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Monday afternoon. Oui Monday Mrs C. Itattray gave a delightful little musical afternoon at her residence in Alva street, in honour of her guest, Mrs Burns, of Christchurch. The ladies present enjoyed quite a musical '.rest. Mis Burns spug several songs chairmingly. Mis B. Neill and Miss RacJiel Reynolds also cooitriLuted songs, and Mrs Mayo played several times in her tisual biilhant manner. About 10 ladies were present, amongst whom wear© Mrs Burns, Mrs Bowden, Miss Denniston, Miy Lindo Ferguson, Mis F. FxlcheW, Miss Fitchett. Mis? Gilkison, Mis Hoskn.g-, Mis Gecrga M"Lean, Miss M'Leaii, Mis MiLs, Mrs M«iy>. the Misses Neill, Mrs B. Aeill, the Misses ltattray, tko Misses Reynolds, Mrs and Miss Sise, Mrs and Miss S*-e, Miss Ulrich, Miss Doia Williams, Mrs J. Wright, etc Mrs C. Rattvay wore black voile, the bodice etyhshly trimmed with lace yoke and) lnce tunmuugs; Mrs Bums, a dark green cloth ccpuiine, with Russian bodice faced with floral silk over a lace vest, blight red hat v>i<h black, Mip.j Neill, black, vath white fms; Mm Rita Neill, d?ik giey tailor-made costuii.e, white furs, and white beaver hat v, ith Liack feathers; Mrs Lmdo Feigubiui, pale grey cloth diess, tiimmed -with tuck?, and jacket opeuny over a pale blue vest, giey and blue hat: Mi? G M', hanclrom? black die??, an'! 1 bl?ck and i\iiil© bornnet; Miss Ml/can, daik grey tailor made costume, v.hite fms, and floial toque ; Mrs Mills, blpck skirt, and bodice of blue silk finished with lace collar, sealskin jacket, ■uhlte. beaver hA, with black ostuch feathers; Mrs JMayo, white cloth ccs'iunie, tiii2itu:d_ v, -th sill: torchon lace, and biov.ii toque; Mrs Hosknig-, red cloth, long grey coat, and led hat; Miss Reynolds, black voile costume 1 , handlsomely tiimmed with lace, white felt hat with black trimmings ; Miss Rachel Reynolds, cream cloth chess, t-nnmiwl with lace, and floral toque. On Tuesday Mrs Mills gave a ladies' lungheoa party a^ hex re&ijle^ce, "Jlouut Lodge/

