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_• -„; ' By" Hobt Poenb. - ' " '^• : " -_\ : -.1"- " MiaiBO'UBNE, January 3. S ;- " CHBISTMASTIDE'ANb-.NEW- YEAB { - Z.r- ■--•"-' .EiEUNIONS. 1 - , --' So far as the .turf is concerned, the Australian^- Jockey "Club opened these ."festivities ] with what _ia. known as their -December-meet- - ing, on 'the-. 21st- nit.," when, the weatherbright -and "genia-l, the outing at"Band'wick swasj a- most enjoyable one. The. 14 com- *. petitors in" the; opening "eventMihe TriarHan— djoap",-^df -six .furlongs, were -ridden by. *p : _ -prentices'"many of *■ whom" had "not "laeen'* afforded an -p-pportunity^of." showing iowi"l3iey could «Kape. -~Backers,--However,- -managed* to" spot, the correct pea— Mr L. -C.-JWunt's three-year-old/filly _Bose/ Xrumet (H*voc— rLinnet) 'J 7.7 — eventually, \ albeit- at. the .outset 'they" ; favoured." tne. prospects of' Mr. F. -Foy's mare • Auteuil 7.7.- The latter was leading- as they swung, into the _ straight, but she ran out _.- widei "and ruined her chance ;__BoEe Linnet, easily by a -length "and a-half from ■'! Ms-A>Gollan's-Ladx"Trisf 7.7/ with Lunar '-Light 7.7' a moderate third Time, i.l6i/~\ lln .another field of, 14 for,"4he Villiers "Shakes' the, yoyou"h*orse-.Garches B.s: was the -fancy, l>ut -failed^so utterly that an inquiry/was subsequently^held, .with the result that --the 'explanation-. tendered* was-.deemed. satis- ,- factory. - The ; speedy £ Blatherskite. -G.lO - heldcommand for .three- ifurlongs,- when -Absentee' "/7.8'/and_-Tot6l(>/7.p -deposed- him/ and acted r.'ast avJintr couriers" ;to= the fio&w turn, where^ f- -Banzai 8.13;- displayed ' a. -.bold front, - whilst i" Mr/Jr J/i-Micken'S-'Luciana -8.0-likewiae^ ap- - j -pealed upon" the scene.- At -thel distance it.j looked/ asp. if the issue' rested' between - these : j twain"; .-but, .taking" .advantage of an opening - ) alongside* the rails, A. 0. . ThomSS ', brought ' Mr J. J. M'Gratfi-'s, -four-year-old. Sir Foote — ; -Witchery ' horse -" Kyeadgerje- ..along - with *_ a ] mighty "swish,", whiote* enabled "him -to. score \ tt l five-length from;,the -Lochiet-^Dun-. I rose "mare Luciana,rwho-had" Banzai- oit her,. ' girths;i" whilst. Garches r-"wasr -"was / fully tjtreej lengths farther" away, fourth"; the mile^bemgj-covered-"in Imdn- .39*ss<Sc^ Owing -"possibly "to ' hia-" disappointing-" -performances "downsouth" ".during ' ithe --preceding - .-couple ~. of- • months, Kyeadgerie" only met with" a limited - .support.' -_-- - --_ "'--" " -- ;„<„-", .The" bookies/ eiperienced another" -slioe of - "luok.. in", the" succeeding" eventf "a- fivevfuriong" /Nursery -Handicap,- for- which' 14 ' -Was - once--morei"- the" -main", .-iryervain ".7:10 ; and Safrano • 8".O:. ddvided -" favouriteshipj^but -Mir Xi." 'C-:Want's^LittleV"]Ja"d.-----"(Ayr Laddde^Xrittle.- : -Gladys) 7".7—whp;>as;_abTOlufely "friendless^" displftyed<6uch/>gameness--"when apparently;~a /hop^eless-" pbsitionV_aß"-:to_. Jand-diim /a" length -"an,d £^qii»x^ter3to,2 : t-li'&-"good/of Matt-/ ""-man, -who;' in "turn jwas' "a. length -and -a-half in "advance -"of^ Safrano; .r.3J. - "Little j Gladys, -the "dam.of Little Lad, is_-by Xochiel : j "front -Lady-Boodee. - _ *"""--" "" ~l*-' "; ] ~ Mr" Victory's - Forge - 8.5 " metj-with ' more . ■1 tha'n'his m"atoh" ChamberVs "^our-, : year-Qld- mare Artful; (by impcrted. Fortunia-' ; tuf. 