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-Officials: President. Mr S. S. Myers, vicepresident, Mr W. J. Gore; stewards — Messr3 G-. Hodges. J. Jeffs, R. Rutherford, L. C. Hazlett. R. G. Hudson, F. J. Townsend, J. A. Sligo. J. M'Ghie, and T. Ritchie; judge, Mr W. J. Gore; starter. Mr L. C. Hazlett; timekeeper, Mr F. J. Townsend;' clerk of the course, Mr J. Jeffs ; clerk of seal*3, Mr R. G. Hudson; handicapper, Mr H. Brinkman; secretary, H. L. James. The first day of the winter meeting of the Tahuna Park Trotting Club was held on Saturday afternoon at Tahuna Park in fine weather, though it became bitterly cold as the afternoon advanced. The attendance was ■unusually large, and those present appear to have backed their fancies pretty freely, judging from the fact that 110 less than £1420 more wag cut through the machine than last

year, when the total was £1197 This year it was £5617, which is more than dcub'c. There were three or four dividends of £5 or £6 going, but nothing of a sensational character was paid out during the day. The track had scarcely lecovered from the heavy rain of a day or two back, but could not be considered heavy. Still, it was sufficiently soft to b& against fast time being made, but did not prevent Mr J. G. Smeatcn's mare Myosotis lowering the record put up by Fritz, when the track was in better condition, by two-fifths of a second. Myosotic was ridden by Wilson and paced by The Urchin, ridden by E M'Kewen at a gallop. Myosotis went all through without the sign of a break, and the only symptom of tiring wa-s shortly after she commenced the second lap, and it only lasted for a few strides. She did the half-mile in lmin 6sec, and finished the mile in 2min 17sec dead. Both horse and rider were heartily cheered at the conclusion of the exhibition. Something unusual occurred in the first race of the day. Albert W. bolting witn his sulky. He apparently came in contact with another of the horses in the Trial, and though the collision ( was not severe it was sufficient to overturn ; the sulky and tip the driver out Relieved of the restraining rein, Albert W. dashed off round the track, and on reaching the gate opening from the. track to the outer part of j the park steered his way with marvellous accuracy through it. He did a five minutes' wild gallop between tlm track and the main entrance gates to the park, and was then caught, but not before the sulky had been badly knocked about Albert W was withdrawn from the race in consequence of this unfortunate occurrence, and those who had backed him had their money returned to them. In the same race Challis, the rider cf Arbitrator, was called upon by the stewards for an explanation as to the performance of his mount. He explained that it was the first time he had ridden the horse in company, and after hearing him the stewards took no action in the matter. It was noticeable that con- , siderable alteration has been made to th-e west i end of the grandstand, used as office, stewards' room, etc.. and press facilities have been increaesd and improved. Most of the events filled well, and in a few instances good finishes were witnessed, but in other cases the race was won by the time half the distance had been traversed — that is, unless the leader came pretty well to a standstill, aa Redshield did in the Dash Handicap. A notably good race was the Beach Handicap, it being anyone's race till near the close of the