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Entries for the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Championships, to be held at Wellington on February 1, close on Saturday, January 18. Tne amount tc- be Spent on entertaining in connection with the New_ Zealand championship meeting in Wellington is limited to £10. The New Zealand Council has decided in connection with the Australasian championship meeting at fiobart to vote a sum up to £78 ; at the rate of £13 per man, for a team «f five men and a manager. Mr 'Green has been appointed manager. Messrs Batchelor, Green, and 'Olliv-er have been appointed selectors in connection with the New Zealand team for the Australasian championships. The fifth evening athletic meeting of the D.A.A.C will take place on- Friday, I7th January, the, following comprising the programme: — 75 Yards Flat Handicap (D.A.A-C), Two-mile r llat Handicap (open), Putting the Weight Handicap (open), Onemile Walk Handicap (open). The popularity of the evening meetings of the D.A.A.O. shows no signs of waning, and there was again a good attendance at the last meeting held on Friday. The spectators included a number of the fair sex, who took an intelligent interest in the proceedings. The events were got off well to time, and the finishes were in the mam c>ose and productive of keen competition. In the 120 Yards -Flat 11 runners faced the starter. The event was run in wo heats and a final. Dougall, who finishes strongly, won the first heat m 13 l-sseo from A. Hoare. The latter showed a turn of his old speed in this event. Shand annexed the second heat after a good run, just beatinj? Reid, who gained second place. The final produced a good race, Dougall, off 7yds, beating Hoare (scratch), with Shand A. splendid field turned out in the Mile, ■with the local crack, Hector Burk, on scratch. The race is not always to the swift, but Beatson, off 90yds, strongly, and won a good race m ton *6sec. Several of the competitors in this event were obviously out of form. M 'Knight and Foster are two good men who will be heard of one of these days. The 220 Yards was a slow-run race, and the quality of the sprinting did not appear overstrained. The winner turned up m J. Will,' who, off 11yds, led the field and finished some yards in front of Hector Burk who, off scratch, made a determined run for second "placa:" The time, 26sec, suggests the quality of the sprinting. An old friend in Harrison turned out m the Mile at the ,D.A.A.O. meeting on Friday last, but though running well, found the handicaps he was conceding too much. Hector Burk competed in the Mile Flat at the D.A.A.C evening meeting on Friday last, but failed to run into a place, and retired from the track at the end of the third lap. The local crack was conceding starts up to 115 yds in a field of 11, and after ROing about three-quarters of th* journey had not reduced his handicap. Shortly afterwards Burk competed in the 220 Yards, and succeeded, after a .good race, m getting second place in his heat, won in 24 2=ssec, and qualifying for the final, in which, after a desperate race, he annexed second place, won by Will in the slow time of 26sec. This running mile and sprint distances is doing no good for the young Dunedin champion, and ie should confine himself to his own- special distances. One cannot "mix" athletics with impunity. With the compliments of the hon. secretary of the Tokomairiro Harrier and Amateur Athletic Club comes to hand a programme of the club's evening sports meeting to be held on Wednesday, January 29. An interesting programme includes Youths jttish Jump Handicap (19 years and under), Schoolboys' Races, 75 Yarda Flat Handicap, paX-mile Handicap, Hop, Step, and Jump Handicap. The first prize in Nos.3, 4, and 5 will be a trophy valued at 12s 6d and a second prize (valued at 7s od) will he awarded if there are four or more starters. The first prize in No. 1 will be a trophy valued at 7s 6d, and a second prize (valuad at ss) will be awarded if there are four or more competitors. All entries must be in the hands of the secretary not later tn&n January 22. }$■ connection with the suggestion of the Otagp Centre that a conference pf idelejjatea

