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The Grand National meeting commenced I at Riccarton to-day under unfavourable circumstances as far as weather was concerned. A south-west wind was blowing, and the afternoon proved squally and wet. The attendance, however, was good. Lord Plunket and suite and Sir Joseph Ward being present. Some capital racing was witnessed, the totalisator investments reaching £16,727. Resmts; HITTERS' HURDLES, Of lOOsovs. Once round and a distance. 37 — Hon. J. D. Ormond's br g Nogi, by The Officer— Yictrix, syrß, 11.7 (J. Graham) 1 32— Mr C. Benne-tt's Hikairoa, 11.3 .. .. 2 210— Mr J. Baxter's Evenlode, 11.9 .. .. 3 Also started: 37 Early Van 12.2, 97 Makuri 12.2, 16 Hinemoa 12.2, 65 Helios 11.13, 297 Kmhu 11.12 72 Rantjitata 118. 11 Gold Bangle 11.7, 3 Design 11.2, 102 Ecclcfechan. 11.0, 13 Loch Erin 11.0, 88 Black Friar 11.0, 9 Carona 11 o'. Helios made the running at the start, being followed by Kaihu, who took command passing Cutts s. but lost his rider at the second fence in the back stretch. Nogi then took command, and though Evenlode headed him round the top turn Nogi won comfortably by three lengths, Evenlode a, similar distance behind Hikairoa, with Helios fourth. Time, 3min 17 2-osec. Dividends, £20 Os 6d and £7 10s. TRIAL HURDLES, Of 15050v9. One mile and three-quarteri 535— Mr J. Maher's b g Prospector, by Gold Reef— Dazza,, 6yrs, 10.11 (D. Watt) 1 258— Mr J. Clark's Faro, 9.11 3 153— Mr A. Barclay's Sardonyx, 10.6 .. S Als,o started: 189 Stronghold 10.9, 153 Rongiwhenua, 143 Black Squall 9.2, 85 Wt» Matgregor 9.0. 79 Sobraon 9.0. Prospector took command going along the back stretch, and, once over the last hurdle, he dTew away from Faro and won by four lengths; Sardonyx, three lengtks away, third. Time, 3min 34 l-ssec. Dividends, £2 and £1 7s 6d. WINTER CUP, Of SOOsovs. One mile. 273— Mr W. Donald's blk g Aboriginal, by Memwee— Polly, 4yrs, 9.0 (D. Price) 1 131 — Mr H. Hodges's b g Jolly Friar, 6vrs, 9 5 (S. Beid) 2 43— Mr E. J. Smith's b g Manjess, aged, 9 5 (L U. King) 3 Also sorted: 130 God Crown 11.0, 131 Lyrist 10.7, 186 Waikato 10.6, 468 Makaroff 10.5, 206 Polyanthus 10.4, 231 Gawa-in 10.3, 129 Maui 10.2, 92 Buiawayo 10.1, 299 Bed Gauntlet tf.l3, 176 Crichton 9.13, 44 Heroism 9.9 435 Chry&eis 9.7, 366 Ellerton, 36 Blythemaid 9.5, 131 Notus 9.3, 59 Royal Crown 9.3, 43 Ingleneuk 92, 96 Bombastes, 136 landwern. Polyanthus was responsible for pome delay, but eventually a good stait was effected. The field soon strung out, Ingleneuk being in cominaiid, with Aboriginal, Jolly Friar, Red Gauntlet, and Makaroff as nearest attendants. As the top turn was reached Aboriginal and Ingleneuk were on teruis, a length ahead of Jolly Friar, who vvas just clear of Makarotf Half a. mile from home Aboriginal passed Ingleneuk, and Red Gauntlet made a forward move. When the straight was fairly entered Aboriginal was clear of the field, of whom Jolly Friar, Red Gauntlet, anj Etlerton were the most prominent. Red Gauntlet and Makaroff then retired, beaten, and neaiing the distance Polyanthus, who waa wide out put in her claim. Nothing, however, was able to get on terms with Aboriginal, who ran in a comfortable winner by tv.o lengths. Jolly Friar was a length in fro-it of Manjess, who wa.9 followed by Polyanthus, Ellerton, and Lyrist. Time, lnun SOecc. Dividei.ds, £9 9s 6d and £6 14s 6d. uRAXD NATIONAL STEEPLECHASE, Of lOOOsovs Three- miles and a-half. 285 — Mr J. Buckley's b g Phaetontis, by Phaeton— Fickle, aeed, 10.6 (W. Higgins} ] 327— Mr J. B. Williamson 8 b g Irish, aged, 10.6 <B. Towers) ... . 