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**" "" July 24. The master of the Saiior's Bend in wiring the week's return on Saturday made an error, the correct-return being 103oz 16dwt 15gr. The gorge dredges are still experiencing an uninterrupted run with a fair amount of success, 'and should the river continue favourable it is expected that some or the companies will soon be on the dividend list. The Bendigo (Viet.) gold yie.d for the month of June was 18.3450z, against 21,7270z for the same month in 1906. The return from No. 1 Paterson's Freehold ia 28oz lOdwt for 129 hours. The No. 2 machine obtained 17oz 15dwt after 132 hours' dredging. The seventh annual meeting of the Blackwater River Gold Dredging Company (Ltd.) which was to have been held on the 23rd lapsed for want of a quorum, and was adjourned sine die. The secretary of the Nokomai Hydraulic Sluicing Company reports that the supply of water at No. 1 is slack, barely sufficient for requirements. There has been no thaw whatever during the week, and the snow is frozen, and the sun's effect on it is very slight. Hard frosts are reported from No. 2, but the dam is full to within one foot of the top. Gcod progress is being made in the sluicing; the stones are much softer and more easily broken. The old drive referred to in previous report is only a single one, and extended ha'fway across the paddock. Work at No. 3 is being delayed, because of scarcity of teams to remove the material. An improved gold-saver and bucket-scourer is the very latest invention to be used m gold dredging, and may be seen working to advantage in the Waikaka TJmted Company's No. 2 dredge, Waikaka Valley (remarks the Mataura. Ensigri). Mr Potts, the patentee, has evidently hit upon a good invention, as it is * well-known fact that gcild is being carried from the face in the buckets, and after the buckets deliver their load into the drop chute they then pa«s on to the vrellhole with colour of gold clinging to the mside of them. Very good proof can be secured by anyone, and there will be na doubt left in the minds of those who try the experiment

of washing out one bucket at the water's edge into a bath by simply splashing in one or two dippersful of water and then panning out the contents caught in the bath. If the wash is at ,aJI mullocky or sloppy the result of the experiment will surprise the most dubious. The invention is a jet of water playing into the buckets after they pass the drop chute, through a nozzle specially made for the purpose. The water is supplied by a 2in T&ngya pump, driven direct from the engine. As it costs practically nothing to drive the pump, the extra gold saved is all found money to any dredging company or party. The whole contrivance is simplicity itself, and can be fitted on toi any dredge at a small cost for installing the plant, considering that the first cost is the only one. The Waikaka United dredge recently saved 16dwt on her week's return by means of this patent. The gold yield of Victoria during the month of June shows a further falling off in comparison with the figures for the corresponding month of last year. The output last month was 74,9100z gross, or 68,0630z fine, valued at £289,115, the decrease as against tie yield in June, 1906, being 10,5430z. These continued decreases in tbe monthly returns have had a marked effect on the output for the year. The quantity raised during the last six months amounts to 366,31 70z gross, or 336,H10z fine, valued at £1,427,708. A decrease of 45>9250z gross has occurred, when composed with the yield for the first six months of 1906, but it shows an increase of 1600oz over the return for 1905. The return from the Sandy Point dredge waa 420z lldwt 12gr for 165 hours' work. The Punt dredge is responsible for a return of 15oz 13dwt as the result of 168 hours' dredging. Tbe dredgemaster of the Waikaia reports under date 20th inst. — " We had a very steady week's dredging in the middle section. This section, which is now ahead of the east and west sect-ions, looked fair up to Thursday, when it became deep and drifty in places. 23ft from water level and sft from the bank. I expect a smaller return from this section on Wednesday when we wash up. After that the dTedge will be shifted into the west section. Total face is Hi chains. The dredge is working on a red clay bottom." The frosty weather of the past week or two caused the water supply for mining purposes to fall away very materially in the 'Tuapeka. district. The Blue Spur Consolidated Company, owing to that cause, was idle foot tihe- greater part of last week, the frost having been very severe towards the head of the Waipori River, whence the major portion of the B'.ue Spur water supply is lifted. The Gabriel's Gully Sluicing Company (formerly the Local -Industry) has done very little work owing to its water supply, drawn from the Phoenix dam, having pTactically given out. The other sluicing companies in the neighbourhood have done very little work on account of the scarcity of water. The directors of the Chicago Company have declared a dividend (the nineteenth) of Is per share, payable on the 27th inst. The Mystery Plat dxedge had a good run of 135 hours last week, everything working well. A face of 