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(Fhoh Our Own Correspondent.) INVERCARGILL, June 23. The Southland Metropolitan Agricultural arid Pastoral Association's eighth winter cLow was opened in the Zealandia Hall tins afternoon. In point of number the entries are just about th« sam« ac lart year. There Iras been a oonsiaera,bLe diminution of entries in the bread classes;, but this is quite counterbalanced by a targe increa-e in th© root crop entries amd considerable inoreaee6 in most of the othor classes On *h© whole the quality of the exhibits is quit© up to the standard of icrmer years, and, in. view of the exceptional severity of the season, astonishingly good. This is especially true of he grain a>nd fruit. Cheese is well represented, and in the opinion of experts the quality shows a distinct impro\ rement on former years The Edendale Factory swept the board, but the Omimd and Wyndham exhibits were only slightly behind in quality. A Cheshire cbeeee mado. by Mr Sa\ver3 in May, 1899, ■was on exlvibition, and was pronounced to be as good as on the lay it was made, and a' triumph of chcesemaking. Some of the cake oxhibite were wonderfully fine, and of Mrs "W. Thomeon'-s collection of oakes the judge remarked th-afr li« had. never at any fihow seen anything better. An exhibit of hybrid turnips eown as late a* February attracted much attention, as did the exhibits oi oate and wheat. The bam and bacon { dasse3 were well re-presented, some of the roll hams being of superb quality. Mrs Hennie scored in this department 26 points ±o Mrs Irving's 17. Mr C. Wyeth took Mr J A. Mitohell's prize of £2 2e for most entries, with a totol of 34-. In butter, Miss •Dram and Miss M. Dram tied with 14 points, Miss M'Neill being only 1 point behind. Mib's Thomson had 12 points in bottled fruits to Mr* Flint's 10. In the various bread classes Miss Drain totalled 29 points, Mrs Flyain 14, and Miss M. Drain 11. Mr R. Grieve and Mr W. Davis tied sls to number of point* in fruit, but MiGrieve was the victor—having one first prize, while Mr Davio had none. In potatoes Mr C. Wyeth was easily first with 28 points,-and Mr G. Simpson in turnip?; whilo in root mid tuber jrops the figures vresre —Wyoth 57 points, Simpson 29, A. Carruthers coming next with 17 points (five first prizes) and E. Flint 17 (two fir,t prizes). Jn grain the aggregate points wore —John Cowie 10, Jamos ButJer 8. The following is the prize list: — HAMS AND BACON. Judge: Mr John, M'Farlane, Dun'din. flitch bacon, ansmoked. Four entries—lnTtrcargill Dairy Supply Company 1 and 2. FJitch bacon, smoked. Four entries—lnvercargill Dairy Supply Company 1, G. T. Smyth 2. Holled bacon, unsmoked. Six entries—lnvercargill Dairy Supply Company 1 and 2, Licd•aj and Co. 3. Rolled bacon, smoked. Six entries —Lindsay and-Co. 1, Inveicargill Dairjf Supply Company 2. Poik ham, smoked. Seven entries—G T. Smyth 1. Invercargill Dairy Supply Company 2. Pork ham, unsmokpcl. Seven entries—G T. Smyth 1. Invereargi'l Dnny Supp'y Company 2. Prizes First, 20=;; seco id, ]0«.

