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The dredgemaster of the Happy Valley dredge {Mr A. N. Wakefieia) reported under date 21st Snst. that the dredge is working very well, tfhe ground was very easy to work, and there was much more gravel then previously, while fche overburden of clay was about 4ft on Bft to 9ft of gravel, which was very loose, ana carried very little gold. Owing to its loose nature, however, the dredge could lift and treat Buch a quantity that it bscame payable. He waa of opinion that he was coming on to the better Dart of the claim, and believed that the returns would steadily increase. He struck better gold m-nch sooner than he expected, as 3bo did not think he would get much tiil he reached Curtin'e ground, which would have "taken, some months even with a very narrow cut. The face waa some six chains w:de, and if as he advanced the gold showed any signs of extending into the hill he would at once open out the other t^o chains. The dredge gave great satisfaction, everything running perfectly and giving no trouble -whatever. As proof, he stated that since he took charge ehfi lias given 21 returns out of a possible 22. ■Were it not for the boiler tubes she would not have lost that week, and, barring accidents, eha will not require an overhaul for some time yet. tßace water is now being used in the boiler. It ifl pumped on board the dredge once a week v&en the dredge ia near the race. It is as clear as crystal, and means a much longer life to the boiler, as agzicst the filthy water formerly used, while the boiler also steams much better. A fair number of applications for preference shares in the River Molyneus Company have already been received, and others are coming feirward steadily. Those who intend to take up portion of the issue should end in fhe^r applications without deiay, in order that it may b<* known by the next meeting whether shareholders are in favour of the present scheme Sot placing the finances in a sound position. Each Shareholder is entitled to 13 preference* chares for every 100 ordinary shares, but a. Zarger proportion may be applied for, though no excess of- the above-mentioned number will 1)3 allotted until all have had an opportunity of deciding whether they will take up their quota or not. Any shares short applied for by shareholders will he allotted pro rata among those shareholders and oOiers who may apply for shares in excess of their quota.

In his report for last week the dredgemaster of the Molyneux Kohinoor dredge stated that the ground was improving, and if it continues to do bo he e2pect3 another large return this ■week. Tiie ground at pre&ent being wcjrked tja.a left by the old Dunedin dredge. This dredge was pulled ahead some distance from ivWre the Molyneux Kohinogr dr,edge is at present, and obtained 160oz for the first -week, and lit is thought that she was never taken back to the ground which was left. 3*ae dredgexnaster hopes to have about a month's ■work ibefore he strikes the old paddock, and he expects some good returns in the meantime. The wash is improving every pull ahead. He has teen hampered somewhat by the tailings, but onanaged to keep on the bottom. The wtvsh is gocfl on the west side of the cut, but he cansiot keep out, as the water is only 3ft deep. He will, however, drop back theTe later on.

The directors of the Alpine No. 2 Company have decided to have the ladder of the dredge lengthened, and the necessary material is now in course of construction. The work will be pushed on as quickly as possible, and the machinery wjll be despatched to the claim in a iew days. When the alteration is effected the dredge will be able t« work to a depth of 46ft. The Golden Molyneux Company's dredge (formerly the Merrimac) has Veen shifted to the site imuse fhe pontoons for the Metallic dredge were (built, arid the operation of dismantling the dredge has been proceeding steadily for about a week. As soon as the machinery is taken down it will be conveyed to the Golden Molyneux Company's claim, between 60 and miles *way, and as the work should proceed without interruption shareholders may look forward to ■eefctg their claim tested within a reasonable lapse of time. Tlio Golden Beach Company have been granted permission by the warden to take the dredge into the claim through the Alexandra Eureka Company's ground, and the dredgc(£gflJM( r~ n*^"^ to rtip.V» « °<Tf^i B*i Hulk d&rd

to shift the machine. In order to effect an entrance the dredge will require to be shifted up the river to the top part of the claim, and the dredgemaster of the Golden Link elredge (Mr PouHer) has been engaged to assist in the work. The claim has been thoroughly tested, some 12 or 15 shafts having been sunk ever a large aiea, with mo3t satisfactory resvilts. The beit prospects gave 2dwt to the load and the worst 16gr, so that very good returns are expected when the dredge gets fairly to work. It is expected that the dredge will work her way into the claim in a short space of time, and steady dredging wall bo commenced as soon as possible. The secretary of the Alexandra Bonanza Company tepoit3 ihc receipt of advice from the manager that he has washed-up the top stones for 240z gold. The return is for portion of tr<e paddock stripped only, ?nd when the balance is ■washed in and the place cleaned up it is hoped the return will be considercbli augmented. The break away in the race at the end of May delayed duicing operations, and reduced the amount treated, the area being only half the size of the former paddock.

