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HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION, HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough. Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness. Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither aHows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption to develop; Consumption has never been known to exist where "Coughs" have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. DCIA/ADir OIT PAIir^UCI remember that every disease has its commencement, DLVYAnII KJr vV/UVandl . and consumption is no exception to this rule. BRONCHITIS. I BRONCHITIS amp ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS. SEVERE COUGH-A 5 YEARS CASE* A South Australian storekeeper testifies f A Commercial Traveller sutterimz intensely Two Perseus te New Zealand cured by One Relieved at once a>d ccnpletely cured by the Efficacy of Hearae's Brvacbitls Core. cMred by Hears** s BrauhUls Cure. Bottle of Hearae'* Bfmchltis Cur*. Hearae's Bronchitis Core. A Sufferer 70 Years Old cured by It* Has aiace camped oat «a>d travelled much One *f them had bees safferint; for Twelre Dear Sir,— l suffered from a severe cold on Well ««7ie«rt y .ow. without . cold. - & C^ ft* t Sfi«s'fa2 SSS-STUSa! «, „. _ „ r — _. . „, „, r „„_. — — Mr. Hearae. Dear Sir,— l had a very bad coucb. b »t derived no benefit until I used your BronMr. W. «. Hearne. Dear Sir.— l am a store- M £3- t.V lv^ts«ii ?«« mrr nr 6mr v«« ™-, *° l b°»B*t one botUe ot your BroMhitis Coie. chitis Cure, which gave me relief at once, and keeper, Mvwg m this township for the last so .Dear Sir.-Tn 1&8 I w« .for fonr years gre- Md lised s ab^ t one . liatf o f v w^ d "£' completely cured me. lam delighted with it. Ers. One of mv oldest customers has been sub- vwusly m Qu^eeiisTand trav«Hng re^esentauve cough ia t or d *My eSoghter; who »is a really wonderful medicine; does fiood at : to Bronchitis for a nwnfcer of years and to* * mercantile >«"»«; **™B 23£?tL,* nadbeen troubled with a bad cough foi the part once, and can't be licked— Yours sincerely, been in the hospital with it several times, wavy cold I placed myself m»4er a ■sedical man, twe i ve mont hs. then used the nuaauAnc half W. TREMEULEN Hearing of your . valuable uildicine, he tried, it. *|>d used all Idnds <*«fe^^p»«S*"3 T2*" offto^eKef andtt }S£ » Modwirefvfctoria, and found that it gave him great relief. One out avail. I was tnea staying at Hayes Ter- BroncStis Cure is a wonderfnl remedy bottle was. sufficient to put Aim right. Tbk "W Hotel,_ Brisbane. Tie »«|^ »d 1 tove ,r^ed%n m 7 farm if^odbay for about AaTHMA * -,-7, -7 viraoo riBP gentleman is over 70 years of age, an old bush- posaiwe tor me. lor wtiicn lam always jeei ,5 years. You are at liberlv to nse this letter ASTHMA— A 17 YEARS CASE. nian, who has been in these pirte for the last grateful. Mr. Duncan Curxw. at that time a^r^ ay you please, Yo^resw^Uv « , 30 yeaw, and is well known. He T make« my *c"«« ■«nager for tie New York Life Insurance 7 T yon P CHAS W^TTON Previous treatment failed. nouie his home when here, and got the medicine Co., came to see me danjr, and he aiwsed me BombayVAuekland New Zealand ~Z from me. He is at my place now, and he says *• *Tr ypur Bronchitis Cure. I was about done compay. Aucmano. wewzeauna. Cured by Three Battles. that this winter is the freest he has had from f*r. could «ot eat, « scarcely swallow ; in fact. • . Bronchitis for a number of years, and he wishes used to nearly suffocate « doste times a day, BRONCHITIS AND ASTHMA. " r - Alex - J- Anderson of Oak Park. Charleville, to return you thanks for your valuable Bron- snfcnng intensely Guess of my tfiankfuloess, - Queensland, writes :— " After suffering from asthma chitis Cure He is well and hearty now. Yon when Mr. Cunie Nought me . 'bottle of your A sufferer for years. , ">r seventeen years, and having been under a great are quite at liberty to publish this or any part of Bronchitis Cure. A few doaesactuaUr cured me. many different treatments without benefit, I was It you like, as it may be of great benefit to other I took another bottle away from the city with Immediate relief and complete cure by induced to try Hearne's Medicine for Asthma, people suffering from Bronchitis.