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'''One man." may speak ;i the universal mind." 'SPECIAL STJBJECT EVENING./ _-_- . Special -SabjeatiEveriiiis.-fo£ Hi&.»*.)nb-is fastcoming~rbuiid ohce^jnore; 'bairig due o'rrthVStli , \-May~next." 'sThe /.subject will-; be; .-"My Fitvou-', _;-rite Recreation; itS Why/ I < Indulge ,in It,". . *«nd -papers are-: invited'^from- a3 -many*.. b.f -.our , country. ..comrades as 7can",send *a i'few'*v3ines. -J)on*i -forgetitW-ev^niiig,;,country/jidherents " :and' well-*isher9, ".but 'roll ; up -with your supp'orfl "Whatever' that iecr^ation may, be, let "us lmoV r of iit,; and'/the^'reason -you. 'chose,, to , ."- adopt it. •'-„"-'," - - • - " " - NOTICE; ' - - ' OyezK Oyez! Oyez! Listen to the club-crier proclaiming the tidings to the country visitors to Dunedin at. show' time that there will be - » -special club'.smeerfng on Thursday, 7th June next, "to"- which all country Xi.F. are " invited.' A special jroom in the -Times office will, most probably be engaged;' dud a monster ■ debate will r be held' on, "Are the Pleasures of Hope Sweeter than the Pleasures -of Memory?,'' The affirmative will be led by-Tesaica, and the i-egative by Laddie; and it is'expected that all ;"the best club speakers and most of the country " members present will speak oh the subject, while papers are cordially invited from those of our "country comrades who will be unable to Jbe present. ■■ So roll up all who' "can, -and "a hearty w.elcome mil be accorded you/and you -will K»vb ike pl«astn:«-ol hearing j>es-k«.p6 Q*& best debate of .tho season. * Ths- co-operation of all is' heartily invited; so roll up, everyone, and listen 1 io J all the best thoughts ever expressed on paper. *rr Black "Watch on C. C. M. : "I must hasten ti congratulate C. C. "M. "upon \ her "appointment as- librarian to the club. ; There is no member -more wbrthy^*o£ an office;or;distinction than our- old chum^ Through, joy "and sorrow, through " good fortune; arid adjersity, she'; has stood by Dot throughout the\yesirs. and ranks t to-day". "as a-n ideal of » tru'e-;D:L.F. - a club' member, the -value of •hertsewibes 'cinnot be overiestiniateflr Siiice/ the., formation »of. the 'club she *has 'beeri s *an Kohest worker, and one of the^'few Dunedin -girl .members whose assistance we could-rely .iipbn'at: all' times." ' —.There was, onljr r a: meagre ' attendance at .the- club. laßt,.evening'brjl' account *oi.4he , Easter," Koliaay's,/"-buC" nevertheless^. a.\ fairly; pleasant evening was spent, the debate on the boards being, "Should Foreigners be Restricted Fr'jm. Entering 'New Zealand?" Tomahawk ' led the affirmative side, while Awkward Ned held in favour of the negative. Thewfts left in the hands "of the 'members, with the result that the, negative supporters were declared winners by '6 Votes to 4— a few members not voting.. The decision, as of old, did. " not - satisfy all present, and I would suggest that judges be appointed for every- debate in ' future, and not revert \q the former custom of leaving the judgment* to the whole meeting. Space forbids my dealing with' the arguments , brought forth, which on" tho "-whole were scarcely up to the standard. " , — The committee wishes to thank our country chuina,' Vaizaleen, A. Mother's Lass, One Who Doesn't Want to be a Deadh«**d, and k our West Coast comrade' Venetia Corona for the excellent debate papers sent in. — They say that Didn't You Knew was present last evening, and Quago trusts -that he .will attend regularly and assist from the above date. " ,—, — Quite a number of country L.F. were also present, among them being Oti Mai, Dieudonnie, Joe, Kilted Laddie, and 1 others, whoee ■ noms were unobtainable. All were accorded a . hearty reception. '■ *•' ' ' - r . — The club felt quite, at, sea -last evening owing to the unavoidable ..absence of our-es-~\teemed patron, as he has' always been in regu- ' , h laY attendance hitherto. .7 '- -;-, Tomahawk got 'dramatic in his < speech , .against tli& importa-tion df_ foreigners! v "Ha, 'ia! I'll' have' his blood," etc., qnotH he ,of •: the'- perpetual smile v — The/ same member,-' also "caused a little ■-' merriment "by, after a long' search, bringing I:-three^wieldy, books from, the Jibfary and laying them in front of him- in readiness for his 'reply.'"--, -The time, allowance' unfortunately -^ i'booked" Jthe "perusal of ■ them, as" it were: eh; chum? - — "Jeannie Deans!" says the Chairman. No „- response. On investigation one sees a hat sticking up behind a page, the weaTer eagerly scanning the contents therein, and the debate in full swing, too! Members were particularly anxious to know," judging by their facial_ expressions, what '- was the cause of the laughter 'iwixt Nil Des'perandum and Emerald last meeting. . Thus Awkward Ned: "I once had a " Chinese dinner, and I enjoyed it, I can tell . -you."— (Smothered guffaws.) "Oh, yes, I had!" he went on, "and I'm proud of the distinc4i«.'.'_(CJries of "Oh!" and loud laughter.) JuTt faney 1 ! — L.F., please hold your breath one and, listen to this: Tomahawk stated last evening iri Ms scathing denunciation of the almond-eyed frequenters of our city that "after •work he -always walks up Stafford street in the middle of the road, with both hands on bis - -walking stick, lest he be accosted by a Chow!" Smile, please! . •_■.-. _ — When present last evening, I noticed that whenever- Go Hon looked at ".Tomahawk they "each the smile. Why is that, I •"worider,',yel two smilers ?. - , »_": —^Our cKum Jeannie Deans must* have been in jovial mood the. same evening, asany little •-"remark made had a decidedly pleasing effect 'on her. . - ' ,— I offei my 4 heartiest congratulations to - Haxfy on. Ms saf© return from his cycling i* 5 tirarrto* Alexandra- South, via Lawrence, and : "l»acK"via Blapks. I hope you enjoyed yourself, -Harry. '',-'".,.■ "'"-■" '< "- " —I " hear: that' chums Captain Cook and Vance' returned from camping out one even--ing recently with huge swags, which they deposited at Exhibition corner 2 (Post Office). Clabbiies Hubert, Erita, and Victim have _npt turned up -for some time now. -Yon.iaw "'.H«t' forsaken: us,. l. hope; cliu»*.l. : \' ;'/

I : - "ON" DIT. . . j — That the Oamaru," .Milton^ and Middle- ! march, ijicnics were "each, an unqualified success. ■ _ - — That -the minstrels' are actively -engaged rehearsing for our social in June, and promise , • to present a first part of exceptional merit. — That a severe cold apparently had a good grip of Go Hon last evening, judging by the huakiness of his voice when reading out a paper. Ascribed to the picnics, eh, Go Hon ? — That — that's plenty this week. QUAGO.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2719, 25 April 1906, Page 79

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DUNEDIN CLUB NOTES AND CRITICISMS. Otago Witness, Issue 2719, 25 April 1906, Page 79

DUNEDIN CLUB NOTES AND CRITICISMS. Otago Witness, Issue 2719, 25 April 1906, Page 79