The dredgemaster of the Leaning Eock elredge •wired the (secretary en the 2-lth that the river was rising and that he was unable to bottom at Pioneer Point, to which part of the claim the dredge was shifted last week. Work has been suspended, and it is intended to set to work to lengthen the ladder. Tho dredgemaster of the "Woodstock dredge reported on the 18th inst. that the prospects were payable, but he did noi expect anything niorVhan expenses for a fortnight, as he would have to open out a face. He intends to follow <the high reef, and open out into the swamp. Tho dredge is working very well, nothing giving trouble except the buckets. The dredgemaster of the Golden Beaeli Hydraulic Elevating and Dredging Company reports by wire of Wednesday's date that he lias got the dredge up to the inlet, and is fixirg the lines to enable him to commence working into the claim.

The dredgeniaster of the Fourteen-mile Beach diedge wiraa that the river is too high, and 'tho eilt is travelling, so h.s has stopped* di edging. The dredgernaster of ike Manuherikia dredge telegraphed on Wednesday that he had stopped di edging, as he could not beat the drift. The river was up 4ft, and was still rising.

TJie dTedgoinaster of the Monte Chrislo dredge wires that lie. started work on Tuesday. Ho struck good bottom', with Lice wash, and the prospects are payable. At a. meeting of the directors of the First Chaiice Dredging Company on Tuesday afternoon the shares in the new comcany wereallotted.

The dredgemaster of the Golden Kivjr dredge wired on Wednesday that the river was up sft, and also that the air pump was broken. There will be r.o wash-up thi3 week.

The secretary of the Ri\ er Molyneux Gold Dredging Company ioccive<l & wire from tlie dredgemasler on Wcdiesdav stating that the river had Tisen, and the drift was bael. Dredging was stopped on Tuesday night.

The directors oi the Laurence Gold Die-dg-ing Comprny have decided to have a new °ot j of buckets put on t!if» company's dredge, as the old ones were unfit to woik the clay, of which tlio el.iin) large] v consists, anel a good , deal of time was being continually lost through • trouble with them. The dredge has been j stopped for some time en account of the above, but the workmen will commence the operation of erecting the buckets in a few days, and the directors expect to get the dredge started pgain in about four weeks' t ime. *

The secretary of the Sailor'^ Bend Company received ach ice from the dredgemaster yesterday that the liver had ri,&en Tit at tbo dredgp. Wok was stopped at midnight, on Tuesday, aijd the dredge was being taken to a pace of safety yesterday.

The Waipori King dredge and claim, situated near Berwick, were submitted to auction by Messrs Park. Reynolds, an el Co. at th<>ir rooms on "Wednesday. The property only elicited two Did«, the highest of winch w:5 ±'350. but the liquidator had a resci\c of i'3oo, ar.d no sale was effected.

Owing to Iho hangers for tlte ladder of t'l-c Royal Maori dredge having been delayed ut Ida Valley the dredge has r.ot vet resum"d work. Tho hangers will, however, be forwarded at the fust opportunity, and diedgmg will bo begun aram as soon ay possible.

Messrs H. F. Nee, and Co., contractors for the erection of the machinery on the New Greenstone dre.dgo, report that tjio work 39 ■well in hand. The recaulking 1 is almost completed, the r.ew flaming lias been partly erected, and {he balance is ready for fixing, all the necessary timber and bolts being now on the claim. As soon aft tho framing is completed the erection of the machinery will be commenced.

