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THE LEADING HOUSE FOR RELIABLE FOOTWEAR. x^X , j%..|Hßm #' V^k BVf^ JE ■ Mk ff"" 1 Dl CTATION-/ f^^| " •-. * " " ._ ... ), •• . TOPS THE CLASS ji{ > fittHk X^ "' \ Corairof George and St. Andrew Streets, Dunedin. ■ . f^J^^^m^amff^. *y^VEßY'\man > woman, rad child has a desire to be as lirell dreued m hi* or her station in life justifies—and why not? We j^^P^\ r y<>-^> 'v<jXJy^f[/^~ tJ*\_ v< *~ make it.our business, and study to supply-j-" Whatthe people want at tHe price they wish to'pay " —that very important feo\ '' ~/^W^^^\ , J^^^SWm3^ 1 ' J " yart of dress t footwear. ,It concerns you —whether you are'the, stately dame, or just the girl in the kitchen, the boss of the mill, **\B /rj%sti)z&( .p X \ \x^Tr'-<f^^^ liUffl^ '' •r just, the man on the stack—to get the. best footwear youcan for your, purpose. • * -.-■*■.,... Ivw"" WMI ife: \ MM^^s^^^^ffilißl'ffli3 THE ,'OlJry f-BO'OT PALACE is ?w;ell and faVourably.known vthroughout the Colony in connection with JK^M--*^ 7>ss- *j\ \^^-/M^rWii'^mm^^ ' teHable gobdsvat^reaspnable prices. . Whether" you want the'lateit. style, or ;the most useful and "best footwear, it's to _aiXl=r~—^ yl- wflffls!r\~ ;'-W^ F^w^^^^^D / jwa interest toirrit'e or, call onus. Come'that far; 1 and we?ll see that you are satisfied. \ ■' '-. -", ' ' .■ " _ K''W^Mmjfc -^^—ri^s Ww^^l^iPl!^^- ""'*^ .•- ?^^^ ;l.Hntes at Slowest pMOES^itsH oirLY. - i ■ „ V ; '/: { I*dl M'La»ciier,Shoe B(Spleiidid:Yalae)...B(Spleiidid: Yalae)... '* 6" «l V?/^ '^ /•'. ' ' CLfe** in; j)nnedin;) „^, -vv;- . , . . O'lOw TT • N» ITELUWu..^Sr TO WH^ER Jn'JC LASS! SIR? IWUV H<lW leather Balriiorals fHi ffh LeeV -' 711 s',B, 6 10 6 ' ' - '*'-' " "^ V v/. ''. : ", .'. ' \ ONLY TELLJ N, T.HE, HfcW BOXi.WHAT/YE.GET GOOD BOOTS CV£JB tS'-HSMBSpS 'a.6--?tf lS 36 ' WEfIUABANTEEBEBTyAUUE^RREADY.MONEY. ,- „- fM^■•^^■t^^^ ' Udiea' Gyinnaattc i«f6W ".r - ... ° ... 2 11' r;».'6 - 4-,^) - .-, , -'r4r 4. I',1 ', v^-^^ 'L«--i'.' •i' v d'-- 1". r-*>■' ■•" ■ "> . '''/.