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The secretary of tie Deep Stream Amalgamated Hydraulic Sluicing Company reports having received an intim&tioc on tho 30th from, the manager of the claim (Mr Buckland) that he has been compelled to stop all work owing to the severe frost ; also that both elevators are placed in position ready to start work again, as soon as the weather conditions permit. The total yield of gold since the 14th May, when the annual meeting was held, is 990z ldwt 3gr. The manager states that the prospects of the claim are favourable.

Our Arrowtown correspondent telegraphs: — Owing to the frost and scarcity of water the manager of the Premier Sunrise mine will not ■wash for the month of June. Work has been kept going in the mine, except for a few days when there was insufficient water for haulage. The reef in the stopes is smaller than usual, but is still gold-bearing. The machinery of the Mystery Flat dredge is running very well, and the dtedgemaster reports that the prospects are improving. The master of the Central Mataura dredge wires that he has suspended operations for the purpose of putting in a new crown wheel. The local Customs returns show that the quantity of gold exported during the month of Jane was 21,5900z, valued at £86,472. The export for the quarter ended 30th ult. amounted to 44,5180z, valued at £179,087.

The work of dismantling the machinery on the Bignell'B No Town dredge has been delayed Owing to the recent flood, otherwise it would have been completed ere now. If the weather keeps fine the work will be completed veTy shortly. Arrangements have not yet been completed for a further prosecution of the work of refloating the Trafalgar dredge, but the directors are hopeful of coming to terms shortly. If possible, arrangements will be made whereby the work will be undertaken on the basis that no money will be paid unless the efforts made axe attended with succes3.

Hie erection of the machinery on the Moonlight CompaTjy's dredge is well on towards completion, and the contractors anticipate that their work will be finished by about the end ol next week. Tie crew are proceeding to the cla-im this week, and it is expected that the dredge will make a sta-rt early in the week after next. The dredgemaster baa taken some prospects from the ground, and a fairly heavysample of gold was obtained. Special provision las been made for saving the heavy gold.

The total quantity of gold won by the Lower Enfield dredge lost week was Boz 15dwt. Operations were suspended on tiie 25th ult., owing to a snowstorm cutting off the water supply. The water waa, however, got through again on Saturday, and dredging has been resumed. THi« machine is now free from floods and clear of the silt, so thai a better return is expected this week. The master has been* work ing f<*? a- while without a full crew, but additional men have now been secured. Tho water race has been cut awa-y twice, but as there aro more men on the dredge is will be possible to watch it. more closely in future.

Tho statutory half-year 1 }' meeting of shareholders in the Phoenix Water Race Company ■was held at the company's oFire on tho 30th at noon, Mr Spencer B r ent pres'cring. The Chairman stated tha.t Mr Goldsmith, who was unable present at the meeting, reported having been over the race recently, and finding everything ns it sliordd be, the race being in very pood order. Tho balance sheet showed that at the end of lost year the company had. after payment of its dftbta, a balance of .-£lB 7s Id in hand, and the half-yearly rent of £112 10s had rust been received. The directors hoped to be able to declare tJie usual dividend of 3s per share tt the close of the meeting. Th« balance sliest was unanimously adonled. At a meeting of directors, held subsequently, n. dividend of 2s per share was declared.

Tho Sailor's Bend dixnUre had a, very fair run last wo»k, but as the river was narrow and the banks high, it was neeespary io shift the side lines at frequent intervals, some of them having to be shifted ahnopt every day. Work was not resumed on Sunday night ns usual, as tho dredgemaster wished to nhift the headline and the prevents tive on Monday, and if he had resumed work the paddock would have been filled with silt during tho stoppage. He hoped howeveT to h» abc to shift the Y.nos far enough ahead to allow the dredge to work up to the old ground without any further delays. Tho wash continued very much the same as previously, but the gold wns of a coarser nature. The bot'om was ptil! soft, but hard reef was met with in nlaoes, and the s.dfs of the ci>t were roiu;Ti and very severe on f'e buckets. In consequence of a r:se in the river the tTrift waa veTy heavy, but it his become !e-ss trnil "*9orre row

Tho Dun'tnn Times stitcs thpt the trredgo has ixHjn worHr\<r a lot of o'd (rronrd lately, which n<voti''ts for th« falling off in htr Tetnrna. After this week the old ground Trill Tje got tnroueh.