2 22"— Mr J U Mackenzie's eh g Slow Tom, at?ed, 11. a (U. Watt) 3 Also sUrted- HI Kiatere 12.0, 370 So' 11. 13, 171 Swimmer 10 9. 170 Bums 10.8, 65 Rongoa 9 13, 50 Playfair 134 Ranana, 9.10, Baritone 9.8 (coupled with So 1 ). 129 Pipi 9.7, 37 Victory 9 7. On settling in<o their places Irish a?id Victory led the field. The stand .double saw the first irusbap. Eurus coming down, but he was smartly remounted, and wen* on as whipperm. Going out of tlie straight Pipi was just clear of Victory. R^ngo* heading the others. Baritone stopped a< the first of the kennels double, and, going round the "him, Pipi was ioui lengths in front of Victory, who had 12 lengths lead of Phaetontis. Rfnjnn. and Slow Tom At tho f.+and double the Fecond time Swimmer and Victory fel'. Passing CutN's again Pipi was s'lll in command but at the sod wall Phaetontis passed him. Irish, Rongoa, Slow Tom, and Kiatere following Entering the straight Phaetontia was we.ll clear of Pipi, who was being oveihauled by lush, Kiatere, mid Slow Tom Once over the ljst fence Phaetontis had the result "afe, and won by two Ifrp'h'? and it-half from Irish, who was four lengths in front of Slow Tom; Pipi fourth Tune, 7mm 44 2-ssec Dividends, So IS* Cd and L\ i:i=. TALLY-HO PLATE STEEPLECHASE Of GOs>ov<-. Two miles and a-ha'f. 3f>7-Mr C 1 H Washer's br g Haerekimoa. l.v H,»ie Foul shot metre, aged. 12.10 (Owner) 1 6" 1 M' Kurk!e\'s Rcseruorn 1210 2 I&i —Mi Acton A<Jaui-'s Wild BiU, 12 10 . 3 Also started 403 Lucky Star 1-2.10 95 Deer-elayc-r 12.10. 85 Uncle Ike 8 0 The Vagrant 12 10, 66 Albnry 12 10 Ha'f a mile from home Haerekiinoa moved v ->, and l.^at Ilosemorn by three-quarters of a. length. Time. smm 41 1 5-tc Di\idend« £2 89 6d and £* 17s JUMPERS' FLAT RACE, Of 150sovs. One mile and a-half. ftl— Mr A. Hall's b g Shrapnel, hy Th« Workman— Element, aged, 11.6 (J. Hazle) 1 70— Mr H. M'Lean's The Guesser, 92. 3 391— Mr Josfa's Cuiragno. 9.13 3 Also started 249 Black Reynard 1013, 138 Tirole 10 4.. 102 Comfort 9 12, 150 Magnificent 8.8, 43 Waiwersi 9 0, 223 Silverier*© 9 0 The Guesser * n d Cuiragno snowed the way out ox th« straight, and the former led to the distance, where Shrapnel moved up, aaid after a good race won ty si ueckj Cuassno * '

length and a-half away. Time, 2min 51 3-ssec. Dividends, £2 03 6d aiid £6 18s. ENFIELD STEEPLECHASE. Of lOOsovs. Two miles. 1 230— Mr A. S. Elworthy'e eh g Cstlo, J by Au Revoir— Tit Willow, aged, 10.9 j (S. Howie) 1 627— Mr Moultalto'9 Narcissus, 10.10 .. 2 S4o— Mr J. Selby's Wi Waka, 10.8 .. .. 3 Also started: Rowlock (coupled with Carlo), 221 Graduated Tax 10 7, 181 Elmwood, j 83 Recruit 9.7. \ Carlo took command at the h^ad of the ] straight and won by six lengths; Wi Waka 1 four lengths away. ' Time, 4nuu 21 l-ssec. j , Dividend, £6 3s 6d. j j HACK HANDICAP, , I Of lOOsovs. Six furlongs. j 221— Mr E. Watts's Gazeley, by Grey Leg— ! Lvgia, 4rrs. 10.3 (Deoley) .. .. 1 115 — Mr Holmes's Jolly Rodger, 9.9 .. .. 2 317— Mr H. Brown' 3 Togo.", 10.3 .. .. 3 Also started: 306 Armamento 10.10, 37 Takaroa, 10.6. 86 Coimt Gor'or 10.2, 601 Curosity 10.1. 