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May 24. The secretary of the Paterson's Freehold Company reports the following returns for last week : — No. 1 dredge, 17oz lOdwt ; No. 2 dredge, 14oz lOdwt. The master of the Junction Electric No. 3 dredge wires having commenced dredging on Monday night. The Hessey's dredge had a fair run last week, but there was a stoppage of eight hours, in consequence of the bucket belt getting out of order. The ground was still very drifty, but after the wash-up an improvement was noticeable, the gray wash making again, although at time of was very thin. The master of the Molyneux Kohinoor dredge, writing under date 20th inst., stated that he started: opening out on Monday, but there was no bottom to be obtained up till the breakdown to the engine on Wednesday. During the stoppage the dredgemaster intended going on with the repairing of buckets. The Waimumu dredgeniaster reports as follows under date 23rd ins?: — " "We had a very steady run last week. The ground was very shallow, averaging about 10ft across the face. The width of tke cut was about two Jind a-half chains. Providing everything goes well, we will, have a good return this week. Reporting under date 21st inst., the Lady Roxburgh dredgeinaster stated that lie bottomed on a nice soft reef on Friday morning last at a depth of 47ft, and the place had every appearance of being a scour-out. Unless he got wash on a rising reef on the -west side, he intended pulling ahead a length or so. The wash "treated by the Mystery Flat dredge lust week was rougher than ever pretty well all over Iho face. Large stones were also encountered, a.nd a few "Chinamen" were come across. The bottom was also very hard to follow, and, there being so many narrow gutters, it took a lot of watching to keep bottom. Applications are invited for the position of engineer to the Electric Gold Dredging Company's two dredges at Cromwell. The New Golden River dredgemaster, writing under date 18th inst., stated- that the river was going down fast, but was 2ft or more higher than when he was dredging before, and in consequence lie thought that he would n6t be able to get a start last week, but expected to do so on Sunday night last should the river continue falling.

Mr Olaff Magnus has secured the contract for the boating of coal from the coal stage at the junction of the Manuherikia and Sailor's Bend claims to the New Bendigo and Sailor's Bend Company's dredges. The probability is that these two dredges will make a start as soon as the river is down to the 4ft 6in mark.

The Waikaia Company's dredgemaster reports as follows' under date 20th inst: — "I have to report having completed riveting and bushing of elevator buckets and links, which are now in position. Top tumbler elevator keyways cut and in position, bottom tumbler brasses fitted and bearings lined up ; bottom screen path band well forward ; pipes for saveall and drop chute fitted in position; save-all nearly completed; main drop-chute bars in position, and bars cut out for elevator chute and bored. A start will be made on Monday with main buckets and other work."

The Masterton Company's dredgemaster, in his .report fo.- the week ended 20th inst., stated that he would clean up the ground when crossing the riveT to the opposite bank, then dredge shallow, which will fill in the deep ground, but allow the river to flow in its present channel. In this way no ground is iost, and the bottom can be cleaned up on the dredge's return from the east. While crossing the river the dredge is getting small patches -of wash, which may improve the retrun for the week.

The Sailor's Bend dredgemaster, writing under date 21st inst., stated that the river was going down, being then at the sft mark, and as the frost experienced on Saturday night was the hardest this season he thought" it more than likely that a start would be made on Monday next, if not before. As the gold is on the bottom, there is no use starting until the dredge will be able to get at it. In any case, a start is to be made as isoon as possible.

At the Nokomai Hydraulic Sluicing claim work is still very much interfered with at No. 1 elevator because of the dry weather. A further amount of top material has been got rid of, and the elevator put in position, but the water is not sufficient for elevating purposes. There have been light rains and frosts. Affairs are much more promising at No. 2, as water is more plentiful. The manager expects to have a full week's sluicing this time. The eround is still of a heavy nature, and large atones are troublesome. ' The directors of the Blackwater River Gold Bredging Company hare declared a dividend (the 10th) of Is per share, payable on Tuesday, 30th inst.

May 25. The Sailor's Bend dredgemaater wired, the secretary on Wednesday as follows: — "If no change in the weather will .start at midnight on Sunday."

The height of the river on Wednesday morning was iit lOin aboye the normal mark at Alexandra, showing a fall of i™» since the previous day. The weather continues frosty. The New Golden River dredgemastar wired oq Wednesday as follows: — "River too high to bottom ; will .lower ladder s'oaft before next slari."

The Dunstan Lead dredge had a satisfactory run last week, but the rise- in the river made the drift very troublesome fox the first part of the week, but it eased down again towards the close. The dredgemaster is of opinion that the ground is on the improve.

