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CHRISTCHURCH. July 24. At the Adding-ton live stock market to-day there were moderate en-tries of stock in nearly I all departments, and a good attendance. I Fat cattle were irregular, but without material change in values, and fat lamb 3 were firmer, as were also store sheep. Pigs of all classes met .with a keen demand. There was a poor sale of store and daily cattle. A small entry of fat sheep was made up chiefly of hoggets, and a few small lots of 1 wethers. There was an improved demand, j heggots selling-at an advance of fully Is per head, and there was a good inquiry for young. ! breeding e*os, though there were only aged ; torts on offer. There was a small yarding i of fat lambs, and keen competition was shown ' for all lots fit for freezing, prices being very ' firm. Tegs sold at 19s to 22s 6d; ordinary weights, 15s to 18s 6d; unfinished lets, 12a to | 14s. The entry of fat.sheep was about equal in numbers to that of last week, and included a I number of very prime lines of wethers. Ewes I were in shorter supply, and, in consequence of j keener competition on the part of butchers, < prices for berth wethers and ewes were firmer, the sale being a busy one throughout. The rang* of prices wag: Extra prime wether*, 283 I 3d to 41i; prime 22s 6d to 275; lighter, 18s to i 225; unfinished. 15s 3d to 17s 3d; prime ewes, 203 to 245; medium, 16s to 196 6d; aged, 13s I to 15a Bd; prime merino wethers, 19a 9d; i others, 9s 4d to lls Bd. The supply of beef comprbed 282 head of rcixed quality, and late rates were maintained. Steers brought £b 12s 6d to £11 7s 6d; ! heifers, £i 17s 6d to £8 12s Gd; cows, £4 2s 6d to £8 os—equal to 22s Gd to 25s for prime. and 20s to 22s for medium pf-r 1001b. Veal calves sold at 7s Gd to £3 7s Bd. There were only a few lots of store cattle offered, the sale of which d.d net afford quotations. Dairy cows were rather dull of sale at £3 10s to £7 17e 6d. j A moderate entry of pigs-were in keen de- ; maud, ptores selling especially well. Baconers i made 65s to. 75s for hoavy'-weights, and 48s to 55? for lighter—equal to 5d per lb. PoikeTs brought 38s tc 465, equal to 5Jd to 6d per lb: choppers, £4 to £6; large stores, 203 to 355; medium, 18s to 235, and weaners, 8s to 14s. WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT. Wednesday, July 24, 1907. I Fat Cattle.—One hundred and thirty-eight head yarded. The quality of the average was only medium, but on account of the small yarding competition was keen, and prices, compared with la&t week. were 15s to 20s -per head higher. Be3t buttocks, £10 15s to £11; good, I £9 109 to £10 ss; light, £5 153 to £7 10s; best 1 cows and heifers, £8 to £9; good, £6 10s to | £7; light and inferior, £i 15a to £5 10s. i The Xationa! Mortgage and Agency Company j (Ltd. yarded and sold: For Mr Charles Do\e (Washdyke, Middlemarch), 1 prime heifer £9, 2 do £7 os, 2 do £7; Mr W. Kirk (East Taieri), | 2 bullocks £9 7s 6d, 2 do £5 12s 6d, 3 cows £5 10a; Mr C. Anderson, 2 bullocks £8 ]ss, 3 heifers £6 12s 6d. Da!gety and Co. (Lid) yaided and sold. For Mr J. Smith (Retreat), 7 bullocks to £11. Mr N M'Fadyen (Middlemarch), bullocks to £9 10s; MV W. Hall, jun. (Patearoa), cows to £7 7s 6cl: Mr William Kirk (Mayfield), bullocks to £6 li>9. Wright, Stephenson. and Co (Ltd.) sold- For Mrs Isbk-tei ißuuUatk), 7 bullocks at u_P to £10