'from- Asleep) 8.0" in the .Grand -Stand" : --Stakes, the nine- furlongs 'of; which were tra^ versed in' thel .exceedingly Jasfc-.time-of 1.54"^ - This was atset.we^ht- event, for. .which four 'othersj-Gaby - 8,5/--Tana = dium - 8.8/ " Barbican^ " 7.5, 'arS./Barfenjqey-B.^TrlikewiEe sported silk/. / Baght/-aTsiay-^round vand'.,as--fai: dis; ; tahce-'post /--Forge- held." .the Ipride.."of 'place ;' - { b"ut";at that point Artful dashed /up to him,, •Kand."- quickly-- ,settling : i-JiisL--pretensions;.- Iwon_1 won_ i ,easi;y--by~-tEf>ee "length^ ;/ Gaby, .who -finished* - 'somewhat *-, roguishly, -.^.being B -.couple:"' '- oi. *" lengths "farther away/ siall. .' * __1" 1 / -.. - , "The success of MriP". Beynolds's -Sinunersr-.- ■ Giril" five-year-old - Boyal .Star r in, thelßoee r hill'lHandioap,. the- preceding Saturday was" .doubtless- responsible .for. him poking ""as ja, _ favourite- against. - a dozen others in -.the Holiday^ Handicap" "(a -mile, and a-quartef in, ,2?9JK Electron is ■;* mare, by JRussley' from Electric "Light, and at- the finish-,' she ..won witt. c - bit- in .hand by" -a length _and_ Mialf from the-. favourite; The^ Palmist 8.10 securing -third money, .albeit "a gap of _' six. lengths" dividedi- him,. from Boyal Star. JBlue-" Hook' finished at --'the. extreme rear .of the ; cavalcade, •■ and -"it . isVnow -appa-"^ ,-rent that 3£r . J.-7C. "Williamson?s promising.; son ofjTrue- Blue -and -Lady Mtery^has^ever 1 recovered from -the effects, of -the apcident.-he; jexperienced— wHen* £* two-year-01d..* J B. W:--Brennanj. "the-' rider Z, of- -ThecPalinist, was •• -"carpetted" "afteT?'ther-iac"»._ "end-, "eeyerely^ reprimanded", -for-' --the . manner _, in which he"- > had handled "his .mount. -- .- - -*-"-' A", -three-year-01d'..- filly -- named rNeith. (by Holferook .from Cleopatra) 1 ,, put up- a "jerf- ■ attractive performance" by;; carrying * 9. 5L_- to" v victory- in .the High' Weight "Handicap in Vine, earnest possible fashion, defeating- Belfry' 10.10, Hermes .(an imported " horse/ by Gallinule from The. Message) 8.7, and. nine others by four, lengths, whilst" skipping- over -the .eight furlongs in Imin 4^3see. CNe'th.; started third favourite, but from-start^to'flnish -there -was really nothing in it. outside" the winner,, although Belfry undoubtedly ran a -great" race under "bis burdensome" impost. -- " . -• On -"Boxing - Day" the A".J.C. .held- .their summer imeeting_~in_ fine weather 7- ,asne. of^ , the "events " demanding attention 1 owing r to_ possible "back; end" of the "eventua-. Hides. ""The""' Flying Handicap / (six - furlongs in 1.15J) . went -to -H. A - Whittle's- six-vear- . old Far Niente— Mary gelding .Far North". 7,10, who " defeated Isos 7.8/ Forge .9.5, and' a. big .field ver> handsomlely./; ".. The super-excellence of the- Maltster stockwas further embhasised -by H. Brennan's Malt .Queen (Maltster— Her. Majesty) 8.5,- who accounted- for the December Stakes "(five furlongs in 1.33), after * a good tussle with Matchmaker 8.7, Poser' B.6 "'being" the nearest of eight other*.'- - </ Mr. P. B. Christian's Vanadium -(Bussley— Crystalline) ,8.2 proved-ia_ rare turn-up for -the books"" in- the" Summer" Clip."' as he" won cleverly. -by. a length, ;and ja-lalf^ffoin^Elec-*"tron 7.1/'-and-ihalf^a- score .others ;- the -.mile and five furlongs .being compassed in 2.51i.