two miles, and even then it was no certainty as far as three out of the four starters were concerned. The club had secured the services of the Citizens' Band, which played selections during the afternoon under its conductor. The details oi the racing are as follow: — j TRIAL HANDICAP, Of 40sovs : second Coovs. Saddle or harness. One mile and a-balf. S3 — Mr J. Mann's b g Encore, by Berlin Abdallah. aged. ss<?c (Adam Baird) 1 83 — Messrs M'Kevren and Hastie's b m Lady H., by General Tracey, 3yrs, Haec (E M'Kewen) . 2 45].— Mr J. Oballis's br g Arbitrator, by Imperious — .Siberia, aged, ssec (Challis) 3 Also ran- S* E. Townsends Exchequer scratch (E Townsend). 3 H. Delroy's Cronje scratch (A. S. B'.ottj, 9$ D. Hee-nan's General H.. scratch <G. S. Wallace). 9 J. Draper's Bessie Tracey 3sec (M. Allen), 23 T. E. Wilkin'3 M'Artney 9sec (T. E. Wilkin), 5£ S. M'Dona'd'f! Lady Light, 9sec (J. Tilson), 5J W. Carson's Lena B. 12sec (Owner). 0 Marks and Hordern's Plain Jim Hsec (M. Marks), 33 G. Lattimore'e "Waipounamu 14sec (Owner). Total investments, £256 10s. Mr K. R. Pollock's Albert W. llsec was also included in the list of starteis, but before the start of the race he cannoned into Plain Jim, threw his driver out of the sulky, and galloped round the park for some litt'e tim-e before he was captured The result was he was withdrawn from the race and the inoDey on him on the total isator returned. At the end of half a mile Lady H. had a very slight lead of Waipounamu ; Encore lyirg third. Passing the stand for the second time Encore passed Lady H., and. going on, had increased his lead to about 15 lengths by the time the distance had been completed; Arbitrator, a long way back, third. Chalbs was asked for an explanation as to the going of Arbitrator on the race being concluded. He said the horse was short of work, and he was riding him for the first time in company. No action was taken by the stewards. Time, 4min 6 2-ssec. Dividends, £5 6s and 14s. MARRAM POXY HANDICAP. Of 25sovs; second £1 15s. Saddle or harness. Two miles. 90 —Messrs Todd Bros, b'.k g Tourbillon, by WhirJwind, aged, ]23ec (E. M'Kewen) 1 71$— Mr F. Taylor's r g Motorist, by Haselwood Abdallah, aged, 28sec (T. Tilson) 2 20}— Mr E. Townsend's b m May Vixen, by Albert Victor. 6yrs, 24sec (A. Pringle) 3 Alsx>. started: 2J J. Brown's Taioma scratch (J. Brown). 11 J. Mathewson'a Ringman, 28aec (J. Mathewson), 2J G. Wallace's Punch, saec (A S. Blott), 2\ J. Dunne's Aquinas. 7sec (G. Grant). 4* J. Steve-ns's Kilbirnie Maid SOsec (M. Allen). Total investments, £207 Motorist at once headed, with Ringman and Ki!birme Maid, and w«»nt on with a strong lead, which waa. ov«r the first mile, being steadily reduced by Tourbillon. The latter was almost on terms entering th© last lap, and showed in front 25 yards further on. Tourbillon and Motorist thgn drew away for a couDle of furlongs, when ' Motorist spurted into the lead, which he was, however, unable to retain, Tourbillon finally winning by eight lengths; May Vixen, barely in the" home stretch, third. Time, s ruin 29sec Dividends £1 10s and 12s PRESIDENT'S HANDICAP, Of 6030V5 ; second 9sovs and third 3sovs. In saddle. Two miles. 35* — Mr J. Jenkins's br g The Urchin, by Albert Chevalier— The Brat, aged, 15aac (E. M'Kewen) 1 123J— Mr G. Richmond's br g Value, by Valient — Louisa, 4yrs. 14sec (A. Pringle) 2 4GJ— Mr H. S. Jones's br m Miss X., by Kentucky. syrs, 4sec (W. Jones) .. 3