In his report for last week the dredg-emaeter of the Rise and Shiue dredge stated that up till Thursday afternoon the prospects were not good^ and thorc were indications that tho return would be small, but on Friday there was a great improvement in ihc wash, and ho got on to very good feold. He got 12oz during three shifts up to Saturday morning from the top mats only. All the machinery was working very well. The company aa making very satisfactory progress, and last week's return reduced their debt to about £375. Shareholders in tho Ber.digo Go!d Dredging Company have no doubt had an anxious experience for the last week or so on account of the ladder being silted up, and they will be pleased to learn that the Wrst of the trouble has been overcome. The secretary was advised by the dredgemaster yesterday that he got the ladder up 6ft on Tuesday, having been assisted by the rising river. The ladder appears to be right up, as the dredgemaster states that ths only trouble now ie the recovery of the buckets. This is comparatively small, however, in compsrison with the ladder being down, and in all probability everything will eooa be in working order again. The dredgemaster of the Point cTOr dredge reports that he had a steady run last week, and as the wash showed a slight sign of improvement he t^id not shift the dredge, but intended to continue (for a few days longer in order to a3C3rt«iin* if it continued to get better. The gold was heavier than formerly, a very small proportion of it being fine. As the river

is very low the dredgeiraster thinks it will bo necessary before taking another cut up along the bank to pu{_the elevator in order if the deep ground ahead uoes not improve. Aa the beat

returns were .obtained near this bank it is Expected to ppy fairly well.

The directors of the Garibaldi Company have received a report, dated 16th inst., from the dredgeruasto with reference to the working of i,ho claim. With rtgard to the time neoessaiy to reach the bore hole, the dredgema-st-er state 3 that he made a mistake as to the place the. bore v?a3 put- down, and a careful measurement now shows that it is 15 chains ahead. The dredge can get through a chair, a week under favourable circumstances, the cut being one «n'l a -half chairs wide, so it -will probably take thTee months or more to reach the desired spot. The dredgeniastcr does not intend to bottom unless there are signs of Y?ashj and will work to a depth of about 12ft, or even less if the silt behind the dredge does not trouble him. If the jrroun-1 falls in freoly he will not work so w^de a cut, but >f it temains the same as nt present lie will require to keep a, good cut op&n as the stuff on the sides of the dam will rot fall in far enough to turn the dT^dgc, ar.d the pontoons catch on the sides long before the buckets get the corner of the stuff. By tßkmg a. l arrow cut he could work up in half the tune, but when ho struck the wash lie could i:ot open out. He has frequently m p t with stones on the bottom, varying in weight from 3cwt to scwt, andnlso buried timber in the narrow channel leading out of the d?m. -The ground is very farr for dredging, but the bottom varies considerably, and rose suddenly from 26ft to 12ft on the day the report was written. There is a possibility of his being able to dam thp branch creek, which he wt,« Entering, with silt and tailings, and when a. fresh comes he •will -endeavour "to ship a chain and turn the Moonlight Creek into the branch creek. The ground was 6ft above the water level, but it was expected, to be at water level when the dredge w»3 fairly facing up ttream. The dredgemaster intends to work ahead as quickly as possible, and will not shift any more material than is absolutely necessary, and if a flood comes he expects to ge" on the gold Eooner than would otherwise be the case.

The directors of the Golden Gate Dredging Company have declared a dividend of 2s per share, payable on July 2.

The directors of the Success Gold Dredging Ccmpany have declared a dividend (the twentyeighth) of Is per share.

The !Xelson Creek Gold Dredging Company has aeclared a dividend (the eleventii) of 2s per share.

Creditors of the Golden Mile Dredging Company are requegted to forward particular's of their debCs to the liquidator (Mr J. A. Hopciaft) on or before August 1. Tho alterations to the Enckson's Reward dredge have now been completed, and the •machine ha 3 been taken over by the dredgcinasler.

Tho secretary of the Riley's Beac-h Gold Dredging Company reports having received the following telegram from tho clredgcmastci-, dated June 25 — "River up 3ft; drift bad, was stopped on two occasions ; coal ran out, but went repairing (washcring up bucket links) ; will wash up as usual, but expect only small return on account of delay and rise in river."

