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The meeting of the Racing Cub Ust Thursday was successfully bi ought off in braulitul weather, but the fixture delmu.ds no lengthy notice. Tradition, the horae that ran second in Loth a Caul/ield Cup and Melbourne Cup, was represented by two w, uners- Myth 6 13 in the Trial Handicap and Pastime 10 S in the Hurdle Race. Myth, who in a fine stamp of a mare, carried S 0 (including a. 7!b penalty) in the Welter Handicap lfter in the aft-eracm, and on'y fp.:!ed hy a head to Jadoo 8 9, who scored a lucky win for T Denipsey Plunger 10.12 (who has finished hii= term of disqualification) won the Steeplechase, while Gosport canned 10.10 including a Tib i>en*lty) to victory in the Jumpers' fiat

Race. Gosport is by Portsea, and i* a big 1 , clumsy horse that wants plesty of &ea-sooii» when he is racing,. The Maribymong Handicap, on-e mile, was won by the up-counrfery perfoimer Murlagaai 7.13, by Pilgrim's Progress. Jfnrlagan ran second to the New Zealand-bred Etang m the hvst Hamilton (Victoria) Cuj?»


The August meeting of the Victoria Placing Clnb was held last Saturday m bright weather. Fields were not ta~ge, but the racing was good, , and several horses of class wera seen out. Qns of these was the Loyalty colt Loyal, who ha* a first-class chance in the V.R.C. Derby. Ha has only been in work a few weeks, a.nd waa not thoug&t to be nearly ready. H© was therefore allowed to go out -an backed for the Thiea and Four-year-ofd Handicap, sevea furlongs, in which he had top weight, 9.0. There wero only nine starteray and Loyal' waa at 30 to I offered. AH the same, his condition was good enough to last out the distance, and he led all tbe vra,y, -winning easily from Billali 7.2 (whois a full brother to Bobadil) and RunnymEda ■ 7.12. Loyal lias grown into a very Eice cols. • He is not a big r fnuned one, but shows any amount of quality; and Brnlspan, Abundance, and Strata Florida will n»&d to be at flieir beat to beat him in the Derby. War-i-aoi 7.7, by Bill of Portland, was an odds-on favourite,, bub he ran a poor He is trained by J. "Wilson, Jan., and is owned by Mr Herbertr Power, v. ho has irot won a race since he took, the Derby and Cup with Merriivee in 169J):" Positive, a big Po"sitano> colt, trained by Jamea Scobie, was well backed, but ran green. T think he will turn out a good horse. Scobie had another horse running at tha mating — Free* States, — who, carrying 8.5, or o' 51b over the minimum, scored an easy win. in. the Welter Handicap, one mile. He was not stl all fancied, y^sufc- 9-6 bei-ng a hot. ,' farourrtc. Free States is in the Derby. H&- , is owned by Sir Rupert Clarke, and is by Bill 'of Portland from Martingale, by MartiniHenry. I spoke favourably of him in a- previous letter. He is a very fino colt, and, though perhaps hardly good enough for ihe> . Derby, should turn, out a profitable horse. Ar.otber three-yeai-old to run prominently ab j tha meeting was Homeward Bound, by Bill , of Portland, who. carrying &.9, finished second to Muntchaka 7.3 in the August Hofidicap, on* mile and a-half. He is in the Epsom Handicap, Metropolitan, CtuttSeld Cup, Derby, and Me!bou.xrre Cup, but has so fox bsen a disappointment. He started a very warm favourite here, but Muntchaka vwho is by Wellington,. ! and ha* been showing signs of la-rcenesa on. the tiacka) beat him very easily. The- stewards did not like the way Mariana, was nddeir, and disqualified her. as wel' as the jockey r Percy King, who is -a leading light-weight, for sir months. When being granted his riding license the oth«T day King, was warned by the V.R.C. Committee to be careful a3 to ni3 future conduct. 