r- a fnrewcll to Mi^ Eu^sell and Jlrs Melirna who Icnve tins week lor England. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs Ba-tchelor gave v, laige ladies' "At home" at her residence m Gforge street, as a farewell to Mrs G. G. Kuss"'l ai d Mrs MeHand Mis Batchelor recci\ed her guests in the drawing room, ancS thrcugh n curt.uned doorway leading from tlia iceii'. <lo' glitful music was lieard all afteri.roi, the jt liniments being piano, violin, and ecu, el. Jlhe_ =-p.icious hall, with ita -warm, cen'fdtaV.e fnc burning, served to accomivoda__to jnairy of the guests, and from it wa3 founc"J the sUir leading to tlia suite of rooms set npu.rt for reireshments. The tea table w?p beautifully arranged with glasses of bright red ixias ?nd laghtect with wax candles sc ftly shaded with red shades of the samo colour as the flowers. About 200 ladies wore present, amongst wham v/pie Mrs'and Miss Baichelor, Mts Staa]ey B.itcbelc-r. Mrs Adam, Mrs James Allen, Mis Bennett, Mrs Bonliam, Mrs Bowdeu, Mr>j Blomfie'.d, Mrs S. Brent, Mrs andl Mis 3 Batli£,ate, Mis BuHcvk, Mis Ca.rew, Miss Cargill. Mrs Clieeseman, Mis N. Cutiwii. Miss Davidson, Mr 3 and Miss Denniston, Mrs Dowhng, Mrs Dr.ver, Mrs Edmond, Miss Ewen, Miss Farquhar, Mrs Lindo Ferguson, Mis and Miss Fergus, Mrs Fmcb, Mrs F. Fitchett, Miss Fitchett, Miss Alice Fraser, Mrs GaJlaway, M^r^ cjad the Misses Graham, the Misses Gi!kison, Mrs Hallensteiu, Mis Haggitt, Mrg Ilosking, Mr& Hull, Mrs Jackson, Mrs Joachim, Mio Mayo thi* Misses Msckerras, Mrs aaicl Miss MLean, Mis Marshall, Mis 3 Marchant, Mrs Mnland, Mis Mills. Mrs aad Miss Morris Jip Misses Ncill, Mrs Ogston, Mrs Pattulloj i Mrs Petre, Mrs and Miss Ettmsay, the Misses Kattisy, Mrs C B^ltiay, the Misses Reynckls, Mrs Ridings, Mrs Kiley, Mts Royse, Mis G. G. Russell, Mrs and Miss Sale, Mrs P. Sargoodi, Mrs and Miss Shand, Mis Siggers, Mrs littd Mi=s Sise, Mrs Thomas, Mrs Turton, Mrs Tumbril]. Mrj a.i.d tlie Misses Ulrioli, the Miss»s Wcb=lor. Mrs and Miss Wccdihouse, Jin J. WriVht, etc. yiis Batc'M.'lor wore a very pietty dress of vJiilp silk, the pkirt made with tucks and ! naircw black La^cl«, and the bodice finishes I witli collar, trimmed with black Is-ce. insertion; [ Miss Bato-heior, who officiated m the tea room, ard vas untiring- m her efforts to look after hor guests, wore a, stylish trained cVcss of yink voile, the skill trimmed 1 -with lierringboned bands a.nd the bodice with cream lacs applique, finished wic'i long sash eaids of blac'c ■\eKoc ribbon; Mis Stanley Batchelor wow pai? giecu crepe de chine shirred and 1 trimmed with "white lace insertion, and feather hat; Mrs L-inOo Feiguson, giey costume, vrith pale blue silk vest, and hat of beaver colour with blue ; Mrs Russell, a light grey tweedf oc'-'turne tiimmed with narrow baaids of greysilk sw^.d gic-y bonnet ■v.ith shaded gre-y fejitb-itis; Mrs Jlelland. brown tweed costume strapped with baflids finished with gold buttons, white aaid b: own straw hat, vntii brown. ! -"ehe-t trimmings; Mi? 3 Melland, light blua cioth cootume aiid white felt hat, trimmed witli black Toh'el aadi bunches of reel berries; Mrs Buriis (Christchuroh), green cloth cbstumei and I bright r"d hat; Mn Mil's, handsome black | c'.oth dioss, v/nh .long basquad bodice, finished I v.ith Fhovl^'tr cape iiimmi.-d with silk fringe, and white beavci* hat with biack featJiers; I Mis Oldham, vhi'e cloth costume and black | hat ; Mrs B. Neill, pale grey dress with lace j ane a touch of pale blue on the bodice, white, anJ white braver hat with black feathers.: Mrs Fitchett, cream cloth costume, finished with shoulder capp edged with lace, and black feather hat: Mrs Bridgman, black, trimmed with lace, and black toque vyith violets; Mrs J. Wright, black clotk dress trimniecl witli medal- | lic-ns of black velvet, white farq, and black hat ; I Miss G. Webster, black voile dress trimmed I with cream lace, and black hat; Miss Maud ! S : se, dark tweed costume, and green beaver | hat trimmed with floral ribbon; Miss Ulrich, 1 black, with cream l?ce yoke, blue belt, and I black hat; Mis=s Giikison, black accordion- | pleited dross, with lace collar, and black hat- | "Miss Marchant, brown and blue dress, and brown hat; Miss Neill, black voile, wiih yoke of cream lace over heliotrope, brown marabout feather :-tole ends, and white beaver hat; Mi-33 Rita- Neill, dark grey skirt and Ftou jacket,white furs, and black beaver hat; Miss K. Ulrich, pale grey dress, with lace yoke ; Miss Reynolds, black voile co.stume, with ci-earn lace on the bodice, brown furs, and white felt hat I with bj,ack trimmings ; Mrs Hull, dark costume, and heliotrope chift'oa hat, with bunches of violets ; Mrs P. Sargood, grey tweed trimmed with galon trimming and grey silk fringe, I large hat of bright red panne velvet ; Miss Denniston, blue seiga costume, and brown marabout feather stole ends, white felt hat with black; Miss Ewen, grey tweed dress, and white felt hat with black feathers; Miss Alice Fraser, grey skat and black caiacul jackev, black hat with large rosettes of white tulle; Mrs Jackson, black, with green, and black bonnet; Mrs Pattullo, red and black tweed costume, with long basqupd bodice, and bright | red hat; Mis-3 Cera Graham, daik blue cloth, ! and white felt hat with bl.ick f oathers ; Mis Tzaid, grey &knt, grey caracul jacket, and blqck hat : Miss Fanny RaiL-ay, daik ?kirt, and black csrar'il jacket, Miss Isy Kattiay, dark gi e y cloth tootunie, and black ha. On Wedne£da\ r Mis George M'Lean gave a lirge ladies' luncheon party as a farewell to Mis G. G. Russell. On "Wednesday evening the Misses Sise gave p p'e.i^ant paity in honour of their guest, Misq M'Cnlloch, froui Melbourne. One room was set ai-nt for bridge, four or five tables bein° played ft duimg the evening, while in another loom those of the party not inclined for the scientific game of bridge enjoyed some lighter card games. About 30 were present, amon°st v.norn were Mr and Mrs Si«e, the Misses bisp, Miss Dtnniston, Mr A Dcnniston, Dr and Mrs F. Fitchett, Dr and Mis Lindo Ferguson, Mr Fenwick, Mr Hunter, Miss M'Culloch (Melbourne), Miss M'Lean, Miss K. M'Lean, the Misses XpiU, M- <? R^ i si Hpyr old«, Mi- J. R;; c 'i-°, „' -T r -, q -„ "^7 W. Downie Stewart, Mr and Mi=s G. VrcbMer! Miss Constance Williams, etc. On Thmsclay evening Mis Balfoui Xc . 1 1 gave an enjoyable h+tle budge and lrusual p^i'y at her residence m Roslyn. Oup voohi \.,is -c!; apait for the bridge player*, arc! l.itoi op the a was some veiy good music in tlie dia^ pi_!» loom, moved a sneat attraction. Mi? Bums