The dredgemastcr of tha New Halfway House dredge reports that tho air pump broke down on Friday afternoon, and work was susneodecl while it was taken to Cromwell for repaiis. Dredging was resumed on Friday at midnight. The secretary of the Victory Gold Dredging Company advises that owing to the breakago of the clutch of the friction pan the dredge will be stopped for sibout a week. This will enable the contractor to hii^eh his work, and in the meantime a stronger clutch is bemg put imder way.

The Alpine Consols dredge has apparently struck very good wash, the dredgemnster wiring on Thursday that ha had washed up 13oz lOdwt for 20 hours' dredging. Shareholders are reminded that app.ictions for shares in tho new company must be in the hands of the secretary by Monday, 30th inst., otherwise they will b? liable to be left out, and thus loso all their mtqrest in the company. The provisional diiectors will procaed to allotment uninediste'y after the above-mentiorcd date

The dredgem.istcr of tho I-'ir^t Chance dredge reports that he got all tho gearing keyed up on Monday, arid shifted back to where work w.ia stopped. He commenced to tighten up the bucket belt, and expected to resume dredging on. Wednesday if the river was suitable. At the time of writing, however, tho r.ver had risen 3ft, and it was still raiding.

The dredgemaster of Ihe Vincent Extended dredge waa busy effecting repairs last week, and has now got everything in fair order. The uev7,sheavca arrhed at tha end of last week, and' were put in position immediately. Work was Tcssumed at midnight on Suncjay, but it took vine hours to bottom to the amount of silt that had found its way into the paddock. The prospects on Monday were good, and indicated that this return will ba fair. A telegram received by the bccretary on Wednesday nighi, stated that the ground was still keeping good

The dredgemaster of the Duusfpn Lead dredge reported oil Tuesday, iltl), that ha had a fairly satisfactory run last week, with the exception of tho time thut was lost owing to breakages. Three of the links and aleo a pin were broken at one time, and the dredgemastcr is of opinion that this was due to a stoiio getting jammed down about the lower tumbler. Tho ground vas very patchy, and though he got on a email piece of good solid wash last v.-eck, the ground for the present week up to Tuesday was very poor. It had all been worked pretty clean previously, but he may get on good material again at any time. The dredge is woiking up tho river at a iairly fast rate.

The secretary of tho Greerstonq Cicek C'om_pany has received a report, dated 23rd mst,, from the dredgemaster, stating that, the heavy rain caused the creek to nse very high on Thursday last, and both the up-stream lines were carried away. The dredge has be^ii turned up-stream again, aa there was too much risk in keeping the dredge broadside on while the fresh continued. The flood has deposited a lot of eilt in the paddock, and a wire on Thursday states that tb« silt is being dredged. Tho dredge muster estimates that it will take two weeks to cut out across the- creek as far as he intends to. The erection of one of Messrs Payne and Peck's centrifugal elevators on the Earnscleugh No. 1 dredge is now completed, and in steady use. It is tvorKiog splendidly so far, and is throwing tho tailings »W» the old stack, while there is ererv Indication that les» steam