Creditors of the Charlton Valley Gold Dredging Corrroanv are required to send in claims on or b»fore Monday, August 8.

Our Wa-Vn-ia corrPSDondent writes that the Hessey's dredge was submitted to a trial run on Wednesday, when everything worked well.

The return from the Molyneux Kohinoor dredge showed a slight felling off last week.

but there was no appreciable change in the quality of the wash. The dredge was still working ahead in the same direction as dumng the previous week. The v,.dth of the cut was about two chains.

The master of the F-eddersen <3ra<3ge wirc3 that he commenced opening out on the uppei part of the claim oa Wednesday mormiig. The New Kosburgk Jubilee dredge worked very steadily last week, but the giound was poor, and there was no sign of any improvement.

A correspondent informs the Tuapeka Times that uiikss sonaethiig unforeseen happens there was every probability of the Waitahuna, Gully dredge being closed down at the end of last week.

The secretary of the A'.dinga Gold Dredging Company received the following telegram from the dredgemaster on Wednesday— " Stopped yesterday; takiug out grabs and putting in repaired buckets ; not running until Friday."

The manpger of the Alpine Extended mine wired on Wednesday stating that otone, 12in in width and carrying fair gold, had been cut m the No. 12 level north. Stone was also coming in in the south fao».

The New Gibbston dredge worked steadily last week, but the bottom was hard and the indications w«ie poor. The dr.dgemaeter stated oa Saturday that he would shift down to the bottom end of the claim without ddelay, but he expected that last week would be well advanced before he vraa ready to resume operations.

Tbe Alexandra Lead dredge had a very good run up to 27th, but as she wes operating m o!d ground nearly all the tun© the return was small. The master intended to shift the dredge about 60ft back on the 29th, tw he had reached th« boundary, and he was going to take up a narrow cut. He did not expect to get much gold, but stated thai he did not wish to go over a,ny ground without testing it. The weather was fine and the rivet steady. The master of the Golden River dredge worked for 40 hours near the bottom of the claim up to 27th, but as the bottom was smooth and hard, and as the ground had been previously treated, he thought it was advisable to shift up stream without delay, to a point where d«ep ground carrying good prospects had been struck. He started shifting on Saturday morning, and had gone about 200yd9 up the river by that evening. If everything went ■well it was expected thai operations would be resumed on Tuesday evening-, 80th. The time worked by the Electric No. 1 dredge up to 27th wa« 119 hours, and the distance worked ahead was 20ft, while the width of the cut waa 70ft and the depth of the ground 34ft. The gold was dark in colour, and of a coarse nature. The prospects on the Bannockburn side of the cut weTe Very jsnor, but those on the Cromwell side, where the wa=h waa getting a little deeper, were good. The quality of the wash was about the same as previously. The weather in the Cromwell district was very unsettled last week, and ths hills had a very heavy coating of snow. The river was falling again at the end of the week.

The time worked by the Island Block dredge up to 27th waa 124 hours. Tliere was no improvement in the quality of the wash, and the bottom was similar to that worked previously. Tlie dredge was to stop for two days last week to enable some necessary repairs to be effected. The tributers have now finished their paddock, and have washed up for a return of 440z 19dwt. Some repairs to the fiuinmg will be necessary, and these would occupy tho greater part of last week. The elevating plant waa to be taken over by the company on Wednesday, and the work of removal was commenced immediately There 'is a nice seam of wash ia one portion of the 6lui«ng paddock.

With the exception of two days — June 15 and 16,— the New Alpine Consols dredge has won very little gold since the Bth of last month. The dredge was stopped on the 27th ult to enable a. new shaft to be fitted to the friction gear and to have the pinion rebushed. This work was expected to occupy aJI last week, but it is expected that dredging will be resumed early this week. Iho bottom was bard last week, ajid th" ground, wh eh was deep, was pooT. The river was 6in higher than it was at tho beginning of the week, and the dredge could not bottom where she was working. The dredgemaster intends, however, to pull about a iength ahead before making another start.