be held in Wellington at the New Zealand Championship meeting, it has been resolved - that the conference be called by the Wellington Centre, and that each centre and the council be invited to send two delegates. The bamboo pole used in the vaulting at the Wellington Club's meeting a week or two ago is said to have given the utmost satisfaction.. Not so here, when one athlete got a shock on his pole breaking in She centre and causing a nasty fall. G. A. Wheatley has announced that hewill not be a competitor at the Australasian. Championships. With Vvheatley not competing, both Burge and Trembath should prove too good for the best Australian can, at present produce at the half and mile. The programme is announced of the Aus- ' tralasian Championship meeting, to be held a. Hobart on the 29th February and 2nd March next. In addition to the usual championship events (100, 220, 440, 880 yards; One Mile and Three Miles, running ; One and Three Miles, walking ; 120 - and 440 Yards Hurdling; High, Broad,, and Pole Jumping; and Weight-putting), there will be the-follow-ing handicaps : — First day : 320 Yards, Oneimile Bunning, One-mile Walk, Four Laps Cycle. Second day,: 300 Yards, Two Miles - and Inter-Australasian Relay Race (running), and an Bight Laps Cycle Race.-- Too distance of the ( relay race- will be a mile, divided up" into one 880 yards, one 44-0 yards, and two 220. The applications of Gi D. Fleming, C\ Morris,, J. Turner, W» M'Kenny, T. JF. Adams, and R. C. Rollitt, for reinstatement, were granted at a recent meeting of the New Zealand Council. James Cartwright's _ application ~was declined, .as he was ineligible. The case of -John M'JSair was referred to the Australasian. Union aa special. At -the conference _of centres held in Wellington in connection with the New Zealand Championship. meeting the council ' will be represented by Messrs Batchelor and Green. ' Splendid entries are being xeceived "or the Civil Service meeting- on Saturday, January 25, and a record sports meetingis anticipated. A large number of runners and their friends are making ,the trip from the country, so that the meeting will afford, an opportunity for all members of the newly-formed clubs in the. o£ M measuring strides with, the Danedin crack 3. Great interest is being taken^in. the grand 100 Yards Championship ''Raise, for which there will be a number "of -starters, while the Quarter and .Half will \ have special interest in the presence of vTrembafch, *f Gore, who will stay in Dunedin to compete on his way to the championship meeting at Wellington. • In addition to? the Gore champion there will be a number of other Athletes from Southland. "Ehe meeting wit! afford the public the first ohano© o* seeing" Otago's representative team competing with Southland, and the mreeting of Burk" and TrembatH in itself wilJ diaw a great crowd to the Caledonian: Ground on the 25th inst. 1 The Tokonaaifiro Harrier and Amateur Athletic Club finds itself in the happy position of having a. credit balance of overr £20 this season. This result," which -would make an older club envious, has otsbr < 'been attained by genuine' hard work on thepart of the Milton officials. This; combined with a generous support from ' the local public, as •well as the support of the amateur runners' in" the province, has- > enabled. the Toko Club to establish a. record 1 in the "way ' of successful management. ' Asked about the rumour of his turning to professionalism, Trombath at New Year time gave the statement an _. emphatic denial The young Gore ©hampfon— he *s not yet 20 years of age— cays that he has > no intention of leaving the amateur ranks, and that he will compete at the Civil Service meeting on the 25fch inst., the .championship meeting at Wellington on" February 1, and at the Australasian championships in Hobart if sent to represent NewZealand. Trembath's fcther, who was present to see his son win the two races on. tHe