power will be required than was necessary before the alteration was eftected. The working of theso elevators is being watched with a pood deal of interest by those interested in dredging, and the success achieved so far point 3 in the diiection of their adoption by several other companies, the directors of which are only waiting until the patent has been submitted to an exhaustive test. In his re-port for last week the dredgemaster of the Central Electric dredge states that the ground got too shallow as he got close to the bridge on the west side, and he thinks it has been worked to the reef m the early days. He found it necessary to stop in order to repair the buckets,, put a new plate on the end of the ladder for the lifting gear, and also to make a few small alterations to the winch to prevent the ladder line from chafing. The dredge was only 60 hours at work during the week, and was stopped again on Saturday and shifted down under the bridge. He intended to clean the boiler out on Sunday, and start work ogam on Monday morning. A few days would, he said, bo sufficient to prove the ground above the bridge, by which time a rise in the liver wa3 - expected, which would enable the dredge to be taken out easily. The directors of the [Leaning Rock G,D. Cojn- . pany, having received a wire from the dredgeujaatcr that the dredge has been \ina-ble to bct~iom on the Dunstan Pioneer claim, and the company being in debt 1© the extent of about =£700, have deemed it expedient to call the shareholders together to consider the position of the company, and to advise the^ directors what course to pursue under the circumstances. A meeting of shareholders will be held early next month to consider the position, and the following alternate schemes of carrying on. the company will then be submitted: — (1) That a levy of 2s per share be made on all shareholders, said levy to bear interest at the rate of' 50 per cent, per annum, and to be secured by first mortgage over the dredge and claim; (2) that th,e company go into voluntary liquidation; (3) that the company be reconstructed, en a basis of 1500 shares of £1 each. The clredgemaster of the Three-mile (Greeui s=ton6 Creek) dredge •w ; red on. Tfiursd&y ; that there will be uo wash-up this ■week. The dredge was stopped, on Wednesday and Thursday, while repairs ere being effected to the steam-pipe and screen. The dredgemaster expected to resume work last night. The secretary of the Inchdalc Gold Dredging Company reports that owing to the holidays and some of the machinery requiring an overhaul there was no wash-up last week. I The secretary of the Bondigo Gold Dredging j Company received a wire on Friday from Alcx- ! andra from one of the directors stating that j the ladder was got up, but 17it was broken off. He is bringing down the ar.nd pump. The disdgemaster of the North Beach dredge (Mr Sidney C. Faclie) reported on June 23 that, as anticipated, the sand on the hill side of the c\it was thinning out, and more gravel was coming in ; likewise more gold. Should he have a full week's dredging he expects to f'o a slight increase in the return. The | machinery was working well, the only broken i time being due to buried tin.ber and an occasional broken pin The dredgeniastei of tho Leviathan dredge (Mr O. Sutherland) reports on the 23rd inst. ■ that he was light on top of the spur running from the hill towards the beech, and there was very little wash to be found there, while, . with the vast quantity of mud and clay and no , gravel, tLe tailings would not stack, but slipped j back underneath the dredge right back to the I face. This was giving him a lot of trouble, {as also was the buried timber. All the I machinery waß going well. The dredgemaster of the Ranklcburn Amalgamated Companies' dredge (Mr I<\ C. M'Clure) reported on the 23rd inst. that la6i week there ' was a good steady nin of 135 hours. On Friday t nigut the dredge had worked quite close \ip to | the reef, which extends out and across the river I for a conraderaole .distance, and on Saturday morning he stopped dredging for the purposeof shifting dredge down the river sufficiently { to clear T.he end of the reef; and on Mouday he J moved he-r out into the channel on the east ! fTide of the river, and started dredging again ! that night. His intention was to give I ho deep channel on tho cast Side a. trial, l>u' if it was poor ho stated that ho would pull the dredge up-stream to a place above the T' t f. he ' hoped to obtain better returns. He did not j anticipated much for thus week's return, «<» a lot of time waa lost owing to the shifting of the dredge. If the i prospects do r.ot look sufficij cntly encouraging where she working on I Monday, he intended to haul into what he considered to be better ground the next looming. Everything about the dredge was working well. There are now five men engaged in woodcutting, so there is litt'e fear of dredging operat ons being stopped for want of wood. Tho extraordinary meeting c! the "Union Jack Gold Dredging Company called for Friday night to consider the question of liqulda* on lapsed for want of a quorum. I dreagemastc-r of the Upper Magnetic drp'dge reports that he had a steady run all I last week. He pulled a. dredge length ahead, to a place where the reef showed every indicai tion of bsing soft. He will be occupied hi opening out a cut this week, but hopes to be able to report a return next week. The depth of the ground was 35ft. During ihe firet two days of last week the dredgemaster of the Three-mile (Greenstono Creek) dredgo vorked into the creek bed and iiart of thf north bank. The ground was still very "rough, and the screen was so badly knocked about that it was found necessary to st-op and repair it. The rough ground i in the creek was fairly good, and the mat 3 looked well v. hen work was suspended, while the other Side of the face also looked a little better. It seemed to hz changing, and also getting a little deeper. The creek was very high on Thursday morning, but fell during the day, only to rise again on Friday. A fair amount of tailings came down, but the dredgemaster stated that it would not tike long to clean them out, as there was plenty of room in the paddock. The dredgemaster of the Garibaldi dredge reported on Juno 22 that he had just entered the river, and was experiencing trouble with tho floods, as the dredge had scarcely got straight with the current. He had a face opened out twice, but the water came down and partly filled the paddock on each occasion. He was taking precautions a-gainst working too shallow, as he was afraid the dredge would b» ! silted t|p- He washed us Bioz on the previous