88 Hemlock 10.0, 226 Outer 10 13. ! 67 Fariey Grove 9.12, 109 Volodia. 9.12, 83 ] Balsam 99, 35 Aqua Regia 9.9. 73 Bucclcu' h 9 0 68 Mango 9.0, 19 Fairboy 90, 220 Ensign | 9.0. I Gazeley, who was always in a got>d position, j drew out in the straight, and won by tvo | lengths. Tim*, lmin 22 4-ssec. Dividends, £8 j 2s 6d and £0 ss. j Second Day — Thursday, August 16. The Canterbury J.C. Grand National meetin? was continued' at RiccaTton under rather more favourable conditions than those prevailing "on the first day. The morning was duil, bvt us the afternoon wore on the weather cleared- and the sun ahone out brightly. The course, how2>er, was vpry heavy, and Tuesday's rain was fo* lowed by sharp frost iiu-t night. The attendance was, good, I.iord Ptunket and suite jigain b»ing present. The racing was full of interest, and speculation brisk, the investments totalling £17,573. In addrion to this £1421 bad b°en invested on the double, Phaetontis and j Cuiragno reiurt-ing a dividend of £31 19s. | There were a few spills during the afternoon, but in no case was the rider seriously J hurt. Results:— j HUNT CLUB CUP, Of lOOsovs. About two miles and a-half. 211— Mr C Bennett'9 b g Hikaiioa, by Lord of the Isles — Patriarch mare, aged, 11.9 (Fairbrother) 1 98 — Mr A. G. MacDor.alcTs b g Early Van, aged, 11.8 (VV. M'Connell) . . 2 j 25 -Mr It. H. Rhodes's b g Recruit, aged, 11.2 (Watt) 3 Also started: 347 Carlo 12.9 and Rowlock 11.10 (bracketed), 93 Wi Waka 12.7, 209 Nogi 11.13, 206 Haerekinioa 11.9, 21 DcersJayer 10 9, 43 Elmwood 10.8, 32 Sir James 10.3, 54 Uncle Ike 10.2, 12 Albury 10.2, 66 StormyPetrel 10.0. Haerekinioa was the first to show out, and j he »wi Kowlock led past the stand, followed by Recruit; Nogi, and Elmwood. The stand double brought Elmwood and Carlo to grief, and Deerslayer lost a lot of ground. Rowlock and Haerekinioa kept command along the back, Early Van improving his position as the kernel's double was reached. This obstacle broi'ght dewn Nogi and Dec-rslayer. Going round the top turn Hikairoa and Early Van closed en *he lraders and th& latter was first over tbe last jump. Hikairoa, howevev, put in a strong' run, and won by a length ; 1 Recruit, a length and a-half away, third; j Rowlock fourth. Time, smm 34sec. Divi- i dends, £4 10s 6d and £3 ss. Wi Waka fell at the last fence, breaking one of his forelegs, and had to be destioyed. SUMNER HANDICAP,* Of lOOsovs. One mile. 40S— Hon J. D. Ormond's b m Outer, by The Officer— Target, 6yrs, 9 13 (M'Combe) 1 573 — Mr H Biown's b h Togos, syrs, 10 5 (J ulian) 2 116— Mr E J. Smith's b h Buccieugh, 4y>3, 9 0 (L. G. King) 3 Also started. 28 Curiosity 10.0, 121 Count Gorton 9.8, 177 Hemlock 9.8, Fairboy 90. Curiosity quickly ran to the front, and passed the six-fur long post two lengths in front of Hemlock, with Outer next. Entering the straight Outer moved i.p, and, drawing away at the distance, won comfortably by thiee lengths from Togos, who finished fast, and beat Buccieugh by half a length; Hemlock two lengths away. Time, lmin 51 2-sscc. Dhiclentis, £2 16s 6d and 13«. AUGUST HANDICAP. Of 25050v6. Six furlongs. 154— Mr F. Ilo'ines's b g Jolly Roger, by Saracen— Merry Maiden, aged, 9.0 (Donovan) 1 349— Hon. J. D. Ormond's b g Medallist, 4vif, 10 13 (M'Combe) 2 246 — Mr E. J. S'nith's b g Manjess, aged, 'J. 12 (L G. King) . 