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The dredgemastsr of the Point dOr dredge -wired on the sth that he had bottomed on ■wash on Monday night, the prospects being very fair. ihe dredgemaster of the New Alpine Consols dredge wired on the sth that work had been suspended in the- meantime, as he could not Lottom. The drift has also been troublesome. The Junction Waikaka dredge commenced operations on the 4th on the upper portions of the claim, formerly held by the Eclipse Company. The machinery was running well, and fair gold was showing on the mats within four lours after a start was made. The master of the Molyneux Kohinoor dredge reported- on Thursday, 30th, that since his previous advico he had been -working up the river, " trying both sides, but had not struck payable •wash. Operations were suspended on Thursday morning, and the dredge was shifted up to the mouth of Coal Creek There was no wash-up last week. The Mystery Flat dredge was working for 116 hours last week, the remainder of the time being occupied in bushing the buckets. The dredgema3ter reports that a change has taken place in the ground on the east side, approaching Hessey's bore. Some of the shareholders in the New Halfway House Gold Dredging Company have not yet paid the levy of 13 per share made by the directors some little time ago, and to these a circular has been issued requesting that payment be made without delay. The dredgemaster and engineer have been appointed, and as soon as the remainder of the levy is subscribed operations will be commenced. If shareholders are really anxious for a run for their money they should pay up without delay, and enable the dredge to start work as soon as the river is favourable. The manager of the Barewood Gold Mining Company reports that during the four weeks ended April 25 the quantity of stone put through the battery was 60 tons, from which 23Goz of amalgam, yielding 650z 15dwt retorted gold, was obtained. Crushing was, however, only carried on for ona week during the month, owing to the shortness of water. The quantity of stone taken out of the min<? during the month ■was 100 tons, the quality being the same as usual, while the slopes looked the same as previously. With Tegard to surface work, the manager states that the new winding winch is in position, and the shaft has been skidded down to the 130 ft level. The poppet wheels, cage, and baling tanks are all fixed. All the uevr plant ia working satisfactorily. An Auckland telegram states that during the past three weeks Ihe gold returns from the Auckland district total £63.038. During April the Talisman Consolidated Gold Mining Company crushed 3202 tons of ore for bullion valued at £6243 A call of 2d per share has been made on contributing shares in the Shotover Quartz Miring Company, payable on Wednesday, 13th inst. The Dunstan Times states that the New Vincent dredge obtained 30oz of gold last week.— Bidding for the Old Dunstan dredge and claim on Friday was started at £700 by Mr T. Steele, lut rose slowly to £1150, coming from Mr Wilkinson. Tho property was passed in, but was offered later at £1475, but there were no buyers. '— Knewstubb Broj. made a start pulling down the Shepherd's Creek dredge on Monday, and are making very good nrogress with the work. — The Nevis correspondent of the same paper Bays: Tho Remarkables dredge has opened out ■with payable results, and she will be well "berthed for the winter.— The Crewe No. 1 is still getting well on in the teens every week.— The Crewe No. 2, at the Upper Nevis, is fighting against some amount of difficulty in opening out, and is not expected to do more than get safe out of the main ttream and snug into •winter quarters. — The Undaunted Company in the Nevis Gorge is bringing in a race to try some ground in the old " Second to None " claim. I hear they intend to erect an elevating plant. They will have but a poor water supply, ■unless they erect a good dam, for which there are several good sites. — The sluicing claims are all agog, as it is getting towards wash-up time, and they are all putting in full time. Messrs Park, Reynolds, and Co. will sell on Monday, 18th inst., the dredging machinery, pontoons, etc., of the Horseshoe Bend Gold Dredging Company (in liquidation). On Friday, 22nd inst., they will offer for sale the Coal Creek Flat Company's dredge and claim, etc. The secretary of the New Alpine Consols Company reports a return of IGoz 17dwt 7gr for 40 hours' work. The secretary of the Manuherikia Company las been advised that dredging was suspended on Tuesday on account of the rise in the river. Tho master of the Cromwell No. 1 dredge ■wired on the Bth stating that he was working steadily, but that the drift was bad. The master of the No. 2 dreage wired that he was ■working steadily, and that the prospects were good. There was no return from the Globe dredge last week, the dredgemaster being engaged in