{Christchurch), Mrs Mills, Mrs B. Neill, and Mrs Mayo all contributed to the enjoyment of the evening. Amongst those present besides Mr and Mrs B. Neill were Mrs Burns (Christchurch), Dr and Mrs Fitchett, Miss Fitchett, Mr B. Fenwick, Mrs Mills, Mr and Mrs Mayo, Miss M'Lean, the Misses Neill, Mr Sidney Neill, Mr and Mrs C. Ratlray, Miss Rattray, Mr J. Ritchie, Miss Reynolds, Miss Maud Sise, Mr Downie Stewart, Mr and Miss Webster, etc. On Friday Mrs George M'Lean gave another large ladies' luncheon party, this time as a farewell to Mrs Melland. On Friday afternoon Mrs Sis-? gave a large "At 'home" as a farewell to Mrs G. G. Russell. _ Several rooms were thrown open, the drawing room as reception room, dining room for te^a amd refreshments, whilst another room ■was sot apart for bridge. The greater mraiber of those present wera friends of Mrs EusBell, aaid all were glad of tins, perhaps the last, opportunity of saying good-bye. About 150 ladlies wer,a present, m spite of the bad ■weather, amongst whom (besides Mr? and 1 the Misses 'Sise) were Mrs James Allen, Mrs ai d Miss Biaitlemaai, Mrs and Miss Batchelor, 3jis Benhann, Mrs Bowden, Mrs Stanley Batchelor, Mrs Boyd, Mrs Bridigman, Mis and Miss Burnett, Mrs Carew, Miss Cargill, Mrs Cheeseinan, Miss Davidson, Mijs Denniston Mrs Dowling Mrs Driver, Mrs Edmond, Mxs A. Fisher, Mrs F. Fitchett, Miss Fitchett, Mrs and Miss Frassr, Mrs Galla.way, Mrs Goodman, Misa Gilkison, Mrs and Miss Graliam, Mrs and Miss Haggitl, Mrs M'Gowan, Mrs Izardi, Mrs and the Miss,es M'Lean, Mrs Martin, Mrs aaid Miss Melland, Mrs Mayo, Mrs Moore, Mrs Morris, Mrs B. Neill, the Misses Neill, Mrs Ogston, Mrs Pa-ttullo, Mrs and Miss Ramsay, the Misses Rattray, Mis Richards, the Misses Reynolds, Mrs Russell, Mrs Royse, Mrs Riley, Mrs and Miss Sale, Mrs P. Ssirgood, Mrs aaid Miss Shand, Mirs Skeat, Mrs Stewart, Mrs Thomas, Mrs Turton, Mrs Turnbull, Mrs and the Missos Ulrioh, the Misses Webster. Miss C. Williams, Miss Wimperis, Mrs J. Wright, Mrs and Miss Wood-ioi-se, etc. Tho Misses Sise wore charming dresses of eofi white silk, the bodices tucked ancil finished -with yokes of lace ; Miss M'Culloch (Melbourne-) -wore a greyish blue cloth dress, with lace- collar on tho bodice; Mrs Russell, handaome black gown, and black and white bonnet with black ostrich tips; Mrs George M'Lean, black, and black and. white bonmet ; Miss Holmes, black oosturnc, Mid black and %vliite bonne.t; Mr 38. Neill, brcrwn cloth, the skirt trimmed with wide tucks, and the bodice finished with lao vest and furs, brown, hut trimmed with a, garland of dainty little pink loses; Mrs Hallenstein, dark blue cloth walking costume, strapped with red, and finished •with gold buttons, sealskin coat, and red hat ■with rod flowers; Mrs Molland, dark brown tweed costume, andi white a>nd brown, hat; Miss Mellajid, blue clotb dress, and white felt hat with black velvet and bunches of berries; Miss Neill, dark grey costume with Eton ooa.t and la-ce vest, white beaver bat with black feathers; Miss Rita Neill, dark gre? costume and white furs; Mrs Batcheior, dark blue cloth dress and dark blue French sailor hat; Mts J. Wright, black cloth, white furs, and black h»t; Mrs Izard, grey tweed! skirt and grey caracul jacket; Mrs Stanley Batchelor, dark blue cloth costume, the bodice trimmed with, embroider-ed collar and stole ends, handeome furs, and brown straw hart with pale blue; Miss Burne-tt, drees of bright red cloth, the jacket finished with red velvet, and black feather hat; Mrs Bridgrnan, purple dress a>nd furs, to^ue trimmed with violets ; Mi&s Batche- ' lor, costume of pastel blue clotih trimmed with • stitched bands, lace collar and lace trimmings on the bodice, large black hat Imcd with white; Mi&s Sale, dark blue cl-oUi, and white felt hat trimmed with black ; Miss Shand, 1 ight grey tweed costume; Mrs Percy Sargood, light grey tweed costume trimmed with girey silk fringe, and large hat of bright red panme ; Miss M. Reynolds, dark blue cloth dr-ess, and toaue with lace and flowers; Miss Vida Reynolds, dark blue cloth finished with gold buttons, large white felt hat with black trirn--mings; Miss Alice Fraser, a dr.rk skirt aaid caracul jacket, light brown hat with blue trirnznings; Mrs A. Fisher, grey tweed costume, trimmed- -with bands of grey silk and grey feather hat; Miss Fitchett, green oloth dress and light green felt hat trimmed with green; Mis 3C. Williams, dark blue- walking dress, and white three-comeied hat with black trimmings; Mrs Bowden, dark dress, and toque composed of orange velvet and black; Miss 3£ M'Lean, <3*rk blue costume finished with green velvet, white furs, and feather hat; Mrs CaTew, costume of black voile, with" lace yoke, and white felt hat with black feathers; Mrs Pattullo, tweed costume and bright red hat.