~. - > In a field '.of. 41 for.'the-Nursery-Hsmdica-jj-■(five.'furlongS'in 1.44)"-W. "and F-- A.. Moses's, Eurittu f(W»lIiaof (W»lIiaoe —^Emmie)- 7.10 was favourite, and - her supporters : were'.-rewardeE -by .wit nessing.her win comfortably by". » couple' of-lengths.-from Barrel -8.5, Little^ Lad 9.6-filling third position. ~ . / " - J. Brennan's- Melo_deon rttedaJlion-J-Meio- , aiaf- 3.x proves too good- for 10 otb-erp in the A.J.O-- Handicap — Miss, -Simmer -8.11 and Belfry 9.3 "filling \ the remaining positions ; the mile and a-quarter being traversed in 2.9 J. Caulfieldwas the centre o£, attraction in Victoria on" Boxing Day — a djay. of excessive

' heat and driving dust. The Shoobra Hurdle (two miles 64- yards in 3.55|) was carried off by a fine .stamp of a. "smiajl-stickster" in G. G. Qumotnings's Enchanted States (by Malvolio — The Enchdntress), wiho humped his . 11.5 to - victory by three-quarters of a length from Portcullis- 9.6, wi+jh " liiberatoi 9.3 . third ; . the field being constituted"" oi •eight more. ' -1. . ' : - - ' A- field' of a dozen contested the. Juvenile Stakes, Bolx>li-7.1S being favourite. . Th« , Brewer ia a "well-grown- dark' chestnut "colt, jointly "owned! 'by _B. Armstrong" and G Quinn (who "trains" him at Flemington), anci is "by Maltste.r". from Id-alia—(by imported "Chevdotviroin- Young Italia, by Wilberforce from Tdalia, .by -MteSbyrnong). He was breo in-New South Wales" by Messrs " J.- and >W. .T^ioinp^on, and'Twi's -disposed of at the yeSrling "sales : at "Bindwick. -for 105gs. .'He^ virtually made "common hacks" of the-opposeri in the Juvenile Stakes, - winning- "anyhow" by three lengths -in I.SJ for the 'five -furlongs from!" "Boboli, who -"euchred the/ Carbinier— The.AVbess filly Eeligieuse. 6.1 l oui of, second money -by. .a "head. The' Brewer it a most -attractive;, galloper, . and bids-~f six to furnish into , "one". .of _ the few" 'as a" three-year-old. " 'KjtS sfd.-T "" - ■ ;._; ._ . : ,- After somewhat'- "disparaging. form in- -the -Aspendale Park" Cup/on, the preceding Saturday,, it oame. as? something- of a' surprise (c 'find' E. 'A. "Coniiojly's " fire-year-oid horet ■.Hereliej?© ", 617 supported r^piritedly by s ,his stable-" connectionfl".' against > nine others"' 'foi ■ the Hopetoun Cup*.- They, proved to be wls< in their '-generation, "~as Heretiere. went ~to -the .front atthe icd wall, (about three furlongs" from home), and" never being troubled afterwards scored decisively- by* three'; length* from Mira 8.3,- witl -Pierua 8.13 only a Dccl farther, away, while "the 11 "furlongs we« galloped over in -£235.- 1 - t— 'Phil -Heywood'fl four-year-old horse Gendarme (Hijstoetoon — Miss Legs) 7.7 annexed the .Malvern -Handicap, of "five furlongs and a-hoif./ih 1.11"; but -I would not.-i'ave devoted a.iy space., thereto wer#;it not -for the f act^ that . ». -bay two-year-old oolt vanned Lorenzo 6.13,;. .owned-, by H. A. Currie, and "iiaine.a-- by .Walter Hiokenbotham', displayed sluct/promisiijg forrji "when" finishing a head behind the- iifceondu horse — 'Pimkie 7.l3— as -t* warrant an" "aaßtmptioii flat " when _h« gets -a bit* more " seaoned lie _-w- bound to have -a winning bracketfor "two". opposite his, name. Lorenzo ia by Harmonist, from Portia.