programme a"t the Dunedin Caledonian Society's sports, likewise scouted the idea of his son becoming a professional. It is understood that the Selection Committee of the Otago Centre will recommend that only Burk be sent to represent Otago at the championship meeting at Wellington on February 1. Lack of funds prevents a large team being seni, but there are surely several others who might gain points MV -the shield. While not in favour of Bending men who have no chance of scoring, the writer is of opinion that the local centre should do all in its power to assist the success of the meeting at Wellington. Per- * haps other athletes will enter for" themselves. ' In this connection I am asked to ' say that should anyone be desirous of competing entry forms may be obtained from the hon. secretary of the centre, Mr A. V. Thompson, Main road, N.E. galley, or from the secretaries of the various clubs. ' The Palmerst'on Amateur 1 -Athletio Club intends holding a- sports meeting on Wednesday, the 29th inst., when, it hope 3 that a large number of visiting- athletes will take part in. the programme. The following is the list of events:— s2o Yarda, trophies £2 and &1 ; Quoiting (scratch), £1 :' Maiden Race, 100 yds. £1 and 10s ; Ladies • Bracelet, 440 yds. valuable bracelet; Onemile Handicap, £1 10s and 15s; Hop, Step. and Jump Handicap. £1 and 10s; Long Jump, High Jump, Putting- Shot, and 75 Yards, each £1 and lUs; Obstacle Racey 15s and 7s 6d ; Boys' Race, and Relay Raco " for teams of four (each man to run Wo r laps), about one mile, four medals. Tha entries (2s and Is, according to the amount* of the trophy, and 4s for the teams race) ' close on January 21 at 8 p.m. with Mr! O. W. Turvey, Box 3, Palmersfon Southv Those who make the trip can- rely on -al good day's sport and a pleasant joutmg. It is the intention of the Toko H. and) A-A. Club to attempt to form a harrier pack at Milton the coming season. The country" round the Tokomairir© Plain, would afford ample scone for splendid! cross-country runs, and there would, I anttold, be absolutely no difficulty in getting, ' permission from the landowner* to cross , the various farms. "Amateur" wouldl suggest that the Dunedin clubs form ,a large pack one da.y early ia t&« crosscountry season to Start from Milton ah*' give the local club a push alonjj. Wer« the trail laid over any of even tha 1ot»->. lying Kills at the outskirts of the plain, the view alone would repay tha trouble ot the trip-. Mr Jas.' R. Dreaver, of the Sfc. Andrew^ Harriers, acted as starter at the rec^ntf " sports at Milton, and _on all hands -Qne»'V hears warm commendations of tn.e naajmeL".. .- in which he performed his duties. In th<i opinion of runners, officials, and spectator* alike, Mr Dreaver was a Erst-plass map , . with, 'the gun, his previous experience wit>

his' own and other clubs' races standing championships. Rather disappointing, no him in good stead. The Toko Club wished doubt, to New Zealanders, but a good man Mr Dreaver to accept his expenses to the out of the path of &. A. Wheatley and meeting, but this offer, though appreciated, [ others. Owing to having snapped a back was not entertained. ! tendon he was not competing in tha A highly novel and interesting item at National Championships this year. The the Civil Service sports meeting on the mile was run in 4min 29sec, and as Haskins 25th inst. will be the ascent in a balloon , has 4mjn 20 2-ssec to his credit for the by Professor Barnes and subsequent thril- distance he should have had a big say ling descent by the aid of a parachute, in the result." This item has proved a great draw in the Commenting on the coming Olympiai northern towns of New Zealand, 10,000 Games, an English writer says : " Every i people- witnessing the ascent at North competitor who wins a first will have a j Shore, Auckland. I gold medal, a silver medal will be given i It is 'understood that; the Otago Centre for a second, and a bronze for a third. In ' will not hold a championship meeting this addition a commemorative medal will be .year. The matter when originally mooted given to every competitor and official, was keenly supported^ and it is a pity these all being in bronze, of a special that the meeting; could not be held. But design not yet .definitely decided upon, but it 'isimpossible now to get a -date without the Art Jommittee has had numerous clashing with" some of the clubs' fixtures, artistio drawings before it, and has pracand the project must be abandoned this tically settled upon one. The cost of the season at any rate. There seems no reason ' medals will be very heavy—perhaps over why Ofego^ should !