1 Seclusion, who it a stab'e companion of Homeward Bound and War-l-ar;, was success- ; fill in the Show Handicap, sis furlongs. Sho ' earned 8 7 and won very easily from. Vexne, , who is a full sister to Biilali Th- conditions ' of the Hurdle Race and Steeplechase provided for a maximum weight of 12.7, and this £t was geuerally though! would give tlie double ■ to Mr Albert Miller, but as it turned out ha • I won neither race. He started Colonel Shilin- ■ ski (who, of course, hod tojv ■w.eij'h.t) in the . , Huxdle Race, and though he ran" second La was easily baatert by Report 0.4, who is owned ; by Bob- Batty, an ol<J-time jockey. Mi- Miller got two places with Kaimat* 19.9 and Tangier^ , 10.0 in tha Steeplechase, bui A.2T.A. aD baafc • them both badly. A.X.A. is only a pany, But lia a fine, juniper. He ran a good race in tb> >, VJi.C. Grand National Steeplechase. Drum- | mer came down at the treacherous stone wall known as "the cathedral," and his joak-ey, T. ■ Waller, had his arm bvoksu. RACING DC SYDNEY. The racing at Rosehill on Saturday wa» pL , more than, ordinary interest, because aeverkl ' leading Derby and Cup candidates ran m the weight-for-age event — the Rn.wson Stakes, on« nuie and a furlong. The race went to Patron- , age (allowed 7lb), ' with Abundance (allowed 7lb) second and Brakpan third. Tlie wimißr Is engaged m tho Metropolitan, CauUield Cap, 1 end M.2ibourne Cup. and it is quite possible ' that h« will talce one of these races. Perhaps I Abundance and Brakpan were noft quite ready. I They should, however, be pretty well just now, as the A.J.C. Derby \vill \vs run on September 6 — only three weeks from th? date of this race. | Cyanide, by Metal, who is in the Metropolitan, accounted lor the Rcaehill Autumn Handicap ea&ily, but osly beat a poor field. Air Motor 7.12 was successful in tlie Clyde Handicap, six. and a-half furlong*. This filly is by Ayr Laddie (imp.) from Windmill* by Goldsbrough, aoid lias been, well backed for the Epsom, Handicap, Metropolitan, and Caulfield Cnp. Monarch 12.10 was successful in tha Hnnt Club Steeplechase ; Duni-Duni 8.0, by Projectile, won the Granville Stakes, six furlongs; I while Stillwater S.B, by Far Kiente, tcok the i Parrama.ttap Mile for Tom Pay ten. This colt ' | i* in the Metropolitan, Caulfield Cup, aad ' Melbourne Cup. RACING IS ADELAIDE-. Tlie Grand National meeting of the Adeiaid* Racing ChtU was concludfed laal Saturdjcy, i whan the Grand Natioaal Steeplechaser wank' to Supplejack 10.0, by Sir Oliver. He waa not-, "fancied, and p«nd a dividend of &11 odd ur the totnlisatof. Another two-yeax-old event I waa run at the meeting — a handicap tins tiaic: How the haudicappex could be expected to ' apportion the weight* fairy I do not know% , as it was only the second two-year-old event run in Australia this season. The winner was ' Caerleon 8.10. who raji second to St. Vincent the previous Saturday. He is also by Carlyon, ■ a«d is a full brother to the Newmarket Handi- ! cap winner, Carlton. Silver King 8.5, by I Broken Hill, ran <recoid, and Ciwrville 7.7, by J Carlyoa, third. Another Carlyon in Troubnd<"> 8.13 (a- full brother to St. Vincent) acorad in the Mayor's Mile. Elacd 0.11, by ' the Melbourne Cup winner Mfthrolio, wen thff ! Welter. Eland formerly carried Mr Albert ' Miller's r.hite jacket in MaHjourne. Harry ! 10.0 v/as successful in the Hurdle Race, -while Adoia-ide 7.12, by Lochiel, won the Ocrpora- ' tion Handicap, five furlongs. The minimum . weight was 6.7, and Fortune Teller carried 11.13 into third place A.J.C. SPRING MEETING. The Australian Jockey Club's spring ni(-e!M-gf , wi'l commence at Rar.dwick c n .September 6. 