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The regular sitting of the Land Board wa« held on Thursday, when there were present: Mr D. Barron, Commissioner of Crown Lands, in the chair; Messrs W. Dallas, & Tough, G. Livingstone, and J. M'Kenzie. The following motion was passed X'revi olls to the ordinary business being proceedscl' with: —"The members of ■ the board desire to place on record an expression of their unfeigned regret at the death of the lata Mr Henry Clark, who for so many years so worthily held a seat on this board, and whose reliable counsel was of great and singular value alike to his fellow-membera and in the interests of settlement generally. They further desire to convey to Mr Clark's relatives their sincere sympathy with, them in their bereavement."

M. J. Gallagher wrote in reply to the board's' notice requiring him to show causa why his occupation lease over sections - 17 and 101, block IX, Maruwenua district, shoiilo! not be forfeited for his non-compliance with the residence condition. — License held by J. Gallagher declared lapsed.

John Miller, lessee of small grazing mil 17d, Ben Lomond, applied for exemption from residence on the run. — .Exemption granted during the pleasure of the aboard.

The "board considered a further letter from M. Crowley with reference to his application for an area of eight acres of the mining reserve in block IV, Waipori district, and also his application for an occupation lease over the said land. — Referred to Ranger O'Neill for report. Ranger O'Neill reported on section 91, block