>e behind the other £3000,— and as the other expenses will also centres in this respect, and it is to be be large, it has been decided to issue an hoped that the meeting will come off next appeal for funds. year. Boxing Day, as originally suggested The only South African likely to visit in these columns, would be the most suit- London in 1908 for the Olympian Games able date IS Charles Hefferon, of Bloemfontein, one If it is 'intended to hold a schools' cham- and Jour miles champion of South Africa. . pionship meeting this veav it is high time Prodigal has this on good authority, steps were taken to arrange preliminaries, and also. Jearns thai, generally speakms, The'' sahools will be takin? up at the end the prevailing opinion in South Africa is of this month, and if any "drill or displays against sending a team, a. visit from one are., to be arranged there -will be little 1 being preferred. A visit from an Ausenough time before March, when the meet- trahan and New Zealand ««abn>ed team ing 5 set down for decision. » w^ afc would *£ best . with the public. It is understood that a meeting- of the By the way, Heffenon is a Canad^n by Otago Centre will be held on Monday I birth, but he has been eight ot nine years j evening. Amongst other items, it is pro- jin South- Africa. " . sumed that representation at the proposed Amonspt the competitors in tihe Surreconference of Centres will be discussed.' It WaUnn X Club's Eight Miles Road Handicap , is to be hoped that Otago will be able to on November 16 w«» A. EM Rowland have delegates proam* m much of import- (amateur champion, of New Zealand) and anoe to all athletes will be discussed. A; B. Havdme (a well-known End** The Canterbury Centre has written the crack), and both were on sorateh, the limit New Zealand Council regretting that it is bein * j? mnmtes. "Both the scratch men ;^4t^*£^N X■K ■ w gft-^gs, a* stasis s land. Council the alterations to rules were w&s A E adopted with, some amendments. The * disqualified. A. amended rules provide ■flart no person shall c/Mal .; ietfcew y on . H e had Simm start." be eligible-to represent a club on a centre Commenting on the incident. "Expert," or.^ct jas a councillor, whJst holding any Soorti j^, (London) says: "There paad appointment in a profesional club or wia be some - exciteiaeßlt j n t h e walking association, or while under suspension or world oyer tho disqualifications in SaturdissfuaMeation, while a centre secretary -s d . SuTrey wa Uj.. j ,j 0 not intend to ' not permitted to act as secretary to any ti]pe my read<jre by devoting too much space • sports bodv 'controlling prof esional spoi-u to tfiis queafe i on o f t he walkine definition, solely. The number of members to >c , but whell a man ly-g a. E. M. Rowland elected to +he council was altered to eaven, fallg un( j er the ban of the iudses there 's the nresidant and"> vice-president being j ij Oun( j to be some comment. The aspect elected at, the annual meeting. This clause of t he case that presents itself to me is provoked 'some discussion, a proposal t& the race in question there- was an retain the present method beirar reiected by evident understanding that- the iudsrinj? four to three. Some minor alterations should be extremely strict. But why this were made in the competition rules. - necessity, unless in some orevious instarice In conneotjbn with the resolution of- the j '{fog f averse had been -the- case. TJhif ormitv. Wellmsrton Centre re .the" council and the | w ifc a a large U, is -what w« -want ; not an expenses of the New Zealand repfesemta- , occasional- outburst -of severity. To _do tive*<team to comnete at the Australasian j Rowland justice, he has thus early realised 'championship meetinar in Hobart, there was | t na t road-walking is very different^ ' f rom onl-i one member, of the cen-tre who dis- [ track "wxjrk." The 'locked knee^ is not* aoreSd on the point. This was Mr Ross, > consonant with -inequalities a»d hard ■who. said they wanted to be, represented by , surface of a road, and therefore our New the best team, and if the firfancinff of tvho" | Zealand friend modified his stiyle, with, as matter was left to the asociation alone the a result, disqualification. Yet he was onlybest team would not go, for it would cost adopting the advice of some of tho authora£l2o at least, and the orilv- means of jrai-s- ties on' the subject. It is no new thing for. inty raoneV was through "the centres. If") a man to fail to satisfy the judges when the five centres contributed £8 each it | attempting a modification of his style: bnt would mate £40. which with J'le £80 "as a rule the defects which show themsubsiav would assure that the strongest Selves at first are either avoided or hidden team available was ~s>nt 'out. Mr -Ta-rkin later. My own opinion inclines to- the lateaid it was the N«w Zealand Association's ter view. There is another point: Wnen duty to see that TSTew ZphJsvA was oro- judges are, used to a man, he stands a periy represented at the Australasian cham- far better chance of escaping attention Wian T>ibnshh>; tho local centres had anougrb to when he first comes on the scene. Were do to put forward .ademmte reoresenta^an it not so, I think -a few of our records in- the New Zealand cham-pionship. - The would never have K ot on tfoe boohs, and council W tha money in ha^ +O see the in savins that I .must not ; be taken as whole thin* tfcrouirh. The Chairman in- expressing an opinion as to the fairness ot formed the J meeting that the letter did not j the walking. Merely tiw* an ? nk^^^ runrewnt the "unanimous view of .the com- man talked off alonß mark in a handicap ( ci! " The council hod a credit ba7ancp of at that pace he would have been dwndM £113. and on" the last occasion its share* without a car* ful examination of his st yle. of the championshir, meeting receipts was , To be pulled~offTS somethuig may Hm so tHat it could afford the exnenu. * fc*PT>en to any man (says £rod^al Kno Ti- Civif Serv,ce Awjyr, Athletic J-" "he Snorts Club. Chj?atohurph.-held an -evening-- °~ltzl -in-piailv when spurting against meetin* P-ari A 220 r^neTTSmpetitor^Y V both Handicap was run andxesulted a 9a 9 follows: ff ' dat ihe came time, and 7a' ir rf %* 1; J ' kJ"** o*'0 *' .P?rnaps not know it-c*rtainly not doMt _£Ws; 2: TT- 13. Hamilton, -scratch. 3. fnTentionally. When Rowland won the R. G. 3Vaddy. of th© Sydney University Championship of New Zealand . Athletic Club, is the- new Rhodes scholar . ohristchurch he practically lost his head for New -South Wales. He is. weU known a j^ down t he straight with Kerr. as a capable distance runner^ and holds at w^ o although .disqualified,, was actually 'present the three-mile championship of his un aware of the fact—had not caught the State. - words of th© judge. All Rowland had to Tom .Longboat,. tKe famous Indian long- v^as to finish at his leisure, but . distance runner, - failed in.- an attenipt. at -^ G Eerr, did not know of the disthe <ei\d ©£ October, to rnn. from Hamilton aua iifi C aticn, and he "had a go" at the to Toronto, -a .distance of 40 miles. He > j? epresentalivee presentalive from Wellint»ton, who was broke down, about a-quarter of * mile west i travelling along at a terrific pace in his of the Humber River, and had to be ,*aken a nd not-in-««cordance-with-the in an automobile to the end of the course. . r-uies style Rowland madte a mighty effort, He, left Hamilton -at 12.40 p.m., and gavej j was Within. Aa ac« of being ruled out. ■up the strvregle at 5.45 pjn., having done ) Rowland made a mistaJke in the Surrey almost 40 