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A hardican of 30=ovs each, witn dO.iO-ovs udded,* second. lOOOsovs, third, 50 Dsovs out of the stake. After the oec^ia'ion oJ the weights for trus : ace, thp w.nner of any handicap flat race of tne value of lOOaovs to cairy slb extra, 01 200-icvs, 71b extra; of 500sovs or upwoios, lO.b esha- provided that the winner of the A J C. or Y.R.C. Derby of 1004 shall carry in this race cot le's than— colt or ge.ding. 7.6, fily, 71. Two miles. E-vo'ver, Canteen, Actor, Combat. Seaport, Flagship, Debenture, Langwainn, Stopwat.-h, Bri°ht Beauty, SyK-amte, F.J.A., Fairy Slates, Sweet Nell Emir, Demos, Pliable, C,-ass. Sylvan King, Kienzii, Smnang, Heloise, Royal Oak Position, Poitland, Rose, Neotsneld, Ayr, Ozaiovitch, Step-Out, Sport Royal, Bn.mgs--ate, Red Stier.k, Wmgaioon, Fa. kuk, Mario. \larmont. Billah, Menon, Patronus, St. Ambrose' Sea Kale, Eldev=he, Bornedale, Sherman Bullion. Mistral, Sweet Posy. MacDonovan Imores's.on, Carolga, His Majesty Deucalior, 'Dividend, The Vice-Admirol, G.adsonic, Narelle, Murmur, New Bioom, Munderah Manclervi'le, Blinker. Strathke;!a.r, bumcieucy, Roller, Silv.o, M.L.D., Cccn £ j!oon, Nuncio, Bocbdil, Ballark, Fabnc, Oporto, T-oyton, Casp, Ath?me, Murna, Rhapsoay, Newmerket, Operetta, Lord Cardigan, Buckthorn, Overdaie, lan, Bee Bee, Tartan, Gaerson 'Nothos, Highflyer, Koopan, Bewitcuer, Pxoce&d, Sarto, Ruenalf 11, The Corpora-, Rifler, Artilles, Lamrock, Raeburn. Dumont, Calo 'Abundance, Electra, Cakewalk, St. Mars, Tatterdemalion, Scot Free, Long Tom, Sway, Acrasia, Hadrian, Playaway, BiLght Pilgrim, T leutenan^ Bill. Fitz-grafton, AS'amki, Zjthos, Sunderland. Belah, Sh&ito, P.K., St. Modan, The Palmist, The Hawker, Patronag?, Nmyas, Muffier, Manitoba, Fanshawe, Discussion, Bedford. Truce, Kilfera, Maramar, Ken with, Warrco, Ironmould, Stomaway. Medora, Lo^d Fitzroy, Elvo, Green Mountain, The Rehc, liefu^e Bay, Ossian, Lord Ullin's Dai'ghier, Ganymedcs, Sojourner. CAULFIELD CUP, Of 3000sovs ; 2500sovs of the said sum to go ro the first horse ; 250sovs to the second ; and lSOsovs to the third. Handicap. Ono mile and a-ha-'-i. Oaaiteen, Actor, Combat, Ssaporl, TJeben-tir-e, Flagship, Langwamn, Royal Oak, Ricns', Neotsfield, Billingsgate, Red Streak, Step-Out, Sport Royal, Wmgaroon, Bright Bcau+y, Stopwatch, F.J.A., Fairy States, United States, Paul Piy, Sweet Nell, Emir, Syivanite, Demas, Pliable," Sylvan, King. Bruunhi.d, Simiang, Heioise, Annotate. Class, MacDoiuovan. Sweet Posy, Czarovitch, Ayr, Falkirk. M,s.rmont, M'irio, Billali, Merrion, Dividend, Lord AUcn- i dale, Impression, Carolga, Tribune.. St. Ambrose, Patronus, Seakale, Berriedale, Sherman, Bu'iion, Mistral, Bonnie Chiel, M.L.D., Silvio, Deucalion, Unknown,, M-thyl, Lea 1 , Haphazard, Gkdstoiie. Last Choice, Narcile, The Endca\our, The Gaiety Girl, New Broom, Maudeville, Mundeiah, Tisiphono, Muimur, St. Ftps, Cambridge, Rhapsody, Nuncio, Bcabdi'i, Ballark Fabric, Oporto. Tiay Town, Clasp, Murna Athanie, Sporra.n, Blinker, Sufficiency, Sweep Clean. ConobTec, Coongloon, liillua," Dangai Operetta, Eifler, Antilles, Lieu ten Bill, Barr. Discussion, Sojournei-, Avalon, Bright Pilgrim, Chassepot, (jaiiymedes, Loid Cadogan, P.K., Birida, Notlics, Lamrock. Chere Ami, Kiifera, Oveidale, Dllniont, Zythos, Miramai, Yaa, Sir LccnaiJ, Abundance, Sunderland, Tienwith, Beo Be^, Raeburn, Acrasia, Muffler, Australia, Withon, Playaway, Elociro, Merworth. Tartan. Cato, Regio, Ironmould Sholto, Fitz-Giv.fton, Tmce, Buckthorn, Cherson, Cakewaik, SK Mais. St Modan. Medora, Highflyer, Cathay, Tatteicknia'.ion, Zarto, Fan=hawe, Jim Dorset, Hadrian, Manitoba, Poit Jackson, Auld Acquimtance, Thu Pa'mis*, l^ord Fitzroy Koopan, Scot Fre^ The Kawker, Ccvo, Maik, Bewitcher, *(*reen Mountam, Lone. Long Tom, Ningast The Relic. Patronage, Pioceed. Sway, Eeunalf II Os^ian, Th" Corpoial, Loid Ullin's QaiigLter.