The Grand Jurctioi No. 1 dredge, which started wo>-k in the Kawarau River on Tuesday, 23rd, bottomed on Friday morning on a Lard Teef. Until the end of tbe week them was no gold showing, and the dredgema-ster intended to pull about a dredge length ahead, where he expected to strike soft bottom. The No. 2 dredge had a fair run, and the correct gold return waa 2toz lidwt The bottom rose during the week, and on the '27th the depth over the full width of tlie cut, which was 50ft wide, was only 15ft. There was ver> littlo wash on the bottom, and consequently ;v good deal ofjjround was eot over, the dredpe being pulled 40ft ahead. Ttie quality of the wash was the tame at tlie end of tlie week.

The prospects obtained by th" Xew ITalfvay House Iredge at the b«£inrun£ of the week waa very good, but on tho 24th they v/pt© very poor, while they beexnio even worse towards the end of the week. The rc-ef cams in from both sides, and the cut wns narrowed down to about Bft, but it had been swept, and thw was no gold in !t. Since work vas started this season the drpdert" has hecn working on a hard reef bottom. Thee was a chr»Egf> in the nature of the wash on Satu r day morning, and the dredgemaster expected to strike better ground beforo the enA of last week. The ground, which was 35ft creep, was not so rough e& previously. The machinery tva.3 running rery we-'l, and ocly five hours were lost during the week.

The distance worked ahead l>y *h5 Rise nnd Shine dredge up to the 27th was 6ft, the width of the cut -was about 100 yards while the depth of the ground varied from 20ft to about 60ft. The quality of the wash wan very fair until about the middle of the week, when a hard bar Blartcd. to come m right acroS3 the cutj

there being very little gold on it.* The bar is expected to be narrow, and it should not make a great deal of difference in the returns. The ground was very rough, and some of the bucket lips were turn off, hi consequence of which a few hours wers lost on the day shifts in Replacing them. The rest of the machinery worked very well. The screen was completely done on Saturday morning, being worn through nearly half way rouud, so it was necessary to stop and put in a new section.

Tho Junction Electric No. 1 dredge was stopped at 3 pm. on Wednesday, June 24, owing to the girder carrying the pivot shaft twisting and crackiig. The depth of the ground had decreased from 4Sft to 19ft on the coalpit side, where the best gold nnd the worst rocks were found. The masteT stated that some good returns could be expected if the wash continued to improve as it had been doing, provided that the dredge could get a steady ran. Some repairs are- row being effected, but dredging would probably be resumed about the end of last week. The No. 2 dredge had a fairly steady run. the longest stoppage being for five liouts. After the wash-up on the 26th a few small repairs were effected, and on-Satur-day the dredge was shifted up near the junction of the two rivers, whilj it was intended to take her a little further up, and nearer the boundary of the- New Royal Maori claim.

The financial position of the Trafalgar Company is such that the directors have issued a circular to shareholders intimating that unless they are prepared to subscribe to a levy of 53 per share the company will be unable to carry on any longer. The levy will be preferential to the extent of 100 per cent., so that those who subscribe to it will be entitled to receive 10s for every 5s subscribed. If shareholders wish to prevent liquidation they must respord quickly, as the trustees for the debentureholders have given notice that unless the financial position is satisfactory by tho 17th mat. they will foreclose without further delay.

The directors of the Inch Valley Gold Dredging Company have declared a dividend of Is per share, payable on and after Monday.

The Golden River dredge has been shifted up-stream, and dredging waa started again on Wednesday night.

The master of the Cromwell No. 2 dredge wires that everything is working well, and that the prospects are fair. The master of the New Halfway House dredge wires that he struck soft pug bottom et a depth of 40ft on Thursday morning. He also reported that the prospect 3 were fair.