- '- . - . * ".Last -Saturday Sydney "Olul opened' '-their j'annuarimeeting " sttj-Bandwick, splendid, weather "attracting -5- large- gathering. - The Cirrington Stakes •w£i&-"s's a mattei <Jf3 Jcourse,- the - piece resistance, "of the 3 afternoon,;: and -for-. the_ six-fiinons- "<3osh"\one short of .the two -dozen ""saddled; up. /-I/ord i^eio was.'first-iato J - the "straight .frdm r Cissi\ -with ArtfuL and" -olosp"^n». .At -the. distance "the- issue "appeored^-fco -rest- between "Artful- and Heiro,"C,albeit_ Kycadgerie .(onthe rails) ; and .Maranui -.(on 'the extreme outside) were"ithreatening" -.danger ._• -" "Half --» furlong -fiomThome Heiro'^cut. down / Artf ul; and beat Jier-.holne- by = e,~l length^ and vthrce-quef teTSj -Kyeadgerie -being a couple 'oi "lengths^ farthei -back with -Marafiui, a similar distance 'away,- -^fourth.-^V-T'ken canie_" in. order Fotge^ and -Cissyi the - thfee-quoarters ="of "a mile -6n3y .Occupying "1.14J-^eirceedingly credit""able- in °the -oircumstenoes, rseeing"" that heavy jrain" ihadr f alfen -early in ."the ifiorriing. Heiro 'is'ja five-^ear-old Horse- r by -Buenalf from that .historic \mare M<)"ra''-"(by.--Malu«rr-White r ,StaT. ~by' Atlantic)".^- Heywas piloted " by- T. c Clayton. - -Odds J were"> on! BSrreL 8.7 -for_ the Juvenile Stakes,"" of ,f£v« --furlong^ : although there 1 we're" 11 more' presumably ""in opposi-ftiqn.--i"-Hi -failed r=most> miserably ;-- however, pdecl«xing- in-"favbur-of Agar .Wynne's "Flavpuri^lavus^-PostseaJi^.S; put in _ an. x irresistible ; "claim _ at /the "distance^ _and \?on by-"four""-iengths. from- Silene" 7110, with TKe-JESJack Dover 8.9 -I -tame, " -1.4 : -_ = f ->£>ld - tim^i;: Books!" f. Th<»"_-.tworyear-old "Beligieuse, "by.- Carbine's^spn" .Carbineer," -irom .Seclusion's.-.sistef- Th« "Abbess _.(by.- -Bill of P.ortlanaVfrqmL Th&"-Nun,^,by; First King 'from • Pilgiimiage,^- Kelpie) - won -a ~ Trial Handi-; cap at -Epsqmi jbn - Saturday;-. the--wayfl.pur -mutual"_-fri€nd--7Er--B. '-'Belt' likewiseXprpved - s.uc©esauß_at- "th^t- suburban- -gatheringrSTnth a .Moetyn^Dolores threetyear-old " filly -Fofdyce \n^ the- Purse. --Fpf-j--dyce_"=-was "-nicely ". ridden ,rhyy- E. - B.'sl son — ! JUCaster- A: "^Bellrf. "-_ --.---""- -J- ■-. J- - _. X ; " . =-_ '- -~^ '-'King's- weather"^y6u:.'knowl the -good. old. -"bright" shone -the -sun,- but "balmy was, the" breeze" "sort — attr aoiedt «L .splendid s attendance" to .-Flemangton " on.- New. JYear's Diy ; - that - famous _trysting-placej looking at "its very-Bestr- r thanks ito ";tiie." recent copious t downpour." .--The soundnes'si of ."sticking "to" recent ■winning' ; ;-form r fwes--once more-'exeinpJi-"fied "in " the -opening . event,- the New 7 Year" .Hurdle Bace, ' 6f r ,two "miles, for whioh ;riine. started. -On- p«.per,--.after .his, ftemen-"-three-mile . •effort in" the. spring, it.certainly appeared--to" be: a gob"d_ chance .for E." I old's --^-Mensuration — Glenflower - horse Coronation *LO.l~ -"and whilst -liia. condition ( lasted, he -shqwed 1 - th«^."fielcl, a ~ch&&njpi3r. of j 'Heels/ holding^ anjj.adviantage at one "time -oi ';-fully 1{", -^lengths:.^But.