^ ''■^'*.V-^^'. V-^^'? l'^.V ',' , Udies' Stockykr<ifßoot,(Heel and Toe Tips) "' 7,.1 v B;'^ :» 6- < , . / ; ;^ ' r<; * V \ \' -QrntrkriT '^TW*riniTirr»'4ji4/'-i^'■'-*'""■ Cdies^oxfr/ailSllifper* :..> .....' .2, :>;'::;3^ 3-6- Men' B Stropg Kuchera (Epßpand.Kalft)^;^; 'S^ ■.'••6^]f;? -T. 6-". : - SCHOOL ' >FOOT WE AR'.'a v - Udies'A'meAcaJshSf (VeryXeat)'. !!! .'^6^ , B^6-UO/ 6 Men' B Foxhead;S(lippers „- v..r .;. 2,9 ,3^ 4 /Si' J, * yy M g C|TY OT pp A|.ACE «T<>^ T HE C"^ M KVERV Tli^t ;', . .I*dlea'Canva«iSho^Beßt,Quahty) i ,/»v .;J )*/: £-}&i;* \ Men's Wat£i^^^^(Fa^ay>-'-::.';. 10 6,12? ;14 ' ft l£ , y ?'^''>/,'•'. '" ..VJ ,X i <;--' ""'"^ "•■ !i". -'„.< -"' V -.- QHILDRJEJN'S- POQT-WJIiAR.^ >.-.'_.. - V--, 1-- Men's Ligkt Biimorala (Sprigged) ..; 86 10 J 1? d "-' ~r -Boys' Balmorals (Tipßand.Nailf)j Bizeglo to 13 59 6, 8 7 t J«r Stock Of PootweM for the "Little People '^ii: the Choicest Uld ,/.';/, ,i „ .; O" - -^ •'.>•', .- . .Girls-Balmorals (Tips and Sprigs or Nails), /, ,'v, . / „ > ' ' most. Complete in the City.. THE PRICES PLEASE THE- Mem's Leather Slippers' ,r V.V."' ... M. 3 6 4 6 6-6 , rv!./, Sizes lO:tb 13.r - 1.1;'/-...:, - i,'; 5,9 ;6 I 7« „- , .HOST ECONOMICAL PURCHASERS. '*■■',:. •'.". ..,",. ■ /w/ w l'i.:C t>, i- > ;=b -i i,.-'-.."!,' „ -Youih^ Balmorals (Tips and NAiU^'Sikes^,/. , ;<-./.. :, - ; , c,, . ■' ■ , s. 3.: s. d. s.% y d. > Men's W«terjbi?ht. Bluohers;(Pegged ._ 9,6 10 6 11. , „" rand-2- S. *\ uX-..r*S\£i!}-£'~'4 I 7: '^.'7'ff Wwts'PatentS^p Shoes; 2|s to s's .... 2, ,6 Men's Oxford^es (Veryileaty;^. 76^; 8 B ;;. 10 .6i V ' ?^^ (TipV Naib)^ea ;/; . '/ \-^ „ Children's Seat Balmorals, s'g and 6's ,-«.*" 3.-6'.^ 4"t) :4/i Men's Tan BaUnorals (Stylish) ... ... 10 6^'" ir 6\ -'1112 1 6i ' - iiaids'- Balmorals (Tips,' Nailc'lorjSpriggaja), > ', r ' ' • t, OifldrenVTanvßalmpVals, s's and 6's ... - 8,6 >:"4?.-o'--' 4~« <„ . „ :':>^ .r--'- "• r> ;:- v- ■.'.,-' ' '-• ■ \-'■\ -'■ •.■'--,) /. -, Sizes 1. and 2 f ' -r,'V.^'^/.'v"-T.:.'.-^6 C''6-.S 7 6 ?8>- ©""' ;w. - Children's Bt;rapShoes, 4's to,6's- ... ... -2,1 6 ; :3'\o. ' 8/6, Men's Best Caniraa Shoes (Black or Brown) 5 6 5 IL. ' 6'6r ,; Girls' Balmorals;Sizesi 7', &,]&&$&; :~s. fX'y^.f/^l.ffr^&iQ sf? }'^ ;