The repairs to the New Golden Gravel dredge have been completed, and active operations were resumed at 7 o'clock on Wednesday evening. The contractor for the erection of the machinery of the Oceanic Steam Company's dredge reports having had a trial run, when everything worked satisfactorily The return from the Happy Valley dredge last week was smaller than was expected, but an improvement is expected as the dredge works nearer tho creek. The secretary of the No Town Creek Gold Dredging Company reports a return of 40oz for 80 hours' work. It was found necessary to stop work at noon on Wednesday owing to the boss of the crown wheel being slightly cracked. The master of the Grand Junction No. 1 dredge wired on Wednesday that the wash was very poor, and ho would not wash up this week. The telegram received from the dredgemaster of the No. 2 dredge stated that the prospects were fair, but the w<u>h was getting poorer. The secretary of the North Beach Company rSports receipt of a telegram from the dredgemaster stating that the crown wheel and the top tumbler shaft of the elevator split in two at 5 o'clock on Wednesday morning. The gold won by the Electric No. 2 dredge last week was of the same character as that obtained during the previous week, auout tuothirds being fine and the remainder coarse. The prospects were only middling during the week, but there was a slight improvement on Saturdpy, though the gold was still fine. The dredge was idle all day on Wednesday week, the aredgprnaster being engaged in reblocking the friction. The ground was still rough. The secretary of the Nokomai Hydraulic Sluicing Company report a return of 1270z 3dwt lgr of gold for the month of June. A meeting of shareholders in the Victory Gold Dredging Company was heJd. at the company's registered offie on Thursday, when the resolution passed at tho meeting of shareholders held on tho 16th of June was confirmed as follows :—" That the company be liquidated, and a new one, with a smaJler capita.l, formed." lii tending shareholders in the new company arc requested to send in their applications as early as possible, as the dredge is row stopped pending the formation of the new company. Mr C. E. Gudgeon will sell by auction at Queenstown on Tuesday, 21st July, by order of the warden,, all the mining privileges, rights, and plant of the Muddy Creek Smiting Company in full working order

Messrs Hendarson and Batger will sell at Gore on Saturday, 18th July, the Lady ChuTlton Company's dredge, sluicing claims, water rights, etc.

Msssts Park, Reynolds, and Co. will sell, at their rooms, on Saturday, 11th inst., » full set of new steam dredge winches.

The master of the Alexandra Lead dredge wired on Friday that he was shifting down stream, and would wash up on Saturday. He also reported that the river was rising. The erection of the machinery on the New Fairdown Company's dredge is well advanced, and it is expected that everything will be ready for a start in about three weeks.

The secretary of the New Alpine ConFols Company received a telegram from the dredgrmaster on Fnclav afternoon, Etating that the river had been risn.g all day, and was then up irore than 3ft.

Tho masteT of the Levuthan ure<lge stated in his report for last week that the ground was still keeping shallow, and had all been previously worked.

A meeting of the directors of tho New Halfway House Company was held on Fi.dcy, wli^n a dividend of 2s per "vLa-ro -was declared, and made payable on Friday next, lOtli inst. This dividend, which is tho first declared by the company, reprosents a distnbut.on of ££10 amongst shareholders, in addition to which £500 has been placed to the credit of a reserve fund. The Blaekwater Rjvpt dredge had a «rord run last weelr, and the depth of the ground wis about *,he same a.s pr^vi'j'i^ly Dredpinsr iw.i carried on on the weht pide of the face almost the whole week, and the quality of the wash w^-s about tho pamo us before, thoti^li there wws a hhgii!. iir ].ro\ emciit at the end of the week ~" Urn 1 th* nidil'e of l,mt wek (he mats on t'.o Cornwall dredge looked coor. Lnt the wa°h nipTO-. Ed in the latter hilf of the week, a^d the return was a litt'e befctrr tl,an usual. The ground waa tight, and there was a great deal of sur.ken t'mber, "0 that tho quanttiy of put through was much smaller than u?ual. At the end of the week the dredge was ateuf, GO yards away from the prospecting shaft that was put down at the too of the claim. The master of the North Bench dredge tcpcrts that the return for the week ercHnsr Ju™ 26 was obtained from 'three days' dredging on the shingle lead and three days on the bax-k lead. The) average detrth of the 6hi-»«le le«d ■wils 27ft and the back lead deutii 25ft The. back lead showed an improvement, a,r>d would be up to its best again ivere it not fox the

