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tAmwered by a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of -New Zealand. Letters ani Telegram* must'&e addressed to "£EX,"*e/o Editor, Otago Witness Vpunedin.J ■""..- j^

r OA3tABTT.— A^ should give B.. writtea notioo to * produced the' locunient at the hearing of

"jGtEo'ceb's • Assistamt. — If you .were , vnxmg- . 'Jully aesrtrod'-of the h*lf-holiday you -will .• 'be^'quiW" ■Within, your righis ,iif reporting tjh« matter to thie local inspector -of fac-

Tories. -■ - - • -_ i* t . '/. -~ _ G-AEDEirEB. — You can claim mici~ espenses .as -your -employer, agreed to- pay. J~ In. the a*baeiiceof ■any agreein'ent, yon can. claim only; " such. 'expenses aa are allowed according- to I custom. .;._ ' -.' * -~- ■ < xi „- AwiroTTS.—(l )'As voire only child is-dead-you : are not entitled -to the preference given -ft" - *t" the ballot , "to "married . men -with, Qhik -v clien. . (2) You and your wife majr apply


.separately a»~- „ - - " _3 * ffiWENTT-FIVE • YEABS' . SUBSCBIBEB.— (1) ._ YOU ' jniaylay- sin information, against .the" owner ? " for -illegal rescue of the -cattle.-"' (2) If the ' Janet trespassed upon is .unfenced' land 7 within, Southlancl .County yo.u oannot *& .- cover any'Jdaiaages, except fees for- driving or for giving notice _- of the detention^ of

." the, cattle. - " A. "V. 'asks: "li a loan stowed away on .the 's.a. "" Manania . frOm^Sydney- to Wellington •-"iiridj was" not discovered unii! "- lie -had landed in the street, in Wellington, could "^ the captain, of the Maram'a then 'have, hirir arrested "and -prosecuted for stowing away frpm^ Sydney, to Wellington?"— Answer:' Yes. - ■

Am Old Sttbscbibeb. — Section" 89- of "The

"Navy, Discipline. Aot, 1866," runs thus.r — . "All other persons ordered to be received" "or beting passengers on board, any- of her , Majesty's ships shall -;be d*emecT to be -persons subject, .to this aot," under -such regulations, as-/ ihe_ "Admiralty may from.' "-.time "to time .direct." -* - Subscriber. — After' 24 lours' notice, the GO-,,"-ve«nn«Bfc officer may_ enter upon ybuar land' (other' than.- any portion occupied in a bona _ ";fido ; manner as - » garden ox ~ ornamental niartibbery) _«nd dig and take- stone, gravel, sax- other material therefronn fat,- road pur- _ "poses?- If y<ni-db. not agree ." as „ „ pensation", "the" matter must -be settled "by ~"> the Compensation Odurt. -'

FiitMEß.— (l)vYes; -the agreement on the port '- of _• the" ;adjbining • occupiers to .each maia-" .tain "his oim'half of- the" fence %uhs -with the land. "(2) "If A* 'qaibe legal. ' (3). Y«b, the. fence, passes mth' the Ismd. (5) Tea/ - 'by-'virtus- of : A.'/ jun^er&iking;- " (6) I) "and F rsro- differeai'tly -sitiiatedi fittmf "A and' B, _ia*C that ' fencing ■■ covenants " irtfe' made," to *- iui -with the laaid by 'aai aiaandment "of ~the1 Fencing' Act, -passed,ui-"190*.- •--/-' "} " ~- ,

■ r Jhe -Gunnee'-Estate/ r a- property compris-iiig~~-JSI,QGO- acres freeriold in -the Inverell distmct, -N.S.W., has been subdivided for auction in March next at Inverell by Messrs J. (3. Young and Co., Sydney. Particulars will be found in our advertising oiU'ipnft, ' '- - * -' _ ]

