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V.- 1 - Aks£¥£ : ~JftEMmfl ' y" - ;'" v v" .~»" ' For All' . SkJH % BLOOD OISEfiSES If you suffer from any disease due to an impure state of the .Blood, PfiOM WHATEVER , CAUSfe; ABISIKO 1 ,, JOB Bboold .teat* tHe value of .Clarke.'s Blo<!d Mixture, the vrqHd'fam'edlßloo&'Bnrifier and ..Restorer.' .-Thii;inedicineTras4o"y ears' reputation, and is to-day more popular tban erer,. the- reason of this being undoubtedly because this wonderful remedy does what iv professes to do — it cures skin AND BLOOD DISEASES PERMANENTLY. IS *PHE^ FINEST BLOOB T PTTBIIFIER EYES, DIS- / . t[ : ~ ,'~\,':' 'COVERED. V" -.- " -- .t 4 warranted* to _cleaos^ the 'bloody from all impurities, from whatever cause arising. For " SCURVY, .' „ J SPOTS, v EGZEMI, ' BLACKHEADS, BLOOD TOISON, PrafiLES, * ULCERS,* >nd. SKIN & BhOQty SORES OF ALL DISEASES, :~ KIN&S BAD LEGS; ; - : - , it isa safe and Permanent Remedy. . It is the only real specific for Gout and Rheumatic Pains,for it removes the cause „ from the Blood and Bpnes.^ TffA"T»TJ I> -Thw xnixtttrcisple^aiit-^o - IMUIJi, the taste and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate, cuutetitutiou of either sex, from infancy todd ago, and the Proorietors solicit it a trial to lest its valuer / Thousands of wcndoiful iiavc ! - been effect edbjr, if. ' .- - irBJBU • WANY ' THINGS. WXTJIOUi.: . '■:.'.•' BENEFIT: -UN }~1L, : I.V , .«* ; REB'S,BtOpr^ MIXTIJRE^ * ~iU F.E. igwi^4B Bridge' street row, Chlester.r writes T-r'^Just a line in. favour ,of *■ Clarke's JSJbodlSKxtnre.!, y I hadec-, ■zema for .seren. months, >ud tried many \ without b'enefit;urilil I 'took; your •remedy'. 4 Afterthe.eightfcjbottlel was quite well again. 1 Please accept this Ictt er as ft tok^of gratitude to your wonderful • Clarke's Blood Mixture. 1 "- /use ; ' 13, 18Q3 1 . , ' 'I \ ' ECZEMA JIND IRKITATIhO TROUBLE CUIIKD; Mr W. G: WeStou; care of MessrH'lCnott, of 43 Ktsexstreit, KingoFand rami, N,E., writes : "Gentlemen— l feel it mjrduty to inform j.oir of the gwat bontfis in hcahh 1 have.rcccma f tizrouch takinß yyiir .fainons ' C'»rkA Blood' *!sxtnie.* -yjiave'beJb a sufferer from Eczema and an irritatine skin troub'e since the sp i<f tbiitein. While an but-r-atl. Nt at one of the b : e London hospitals adoc^or informed me that my- dh ease was the reaulfc of Jookfng after orefgn horses,' I have bai as maty as thirty hors.* undermy care, hiy father belngaborw dea!er and jopmarter. He (niy father), was gpeaiing o»» day loaf, ieud of Mine, who incntionea that ho T.aa beinK tuted of ;»»«}• derated lee, due to a horee-kick, by Clarke s B!ood Mixture.' I continued ,10 spffer until Apnl 4 lasK when nty friend told me he \raa completely cured. . Then 1 started to, tako ' Cltrke'e Blood Mfxlure' myself, »nd I sim now completely curid, after suffering anabeing dLlieured for several years. lam able 0 foUow my eiuptoyiuent, and am very pjeasea :o think- chore is such a -valuable remedy obtainable 'for ruoh atmall turn.- 'I should be uleaeed to answer any in<iuiritßconcermng n-y .ase."-Ju1y17, 1&3 - .ANOrHSR'PER&ANJtNT'CJJRE OF 8,.v > , - LEGS AND ABSCESSES. j, Mr Jamca. Waring, of qayfCoton Lodge, I „ new Husky/; Write* t-" K vW&pt&VJ&i I suTe thit 1 ?? W rifce to tell y°a-otthe Wffcj.fc have, deiivod, from. t»ki. g. 'Cbrkes Bloof Mixture^ Ecr a longtime 1 wffeteA wrtb \^ f Ugi aßi'abscesse&^ Twa* .under fc» &vo niontH^ aud,-bot getting irtuch bbtte^ A i , went as wrout-patienttntheTocal horoila. % 1 . 'nine we«k?. Tfie doctor. then told me Irtoirf, , , have to go inside btfore ftc-ccuid do untig 5 for ma. L-went; ia and sUyed for thirteg? weofis, and after unHcrg ;oinjr two o pcratic n» I jtot a little better. Before I h*d beea oat ot bSifal Vwedll becawe jv otsc thar .ever, to mywifetoldmulotry'Cbvk^ißloodMixture. I, did 80, acd, after taktr-g five bottlea jad übiug four pots of your jalw I was ctmpletelr cured. 1 ha\ c waited twelve months to ccc if Srfet* broke out again, but, ihankt to your •Clarke's World-fai'ed Blcol Mixture/ I ato m well to-day as I have ever beea m ayl«. You can m*ke whatever me you like of this le:ter."-Qctob.'r 15. 1903. , IMPTJKTTIES IS THE BI.OOD.— "TTe Jiavo seen hosts of letters from, all sorts and conditions of .people, in which.the writeis acknowledge the benefit they liave received from-* Clarke's Blood Mixtare, which as a curative agent cannot be t too highly estimated, since it cleanses and . clears the blood from all impurities, find restores it to its normal condition. This is a good testimonial from the 'Family Doctor," the popular medical , weekly, which goes on further to say :— " It is , certainly the fioest Wood purifier that science and skill hate brought to light, and we can with the utmost confidence recommend it to our subscribers and the, pabMc generally." - Sold bif all Chemistrand Patent Mcdi- : dnc Vendor* throughout (he - ' World': ASK FOR • • • ' Clarke's Blood Mixture . and beware of worsblcas iraUatioss and su'o-. f ttttutes.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2719, 25 April 1906, Page 85

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Page 85 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Issue 2719, 25 April 1906, Page 85

Page 85 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Issue 2719, 25 April 1906, Page 85