1 trouble with tiio bnrisd timber. Had it not been for the accident reported yesterday there woii.d have been a big rturn this week, as when the mail" left the dredge had already won 730z of amalgam for two days' dredging, 470z being won on the Monday. This was the biggest amount eveT obtained for three shifts' I dredging. The Waimnmu Extended dredge had been compelled to stop owing to the inability to get a supply of coal at present. Several repairs are being effected during the stoppage, such as putting in a new top tumbler, etc. The dredgemaster (ilr Leicester) met with an unfortunate accident on Wednesday, when his leg was broken while he was engaged in repairing. He ' was taken to the Invercargill Hospital, and is, we learn, progressing" favourably. The operations of the Xew Garibaldi dredge were hampered in consequence of the recent floods, and only 63 hours' drdging was done last wetk. The depth of the ground was about the same as previously, and there were a few feet of ibid man bottom on the west side of the cut. The width of the paddock was-60 yafite. Considerable time was lost in removing timber from the face, a-nd at the end of the. week a stoppage was made lor the purpose of effecting a few smajl repairs. The Maori King dredge was stopped after the last waah-up to enable the dredgemaster to effect some necessary repairs to the condenser, aiid operations were resumed on Monday, 29th, The v.-ash cut out at the end o,f la-st week, but the dredgemastor expected it to make again at any time. A width of about 100 ft has been dropped on one sida of the face to allow the dredge to work ahead a. little quicker. The Three-mile (Greenstone Creek) iredge was working on the north hall" of the fnce duxing the greater portion of last week. The ground wag very tight and heavy, and the I bottom vctt hard. There were several large ' boulders with which the dredge could do nothing, and as she was unable to bottom the return was smaller than it would probably have i otherwise been. The screen is getting very | thin, «nd the dredgemaster will be forced to I stop for repairs if it becomes much more worn. Owing to several stoppages the Aldinga dredge had a very poor run last week, in consequence of which the return was smaller than usual. The face was six chains wide, and the I ground w»3 deeper than it had been during the preceding fortnight, the bottom rising from 25ft on the south side to 10ft in the centre of the face, and then dipping to 16ft under the north terrace. More solid ground was m-ci | with at the end of the week, and there was 1 only a short distance to dredge in order to get clear of the worked ground. The creek was • in flood in the early part of the week, but no damage was done. j The quantity of material treated by the Enckson's Reward dredge last week was about the same as usual, but the wash was still very hard. The first motion shaft was bent last week, but the dredgemaster has taken steps which will strengthen it. The silt was still very troublesome, and the dredgemaster was putting a dam bctoss the tailings which would allow him to raise the water 2ft, and thus ] work to better advantage. The best gold was I on the bottom, but thn silt had been co heavy that it was pushing the machine ahead and preventing her from cleaning up the bottom properly. The dredge has been turned round and is now working down the creek. The secretary of the Lady Roxburgh Company reports a return of 770z. The dred>gemaster states that part of the cut worked during the week consisted of old ground. The river Las risen 3ft. but has not affected the dredge go far. The dredgemaster stated in liis report for last week that the prospects weTo good, but that the ground had become shallower. The greatest depth was 42ft in the centre -of the