3 Also started 240 Ailaa 10.13. 115 Zetland j 10 6, 225 Mnkaiofi 10.5, 360 Red Gauntlet 10.0, 87 Alex's 9.3, 231 Grand Stand 9.5, 91 , Sychem 9.3, 427 Armamento 9.3, 105 Blythc- [ maid 9.0, 204 Maluku 9.0. I Matuku showed the way round the turn, j followed by Red Gauntlet, Jolly Roger, and Grand Stand. At the distant*© Jolly Roger went tc the front, and, stalling off Medallist's tinal effort, won comfortably by a length ar.rl { a-half; Manjess, who came with a Ute iun, 1 was a neck behind Medallist; Sychem, half a length away, fourth. Time, lmin 22 3-oscc Dividends, £12 8s and £1 16s 6d. GRAND NATIONAL HURDLES, Of 750so\s. About two milec. 422— Mr W. Joss's br g Cuiragno, by Cuirassier — Lady Agnes, 6yrs, 10.6 (W. Wilson) 1. 134— Mr H. Brown's eh g H\dra,nt. aged, 10.2 (Julwn) -.2 sSs— Mr J. Maher's b g Prospector, 6vr<s | 10.3 [inc. 71b pen ] (Wall*) T. 3 j Also started. 656 Kremlin 10.12, 230 Com- ; f"rt 10 9. 256 Romany King 10.0, 104 Wai- | \\er* 9.12, 123 Rauana 9.7 ; 200 Magnificent S>.3, 1?3 biherline 9.0 Magnificent, Kremlin, and Cmragiio \%ere the first to take the initial ob->ta<'e, passing the '■tand Magnificent was jurt <■ le&r of Cuiragno, who was followed by Kremlin. Hydrant, and Prospector. Silverlme ( ame to grief at the hurdle opposite the second enclosure, and going out of the straight Cuiragno ran pa^t Magnificent le-wiing him by two lengths At Cutts's, with Hydiant third and Kreuihn next. Cuiragno led along tho ba^k fetretch a leiiKth clear of Hydrant, who now joined by Prospector. Rounding the top turn Kremlin clopect slightly on th© leaders, but hn chance, was soon gone. Iv the- l'Ui home neither fijdrant nor Pros)>ectoi could luake any impression on Cuirigno, who won easily by two lengths. Prospector 9, length and a-half behind Hydraut. Comfoit v.&n fouith, two lengths further back, Romany King and Kremlin being next Time, 4m:u -Iseo. Dividend*, £5 la 6d and 11 13s. BEAUI'ORT STEEPLECHASE. Of 250sova. About two miles and e-half. 361— Mr S. Darragh's b g Kaitere, by Castor— Victoria, aged, 12.3 (Howard) 1 443— Mr J Buckley's b % Phaetontis, aged, 11 10 CHiggins) 2 86— CVptain Campbell's b g Plajfsur aged, 9.13 <3 O'Connell) ... •■ 3 Also stated. 102 Eurus 10,13, 2G5 Swimmes

10.9, 131 Narcissus 10.0, 81 Victory 9.7, 21S Manazona 9.7. Manazona and Narcissus went to the front at the start, but rounding into the straight tha order was Manazona, Victory, Narcissus, with the two top-weight-8 some distance in the rear. The first of the stand double brought down Manazona and Eurus, and Viotory 'e<l past Cutts's, whilst Phaetontis and Ki«tera had made up their leeway. Going along the i back Narcissus held command, and turned' ! into the straight two lengths clear of Phae- ! tontia, Swimmer and Kiatere being handy. [ Kiatere was first over the last fence, closely [ followed by Phaetontis and Swimmer. Drawj irq away in the run home, Kiartere won by i two lengths fro-m Phaetontis, who was a i lergth and a-half in front of Playfair; Swimj ;iier being fourth, a neck away. sm in j 17sec. Dividends, £3 16s 6d and! £1. I ISLINGTON HANDICAP, ! Of 15050V3. One mile. '• 393— Hon. J. D. Ormond's br g Lyrist, by j The Officei— Lyre, 6yr», 10.8 I -* (M'Combe) 1 1 466— Mr E. J. Watts's b g Ellerton, 4yTs 9 9 ! (Dee'.ey) 1 j 343— Mr E. Russell's b g Waikato, ae»cL I 10.6 .. j j Also started: 648 Jolly