miles in shr smm. A heavy wind ' waDE in tryinc to '* modify his style — was against him, and bad' roads blistered j or -^^ gtyje w hen he- left N«w Zealand his feet, these drawbacks accounting for his was distinctly good aaid correct. failure: "* - — A Christchurch " appreciation: The nT ™a amateur- side- of athletics-is at tha present AMATEURS' PEKFORMANCES QTJES-time-m a^ very prosperous «ondition in the TIONED. Otago cotroSry- dJatricts,- where the new WEHLINGTOST, Jamuary 10. clubs -which hare recently been formed It was alleged at a committee , meeting are taking the place oi the old-fashioned of the Wellington Centre of the, New kJisieties. • In such "places as Miltoj land .Amateur Athteiic Asßorawtwrn to ; m |^* Palnwraton the amateor clubs, are vir- that -Qiree competitors -in eventa at the tuaUy takiag possesion of the town on the , cento's recent did not; seem to n^to day of *eF shorts gatherings, even to the ■* attempt to w^ The 1 ™? extent o£ holding the orthodox concert in opn^erued are to bs *.&** for v explan* .- the. Town Hall in ih& evening. tl<m - . A desultory discusßion of a heated nature ;NEW 7 , TCA T,AT<rT> ATHLETIC UNICTN 1 . toole place at the last meeting of the - nn ™ inft c™tbk - executive of the Wellington Centre, anent ° T ff ° the. proposal of the New Zealand Council The usual monthly meeting of *\ e /^^ - that *he various centres should assist in was held on Tuesday evening, _ 7th, a nd was financing the New Zealand team -to Hobart. ■ *ttende^ At the council's last meeting Mr Batchelor Sulbvan, R. HobbsJ.Matheson.DF. M'Kay suggested thjEtt each centre be asked to , J- LeSgerwood, and D. J. Corcoran (secre contribute £5,- and it was resolved to notify | «gj- . received for the absence the centres to this effect, and that the o f tiie%re!deXMr M. Ooughlaoi. levy would^ be subsidised to tiie extent of [ « ™^ amount of correlpondence was '* 2 fo^ ««2" &¥* .collected. ,One of- * | receiv€d . The action of the subthe Wellington Centre's delegates desig- in dates and passing nated this idea as th© most Tinpertment T> roelamm es (as empowered) was confirmed; proposal that ever emanated from a govern- t he secretary's " action in appointing in ?r bo « , -, Fn j. ,L, L „i. -representatives for several gatherings- during NewVZealand will not after all have the the Christmas and New Year holidays, services of Guy -Haskins, the ex-Canterbury resignation, of Mr J. H. Wtiigfth, Jan., student, -"who^'has made suolj a name for aa representative of the centre in the Roxhimself as a mjler. in internniversity con- burgh district was accepted, and the seoretesta in the "TTnited" States, to fill- the gap - tary was instructed to thank Mr Waigth for caused by-BunVa probable absence, apropos past efficient services rendered, of which- regrettable fact "Harrier " says: I Queries from- Middlemaroh, Ida Valley, " " Guy Haskins has written fron*" Ehila- UTaseby, and Rae's Junction Societies were depfcia ft> a friend -that he is a fixture in Seal*- with, and replies framed to be sent the States,- and does not intend returning to the- different bodies joncerned-. 'to Ne~w Zeaand, as" reported, and- will not, -Messrs Keast and- Oorcoran were appointed therefore, be available for *he Australasian jto represent the ceniis at the annual New

Zealand Union Conference at New Plymouth. ' s< in February next. The following remits gi were recommended for the consideration of it the conference: — '(1) Thai no two bodies. C within a radiu3 of 30 miles of each other, be allowed to hold sports on the same day ; | Q (2) That a rule be drawn up for the govern- w ment of quoiting; (3) That the question of o " byes," •as regards wrestling and quoiting. o be considered. These are in addition fo the ' o resolution from the annual meeting recom- c mending that, of the 2s 6d registration fee, f : Is 'go to the union, Is to the centre, and t< 6d to the body registering, A sub- committee, consisting of Messrs Keast, Sullvan, M'Kay, Corcoran, and Leger- c wood, was appointed to draw up » programme , „ for an evening sports meeting