Tebushing the buckets and overhauling the machinery. The ground on which the Lady Roxburgh dredge was working last week averaged from 38ft to 42ft in depth, and the width of the cut •was from 70ft to 80ft. After a careful inspection of the claim, the ■directors of the Golden Bed Dredging Company have given instructions to turn the" dredge towards the river, where she will cut through the better ground met with soon after tho dredge started, and on reaching the river she ■will drop down to the bottom of the claim, so as to follow and work the lead running into the flat where the small, old Otago dredge obtained 470z of gold in one week. The depth of the ground worked by {he function Electric No. 2 dredge last week varied from 35ft to 39ft, but the prospects at the end of the week indicated that this week's return ■would be smaller than last week's. The river rose 18in on Saturday and Sunday, and as the fdredce could only work to a depth of 40ft the

dredgemaster did not expect to be able to bottom unless the river fell. The Grand Junction Company's No. 1 dredge was idle for 14 hours on Friday last, owing to a small breakage. The greater portion of the ground, which was stony, was about 30ft deep, though in some places tho depth was 40ft. The average distance worked ahead by this dredge is about 15ft per week. The No. 2 dredge took a cut across the river, but as no payable wash was struck she was pulled 15ft ahead, and by the end of the week was halfway across on the next cut. A little fine gold wa3 obtained, but the dredgemaster could not say whether it would prove payable or not. The New Roxburgh Jubilee dredge had an exceptionally good run last week, and there was no stoppage except while the mats were being washed. The oil feeders are so arranged that the bearings can be oiled while the dredge is running, and additional working time is thereby secured. The dredge was working in the centre of the river, where the drift was not very troublesome. The first part of the week was occupied in opening out a cut, and as some very good wash was struck a good return is expected this week. The master of the Point dOr dredge commenced to shift down the claim on Wednesday week, completing his task the following morning. The lines were placed in position on Thursday, and dredging was commenced at 12 o'clock that night. It was necessary to dredge some tailings away in order to get tHe river into the bank, but the dredgemaster expected to get into the face on Monday last, after which he expected some good returns, as the best gold was previously obtained close to this ground. The dredge was working well, and she is expected to run steadily for some time. Portion of the necessary material for lengthening the ladder of the Golden River dredge reached the claim on Friday last, and the balance is expected to arrive at its destination to-day. The dredgemastei expected to finish relipping the buckets either by the end of last week or by Monday. New plates for the top tumbler and a ladder roller will be required., and the bushes of the lower tumbler will be examined when the ladder is out. The Sailor's Bend dredge has done very little work since the end of September, owing to the continued high river, but the company is still in a good financial position, and as another start will probably be made within the next week or two the outlook for the shareholders is fairly bright, particularly as the claim has yielded good returns ever since work was commenced. The quantity of gold won during the half-year ended March 31 was 9oz 13dwt, valued at £38 16s 3d, in addition to which £9 17s lid was received in interest. The expenditure under the heading of profit and loss for the six months was £620 4s 7d, and there was a credit balance of £666 3s 6d to be carried forward. On March 31 the company had £500 on deposit and a current banking account of £33 9s 7d; while the liabilities amounted to £212 5s Id, and the contingent liabilities to £3 19s 2d. The Molyneux Kohinoor dredge was working on the east side of the river in the early part of last week. The dredge managed to bottom, although the ground was veTy deep, but there was no payable gold, and therefore the dredgemaster pulled ahead again. After shifting up to Coal Creek work was resumed at midday on Friday, and the dredge struck a nice soft bottom, carrying payable gold, on the west side of the cut. At the end of, the week the ground was more than 40ft deep, but the bottom was rising fast as the dredge worked in, and the wash was making towards the east bank. Since the dredge started at Coal Creek the prospects have been much brighter, and when a cut is opened out there should be a face of good ground to work on. The Waikaia correspondent of the Mataura Ensign says:— "The Argyle Company are at present sluicing on the terraces opposite their hydraulic claim, but I understand that it is their intention to shift their plant to the lower end of the flat, next to the Hessey Company's ground, where recent bores gave excellent prospects.