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Monday Afternoon

On Wednesday Mrs. James Allen gave an enjoyable ladies' luncheon at her residence, "4.rana." Besides Mrs Allen and Mrs Richards, "there were present Mrs Batch&lor, Mrs Stanley Batchelor, Mis Frank Fitchett, Mrs Joachim, Mrs Mills, Mrs Mayo Mrs Baifour Neill, Miss Reynolds Mrs Ritchie, Mrs and Miss Sale, Mrs and Miss Williams, and Miss Wimperis.

On Friday afternoon a largo afternoon "At home" was given by Mrs Percy bargood at her residence, "Mannoto. Invitations had been issued to a large number ot imeets, the greater number of whom availed themselves of the invitation in spite of the somewhat doubtful looking weatner. Unfortunately, the rain which fell early in the. afternoon somewhat hindered the party tafcin? the form of a garden party, as had been intended, and the most of the. visitors remained indoors. A band played gay music on the lawn all the afternoon, and the only pity was that the day had not been brighter, so tha.t all could have enjoyed the niusio JU.OT6. Mr' and Mrs Sargood received their gueets in the hall, from which the reception rooms open. Drawing room, dining room, billiard room, and morning room were all thrown open. Lovely flowers were arranged everywhere, huge pot plants and palms decorating both hall and drawing room, and the long table m the dining room, where refreshments were served, vas beautifully decorated with yellow floa-eis and a yellow and white centre piecs. About 150 guebts -were present, and a most enjoyable afternoon was 6t»ent. Amongst those pi ©sent were Mrs Alien, Mrs Adam, Mrs Batchelor, Mrs Stanley XJatehelor, Mrs and Miss Buller (Auckland), 3Mrc Barclay, Mrs and Miss Boyd, Mrs Benham, Mrs Bullock, Mrs Butterworth, Mrs F. Chapman, Mrs Oheeseman, Mrs Carew, the Misses Dibbs (Sydney), Mrs and Misi Ewen, Mrs and th© Misses Fergus, Mrs Finch, the Misses Frascr, Miss Gow, Mr and Mrs Goodman, Mr 3 Greenwood, Mr and Mrs Gilkison, the Misses Gilkison, Mis li. Harris, Miss Haggitt, Mr Hogg, Mrs Jones, Mis? Kjpmpthorne, Mrs and Miss Maoassey, Mrs M'Gowan, Mr and Mrs A. H. Maclean, Mise F. M'Lean, Rev. Mr and Mrs Mayne, Mrs and Miss Morrie, Miss , Neill, Mrs Ogston, Mrs Oldham, Mrs Pattullo, Mra Ramsay, Mrs and Mis,s Rattray, Mrs Reynolds, Mr and Mrs Rawson, Mrs Ridings, Mrs Ritchie, Mrs Riley, Mr and Mrs Row© (Melbourne), Miss Royse, Mrs Sale, Mr and Mrs Salmon, Mr and Mrs W. Sargood, Mrs and Miss Shand, Mrs Sim, Mrs and Miss Sinclair, Mrs and Miss Sise, Mrs Stepheneon, Mrs C. JCurnbull, Mrs Sinclair Thomson, Miss Ulrich, Mr and Mrs Wilson (Queensland), Miss G. Webster, Mrs and Miss Woodhouse, Mrs J. Wright, Miss Wright, Mrs Vallange.

Mrs Sargood wore a charming dress of ■white chiffon with shirred skirt over pale, green, trimmed with lace, and the belt finished with long sash ends of pale gre&n chiffon, picture6qu© hat of white chiffon •with pink flowers, and finished in front with two large black flat rosettee; Mrs W. Sargood also wore a lovely dress, pale grey voile, with grey chiffon-hat; "her sister, Miss Ewen, wore a smart dress of white tucked eilk and lace, and large black feather hat; •Mrs Vallang*. wore hyacinth blue voile, and liat with flowers; Miss F. M'Lean, blue coeitume and whit© hat; Mis 3 Royso, dress of dove-coloured voile trimmed with pink, hat ,-with flowers; Mrs Ohapmaa, Llack tucked voile oostump, finished with vest and revere cf white; Mrs Bufcte /worth, heliotrope voile chess, the slOrt shirred and the bodice /trimmed with lace, and black hat; Mrs J. tWright, handsome black costume with lace colhr and large black feather hat; Miss iWright, a charming Empire frock of pale ■blue, with deep yoke of lace, the Empire ibodice vandyked over the full yoke, black featlw hat finished with long chiffon strings; Miss Maud, £ise. uretty dress of

