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Monday Evening. On Monday afternoon % pleasant reunion of relatives and old friends was held at Mrs Turton's residence, the Glen, -when Miss Bathgate (Mrs Turton's aunt) celebrated her eighty-seventh birthday. Miss Bathgate w*» the recipient of many lovely presents of 'all sorts, books, work-bags, flowers, handkerchiefs, fancy-bags, etc., in numbers, and also received a great many telegrams of oongratu, lation. A good deal of amusement- was de* rived from a novel competition entitled- ai* "engagement competition" which entertained. ! the visitors during the afternoon. Those pr«-< sent were Mrs and the Misees Turton, M< and Mrs mnd the' Misses Woodhouse, Mr 4 Mrs, and Miss Dorothy Bathgste, Dr WiniJ fred Ba-thgate, Mir-B. Woodhouse, Mr* W* M«itlaad, Mrs Gladstone Robinson {Tint&ru),Dr and Mra Colquhoun, Miss Wimperia, Mrs. A. W. Morris, Mts Johnson. Brown, Mrs Ross, Mrs John Roberta, Miss Cumine, Mrs Driver, Mrs Edmunds (Invercargill), Mx£ George Tuxnbull, «nd -the Misses Rattray. On Monday afternoon Mrs W. A. Moore gava «, delightful afternoon tea of a novel desorip-i tion at "Venard" in honour of her guest* Miss Way, from Christohurch. Each ladyi was requested to take with her, a photograph of herself done in babyhood or at an aget not exceeding seven years, and a. great deal, of amusement and entertainment was derived) from the baby photograph «how. About 6$ ladies were present, and almost all were- rej presented 'by a photograph of some sari,; which was marked with a number and dis* played on the wall of one or other roonei! Each competitor wu provided with a cazcf on which were printed numbers, each muxH ber being represented by a photograph oof view, and all were invited to supply tbo correct name to the number on the card, thej number corresponding with thait attached? to the photograph. Amongst the baby pio' tuxes little or no resemblance could be traced!' but in many cases quite a striking likeness* could be found between the six or sevetnf years old children and those ladies present. The task allotted was no easy one. and con-, siderable credit was due to Mrs Riley, wha guessed correctly about 30 names; her sister. Miss Cora Graham, following with 2* names? The first prize, which was presented to Mrs; Riley, was a handsome set of fancy buttons,, and the second prize a bottle of soent is. a case, which fell to the lot of Miss Carat Graham. Tea and refreshments were served in the dining room, where the table wa« prettily decorated with white flowers an<| sprays of maidenhair fern and glasses o& purple- violets. ' Amongst those present, besides Mrs Moors and Miss Way, were Mrs Benham, Mis^ Coughtrey, the MSsses F*rquhar, Mrs H. St. Fenwick, the Misses Fergus, Mrs A. Fishe:.-^ Mias Fisher, Mrs F. Fitchett, Miss Gilkison, the Misses Graham, Mrs Hosking, Mra Holdsworth, Miss Hocken, Miss Joachim,, Mrs Loughnan. Mrs LeCren, Mrs MaxshaU, the Misses Mill, Miss Molly Neill, Misa Nisbet, Mrs O'Neill, Miss Lorna, Battrayj Mrs E. C. Reynolds, Mrs Riley, Miss Roberts, Mrs Jim Roberts, Miss Olive Royse, Mrs AJ Roberts, Mrs Sargood, the Misses S&lmozy Miss Shand, Miss Sise, Miss K. Ulrich, Mid Tavener, the Misses Webster, Miss Wimperisj( Mrs and Miss Woodhouse, «tc.- i Mrs Moore wore a stylish costume of navy* blue transparent voile over white silk, withr bolero and handsome lace trimmings finished* with touches of green; Miss Way, a hand* some white lace dress over white taffetas,' with whit* satin belt; Mrs Sargood, stylish' costume <rf crimson cloth trimmed with' panne velvet the same colour, bolero witl^ puffed lace under-sleeves and lace vesi£ white furs, and black chip hat with pinU and blue trimmings and white osprey; Mr* Alec Robeits, snlairt tailor-made, costume oi i dark green cloth, furs -and white beaver half with lovely roses ; Miss Nisbet, pale - blu^ bolero costume with white vest and finishings^ and white hat; Mrs Hokbworth, coatum« of mouse-coloured cloth with lace yoke, winecoloured hat with