7s 6d ; Mr R. Jameson (Haughhead) 7 bullocks up to £10 ; Mr Donaid M'Leod 14 biulocks at up to £9 15s; Mr W. Kirk (Mayfield), 3 bullocks at £9 7s 6d; Messrs W. and N. Reid (Broomfield Mains), 2 bullocks at £6 17s 6d. Stronach, Morris, and Co. (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Mr M. Hanlon (Midd.emarch), 3 heifers at £6; Mi J. Keast (Midd.ein>arch), 1 pen heifers at £6 7s 6d. — The Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of New zieal*nd (Ltd.) yarded 32, and sold: For Mr William Kirk, 3 bullocks at £9 7s 6d, 2 heifers at £6 ss ; Mr William Kirkland (Elm Grove), 3 bullccks at £7 15s, 1 heifer at £6 17s 6d, Ido at £5 ; Mr William Charters (Ury Park), 1 bullock at £8 7s 6d, 1 do £8 2s 6d, 2 do at £8, 3 do at £7 17s 6d, 2 do at £7 10s, 2do at £7 7s 6d ; Mr William Lindsay (Allanton}, 2 bullocks at £9 ss; Mr John Kirk, 1 pen cows at £4 15s; a client, 2 heifers at £6 7s 6d, 2 do at £5 ss, 2 do at £5, 2 do at £4 17s 6d. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Ltd.) penned and sold: For Mr Joseph Crane (Otokia), 11 bullocks to £7 7s 6d. Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) yarded 20, and sold: For Mr W. Lindsay (Allanton), 8 bullocks at £11 5s to £6 7s 6d; Mr N. M'Fadyen (Middleparch), 6 bullocks at £9 to £7 17s 6d; Mr W. Kirk (Mayfield), 7 bullocks and heifers at £7 10s to £5 10s. Store Cattle.— The National Mortgage and Agency Company (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Messrs M'lntosh, Miller, and Jenkins, cows to £2 12s 6d, heifers to 355. Stronach, Morris and Co. (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Mr A.' Boyd (Sawyers' Bay), 1 cow at £2; ( 3 head at quotations ; Mr J. Ireland (Sawyers Bay) 2 cows a-t up to £1 lls; Mt M. Hanlon (Middlemarch), 2 cows at £2 12s. The Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of JNew Zealand (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Messrs B Ings (Tom*hawk), William Townley (ilighc!iff> John Kirk (Mosgi©.), A. Kelly (Anderson's Bay), J. DonaJdson (Anderson's Bay), William Gourlay (Anderson's Bay), A. Jones (Kaikonai), cows from 15s to £2 Is, and Bteers> heifers, and bulls at quotations. Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Mr D. Baird (Mihiwaka), steers at £2 19s, 1 heifer at £2; Mr James Waddell (East Taieri), 1 steer *t £2 Is. Dairy Cattle.-The Otago Farmers. Cooperative Association of New Zealand (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Messrs J. M'Tainsh (Sandymount), George Henry (Mount Cargill) John Mathieson (Green Island), J. O'Connell (Moxnington), Alexander Cowan (Waitati), cows at from £3 to £5 los.- — Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Mrs H. M'Coll (Brighton), 1 cow at £5 2s 6d- Mr R. Dalziel (Brockville), 1 cow at £2 12s 6d. Wright, Stephens.on and Co. (Ltd.) sold: For Messrs Sonnt«g Bros* (K*ikorai) 10 head; Messrs J. Winters (Upper Junction), J. Fleming (Craigsford), and others at up to £5 17s 6d. Calves —The National Mortgage and Agency Company (Ltd.) yarded and cold:, For Meesrs Jenkins. Dore, and MUler calves to 33s —- Dalgety and Co. sold: For Mr T. WaelHßa.four) Mr T. Murphy (Balfour), calves to 335.— Stronach, Morris, and Co. (Ltd.) penned and sold- For Mr John Keast (Middlemarch), 1 at £2 1 at £1 9s; Mrs L. Didham (Halfway Bush), 4at 10s. The Otago Faxmers Cooperative Association of >>ew Zealand (!«<»•> yarded and sold: For Messrs John Kirk (Mosgiel). William Townley (Highcliff), and client, calves at from 5s to 21p. Fat Sheep.— 3o4o penned. This number being in excess of local requirements, and freezing buyeTS not operating up to their last week's limits prires dropped from Is 6d to 2s per head. Best wethers, 23s to 26s (extra heavy, up to 27s 3d) ; medium to good, 19s 6d to 21s; light, 16s to 18s; best ewes, 17s 6d to 19s (extra up to 21s 6d) ; light do, 12s- 6d io 14s 6d. The National Mortgage and Agency Company (Ltd.) penned 480, and sold: For Mt J. Walters \Tbe Pines), 33 wethers at 24s 9d, 23 do at 24s 3d; Ma: Charles Dove (Washdyke, Middlemarch), 23 wethers at 21s 6d, 34 do at 21s, 29 do at 20s 3d, 33 do at 19s 9d 3S do at 19s, 32 merino wethers wt 17s 6d; Mr John. Bruce (The Firs), 35 wethers at 235 ; Mr J. Naylor (Matakanui), 40 wethers at 18s; M.- Thomas Hunter (South Wyndham), 40 wethers at 225, -22 do at 20s 9d ; Messrs Quin and Rodger (as agents), 35 prime he«vy ewea at 21s 6d, 20 do at 21?.- Dalgety and Co. (Ltd.) yarded 978, and sold : Fox Mr J. Smith, 104 prime wethers to 27s 9d ; Mr R. Calder (Kelso), 141 wethers to 24s 3d; Messrs Anderson Bros. (Waiwera South). 56 wethers to 245; Messrs^ J. and J. Edger (Tapanui), 59 wethers to 245; Mr J. Wilson (Lauder). 129 wethers at 20s 6d; Mr J. Oorrigall (Lauder). wethers to 18s 6d; Mr A. P. Knight (Milburn), wethers at full market rates; Messrs T. Oraigie and Son, ewes to 14s; Mr G. W. Cunningham (Waikoikoi). ewes to 18s 3d; Mrs Hny (l>eepd»le>, we*her3 to 19s 63 ; Mr R. WiU^n \Becka), wetbers stt 183. Wright, Stephenson. and Co. (Ltd.) sold as follows: — For Mr J. Fleming (Craigsfcrd), 40 webhers at 235, 41 do at 223 3d, 34 do at 20s 3d ; Mr Alex. M'lntyre (Kelso), 54 ewes at up to 21s 6d ; Mr Robert Beabtie (Springs), 50 ewes and wethers at up to 21s; Mr John Fretwell (Waikoikoi), 59, ewes at up to^J9e; Mr John Beattie (Springs). 15 wethers at 18s 3d; Mr John Somerville (Milburn), 14 wethers at 18s ; clients, 59 ewes at up io 16s 3d. Stronach. Morris, and Co. (Ltd.) penned and sold: For Mr J. B. Sim (Crookston), 38 wethers at 27s 3d, 18 do at 25s 9d, ewes a*t 25s 3d ; Mr David Potts (Tapanui), 26 wethers at 24s 6d, 28 ew« at 20s Sd;" Messrs Murray, Roberts, and Co. (Glad'orook Station), 14 wethers at 20s 3d, 21 ewes at 18s 3d. 29 merino wethers at 16s 3d. The Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Ltd ) penned ar.d sold: For Mr A. Cunningham (Hillend), 32 wethers at 22s 3d, 28 do at 20s ; Mr J. D. Brown (Wangaloa), SO wethers at 23s 6d. 28 do at 21s 3d; Mr John Beck (Riversdale). 