14£ chains'" was worked, the centre section still being the better one, though there was a slight improvement on the eastern side, where a much rougher wash had coma in. The western section remained poor. The depth of the ground ranged from 14ft to 18ft. We learn that the last three returns alone from the Sailor's Bend dredge, amounting to 211oz lldwt 3gr, of a value of about £845. will be sufficient to wipe off -all the company's liabilities and leave approximately £600 towards paying off- the debentures (£1000). Altogether the company appears to be on a very sound financial footing. Since the beginning of June- Jackson and Hughes, at the Poseidon gold rush, at Tarnagulla (Vie), have taken out the northern stops of the well-known rich gutter, and were successful in adding to previous records slugs weighing, in the rough, 160oz, 440z, and 350z, beside other small nuggets from loz to 3oz» On July 8 the specimens and nuggets were broken up, and, with residues from previous finds, gave a final clean-up of 170oz, making a total of lOOOoz, or a dividend of £2000 p6r tnftn. The dredgemaster of the Sailor's Bend, reporting under date the 21st inst., stated that the past week's return was 103oz 16awt 15gr for 148 hours. The dredge was working well and the ground was getting rougher, the bottom dipping towards the west side. The machine was still working on a soft bottom, with very good wash, which had every appearance of lasting to the top of the claim. The weather was cold and tihe river falling, giving prospect of a very long season. The master of the Matau dredge advises that lie recommenced dredging on Thursday night at 6 o'clock, and it took nearly four shifts to cross the cut, as a lot of drift had accumulated in the east poxtion. The prospects at the time of writing were, fair Ihe difficult portion will be worked in the day shift in future, it being too good to miss The dredgemaster of the Alexandra Lead dredge repots under date July 20 that the dredging time for the post week was 120 hour!, with prospects if a Utt c better. The face is very high, and he was obliged to put in the elevator shute again, and he ia new stacking the full height of The^dred^emaster of the Alexandra Eureka Gold Dredgintr Company (Limited) reports under date 20th inst. We got in good dredging time up to Saturday morning. Owing to the water m the paddock being too low for the quantity of silt we have to deal with, we have stopped the dredge until the river rises. The machinery was running very weU during the week. The crew has been paid off in the meantime. July 25. The leturn from the Punt dredge is 15oz 13dwt for 168 hours. The Sandy Point dredgs obtained 420z lldwt for 165 hours. The Clyda dredg-emaster made a start on Tuesday evening. The directors of the Muddy Creek Company have declared a dividend (the twenty-£«v«ntb) oi 53, payable on the 26th inst. The Electric No. 1 dredge worked 136 hours, dTiving ahead same 30ft in a cut about 83ft wide. The greatest depth of the ground was 39ft. The bottom was composed of ccal and ahale on the west aide, and sandy clay on the east. The riveT bottom contained very large rocks and stones. The wash was tight, and was difficult to open up and work. Prospects during the week were changeable. The sample of gold obtained was of a fine nature, one-third being scaly, and there were a few pieces, with brown quartz attached. An improved return may be expected next week. The No. 2 dredge worked 10 i tours, dredging 18ft ahead in a cut about 115 ft in width, the greatest depth of ground being 38ft. The sample of gold was coarser than that obtained during the previous week, and the ground was not quite so rough, though a number of boulders were being brought up. On Wednesday evening the piston Tod of the winch broke. Dredging was resumed at 11 o' Jock next day. Prospects indicated that the ground was improving. It was getting deeper as Ac dredge worked ahead. The dredgemaster of the Koputai dredge Teports that after taking . cut through the swamp the wash showed little improvement, and he is now making back Towards the river to get on the run 01 good gold worked a few weeks acg>«

The Tasmwaian Government has decided to place a sura, of £300 on the estimates towards the further sinking of hhe main shaft of the Western mine, Zeehan. This money is to be provided from sxurplus revenue. Regarding the balance applied for, or a total of £6000, should the money prove insufficient for the purpose a further sum may be voted by Parliament. But that will depend upon there being a further surplus available, and it is therefore not binding upon the Government. The master of the Modyneux ELohinoor dredge advises that he started dredging on the Zilh. inst The Enterprise top marts were washed up for a return of 250z for the three days' worked. Prospects are still fair. The searetajy of the Electric No. 2 dredge has received a wire to the effect that shifts were lost through the boiler tubes leaking. This will affect the forthcoming return. The master of the Sandy Point dredge reports under date 20fcb inst. : — " Started dredging on- Sunday night, after which we had a steady run up till Thursday morning. The ground on the river side of tbe cut is very shallow. W© swung the 'dredge round on Thursday afternoon, and since then we have been stationed in the one spot. The overburden is all silt, carrying no gold. The seam on the bottom continues to keep fairly tight. 