"VI, Tuapeka West district, occupied by Mrs 2?itzgerald • -'without title.— Miscellaneous license granted " at a rent of 7s 6d per fcnnum. i Range* O'Neill "reported on the license teld by Alexander -M'Corkindale, to cut flax | over sections 1 to 4, block 111, Table Hill | district.— As M'Corkindale had left the district the license^was declared lapsed. The boarcV considered District-surveyor Wilmot's report on J. H/ Waigth's application to purchase area in the town o'i Roxburgh,-and survey of same, now section 8, block XXI, and section 9, block XXlll.— Referred to ranger for report and valuation of improvements. District-surveyor Wilmot forwarded a report on section 57, block JX, Leaning Hock district, surveyed as an occupation lease for Thomas Govan. The board was requested to fix the rental/for the -section.— Rent to be 6d per acre. - - - Ranger O'Neill forwardeS a report on a complaint made that Mrs-E. M. Marshall, lessee of' section 6, block IX, Rankleburn district, was not complying with the residence condition" oh her lease.— lnformant to b*e advised that Mrs "Marshall had been granted exemption from residence during the pleasure of the board. Ranger O'Neill reported on section 26a, Wock XI, -Waitahuna, "West district, fenced in by Mrs E. Sheehan.— Received. - The -board considered^ T. Munro's application for a -license'., to occupy --ferry reserve,, section '•9r"W6ck : -'v"l,-JKurow district. The OhairmaTL'-Waitaki^ County Council.- wiote-objecting,torihe^grahting-of the application.— License' granted,:- with -the condition that a^ J>lock 6£- not- less" than- 10 acres Jbe tenced off for" the "'free" use'-of travelling stock; -rent for .license, £3. -",'/, . , '." tf P. M: "Murray. 'applied -for a revaluation " of Eection\,"sß, block jX, Pomahaka-' Downs Estate:-^-Applic»tion "declined," the board .having no ;T?ower'io^ comply "with- the Banger Maclcenzie-iorwarded' a r memo. -with leference to -E.^Monsoh's- application -far sections 7 and '~B, block XIII, Jfolnoon district.— ' ' " . • ... The \}6aiß. ;was requested to -fix the -capital value "of" section" 45/ ; block I, Eawarau dis-trict,-granted-to-James* Cosgrove on' lease m perpetuity.— CapitaL value fixed at 10s. per acre.' ' \" ;\ - ' ' The x Warden;' Lawrence, - wrote requesting that '-the -sale of "section 20," block XXXII, iowii ofrilayelock;' be held over -ire the meantime—Received. - -- " "" % The -County Clerk wrote' stating that a petition hatl '.beenrTeceivedby the -;County Council- from" several" .runholders in -blocks IV, V;-and- Vi; -'Mount Hyde district requesting that any - " fourths" J eceived' from tiheir xuns fe^ expended.'in ,metalling. the xoad from-""Hindon. ; 'rfti^way to Hinclon town. The council had' acceded' to the request,- and referred- the matter to tHe Land Board for «,pproval.— Approved. ," - The Chief Surveyors forwarded plan of sections', 24" andl24£~,bldck V, Cromwell district, surveyed - for Thomas' Wood.— Approved, in accordance- with' report .of surveyor. ■ Norman Lory- applied for; an.-'occupation leasa /under u lThe • Mining Districts Land Occunation Act, 3.894," 'over section 105 and 106, block IX,' -Maruwenua district. The ■warden '-'forwarded -a report.— Lease" granted; rent, ,2s- 6d- per 'acre; The, tWarden- reported on the- application fcy/M'AHie'Bros. for an -.area- of "334 -.atsxes,,. on-lease-in perperftiity,. on" run "No, 261 a, JPool"burn district. — Held- over. - r „" •J. -" 'McDonald,- ■ licensee Jof Tun.- No. 140*, Tapanui; -Mtote-. asking -if Brandy ' Creek qo-iild be ~ macte-'the ,- boundary .between <his • run >and iun Nb:'-14C8.-^Boundiry 'to- be mutually srrkngr£l£ when the -board would :-be-'prepared to consider'' the matter. „ John^Collirig. wrote farther" -with reference ito hia^ application . for an occupation lease over' loo "acres'" on Tvai 226 a. Blackstone' dis--trict.-1-Received. - , Thomas- Chapman applied for a license over one acre .on the east bank of the Back Creek; Rankleburn .district, about four chains £roni_th©^Pomahaka' .River, as- a site for a flaxmill ; -also for a right to cut a water race along' the Back Creek.— Held over ior Teport. Thos'. JEE. -Erskine applied -f oY" a six months' license .for grazing . over section , 13, block •XIII;' Pomahaka Downs Estate. — Granted; lent, '£6. C'Brenssell applied _to purchase area fronting section 49, -block " XVIII, Taieri.^dißtrict, 9between the "river" and ths section. — Referred to ranger for -report. „ The-^bbard considered a letter, from John Craig, on behalf " of v -Mrs Robert 1 Paterson, •with reference, to- section 28, block VJJ.I, Catling district.— Lease declared forfeited; ranger to make valuation of improvements. A- was receive^ ■from Wm. 'Bailey, ■who". -was,, reported ;by the ranger as 'not complying-- with-- the* residence condition of lig -lease over small -^grazing run 17b 1 , Maru■wenua district.— Exemption granted during the pleasure of the board. , Ueil^Bafn -applied" -for arediiction in the Tent -of his - yearly^'license over jportion of section" 20, .block V.-.-Kurow district.— Rent reduced to- 3.4a -per annum. The -Alexandra Borough-i, Council applied to liave a "block of lahd.^pn the south of 'block XXXIII,- town of Alexandra., surveyed. Left in the hands of ,thfi fe^Chief -Surveyor. • The boards considered^. , an , application hy John" -Kinney- to;-he/alrpwed to acquire ■ section 47, block VII,-anl' 'section "5,. block XI. Rock ana Pillar- district^— P.' R. Connolly (W. L. Srmpson,^ent)j. ? ±hds'.'Creighton ) and L. P. Cabot made*' similar" applications.^— A petition from "24 "settlera "in -Hyde district requested that -the land be opened to public competition. — Applications- ,by Kinney, Connolly, 'Creighton, and Cabot were declined; sections -to be opened grouped in lease in perpetuity, at a capital value, of 13s 6d per acre; valuaitien for improvements, £29 Is 6d. Sub-lease for Consent.— J. H. and E. E. 'Chalmers to William Simpson, sections 1 2 tlock Vni. and^sections 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, Rlocc X, Kurow districts leases in perpetuity 309, 517 ex, 518 ex, and; 519ex.— Granted. Wm.. Groves applied for a lease over the *oal reserve in block I, Akatore district.— atanger O Neill-. forwarded a report.— Declined, as- section was already held under lease Ranger O'NeilL reported on a complaint made that Alfred Price, lessee of small grazing run STo. 224h, Blackstone district, ■was not complying with the residence condition of his lease.— Received.

