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1 * i— —^ _^ -rn—SK. "m& T7Tm FAMOUS REMEDY FOR CQUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHHA, AND CONSUMPTION, EAS THS LARGEST SALS OF ANY CH3ST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. /lIHOSE who have taken this medioine are amazed at its wondecfnl influence. Pufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoareeneea, Pain or Soreness JL ii the Chest experience delightful and immediate relief; and to tiicse who are sabject to Colds on the Chest if"- is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Cure. It is racst cchi forting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma tp become chronic nor Consumption to develop. v*onsuiiiptioi> has never been known to exist vfaere " Cougha " have been properly treated with this medic'ne. No house should be without it, as, takan at the beginning, a dose is generaMj sufficient, and a Complete Cure i« certain. *" -,—,.,- QCr g~\cr r^fw t<r*&-i&i I Remimber that every disease has its coxmevgzmeht, JSEZWMtTEZ KJI~ \ef\J\J\Zar~iiS I AND CONSUMPTION IS ?JO EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE. BRONCHITIS .and PLEURISY. BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. . ASTHMA. A Seven Years' Case. ~~~ Two obstinate Oases Cured by Hearne's . \ Severe Case Cured by Two Bottles of A Twsive Years' Case with Distressing- Bronohitia anal Asthma Cure. Expeotoraiinar Blocd and Matter. Htftrne'B -Bronchitis Cure. Cough. After c%her treatment had failed. Completely Cured. After ether treatment liad failed. -y^ G w Heimt Dfcar Sir,— lt i* m> w. g. Ho^e. itr Hearae, jChemlst, erelong. Curetl *»y Mcarne-tt Bronchitis ana ranch thankfulness I write to let you know Dear Sir, — Your medicine has cured me oi Dear Sir, — Soxna months ago in Sydney, I ' Aotfima Cure. that I have taken threa bottle= of your Bron- bronchitis and asthma, from which I have suffored from -« severe attack of influenza, and Mr Hearne" Dear Sir Plea=e s a i:d by post chitis and Astbma Cure. I previously suffered for upwards ol^sevea years, during was cosfiinsd to my room for about a week, to Copinar- hurst c complete* courao of your suffered ttrribly from asthma for about three which period J wa» scarcely «ver free from »t th« and of which stimo, feeling eomewflat va i ua ij] 0 m Vclicine,"fcr obstinata asthma. The ye? r *. had tried overyth:ng, and had advice, ccughs. and frequently the diffiaulty of braatbbetter, I got up ■and tried to transact my j a gj. me^i cinc -yon' =er.t to me cured cne man ux "without avail. I had been for a fortnight ing was so distressing that for Kigbts in s«cIrasinefls as .usual. But I got np too boob, for ttat had a 'Vistres=irig cough for 12 years. at a t ime without moving day or night out of cession I had to sit up. I write io you this the very next day I had ft relap«e ,and suffered pi easo g n< j p OM office order "enclosed for pay- m y chair. If I went to bed I was not abe acknowledgment from a s?n3ri of duty, as la iortur-ea, ■ from -what the -doctor told me was en t Yours thaukfully, io c down. We came to New Zealand about my ease every other tre-a+a.^nt had failed. pleurisy and broEohitis. Tho pain from tho " WILLIAM CAXHAM. three years ago from Tasmania. Ono of my For a jear previous I bad been geltisg very former" in ray, chest *nd shoulders was fright- Upp er Ccpmanhmst "^ia Giaftou, >".S.W. uncles there suffered with asthma for a num- much worse, and at the time I obtained your ful, and for four long w"aeks I was confined . F — ' * ' bar of years tiil he took your cure about five mod-.cino I was coufiued to bfd, suffsrtcg .to my bed under the care of a well-known year 3 ago, and has never had the astbma since, from a moat vio'ent cough, espectoTating blcod Sydney doctor, and all the time his medicine BRONCHITSS. j this t but it had passed out of my mind and mafler. and apparently beyond hope oi gave me but temporary relief. The landlady until reading yojr adverh3Bment m some Tas- recovery. Vie ftrat do-?e o( the nvechcine gay« ©f the hotel (tho Cleveland), where I resided, Garnbcrwell Resilient Expresses manian papev3 brought it to my memory. I me welcome rolief. :>ud I steadily improved told me of a medicine — Hearne's Qronchitis GraiitucSe. * o '^ m y husband, and he got your cure for mo as I continued tlio irentruent, until I bfearne. "Cure — from Victoria, which had cured her of which I have taken with como'.etely satis.'ac- as I am now, qint* weii.— Yours stnoaro.y, % bad attack of bronchitis and pains in the Mr Hearne. Dsar Sir.— Your Bronchitis tory result.— Yours respectfully, H. WALKER, Ba!u:asn, Sydney. cr«st, and b9g~«d of me to try it. I did so, Cure has relieved nay wife o r a cough which W. M'COMBE, and, in'thanks and gratitude to you, tel you followed on an attack of influenza. While I Mosgiel, New Zealand. A Chi|d s „ Months old _ A 8lK y eror that, after the second bottle, my cough had acknowledge that a. I good cornea from one only n t ' ml « >3evon j . °"*_r* ° IS3 A su^ ror ceased, but what is more astonishing, tha source ordinary me to offer my A Lad jrt i. ondon _ A Martyr to Celds ' rom Birthpains from pleurisy entirely left n:«. and in earnest laauks to you, tnroygn whom th.s Bronciva.l Asthma. Cured by a Settle afHoarae's about a week 4 was ab!e to attend to my particular blessing has come— l remain, dear !J JT „«. - „ , Bronchitis Cure. Suties as neuftl.