—All the dredges now in course of construction are being brought to completion as rapidly as possible, and there is quite an army of strangers in the township engaged in the necessary work of putting up machinery, etc. — • It is reported that the prospects obtained by Mr Gordon in the boring of Hazeldine and party's claim are exceptionally good. This property, which has hung fire for some time, is under offer to Messrs Knewstubb Bros., who are to be congratulated on having secured the option over a first-class venture. If they complete the purchase it is their intention to put on an up-to-date dredge at once." The directors of the Victory Gold Dredging Company find, after a lengthy run, that the results obtained do not justify them m carrying on operations any lona;<-r, and they have consequently decided to call shareholders together to consider the financial position. The dredge io just paying her way, but as the mortgage fell due on April 1, and the renewal, which was granted for six weeks, will expire on the Bth inst., the question of its payment •will have to be considered. The elevator slide on the Rise and Shine dredge has been replaced by Tollers, and the secretary has been advised that operations were resumed on Wednesday. The directors of the Shetland Terrace Sluicing Company have appointed Mr John Ramsay (late manager of the Round Hill Mining Company) to the position of manager of the claim. In the meantime he is going to undertake the supervision of certain work on the claim prior to the commencement of sluicing operations, which will not begin for about 12 weeks yet. There was no improvement in the wash being worked by the Central Mataura dredge last week, and tho ground was stiH deep in places. The work of rebushing the buckets was commenced during the week, and the dredgerraster states that some of them will require relipping shortly, though they will run for a few weeks yet. The machinery was working satisfactorily. The additional oil engine required for the Molyneux Falls dredge arrived at Port Chalmers by the s.s. Rangatira. Work in connection with the dredge is well advanced, and operations will probably be commenced within the next Jionth, by which time the river is almest certain to be in a favourable condition. The ground on which tho Alexandra Lead dredge was working beforo she was shifted out into the river was very shallow, and the diedgemaster is of opinion that it must have been worked in the early days, as there was not much solid ground and very little gold. A start was made out in the river at 2 o'clock on Monday, 4th inst. Towards the end of last week thp depth of the ground on which the Feddersen dredge was working changed from about 10ft to about 20ft, with nothing but fine tlrifty gravel and poor prospects. The width of the cut was 200 ft, the river being very narrow where the dredpre was working. The droc'ge went' well out into the river, but the dredgemaster was extending the cut, as he intended to cross the river and prospect it. The river was very shallow, aiuli the work of getting out wa3 slower than it would otherwise have been. At the lower end of the claim, beside the island, there is a beach to work yet, where dredging was previously left off. The dredgemaster has no doubt about the gold that was crossed in the beach going down the cer.tro of tho beach a distance of about 300 yards. He will probably have to work for a few weeks to get into it, but when ho does get in he expects to have about three

months' work to reach the point where he started and struck gold. The master of the Dunstan Lead dredge reports that he has shifted back about a length in order to work the east side of the river to the point from which he dropped back, arid he will then open out a cut for the winter months. The river rose after the dredgo was sluited, and the drift was expected to be running for a while. Tho greater part of this week will be occupied in opening out, but when this is accomplished fair returns should be recorded for some time. Later advice states that the headline backer was pulledi out cv Monday last, and the dredge dropped back into a bit of a rip, 34 hours being lost before she could be got back into her place and dredging resumed. Work was resumed about 6.30 p.m. on Tuesday, sth, and but for the delay the cut would have baen nicely opened out by the end of last week. The master of the Electric No. 1 dredge stated in his report for last week that the prospects were still good, and that the gold, which was very dark, was getting coarser. The ground on the Bannockburn side was still very rough, but the prospects were good, and, with a steady run, the mastsr expects 1 a good return this week. The character of the gold obtained by the No. 2 dredge was the same as that won during the previous week, about