1 Prospects are about the same, the weather at present being very mild, and the waiter supply good; | The dredgemaster of the Otago Company i reports:— "No. 1 dredge has been working fairly well during the past week. .The ground hoe- been worked before, and consequently the ! returns are poor. No. 2 dredge had a good week's run, the ground continuing fair." The Rise and Shine No. 1 worked ahead 12ft during the week. The cut was 250 ft wide, and from 42ft to 48ft deep. At the end of the week there were indications of an improvement in the quality of -the wash. No. 2 dxedge worked Bft ahead, treating a face 400 ft wide and from 36ffc to 42ft deep, with clay bottom and good prospects throughout. The master of the Masterton Company, reporting under date 20th inst., states jhat there is but little change in the ground. The dxedge w*e working exceedingly well. The master of the Heesey dredge reports a broken run for the week. He did not wash up until Wednesday afternoon. There was no improvement in the ground., but there had been a lot of silt to shift. Everything was running well. The master oi the Punt dredge, writing on the 20th mat., reports a good run for the week, in which very little time was lost. The dredge worked ahead 38ft an the chain and a-half out on the river side. Prospects sore still poor, no sign® of wash making as yet. He would comtinrue on this cut until Tuesday morning, so tha.t he could leave an opening for going back to work this corner at any time. He had ha 3to stop to attend to the boiler and o±ber tihin'gs, but the machine would be started again as soon as possible, and would work straight into the freehold, where the bottom was rising. July 26. The return from the Waikaia dredge for 128 hours was 1-ioz. The machine has been shifted into the wes* section. The Briseis tin mine, Tasmania, had a total output of stream tin for June of 105 tons 3c wt, including the company's proportion of tihe New Brothers' Home yield. This is practically the same return as for the previous month. The actual yield from the Briseis mine itself wes 86 tons. The April return of gold won from the mines of the Rand, compiled by the Transvaal Chamber of Commerce, shows. that a total of 537,019 fine ounces were obtained, of the value of ££281,110. This iB a.n increase on tihe return for the ;orrespond - "ng month of -the preceding year, when the «;old won amounted to 439,2430z, of the value of £1,865.785. For the four months of 1907 — January, February, March, and April — the grand total amounts to 2,106,6960z, valued at £8,948,676,' as comp&red with 1,719,2720z, valued at £7,303,003, for the same period of 1906. The Mystery Flat dredge btained 450z 12dwt for 134 hours. An extraordinary meeting of shareholders in the Golden Run Dredging Company was held a* Wood's Hotel on Thursday. Mr B. Hart, chairman of directors, presided, and there were eight shareholders present. It w«.s resolved that the company go into voluntary liquidation. The secretary (Mr J. Burton) was appointed liquidator, to consult with Messrs Wood, Greg" and Adams, as a board of advice. The whole of the property will be offered at auction shortly. A committee meeting of the newly-formed Clyde Mining Prospecting Association was held on the 23rd inst., Mr George Smith being in the ohair. It was decided, after prolonged discussion, to postpone the drafting of rules until the committee interviewed the rew»dents of Alexandra with a view to finding out the probable support that would be given the association in the Alexandra district. It is likely the association will meet with strong monetary support, a®- its objects have been allowed to fall in abeyance in the past. The secretary of the Commonwealth Department for External Affairs (Mr Atlee Hunt) has received from New Guinea a bor of copper samples, taken from three mines which have recently been started in the territory. They are the Gordon, the Hector, and the Astrolabe, all situated in a cupriferous region, close to Port Moresby. The samples (saye the Australasian) are very rich mes, but most of them have been taken from outcrops and the capping erf lodes. It is the intention of Mr Atlee Hunt to send the samples to an assayer in order that their copper contents may bs accurately determined July 27. Rise and Shine Company has declared a dividend (the 12th) of one shilling per share, payable on the 31st inst. In reporting a return of 30oz for 52 hours the masier of the Mannherikia dredge states that the second motion shaft broke on Monday, 22nd. and the dredge recommenced dredging on Wednesday. 24th. The return was obtained previous to the breakdown. We understand that Mr John Stevenson has bought the well-known Shetland Terrace Mining property on the West Coast, and it is now being prospected by a thoroughly competent man. There is every prospect of an immediate start being made to work this valuable property. The maateT of tbe Lsdy Roxburgh dredge reports: — "We reached the top boundary on Thursday night,' and are now trying the ground on the east side." The directors of the Undaunted Gold Mining Company have declared a dividend of shillings per share, payable forthwith. A dividend of one shilling per share is payable to shareholders in the Otago Company. The dredgemaster of the Blackwater Riv-er Company advises that the elevator ladder was twisted by a fal T , and that at least a week will be required to effect repairs. He also states that prior to the stoppage a marked improvement in the appearance of the mats was noticeable. The master of the Matau intimates that prospects are fair. The Dunedin syndicate which already owns and controls some half-dozen gold dredges in Victoria sent another dredge from the Maori Ironworks by the Moeraki m the 27th to be worked in poaauiicUon with a machine