flowers of -the some shade;, Mrs Hosking, a purple cloth -tailor-made coa-i( tume, grebe furs «na fur toque ; Mrs Endleji, Reynolds, navy blue costume *nd blue and green hat; Mrs Riley, dark brown tailormade costume, furs, and fur toque trimmed; with pale blue ribbon and pink roses; Mra Jim Roberts, dark blue coat and skirt aa<* smart pink toque; Miss Edith Farquhar,' green cloth cowt and skirt and white b*t;j Mrs F. Fitchett, dark costume and tur< belted jacket; Mias Graham, black cloth, the bodice finished with lace yoke ana touches of pale blue, and black feather hat;f her sister, Mrs Tavener (North Island), electric blue cloth dress and handsome sealekitt coat,' blue hat with shaded blue cock plumes;. Miss Roberts, smart dark grey tailor-made coat and skirt and black hat; Mrs Marshall, x siylish dress of black taffetas, with bolero finished with touches of erreen velvet worn over a lace vest, white bea-ver hat with ieo7 anJ purple roses; Miss Olive Royse dark green -tailor-made, and smart sailor hat of Ireeu straw trimmed with green and whiteribbons ; Miss Sale, Wack costume, and smart three-cornered grey beaver hat trimmed with lovely roaes; Miss Georgie Webster, a white: serge costume and purple and petunia, hat.. On Tuesday evening Miss Gilkison gay« S ladief/ bridge party, games being played a* three tables, and the prize being won by Majsfl Denniston. On "Wedesday evening Mars Neil Barclay; gave a pleasant little young people's bridga party at her residence in Royal terrace. About 20 were present, and the lady's priza - — a lovely silver manicure set — was won byi Miss Olive Royse, the men's prize being won by Mr A. Sise Bridge tables were arranged in the drawing room and morning room, and supper was served in the dining room, the evening concluding with a set of lancers, danced in the- drawing room. Besides Mr and Mxs Barclay, there were present Miss Ramsay and Mies Nora- Ramsay, Miss Royse and Miss Olive Royse, Miss F. Maclean, Miss Menlove, Miss Fergus, Miss Salmon, Mr Patullo, Mr Dusthie, Mr Garth Galloway, Mr Reading, Mr A. Sise, Mr T, Theomin, Mr Purchase*, and others. On Friday afternoon Mrs Hosking gar<S a small and delightful afternoon tea at her residence, "Otu-itu," when between 30 and! 40 ladies were present. The afternoon was oold, squally, und wet, and most oi thosa present had to be content with wearing warm! coats, or tailor-ruado costumes. Mrs Hosking received h&x >jue»t» in the tkswinK room,

and in the hall a pianist and violinist were stationed, who played delightful music throughout the afternoon. Tea and refreshments were served in the dining room, where the table looked dainty and artistic, arranged with narcissi and yellow primroses, harbingers of spring. The Misses Turton, Miss Fanny Sband, and Miss Olive Royse assisted it the tea table, and helped to look after the wants of all. In the library two tables were arranged for bridge, eight ladies playing there during the afternoon. Besides Mrs Hosking there were present, amongst others, Miss Dorothy Bathgate, Mrs Benham, Mrs Buckland, Miss Pbyllia Boyd, Mrs Carew, Mra Driver, Mrs F. Filchett, Mrs Haggitt, Mrs Holdsworth, Mrs Hay (Temuka), Mrs Joachim, Miss Kelsey, Mrs Loughnan, Mrs W Maitland, Mrs Moore, Mi?s Maxchant, Mrs MacG-owan, Mrs Russell Ritchie, Mrs Roberts, Mrs and Miss Royse, Mrs and Miss F. Shand, Mrs Sise, the Misses Turton, Mrs Sinclair Thomson, Mies Williams, Miss Webster, Miss Wimperis, etc. On Friday evening Mrs Eard'ey Reynolds gave a small musical evening at her residence in London street. On Friday evening Mrs Carew gave a ladies' bridge party, games being played ait