cut, and the bottom rose on each sfde. The ground was still rough, and some time was occupied in repairs to broken bucket j lips. Tlio best gold was obtained in brown wash. It was anticipated that there would be some stoppages, as the dredgemastor intended to put in some repaired buckets, and also a new pin and sheaves in the bottom lifting gear. He also stated that he would proj bably shift the headline. I The secretary of the Greenstone Creek Gold I Dredgiag Company ha 3 received a report from j the dredgemaster, dated 29th June, stating that i dredging was resumed last Saturday after-noon. | The buckets have required constant Topairs owing to the rough wash, and the old grab hooks have also been overhauled and are now in good order. The dredgemaster is now cutting off a sharp corner of the face, tmd docs not expect improved returnß for another fortnight. The Cromwell Argus states that tho housing of the Rising Sun drc>lge is now in position and the engine, boiler, and winches are fitted up. When lh# elevator, which wa9 exjxH-ted to arrive immediately, is put in place, the dredge will be ready for a start. The Alexandra Ilearld states —We hear that the Chatto Creek dredge has struck good wash. —The Coronation dredge was clos<xl down last Sivturd-ay, the returns not being sufficient to warrant tho continuance of dredging operat.ons. — Mr S. Coard, late manager of the Coal Creek dredge, ha<» been appointed to a nimilar position on tho Waikaka United No. 2 dredge. —Mr H. Bryco, late of the Kelly and Casey dredge, has been appointed dredgemaster of the Xew Teviot dredge. The Meg and Annie dredge wa,s closed down on Monday afternoon, 29th, awaiting the decision of the shareholders on Wednesday next as to the future course of action. The dredgemaster reports having cleaned up the mats and streamed down the sand for a return of 4oz 3dwt 16gr of gold. The Majestic dred^o did not ge* a fresh start ) last week, as some delay has arisei in petting I tlie new bottom tumb'er fitted up. The dredge- ! master exr>cets to recommence work on Wcdi:»wday or Thursday of tho current week. Tho masUr of tho Golden Rivrr dredpo ti port? that there was no wash-up lu-st week, tho dredge being stopped owing to the high n>er. He intended to start again on Monday. Tho secretary of tho Buller Junction Company reports that the crosshead of the mam engine of the dredge was broken on Thursday | last. j Th-ere w?re no return? from the Pacfolus | dTedges last week. The top tumbler of the | No. 1 dredpe is being repaired, and the No. 2 dredge resumed operations on Thursday last. Tho secretary of the Golden United Company hsLB received advice from the loca.l director I ctating that the machinery has been submitted 1 to v trial run, everything won king satisfactorily. It is hoped that dredging operations would be commenced on Tuesday or Wednesday. Tho secretary of the Lady Roxburgh Com- ! pany received a telegram from the dredge- | mastej.* on Saturday stating that the nvr was I m flood, and that the dnft was h<»a\y. Opera- ■ t:ons have been suspended lor a f<-w <ljys to enable the mai.t*r to put ir> a; tumbler and ! to rivet the end of the leilcW j The secretary of the Monte Chris to Corn' a' v reports that dredging waa <;u«t.endtd on Friday 1 Oivuig to tilie high n\vr nrd the drift, but it ' was intended to make another =fart m Monday provided that the rr. et v.n« fvourrb 1 ' j There was a little god sl'fJtm" on V.,r ni.itwhen work wns su^endrd. llio nir-vtnr-liavo acquired the c'uim fonrrrly he'd \>v the Vincent Extended Company. | The master of the Now (ianbaldi dredpre reports th?-t during his absence on Saturday a man employed in clearing atump3 ahead of the dtredgo placed some plugs of dynamite on the I boiler to softcu. Ail explosion, resulted, but