Ths distance worked by the Rise and Shine No. 1 dredge last week was 7ft, and the width of the cut 540 ft. The prospects continued good on the west side, but the east side carried very lattle gold. The ground worked by the No. 2 diedge was 40ft deep, and was practically the sa,me all across the cut. It was fairly good ground to work, being not so tight as formerly, with only an occasional large atone. The master of the "Punt Company's dredge reports that the actual time worked last week was 125 hours, the width of the out 125 yards, distance worked ahead 3ft 6in, depth of ground on west side 32ft and 36ft. and 40ft towards the cast side. The cut has been squared. Stones were still plentiful, and the gold was a heavier sample, containing niore rough and soaly pieoes than have been obtained lately. The dredge is still working without the elevator, having only had it on for two shifts last week.

Repairs on tlie Junction Electric Ko. 1 dredge were completed on "Wednesday night, and dredging resumed at 3 p.m. yesterday. Last week the No. 2 dredge worked for 124 heurs. The prospects were good in the middle of the we«k, but they fell off on Thursday, cdisequently ths return this week will be less. The distance worked ahead was 15ft, and everything was running well. The No. 8 dredge was under repairs all last, week, but, aa already reported, resumed dredging on Monday night last. The distance worked ahead by the Electric No. 1 dredge last week was 20ft, the actual time worked 13S hours, and the width, of the

cut 87ft, with the ground varying tn depth up to 40ft. On the north side it was rough, and on this account the distanoe on that side was reduced. The dredge was pulled ahead art each side from 3ft to 2ft 6m. The prospects still kept good, and the weather fine and frosty, and the river was in consequence falling again. The No. 2 dredge worked for 134 hours, and worked ahead 27ft, the width of the cut and depth of ground being the same as in the previous week. The ground was comparatively easy to work, only a few boulders being met with, aud the dredge had a very good run, making only a few stoppages. The prospects showed an improvement during the week, but were not so good at the latter end. The Manuherikia dredgemaster reports that he was working on old ground all last week, and prospects were very poor. The bottom was clay, and has all been cleaned before. Dredging was stopped on Friday night, and a start made to shift the following morning. The dredge was pulled up to where it was working four years ago, and where a return of 200oz was obtained for the la©t week there. Tho dredge reached there on Saturday night, and started work on Sunday at miduight. The river was going down, and hard frosts were being experienced. May 26. The directors of the Rise and Shine Gold Dredging Company have declared a dividend (the third) of Is per share, payable on Monday, 29th inst. The Clutha River dredgemaster reports starting dredging on Wednesday afternoon. The master of the New Fourteen-mile Beach dr.edge wires having resumed dredging on Wednesday night. The Clyde dredge, being unable to bottom, a start was made on Wednesday last to pull ahead a little. The dredgemaster expected that it would be necessary to use the elevator. The New Roxburgh Jubilee dredge was stopped on Monday for a general overhaul, which will probably occupy the greater part of a fortnight. The New Bendigo dredgemaster, writing Under date 22nd inst., stated that the Head lines had been badly silted up, and he was busy dredging them clear, and in consequence he could not get a face opened out. The dredge has worked down to a, depth of 45ft, and, judging by prospects on Monday morning, there should be a wash-up on Saturday. The Matau dredge last week obtained the best of her gold on the west side of the cut. A cut was taken towards the east side, but payable dirt could not be found there. New lips have been forwarded to the claim, and the dredgemaster expects to close down for an overhaul on the 27th inst. A rumour having gained currency to the effect that the Island Block Company's sluicing claim at Island Block had been purchased for purposes other than mining by a wellknown up-country resident, it may be as well to state that such is not the case, and that even if it were, which is hardly likely, it would not effect the Island Block Company in i the least. The olaim referred to forms part of the Moa Flat Estate, which, as is wellknown, is now being cut up by the syndicate which owns it, and disposed of in lots. When leasing the ground at the outset from an Australian firm, which was the then owner, the Island Block Company obtained a separate lease, and that lease would be recognised by any subsequent purchasers. Even if the freehold of the claim has been purchased, the Island Block Company still retains its lease.

