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Notes from Cr omwell.

CPbok Oub Own GaKBESPoSDiaraJ CROMWELL* January 10.% Mining- affaira, especially dredging, aj» ' quiet just bow, but *h« Chrtjzst River ia looknd upon, ss a. splendid field, for investment with 4 good dredge. TI» Rise and SMne is » favourite stack, buyers locally baing numerous. The otrilook for reefing is much, better j than fox many years paat as several, private , parties *re doing soms prcspacting, bati. ai6 N«Tia and Bescfigo, and goad results- are almost certain- to. follow. The 2T-»vis is a giesut field, but th.« block in the winter- ia a great drawback. , Several of the hydraulic claims are doingexceptionally well, an-d" t&ere is a great , futurCtn front of it- The few dredges working there are doing fairly well. Notes- from GreymoatFr (Fbom: Otjb Owk Gmokespokdent.) GREY3iK>XrTE l , January IS. Mining- experts- have beta lately visiting- ihet country in tike nazgkbournoed. of Brownings I Pass. They think- so- w»ll of it as -» field.-. for.gaH Tm'nvgg. that thay have-, taken up an. firea at' an elevation "of somo- 500 ft higher than the Wilson , Rewaad Tunnel. They ■wore ab« to suks'a pretty olosa superficial "examination of the oountry, as the hilts seemed to- be- clear of -snow, and- the vegetation 'is~ not dense. It will' probably be dia^ covered some of th-ese do.js 'when, something ■ like a rush sets' in 9rafr the- bulk; of th& most likely ground Jia& been . pegged out in. anticipation. . '' THE CHIO&.GO GOLD D-REIKHIJrG-COMPANY. ' The following is tße xeport< of the board of direotcia to be presented at the eighthannual meeting oi Sa» company on 16th inst., at AlexaswbMV:— ■ " Your director* beg' to submit ' their - eighth inmial Report, balance- sheet", and statement of profit and loss account for year- •xtding 9Q*h November, 1907. - "About tba begTTiTWTig of the^year a fire- .' occurred on the- dredge which Sid consider-, able damage- to -tile decking; This, together with a~ necoßsary and expensive overhaul, - ■ and Christmas aolidays, caused a cessations of dr&djrmg for about six weeks; and on» tap. of this three wsaks- were occupied witEo dead Tvork cleaning out paddook ,»nd put* A ting up a wall of failings ten protect the in- ' j side ground fsom silt prior to dropping down | the river. • Since then, with the exception i of an occasional w«oKs stoppage on Account . , of- high river "and renewals to . machinery, th» * dredge has worked vrpih average consistency; - the gold won aggravating 888oz, being a fraction more than last year, and it is estirmatod that ike ground worked' consists bl ' approximately 4J- act«s.. * J " The average weekly expenses amount to -_13oz Bdiwt, wbioh is- » raductinn- on last year's figures, and must be cans.dored very satis? faotory, especially as the dredge is in good . 'order and well found. The ground in the? * river yet ■ Jo be worked wfil > occupy some • three- or four months. ond> it is anticipated :thai--fair rwiuras -will be -obtained' therefrom. • ! Your ensectars are pieasad to be able ta : return div4dead» smoun-biag- ta 4s per share, and evezy -treason, tot. believe that the. ensuing year will, h* equally profifca&is. Ta j Mr Fred. Willisma and his arevT the' board ; desires to return thanks fox faithful ser- !• vices. Mfeesxs George Spencer and J. B* 1 Bartholomew (the 'attar having haen elected ' 1 to a seat on the board r^ndei-ad vacant by - the resigna-Hon' at Mr' J. EL Foohey) retire,- [ but are eJigible and ciffar themselves for rej election, as does'- a£so the auditor (Mr IX W«b3iery." - ' ; The balance' sheet appended to the report shews that -the-esroendltare for the year was £3671' 10s- 7dv while* the gold" won amounted to J85376 6a Id. Dividend® of 4sr-in- the- pouudt were paid £995" -being distributed to shareholders. The profit and loaa account showa a. credit balance for the company' of £573 14s " 7d. " DREDGING RETTJEK"^ . oz. dwt. gr_ Waikaka Queen, "Waikaka, I64hrs _ 55 14 9- ; Waikaka United Kb. 1,, W»i- ' kaka, 197hrs 38 14 <T Rice and Shine No I, Cluth«u River, 133 hr» < 28 15- 9. ' W»ikaka TTnited No Z, Wai- ' kakv 181hrs .. ..... .. 28 2 0" Gold Sing-, Roxburgh 27 18 0 Central Chax.lton, n«ar Gore; ISSBr'ff .... .. ".. .. S* 2 0 Punt, Clutha River," X6Bhrff « SI 11 <T ' Olr% Manuherikia- wsek .'. 1119 1 9' Ot MtteHy Creek, .Waikaia, 96hrs Iff Iff "» -" Golden Gate,- Millet's. Kraft .. W 8 » Clutha Hiver, Olutha River, lKHri.- „. .-. .. .... 11 11 «i ' Waikaia, W»ik»ia, 42brs ?.» .. 9- U & Switzers, Waik&ia, lQShrs. .. a 13 A .Golden- Bed^ Miller's Flat,, 6-r day* .. .. C 6.^18- * Total .._ .. 2i2 16 0 ' THE * WIST- COASTI Pactolusr Kg 2, J4Bhxs .. .. 148 U <J Pactolus Ko. 1, lgOht* .- .. ' 60 a ttTota,i » .. n n a BTJLIiION SHIPMBNTS. AlTCKliANlJ^January IS. r. The. 25ealandia, whioh sailed fopt to-night; took shipments at Bullion' of « value of £25>273, The Wa£hi Goild Mirifng Company forwarded 79 bars of sirVer, Talus* at £83S0 f«r trtmshipiaent by » F. and O. steamer to Lon*m, whEe a« Faiwmal Beaifi . shipped one ~ box of gold jvitamd at £Bo7S to the CommarcHd Bank, Syfaajf, and n£n« bars of bulKon varuei atdßll,ls» t» London:. DUNUDIN STOCK ESCaAMIGB. Mon&.y*B marka* -war psoToaM6»« of mottk buainesff Mma " has ticaass^aed - ftr ■omeu time. The. sews fliafc- Al—inTi'in Surotan. dwdge kad ahUmaA 9S& £hr -&ur wm&, usd. feat /ib* dir«eiors- h»d decte«A * lift drvfr - ' fenffbad the .«S*ct of ownatafe a Tuxxa. S» those «hflar«s,.nb l«aer *h»n Sxwr jmoela ah*og--. in^ fiattds. at 8«. 6d> tt» clo»&» otk** lfcto : -boytrrs <% «eI&R» 7«. & - ■vi l 'tf M" Bg" about Vim Bt«ptk»; claira ft» •ftrtitnw t«h . ported to be work*d T out Iff jwm agp, an* that, Bom» ofths ground baa b*«i w^rtod not '■ leas tbkn three ttmea. TBe dr^e- i» rw» working on some fburor five acee» leoantlyf * aoquiiwd from the Golden Ba*wh. Syndiotuta. ' in erctwngw for » ohsnnel now in Hum- noctht v end of ih.» Beftoh claim. A IflTjse p«io»l «S 500 Koaburgh Amalgomcied ssaaes (oon.- - tributing icsue) waa sold »fe 7a. Mftnnhsrikiai shaxea -weaw -also productw 1 * of » aale> # parcel ok»B«ing h*n& *6 15* Sd at th«- ' morning oafl. This oomfiany ism ww at partiouWly good ofaint Ijeing enftbW W work into the bank whilst the nver i* higft-.