Grand Nniional Hmd'e Race, of 13sov= each, with lOOOsov-, *dded , second 200sov=, third lOOsovs. Three miles.— Mj ilictake. Haydn, Mercury, Sil Peter Teazle, Airly, Enchan+ed States, Zircon, Cyn.'c, The Scout, Mornington. Antique, Pieirot, Crrenville, Quo Vadis, Wait-a-Bit 11, Canard, Moorfield, Mai tong, Kudos, Elderehe. Kipling. Trent, The Merry Prince. 'C^idoon. Cobham, Acrobat, Loch" Tay, Good Shot, Alaika., Speculation, Adjuster," Colonel ShiJmski, Austerhtz, Nansen Te'emochus, Lamrock, Conqueror, Neglect, Belhs. West Australian, Cordon, Corral, The Distiller, Rickshaw, Sarasati, Herd Lnddie. Grand National Steeplechase, of 20sovs each, with ISOOsovs a<2ded; second 300sov^, third lSOsovs. Three miles one fur ong — The Couat. Goyuva. Ha\dn, C! I ?:ie'g. Kiota, Royal Mail, Sindhia, The Genei^l. My Mistake, Lcddon, S\Tinga, Ro'^ill, Wilgi, Pers-^t, Bay Eajrle, The Baibor, Lamond, Tom. Lime'ight, Plunger, Signet, Spiuigfield, Bavrn Boy, Error, Anchor, Colonel ShihnsLj, Tlie Afncan, Drummer, Cj'gnet, The Diover. Fidd'esiiAUg, Grafter, Diiscoll, Teamster, Ihe Actor, Foons?a, Skylark, Hornpipe, Bclh-3., CXL, Grafnell, Idaha, Convoy. CaultieJd Grand Notional Hurdle Rice, of 12O0sovs. About thiee miles and a-tulf. — Mercury, My Mistake, Aiily, Enchanted States, Pactolus, Dewdrop, Cardocn, Cobliam, HaMiday, Morning ton, Abeii-icmb c, The Scout, Zircon, Pnerrot, Grei.\ille, Quo Vadi-, Antique, WanaV-s, Good Day. Ronde l , Tier.t, Tini.spcrt, Equity Mooifield, Persist, Kiphnp, Wnt-ji-Bit 11. Canard Reflector, jM-.toi.g, Kudo-, i-,1-dershe, Acrobat, Goodshot, Loch Tay, Cunqueior, Seymour, Rabato, Nun'.cn, Adjiuter, Colonel Shilni'-ki, Rawdon Austerhtz, B&.wn Koy CouitcbV. Rhapsody, Laniiock, ITisgiect, Bounder, Bt-lhs West Au=traaan, Coidon, Corral. Rickshaw Rarr^ati, Distiller. Caulfield Grand National Steeplechase, of HOOsovs. Four mile= — Cabula, Aquaiius, My Mistake, Go\xu"a Glenplg bliC'iidian.&indhia. Auly, Cardinal, The (Jenera', Morn.ngton. The Scout, ZiicoM, Loddon, Gienville. Pjnnga, Pierott, Kiota, Royal Mail, Sir H.nry, Scutum, Jacoues. Equity, Moorfied, Periibt, Eobgiil,

WiW, Kudos, Acrobat T .imoi:d, Gooclshot. jLhe°l3a.bcr. Phingei, IV iirny Lad, Cygi ct, The Orovci, K.tcitoii, Anchor, Colonel Sh:hrski, Rjv/doa, Drummer Tom, Au^to.Mz, ■p,awn Boy, Un.ber, Lsmiork, Dii'-'fo", Bel's. Grafnpll 'Coiral, Itlalir, Kuk'haw, I^. «. lionpipe, C.U L.