Staok3 of other lines too numerous to advertise. Oui? Immense stodk pft:thirty thousand (80,006) pairs is; at ypiir obininaiidf Pleas^ pd^t trill' oVder; ':*y-i: *y-i - '-' V'\' -*/';lf"-7' ■ '-'- •••' \" ..'^i-'v'"-'* '..' "•:V:''v-".* . ;we willi^dLo.the rest '>. - ?-■.'•'_ r\. ■:' „-.,',, \' -' -'- -!■/'' ° * ■-'-' "■ '.>.>-11'4 1-s/.'w-^'i.'??'*•"'/":.1-s/.'w-^'i.'??'*•"'/":. --'.'' ;

'#- J^H/'ApH ■ t^AllCliihC "-INJiriif'Hi'riiTf-?:^W'' ; C IVY VVU llUUdCld Iwrl- ;llU;l|lrlJ|£:^'''.r^'. C '-. " ' ;:; -;../_ 'Tt;;.r\'':;^ v,°-; Oiy% ,# f .V, ' ,% ' . - ' . /..f; "' !', -, , f -;<^:-v% ■>■"'' -A' ; '' , '--' " '.. - ' ';::-> - -;Y'-">'£ "' " ---■ - -'-'J < * -\~ '■'- . \' v .■ . <i'-~'z&- # -- '- ' " \ (r _r ■)•--', V"v'^," * * ■ Wewm,:£bra fW^eefe o^^^vray a pair "• J Meii's Colonial Saddle Tweed to;iboß9^^~ -'^. ordfring the following parcels,.,., We do 'thwi'with the undejr 7 tvC' Jw standing "that recipients will show" the 1 marvellous "value to ...^ C' that we anticipate a great rushofrbusihess; so huiTyup and <^,; P I '« ""' '-,' "^' ' V'-r-/' ''^;, 1":'""' "'-*-" ,\; -':, ';"^\C 4 ': 5" '! '- „ -r^rCCl:.I'A i 70 f ' CiiSftt'Mttlli'S^y.' i\ r«3 -''1 | . \-;. ~--,,-.. . • .eg ,urn 5^ • •- -,w l. j T?rT'';', '.",v^ '.v-'-ijSr.; VjiW^opiimw ■> 52 PairMen?s,Colonial Knitted Seivy Ribbed Fndef^ ►"# V !;;^:pahts-v:;.-: ; • : -.%;-\-;^: ;^ -jk 12: Pair Men?s Colonial Socks, plain in dark C'l'Ci'. I B^, ••, V■: «r-. -^iV^-- ■ :'& V. -S.l'Men's Colonial- Tweed Sirit--in-- Dark M6%iel' ' -?- ' "-m: <, AU goods in this parcel are manufactured from wool .ig?-, #I , grown mOtago,ajad are guarante^^ 5 ' >AAAAAAAAAAA#%AAAAAAA^AAAAAAAA#W '"'"~"W ' X - • .1 ' ,r", r" ' -• • 'V:V'; v.".'t ;v \ '. '' '£ : •5 - ' We offfflr you to-day goods ttat would cost ordinarily. C.' , J .£3 ss. 3d., postage paid to your <-:' C J- " Write to-daj, and if there aroaayo^erDrapery-i^ms/V C you need, we can supply them at prices Mat wffl ityeyou" V % money. k —-' - - ' '"« ! .„ ' C %( ''-„,. mi t- mit imm ■' ,- - «.. '■#," %•'-■.■•■•-- • ■ ,'-''' , r... ' ># € THE €< AULD " STORES C^ S v > ' - ' 9 & Z M«i« st^^ $ | Maln Btr&^ I ? V^w-n- fUlNCUll^l. V; 5 ' • "'" ' ' i>";

- • * "• "■*■*'.:lrVVi!T ; tw'greate'rthanever. - This is caused ;by the i'Hi^Ciass Good.^'dr&e.;!^:"^^ ^ (liayev realised ihat/^henitEey buy.^jßbQt >*£^ - '""yj111? an .article ..that;^will, give--them pleasure, and tKat "Zfealandia '.' means Com-/ f^bpnomy,^^r^lity.V ;:;\ ■;,;; / <:' DON'T •! FORGET^frt IS. ■-.■ V- "--'""''''-}:' -~~' / V "■'"' ''! '■ n'-' ry. ,\ '^"-'-' >i: v wholesale 'by. -•;''„', ''*'-' . .i- a:]^®,x^^ 11 uijRCSEi.,/,/'ijRCSEi.,/,/' -*w^4Sr-^s:iJ^f^/!^^^v^' 7^'' '^^^■T'"r^.^'-v?H'^?-!'' ':^ ' •^.w^f'*rJ" B;'^^^' it^w^fcir;.^. '•' ;^"vl/'v"Bfe^ife^^^: z^. '„^ ■•■ -^t^t^^'- ' ^^Fb^BL^u^^: -'fV.,^;.'"^''...-^;.",?",,'- ""- 'sH' ■'^^•^^?l:.;;i?l:.;;i . • ■.-: ./V •'-■-•■ir-'-- ■•■■''"■'<;■;■,-„ ;•, A: T-#ii < , ''•''^''JHP'W'T "' " ' t^l"<*;"#T\is*7rikr^'ii^''* a»^" -. ■ \*"^rTf^T **i^'^T >*^^ • e<3?-, JVJ V '. 'V 9^ %***£ or Cppper. \--. „'.■''!.' '/^^V ,'; .' ' '■•: \./'';. /.!._,.. *./. '. PRICES MODERATE. - ' ' ' -;1; 1 '-'/';; ! ■•, "'/ jfl4#»; iwj* fl'iillll^Tllliftil *"**Sff' :>MWFy/"''"!W' -*■■* a'm»«V 1'"' • '«% ' and Witness 00. - uhjn F^^ vr;p, >nroiOMrDO v UtplbWtKo, STBREOTYPERS