On Saturday Mrs Bridgman gave a small musical afternoon at her residence in Queen street, in honour of Mrs Burns. The day was wet and unpleasant, but about 40 ladies were present, and during the afternoon tea was 6erved in the dining room, the drawing room being used as a music room. Mrs Burns (Cbristchurcb.), Mrs Mills, Mrs B. Neill, and Miss Ellie Ulrich each sang several times, and Mrs Mayo and Miss Ulrich. played, the various items being highly appreciated. Amongst those present besides the hostess ■were Mrs Burns, Mrs Batchelor, Mrs F. Pitchett, Mrs Aufrere Fenwick, Mrs Mayo, Miss M'Lean, Mrs Melland, Mrs M'Gowan, Mrs Mills, Miss M'Culloch (Melbourne), Mrs B. -Seill, the Misses Neill, Mrs Ogston, Miss Reynolds, the Misses Rattray, Mrs C. Rattray, Mrs Rankin, Mrs and the Misses Sise, Mrs Skeat, Mrs Turnbull, Mrs Turton, Miss Williams, the Misses Ulrich, etc. - Mrs Bridgman wore black, the bodice trimmed with, white, veiled in black lace ; Mrs C. Rattray, dark grey tweed costume, and black hat; Mrs Mills, black, with jacket trimmed •witli bands of green panne velvet, opening over a, green silk blouse bodice; Miss M'Culloch, grey tweed costume ; the Misses Neill wore dark grey dresses, with Eton jackets opening ove* lace vests, and beaver hats ; Mrs Burns, green cloth, costiune, the bodice faced with bands of floral silk; Miss Ulrich, black dress, •with, lace yoke and blue belt; Miss Ellie Ulrich, green cloth walking dress; Mrs Fenviclt, tweed costume, and^covert coat ; Mrs Melland, brown ivrqecL eosluroe strapiaecl with. stitched bands, and gold buttons ; Mrs Turton, grey tweed dress, with lace revers on the bodice, black and white bonnet. Mr Justice Williams, accompanied by Mrs »nd Miss Constance Williams, left on Saturday for Wellington, and will be absent a few weeks. Miss Williams returned last week from Timaru. Mrs Bush and Mrs Bicknell (InvercargilD ore visiting their sister, Mrs Batchelor, for a little »t her residence in George street. Miss M'CulloelT returned t» 55?3&4U53t§ &y the Monowai on Monday. Mr Justice Denniston and Miss Denniston returned to Christchurch on Friday. Mrs Burns, who has been staying with Mrs • C- Rattray, xettimed to Chris tchurch on M/yi- ; *2ay.

sertion, and yokes and sleeves of gathered chiffon; Misses Johnson and! Gilmour. wore bright scarlet picture hats, trimmed with red beiries, and carried muffs of the same colour; Misses Forbes-Williams and Harrington had dark blue veilvet picture hats trimmed with long shadled blue feathers, while their muffa and belts were also of blue; Miss Violet Haddock anid Miss Leila Forbes-Williams wore pretty white silk frocks, and'whits beaver hats trimmeel with silk and tips, aaid oa-rried bouquets of bright red chrysanthemums. The bridegroom's presents to the bridesmaids were unique pendiaint brooches on gold pins, with dainty m.'ijiatures of the bridis and bridegroom. Mrs <">iltnour, mother of the bridegroom*, was attired in a. dress of rich black silk, covered wi'bh accordeon-pleated -chiffon and black lace, her bonnet being of black chiffon; Mrs ForbesWiiJiams, dsler of the bride, wore a beautiful gown of black brocade, trimmed! with la-ce and velvet ribbon, and front of white tucked chiffon and PaTisienne embroidery. She also wore a black velvet Gainsborough hat. After' the caremony, at which the Rev. George Lindaay officiated, the guests adjourned to the residence of the brides father, where a recherche bieakfast had beeai pr-eipared 1 . The usual toasts were honoured, and congratulations showered on the nevvly-rnarried couple, who drove off to the usual accompaniment of confetti. The bride's travelling eostuina was particularly charming, being of dlark green cloth, braided with black. Her ha-t was of greeai satin beaver, with a krge shaded feather, and she wore a novel travelling coat of re,dl, and white fox

In the evening Mrs Forbes-Williams gave a very pleasant dance and euchre party in honour of the bride and bridegroom, to which a large number of their many friends werel invited.