fourfifths being coarse and one-fifth fine. The colour of the gold was bright, that of a dark colour having given out. Since Wednesday the dredgo had been working on a coal outcrop bottom, which appears to have been a very good gold catcher, as tho prospects obtained from it were better than those got before. This accounts to a considerable extent for the increased return. The dredge was pulled ahead 15ft during the week, and the depth of tho groundi was still about 43ft. The adjourned meeting of the Last Chance Gold) Dredging Company, ;alled lor the 7th inst., like the originally called meeting, lapsed for want of a quorum. The meeting now stands p.djourned sine die. A strong syndicats of Wellington and Christchurch men has arranged for samples of copper oro from the Aniseed Valley district, Nelson, being sent to the Mount Lyell Company's works, Tasmania, together with some five tons of sulphide ore from the United lodge, and a ton of low grade ore from the Monster lode, that it ma.y be practically treated, and the results ascertained. Some 17 years have elapsed since smelting operitions wera carried on in the Aniseed Valley (says the Colonist), but since that time there ha\7o beon many scientific developments. Year 3 ago the expense of treating the sulphide ores was very great, owing to the necessity of roasting these in order to drive off the sulphur, but it has since been discovered that the sulphur is a blessing instead of a hindrance, for that under a powerful blast the sulphur serves to smelt the copper^ It is stated that 2 per cent, ore is profitably treated by this process, whilst the United ore runs from 7 per cent, upwards, and contains more gold than the Tasmanian stone. The Alexandra Herald states that the Molyneux Hydraulic dredge is stopped at present to allow of some new plates being put in the screen. The Upper Clutha correspondent of the Alexandra Herald says:— "lt has now been definitely arranged that the New Royal Maori Company takes over Werner's claim on the Clutha, at the foot of the Five-mile Creek, and it is the intention to place the Upper Magnetic dredge, which has been offered {0 the company, on the claim with the least possible delay. The Upper Magnetic is a first-clas3 machine that can dredge over 50ft, and which can easily be provided with the necessary elevator. It will need to be dismantled, of course, and shifted by waggon, as the Natural Bridge and several rapids on the Kawarau preclude it being shifted by water. The property acquired by the company is supposed to be a first-class investment. This is the opinion of the borers, and is shared by the miners in the locality." Tenders are invited for tribute or lease of the Pleasant Valley Gold Mining Company's claim, above Coal Creek. The New Golden Gravel dredge resumed operations on Thursday last, a new first motion shaft having been fitted up. The master of the Endeavour dredge reports that there was no wash up last week. On account of the rise in the river the dredge has been unable to work in her present position. The secretary of the New Royal Maori Company reports that there was no wash up last week as the dredge has not bottomed yet. The secretary of the Central Charlton Company reports a return of 19oz 4dwt for 123 hcurs' work. The large bevel pinion on the screen drive was stripped on Thursday morning, but as there was a duplicate one on hand only 12 hours wcro lost, though the return was ufiected in consequence of the stoppage. The Victory dredge was working well last week, and the machinery was in fairly good order. Tho dredgemaster was still heading towards the old workings. There was a, slight improvement in last week's return. The directors of the Waitnumu Queen Gold Dredging Company have declared a dividend (tho fifth) of Is per share, payable on the 13th irjst. The directors of the Waikaka Gold Dredging Company have declared tho third dividend of Is per share, payable on the 9th inst. The dredgemaster of the Cornwall dredge stated in hi 3 report for last week that he intended to narrow the cut down to a width of about two chains until he struck better wash. The dredge was about i 6 yards from the top shaft put down at the mouth of Cockabully Creek. The depth of the ground was about 15ft. The Watterson's-Ahaura dredge has been shifted out into deeper ground, as the best gold has been proved to be near tho centre of the stream. There was a plentiful supply of water for the tables, which were working to much better advantage than formerly. A good de: ' of time was lost last week in effecting necessary repair;, but it in expected that the dredge will now run steadily The return obtained by the North Beach dredge last week was the result of three days' work on the back lead and three days on the fch ingle lead, both leads proving disappointing. A little time was lost during the week in taking out broken buckets, which required repairing. A telegram