30 wethers at 20s, 18 do at 18s Gd; Messrs Watson Bros. (Centre Bush). 16 wethars at 23s 3d. 35 ewes at 18s 6d, 3-2 at 15s 6d, 29 ewes at 14s 9d ; Mr John Bruce, 35 wethers at 22s 9d; a client. 33 sheep at 13s, 25 do at 10a Gd. The Xew Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Comuar^v (Ltd.) penned 209, and sold : For Mr Richard Campholl (Balchifcha). 40 wethers at 23a, 20 do at 21s 9d ; Messrs William Brown and Son, 62 wethers to 21s 9d ; a southern client, 177 wethers to 2Cs 6d. — —Donald Reid and Co. yarded 3C3. and sold • For Mr R. Campbell (Im-ertiel). 59 wethers at 23s 9d to 21s 9d ; Mr J. Edgar (Taoanui). 59 wethers at 24s to 22s 6d; Messrs Treaey Bros. (Tuapeka West), 56 wethers at 23s 6d to 21s ; Mr J. GTey (Milburn), 58 wethei-3 at 24s 3d to 22s 9d ; Mr T. Peddie (Macrae?). 96 wethers at 21s 3d to 19s ; Mr J. Deans (Hindon). 20 weJiers at 17s 6d; Mr R. Scott (Hurimara), 120 wethers at 18s to 365; Messrs Lobb Bros. (Kuri), 89 welhere at 23s to 21s; Mr J. Miller (Mi.burn). 5 wethers at. 19« 9d ; Messrs J. a.nd E. Patterson (Mil- , burn), 1 wether at 19s 3d. Lambs. — 530 penned. A small yarding of ' lambs, the bulk of which were suitable fcr export purposes, and fcr all such ihere was good competition, late prices being fully maintained. Best lambs, 16s to 18s 6d (extra to i 20;); medium to good, 14s to 15s 6d. Dalgeiy and Co. (Ltd.) sold . For Mr Joseph j llc&aveare (W-aiwesa South), lambs at 16s 9d. — i Wright, Stephenson. and Co. (Ltd.) sold as follows : For Mr Jchn Somerville (Milburn), pen lambs at 20s 3<l ; Mrs Isbister (Dunback), 10 at l3s 3d ; Mt James Chapmen (The Grange), 38 at 13s Cd. The Otago Farmers' Co-operali>e As-socvation of Xew Zealand (Ltd.) penned and sold : For Mr J. R. Smith (Naseby), 8 at 14s 6J, Mr John Bevk (Eiversdale), 12 at

19s 6d, 1 pen at 14s; Mr John Sutherland (A! lantern), 14 at 20s, 12 at 19s Gd; a client, 1 pen at 13s 6d. Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) perked 343, and sold: For Mr Thomas Peddi« (Macraes), 16 at 15s 3d ; Mr J. Blailrie (Woa-t*. hum*), 71 at 193 9d to 18s; Messrs J. and E, Paterson (Milburn), 41- at 19s 6d to 18s 6d; Mr A. Grieve (Crookston Farm), 42 at 18a la 17s 6d; Mr J. Deans (Hindon), 173 at 17s 3d , to 14s. Pigs.— l6o yarded. A full entry of porkers and baconers, these selling slightly easier than last week. Suckers and slips were not in good supply, and sold at exceptionally high prices. * Quotations: Suckers,. 13s to 15s; slips, 17s 64 to 20s; stores, 25s to 30s; porkers, 38s to 435; light baconers, 45s to 535; heavy, 56a to 61s. The National Mortgage and Agency Company (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Messrs? P. Mason, J. Thomson, and others, stores t» 275, porkers to 445, baooners to 50s. Messrs Wright, Stephenson, and Co. (Ltd.) sold 44 pigs at quotations. Messrs Stronach. Morris, and Co. (Ltd.), yarded 43, and soldr For Mr W. Blackie, jun. (Middlemareh), 1 pig; at 71s; Mr F. Atkinson (Middlemarch), % pigs at 595, 3 do at 60s; Mr D. Fisher. (Middle, march), 1 pig at 645, 2 do ait 46s 6d; « southern client, 3 pigs at 535, 4 do at 51s, » do at 455, a do at 31s, 8 do at 275, 2 do at 24s 6d; Mr G. Carlsson (Middlemarch), 4 alipa at 15a 6d ;• Mr M. Stead-man (Pine Hill), 2 pigs, at 325; Mr F. Kropp (North-Esat Valley), I pig at 40s; a client, 2 pigs at 80s, 2 do at 525. Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Ltd.) penned and sold: For North Otago Farmers (as agents), 2 pigs at 17s 6a, 11 do at 10s; Mr George Meta&l (Momona), 2 pies) at 21s 6d, 3 do at 18s 6d; Mr Tim Hewitti (Momona). 1 pig at 375, 2 do at 295, 8 do at 15s; Mr C. A. Pryor (Anderson's Bay), 2 pigs at 28a 6d ; Mr G. Brooks (Anderson's Bay), 2 pigs at 495; Mr F. T. Williams (North-Efcst , Valley), 2 pigs at 38s; a client. 1 pig at 37* 6d. The New Zealand Loin and Mercantile Agency Company (Ltd.) penned and sold pigs at up to £4. Messrs Donald Reid and Co". ' (Ltd.) yarded 53, and sold: For Mr H. Hackett (Momona), 4 at 49s to 465; Mr J. Gow flnvermay), 3 at 50s 6d to 42«; -Mr W. Lihdsaf, (Allanton), 2 at 46b to 37* 6d; Mr W. Robertpon (Momona). 1 sow at 71s; Mr J. Birtles (Allanton), 3 at 36s to 365; Messrs Holt and Dunn (Pine Hill), 1 at 635 ; Mr J. Dow (Outram), 9at 38s to 355 ; Mr J. Boatwood (Mornington), 8 at 40s to 335; Mr T. Home (Momona). 2 at 38s 6d; Mr W. Hastie (Attariton), 2 at 31s; Mr H. Martin (Wyllie's Crowing), 3 at 48s to 445; Mr A. Claude (North-East Valley), 1 »t 445; Mr M. Steadman (Pine Hill), 2 at 38s 6d; Mr W. Blackie (Glasgow Farm), 12 at 14s 6d. Rabibtskins. — On Monday fair-sized cat*- , logues were offered to the customary group of buyers, who contested keenly every - lot. Rabbitskins are not coming forward in as large quantities as last season, neither is the quality so good, the pelts being not so well furred, probably due to the mildness of the winter. Quotations: Prime winter does. 22cL to 34Jd; bucks, 17Jd to Ifljti; second winter does. 17Jd to 18Jd: second winter bucks, 14]ct to i6Jd; incomers, *.5d to lfcjd; autumns, 12Jd to lSjd; best winter black, 20d to 22ftd; second do. 16d to 19}4; autumn black, lid to 14id per lb. Sheepskins. — Good catalogues were offered to the usual number of buyers, whose bidding, because of the present doubtful state of the> market, was not as brisk as usual. With the exception of best butchers' skins, other quali» ties appear to have dropped close on id per lb. Quotations: Best halfbred. B|6l to BJd; medium. 7d to 8d; best crossbred, 7Jd to BJd; medium, 6id to 7d; best merino, 7Jd to 73d ; medium, 6d to 7d per lb. Hides.— The hide sale will be held on Thursday, and a full report will appear in the Daily Times. ' Tallow and Fat.— The supplies atill remain - fairly constant, and up to 28s has been obtained for the very best rendered tallow,, and prices all round still remain high. Quotations : Extra choice, up to 28s ; beat rendered, 22s to 245 ; mixed. 