pale grey tucked voile and yoke of dainty cream lace ; Miss Dibbs (Sydney), heliotrope muslin, and hat trimmed with green velvet and white ostrich feathers; Miss Dorothy Dibbs, lovely dre^s of pale green -\oile trimmed with bands of white embroidered f ilk, large white feather hat ; Mrs Batchcloi*, Tuecan-colou -ed muslin over bright red si% hat trimmed with bright red geraniums: Mr" Stanley Batchelor, white voile skirt, silk" bodice, white hat with pink flower?; Mrs Sinclair Thomson, blue costume, with lace insertion trimmings ; Miss Gilkison, white silk dre-93 trimmed with blackl laco insertion, hat with scarlet geraniums ; Miss Alice Fraser, smart white silk and lace dress, dark blue straw hat finished with pink ro3es ; Mrs Leslie Harris, lovely dress _ of white canvas cloth over silk, trimmed with laoe yoke draped with lace, hat with bright red geraniums; Mrs Arthur Fisher, black accordion-pleated voile dress, the bodice handsomely trimmed with cream lace, large Black picture hat, stiapped across the front with band of \.ide blue ribbon; Miss Mackellar, blue voile costums with white; Miss Lucy Rattray, white cloth dress, the bodice finished with large pointed cape ; Mrs Finch, black tucked \ oile, with tucked blue silk on the bodice.

The samo evening Mrs Sargood ga^-e a small dance to a few young people. About 30 were present, and the hall was converted into a delightful dancing room for the occasion. All the adjoining rooms Mere thrown open, but the dancers appreciated the lovely grounds moro than tho interior of the house, the evening being warm and eiill. A very pleasant evening was upe-nt by ail present.

On Friday evening the members of the Otago Law Society gave a brilliant "at home" in the na-w Law Courts. Invitations were somewhat limited, members ot the society having only a limited number of invitations to issue; but notwithstanding this, there must have been about 300 present, including some 40 or 50 members of tho legal profession. Mr Spencer Brent (president of the society) md Mrs Brent received the guests at the entrance to the library, where a concert had been arranged to take plaoo. The spacious library presented a gay appearance as. the guests filed in, being bri'iiaTitly lighted with elecrric lights and' luxuriously furnished, and the walls lined with well-filled bookshelves, appealing to the ey© as well as to the brain. The concert took place at one end of the library, the room being crowded with guests, many ladies occupying seats arranged round the room, the others standing about chatting to their friends during the intervals between the different musical items. Miss Fraser sang charmingly. Mr J. Htiggitt, Mr C. E. Statham, Mr G. Branson, Mr Riddel, and Mr J. C. Stephens also delighted the audience with their singing. At the close of the concert the guests proceeded to the Magistrate's Court, where a most amusing burlesque on a breach-of-promise action was acted by somo of the law rtudents. The case was that of a Miss Wilson Smith v. Count Singlsdotty, and was very cleverly worked up, + ,he local allusions bcin.7 apt and smart, and causing considerable amusement. At the close of the mock trial the visitors repaired to a large rpom upstairs, where supper was served. All the building v was thrown open for the evening, with the exception of the Supreme Court, and the visitors enjoyed visiting the various rooms and investigating the long corridors — in fact, in seeing all that was to be seen. Amongst those present were Mr and Mrs Brent, who were host and hostess for 'he evening ; his Honor Mr Justice Williams, and most of the members of tho legal profession of Dunedin ; Professor and Mrs Benham, Mrs and Mr G. Branson, Mrs Buller, (Auokland), Mr and Mrs Barclay, Mrs F. Chapman, Mr J. Cook, Mr and Mrs Calvert, Air and Mrs Corliss, Mr and Mrs Fenwick, Mr and Mrs Finlay, Mr and Mrs Finch, Mr and Mrs J. F. M. Fraser, the Misses Fraser, Rev. Mr and Mrs Fairclough, Mr and Mrs Gallaway, the Misses Gilkison, Mr D'Arey Haggitt, Miss and Mr J. Haggitt, Mr and Mr 3 Hanlon, Miss Hanlon, Mr and Mrs Hosking, Mr Hogg, Mrs Kirkcaldy, Professor and Mrs Marshall, Mr and Mrs Mondy, Mr and Mrs Mills, Mrs and Miss Macassey, the Messrs Macassev, Mr and Mrs W. MacGregor, Mr J, C. Marshall, Mt and Mrs Balfour Neill, Miss Nixon, Dr and Mrs Ogston, the Misses Rattray, Miss Reynolds, Mi and Mrs Sinclair, Mr and Mrs Stronach, Mr W. Stewart, the 'Misses Williams, Mr and Mrs Woodhouse, Mr and Miss Webster, Mr and Mrs Solomon, Mr and Mrs Sim, Mr and Mrs Sim, Mr and Mrs Sidey, etc.

Miss Lulu Roberts left last w©e-lc for Napier, ha\ing gone to be present at th© marriage of her cousin, Miss Kettle, which takes place immediately.

The Misses Handyside returned north by the same ■steamer. The engagement has been announced of Miss Handyeide to MiLeigh, from England.

Miss Gould (Oamaru) i at present visiting Miss De Laulour.

Mrs Dowling has gon© to Ashburton for a few days.

Mr and Mrs Izard, with their children, have gone to Lawrence for a few weeks.

Mr J. 1. Wright and Miss Wright ar© at present stopping at Wain's Hotel.

Mr and Mrs Phi] Wright passed through Dunedin last week, en rout-© for th© North Island, where th© honeymoon will be spent.

The Misses Sutton (Oamaru) are visiting Miss Cargill at "The Cliffs."