The board was requested to authorise tha (Receiver of Land Revenue to deal with the feurn of £70 3s 64 paid as valuation for improvements on sections 11. U, and 14a, ■"block VII, Waihemo district. — Receiver to pay to revenue £5 arrears of rent, and 30s cost Id? re-entry; to Stock De»artment for. rabbiting 28s; and to John Walsh £62 5s 6d. John M'Cann wrote requesting that a slight alteration be. made in the boundary between Bections- 19a and 21a, Greenfield settlement. in order to obtain a better outlet. Held over. Ihe hoard was requested to fix the rental for sections 61 and 79, block VII, Maerewhenua "Sistrict, . granted to Wm, M'Eandle under occupation lease Rent fixed at Is 6d per acre. District-surveyor Neill suggested -that an area of about 18 acres of river-bed opposite eection 78, block VII. Maerewhenua district, fee licensed to Maij A. Adams; and. 10 acres

opposite section 79 to Wm. M'Randle. — Held over. Mr G. Livingstone forwarded a report on the application by T. L. .King for a road through section 9a, Windsor Park Settlement, to give him access to portion of section Ba.— Held over. Charles Gardiner wrote with reference to the rent fixed for his occupation lease over section 69, block IX, Maerewhenua district. Ranger Atkinson submitted a further report. — Rent to be Is 6d per acre. R. C. Cook wrote with reference to the rent fixed for his occupation lease over section 70, block IX, Maerewh-enua district. — Application for reduction of rent declined. C. Paterson wrote with reference to the proposed closing tihe road-line between section 3, block XI, and section 2, block XIII, Strath Taieri district. — Held over. James Spence White applied for an occupation lease under " The Mining Districts Land Occupation Act, 1894," over 100 acres, part of section 4, block VII, Highlay district. Ranger Atkinson forwarded a report. — Declined.

Mrs Bridget Bell applied for a license to occupy part of the river-bed opposite section 33, Maerewhenua Estate. — Yearly license granted; rent, 5s per annum.

Clark Bros, applied for a license to ocoupy the area of three acres on the east of blocks VII and. VIII, town of Maheno, at present held under license by Reynell and Sankey. -Ranger Atkinson forwarded report. — Yearly license granted, to date from November 27 last; rent, 30s per annum. Ranger O'Neill forwarded a report on the application by Joseph- Smith ,for a renewal of his coal license over two acres, part of section 4, block IX, Kaifcangata district. — License renewed for three years; rent, 20s per annum.

, Brodrick and Chalmer, on behalf of R. W. Trotter, applied for a right to occupy the area recently cut off section 47, block VI. Rock and Pillar district, for the purpose of securing him access to water. — License -granted ; lent fixed at. 20s per annum. Brodrick and Chalmer, on behalf of John Jameson, applied to be allowed to purchase an ar&a of about 10 acres on Run No. 238, Wakefield district. — Referred to warden and ranger for report. Rtinholder's consent to be obtained, and application advertised. The board considered the application by Joseph Irvine for a license to occupy section 145, block 11, Otepopo district. The late licensee, Richard wrote objecting to the application. — Decided to subdivide the reserve into two parts; portion north of the road to be licensed to J. Irvine, and southern portion to R. Donaldson.