three tabled, and tihe prize won by Mrs Leslie Harris. On Friday evening Mrs Ritchie gave a young people's dinner party at " Balvraid" as a farewell to her «on, Mr Charlie Ritchie, who leaves for Cambridlge this week. On Friday evening Jfrs Stand gave a oridge p&rty at her residence in St. David street. About 20 were present, and! games were played at four tables during the evening, after which a dainty supper was served in the dining room. Besides Dr and Mrs Shand there were present Miss Shand, Miss Fanny Shand, Mr and Mrs Robert Turnbull, Dr and Mrs Riley, Dr Mackellar, , 'Mr and. Mrs Moore, Dr and Mrs Blomneld, Miss Marchar*t, Mt and Mrs C. Turnbull, Mr Hunter, etc. A team of ladies f from the Tirnaru Golf Links played a, match on Friday afternoon against a team of ladies from the Dunedin Ladies' Golf Club, -the latter coming off conquerors. Amongst the Timaru visitors were Mrs Costello, Mrs Cox, Miss Revell, Miss Knubley, Miss Hayj etc. Mrs Gladstone Robinson is in Dunedin on a short visit from Timaru. Miss Knubley (Timaru) is a guest of Mrs John Roberts, Littlebourne House, during her, stay in Dunedin. Mrs Ritchie has returned from Timaru/ Mrs and Miss Kerr and Miss Hamilton have gone to Timaru for a few weeks' change. Miss Cumings (Sydney), v/hc has been the guest of Mrs Kerr for some time, left last week for Wellington, where she pays visits before returning to Sydney. Mrs Hunter Weston, who has been in town for the past three months, has returned to "Cottesbrook." Mrs Stephenson has returned from the south. Mrs Edmond has gone to Wellington for a week or two. Mrs and Miss Cutten, who left for the North Island about two months ago, returned ■ last week. Dr and Mrs Nisbet have returned from their holiday visit to Wellington. Miss Way (Christchurch) is at present the guest of the Misses Mackerras. Mrs John Maclean and Mis 3 Bessie Maclean, who have been in England for some years, returned to New Zealand last week, and reached Dunedin by Saturday's steamer. The Misses Whitson have returned from their visit to the north. Mr Philips, who is engaged to Miss Brightey Hart, returned by Wednesday's steamer to Sydney. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs R. C. Moore (on the eve of her departure for Lawrence, where she will in future reside with her son, Mr Robert Moore, solicitor) entertained a large number of her lady friends at tfae Waratah Tea Rooms. Mrs Moore was presented by Mrs C. Umbers, on behalf of those present, with a very handsome sdlver kettle ag a small, token of their regard. Musical and other items assisted to make the gathering a very pleasing function. CHRISTCHURCH, July 27. As you have already had the pleasure of hearing Madame Carreno, I need not say much of her recitals, which have been a revelation to nrusic lovers here. This sounds as if she shou'.d have had large audiences, but as a matter of fact they were small, if select. She has won all hearts also by her personal charm, which is very great. Among those pre c ent on various evenings at her recitals were Mrs Wigram. Mrs and the

Misses Boyle, Mr and Miss Deans, Mrs and Miss Symes, Mr and Mra BesWick, Mrs Vernon, Mrs EJworthy, Mrs and Miss Kettle, the Misses Burns, Miss Atkinson, the Misses Qa-rd'ner, Mrs Pyne, Mr and Mrs P. Wood, Mrs Blunt, Miss Beeves. Mis Jessie Moolacblan has been charming, large audiences at His Majesty's with her rendering of Scottish music. Her season ended this evening, and a* the conclusion of her concert the horses wer© detached from her carriage, and a large body of enthiisiiastio people dragged it to hex hotel, cheering her all the way. On Wednesday afternoon Miss Daisy Bassett was married to Mr Arthur S. Trow«r, of Hove, England. The bride is the ■tihird daughter of the late Mr Bassett, oi Hornby, and the wedding took place at -tbe' pretty littl© church of &t. Columba, which, had been beautifully decorated with Christmas roses, palms, and ivy. The bride's gown was ft very lovely trained robe of white crepe de chine draped with Honiton lace and trimmed with orange blossoms. She h«d « bridal shower bouquet, and wore a very beawtiful necklet and pendant of pearls and turquoises, the gift oi tine bridegroom. Her two sisters — the Misses laly and Ivy Bassett— acted as bridesmaids, gowned in flora} chiffon over white taffetas and wearing hats oi black chiffon, with ostrich, feathers. They carried shower bouquets also, and wore