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The monthly mating, hefd on Thur'STlay, August 24, was attended by the Commissioner (Mr J. Hay) *nd Messrs J. JM'lntyre, A. Kinr-jstf, and John M'Lean. It was decided to recoiiiniencl the Government to appoint the Campbelltown Borough Council as trutttes of the domain for the purpose of improving and managing the recreation leserve at Moke-moko Inlet section 69, bicclt V, 153 ceres.

'Iho recommendation, of tlie Coinara^siouci 1 that tho balance, 6750 acre** of run No. 3a be temporarily leased to Hugh M'Kenzie- at £3 per annum, as ficm March 1, 1005, until license of run No. 2b, held by him, expire*? on Febiuary 28, J9l0 r when it would be leased with run No. 2b. was approved.

It was decided that pastoral run 133 be reelassifieiJ and offered next year for a term of 11 years, and -valuation for improvements be allowed.

Donald M'Lean applied to purchase, for cash, sections 119, 61, an-d 65, block 11, Waiau, at 5s pe-r acre. — l-J&ceived.

It was decided, that section 1, block 111, torn-» ofiMakarewa, be permanently reserved for a school site.

The Town Clerk of South In?ercargil'l forwarded list of Crown lessees in arrear with raite-s. — Notice to be sent ti defaulters.

Rev. A Macdonald renewed his application for 10 acres out of dairy factory reserve on Merrivalo settlement fox a manse glebe. — Left in commissioner's hands to deal with.

It was resolved that sections 33, 14, and 39> Otahu settlement, bo re-advertised as grouped an<3 open to selection after 30 days' notice.

The Ranger reported valuation of sections 64 and 65, Waiau survey district, at 6s 8d per acre; 90 and 91 at 10s per acre; aaid 92 aaid 113 at 5s per acre. — It was decided that sections 64, 65, and 113 be grouped and offered on the optional system at the ranger's vaUia,tiou; sections- 90 to 92 grouped and offered on optional system at prices stated.

J. W. G-. M'lntyre was allowed to> cut sawmilling timber on section 90, block 11, Longwood, and on 72A acres adjoining Crown land on payment oi ! £65 2s royalty. He was also granted sawmill site <m usual conditions ai ifil'per annum 1 , subject to any prior rights.

Lfho New Zealand Pine Company waa grantsd protection for watsr race through sect-ion 40, block V, Mabel Hundred, ancT liconso over said seotdon made subject to suck race.

I W. Raymond w&s - granted extension of 12 months' time to remove flax from portion of section 11 and reserve fronting section 12, block VIII, Waikawa.

Charies Pickett aeked two months' extension of tinie ' to cut flax on section 364, Hokonui, on account of loss of mill by fire. — Granted.

It was decided to grant William Watson grazing license over 50 acres, being balance of sawmill- area No. IS5a (abandoned;, at 6d per aero per annum, without valuation for improvements, bub when the area is surveyed he to be allowed valuation for improvements already made vn the 150 acres. It was decided to r-eoffer section 26, block' 11, Waikawa f-uivey district, with reduced valuation for ?mprovements of £25, the commissioner's action in advei tiding being approved.

Ii was. resolved to reconun-end the Government to grant Robert Lewis £20 compcr.«atic;i for lossr of area taken for 1 ail way purposes cut of section 24e, Edeaidale settlement.

Hanger Campbell reported that section 3, block VII I, Makarewa, was- the- only reserve left in the 'block,- and lie could not recommend its withdrawal and sale. — The application of E. Gr. Waldron was refused 1 .

A. F. Blatch wrote that he wouul bs willing to give £55 per artnuni for pastoral runs K'os. 413 and 463, Monowai, ii the lease w«re for a term of 21 years. — TI1& board decided that it saw no reason to alter its d-eeision regarding the rsntal and term of the rums*

It was decided that a public right-of-way, 50 linkb wide, be reserved 1 through sections 154,-155, and 148, block VII, Waiau, and that gates be placed where directed by the commissioner.

The offer by Joseph Irwin, lessee of section 24a, of £10 per annum for the right to graze on section 4a,- G-leraltarn, was approved 1 , Mr Irwin to be aJlcwed valuation for half boundary, fonoe between sections 4a aud 5a."

Tli9 offer of John Bsgefsky of £6 per annum for grazing right over section 4a, G-leuharu, was declined.

Thomas Anderson was gTautcd grazing license over river bank reserve on the Hamilton Burn (four acres) fronting part of section 8, block 11, Centre Hill survey district, at 16s per aniiuin.

James Eobsou ofi'eied 5s per annum for grazing lieensa over section 36, Niagara* town's Kip. — Granted.

On the recommendation of the commissioner it was decided that previous resolution be rescinded and section 19, block 111, MidWakatipu sui-vey district, be retained! as a Government reserve.