19s to 21s ; inferior, 15s to 18s; caul fat, 19s to 225; rough fat, 15s to 18s per cwt Grain. — Oats: There is very little business being done in oats just now. Seed lines have fair inquiry, but millers and shippers are at present not operating. The demand. for feed oats is moderate, owing to the high prices ruling. Quotations: Choice seed lines, 3s 4ci to 3s 6d; good do, '3s Id to 3s 3d; prime milling, 3s to 3s Id; good to best feed. 2> lid to 3s; medium. 2s 9d to 2s lOJd per bushel (sacks extra). Wheat: With the exception of fowl wheat demand for other lines is limited, owing to the high prices ruling. Millers at present are not purchasing freely except for very choice lines, which are not difficult to quit at ruling rates. Quotations : Prime seed lines. 4a 9d <t© ss; prime milling, 4s 7d to 4s 8d; medium do, 4s 5d to 4a 6d; whole fowl wheat, 4s 4<3 to 4s sd; medium do. 4s 2d to 4s 3d; broken, 3s 9d to 4s 2d per bushel (sacks extra). Chaff. — Prime oaten sheaf , continues to hay« good inquiry. Sufficient consignment* of Jiis are coming forward to nisei demand, and ia consequence prices continue the same as last week. Straw chaff is offering freely, and lower prices have to be accepted. Quotation*: Prime oaten sheaf, £5 7s 6d to £5 10s ; - medium, £5 to £5 53 ; inferior. £4 5s to £4 16s ; oaten straw chaff, £2 10s to £2 15a; wheaten do £2 to £2 5a per ton (bags extra). Potatoes.— There is a rather better inquiry for prime table potatoes and good seed lines, and consignments af these- are readily dis-. posed of. Inferior lines show no improve- ' ment, and are very difficult to handle. Quotations: Best seed lines, £4. 10s to £4 Iss; medium do, £4 to £4 7s 6d; best table, SA 2s 6d to £i 7s 6d ; medium to good, JE3 12s cd 1 to £4 ; inferior, £2 to £3 10s per ton (bags in). Turnips. — Consignmeats are not coming to hand so readily; hence the market h»s a rather firm« tone Quotations: Good swedes. 21s per ton (loose). Pressed Straw.— Wheaten and oaten straw is scarce, and all coming forward meets witli ready sale at: Oaten, £2 15s to £3; wheaten, £2 2s 6d tq £2 5s per ton. fThs fndmctaal reports sf stock nenia, wrol. rabfcilikin, or grain brokers can be in••rled in the Daily Ti*nt« and Otage Witoiiu At iptcial T*tea.] DUtfEDIN WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Messrs A. Moritzson and Co., auctioneers, wool, stock, station; grain, produce, and commission agents, Dunedin, report (wholesale^ for the week as under. All quotations are subject to market fluctuations. Fanners are as-ked, when sending samples, always to put . a price on them, as buyers do not feel inclined to make offers:— . Wheat.— Prime milling. 4s 9d to 43 10«U fowl wheat 4s 4d to 4b 6d. Oats.— Milling, 8s Id; B grade. 3s; inferior. 2a 8d to 2s 9d. ' Barley. — Good malting inquired for from 4s 6d to 4s 9d ; pearling. 8s 6d ; feed barley, 3s 3d. Ryecorn. 33 9d to 4s. Maize. 4s. PriiHskn Blue peas, from 6s to 6s 6d. Partridge peas. 4s 6d to 5s 6d. Chaff.— Prime brijrht heavy, £5 10s; medium, £5; inferior, £4 16s; oaten straw, £2 15s; wheaten. £2. Clover hay, £4 15s to £6. Ryegrass.— Market remains firm. Farmers? dressed. 4s 6d to 4s 9d (scarce); machin* dieased, 5s 6d to 63. Cocksfoot.— Market remains strong. F«» mera' lots. 51di machined, Bid to 7d.