>. •% When" you consider how miicli depends upon it/ . 1' £ . . , „. ■ ; -\. L S l „ ., r .., -'. . 3^ , ,"' '■» ,« .v C >y^Man be; rn { ore impovtanb'vto yo;^hari. &e-g. /&;/ , - ;.. estate of your' Health ?' If JTOU^a^e troubled "vnthL^ :/ V.' 7 - .\%^. or different hoaTbn;'>dur' Gap^iiis 11 fi^-" '.."Ac-;"-. >. - „;^ <*,^>j ~H" - •- ',i._.'-, v •}■ v\«-= 7 l '-'.'■",<'/'- -'\... - _,' .- &> ? > ," ]# '''^ ~?\''work ,or "pleasure "are -k'ffecfcd^eyenV.yojir-'JiTe >„:- t\; V 5 • :;if ;thre9,l#ed:; thre9,l#ed:- Thousands- 'by , -: '^*\, '} r rSIV '.!'•' ; '-\V-r:.v-'?7-, 'bld^xpcrien^-tha^' A J":'' ' 'J. .'- ! '€ - , ;%/ <T „;\ T.!'.\--'''(.\--'''( ' . / V;-^'"','^-. .V-r- •-"••/:-.-. C.':'. ,^:'-'A^ --'VPBk-^SVfI 19PV-^jtiHfl (WHi "iißtt^ '^SHiJßß^itfiB 1' ''^'i^-;-7'"''i^. '." :"it,' / '*'"; '^l^S^^'f" :-->'■-' '-'J '. "^^ 1 .'. * ;"•"".; ,2^-'•::- "'' /;5"- i'^ '•-•4^e"'a'.-b'ressin^ in^thJe-'iLO^eh^ld( an'd;:^s&yeiy "' 3|' ' " -: - V Vv ' - f .^o untry ili'thie world. 1 '^§:6^e'jlni(^^e)eiercis€fis' -? %-; ' " ' '■^'more marked contrdl?\6ver . ,- - , „^ _ # ■-v»-: AILIOiIJSitE^Sk "^iltit--HCAIIftiBI^^ c. ' - ''" v>^""^' ■■-• : • '" •' '•"■ " ''"• : ''* ---v - C ''" ; ' ■ NERVOUS PRQSIR&TtPIfc:'-'■'.:, if - , ' ~ .~ • :-,'.x ",^/-S^.,x''-;" '•'■.-"'""^■' ""; >& ■■ iNDIGESTfON, jßoHiSfii>ATlOli, -I 5I 5 ■-v Cv-r •••■.-• V'"-'V"'^ :=: ■ '-'i.'"'.'l--- ' .■•■-" • ■g :' ■ -"' " '- ' -> rv v- - ?' ( \ * <-2k ,% BEECHAM'S-PILLS are good-alike for maa," ,S;-. •""'.''*%-■■'' -woman and child, if*taken according to'dtractions. • v^/'^| „/ , They are pre-eminently a family medicine —a . - 5'V--, ' ,€ '■ remedy to have -by /me in: readiness;-for every , ' •>-.;;>" "-S occa^on where ne^d a%es, ; "r V" .^ There is' yet another pointing C should mark on the "tablet of ypjip, memory. 'B^kcHAM'S'~'S -^ • PILLS in addition to theirjacknowledged valu^in Kidney/ '^y. ,€' Liver, and Stomach disorders, -have a specially beneficial >.-^-: | § effect in &uch. ailments'as,are, many3of j" , % f whomend^rene-edless'pa^ % °f tn^s important fact." 5 • '- ~l~ l " -' , 'Jr 4 I -v^- I v I SIX iIILLIOH BOXES SOLff^SIiSSSLtY. < j ? Sold everywhere; in, Bbx^s, price 10|d r, l/f|, and 2/9. C ? % . --• .--"-i. ;-\ '/.y •'•;•' . /.., -#• .j fv^^vvvvv^fv^i^^

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Otago Witness, Issue 2685, 30 August 1905, Page 84

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Page 84 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2685, 30 August 1905, Page 84

Page 84 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2685, 30 August 1905, Page 84