The fii3t of the Jnvercargill "Boys' " dances wts giveai at Ashley's Hall on Friday last. It wa3 a veiy great success, and the committee are to bo congratulated. The chaperones fotr the evc-riug were Mrs A. R. Wallis, Mrs Christophers, and Mars Cooke. Despite the bad weather a very large, number of young people were present, among whom "were Miss Royse (Dvi;edui), Miss Corbett, Mr Tapiey, Mrs ?'J .:i,-,^il, .',r Fenipthqrne, Mr M'Laod, Miss Ca! lender, the Misses Tucker (2), Mr Tucker, Mi^s Macgoun, Mr Davidson, Miss I. Thomson, Mr Ellis, Miss M. Avion, Mr N. Cliurt-on, Mis 3 Robinson, Miss Ethel Giiurton, Mr D. Burnes, Miss Wade, ilr Tottcn, Miss Harvey, Mr Barns.

Another very pleasant dance was that given by Mils Kirk at her lesidenc-e on. the eve-nine; oi Tuesday. Two rooms had been reseivefl

for Chris tchurch, where they stay for some weeks, after which they hope to pay a lengthy visit to Dunedin, and then perhaps take, a trip to the Hot Lakes. Mrs Pringle received her guesta in a handsome black voile skirt and charming acordian-pleated blouse of dainty green silk and Maltese insertion. The afternoon took the shape of "a sixpennyworth contribution" for the military bazaar and a celebrity guessing competition, which caused great amusement, and was won by Miss Earl, who received a very pretty "gate" vase. Amongst the numerous guests I noticed Mrs Dennison in a handsome black costume ; Mrs Pochen, stylish dark tweed coat and skirt, red French sailor trimmed with black ; Mrs Buckley, dark blue costume, pale blue hat; Mrs Fisher, tailor-made coat and skirt ; Mrs Garland, coat and skirt, French sailor ; Mrs Borton-Edinund-son, stylish green velvet blouse, black hat ; Mrs Burns, Mrs Tornlinson, and Mrs Gould, coat anil skirt; Mrs Bullied, Mrs Whitton, Mrs Keddell, Mrs Darling, Mrs Cook, Mrs MAdam, the Mi=>ses Hassall (2) ; Miss Dennison, dainty white costume, white and p n .le blue hat ; Miss Borton, silk blouse, dark skirt; Miss Black, pale blue hat ; Misa Keddell, dark iskirt, white ,silk blouse ; Miss Bullied, charming white costume, French, sailor hat ; Miss Pike, black voile skirt, white silk blouse, flaked cloth jacket, black French, sailor hat; Miss' Creagh, white chess, red jacket, three-cornered white felt hat ; Miss Jones, dark skirt, green jacket, black hat with pale blue f orget-nie-nots ; and many others. Musical items were given by Mrs Swindley, Miss Robinson, and Miss Pike, who sang "Farewell to summer," a most appropriate song for the present time of the year.

The Kahanga COamaru Ladies' Club) had their last meeting on Thursday, the 9th, Mrs MAdam being chairwoman, and Mrs Gould hostess. The vicarage drawing room presented an animated scene at 8 p.m., when the chairwoman opened the evening with some veiy appropriate remarks, encouraging the new members and enjoining upon all *he hope that genius and talent wo.uld come to the fore to piit sloth and ignorance to shame. All felt the certainty of our hopes being fulfilled when Miss Diehl rose at the chairwoman's request and played a solo in her visual finished style. Miss Diehl always delights her audience, so further remark seems needless. Next on the piogramnie was a reading T>y Miss Headland, frota Efcliel Turner, a bright, amusing story, which, with Miis Headland's bright style, charmed a}l assembled. Miss Pike then sang Cowen's beautiful song, "Promise of life," the