'Jhe leading events may result as ur.der — A.J C. Debby. Biakpan 1 Abundance 2 .Strata Florida . ■ . . . '■* EysoM nvsTJirAi-. Bon Vo'-agc or Au Motor . 1 The Idler . ... 'J Bar<.* 3 McTaopotn-vx Pifro'inge 1 I Pur.-rur 2 Air Motor or The Idler .. .. 3 j ODDS AND ENDS. In Ad^lajt'e, Jlo'jcli., h; Mostyu, ha 1 ? *>ecu Fo'd to R E. Howie ibi 1(5 guireas, •vhi' ' Sara^a'c, by To>=tig, v. s ntud for 73 to V. E'Lott, and is t- tuided for Wes; Au--. tra'ia. The three-year-old filly Boumbel, by Beau-j chanip from Bonnette. has been £flld ji£j

Sydney, through Messrs H. , Chisholm and Sons, to Mr G. D. Wood. Messr* Campbell and Sons sold in Melbourne last week the trotting stallion Honest Bey, by Hou«aty — Dolly, to Messrs Savory, Borrigan, and Towers. Honest Boy is deslined for West Australia. Tie Idler left Melbourne for Sydney last »reek. He has a good show in either the jppsom Handicap or Metropolitan. It transpires that the Teason of th« with- • Irawal of Australian Colours from hia spring togageinents was that the i'orße, having struck limself, developed lamenetrt, and Mr Macken (referred to withdraw him tp running the risk 'hj breahiig Him down. It is not certain that Australian Colours will race here again, for Us owner contemplates sending him to Engand to Mr V. Foy, who maintains a email . acing string there. Th-e- horses entered for the different weight-foi-age events at th© A.J.C. spring meeting are as follows:— The Persian, Antae, Sir Leonard, Great Scot, Biue Metal, Patronage, Felicitous, Gauleon, Lord Middleton, Horace, jwakeful, Maltster, The Idler, Homeward (Bound, Abington, Glenore, Spirea, Brakpan, [Long Tom 1 , Cyanide, Abundance, Sequence, •Ibex, Footbolt, Strata Florid*, Uneasy, BeMilano, Simile, The Caretaker," Crawifurd, Saida, Euston, Ber Hur, Ossian, (War-i-an, and Philibeg. • F. Kuhn has had his license to ride granted by the A.J.C. Committee. It was only withheld for a few days. • The Orme horse which Messrs Clark and fKobinsofn are pending out to Australia is ©imenus, a chestnut, foaled in 1898, and bred fhy ihe late Duke of Westminster. The dajn of Ormenus is Ruth (dam of Taporley, a goc>d by Scottiph Chief. Ormenus rea,'■dsed 1700 guineas at the sale of tiie late Duke of Westminster's stud. He will arrive i>t the beginning of next month, and will be cffeied for sale shortly afterwards. . Lady Peri, dam of the well-known steeplechaser Error, lost twin foals to Enfilade a few tfaya ago. Syr Leonard is being very steadily backed Sot the Caulfield Clip. The son of Impetus has thickened out a lot since the autumn, and is a horee likely to turn out a great success this season. Flagship, Miltiades, Old Salt, and Omrah are also being supported for the Caulneld Cup. At a meeting of the Victorian Football Association last Friday one of the delegates referred to the rumour that in a recent football niiatch, Richmond v. Footscray, an attempt .■was made to bribe some of the Footscray players to lose the match. The match was won by Richmond. An inquiry is to be held into the matter by the association next wer-k. All Wiong broke his shoulder when he fell in the Steeplechase at Maribyrnong on ThursWay las-t, and was 'subsequently destroyed. fie was by Mistake from a mare by Salisbury, «nd was only a moderate performer. I -The V.H.C. Committee have decided to reciprocate with the Queensland Turf Club in regard to endorsing disqualifications. Sainfoin, who was, on appeal to the V.R.C. Committee, given the Caulfield Cup won by ,Tim Swiveller, 'has recently changed hands. .The son of Richmond will m future do stud Vluty at Mr S. G. Cook's Quamby stud in | .Victoria,'. in place of the