Linseed, £12 10s to £13. Chewmga's Fescue. —There is a good demand. Farmers' samples, 5d to ssd; machined Beed, &h& to 7d. Potatoes. —Prime, £4 10s; medium, £4. Onions. —Melbourne brown Spanish, 6s 6d. "We can offer a. few tons of pure fish manure rich in ammonia; valuable for root or grain crops; cam be used with drill; £7 per ton. Fish oil, 2s 6d gallon. Rabbitskins. —We hold our sales every Monday. The market remains firm. We quote: — Suckers and runners, 3d to sd; racks, 8d to lOd; summers, full-grown, 9d to lOd; autumns, 12d to 13£ d; incoming v. inters, 14d to 16d; Wacks, IBd to 23d; fawns, lid to 14di winter gr*ys, 17d to 25Jd. We supply labels. Sheepskins. —Prices are firm, and all goodcosditioned skins are readily sold. We quote - Half bred, 9d to 9£d; crossbred. BJd to 9d; merino, 6Jd to 8d; lambs', BJd to 9&d; pelts, 6d to -7*d. Hides.—We .hold fortnightly sales Our last e*l« was on the 26th Judy. We quote: Stout ox, BJd; heavy, 6id to 6Jd; medium, SJd to 6d; light, 4£d to sd; cow, stout. 6d; heavy, 5Jd; medium, 4|d to S|d; light, 4*d to sd; yearlings, sjd; stags, 3Jd; calfskins, 8b 6d to 5s 6d; horsebides, 10s to 13s 6d; cut and slipy hides Jd to ljd per lb leas. Horsehair.—There is ft good demand for «1? -classes, especially clean hair, which is quoted 17d to IBJd; mixed, lid to l€Jd. Cowludi. —From. 9Jd to 3f)ldj eo-vrtipa, Is 64 to Is 8d per dozen Tallow.—ln tins, 16s to 22e. according to quality; prime white mutton, in tins, 20s to 265; prime white mutton, in casks, 20b to Sss; .mixed tallpw, from. 16s to 20s. Bough Fat.—From 17s to 20s, according to quality. •• Storing Grain. —W© are prepared to Btore, receive, deliver,- and insure for three months free storage *t 3d per sack. Grvsß Seed Cleaning.—W« .aS-ise farmers i"> consign all their seed tout, as the cleaning will be attended to with up-to-date machinery, and the cleaned seed iold or returned free of milage. We supply new and second-hand sacks, also stack *nd oow covern, and all other farmer*' materials. Farm Produce and Fruit.—We receive all kinds of consignments, and render account ■ales promptly." Walnuts, 6d to 7a. Salt butter, 9d to 10a. Fresh butter (in pate), storekeepers' lots, B|d "to 9d; lard. 6Jd. Eggs, Is 5d to Is 6d. * Cheeße—Factory, 6d to 6Jd; Aksioa, «d to 6Jd; loaf, 6Jd. Honey. —ln good demand. Section honey, new season's, to 6d to 9s dozen bulk, large tins, 4d to «d; small tins, 4Jd to *id. Beeswax, Is 4* to Is €& Hams, 9d. Bacon.—Roll, 8d to BJd; sides, 6d to 7d (slow of sale). Pigs. —Porkers, up to 6d; first-class baconers, up to 1701b, 6d; over weights, 4d to 4Jd. Poultry for Export.—Free of railage, if consigned to the Agricultural Department. Fowls. % to & 6d; chickens, 3b 3d to ■*«; geese, 4s €d to ss-, ducks, 2s 6d to 3b 6d; turkeys, 5a to 7d. Further particulars on application. ' Poultry for Local Consumption.—Hens, 2s 6d to"3s 6d; roosters, ia to ss; ducks, 4s 6d io 6s j geese, 3s to 4s. Fruit. —ln good demand.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2785, 31 July 1907, Page 40

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ALDINGTON STOCK MARKET. Otago Witness, Issue 2785, 31 July 1907, Page 40

ALDINGTON STOCK MARKET. Otago Witness, Issue 2785, 31 July 1907, Page 40