Miss Bethel (Canterbury) is the guest of Mrs Hosking at present.

Miss Turbon has returned to Shag Valley,

Mr and Mrs Richardson (Wellington) are in town, and are visiting their iaughter, Mrs Eardley Reynolds.

Miss Bessie ,Denniston (Southland) is visiting Mrs G. It .Denniston at "The Bungalow "

Mrs Haggitt is at present in Nelson, where -she has gone to see her sister, Miss Toimie.

Mrs Sinolair Thomson and her family have returned from Goodwood) where th-ey have spent the summer season-

Dr Barnctt k-ft Auckland las week for a holiday trip to England via San Fransisco.

Mrs Fitzclarcnce Roberts returned from Hobart, where sho has been visiting her daughter, Mrs Collins.

Miss Marchant returned to Dunedm on Haturdav, sari is accompanied by her sister, who I=l at present visiting her at the liign School.

Dr and Mrs W. Chisholm (Sydney) and Mr and Mrs Bundock (Queensland) left by tl.c Mo&raki for Sydney.

Mr and Mrs Walter MacNeil left by tho samo steamer for Sydney.

The cu-ajement of Mi=s K. A. MaoDonnell youngest daughter of Mr R. ,T. Mac Donrcll of Port Ohalmew, k announced to Mr G Herbert Pierce, R.N.R., Kent, England, of s.s. Pakeha

WELLINGTON, February 4-. This week has brought much sadncoa for tho very many friends of Mr and Mrs MacRao, of Bowlands, Wairarapa The = clreadJul buggy accident resulting m Mrs MiwKae s d-ath and her husbund's very eerious ill■icss occurred whilst they were driving horn© on" Saturday last week. The greatest sympathy is felt for all the relations especially Mrs "Robert Levin, who left for England by tho last 'Frisco boat, leaving her li"lf bab y daughter with her mother, Mrs Macßae. Dr and Mre Collins have returned from a thoroughly enjoyable vi«it to Rotcrua. Dr end Mrs Alison returned last week from Wanganui, where they spent a short Logan Icaie to-day for Invercargill, where they will spend a week or Mrs H Burnes has returned from a visit to her mother, Mrs MacNeil, Dunedin. Miss Jessie Griffiths (Wanganui) is stayin"- with Miss Simpson. Miss Christine Smith is spending a f&w weeks with Miss Webb, Bowen iNelson). Miss Laishley has gone to Hawera, on a visit to friends. . Mrs Knight (Napier) is at present staying with her mother, Mrs Brown, Tmakori 10 We are looloing forward to the performances by the Dramatic Students on Tuesday and Wednesday next, in aid of St. Mary s Guild. On th© first night they periorm "Fenne-1," and "My Lord in Liveay,' and on the second, "The Marble Arch, "Man :ii the Street." and "Duchess of Bayswater, all of which ar© said to be excellent. On Friday last a very bright and jolly little "morning tea" was given by Miss Heywood, for Miss Linda Koch, who is shortly to bp married. Each of the guests presented the bride-elect with a (knick-knack, the collection making a most enviable display by the time all th© guests had arrived. A very dainty tea was laid in the dining room, and some music was afterwards enjoyed. Miss Hej-wood received in a very graceful gown of white inaertioned silk ; MLgs L. Koch was in palo blu© muslin ; Miss Koch, soft silk blouse, dark skirt; Mrs Jeffcoat, a very pretty white silk gown, with French folds ; Mrs Bendall, in black and wMte foulard; Mrs King, in blue linen ; Miss Laishley wore a ro^e-coloured gown and large hat ; Miss Bendall, white book muslin. Others present were Mrs A.bbot, Mrs Hales, Mrs R. Wood, Miss Scully. Mrs Koch, Miss Brandon, Miss Baker, Miis Griffiths, Miss Kennedy. Miss Joan Hisiop is visiting Mrs ThornsGeorge, Auckland. \ Miss Giace Mills returns this weeik from the South Island, where, she U the guest of Mrs Rutherford, Mendip Hills, Canterbury. Miss W. Holt has returned from a lengthy visit to Perth, Western Australia.

Mr Gaw, chief traffic manager of the Government railways, has been granted three months' leave of absence through ill-health, and left last week with his wife and daughters for Aiickland. Mr Gaw is, \ery popular in the service throughout Now Zealand, and everyone hopes he will speedily recover his good health.

Mr and Dr Platts-Mills are leaving their residence at Kelburne, having purchased a pretty property at Karori, one of our most popular suburbs. Mre Clarke-Johnson leaves for England this month, and will be accompanied by her daughter and one son, Mr Frank Johnson, who intends studying for the medical profession at Edinburgh University.

Mrs and Miss Miles returned from a delightful visit to England last weeks.

Mr and Mrs Alec Newton and Miss Newton have returned from a very interesting \isit to England and th© Continent.

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Bibliographic details

Otago Witness, Issue 2604, 10 February 1904, Page 61

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TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 2604, 10 February 1904, Page 61

TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 2604, 10 February 1904, Page 61