recently-defunct horse JThe Admiral, to whom Sainfoin is related. • 'Tlie balance sheet of tk* A.J.C. for the past year shows that the excess of revenue over Expenditure was JE6OS4. The total revenue for # [the 12 months was- jK'2,406. Th-s report states , [that the prize money for the coming year had j jbeen raised by £2700. Rfcgret is expressed that | •aio progress has been made with the bill to ( legalise the tolalisator. ' The railway fares from Melbourne to FleinSngton— only about three miles and a-half — on ' jace days have always been excessive— viz., j Bd first class and 2s second class. Tlie V.R.C. ■' Wot 6d from each ticket sold, which in the sear ■ •temounted to about £2100. The V.R.C. Com'imittee have agreed, to give up this sum on that their members were carried by [frail free cf chaTge, and that the fares to the public were reduced to 2s first and Is 3d second class. The Railway Dopartment have agreed, "mnd the new order of -things will come into vogue for the next V.R.C. spring meeting. Inquisitive and Skysail have been shipped to ."West Australia. At the Epsom Racing. Club meeting yesterday Florist 7.13, by Harmonist, was successful in the Trial Handicap. She was purchased at auction the previous day for 125gs by Mr F. • .-Smith, owner of Viceroy. Perquisite 9.13, an- ' ©th«r Harmonist mare, went out at evens, and «aslly won tho Hurdl* Race. Billy Manton [fell in this race, and his rider, N. Jt'Coll, was wther badly injured. Auber 9.0, by Padlock, won the Welter Handicap, six furlongs, for Mr Albert Miller; while Detonator, by the MelibournA Cup winner Malvolio, carried 9.13 (borne in the Jumpers' Flat R*ce, in which the bot favourite, Examiner B.G missed a place. (Aroona 7.10, by Melos, went out at 15 to 1 and landed the Epsom Handicap, five furlongs, and another outsider in Pauline Louise 7.1 was ■uccessful in the Mordialloc Handicap, one ■nile, ea&ily beating the favourite Sandboy 8.0. "Sandboy is owned by A. Ferguaaon- Sims, by Sunriae, fell in the Welter Handicap, nnd having bioken ihis fetlock was destroyed. H. J. Morrison, ;who used to ride for the late Mr W. R. Wilton, was cautioned for his riding of Flying Artillery in this event. This is the second caution he has received within a week. There was a good deal of wageriEg over future events at the Victorian Club in. Melbourne fen Monday, b?tting, however, bung principally in the form of doubles. For the Caulfi>ld Cup and Melbourne Cup double Bonnie Chicl and Patronage were backed at £10,003 to £30, Bonnie Cluel and Wakeful at £5000 to £10, Bonnie Chiel and Loyal at £5000 to £15, Seclusion and Loyal at £5000 to £15, Patronus and Brakpan at £5000 to £10, Bon Voyage and The Persian at i£sooo to £10, Onirah pnd Patrorage at £5000 to £20, Omrah and Wakeful at £5000 to £10, Lieutenant Bill and Maltster at £5000 to £10, nnd Strata Florida and Patronage at £5000 to 'dEIO. Straight out for the Caulfield Cup, Patronage was backed at £1000 to £60, Great Scot ttt £1000 to £30, and Lieutenant Bill at £500 ■to £20. During the past few days Sir Leonard has been supported for tha same event to win about £3000, at 100 to 3. For the V.R.C. Derby and Melbourne Cup double £1000 to £30 •was taken Loyal and Loyal, £5000 to £50 Lo> al and Kinghke, and £5000 to £50 Loyal and Patronage. The nominal favourites for the Melbourne Cup are Patronage and Loyal.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2529, 3 September 1902, Page 47

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SPORTING NOTES FROM AUSTRALIA. Otago Witness, Issue 2529, 3 September 1902, Page 47

SPORTING NOTES FROM AUSTRALIA. Otago Witness, Issue 2529, 3 September 1902, Page 47