' - ' BIRTHS. CROSSAN.— On January 1, at Waterloo Hotel," Ca-versoam, - the wife of William Crossan. — a daughter. MUIB. — On January U, at their residence Ktiriwao Gorge, to Mr- and Mrs John Mvir — a son. ORE. — On January 6, at Sunnyview, Clinton, th© wife- of R. W. Orr — a daughter. - MARRIAGES. -CAIRNS— BURNS.— On December 19, 1907, at the "Presbyterian Churoh, Pukepito,' by the Rev. Mr Brown, of Stirling," Georgo Mitcnell,"son of Mr Thomas. Cairns, Kai•tangata. to Maggie H. Burns, eldest daughter of Mr James Burns, Pukepito. - I - BUCHANAN— THOMPSON.— On January. 1, ' 1908 at St. David^s Church -Manse, Auckland, -T>y the Rev. J. Gray-Dixon, Edward. - Burnaby, son of John Buchanan, Lmwood. Chrisich-mch, to Margaret Cochran, ttuip ; diiugtter of Robert Thompson, Leven street, * Roslyn,.Dtinedui. - ..-• EASTON— WHITTAKER.— On' December 17, »t -St.. Peter'a- Church, Caver sham, by the RevT Canon Bryan M. Kmg,, John,_liua son"bf-tHe- late Nisbet Easton, to Violet, second" daughter of Mr and 1^ Mrs Henry Whittaker, .Cavershftm. i PAIRCLOUGH— SAMSON.— On October 9, 1907' at " " Glenfoot, Green Island, the home' of the bride's parents, by the Rev. P W: Fairclough, assisted by th 6 Key. J. i Kilpatrick, Walter, second son of the Rev. i P W ITaircloughy Wellington, to Jean, I "- fifth daughter, of Charles" Samson. ■ RITCHIE — P ANTON. —At " Strathlynn," Tim«ru, -New Zealand, tha home of the ■ bride's "parents, -on December 16, 1907, by ! the RevT Robert Jackson, WiUiam John, . fourth- son of James -Ritchie, Esq., Shannon -pS Cromwell; l Central Otago to Ahce , -M'Lure :t*ur eldest - daughter of Walter Panton, architect. -„ -" . -. "' . STUAUT— FINCE— On January "8, at .the - residence '.of -' the hide's parents Milten, ' by-" the" Rev. -W. H. -Hovres (Milburn), ".claries. Edward Stuart, Chr^aurck *£ Jessie JEUsbertsonr ttird daughter of -Ma - and MrP^oree Pinch, Milton " and grand- • niece 'of " the-late Rev. Dr Stuart, Knoa "J" J Churchy Dunedin. ~ TRUSLER— M'INDOE:-0n S^mbtf | 1 Athen»um Hall, Clinton, -by the Rev -R " H- Blaix", Samuel, fourth son of .the late -"Wairiina/: Clinton. Home papers pleas« •copy"- . - ""'*-_". "'". '' " DEATHS. . - ""-.-- ANDERSON.— On -January 13, at" her residencS,"JTo. 24 Hart street, Roslyn, Jan« JosephinV wife of Andrew . Anderson. ASHTON^On January 11, 1908, .at Brougttoß street, Soua~Dunedhi, Grace Gladys-Wini-fred Agnes, infant daughter of J. C. and Mrl.'M. C. Ashton;. aged 4 months. - JR.I.J?, AUM>^on\ January 7,- at Melbourne, David, beloved iusband of .'Margaret Auld, and father of David Auld, coal merchant,- Dunedin; m _Wa sixty-third year." Attest. BLACKIE.— At East Taieri, Grace, the be- -. lovecl' wife .of 'Walter Blackie; -in_ her -fifty- - sixth" year. - " ' . "--,". - r DANIEL.— On January 10, at his xerifepoe, 245 Spey street/- Inveroargill, ■ Silyanus George^aiiel r-i- his sixty-fourth -year. . CAMPBELL.— On - J J«n.uary-*U, -*t h «?.- :re3^ . dence > Waik'ouaiti " (after a long-: -dkiMß), - Alice Wilson,- tiie beloved wife of .James .Campbell; in" her" fifty-ninth^rear. EVANS.— On- January '6, '. at jfch« - Hospital; ■ Palmerston Norths 'lon* :rslwyn,:younges,l: rslwyn,:younges,l ' datfghier-of Hheßev. E: E.^*nd Mrs Evans : 'i the Manse, -Bulls; aged 13 months. - FISHER.— On^ Januar> 8, -at Dunedin, Idi EllenV second' and b&loved "daughter oi " WilKam-and Martha - Fisher, 81" Fortl Btreet;Vjn her twenty-third year. Deeplj -regretted. " - -" ' ," "- /_ " -HOOD.—O n January 14, at his residence, 2E - "F«Tk street,- Kensington, John -Hood, latt ai the"' 72nd Highlanders, beloved 'husband - of , Janet Hood; aged IX year». _Deeplj regretted. - - - >. - ' .-- -'- HOOKER.— On. January 3, at Clydeyale : Mary Ann, beloved „ wife ,-E. ,'Hopker, " Clydev'ale, la-fo of T-apanui ; aged 78 years. -Deeply regretted. " The spirit hath re-"turned-unto God, whoC gave > it. Thy will beldohe."- Home papers please. copy. • "JONES.— On January 14, Martha;' the. beloved - -wife ;of f Robert" C. Jones;." in her fifty- - fdnrt£-year. ..' - * LOGIE'. — On January 13, at 92a. London _' street, Dunedin, .Walter, the beloved -hus- ' teand" of Emilie M.- Logic, and third- son "oi the late- Charles H. G. Lpgie, .first Collectoi of H.M."C, Dunedin, and formerly of th« _- Honourable East^ India Company; aged 6| years. __" At .rest." ' „.."'' MEADE.— On January 9.- at her . parents' 1 -residence, Hardy "street, St. Kilda >K»th- " leen lMaure.en, the "beloved eldest' daughtei - "of "H. 'T. and Emelia. : Meade;> aged - lfi " yoaTS. - Deeply regretted. ..'R.T.P-' ,\ - •M!FETRJJ>GE.— On January' lo, at' Mb "residence, Mount . Cargill, * John " M'FeMdge,. late • of -Sush Bank, Stranocum, County Aaitnm, - Ireland;- aged 77 years. - Home papers pleaec .copy? ;• ,' ' -«-_■•■"•' O'KEEFFE.— On January 10, a* hie son's residence, ■ Wakari • street, Maori - Hill, Edmund- O'Keeffe; aged T9 years.— Private ~ interment." - ■TREZISE.— On January 10, at her residence) John street,. Roalyn, Margaret Jane, beloved wife of Richard Thomas Trezise, and niotheT of Mrs R. "Jamieson; aged 61 years. SMITH.— On January 12 (accidentally drowned . in Dunedin Harbour), Thomas, the beloved son of Andrew and Elizabeth Smith; 64 Harbour _ terrace; aged 24. years. . Deeply mourned. -- - _ '• SPALDING.— On January 13, at his' resi-'-dence,-~64 Athol place, David, the beloved husband of Margaret Spalding; aged 48 .years". 'Deeply- regretted. " ' . - t IS MEMOBIAM. ANDERSON.— In loving memory of Andreas Carlion - Anderson, who died afr" Omakau (accidentally »drowned) on January 14, 1907. Inserted by his parents -and famjly.' M.ansford; Town, Port "Chalmers. - "-,, " . - ' COLLINS.— In ever loving memory of our , - dear son,'- Timothy (" Ted"); who passed .away on January 15, 1906; -aged -'ll years and 9.mpnths. "Fond mennciy ever olinga to thee." — Inserted by his loving parents, v late of St. Leonards. HAMILTON. — In*, loving remembrance of Jeanie Hamilton, who died at Palmerston \Soum- on' January 14/1906; aged 16 years.. *-"■ Nothing in my hands I bring; ' ■' ' ' Sinnply.'to Thy Cross I cling,.-*-rr-Inser ted "by "her- loving father and 'mother. KEMP.— In loving memory of James "Kemp, who passed away at Kartigi- on "January 9,,1904.; "- ~~ \ y-\. What'er our God-ordains^ts. jrfght^- v . Though now^this cup" we arV"djHnkm.* May bitter . seem to our faint Tjeigi^K' We. take it- all- unshrinkir^. '.'"^T'^ffT: " - — Inserted by Mb "loving wife an<l j fjaail.Jk