has been received from tho dredgemastor indicating that there is not likely to be much improvement in tho return thii week. Tho Three-mile ('Greenstone Creek) dredge was working ou tho northern half of the face for tho greater part of las'. week. Tlip ground was very tight and rough in place? and bottom was exceptionally rough and uneven. The south side of the face was somewhat drifty, but was easily dredged, and the ground there was expected to improve as the dredge worked ahead. The machinery was working fairly well. The Golden United Company's consulting engineer reports that his representative visited tho claim on April 23, when favourable progress was being made with th • erection of the n.achinery. The condenser and pump were fixed, the ladder was riveted up Teady for lifting, the elevator riveted ready for erection, the screen and top tumbler were in position, and the first and second motion shaft 3 and the ecreen driving gear were erected. The directors of the Davis's Bend Dredging Company have appointed Mr John R. Baker to the position of dredgemaster of the No. 2

The master of the Golden Run Company reports a return of 290z 14dwt for 130 hours. StLl dredging in broken ground. The master of the Riley's Beach Gold Dredging Company wires a return of 6oz 9dwt for eight days. Ground very, rough and drift heavy. Owing to a misunderstanding as to the working of the claim between the local directors of the Waikaka United Company and Mr Leonard Robinson, the master of the No. 1 dredge, the latter has handed the dredge over to Mr A. Louden, pending an appeal to the board of directors concerning the Question in dispute. "* The master of the Rise and Shine Company's dredge advised the secratary on Saturday this he had been occupied in cleaning out the paddock since resuming work. The machinery was running well. Messrs Park, Reynolds, and Co. will sell on Friday, 22nd inst., at their rooms, Manse street, the Kelly and Casey Beacb Dredging Company's claim and dredge. The master of the Davis's Bend No. 1 dredge wired that he was starting work on Monday morning. The dredgemaster of the Endeavour dredga wired that he resumed operations at midnight on Sunday. There was no wash up on the Junction Waikaka Company's dredge last week- A hard bar has been struck, and the dredge has been pulled ahead. Owing to a delay in transit of some machinery for the Prince Arthur dredge the dredge was kept idle, and there was no wash up last week. The dredgemaster of the Mokok dredge wireS on Monday that the river was too high for work-, ing, and that it was r.till rising. He stated hewever, that he did not expect a big rise. The secretary of the New' Teviot Company ■received a telegram from the dredgemaster stating that work -would be resumed on Monday on the upper part of the claim. * The master of the Enfield dredge -was engaged in putting in a new screen last week, and there was therefore no return Work haa cgain been commenced, everything running well. The dredgemaster of Lafranchi's Freehold Company reports that he has been operating on. a patch of very poor ground during the past/ two weeks, tho prospects from which did nofe warrant him in stopping to wash up. He ia working across towards a point where he previously got very good returns, and says he may, cut the lead at any time, when he fully expects to be compensated for recent unprofitable work. The machinery is running well. The dredgemaster of the Lower Enfieldl dredge stated in his report for last week that he was shifting the pipe line, and would bo elevating a dam in the river at Post Office Creek on Monday. He cannot get the dredga over the bar of rock until he damns up tho river 2ft. An old elevating plant has been procured and connected with the pipes, and the dredgemaster stated that he could elevate sufficient gravel into the river to dam it up in four hours on Monday. He expects to start dredging again on Wednesday. The Meg and Annie dredge is still undergoing an overhaul. Dredging will probably ba resumed next week. The dredgemaster of the Riley's Beach dredgo wires stating that he has pulled 30ft ahead! past the 3lip where the heavy stones were proving troublesome, and he expects by this means to overcome the difficulties which were retarding successful working. ? Good progress is being made with the ere,ctiou of the pontoons of the Nugent Wood Company's dredge, their claim being situated or* Muddy Creek, near Waikaia The whole o? the timber, as well as the machinery, is now on the ground. An Auckland telegram states that the Bunker's Hill Gold Mining Company's return is 5500z of gold, of tho approximate value o' £1690.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2565, 13 May 1903, Page 23

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THE WEEK'S MINING NEWS Otago Witness, Issue 2565, 13 May 1903, Page 23

THE WEEK'S MINING NEWS Otago Witness, Issue 2565, 13 May 1903, Page 23