by all. There was a i:»*g« attendance of members, who all appieciated the piovidecli for them. The ptoctedings_ commenced -with iieedlework for an hour, during which time Mi&s Ficemaai, the president, read fioni an p musing book. Next came the programme, beginning with a pianoforte duet by Misses H. Edga.r and G. Kent. Tina was followed by the recitation "Sir Galahad " by Miss J. "jamieson ; Miss Fodor sang Axditi's song, "Beauty sleep," and ■?. very amusing chaiade, entitlacil "Huntley Arras." was- performed by Misses- H. Denniston, T. Soinniers, R. Edgar, G. Kent, and E. Quill. Miss S. Quill also played a flute eoio very well. Tnere was mi observation competition, for which the prize was wen by Miss G. Lee. Ihe program m* ended wilh tbo enjoyable little play, "Chatterboxes," which wa3 performed by Miwes H. Dennistoii a-nd T. Somnneis. Betji young ladies acted their parts extremely well. lh.j Tea Committesi consisted of Misses M. and K. Brown, M. Morrow, H. Bergh, H. Decision, and O. Soinmers, and the table was prettily dteoorated in winter fashion, with bright red and kolly leaves and berries. At the Shirley Golf Links a medal match wag played on Wednesday. It was sixch a teriibly wet afternoon that some were unable tp play. The winner of the first gTade was Miss Violet Campbell, Mrs Campbell being Seccild. Tho second grade did not finish on socoumt of the awful weather. Next week I shall be able to tell you the result of a Married v. Single match. At the Hagley Park Links a very interesting nM,teih by holes is being played) for ■& prize given by Mr Gea Gould. A great many of the membeis are taking part, and among those still left in a>re Mesdames Ramdal, Palmer, Cowlishaw, Misses Gcssett, Reeves, Newton, Stead, and Wilson. Ten is given by the membra s on Mondays and Mies Ti Reeves gave a small farewell afternoon tea. to n few of her friends on Friday. Anicng •fh.ose present were Mrs G. E. Rhod«3, Mrs H. Cotterill, Mrs T. L. Cowlishaw, Mrs Blunt, Mrs Ogle, Miss norland, Miss Helrccre, Miss Wynu-Williairi.% aaid Mis® Harper. Miss N. Reeves ancS Misa> Pemb&r (England) leave ■for their trip to Fiji on Wednesdkvy next. There have been one or two paitiea ior tho veiy young members of society lately — one given by Mrs J. C. Palmer, "St. Bavo," and another by Mrs Fox, Salisbuiy street. Ihere has been a great deal pi v?-»\ienza aLrmt lately. I aim sorry to sxy &2K£a Stead has been obliged to remain a p-ii»ls'Ai" for tome time, owing to a very sevoi© attack. Mr D. Ke-tile and. Miss Kettle returcf-d ircm

the South Sea Islands on "Wcclnesdnj. I be« Ijpvo they had a most delightiul trip. Mr and Mrs Joseph Pshnci have t.iker a hcuse at Sumner for "the winter moii'.hs.

Mis Wardiop leaves for Austial-ia next Thursday. Mi and Mrs G. E. Rhodes, "Meado,v Bank,'' have taken Mr Heaton Rhodes' s charming' lcf'dcnce, "Elmwood," for ihref- months. The engagement of Miss Isabel Hill and Mr Geiald Boy.en, soil )f the Hon. C. C. Eowen, his been pnnounced this week. WELLINGTON, June 17. The cold weather must be rousing us to action — certainly we are becoming very energetl^ about our dissipation. This week there have been several teas, a euchre party, concerts ad lib, and various other engagements have been sandwiched m between, to soy nothing of hockey piactice and a dress-making class. Dressmaking, be it known, is the latest tmd most fashionable (and useful) accomplishment that Wellington girls boast of. We shall soon be able to dress on half our usual allowance — ( or, rather, have twice as many fiocks lor our money. A great number of girls attend the classes, and are quite enthu3instic over their blouses and patterns. No doubt this sewing craze suggested the competition at the afteinoon tea v.hich the Misses Mills iccently gave to their girl friends. Each guest was ieque«tcd to hem a short seam, using hci left hand, and no thimble. The first prize was awarded to Miss Powell, a We=i Coast visitor, and the second was won by Miss Bosley, of Auckland, who is visiting friends in Wellington. A veiy delicious tea was laid in the dining room. The floral decorations consisted of spring flowers arranged in silver bowls on a lemon silk centre. Miss Mills wore a gown of cream voile; Miss Blanche Mills, a voile skirt ancl pretty blue silk blouse ; Miss Olive Mills, cream cloth; and Miss Grace, pale blue taffeta. Amongst the guests I noticed Miss May Seddon, wearing cream serge and a blue strj.w hat; Miss Basley, pretty grey cloth gown and felt hat; Miss Gilmer, pretty gown of grey flecked tweed, and green hat ; Miss Prouse, cream voile and a bright red hat : Mi~s Heywood, black, and a large hat; Miss Rembe:'s becoming grey dress was stiapped willi violet vplvct, and her felt hafc trimmed with ParmA vio'ets; Misses Beudall, Kirkra'die, Quick, M'Tavish, Ronayne, Lambert, Simpson, Plaits. Rose Cowper, Wright, Kane, Brown, Chaytor, Fulton, Warburtoii, Holmwood, Smith, etc.

Mrs Morice and her children, who have been staying here for several weeks, have returned to Greymouth.

The engagement has been announced of Miss Thyra Beetnam, daughter of Mr and Mrs Hugh Beetham, Brancepeth, Masterton, to Mr Bethell, North Canterbury.

Miss Coyla Brown, who has been staying with Mrs FHchett, returns to Dunedin this week.

Mr 3 Sinclair returnee! south last week after a pleasant visit to friends here.