The following applications were granted:— , For rural land under the Lands for Settlement "Act — 4473, section 2a, block 1, Otokia distrist, Duncan settlement, John Edward Jones. For rural land on lease in perpetuity — 1470, sections 10 and 11, block VII, Tiger Hill district, Mice M. Gunn; 4477, sections 11, 14, and 14a, block VII, Waihemo distriot, Henry Bayly. For rural land under oocupation-with-right-of-purcKase license — 4463, section 10, block IX, Woodland district, William Wells; 4474, sections 5, 6, 7, and 8, block X, Woodland district, George Diack. To purchase land held under perpetual lease — Perpetual lease 624, section 25, block IV, Gimjnerbnrn district, Euphemia Brown ; perpetual , lease- 4^5. section 1, block XII, Strath Taieri^ district, Guss:Carlsson. To complete purchase of land held under deferred-payment license^ — Deferred payment 5121, .section 24, .block : VnX-~WarepV district, Thomas Gillespie; deferred payment 5132, section 67, block I, Clarendon' district, James Torsion; .deferred payment 2112, section' 2l, block XVII, Crookston district, 'John Haugh., ! Applications for leave to transfer leases or j licenses^— Lease in" perpetuity 9265, section 28, block VIII, Maerewhenua ' district, Toka- ! xahi -settlement— John- Greaney to Daniel F. j M'Cann (Lee and Grave, solicitors). — Approved. Lease in perpetuity 801s, section 47, j block VII, Maerewhenua district, Tokarahi - settlement— Joseph Jamieson to William Simpson, jitn. (Newton and Borton, solicitors). — Approved. Lease in perpetuity 3695, allotment 8, Maerewhenua settlement — Laura Fraser to Catherine Greaney. — Approved. - Lease in perpetuity 396, allotment 43, Maere- , whenua settlement— Annie Reid (administra- i in estate of Thos. Reid, jun., deceased) to Wm. Hedley (Hislop and Creagh, solicitors).—Approved. Lease in perpetuity 226vh, | allotment 17, Teaneraki settlement — John E. j Goodall to Minnie Taylor. — Approved. Lease < in perpetuity 7785, sections 37 and 62, block ', VII, Maerewhenua district, Tokarahi settle- J jnent; miscellaneous license 8898, sections 37a- and 37b, block VII, Maerewhenua district, Tokarahi settlement — Eliza Wim to Annie Hore (Hislop and Creagh, solicitors). — Ap- i proved. Lease in perpetuity 860s, sections ; 104 and 105, block 11, Oarnaru district, Ardgowan Estate^ — Robert Little, jun., to Alex. S. Familton* (Hislop and Creagb, solicitors). — Approved. Small grazing run 351, runs 220b, 220ff, 220h, and 220i— Henry Scott to Robert Allan (Reid and Macassey, solicitors). — Approved. • Lease- in perpetuity 8225, allotment 53, Maerewhenua settlement and lease in perpetuity 8265, allotment 32, Maerewhenua sett'ernent — William Laird to Hemy Waters (Lee and Grave, solicitors). — Approved. Lease in perpetuity 163VH, section 35, block XI, Maniototo ; district — Silas Hore to Andrew J Paterson.—Declined. Lease in perpetuity 232vh, section 33, block XI, Maniototo district — Jas. S. Shepherd to Silas Hore. — Declined. ! Lease in perpetuity 445 ex, section 3, block IX, Tarras district — Alexander Campbell to Christina Foster (Brodrick and ChalmeT, j agents). — Approved. Lease in perpetuity 938, section 4, block XVIII, Lower Wanaka district—Allan A. Barker to Mary Barker (G. and J. A. Cook, solicitors). — Held over pend- j ing report from ranger. Lease in perpetuity 954, sections 8, 9, and 12, block X, Naseby district; pastoral lease 716, section 10, block X, ISTaseby district — Edward Dow to Felix M'Carthy and Thos. Griffiths (Sidey and Collier, solicitor*).— AppiovecT. Pastoral lease 625 (s.c), section 14, block XI, Greenvale district — John M'Kenzie to Eobt. B. Williams (W. F. Inder, solicitor). — Approved. Occupation with right of purchase 190, section 12, block V, Woodland district — Robt. J. Miller to James Lumsden and James Cooper. — Approved. Small grazing run 233 — Alfred Day Price to George William Price, run No. 224H, Blackstone district. — Approved. Lease ] in perpetuity 1062s — Wm. M'Cone to Walter Hope, allotment 2a, Elderslie settlement. — Approved. The board considered s.n application by Mrs C. Franklin for nn occupation lease under " The Mining Districts Land Occupation Act, 1894," over 33 acres in block XX, Tuapeka East district. — The Warden forwarded a report. — Harris and party wrote objecting to the application. — Granted, subject to the conditions suggested by warden; surveyor to adjust boundaiy on the north-eastern side; rental to be suggested by surveyor.