Tamers' Classes, to be iaim led and cured

Flitch bacon, unsmoked— Mrs G. Bemiie, only entry. Flitch bacon, smoked — Mrs G., only entry. Rolled bacon, unsmoked — Mrs G. Bennie 1, Mrs H. S. Irving 2. Rolled bacon, smoked — Mrs G. Bennie 1, Mrs j H. S. Irving 2. i Pork ham, unsmoked — Mrs H. S. Irving 1, Mrs G. Beanie 2. Pork ham, smoked — Mrs H. S. Irving 1, Mrs G. Bennie 2. Beef ham— Mrs G. Benme 1, Mrs H. S. Irving 2. Best display of butchers' small goods— A. R. Leckie, only .entry. One dozen hen eggs, fresh. Six entriesMrs A. Manson 1, Miss Horciman 2, Miss M. Giay 3. CHEESE. Judge- Government Grader. Five hundredweight factory-made full cream cheese, 61b, oheddar shaped, light colour, suitable for export. First prize, £3 and special , j second prize, £1 10s and. special. Seven entries —Edendale Factory, 96J points, 1, 2, and specials, a Two ifindredweight factory-made cheese, straw colour, 351b each. First prize, £2 and special; .second, £1. Eleven entries — Edendale Factory, 95i points, 1, 2, and special. Two cases factory-made loaf cheese, straw colour, 121b eacK First prize. £2 and special; second, £1. Nine entries— Edendale Factory, 96 points, 1, 2, and special. B<»st single cheese. Special prize. Thirteen entries — Edendale Factory, 1 and 2. Farm-made cheeses, new. First prize, £1 and special ; second, £1. Four entries^ — Craig and Co., 92i points, 1 and special; Mrs R. C. Lindsay 2. BUTTER. Judge- Mr John M'Farlane, Dunedin. Fresh butter, separator, bu-t not factory-made, 2lb, in lib rolls, no prints to be used. Nine entries— D. Anderson 1 and special, Miss M Drain 2 and special, Miss Drain 3, Miss M'Neill 4. Fresh butter, non-separator, 21b, in lib rolls, no prints to be used. Seven entries— Miss Drain 1 and special, Miss M. Drain 2 andi special. Fresh butter, non-separator, 21b, in lib lolls, no prints to be used; open to exhibitors under 18 years of age who have never won a prize. Three entries — Miss Bina Ccster 1, Miss M. Gray 2. Fresh butter, separator or factory-made, slb, in lib lolls, no prints to be used. Six eutries — Miss M Drain 1 and special, Miss Drain 2 and special, Mi«s M Neill 3, D. Anderson 4. Powdered butter, 31b, in lib rolls, no prints to be used. Ten entries — Miss M. Drain 1 and special, Miss Drain 2 and special, Miss M'Neill I 3, Invercargill Dairy Supply Company 4. ! Salt butter, 51b in jar, not factory or separa-tor-made. Seven entries — Mrs Alex. Lindsay 1 and speciul, Mrs A. Gray 2 and special, Miss Drain 3. j Fancy butter, to be decielcd by qiiality as ' well as design ; no foreign matter allowed. Three entries— Miss Jessit Thomson 1, Miss M'Neill 2. X Fjncy butter, uiadt up for table use. Five entries— Mrs Alex. Lindsay 1, Miss Jane M'Neill 2. Salt butter, fit for export, two boxes, of 561b each— I'i\ercargill Dairy Factory Compnnv, 0-l\ points, 1 ; Miss M'Neill, 83J points, 2. HONEY. Judge- Mi=s Martha Firming. Fi\v pound 0 , in sln^o iai«, evtrcrt^d or strained. Four ej tries— llns Cumin-gripm 1 and 2.

BOTTLED FRUITS, JAMS, AND PICKLES, HOME-MADE. Judge- Miss Martha Fleming. Collection of bottled preserved fruits — Miss Catherine Thomson 1 and special, Mrs P. E. Flint 2 and 3 and specia.l. Jams and Jellies, best collection— Miss Catherine Thomson 1, Mrs T. E. Fhnt 2 and 3. Pickles and condiment, best collection — Miss Catherine Thomson 1. Mrs T. E. Flint 2 and 3. BREAD, SCONES, ETC. Judge Mr D. M'Farla.:e, Orepuki. Bread, 2 loa\es. Eleven entries— Mi^s Drain 1, 2, and 3, Mrs H. Cunningham 4. Brown bread, whole floui, 2 loaves — Mrs T. Glynn 1, 2, and 3, Miss Mary Lindsay 4. One camp oven loaf. Seven tntnes — Miss Diain 1, Mis T. Glynn 2 and 3, Mrs Ford 4. Six scones, oven — Miss Diain 1 and 2, Miss M DTam 2, Miss Marion M'Crostie 4. Six scones, girdle. Eleven entries — Miss Drain 1 and 3, Miss M. Drain 2, Miss Mary Gray 4. Six oatmeal cakes. Six entries— Mi=q Drain 1 and 3, Mies M. Drain 2, Mrs Somerville i. Six potatoe scones. Four entries — Miss M. Drain 1, Miss Drain 2, Miss Mary Linds-ay 3. Sponge cake. Ten entnss— Miss M. Cunningham 1, Hiss Madge Coupland 2, Miss Drain 3. Seed cake. Six entries — Mrs James Sawyers 1, Miss M. Drai.n 2, Miss Drain 3. Fruit cake. Seven entries— Miss Drain I, •Mies M. Diain 2, Miss Ronald 3. Collection pastry. Four prtrics — Mrs blames Sawyers 1, Miss M'Neill 2, Miss Mary Lindsay 3. Collection cakes— Mrs W. Thomson 1, Mi^s Mary Lind=ay 2. Oven scones (all former prizetakera excluded). Eleven entries— Miss Mary Gray 1 and special, Miss A. Fraser 2 and 3 and special. Collect'on biscuits— Mrs James Sawyers 1, Miss M'Neill 2, Mips Mary Lindsay 3 Six potatoes, of one varielv. boiled in their skins. Four entries — Miss Drain 1 and 2, Mrs T. E. Flint 3. FRUIT (SOUTHLAND GROWN). Judge- Mr W Hopcrafl Auples, cooking. One entry— W. C Ladbrook 1. j Apples, dessert— W. C. Ladbrook 1, A. Tosh 2. | Apples, cooking (amateur) Five cntne c J. I A. Hamilton J, W. Davis 2, R Gucve 3 Apples, dessert (amateur). Four entrie?— R. Grieve 1, TV. Davis 2, Mi=s A. Tosh 3. — POTATOES, Etc. Judge- Mr W Hopcraft Field, Ashleaf kidney, lewt Four entries— J. Gait 1, T E. Flint 2, C. Wyeth 3. Field. Lapstone kidney, lewt— C. Wyeth 1. Field, white, except kidney, to bo named, lewt. Eight entries— A. Carruthers 1, C. AVyeth 2, G. Simpson 3, W. Watt 4. Field, Dcrwent, lewt. Eleven entries— John Grant 1, T E. Flint 2, A. Camithers 3, G. Simp=on 4. Field, Bruce, lewt. Two entries— A. Cunningham 1. Field, Up-to-date, lewt. Ten entries— C. Wyeth 1, R Lowes 2 and 4, James Gait 3. Field, early white Hebron, lewt— T. E Flint 1, C. Wyeth 2 and 3 Any other variety. mu=t be named, lewt. Six entries— C. Wyeth 1 a.ul 3, T. E. F'int 2, A. Carru'uliers i. Eest collection gai-d Pn notafors— T E F'int 1, C. Wyeth 2, James Gait 3. TURNIPS Jud-^e Mr R C ; eavc Four swede, purple top Seventccr cvtne- - j A. Ba:clay 1, G. Simpson 2, Jdcucs Ho'ru: 3.