bracelets of 1 pearl and turquoise. After the seremony the wedding party wex© entertained at her residence by th& mother of th« bride* aaid hvt«r Mr and Mrs Trower leit for. Melbourne. Mts J. P. Maddison gav-e a tea at Broadway's rooms on Thursday afternoon as a farewell to Miss Nellie Maddison, whose marriage is to take place in a few weeks in Melbourne. Tea was served in the room adjoining the drawing room, and afterwards some enjoyable music was given. Among" those present were Mrs Sinclair, Mrs Kiver, Mrs Mackay, Mrs E. G*rrick, Dr J€efei& Maddison, Mrs and Miss Townend, Mrs V. Harris, Mrs W. Hunter, Mrs Parker, and Misses Prosser, Moir, Harris, Cotton, Kiver, Mr ainJ Miss Thomas, and Mr and Mrs. R. 0. Duncan. WELLINGTON, July 27. A very large reception, was given on Friday by Mrs AmeUus Smith, at which nearly 200 guests were present. The rooms were charmlrgly decorated with quantities of .flowers. Tho mantJepiece' in the drawing room was very tastefully arranged with delicate pink camellias and maiden-hair fern ; and Wwls of daphne and white narcissi stood on. the various Liberty tables. Tea and delicious ices' were served in the dining room, tho table having a star-ray centre of narrow yellow satin ribbon and tall vaees of jonquils. A band played in the conservatory, aid a. " tea-cup" fortune proved!/ very fasoinoiting. Mrs Amelius Smith wore a handsome gown oi black chiffon -taffetas insertioned with silk guipure. Miss Smith's very lovely frock of cream ' glace had a berths of Paris lao& and; finished with turquoise ornaments, and a belt of silver tissue. MissMargaret -W«.ldegTave, who is Mrs Smith's guest, wore a dainty white book muslin with bretelles of bluiT-blossomed chine ribbon. Mrs Waldegrave wore a smart costume of black chiffon oloth, and beaver hat with feathers; Mrs H. Atkinson, a cream olotlh costume and becoming bat; Miss Eileen Ward was effectively gowned in old-rose cloth strapped with silk, and a black crinoline straw hait, with roses; Mra A. Young wore olive green cloth, with relief of pale blue, and a pink felt hat with shadled roses; Mrs Kussell, silver-grey crepe de chine, with trimmings of green velvet, «nd a black velvet picture hat; Mrs Nelson, a smart brown tailor-made costume and small h«t; Mrs Leckie, a pretty gown of pal© green taffeta, finished with velvet in a darker shafle, her white felt bat was clustered with roses. Others I noticed were Mesdames Finch, Even, Munro, Harvey, Alwin, Mac Beth, &eddis, Macdonald. Boss, Maclntyre, Didsbury, Chatfield, Howortr^ Ward, «nd the Misses Allan, Simpson, Stafford, Rawson, Ewen, Kdley, Barnett, Bauchop, and Tewsley. Miss G. Reid has returned from her visit to Palm&rston North. Among the visitors who have come to Wellington for race week I have seen Mrs Charles Pharazyn (Featherston), Mrs C. Bidwell (Master-ton), Mrs Allan Strarg (Palmerston Nlorth), Mrs and the Misses Johnston© (Hawke's Bay) the Misses Russell (Palmerston), Mrs Kebble (Waikanae), and Mrs Lidd!e. Lady Ward gave a delightful bridge party on Wednesday night for her guest, Miss Noia Fiaser. Mts Walter Nathan and the Misses Nathan (2) leave this week for a trip to Sydney. Miss N. Fraser (Dunedin) returned to her home on Thursday. Mrs Harry Atkinson (Hawera) is on a visit to her mother, Mrs Waldegrave. Mrs Young- is at present the guest of Mrs C. Howorth (Hawker street). Mr and Mrs Tewstey and Miss Tewsley leave shortly on a visit to Auckland. The " Old Girls' " College dance takes place on August 8, in the Sydney street ball. The Victoria. University dance waa held last Monday night in the Town Hall, and was a brilliant success. This week the race ball ia being much looked forward to, and promises to be a magnificent sight.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2785, 31 July 1907, Page 71

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TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 2785, 31 July 1907, Page 71

TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 2785, 31 July 1907, Page 71