The board adjourned at 6 p.m. till next morning.

The adjourned meeting of the Lan 3 Board wa.s held on Fiiday. the members present being Mr D. Barron (Commissioner of Crown Lands), and Messrs W. Dallas, John Tough, G. Livingstone, and J. M'Kenzie. The business was transacted^

The Secretaiy of the Golden Bed Dredging Company wiote objecting to the application by Richard Kitto, sen., for a license to occupy part of the mining reserve north of section 40, block VIII, Benger district. — Letter received, and Mr Kitto's application declined.

Twenty-two settlers at Hawea Flat wrote with reference to the closing of the Hawca Bush against the cutting of green timber, and requesting that the bush b,e opened, as iormeriy, for timber^cutting. — Referred to Ranger M'Kenzie for report.

Ranger O'Neill forwarded valuation of iniprSvements on section 7, block XIV, Pomahaka Downs Estate. — Section to be re-opened, burdened with valuation of £245.

The board was requested to authorise (he Receiver of Land Revenue to deal with the sum of £64 12s, paid as valuation for improvements on Run No. 51c, Waipori. — Receiver to pay 30s cost of re-entry, and to H. M'Cormack £63 2s.

D. M'Donald applied for a license 1o occupy section 47, block IV. and section 7, bock XII, Mount Hyde district. — Held over for report from ranger.

Michael Haekefc+, lessee of section 53, Momona Settlement, wrote asking for a. remission of the balance of interest on the buildings on his section. — Held over for report.

The Under-secretary of Lands forwarded opinion of the Solicitor-general on the questions as to whether a person can legally hold more than one residence area, and as to whether residence is compulsory upon nolders of residence area certificates. — Received; Ranger O'Neill to submit report and sketch of the various aggregated residence areas and other holdings in Teviot district.

District-surveyor Wilmot forwarded plan and report on the laud in block 111, Benger district, granted to W. T. Ridd under occupation lease. — License granted at a lental of ( 5s per annum.

Richard Dawson - applied to purchase an area of about eight acres adjoining section 3, block HI, Fraser district. Tie warden forwarded a report. — To be submitted to the Minister for approval after survey. James Alexander forwarded a- report from settlers at Clinton asking that the peat bog in section 22, block VI, Kuriwao district, and access thereto be reserved. — To ba informed" that the reserve was made at last meeting of the board.

The Secretary to ths Commonage Committee, Maerewhenua, wrote with reference to the

date of its license and the conditions thereof. — Held over pending receipt of further letter from the committee.

The Secretary to the Acclimatisation Society wrote aslcing that the Upper Lagoon, in block XIII, Inchclutha distriot. be proclaimed a. sanctuary for trout and native game. — Government tc be recommended to grant accordingly. Vincent County Council forwarded statement of proposed expenditure of " thirds " and "fourths" for period 31st January to 31st March, 1905. — Approved.

Edward Gray applied for a six months' license over section 21, block XIII, Pomahaka Downs Estate.— To be offered license at a rental of £7.