Four swede, green top — A. Carruthers 1, A. M'Nee 2, D R. Hunter 3. Four swede, any other variety, to be named. Seven entries— David Scott 1, A. Barclay 2, Henderson Bros. 3. Four Aberdeen, yellow, purple top. Eigteen entries — Geo. Simpson 1, Alex. Ross 2, John Brown 3. Four Aberdeen, yellow, green top. Twentyone entries— Geo. Young 1, Alex. Ross 2, Samuel Henderson 3. Four hybrids, except Waite's Eclipse, to be named. Eight entries— Hugh M'Coll 1, Jas. Holms 2 and 3. Four Waite's Eclipse. Six entiles— George Samson 1 and 2, John Giant 3. Four eaily white field, to be named. Eight entries— Albert Cole 1, C. Young 2 and 3. Four turnips, any variety but swedes, to be named. Four entries— A. Camithyrs 1, George Snnson 2 and 3. Twelve swedes, any variety, to be named. Eißht entries— D. Scott 1 a^id special, Albeit Cole 2, A. Cariuthers 3. Best collection field turnips, limited to 21 , varieties, of winch not more than three may be i swedes, to be named— Geo. Simpson 1 and 2. OTHER ROOTS. Four mangolds, long red. Six entries — W. S. Fleming 1 and 2. Four mangolds, orange g.obc — C. Wyeth 1, ' A. M-Nee 2 i Four mangolds, golden tankard— C. Wyeth , 1, 2, arc! 3. Six field carrots, ice?— F M'Kay 1 and 2. I f-.x fip'd carrot =, -white Four entries — C. Wyeth 1 and 3, Alex. M'Nec 2. Six led beet. Four entries— D. Anderson 1, C. Wyeth 2 ard 3. Three drumhead cabbage. Seven entriesWatson Bros. 1, C. AVyeth 2 and 3. CRAIN. Judge Mr David Tcdd (Dunedin). Tuscan wheat — AY. S. Andrews 1 and 3, John Core 2. ) Vehet wheat— John Cowie 1 and 2, J. D. Shand 3. Spairowbill cat" S.x entries — John M. Pi cc 1, T W Perry 2 and 3. Sutherland oats. Three entries— G. R Johnston T. Dun oats— Wm. Ford 1. Back oats. Five entno°— H. M'Coll 1 and h c , G. C Tothill 2, Jas. Holms 3, Henderson Bios. 4 Gaiton oat°. Five entries— J. Butler 1, J. Horrel) 2, J 11. Thomson 3. Aii) other variety oats. Frur entiies— J. (Waverley) 1, T. G Logan (Waveiley) 2. OPEN CLASSES. Oat?. i Tartarian, lorg. Four catKes — J. G. AVatso,. 1 ai:T h c Hamilton— N.ZL and MA. Co. he. fcutherlands— G. R. Johnston h c. Danish— N.Z.L. and MA Co. (Invercaigi!') h c. Garton — Four entree — Wnght. Steriliensoi], and Co. (Gore) h c, N.Z L and M A. Co. h c. SEEDS. Judge- Mr David Todd (Ducedm). , T?vepfra--«, perermal Eight entries — S. H^i - i dci'on 1, J. Grcwei 2, W Kennedy 3, J. A. , Hampton 1. I Rje^ra-s. Itahar c r-r>i 0.-, r ,c= — Duncan Kins; 1 a.-d 3. J. Grovrr 2 T Mi! er ■! \ Tmiotliv T v o entries — W V< rd 1 Hard Fescut O:*c entix Biowning 1 Faw-s 1 table— X. C. Lindsay 1, Mark ! fchaw 2.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2572, 1 July 1903, Page 11

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SOUTHLAND WINTER SHOW. Otago Witness, Issue 2572, 1 July 1903, Page 11

SOUTHLAND WINTER SHOW. Otago Witness, Issue 2572, 1 July 1903, Page 11