soon- be carried out. He felt quite sure he -was acting rightly" iWid sooner dr Jater they jvould find, ihai

what he had advocated would be part and | tarcel of the constitution, but as far as he was personally concerned he had made up his mind to- resign. Mr Gallaway: Then I suppose we have to move that someone else take the ohair. I move that Mr Waddell take the chair. Mr Waddell, who then took the chair, said he had no doubt Mr Allnutt had given the matter the fullest consideration. _ Looking- at it from an outside point of view, he thought Mr Allnutt had had very little to be aggrieved about. No member of the centre had h&d^ any intention of taking" away from his position. He was very sorry indeed that Mr Allnutfc had considered it his duty to resign, and he was sure every member of the council regretted such a thing was deemed necessary. He supposed it would be the duty of someone to jyropose that the resignation be accepted and that the meeting expressed its regret that Mr Allnutt had found it necessary to take such a stop. He moved accordingly. Mr Dall seconded the motion, and thought Mr Allnutt had now taken the only i honourable course he could. He wished to , congratulate him on the decision he had Ucome to. ~ The motion was carried without dissent. Mr Allnutt said they could not understand how highly he appreciated the tenor of the resolution. Whatever weaknesses ; 1 he had, or might have, displayed, he did i not think they would have _found_ anyone more anxious to discharge his duties than he would have been. He was ready to ' confess ho had one regret in connection j with the affair, and that was he felt it 1 would have been more discreet if he had i conferred with the council, though he i could not say it would liave made any I difference. He asked to be excused if he had fallen short in this respect. Mr- GaUaway was very sincerely pleased to hear Mr Allnutt say what he had, because he thought his failure to consult the council had been the rock upon which he ; had split. He thought Mr Allnutt had acted impulsively, and was gratified at the frank admission he had made. j Mr Allnutt then withdrew from the meeting. The Acting Secretary (Mr F. Smith), referring to railway concessions for bowlers 1 attending the tournament, said Mr A. E. Smith tad wired that the Prime Minister had left Invereargill the night before he got home, and he had not, therefore, seen him. However, through the efforts of the chairman of the Dunedin Centre, the necea- ; sarv arrangements had been made, and i circulars sent to the secretaries of clubs on the 9th inst. It was resolved that the thanks of the council be tendered to the chairman of the centre in the matter. Nine applications were received for the position of secretary to the council, and on a Ballot being taken", Mr W. Alloo was appointed at a salary at the rate of £25 «, year, such appointment to he terminable by a month's notice,' on either side, Mr \ Alloo.. to place his services at the disposal of Lhe Tournament ■ Committee during the , tournament, and take his instructions from that, body before and during the tournamentr The council theu went into eommitteo over the election of a president, and after j very great persuasion Mr W-. Waddell, of ! Oamaru, was prevailed upon to take the , \ office. Mr O. Grey, of Milton, being apj pointed to fill the position on the council ' made vacant by the election of Mr Waddell " as president. j Mr WsddeU and Mr A. E. Smith were i aonointed delegates to represent the aseo- ! oiation- at the proposed conference" of i bowlers to be held at Melbourne in April or May next, and a hearty vote of thanks to Mr F. Smith for his efficient services as acting secretary closeH the meeting.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2809, 15 January 1908, Page 65

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THE NEW ZEALAND BOWLING ASSOCIATION. Otago Witness, Issue 2809, 15 January 1908, Page 65

THE NEW ZEALAND BOWLING ASSOCIATION. Otago Witness, Issue 2809, 15 January 1908, Page 65