The Receiver of Land Revenue reported that the following holders of yearly licenses have failed to renew their licenses by nonpayment of rent: — Alexander Ferguson, Moeraki; JosepTi Waterreus, Moeraki; representatives ofthe late John Smith, Kurow ; Lee and Co., Moeraki; Thos. Kennan, St. Bathans; A. M'Lennan, Macraes; R. Gibson, Macraes; J. Davis, Makarora; J. Cava-nnah, Tuapeka Flat; Baird and Elliott,- Arrowtown; Samuel Grant, Middlemarch; Chas. Low, Arrowtown; Mary Laughton, Hyde; A. M. Simmers. Waikoikoi; F. Donnelly, Cromwell; Jas. Wilson, Clyde; Thos. Lindsay, Weddei-burn; R. J. Paulin and others, Kinloch; M. A. Creighton, Hyde. — Holders to be informed that unless rents are paid before next meeting of the board the licenses will be declared lapsed.

It was resolved that the following applications for occupation leases under " The Mining Districts Land Occupation Act, 1894," he advertised for warden to report: — W. A. Thomson, 3 acre» 2 roods, part of section 59, block IX, Leaning Rock district (Gilkison and Hutton, agents); Archibald Graham, section 36, block VIII, Benger district (R. Coekbxirn, agent); C. A. Anderson, 13 acres, Fraser district, Earnscleugh.

The Receiver of Land Revenue reported that the following lessess were in arrear with rent: — 1460, Mary Dawson, section 184, block I, town of Naseby — 18 months' rent; 1430, M'Carthy and Monson, block IV, MidWakatipu district — 12 months' rent. — To be informed that unless payment ie made befoie 27th September the board will deal with the lessees.

An application to subdivide aHotrnertt 10a, Elderslie Settlement, and transfer part from Thomas Reid to John Reid, was granted, subject to approval of Minister.

E. J. Abbott applied for a license to occupy section 54, block 111, Maerewhenua Estate. — Referred to ranger for report.

Sarah Rodgers applied for a license 1o occupy, for grazing purposes, bush reserve section 20, block XIII, and the mining and bush reserves fronting blocks IV and VII, Tuapeka West district. — Grazing license granted as per plan submitted by ranger; area, about 1500 acres; rental, £3 per annum.

Ranger Atkinson reported on the application by R. L. M^Bean for a license to occupy about 10 acres of the river-bed opposite section 34, Maerewbenua Estate. — License granted at a rental of 5s per annuni, subject to the gorse being cleared from the land. Allan Bros, wrote with reference fo the proposed closing of road-line crossing the Three o'Clock Creek, in the Museum endowment, block VI, Silver Peak district.— To bs informed the board will approve of the new road baing opened on the closure of th© part referred to, and shown on sketch. Ranger O'Neill forwarded a report on section 13, town of Waikoikoi. held i under village homestead lease No. 224, by William Kirk. — Lessee to "be informed that the exemption from residence is now withdrawn ; also in the case of section 14, town of Waikoikoi, held under village, homestead lease No. 90, by Ronald M'Donald. Ranger O'Neill reported on the application by Robert Simmers to purchase section 50, block X, Glenkenich district.— Application declined.

Ringer O'Neill reported on the application by David M'Neilly, pin., for a license to occupy an area of about sis acres in block XVIII, Tuapeka East district-, southern part of reserve lying between sections 43 and 62. — License granted, at a rental of 5s per annum. An application from Thos. M'Kay for lease in perpetuity over section 4, block VII, Lower Hawea district, was approved.

"Wm. White applied for lease in perpetuity over 10 acres in block XV, Tarras district. Warden forwarded report.— Lease granted, limit of frontage to he> not more than eight chains.

T. Munro, secretary of Kurow Coninionage, wrote re proposed cancellation of license held by the trustees. — It was decided to inform Mr Munro that no action in connection with the matter will be taken in the meantime.

An application by I. M. Goulding for sections 40, 41, block X, Glenomaru district, tinder oeciipation-with-iisht-01-jjiircliase jraa ftgpiovefi,

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Otago Witness, Issue 2686, 6 September 1905, Page 22

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OTAGO LAND BOARD. Otago Witness, Issue 2686, 6 September 1905, Page 22

OTAGO LAND BOARD. Otago Witness, Issue 2686, 6 September 1905, Page 22