«nd to dredge out in the stream v/hcxL the l«vel permits'. Buyers of Sailor's Beads lb»ve advanced their price a little. Electrics ar« expected to firm slightly, ag, if the Txvwr continues falling, a start should be n««e - very shortly. "Waihis show a steady firming tendency. sfte followixig aT« Monday's latest quotations, subject to- the usual brokerage: — Dhedging Stocks. Alexandra Eurekar-^Buyers 6s, sellers 7s. ■ Qhioago-T-Seltare 8s 6d. - SHeetric— Sellers 14s. J&jrutai— Buyers .£1 17s 6d.^ JSJnierprise — Sellers 4.s Gi<3roß#en 3ed— Buyers 7s; sellers 9s. GoMen Treasure— Buyers £l-18s. Mosierton — Buyers £2. - MoJyneux Kobinoc-r " (paid) — Buyers Is, sellers "3s. - -" -- ** ■< - Bo Town Creek — Buyers Bs, "sellers 10s. Olx%— Buyers Is 9d. * • ' '~ ' Poetoaus— Sealers £1 lls. Bailor'© Bend— Buyep 'l3s 7ja, sellers 15s. , x Mining Stocks. . I&axburgji Amalgamated (paid) — Buyers 6s 6d, settera 7s 6d. Tniisman Consolidated—^Buyers £2 lls, sellers £2 12s 6d. , Tasmania!! Copper — Buyers 6s 3d, sellers 7s -6a. 1 Roxburgh Amalgamated (contrib.) — Buyers 5s 63. Ola Haurald — Buyers 2s 7d, sellers 2s lid. JJgatiawa — Buyers; 2% sellers 2s 2d. January 10. — Standard- Insurance, 245. •January 13. — Manuherikiaj 15s 9d; Arlexancbra -Eureka (four parcels), 6s 6d; Roxburgh -Amalgamated (contrib.), 7s.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2809, 15 January 1908, Page 28

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Notes from Cromwell. Otago Witness, Issue 2809, 15 January 1908, Page 28

Notes from Cromwell. Otago Witness, Issue 2809, 15 January 1908, Page 28