pcatedly le^onnrpnded brpcr'ei - to study the nciihcj o[ ihon on lei ilitie= You nnv i t ji <o.\ci fgj,s. bit thi cl ffiU'Kr.' nci.-.rcn their \ on tho v^u sei find the co°t o th n ir foocl Biaj be 2rf>n*ci than would be t!?e pio/' 1 ", if mi t,oi 3.101^ c'-^s at the co=t of the de?>er icocl. You n u-t 11., ike up for the lack ct a clue proportion of jutrogtnous ele- ' ment« in tho ir.aise «Ip:i coptoctnig the niormrg n.eal. A proj-.T pinportion cf I i.i f iogcn to carbon n i>o^'ti3 food is said io bo one to foui, a'ld lhi= would be secured ' by giving 21b 01 b><ui in the morning mash to every lib 01 maize throv 1- m the evening. The 2lb of bun wou'd also supp 1 }' 12 times as much salts fu,d lvineiVs as would the lib of msuzp. By bn'anci it the food with ' bran or meat, green bone, etc.. thei-e is no reason, if you have p good *tra'n of Javers why jou sbou'd not get the highest egg ' results with maizs as the staple grain. j R S., Taieri. — You should keep the best bud-. , penned eeparate'y io: breeding Place amongst the culls ever the unest-loolnr'g ones, if krown to be constitution!? lly wer.k — crooked breasts, birds which ha'-e =ufier-d from bumble-foot, roupr or colds of a iony natuie, and those stinted in giov\th thiough clucken weakness. Don't breed from an\ oi thefae, either 101 rhrw or utilitj purposes. Lone Hill. Ttiverton.— You should conu.r.nicate with Mr Reilly, •nanager of the Xew Zealand Fruit and Pomtry Co-operative As-so-iation. This film holds a weekly pa'e of , pure-bred .stock. See then acl\ easement at 1 the hsp.d of this column. 1 B. J., Greymouth.— I ha\e feen buds o£ the j bieed jou raenuoii in Greymouth as good as . i-ny to' be had elsewhere in the colony. In- I ciuirj will soon lead you to a t^ood J «»'■"• | where >ou can pick for youiself. If satisfied . with \Olll pifcha=e new blood should oe a;ot ] from "the s=ame b.-eeder a^ to a\cd the | dangei of loss of type j. J —Mr Eose ouh judges lie.ivy breeds at Palmerston Korth" You wi'l do well to get bib opinion re mating when he is in jour d' = trict. He is himself a sixc.-essful breeder oi black Sparush., and ij. an nuthoritv on \ most of the light breeds. | X , Waitati. — The Minorca, or any of the Meait'urrancan breeds, would suit you, or > on might | tr\ one of the newly-made breeds now hecom- , i;ig so fashioiiable— j c . one of the buff or pure white breeds, of "Wvandottcs or Orpmg- , tent These aie sure to attr.ict attention, j arcl sittings would demand good prices and 1 go freely j Eggs. Linwood - A good mixture for pioraoting'and maiutainirg egg yie'd is &aid to bo a f>bles-3oonful e\ory jiornmg in the soft food for "each dozen bens of the following— viz , conal parts of fenugreek, ground aniseed, ground Unseed, and giouncl liquorice root to be ?nen only to the In) ing hens. Do not give 'to the birds kept for breeding S'oi-csen's Eg<?me would siu&wer your purpose, I fancy, \ruite os well as thu foiegomg. KENXEt. Tfrrife Piitearoa.— Feed twice a day, the last feed to be the principal or heaviei meal. Alloy ama after oa^h meal. Sheen s heads, paunches, or ether meat '.xlws\b sound and «ocd\ boiied with green vegetab'es, and good biscuits or oatmeal make the best dog food. Give raw flesh ccca<uona'Jy, and a bone to gnaw. Good hard dog or sea biscuits are about M sood as bone for the teeth Be careful not to aUow too much water, btudy your degs ,11 this respect as you wou.d a Sno°HT CiialX. M< sgiel.-Mr Stantou Bay View road 1 fourth house from Macandrew road), exoect« a litter 01 well-bied pups shortly. I fancy he could &upph you. Puslfy Dunedm.— The Clydesdale terrier is prick-eared, and ha-, a silvery soft coat ; the ?k\c is a drcp-earpd doc, with hard coat. Have not seen them in tlus colony, bat was once shown a photo of one shown in Sydney 03 a Parley. F M Go'-e— Yes, brush or comb out the frill ard'eoat. Be particulai to comb out 01 remove all matted growth near the ears and hind quarters. Wash two clays before sending to show. Soap thorough}, aud remoie all soap by sou-irq thoroughly with clean water m a'second tub. Wnsh the head and face la*t Dry thoroughly, ond +ake care that he into a kennel of clean straw or has a touw in a clean giMS=y paddock, instead of. as he wou'd urefei,' rolling in the dirtiest hole he can find rfter the wash. hen thoiousihly dn perform th.- combing operation. Raw dor. Lee ssns thit the moie exercise a Co' he the brighter %yiU h.s coat, be, and the less need thew will <w io, cashing and grooming.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2622, 15 June 1904, Page 53

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MELBOURNE CUP, Otago Witness, Issue 2622, 15 June 1904, Page 53

MELBOURNE CUP, Otago Witness, Issue 2622, 15 June 1904, Page 53