Friar 9.18, 142 Bula- ; wayo 9 12, 72 Heroism 9.4, 189 Notua 9.0 246 j Tsitishar 9.0. I Jolly Frinr was caught in the tapes, and Tsitishar also got badly away. Buiawayo led down the back, followed by Waikato, EllertoE. and Lyrist. This was the order as they turned into the straight. Jurt past the distance Buiawayo dropped back, having broken down b?dly. and in a cose finish Lyrist defeated El'erton by half a head; Waikato, half a head away, tlurd. Time, lmiu. 51sec. Dividends, £4 2s and £1 3s. SPREYDON HACK HURDLES, OS lOOpovp. One mile and three-quarter*. 123— Mr J. B. Williamson's eh m Aqua ' Regia, by Salvadan— Cloud, 4vrs. 9.0 (Towers) I I 610— Mr J. Claik's b g Faro, aged, 11.0 | ' (Mitchell) 3 101— Mr W. J. Tagffart's h g Lee&ide,~ 6yrs. ! 10.2 (M'Gregor) ". . » j Also started: 242 Tirole 11.0 207 Carlo 10.8, 332 Evenlode 9.4. 189 Coxswain 9.3. 81 Wee Macgregor 9.0, 149 R-angitata 9.0, 29 Wissembourg 9.0. Regia led pa?t -the stand from Rs>n*ritat?-, Cos.iwa in., pud Evenlode and as they ran p.- &l CutU'si th<» order was Aqua Regia, ! Rangitita, Kvcn'ode. fend Faro. Going down | the ba^k Aqua R^gia and Faro drew away from j tht 1 others, 'tie forrr-er having 1 iwo lenglW I lead «a they turned for home. In the tuv» home Fa*> put in a s'.rong challenge, but suffered defeat by a, nwk; L*e»ide being a considerable distance off, third. Time, 3 man 32 l-ssec. Dividends. £11 Ss and 15s. WOOLSTON PLATE. ; Of 100s<Tv?. Six furlong. 881 — Mr H. M' Mar a-v. ay's eh g Sir Porcivale, | by Sir Lanoe'ot— TrentaJto, syrs 10 ' | " (Jenkinf 1 217— Mr E. J. Roden'nrn m Ordnance. a£^. 1 10.3 (M'Cc-mbe) 2 170-Mr T. Shennan's b f Athena. Zyr*. 9 fi I (M'Cluafev) 3 Also started- 210 L«e-Enne!d 10.3, 4^3 Stars 1 ard Shapes 9.0. ; Sir Percival* took command al the diofance, and v.on csaifottably by a 'srg.h 9*!<l a-haJf ; Athena t'Ao lengths and 9-bnlf b*hine! Ordnance. Time, lmin 30 3-ssec. Dividend, £2. Third Day— Saturday, August 18. For the concluding day of the C.J.C. Craml i>«liojis,l meeting the weather was mild aud | springlike. The attendance was good. A | strong wind had b'own during the night, ar.d the couise wa« in much better order than .'j» either of the previous days. In one or two events *be fields were susall. but the racing generally was investing and "jpenulation wag well maintained, the investment* reaching £1G356. There were two or three spills during the afternooj. but the riderd escaped without injury. Result?: — LADIES' BRACELET, Of 60sovs. Two miles. Gentlemen riderSL 42(3 — Mrs Williamson's eh ns Aqua Regia, ! 4yrs, 11.0 (Dcuglas) 1 54— Mrs H. Campbell's Sobraon, 11.10 (H. Wilson) 1 263— Miss M'Kersey's Rangiwhenua, 11.10 (Hyde) 3 Al«o storied: 32 Kilaloo 11.10, 200 Ensign ! 11 10, 41 Wahine 11.10, 100 Helic» 11.10, 5L Fairboy 11 10. Aqua, Regia at once set out to make runuiDg. being followed out of the straight by Ensign. Going along tbe baok Ra-iw - wbenua, and Sobraon >;ioved up. Wbiie roondirg tho top turn Ensign dropped back. I'n.^a heads vere turned for home Aqua Regia r]r<*vr away, ax;d won easily by four lengths; Sob:a- i just getting up in time to defeat Rar.giwhenua by a neck ; Ensign, three lengths further back, fourth. Time, 3min 57 2-ssec. Dividends, £1 19s and £5 3s. STYX HACK HURDLES, Of lOCnovs. Once round and a distance. 403— Mr J. Clvurk'e b g Furo, by Monaco— PiaysuLts. aged. 11.9 (Mitchell) •. 