Mr and Mrs J. Studliolme are in towu just now.

Mrs Ernest Hadfield has been staying with her mother, Mrs Wood, Napier.

Mr and Mrs Edwaid Borlase CRangitikei) were down for a few days this week.

Mrs Cecil Cornford (Napier) is visiting her parents, Captain and Mrs Bendall.

Mrs Partridge entertained a great many, f vests at her residence, Goldcr's Hill, last Tuesday night. Progressive euchre was played, iho prizes being won by Mrs Shultce and Miss Finch. Messrs Maurice Denniston and Arthm; Khind were the successful gentlemen. A recherche supper was laid in the diving room, the table being airanged with pink and white cosmas. Miss Partridge received her guesttf wealing a pretty black lace gown ; Mrs Slrulize wore black and white silk, with a deep lace berthe : Mrs Wylie, black, relieved with lace ; Mrs Malcolmson, black, with lace motifs ; Mrs Bucholz, while muslin and lace ; Mrs Chaytor, black crepe de chine; Miss Tolhnrst. ivoiy crepe , Miss M. Seddon, pale green Roman satin ; Miss Eliott, black satin and 3a<-e ; Miss Elsie Eliott, pretty blue gown : Miss C. Smith, black crepe, with bright green belt; Miss Mackay, a lovely gown of net and silk ; Misa Newall, pale pink silk ; Miss Webb, win c silk and blue sash; Miss Finch, pretty ivoiy lacp gown ; Miss Wright, white voile imislm slid black velvet bow; Miss Lucy Atkinson, white, lelieved with an olive greet; sash: Miss Finch, white silk dress, with nialtese lace ; Messrs Rhind, Tripe, Denniston, Harvey, Shulize, Harrison, Major Moore, and officers of the iI.M.S. Tauvarga were also among the quests. Miss Ada Thompson, of Auckland, sister of Mrs Jatniesr.!], Wellington, left lately for Johannesburg, she is to be marred to Mr Leonard Challis, formerly of Auckland.

Mrs Wylie gave a most enjoyable "At home" on Thursday afternoon, a feature bciiis,' some delightful music contributed by Mrs TV} lie and Mrs Glover-Eaton. The daintiest of teas was laid in the clmhig room. Our hostess wore cream, the pret'y coaL bein<? of minor velvet. Some o\ the guests were Mesdam<=s Findlay, Bucholz, Holmwood, Watson, Harris, GloverEaton, Gilruth, Easterfield, Ward, Samuel, Ponsonby, Bridge, Kemj), Eichelb.tU'H, Hou;gard, Kaue, and Hales.

Mis S. Gilmer has left for Penans", Straits Settlements, on a visit to her daughter, whe haa lived there since her marriage.

Miss F. Webb-Bowen (Nelson) is tc be married next month to Mr James, of the Union Co., Sydney.

Miss Lloyd-Hassell has returned to Wellington after a pleasant visit to the South Island.

The greatest sympathy has been extended to Mr and Mrs Thompson, of Greymouth, in the death of their only son, Edgar, who was accidentally injured during a foctball match last Saturdpy, and has since died. Mr Edgar Thompson was only 23 years of age, with every prospect of a brilliant future, and had only been in Wellington three weeks. The accident appeared to be very slight, and the unfortunate young fellow, after receiving a knock on the head, continued playing until the end of tho game. It was not until some hours later that he felt ill, but although everything possible was done for him, his life cou d not be saved. Mrs Thompson arrived from Greymouth yesterday, and" the funeral took place this morning. Amongst the many floial tributes were those from his old club, the fied Rose, at Greymoutb., and various football clubs ill Wellington. Mr and Mrs W. Levin, who have lately reu\rned from their honeymoon trip to England, contemplate settling in the country in the vicinity of Wellington.

To-night his Excd'ency the Governor i« "faieweiled" at a conversazione, held in the Parliamentary Buildings. It is the citizens' farewell, and over 1200 invitations, I hear, liavt been issued. Mr E. J. Hill is to sing " The song of Empire," a new composition by M» Alec Hill, of AVellington, whose songs, th« best-known of which, perhaps, is "Rosemary, are very popular.