^iie -hadn't been^up long enoucK ta-get"th6rbughly- seasoned, and when EnohtiAled States^ -1J.13-^-who ;had'..held r second „ position^ throughotftr— closed -on him -halfway up the ".straight h* compounded, and was beaten: .by 10 -lengths "in 3.4""r'Chow "Boy. 9.V' gaining "tHirdr-money,' although^ half -"&'•. BciapL lengths farther .baok'.stilfc - Portcullis; turned - turtle - during" the ."race,- his-.rider, J. Chevallfeyy- sustaining . such;, injuries, that he had to be "removed to' the hospital. . ■ 'A quarter-'of .-an .hour prior to the start for the -Standish- -Handicap,, L.. .Hawthorn's Dalgety B.3.<ridden by"E. Turner) was imwh fanoied. - Eiery Star and Miss Bobby" practically held' the. winning", hand -between them iight ~ through;/ and ; at- tEe distance Mass Bob*Sy— -who is a~five-yearr<>ld mare byTßoab= dil.-from. Aroheress,- owned by. B. Armatagie^ — dashed ta the front, "and,- holding her "own easily to. thet finish,'- iron, by. three-quarters of' a length -from. Fieryl-Staa'j'.who- was only -half a head! in front of Splash. 7.7,-witlj Grenadier close up fourth^-, .and " Dalgety ninth.- Time," 1.161. ... -« ■ The January Steeplechase, of about two miles and a-half, was* perfects fiasco. There were • six starters. ., -Decree. 10.9 was quickest awayj and, at "the; abattoirs Warfield and L*itiere toppled, over. Outcast came down opr posite the stand.- and,^along the river side Decree was 16 lengths in front of . The .Barker, with Castanos fully that distance astern of weight. Bacing towards home "Decree fell at the fence past the scraping- sheds, and first -The Barber and "then Castanos - (who> had • likewise run off) both balked at the same obstacle.- Bepeated "attempts- failed to make -Thel- Barber nego--tiate "it ; - but "Castanos.' eventually did, " and ""oame'iiL.-'onJua^wn." -Djscree -??a3ked slowly , back to -the -judge's-- box, oppQsite\w.Wob>Jie ■ dropped" down, dead; "subsequent examination proving that .bis * neck had "_been -fwiotuxed; when' he "fell. -'Beyond- a severe shaking> none of -th«^riders-experiencedi' any -mifiafiventure.. Casta»ioa; is an_"aged.eeliling-by • WelliM^raL from Wildflos»er, "and is cwi^P ""S" v; -"-'V' committeeman E.'-Mfenifold. Though.. und«x the careful . supervision of deer old- Harry Harrison, Castanos has been .« very poor performer in the Western, district. There were- seven .aspirants for the 500sovs [ added> money connected with the Bagot HaE.-

t * dicap; Heretiere (^oyou — Codicil) 7.4 holding I the pride of place in the public estimation. 1 . Jtivanche 6.7 made tlie pace from sopn after - th« start, and Jed right round and into the L ■ straight. Once well established there, C. t Bolton oame - with, a devastating run with • i Mira, and swept past the., post an easy i ! winner by two lengths and a-half from j Tulkeroo, Bivonche being a* similar distance >" «way^ third, with Bed Streak (las,* year's >" wiimer) " fourth; the time -for- the mile end , ', a-ialf being 2.38 i. MSra is^an «ged mare by , i Malvolio from My Lady; and having sorelyt '-disappointed Alderman Teddy 1 . Keys (ot j L-j W*vetiey, New South Wales) many a time \ i and oft, wos disposed" of by auction just [ alter the last V.&C. epring .meeting," when . -she was purchased by- Mr -Alec M'Cracken - (late chairman of the V.8.C.), Tito placed heT .• under the care .of Willie Filgate — with the i-1 happiest results. For WilUe.