— Yours truly, me, and gave part *f tt to a young girt at South- Heame'a Bronchitis Cur*. After taking three bottles of this medicine, I quite v rofiim Sto«i«i,tt port, and it also saved her I*. The balance I . gotridof the asthma, and since then, which was the M. COGLIN, Storekeeper, gvf9 v M r. T. McMillan, Tweed Hirer-three Mr. W. G. Hearae beginning of 1883-fifteen years ago - 1 have not had Yunta, South Australia. persons cured by your valuable medicine. Al- g— sir— l feel In dutr bound to express mv the slightest return of it. The medicine quite cured . ta»ue« I baw camped out and ttaveßad about f rs^le first to you for your marvellous Bron- m %^ l nave much , P leas .ure in recommending it." —————« IQOOO naies my jUnesg | have not eon- Zbttis and Asthma Cure next to Mr Cheshire Writing two years later he states :— "I am keeping BRONCHITIS. ' *?«ed * 00U since.-I am, Ar^r bert weH- cteifc^ Norft &|ght«S; tohn^ib^S ver / weU ' Never have ** sli B htest »S™ «» tfi wisher, THOa KOSS. . care ta fltockt fe \ su fferer for asthma." A Fourtee. Months' Sufferer in Queensland. Labasa, via Suva, Fiji, yej^g £ porchased oo* bottle of your Bronchitis ——___—_ y Cure. It gave immediate relief, and continuing Cough so distressingly bad. c*.ld .*t c«t -«^ M -»«.»,-, Ve^u..'. Uas directed, it effected a cooiplete cure. My GRATITUDE AND APPRECIATION. -„- re -t BRONCHITIS AND ABTHMA.' wife and I recommended tt to all our acqualutances, -3~ ' J ■■ . who suffer with the same. You can use this let- Hundreds cured in their »wn circle. Cuwd hv Heane'x BrMehlii< Ctfre A Queemsland Resldeat cared by Hearae's tec for publication if you wish.— Yours sincerely, — ' Cured by Besiae a nrmuciAU* cart,. Bnmekltl* Can. FA COTTEW The " Scientific Austraiias" Office, . After other treatment fc«d «»«. Urn Elsternwlck, Vfctoria. Dear Mr. Hearne.-^^Twork^ro ll^. Mr W G Hearoe Dear Sir.-I write to add " " " quent^ the most effective, and If there is aaymy tes«mon> to the wonderful effect of your N« Sh*rtMM *f Breath sine*. , BRONCHITIS v? 7 iJ? Victors who. during the last few years Bronchuis Cure. I suffered for 1* raoafhs wUh BBOHbHI rig. has. been repeatedly workinf for and singing the Terrible cough. It wa, so dfetreU^ly bad at Mr W ft JTearn^ Dear gr.r£JW Hwm4M. A Sy4oey mUent h |fc af ne .. fgjagL r ° e ' S BlOnchitlS Cw ' ttisoarfc suftedSSors SSfmST r4w S! y^r JLfSZ %£s*%* & £?£ SSTS^SR Breachlttrcure, e,m^,e. i,recl«tl«. iSU- somo three year, ago was n, "" SSTSAmS X away^ffeellSot ™^ &»%^aA[^&££% G. Heamep^Sir.-Accep, my «. SSS^SS^^SaS^SS! STA& Sm Y^n may de^don mV^aWngTouV woadtr- ttyyiia Brooobiti. Cure. I took five EotHes, moy to to .ocaemoff your Bronchitis Cure. I was that it had was so marked that he has ever since foTmediciM \nown I have^rat for anoSer and it made a new man of me. I oould after- very Ul last February in Melbourne, and was recom- been continually recommending it to others. r^ttl?toSb7m^case AecouAma^riSS wards run a mile or climb up and down a vertical "^i bT » frleo ? *» *7 ?««» Bronchitis Cure. We are glad to add this our testimony to the any time < I ara TwritinKthS T^s Tl am TsunßiSere sk* rt without a»y fesliaf of shortness of breath. After three doges, I felt immense relief, and the value of Hearne's most valuable Bronchitis Cure. =>Z I JSiJ^eSnli out thtemrihxFif No medicine for %ronehies that I bave ever taken «>««« vanished before the fast bottle was finished, which has eased the sufferings of hundreds and VoorsMttfi,!!,,. J.P.BOVD.- RICHARD COLLINS, Ulre Man W «. *««■»«*»■ Y °«" & "» K tal a L MARTIN, Contractor, Toirens Creek, North Queensland. Irvinebank, via Cairns, North Queensland. Darlinghurst, Sydney. I PHILLIPS, ORMONDE ft CO. Small Size, 2/6; Large Size, 4/6. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by the Proprietor, v W. G. HEARNE, CHEMIST, QEELONG, VICTORIA. FORWARDED BY POST TO ANY ADDRESS WHEN NOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY. New Zealand Office : Nos. 9 and 11, First Floor, Hume's Buildings, Willis St., Wellington. NOTICE* — Hearne's Bronchitis Cure No. IA does WOT contain any poison within the meaning of the Act. It is equally beneficial for the youngest child and the most aged person.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2785, 31 July 1907, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2785, 31 July 1907, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2785, 31 July 1907, Page 14