Also ran. 36 J. Chalhs's Little Frank scratch (Owner). 41J J. M'Pherson's Dick Turpin lOsec (T. M'Curdy). 14J W. Norman's Tracey Yet llsec (Adam Baird). 4 G. S. Wallace's Teddy, 14sec (Wallace), 29} J. Evans's Airdale 19see (Lattimore). Total investments, £331. At the end of half a mile The Urchin had a strong lead, with Value and Teddy close together next. At the mile The Urchin had increased bis lead, Va-lue lying second and Dick Turpin, Miss X., and Teddy being bunched in behind Dick Turpin. At the «nd of a mile and a-half The Urchin was still a,way out by himself, with Value and Miss K. fighting for aecond place. The Urchin kept the lead without difficulty and won, pulling up, with a strong advantage ; Value and Miss K. 'finishing close together Time, smin 21 3-52 c- Dividends, £6 4s and 12s.


Of 30sovs. Winner to receive a. bracelet of the valuo Jof 15sovs and 7sovs added money; second horse to receive ssovs and

the third 3sovs. Saddle or harress. One mile and a-half 125J — Mi&s Murray's eh g Combine, by General Tracey — Annie Laurie, aged, 18sec (Mr "Murray) . 1

100?— Mr jO. Seaton's br m Lady Berlin, by Young Burlington, 4yrs, 20sec (Mr Seatcn) 2 35J — Miss Robertson's eh g Silvertou, by Kentucky — Silvennane", 4yrs, scr (Mr Adam Baird) 3 Also ran: 98 Miss Frame's General H. 3sec (Mr D. Hsenan), 46 Miss Wilkin's M'Artney 13seo (Mr T. E. Wilkins), 14 Miss Dnene's Commie, 17sec (Mr A. V. Dunne), 34 Miss Latfimore's Waipounsmu 17sec (Mr J Wright), 13 Mrs M. Wilson's Sea Foam 17sec (Mr H. J. G our ley). 40J Miss E. Martin's Vera Mac 18s«c (Mr Martin), 22£ Msss Millier's The President 20seo (Mr R. Millier). Total investments, £529 10s At the end of a lap Lady Berlin was in the lead, followed by Combine and Vera Mac. Combine broke when close on Lady Berlin at the end of the mile, and dropped back, but at the back of the course he was up with and passed Lady Berlin, and by the time the judge's box was passed for the last time had put in a gap of fully 20 lengths. L-ady Berlin narrowly escaped being beaten for second place by Silverton Time, 4rain 20 2-ssec. Dividends, £2 16s and £1 2s. BEACH HANDICAP ! Of GOsovs, second horse Ssovs and the third i Iteovs. In harness. Two mile*. 226— Mr J. Smithers's br c Woodend, by Wildwood— Yickery, 3yrs. s*ec [mii eluding 7sec penalty] "(M Edwards) 1 I 67— Mr R. Emerson's b g Bill, by Vant clave, aged, scr (R. Emerso"n> .. 2 I 67 — Mr R. Jopp's b g Merrimac 11, by I General Tracey, aged, 7sec (T. TiJI son) .. 3 69— Messrs Allcock and Ward's b g Otama, aged, 9sec (M. Alien) 0 440 Passing the stand for the first time Otama and Woodend were pretty well on even terms with the other two making up gTound. With half the distance gone the four were in cloee procession, with Woodend and Meirimac II in the van. At the end of a. mile and a-half the order was Woodend, Merrimac 11, and Bill, Otama having dropped back. Woodend kept the lead, and in the run home beat Bill by three lengths. Merrimac II finishing third about 12 lengths behind Bill. Time, smin Bsec. Dividend. £1 14s. 1 ST. CLAIR HANDICAP. Of 40sovs; second horse 6sovs. In saddle. One mile. 155 — Mr R. Jopp's b m The Pigeon, by King Harold — Little Jane, 4yrs, 12sec (T. Ti!son) l 64£— Mr W. Paget's b m Octave, by King Harold. syrs, 10s«c (W. Paget) . 2 111J — Messrs M'Kenzie Bros.' eh g Receiver, by Kentucky —^Nellie Case, 6yrs, 9sec (M. Allen) ... . 3 Also ran: 100 M. Edward's Pride of Burwood scratch (M. Edwards), 10J W. Norman's I Tracey Yet 2sec (Adam Baird), 22J N. Cameron's Lady Vancleve fc«ec CT- M'Curdy), 17Jr D. Heenan's General H. 6sec (G S. j Wallace), 8 J. Evans's Aitdale, 7aec (T. Ritchie), 33 £ G. Lattimore's Redan Beec (G. Lattimore). Total investments, £523. The Pigeon rapidly put in a big gap, and at the end of a lap Lady Vancfcv* was lying second, with Octave about eight lengths off, third. The Pigeon -steadily increased her lead, and won anyhow; Octave second, about a length in front of Receiver; Lady Vancleve fourth. ' Time, 2min 39 4-ssec. Dividends, £2 4s and £1 16s. DASH HANDICAP, Of 45sovs; second horse £6 15s. third £2 ss. In harness. One mile. 45J — Mr W. H. Robins br m Ivywood, by Wildwood — Prissie, aged, ssec (T TiJson) i 205J— Mr M. Edwards's b g Redsbield. by Rothschild — Kentucky mare, 4yrs, llsec (M. Edwards) " . . ... 2 26£— Mr H. De'.roy's br h Cronie, by Lincoln Yet — Virginia, aged, 7ec (G. Wallace) 3 32 —Mr M. Allan's b m Impetus, aged, 6sec (M. Allan) 0 182 — Meesrs A. and J. Maih«w?on's blk c Bell Boy L, 3yrs, 9sec (J. Mathew- • son) , .. . 0 328 Redshield quickly ran into a commanding lead, and passed the stand quite 30 lengths in front of Ivywood. Cronje, and Impetus, who were close together in the order named. Redshield kept his lead till shortly before entering the straight, when he stopped almost to a, walk, and was passed by Ivywood. Rsdshield was got moving again, bnt could not catch Ivywood. who finished three lengths in front of him. Cronje a bad third. Time, 2min 43 3-ssec. Dividend, £6 Bs.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2722, 16 May 1906, Page 53

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TAHUNA PARK TROTTING CLUB'S WINTER MEETING. Otago Witness, Issue 2722, 16 May 1906, Page 53

TAHUNA PARK TROTTING CLUB'S WINTER MEETING. Otago Witness, Issue 2722, 16 May 1906, Page 53