- -Filgate is a ' J very worthy -son of a' most estimable sire. "■ -M. Dutch'scolt DelendftYSarn Francisco — . Cast " Steel) 7.12 was "for "a long time .the i public choice for _,the .Criterion." Handicap — _" 1 another five-furlong' flutter -for" two'-yearHO Ids. ~ i At the, distance Winterjga 7.11 and Heligieuse . ' 7.13 were fighting matters '"out"; ;btri "as soon ". as C. Boltoa gave The Brewer" his, head he . swung -past -them with, a beautiful rhyfltmio** action that' landed "him. . an 5 easy^ winner by". " two lengths irom " , Winteriga, * who .waa •* 1 v length and a-half- clear ©1 Tleligieuse.; De■l«nda finishing fourth, «nd Gaunt'sichrono-'-.C m«t«r "registering Imin 3isec" for the distance. , It -was -a .slashing- great 'performance under I the" weight; a "-performance -"that*- reflectedj much oredit on- The" Brewer -as ajpromisfng j J colt and on" C. -Bolton as an accomplished ' { -horseman. >.-...-. ■ ~: ' * -- - ■ „i -For the. Welter, Handicap, of" one l mile, I ■ for -which' -there - were 11 competitors', Fiery - ' Steed (full sister^to Boyal Steed) came away;. at the distance/ and .won- -by a .length -fxom- [ Aldm Foo 8.7, who was a -length and a-half-1 in advance of Graiton' Belle 8.0. -Time, lmdn" ! \ 44Jsec. . - - --~ " -~- -_ - : __ Sydney Tatt's' concluded their annual -aneet-" I ing at" Bandwick -on Wednesday, . the atmos- * r paerio „condi-tians and the" attendance .being1-- olibe .gratHying in- the eitreme.A Offano \_ (^rraftony-Orphelin©) 9.3. won; the Flying Wet. - 1 lex, .of six furlongs,- wifck a lot in hand, 1 from Far Nortih 10.4/ Bungleaon .9.2, and -nine - others (including" the * imported: ~ BamsHing " -" Jaok 8.10 and ■ Silk- Stocking^- 8.7), 'prJ^ain '_- 14sec;"- 'whilst G.~: M i 'Keown's''«'three>%eaar-O'ld,' p "-Moatoalm)- (Siege, Gun-^-Meaj/.-and -S? Fielder' s_- . r_lsoa'.7.B"fpught-out a brilliant battle in the ;■- ".M"«;W~- Year's "-Gift? -of "-"a- mile;- negotiated- in '- ;3TniTi '"89§seo; Montoalm-. proving victorious ' " bjC%« _headi - witli. _Cbppertop : 7.3 J the nearest - *C of eeiveri othexs."~ "' - -~ './: ' -";*._- — i " "Tattersiall'srCi'ub Cup, of .-tHro- males,- even- -. tuated" "in -th«_Be©ond-^ favourite^— J. iWester-. i; ley's- True- Light-(Tru« Blue^-Flame) .7.10^- - _ono9"-Mox^ scoririg.^" : _'Trua -i.Light and-iLord. ' -Fitzroy _8.6 Iweoce" in ,-i ront six furlongs fro-ra" lome, ibut -after." another -.quiartef" of a .mile r the'^nobSsi lord \ "petered" -out, True Light • ; and "Boyal StaT" swinging into - the-" straight- '- -together, witK- Gaby" and, Electron -6.l2_ in £ot~ I -'pursuit. ;rTrue Light aUenoed the pretensionslots.Boyal' ;Star : ' at "ther" 'half-distance,- and ' passed" the: judge's box » "length to -the good 1 " of Ga-by^i Electron" beii^"_five'rieagtHs away -" third; -likreie parts j of^a mr advance |-1- of- Boyal>S&.r~_ Time, 3min 292 sec/ ': • .; - Emit«i;\(Walluc«i-Eni'mie) B;B;euch.erd Mono-'-^,bel^ B.7,~JljoV*£Lpfcdi ■ 8.2, "^and '.eight.- more ' -'youngsters inlJthe '^Ntirsery"" Handicap., '-She; -won "by "w'-length .and a-half; "and aa; she" '"threw^rfihe five" furlongs and "a-half behind her = " in : imin -B|sec,.-7it "will;- pa«s~ jdthout saying"'" - th«t .sher r iß ! '-ii©t only as good- ibut^ somewhat '- rnaorer-felxable''" th*n.~her" --redoubtable -- full- " brotheir: Emir. 'l£ j i'-~\± 1. '- .---'- _ The Welter Handicap, of"> piile (registered '--inlnMn--40isec)vws" «.