which i» already working a claim in th* Bright district. A very successful find of opal is reported from Lightning Ridge, near Collarendabxi (N.S.W.), by two miners working* for a Oollarendabii syndicate. It is stated that they unearthed £800 worth within 10 days at a depth of 20 feet from the surface. - India produced nearly "9,096,000 tons .of coal during the year 1906. In mining this quantity of coal there were 80,496 persona employed, which shows thwt the avezaga production per employee was- about 96 tonse New Zealand produces about 485 tons pee employee; the United States, 529 tons; the United Kingdom, 279" tons per employee £ and Germany has an average output of 90ft tons for each person employed. It is conservatively estimated that the coal measures of India nave an are* of 33,000 square miles* which places that country as the- fourth largest coal-bearing country in the worldJuly 29. The Molyneux remains steady *£ 3ft Ilia above normal mark ait Alexandra. Hard frosts are being experienced. The master of the Sajidy Point dredge wireci on Saturday bh»t the bucket belt parted about 4 o'clock tfajkt morning. The return from tbe G.olden Gate dredge last week was lloz sdwt. The dredgemsstiac reported that the river was steady. The- wash which the Sailor's Send, dxedg* has. been working in ia Veary tight, and consequently the* dredge cannot cover so mxtcil ground. . The wash is carrying good gold. The Clyde dr edgemaster wired on Saturday that he- had not -bottomed" yeiL .The master of tbe Lady Roxburgh dredg* reports that he. reached thVtop boundary on Thursday ndghf.* 'He was at the time of write ing trying" the ground on the east- side. The Wadmumu Queen dxedge has broken her second motion shaft, and has been stopped for repairs „> . . Prospects on the Rise and Shine No. 1 dredge continue about- the same. The piaster of the Royal Wadnmmu dredg* reports the ladder broken. Our Reefton correspondent, wires «s foF» lows: — The Big River mine manager reports that No. 9 level has been extended. 20ft fox the week, making the total distance from J&m shaft 381 ft. The men have passed hhrougb? the hard country, and are now driving, in reef formation. The following paragraph appeszs in th» Goldfields Report : — " Never in the histtorji of New Zealand has quartz mining, been in a more healthy condition. Coal mining £a attracting capital for large operations. Efforts are being made for testing our petroleum deposits, and shale, mining is likely to be shortly resumed. Taking a ' general view of the mining industry as a whole, it may- be said to be in a very satisfactory, position." Ju"y 30. The height, of the Mo'yneux above normal mark at Alexandra on Monday was 3ft lOin. Hard frosta are being experienced in the locality. Duiing the week ended 29th inst. 36 dredges in Otago and Southland obtained 12290 a lOdwt 23gx, or an average of 340z per dxedge. Four Weßu Coast dredges obtained 1290 x lodwt. The Ladysmith Company washed up fo* 10002 as the result of four weeks' sluicing. The Clyde dredge bottomed- on Monday morning on fair gold. The master of the Trafalgar reports thafi the return was poorer than he expected. This was due to his being hampered- with Umber, when cleaning up the bottom. The sample of gold was a good one. A lot of the_ bottom was lost wring to a large black pine treat, which the dredge was unable to shift. At a meeting- of the directors of the Mill Greek Freehold (Ltd.) on Saturday Mr John Currie was appointed dredgemaster. Theres were 33 applicants fox the position. The Fourteen-mile Beach dredge obtained 2Zbz 16dwt for 161 hours' work. The return from the Nelson Creek dredge w*s 30os for- 121 hours. The dredgemaster of the Rising Sun is- , ports for tha week ending July 27: " Dredged 121 hours and worked ahead 16ft in a cat 150 yds wide. Prospects continue sinrilsx to last week's, with the good sandstone bottom widening out. The deep gutter still remains in the east side of the- cut." In the Thames mining district £her« are about 120 leases of mining areas. About 6300 acres are so held, and the rental per annum comes to about £1800. This is only beaten by Waihi, where the revenue per year is about £1700, though the number of licenses and areas held are less.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2785, 31 July 1907, Page 28

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THE WEEK'S MINING NEWS Otago Witness, Issue 2785, 31 July 1907, Page 28

THE WEEK'S MINING NEWS Otago Witness, Issue 2785, 31 July 1907, Page 28