Miss Holmes is at present in Dvmedin on a short visit to her sister, Mrs George M'Lean. Miss Kempthorne lias returned fropi her tiip to Christchurch and Auckland. Miss Maxwell Moodie returned on Saturday from her visit to Tnvercargill. INVERCARGILL, Monday. On Wednesday, 15th Jvne, at St. Paul's Presbyteriam Church, was celebrated one of the most chaiming and picturesque weddings that hag been seen here far .some considerable time The bride was Miss Mary Johnson, daughter of Mr N. Johnson, a very old and icspected resident of Invercargill, and the Mr Da- id Gilmour, second son of the lat.2 Mt Robert Gilmour, cue of Southland's literary pioneers. The church was very tastefully cfecorated by Messrs Lexnnie and Sons, who ware assisted by numerous friends of the bride. The aisles were spanned by arches beautifully decorated with greenery, chrysanthemums, and wedding bells, while long fes-tc-ons and tree ferns artasticadly grouped completed a most effective scane. The bride, who was given away by her father, was attended by six bridesmaids — Miss Edith Johnson (sister of the bride), Miss Gilmoui (sister of the bridegroom), Misses Forbes- Williams, Ethel Harrington, Violet Haddock, and Leila ForbesWilliams. Mr R. G. Gilinoux rilled the position of best man, and Mr H. Walton was gioomsman. The bride, who looked charming, wore 'BQI exquisite white crepe- de chine frock over white glace silk, the bodice having a dainty transparent yoke, and the were of old Venetian lace and rucked chiffon, finished with true-lover's knots in pearls. The skirt was beautifully gatheied and trimmed with Venetian insertion, and the veil was caught with an aigrette and fastened with pearl pins the gift of the bride's father. She carried a shower bouquet oi wihite flowers and maidenhair feat, and wore an exquisiitei pearl necklace and pendant, the gift of the bridegroom. The bridesmaids wore dainty frocks of white silk, much rucked and trimmed with lovely in-

for dancing, and especially pretty and artisl'c were their decorations, which cojsisled chiefly of ivy and greenery. Dancing was kept xi L > till n late hour, and enjoyed by all present.

On Wednesday morning Miss Crofts gave a very jolly "tea" as a farewell to Miss M. Sale. The table where tea was laid was prettily auanged with Christmas roses and autumn leaves. During the morning Miss Fielding and Miss Carswell recited, and Miss Sale jtieligliled her friends by her playing of a pretty little serenade by Pierne. On Wednesday last Mrs T. C. Ellis gave a most delightful euchre party at her lesi<, "Ettrick." Mrs Ellis received her guests wearing a charming c&ress of cream voile, the bodice prettily trimmed with insertion. The prizes were awarded to Miss Mab ?I Tucker and Mr Earl.

Mrs Minniit (Auckland), who has been paying a long visit to her daughter, Mrs R. W. Dyer, loft last Monday for Duncdm, where she mtencb staying with friends. Mrs Hogg returned from Dunedin on Tuesday. Miss K. Wilkin, who has been spending a few weeks at Stewart Islan.l, returned to Dunedin on Monday. Mr L. Broad has received notice of his promotion to Christchurcb. . ; Miss Royse (Dunodin) is on a visit to her sister, Mrs F. D. Morrah. Mr J. H. Knk and family leave shortly for Sunnier, where they intend spending the winter months. OAMAEU, June 15. Now that the winter has really set in, Oamaru is awakening to tha necessity of winter gaieties. Of course, the forthcoming rnilitarybazaar is,, exhausting most of the energy of the community, but still a small portion seems left for harmless amusements, such as bridge parties, Club, etc. On Wednesday, Bth, Mrs Priugle, of the Bank of New South Wales, gave a large afternoon "At home" as a farewell to her Oamaru friends. Mr Pringle, who is retiring at the end of the month, leaves immediately with Mrs Pringle

I performer's full mezzo being heard to great advantage in this item, her rendering being such that nothing would satisfy her audience but a repetition of the last veise. Mrs Montai gue gave a clever reading of her own composition, entitled "The Last Day's Blackberrymg." Supper was then haiided lound, w 1 h had been supplied by Mrs Gould, and dainty cakes and scones, etc., together with coffee and tea, disappeared to the accompaniment of merry talk and laughter, which ceased when the chairwoman .announced that Miss Doris Williams would give a recitation. Miss Williams did not fail to maintain the previous high standard, and was requested to give an encore. Miss Annie Jones then sang, "A little silver ring." Her sweet voice gained for her an encore, and she repeated the last verse. Time being up, the assembled ladies trooped home, all feeling that their hostess and chairwoman deserved mucli praise for their united efforts in providing such a delightful evening. The next meeting will ise held at Mrs Hood's, with Mrs Garland as chairwoman. On Friday and Saturday evenings small bridge parties were given for Mis Pringle by Mrs Dennison and Mrs Fisher respectively, both being most enjoyable. CHRISTCHURCH, June IS. This has been raxhec a quiet week in the w?y of gaiety, bridge and golf being the only H'x {.nms&rnonts jroing on. However, the invitations for the bachelors' ball I told you al out lait week are now out. It is to be held in the Alexandra, Hall on June 28. Twentythree dancing men a-re the hosts, so, given a fine ni-'ht, everything should be just as deliyhtful as possible. Mrs Randal gave a most enjoyable bridge i'arty last Fridaj-. Among those present were M es dames Woodroffe. Cownshaw, Campbell, G. Gould, Misses Nedwill (2), Miirray-Ayns-iey (2^, N. Reeves, Pember, and Sand-eis. A chaiming .little supper was partaken of during the evening. The members of the Austral Girlon Club held their second meeting on Saturday, June 11, when a most enjoyable afternoon was spent

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Otago Witness, Issue 2623, 22 June 1904, Page 64

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TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 2623, 22 June 1904, Page 64

TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 2623, 22 June 1904, Page 64