1 237— Mr W. J T»«rgiirt's b g Leeside, 6yrs, 10.2 (J. M'Gregor) * &>—G. L.vingstone's eh g Wee Macgregor, aged. 9 0 (Gray) . .' .. •■ •- •• <* Also started: 105 Tirole 10.9, 111 Strongho-'d 10 8 383 Kalhu 9.13 277 Black Squall 9.9 64, Cox'swa.n 90, 57 Error 9.0, 118 Rangita la 9.0. We M-u-egor and Rangitata led out of th« straight Tnole rt tbe head of the others.' aloiirf 'lie back Kailm ran to fJie front, follov-fd by Tirdo und Leeside. At the sixfurlcnKs po-»t Kaihu made a bad jump and lost his pluro. and at the next hurdle lirole fell Rourtlii:" 1 tho turn Leeaide was in front with Faro Fecond This pair fought out a treat iii'i-h, Firo winning by hah v. nead. We- Mm-grsgor was six lengths away, tiard, followed Ly Error Time. 3min 8 l-ssec. Dividend- i 3 0s 6d and £1.14«; 6d. SIjJENHAM HURDLES, Of 25050v8. One mile and three-quarter.s. "77— Mr J. Maher's b g Prospector, by God Reef -Dazzle, 6vrs, 10.10 (Walls) . 1 643— Mr W. Jogs' s br g Cuiragno, 6yrs, 11.9 (Wilson) a 141 -\fr J. Daiton's blk g Romany King, aged, 9 11 (Howard) * Also started 363 Hydrant 10.10, 240 Comfort 10 9, 122 Ihe Guever 9.3, 100 Silver! one o.c> t Cuira.gno and Bom-aiy King led past tn© stand, with Comfort fo!'owmg. Cuiragno turned into the back straight we'l clesr of Romany King, Comfort, and Prospectoi. Oonig rouuel the lop turn Cuiragno wa3 just in ficnt of The Guesser. Comfort, Romany King, and Prospector, but before the stra-ight was reached Romany King and Comfort ran past The Guopfer, and Prospector unproved hi 3 position. Omtgno was* Ir"t over the lant hurd'o. but in Uio run home Prospector were him down, and won by two lengths; Romany King a, length and a-half »T-ay, third. Silverlene fourth. Time, 3min 28 4-ssec. Dividends. £5 6s 6d and 15s. HEATHCOTE HANDICAP, Of loOsovs Seven furolrjgs. 2i4— Mr 1V Davis's br h Landwern, by Stepniak— Lecier 4yr<= P 0 (W. Price; •

151 — Mr A. F. Douglas's br m Polyanthus, syrs, 10.9 (Young) 9 220— Mr H. Brown's Togos, syrs, 9.0 (Julian) 3 Also started: 301 Waikato 10.10, 389 Jolly Friar 10.2. 355 Manjess 9.12, 265 Chryseis 9.8, 175 Crichton 9.8, XB7 Joily Regßr 9.8, 265 Sychem 9.2 and Notus 9,0, 91 Bljrthemaid 9.0, 71 Royal Crown 9.0, 64 Bom-bastes 9.0. Jolly Roger led rcrund the top turn from Togos and La»ndwern. with Polyanthus at the he«d of the others. Manjess made his effort as the field c»me into the straight, but was uriable to sustain it, and at the distance Jolly Roger, Togos. Poryanthus. and L»ndwern were almost on terms. Jolly Roger retired beaten, and Landwern, finishing well, won by a head ; Togos iieing half a lengt-h behind PolyaMhus; JoHy Friar, a length away, fourth. Time, lmin 34 l-ssec. Dividends, £8 103 and £1 10s. LINCOLN STEEPLECHASE, Of 200sovs. About two miles and a-half. 256— Caotain Campbell's b g Pluyfair, by Saracen — Justice, aged. 9.13 (J. O'Connell) 1 523 — Mr J. R. Mackenzie's eh g Slow Tom, aped 11.12 (D. Watt) 2 258— Mr J. JeftVs b g Pipi, aged, 10.7 (Carr) 3 Also started: 312 Eurus 11.0, 183 Rongoa 10 5. and 202 Mawhiti 9.11. Pipi and Playfaix entprea the straight the first tfcie jnst clear of Ma-whili and Eurus. At-flle first of the stand doubles Rangoa came to prief, and Pipi and Playfair were on terms' as they rared out of the rtr«ight, just clear of Earns. Passing Cutte's Pini took a slight lead, but