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Medical. ■— Ny a sAF-TTJiiiisDY For ASI If you suffer from any disease due to an impure state of the Blood, FEOM WHATEVER CAUSE ARISING-, yOU should test the value of (Jiarko's Blocd Mixture, the world famed Blood Purifier and Restorer. This medicine has 40yeais" reputation, and is to-day more popular than eFer, the reason of this being undoubtedly because this wonderful remedy does what it professes to do— it CUBES SKIS AND BLOOD DISEASES PERMANENTLY. IS THE FINEST BLOOD PURIFIER SYEE DISCOVERED. It is warranted to cleanse the blood from all impurities, fiorn whatever cause arising 1 . For SCROFULA, ! BLOTCHES, SCUHYY, SPOTS, ECZEMA, BLACKHEADS, BLOOD POISON, PIMPLES, ULCERS, and SKIN & BLOOD SOSES OF ALL DISEASES, KIHDS BAD LEGS, it is a safe and Permanent Remedy. It is the only leal specific for Gout and Rheumatic Pains, for it removes the cause from the Blood and Bones. wAmg This mixture is pleasant to AN U - «Uo the tast c and warranted free from anyti'ing itijuiions to the most delicate constitution of either sex, from infancy to old age, and the Proprietors solicit bufftiers to give it a trial to test its value. Thousands of wondeiful cures have been effected by it. TRIED MANY THINGS WITHOUT BENEFIT UNIIL I TOOK CLARKE'S BLOOD MLXTUEE. Mr F. E. Lewis, 4S Biidge street row. Chester, writes :: — '• Just a line in favour of ' Clarke's Blood Mixture' I had eczema for seven months, and tried many things without benefit until I took your remedy. After the eighth bottle 1 was quite well again. Please accept this letter as a token of gratitude to your wonderful ' Claike's Blood Mixture.' "—/une 13, 1903. ECZEMA AND IRRITATING SKIN \ TROUBLE CLTKtD. Mr W. G. Westoii, care of Messrs Knott, of 49 lit sex street. Kingtlaud road, N B , writes : " Ganlcracn-I ftd it my duty to mroiiu >ou | of the grtat benefit in heals h 1 have received throueh taking yuir famous ' Ciarke s Llood Mixtuie.' I have been a suffetti from Jicztma and an mitatmg skin tronb c since the age &f thiitoen. While an out-pati-nt at one ct the b:g LoeJou hospita's a doc'oi iufcrnud we that my disease was the mult of, looking after ■ortign horses. I have hud es inai yas thirty horns under my caie, my futhcr benga hortedealer and jobmaster. He (my lather) was speakiDg one <?ay '-o a f.itnd of muse, who mentioi ed that he v. as, beicc; nued of aa ulrcrated leg, cue to a horse-kick, by Clarke s Blood Mixture. 1 I continued to suffer until Apnl 4 last, when tuy friend told me he was completely cared, 'iheti I started to take ' Clarkt's Blood M.xlure ' myself, and I sm now cimpletely curtd, afttr suffering and ben" di-ri«urtd for hcveral years. lam able o follow in v employment, and r< m very pleases* io think there is such a valuable remedy obtainable for men a tmall sum. I should bo pleased to at.awer any inquirits concerning rty . ase."- July 17, 19: 3. ANOTHER PERMANENT CURE OF BAD LEGS AND ABSCESSES. Mr James Waring, of Clay Coton Lodge, near Bugby, writes :-" It is with ereat plea sure that I write to tell you of the benefit I have deiived from takL,g Clarke s Blood Mixture.' Fir a lor-g time 1 1 uffered with b*a legs ar d abscesses. I was under a decwr for five months and, cot getting much better, I went as an out-patient to ihe local hospital for nine weeks. The doctor then tod me I should have to go inside btfore Jie Cvuld do anything fvr me I went iv and stayed for thirteen weeks,' and after uu.WgoiuK t*o operaticns I got a little better. B-.fore I hs.d oeen out of hosuitHl a week I became woiso than ever, io iMywifotoldmciotiv'Clark^bßlood Mixture. I did so, atd after takiDg five bottles and wsiua four pots of your f alve I was completely ctued 1 ha. c waiteu twelve months to see if mv legs broke out again, but, 1 hanks to your ' Clarke's World-fat ed Blcod Mixture, I am as well to-day as I have ever been in myhfe. Y(u can make whatever u*e you like of tins le .ter."— OctobHr 15 1903 IMPUETTIES IN THE BLOOD. -"We have seen hosts of letters from all sorts and conditions of people, in which the writeis acknowledge tbebenefit they have received from ' Clarke's Blood Mixture.' which as a curative agent cannot be too highly estimated, since it cleanses and clears the blood fiom all impurities, and restores it to its normal condition." This is a good testimonial from the " Family Doctor," the popular medical weekly, which goes on further to say :— " It is certainly the finest blood purifier thr>t science and skill have brought to light, acd we can with tbc utmost confidence 1 recommend it to cm subscub:is and the ( pLbac generally " j Zohl hi; all Chemids and Patent Ilcdi- j I chic 'Vendors throughcai the 3 World. ASK FOX . . • Clarke's Blood Mixture and;e of wei't^lccs Ini'tatto-a aud -.übstitu'.es. LU-i-^. 1 -^—^

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Otago Witness, Issue 2685, 30 August 1905, Page 81

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Page 81 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Issue 2685, 30 August 1905, Page 81

Page 81 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Issue 2685, 30 August 1905, Page 81