-Yours faithfully, sir, jours very truly, Cured by One Bottle or hearne's o^enms J. BRAHAM, GEO. S. CALDWELL. Bronchitis Cure. Mr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sa\— Kindly for Melbourne Punch Office, Melbourne. Cambsiwell, Victoria, The Doctor so inieroetodthat he carried ward m<i ft smn!l bottle of your Bronchitis — ofFthe empty bottle. C " re as SO °P as PossioLe as I cannot speak above a whisper, owing to a cold. I had\a BRONCHITIS. BRONCHITIS ancS ASTHMA. Mr Hearne. Orange, N.S.W. bottle from you before for my little gir! when Dear Sir, — I enclose for your own private she was seven months old. She had beoa Child's Life Saved &y Hearne'S A Fifteen Years' Sufferer, perusal portion of a letter received from my suffering from bronchitis from hrr birth, acri Bronchitis cure ■ mother, Mrs , of London, England, from now ahe is three years old, and has not had -«. «.~ *...« i k... «' i«»~ ..-» At times almost impossible to get h.o whlch you wll j g j ean that your medicine hos a return of it since. It is a splendid mcdiAfter the Case had been given up. broath. be*n a perfect Godsend to a martyr to colda cine for bronchitis or colds of any sorts. - TMr Hearne. . Dear .Sir, — W« have to -fcfeank When he coughed, blood came up. and bronchial asthma. I do not wish any I remain, your truly, four Bronchitis Cure tfaot we hare one little Cur&a by Hoarne's Bronchitis Cure, names to' b 2 mentior^d but you are at liberty Mrs H . RAMAGE, _Woy epwsd to us, aa we nearly lost him. „_.-,* o . T , , ~ to . ma^? u | e of an y P ort i° n °\ ihlB t l«*ter you Violet Town, Victoria. ■ After doctors -had givsn him up, we saw the Mr W. G. Hearne. D^ar Sir, — I hsvo been cbaose>?a-nd you can confidently refer anybody x advertisement for your Bronchitis Cure, and a sufferer from Asthma and Chronic Bronchitis to me.. B »n«(«uiTi8 gave it a -trial, with the result above men- for over 15 years. Last Saturday I was suffer- I hlsard of your excellent remedy, and sent BRONCHITIS. tionecl. — Yours -faithfully' ing from a very severe attack of "t. The cough it to England. Ycu caa see for yoursalf what (Mrs) E. GRANT, was terribly cover«, and v?hea 1 coughed, blood an immense success it was.— Yours faithfully, A Vary obstinate Case. : C/ ° U CISS' ffaoria. SV^."^ ft "S^t from letter aV.uded to above:- C «"<* «"™f Pcr.evorln ff in the treat- ' would be the last. My v/ifo went to the ",You will bs interested in hearing that 1 men* *»y Hearne c Bronchitis Cure. Queoneland Testimony. chemist, -and got a bottle of your Bronchitis tLink the Bronc-hitis Cure really excellent. 1 Mr "W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,— Having bsen ir,»_, tr..i«fe" n ..« wk.i..<.i» ri,J-,i.*o Cure. I took a doss of the medicine, and in wa s very bad when it arrived, and I imm-pdi- a sufferer from bronchitis for a number of From Biwoane wnoiesaie cnemiats. a {ew mmutef , got great reHef> j. rap idly im- ately flsw to it. That was last Friday, and it years, and aot beins able to get re'.ief from T7e often hear your Bronchitis Cure spoken proved, slid in iv few days was out of bed has quite cured me. Dr i 3 very much ?«.ctor.s, I started taking your Bronchitis well of. A gentleman told ua to-day that he aad walking about. I believe your Bronclnt-s interested in it. He came yesterday, and Cnra about two years ago, and have been had given it to a child of hi* with most r«- Cute is worth its weight in god to anyoue who carried oft" the empty bottlo to" find out if ho taking it on and off ever since. I am happy maskable result, the child being quite cured suffers frcrn Asthma and Bronchitis. — I could get a full cne from a chemist who is in to tell you that I now feel thoroughly cured, In threa d03»3. — "We 'are, faithfully ycurs, remain, yours respectfully, a largo way hare." and I can bear testimony to its worth —I am THOiIASON, CHATEE and Co.. . ' JOl±Xn BLAIR, The nemes are withheld from publication, yours truly, W. J. CLARKE, 69 Queen street, Brisbane. Grafton road, Warrnambool, Victoria. but will be supplied privately when desired. Redbank, via Avoca Victoria.' HKARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE-Small Siae, 2s 6d; Large Size, 4s 6d. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors and by the Proprietor, 3 W. G. HEARNE, CfiEMIST, GEELONG, VICTORIA. Forwarded by Post to any Addre3S when not obtainable locally. Now Zealand Branck Offlca— No. 11 Firsfc Floor, Hume's Buildings. Willis Street, Welling-ton.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2719, 25 April 1906, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2719, 25 April 1906, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2719, 25 April 1906, Page 14