along the back Slow Tom and Playfair closed, on him. and quick'y drew clear, while Eurus joined Pipi. Running round the top turn Slow Tom «)d Playfair drew right away froni Etirus and Pipi. They raced together to the last fence, but, once over. Playfair riad Slow Tom's measure, and won a eood race by a length and a-lia!f. Pipi was third, sis length* away, and Mawhiti, eeven lengths further off fourth. Eurus ran off at the second last fence. Time, sinin 20 l-ssec. Dividend, £8' 16s. SELWYN HANDICAP, Of lOOsove. Six furlongfr. 888— Mr J. Ellis'* eh h Bed- Gauntlet. aged, 9.13 (J. Bae) 1 636— Mr E. Pilkington's br h Armamento, 4yrs. 9.0 (W. Price) .. 2 819— Mr W. Drummond's eh g Grand St«nd. 9.2 (M'Combe) 3 started: 390 Ailsa 10.11, 133 Zetland 10.3. 234 Sir_Percivale 9.11 98 Alexis 9.3. 63 Sychem 9.3, 245 Mahuku 9.0, 118 Vo'odia 9.0. 46 Hemlock 9.0. and 56 Count Gorton 9.0. Mahuku was first sway, followed by Red Gauntlet. Armamento, Alexis, and Grand Stand. Red Gauntlet led round the top turn from Grand Stand and Alexis, Mahuku being just in front of Armamento. Red Gauntlet held bis position all the way down the straight, and. stalling off the cha'leTTgee of Armamento •nd Grand Stand, won by two lajigths ; Grand Stand, s, length away, third, and Sychem fourth. Time, lmin 20sec. Dividends, £i 14s and 19s. FINAL HURDLES, Of lOOsovs. Once round a^d r distanop. 428— Mr A. Barclay's b g Sardonyz, by Saracen — Lealuie, 6yrs. 0.5 (M'Cottnou) 1 316— Mr H. M J Lean'B' eh g The Guesser, aged. 9.9 (Howard) 2 841_Mr E. G^tes'a b h Welbeck, aged, 10.11 (M'Gregor) 3 Also started: 306 Magnificent 9.8. Sardonyx and Welbeck made the running from the other pair, but rouncjitw the top turn Sardonyx drew awny from Welbeck, and had » good lead turning into the straight over the la-st burdie. where Magnificent came to grief. Wetback made an expiring effort, but he broke down badly, and Sardonyx won easily by eight lengths. We!beck was pulled up, finishing behind The Guesser. Time, 3min 9 2-ssec. Dividend, £2 18s. HUNTERS' PLATE, Of lOOsovs. One mile and a-half. Gentlemen riders. 204— Mr R. M'Nay's blk g Black Friar, aged 11 0 (Hyde) . ... 1 146— Mr T. Mantalfs eh m Gold. Bangle, aged, 11.0 (Orbell) 2 132— Mr W. Drummond's b g Design, 6yrs. 11.8 (Evmis) 3 Also fatarted: 60S Hikairoa 12.6. 196 Early Van 12.5. 96 Haerekimoa. 12.0. 20S Ecclefechan 11.12 156 Makuri 11.9, 78 Hibemoa 12.5. 33 Decrslayer 11.5. 165 Recruit 11.0, 50 The Vagrant 11.0, 174 Elmwood 11.0. 148 Wild Bill 11.0. When the fiold sett'ed down Gold Bangle took up the running, being followed by Elmwood and Recruit, with Hikanoa at the head of the olhers. Gold Bangle piloted the field along the back stretch. Four furlougs from home Black Friar put in a strong run on the outside, and, catching Gold Bangle at the distance, won easily by five lenfcrhs. Design was a, neck awar, third, and Hikairoa fourth. Time, 2min 56 4-ssec. Dividends, £7 5s acd £3 7s.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2736, 22 August 1906, Page 52

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RACING IN SEW ZEALAND. C.J.C. GRAND NATIONAL MEETING. First Day—Tuesday. August 14. Otago Witness, Issue 2736, 22 August 1906, Page 52

RACING IN SEW ZEALAND. C.J.C. GRAND NATIONAL MEETING. First Day—Tuesday. August 14. Otago Witness, Issue 2736, 22 August 1906, Page 52