fortunately no -serious* damage was done. Th» boiler was somewhat damaged, and it will be necessasy to remove one plate. The men employed on the dredge were not awaro that the dynamite had been placed on the boiler, otherwise the mishap 'would have been avoided.

Mr John White, managing director of tho Round Hill Mining Company, reports that the return from tflie claim for the month of June was 2050z, valued at £812.

While the Aldinga dredge is stopped some, new sections will be put iv the screen, suzd other nec.ess.axy repairs will be ceirried out. Tnese are expected to occupy fully a week.

The master of the Central Matnura dredge wires that operations were resumed at 7 o'clock on Satuiday evening.

The Sandy Point dredge will be stopped for a few days this week to enable some necessary repairs to be effected to the screen.

Tho master of the Mokoia dredgs wires that the river ross 10ft on Sunday night. It was falling again on Monday, jiowevei.-ancl he expected to-^'kart- dredging again that 'night. Mr L. Ryan, Alexandra, reports that the return ironi the F,ers«vara-noe 2fo. J l dredge last week was 430z 10tlw». .The- No. 2 dredge- was working steadily a-11 last week, But sho was going through old ground. She will probably get out into the river at the end of this week.

The secretary of the Bnfieid Company reports a return of 12oz 14dwt for 132 hours' work. The dredge worked well last week, but there was i>o improv.^mout in the gTOiind, wh:cb consisted chiefly of cay from top to bottom.

The secretary oi tho Xew (iibbston Compnny received a telegram from the dredgentaste'r on Monday afternoon stating that the dredge had been tikeu to the bottom end of the claim, \vher»> it wa3 intended to resume work on. Monday uight. The dredge :* now on tho best looking piece of river on the claim.

The secreta-ry of the Barewood Gold Mining Company reports that the gold y ed for June w,«s 185oz lCdwt from 220 tons of striie. The mine manager states tlwt t-ho datns arc full nud crushing ib preceding full tine. The main 3haft hi 3 bs"»n denied ou' cut red, and skidded down to the 200 ft level, vhere c\ni:ng out is still proreedinv'-

Tho sale of the tlic-dge. c'a:ms. nr.d water rights o\."ic:l by the Lady Chit: |!ti'i Gold i)rfdgir^ Company 1- v Ujen postponed till 1h • ISJi w<., when t-h«*. t-.sse-ts ■wil! he offo-cd by suction by Me^<srs £i"idervin .inu B-itfcu' at Gore. The drcdgiug claim o. s -is of nbru', 170 acres, aid t'j? b'li.ciTig c . it r.i -bout V acres.

The v.'crk of dismantling the m-u him ly o the Bigne'i's Xo Town dredge -,vas comp'et^tl on Thmsday morning lust. Advice has been received to the effect that the ponto us v.ent aground on Monday morning in consequence of a heavy flood, bin n* the comply mt:rd to build new pontoons this incident wil net result in any pec'irn.iry lo=s. The i -ontcons that are now aground will probab'y be tikon to pieces where they are.

The ground on which the Mystery Flnt dredge hp.s bsen working lately was very rough «nd stony, ajid the bottom tumbler, which was considerably worn, broke on Saturday night. It is intended to replace the tumbler with a new one of a different design, but the diedge will not be ready to sta-rt again for a few days. The indications were good when the tumbler broke, and this week's return would probab'y have shown a<n improvement if the dredge had be,en able to work Bteadily.

The returns obtained by th« Upper Waipori drsdgo during'the current year have been^ very gt-od, and consequently the directors baveTbeen en-ablfd to distribute a much larger amount of money in dividends than usual. The quantity of gold won during the sit months ended June 30 was not very mucli less than the production for the whole ot last year, and the amount of money distributed in dividends since the beginning of January last already exceeds the total distribution for the year 1902. The gold yield for the half year ended June 30 was valued at £4231 13s 6d, and the expenditure under the heading of profit, and loss during the same period was £1994 lls 4d, exclusive of dividends, the aggregate of which wa« £2400. The company had a substantial balance in hand on June 30, as there was £351 4s lOd in the bank, while the liabilities amounted to £142 15s Sd.

Mr S. E. Brent, Eeoretary of the Shotover Quartz Mining Company, reports for the month oi Juno that owing to severe frosts crushing was much hindered. A total of 65 tons of stone was treated for 360z 15dwt retorted gold. The stone in the rise is 4ft wide, and showing fair gold. Work is now suspended for the winter.

The directors of the Enterprise. Gold Dredging Company have declared a dividend (the sixty-second) of 2s per share, payable on Saturday, tho 11th inst. Tlie directors of the Boyal Waiinuimi Dredging Company have a&iared a dividend (the first) of Is per share, payable on the 11th inst. The directors of tlie Manuherikia Gold Dredging Company have declared a dividend (the eighth) of 2s per share, payable on Monday, -July 13. This dividend represents a distribution of £1200, and when it is padS shareholders will have received a total of j£9OOO equal to 15s per share.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2572, 8 July 1903, Page 33

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THE WEEK'S MINING NEWS Otago Witness, Issue 2572, 8 July 1903, Page 33

THE WEEK'S MINING NEWS Otago Witness, Issue 2572, 8 July 1903, Page 33