1 IN MEMORIAM. M'BIAY.— In loving "memory of our Qetx motliei, Fiona MTSLay, who died at 23 M'Bricte street, South. Dtmedin.on January 9, 1907. * . . Just gone withix tlw t«1, where- we shall follow; — . '" „ - - •- . Not iar. before us, herdly out of .sight. We, down beneath you in tkis cloudy" hollow,. .And you, above *us, on your sunny height. — Inserted by her loving v children." " . - XotlflcaHoot at Blttbi, lfarrtatej, sn£ beatht apptulicln tv« \Titne«« alia reoiro innrtlonin the Dally Timci uul In tb* MaatUy Summary f»r Europe without additiilaal oka-(«, , _ Ann*uaoemenu of Bltthi, Marrlac«, and Deaths tent far" .pnbllcatlsn from the coantiy districts require, to be verlfled bj Ai ilcattace of either our agent in the district tram which th»' amtMuacetuetit i« sent or«t the oler jyman of th« district. Oharn far these, 4!j per insertion.- When rtnes are addid-U "Im JTe«iot lum " notices, an addiUo»»l charts of 3« 6d for eaoh tctm •r rourMlne* im mad*. ••--_- ; ""* -

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Otago Witness, Issue 2809, 15 January 1908, Page 51

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LAW QUERIES. Otago Witness, Issue 2809, 15 January 1908, Page 51

LAW QUERIES. Otago Witness, Issue 2809, 15 January 1908, Page 51