At the Gore Warden's Court last week J. "Caithness, representing the Waimumu Venture Gold Dredging Company (Mr Poppelwell), was charged, on the information of E. R. Green, Inspector of Mines (Mr Inder) with a breach ovf the mining regulations (1) in that he started his dredge without first obtaining a certificate from the Inspector of Mines, and (2) with failing to kesp exposed a copy of the regulations. Mr Poppelwell admitted the facts, but contended that as -there was special power given to make regulations and also to provide for penalties provided that they did not exceed £10, a-nd as no provision had been made in the regulations for the infliction of penalties, section 311, giving general power in regard to penalties, could not apply, as under the special power the penalties could not ex£10, whereas by section 311 there was "provision for a penalty of £20. Mr Inder, in re-ply, quoted various sections of the act, and said* he relied on section 311. The Warden (Mr Biddell) upheld Mr Inder's contention, and fined the defendant £1 on the first charge, costs £1 Bs, and convicted on the second with costs. May 27. There will be no wash-up on the Hartley and Riley dredge this week. The secretary of the Ourawera Sluicing Company reports a wash-up for a, return of BSoz as the result of operations carried on during the four weeks ended 20th fast. The Matau dredge-ina-stei reports washing up for * return of 270z 18dwt for the past week's work- He also wired that he would start overhauling on Saturday. For the first four mouths of this year dividends, amounting to £674,763 hay« been paid by West Australian -gold mining companies. The total was TU&de -up as foUcm-s:— Great Ficgal, £187,000; Ivanhoe, £140,000; Oroya Browu Hill, i890,000'-, Great Boulder Proprietary, £65,625 - Great Boulder VerseveraJice, £52,500; Associated Northern, £52.500; Kall»urli, £30,000; Sons of Gwalia; £24.875; Golden Pole. £22,500; Black fi*rtge, £5063; Ida H.-, £2700 ; "Cumberland, £200 ft. The annual general meeting of shareholders in the Moonlight Gold Dredging Company, called for on Friday, lapsed for want of a quorum. The Manuhenkia dredgemaster reports, by wire, having bottomed on Thursday. There will be nt> wash-up this week. May 29. Tenders are invited for the erection of bucket and silt elevators on the Alexandra Lead dredge The directors of the No Town Creek Gold Dredging 1 Company have declared a dividend (the twentieth) of Is per share, payable on June 1. There was no wash-up on the Waikaka dredge for last week owing to the winches breaking down. The directors of the No Town Creek Company hav-a declared a dividend (the 20th) of la per share, payable on Thursday nest, June The repairs to the Golden Run dredge are just about completed, and the master has made preparations to remove to another portion of the claim. The Biley's Beach dredgemaster notified the secretary that he intended commencing dredging at midnight on Sunday. The master of the New Perseverance No. 1 dredge reports a return of 490z 18dwt for 128 hours. The No. 2 dredge resumed work on Tuesday after putting on a new bottom tnmii'er and repairing end of ladder, but the dredgemaster reports that as he only got once across the cut he did not wash up. The secretary of the Rise and Shine Corapany reports the following returns fox last week - — No. 1 dredge, 31oz 4dwt for the week ; No. 2 dredge, 28oz Bdwt for 135 hours* work. Prospects from the No. 1 dredge are unchanged, but the No. 2 dredge was on very rough ground the last two days of the week. The master of the Masterton Company's dTedge reported that by Saturday he expected that the dredge would finish working on the bottom for the present, and the dredge being athwart the stream there will be no wash-up

till blie is turned to the east. The ground is deepening, and may improve.

Mr W. Patton, manager of the P*«nier Sunrise Gold Mining Company, Macetowii, reports that the lower workings in the Premier have been abandoned, and the plant in thfii greater part of the incline shaft has been removed. More hands were to be put on last week, and prospecting will be still carried on in the upper workings. It will be som* little time before anything definite is knows as to tha future of the mine, as negotiations are being made at Home regarding the property. Prospecting is still being earned <m at the Tipperary mine.— Lake County Press. A Westport telegram states that the outpuft of coal last week was 9837 tons, of which 8865 tons 19cwt come from the Westport Coal Company's mines and 971 tons lewt from tha Seddonville State mine.

May 30. The First Chance dredgemaster wired on Monday as follows :— "Buckets parted noon, to-day; trying to recover them."

The Blackwater River dredgemaster reports; having started dredging on Tuesday, 24th. inst., but there will be no wash-up till the end of this week

The master of the Rising Sun dredge reports that dredging was resumed at 8 p.m. on Tuesday of last week, and from th'a-t time up to the close Of the week the dredge worked lor 85 hours, crossed the paddock twice, andi vcrked ahead 7ft There was no change in prospects and the nature of the ground as compared with the previous week.

The Moonlight Company's property, consisting of dredge and claim, has now fallen into the hands of the mortgagee, whose hold over the company represents a sum of over £1600. The dredge will either be disposed of or worked or. tribute.

The manager of the Deep Stream Sluicing Company reports under date May 20 that there are exceptional frosts and shortage of water on account of no rain. There had only been two heavy rains sine? Christmas, both of which only lasted a few hours. "Writing again on the 23rd he reported that frosts still continue, and that the River was frozen over. He had found It necessary to stop work until a thaw comes, the valves and jets freezing-. It is a most remarkable spell of cold weather for this time of the year. There is a continual stream of ice floating down the river, the ice occasionally damming similar to what occurs in mid-winter, and necessitating the keeping on of a man on the grating continually on account of the ice coming along thi? race.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2672, 31 May 1905, Page 24

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THE WEEK'S MINING NEWS Otago Witness, Issue 2672, 31 May 1905, Page 24

THE WEEK'S MINING NEWS Otago Witness, Issue 2672, 31 May 1905, Page 24