The following applications for land were granted: — W. B. Harris, sections 3 and 4, block XII, Otenunika Hundred; P. Ahem, sections 1 to 8, block XV, Chatton; Catherine Harris, sections 46, 48, 50 to 54. and 60 to 62, block 111, o*eramika Hundred; W. D. Lepper,' section 728, block LTX^ Hokonui; Matthew Lindsay, sections 3 and nty-blo^k XXIII, Invercargill Hundred (two applicants) ; Johu Fisher, section 40, block V, Mabel Hundred (valuation of £42 10s to John Fisher) ; James Collinson, sections 110 to 111, block XXIII, InvcTCPrgill Hundred*.

An ap-pHcation received for section 29, blotk 11, Wnikawa, was cancelled, tlie deposit not having bean paid.

Tho following applications) under the Bush and Sw?.mp Crown Lands Settlement Act were gianted: — Richard Munro, jun., sections 59, 60, 153; 64. and 67, block V, Oteramika Hundred'; JanißS Munro, sections' 68 tc- 70, and- 77 to 81, block V, Otciamika Hundred; Stanley Hodgson, sections 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8, block V, Oteramika Hundred: Naomi Campbell, section 8, block VIII, Waikawa; Alexander M'Donald, section 58, block 111, Wylld.ll am , William M. Barker, sections 15, IS, 21, 23, ana 25, block V, 'Oteramika Hundred. H. Last was granted grazing license over sections 2a, 3a, and 3b, block VIII, East Winton. E. W. Robson was eranted right t» slabs

on section 11, block VIII, Waikawa, on pa\ rnient of £1, the right i.o lapse if section selected.

E. Baker requested two years' remission of rent on sectio.i 119e, Edendale, owing to the condition of the ground. — To be informed that such remission could not be granted, but he would be given time to pay rent due.

Jamo3 Thompson, HaJtocon Bay, was granted permission to build a launch ou Ulva 1 sland.

John Melvin was granted permission to lay tramway through section 24a, block IX, Toi Toi, at £1 per annum, subject- \o resuniptum if reqtiireel for public purposes.

Chas. F. Moore was granted grazing licenss over section 127, block X, Lindhurst (Edendale).

Carmkhae-l Bras, applied for lease for 14 or 21 vMirs, v.ith right oi cultivation, over section 3, block X, Oteramika Hundred. — Mr Kinross sm-cl Badger Campbell to report.

The application of Robert Morrison for land in block* XII, Campbelltcwn Hundred, was refused, *a.s it was proposed to deal with the block as a whole.

It was decided to recommend the Minister to approve an application by Alex. Carmichaa! for block VIII, Lillburn. The of H E. Tapper for block XVIIT, JXew Rivei Hundred, was granted, sxibjeot to consent of Minister. " - -

The following applications to complete purchase were granted: — Alex. Robson, section 61, Wair-io survey district; Mrs C. O'Connor eection Gl2, Hokonui; John Wharton, section 275, Forest Hill Hundred-, Mrs M. Prenderville, section 13, block V, Ccnu-e Hill ; Arthur » 13. D. Stuck, section 71, block VI, Jacobs Kiyer Handred; E. Qu&yies, section. 1, block VII, Wemlon; John O. Clapp, section' 4, block VII, Morley Village; A. Frew anc l Thomas H. Frew, section 75, block VI, Jacoy, 5 River Hundred.

Time was granted three settlers to complete the purchase of their holdings. Exchanges of tenure to lease in. perpetuity were granted ps follow: — James Ferguson, s-ectiori 24 ; block VII, Waikawa; Robt. Lamb, section 5, block 111, Waikawa; Mrs A. M. Knowles, section 16, block VII, Wendonside. ' Ilie following 1 transfers were approved: — Section 17, block XVIII, Longwocd, John Cosgrift to Williami Anderson; section 110, Waiau, Robert Stoiy to William Richards; sections 48 and 49, block XXII, Invercargili Httndred, John Ryan to R. and W. S. Lambert ; sections 43 and 44, block XXII, Invercargill Hundred, Albert Lawton to William Laivton.

The Uuder-secretary for Lands notified that Ihe Minister had approved of tho transfer of section 50, block 111, Mataura Hundred, from E. Finn to Heury Adams, as recommended by the board. — Received.

The application of Mts B. A. Bell Jo subdivide and transfer sections 1 to 4, Block I, town of Hirstfield, to John Iv. Wood was grafted, the Minister having approved. The lease of section 10, block 111, Alton, was cancelled, and similar action taken in regard to greenstone quarrying license at Milford Sound. " x

The application of Neil M'Leod to section 8,, block IX, Lindhurst, y on account, of .shingly nature of the ground, was refused. The- board" reported that, ge'herally speaking-, the section was pCcughable, but a few shingly patches came t\> the surface. The section was well worth its rental of 2s 3d per acre ; therefore they could not recommend acceptance c? surrender. ' The Receiver was authorised to pay over to the- Sovithland County -Council thirds and fouiths to the amount of £131 4s lid and £8 18s Sd to the Inverca;rgill Road Board.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2685, 30 August 1905, Page 25

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SOUTHLAND LAND BOARD Otago Witness, Issue 2685, 30 August 1905, Page 25

SOUTHLAND LAND BOARD Otago Witness, Issue 2685, 30 August 1905, Page 25