to be held S shortly. f Accounts amounting to £1 0s 9d were passed for payment. v , DUNEDIN ATHLETIC CLUB'S EVEN- ® ING MEETING. a The series of evening athletic meetings a promoted by the Dunedan Amateur Athletic Club, interrupted by the Christmas and New -r Year holidays, was -esumed on iho Cale- £ douian Gronnd on Friday evening. There wag a a good attendance of the public, including a, ' num-be j cc tue fair ccx, -.vat. took a been J} interest in the proceedings. The track -was in splendid order and the conditions gener- c ally perfect. The events were got off well up ** to time, and the meeting was splendidly managed. The 120 Yards was won by' d MTDougall, who- ran a good race off the 7yds v mark. JAoare, who was on scratch in this n event, came with a. fine run, but could not ti get up. The Mile Flat went to Beatson, off s! 90yda, who won at the finish by two yards in c time registered as 4min 36sec. The time e> was slow considering th© conditions for the c 220 Yards final, won by J. Will off; the 11yds „ mark in 26sec. Following are the results: jj 120 yds Feat Handicap. v First heai: J. M'Dougall, 7yds, 1; A. c Hoare. seratoh, 2. Also started: N. Smith a 3yds, F. Cray 6yds, E. J. B&nnerman 6|t<3s, d and J. Falconer 7ydsl Won on the tape, b Time, 13 l-saec. . T Second he»t: E. A. Shand, syds, 1; F. I "M. Reid. 2yds, 2. Also started: W. Ken- jnedy SJyffs, C. Anscombe BJyda, and S. Sher- d wood 7yds. Won by half a yard. Time. •„ 13 1-Sseo: f Final. 1; J. M'Dougall, 7yds „„ 1 • A. Jioare. scratch a r E. Shand, syds 3 c Also started: F. M. Eeid 2yds. From a good start the man jumped away at pistol- r fire. M'Dougall was the first to show clear, ? and leading into the straight. fiTns*e3 <r-{-r— .^'.r, winning by a yard and a-half from Hoare, t. who was a yard in front of Kei-d and Shand. 5; Time, 13sec. " * Mtle Flat Handicap. q J. Beatson, 90yds- 1 P A. "Foster, 80yds „ - „ .. 2 G-. MTKJrigat, TOydsi ,3 ~ s : Also- started: H. Burk scratch, Harrison ° 50yds r A. Love 50yds> D. Hodgson SOydp, J. F Frew 80yds, N. Ed-wards 100 yds, JJ. Orm-JBton. v 110 yds, J. Tumbull 110 yds, T. Iferedith t '115 yds. At pistol-fixe the Ainipetrfccrs-- *' I strung out in the order of their handicaps, ti "but after going- a lap the positions were a changed. At the end of the second lap ,S ! Beatson was- 'in the lead of a field strung ! out in Indian file. When., tha bell rang for T the last lap Foster went to the front, but . , 3 going down the back stretch was suppl-anted c by Ueatson, who> going strongly in the lead, entered, the straight with something to fc spare. Within 40yds from the tape Foster" n threw out a challenge, and came -with a late o run, but could not get up to Beatson. who £. j won by two yards, jrfurk retired at the end of the third lsp. Time, 4mm 36sec. Q 220 yds Flat "Handicap. ' t First" heat: J. Will, 11yds, 1; H. Buri, s scratch, 2. Also started: E. Shand 7yds, rj E. Mitchell ,9yds, G. Scott 11yds, and W. j Kennedy 2 o-s. Wan by a yard and arlialf. Time, 24 3-saec. fc Second neui: A. .Campbell, Byds, 1; A. B. Christie, lOydg, 2. Also started: C: E. 5 Ansocanbs 11yds. Won by daylight. Time, 25 l-ssec. Third heat: J. Falconer, 12yds, 1; N. v Smith, syds, 2. Also started: F. Cray 10yds, v P. Clark llyds, and J. H. M'Dougall 12yds. c Won easily. Time, 24 3-ssec. tl Final. fcl J. Will, 11yds 1 P H. Burk, scratch ...... .. ; .. 2 tJ ■J. Falconer, 12yda 3 & All qualified started. At pistol-fire the' men jumped away. Falconer led to the » first turn, where Will s-hot pest Mm, and, I' running strongly, led all the way, winning ti easily at tko fetish by four yards from Burk, t] •who came witii "a splendid run up the straight, and throwing himself at the- tape, v secured; second place. Time, 26sec. t] — — — — — n

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Otago Witness, Issue 2809, 15 January 1908, Page 62

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NOTES BY AMATEUR. Otago Witness, Issue 2809, 15 January 1908, Page 62

NOTES BY AMATEUR. Otago Witness, Issue 2809, 15 January 1908, Page 62