- veritable 'triumfph 'of . ' - .the'-threei placed horses, ;W.- E. , ' WMte's^BeMry.- (Buenalf— lsabella.) 9.3, N«ith '~Z io.7'- aiidi- Forge - 10.5- weiS- divided- omly.'.by L-- heads; LwfiilstVthe fourth",. The Intended, 9.2; ."- was " a neck behind... the erstwhile „ champion - > 1- sprinter' of Queensland.--' ■_-_" _•" _".-"". . [-,' _ ".."-: ,- TUFTS ..OF TUBF. . j ,meetrng- of . the.. r ~ South - Jpckey- - Club -at - Morphett'-- ■--, ville'pn W.«dnesday,-;tb.'e St. -Leonard's Handi- -. r "cap, ' of- five; furlongs '(far _ two-yeat-olds 1 ); was - -won- by_.Jas._" -Hill's -Lord^Malidn 8.9 by- si Vneck- irpm-Tfforteu&e 9.0," -Adrian 8.9, and.lo--others "In Imin ssec. -.After- H;he. race. ,-G. . TDalieyi .tb.© trainer" of -Hbiteuse, entered 1 a l^protest that tlio winner was • ovjer. age: . Aa ;> th« profe&t. w«a~ no€ "entered until after the 1 ~ statutory-- time for lodging an appeal, -it _did - ' riot affect the dividend. Under. .;Bule - 153 r ; of the' " S.A.J.C". code, ~-ar persoii- is" allowed - "> e> month in "which to prove.f hat a" horse was not_ the : "age he was. acepresented to f be, and - Trainer -Dalley was therefore, informed that ne~ ? could,: it" Tie so desired, proceed witb. hia _- protest during -tjiat period." Lord Malion is described as being one c& the biggest two-, -year-olds ever seen .on Morphettville course, - r standing "over 16 Ihands. 'He' takes a great deal after Ms sire; Pygmalion -in appearance/. Z? Owing toother fact, that bookmakers - arenow more harassed on South" Australian racecourses, than- hitherto, and 1 thefr operations - coQJsequently kept more in. oheck, the'totah-' "Bator-investmen.ts at Morphettville on Wed-. nesSa'y exceeded 'J39ooO— the -best put through '- tbe "infernaa- machine" at a "New Year s.. -Day "meeting' there since- 1899. ■ -' -"'The -Snail (Albatross— lra)- won,- the Imperial Stakes on" the! fourth day, of, theWes- , ~ tern "Australian Turf Clu.b's,raceS' at Perth, last Wednesday,"' defeating Blue Spec and 11-"-'others, whilst compassing- the male and a-n-aUL in 2min ' 362 sec. _ "Bobbie" Bobertson like- . wise secured' the, January Handicap the same "afternoon 'with the Padlock, gelding F°PThe W.A.T.O". New Year mieetiing ishkely - to "return 1*"1 *" profit of over je6ooo. The exQueenslander; Mfc--P.^ A." Connolly, ,takes. the; -lion's share of winning owners' spoil,' having ■yon the Perth? Cuip for the fourth time in successioiv ri< " He evidently "possesses a neddy out of" the ordinary in the three-year-old-Poßitano-^Polly Mjashem colt- Post- Town, -who though suffering from! .soreness, - carried oft the W.A.T.C. Derby and Perth Cup~-m brilliant style- " ?ost Town is likely to be de-; - spatched .across the Great Australian ' Bight to try "conoluflions with: our ."t'otherside 7 ' nags. His.fuir sister, Eose- Mash«m, i« ' "aJbout one .of the' poorest "performers- on • the "Victorian, turf. „ ''-■-,• ■_ , '' ' Mem.— Charlie Watson and Bert Gutmann ran up for the Perth Oup with imported 1 Bhubarb. '- They' deserve better luck.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2809, 15 January 1908, Page 56

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SPORTING NOTES FROM AUSTRALIA. Otago Witness, Issue 2809, 15 January 1908, Page 56

SPORTING NOTES FROM AUSTRALIA. Otago Witness, Issue 2809, 15 January 1908, Page 56