Saturday from the tox under the screen Only, and left the remainder, as he was anxious to resume dredging on account of the drift gaining on him, but he intended to wash all the tables in a fortnight's time. A day was occupied in effecting repairs, owing to the main friction collar having been worn out. The gold had not travelled far, and was very like Clutha gold. He was very well satisfied with the sample, and said he was sure that if he got any wash at all the property would bo valuable. Up to the time of writing he had not. struck anything that could strictly be called wash, but if he did he expected it to be very rich, as there was very little top stuff to ha shifted. A Wellington telegram states that the washup of the Takaka Sluicing Company was 360 a Bdwt gold for nine days. Tenders close on Monday for the purchase of tho Manuka diedge and claim.

Tenders for the purchase of the Ruby Creek Gold Dredging Company's dredge close on July, 7.

The secretary of the Matpu G.D. Company, . reports that there was no wash-up last week. The dredgemaster is pulling ahead. As the Champion dredge, owing to the fatal p-ccident to the engineer, waa closed down for a week, dredging being i'esumed on Friday morning, the dredgemaster reports that there was no wash-up. The dTedgeciastcr of the Eankleburu Amalgamated Companies' dredge (Slt P. C. M'Clure) ' wires the headline clutch of tho winch has broken. The river has risen sft, and he is waiting for the clutch, as it is not safe to ' work without it. The prospects, are improving greatly. The half-yearly meeting of the Phoenix Water Bace Company was held on Saturday, Mr Spencer Brent presiding-. The accounts foT the ' half-year .wore passed, and the directors subsequently met and declared a dividend of 2s per share. Mr S. E. Brent has been appointed legal manager in the place of Mr John Moua-t. Tenders are invited until July 15 for the pur- | chase of ths Clyde Dredging Copmany's original j dredge, now moored near Alexandra South. j Particulars appear in the Daily Times. I All the, machinery of the New Eoxburgh | Jubilee dredge has been erected, with the excep- • tion of one wheel, which will arrive at tho claim in a day or two. A partial trial of the> - machinery was held last week, and a<? soon aa the wheel is fitted up another run will be takeii, in all probability during the present week. The dredgemaster of the Central Charlton dredge (Mr J. M'Corkindale) reports a return of 20oz 17dwt for 124 hours' dredging. Although ' thia shows a falling off, it is very satisfactory considering that the dredge was opening out afresh, which is almost as difficult as opening out a new claim. A good face will soon he opened out, and tho dre^gema-ster -will be ablo to move down without much hindrance, anti ' hopea to be able to keep up the returns. Tho dredge is giving every satisfaction. The average depth of the wash is 9ft, an 3 the average ' depth of stupping 3ft. N The local director of the Golden River Gold Dredging Company reported on June 26 that it was expected that tho repairs to the air pump TFOuld. he completed by 'the end of last T\cek. He also stated that the dredge was on when the breakage occurred. The- dredsremaster of the- Majestic dredge repcrts that there was no wash-up last week. He - recommenced dredging at the beginning of the> week at the lower end of the claim, and ill ' opening out he found the ground very deep. . and with the rise in the river there waa a good . deal of travelling dr'ft. In consequence it" wai' deemed inadvisable to wash up. Unfortunately for shareholders in the Woodstock Company, the progress of the dredge was suddenly checked by a hard reef wheir working her way into the claim, and as the finances are not sufficiently buoyant to provide for The unvemunerative work that may be necessary before an opening is discovered that will or ablo the dredge to get on to what is considered very rich wash, operations have been suspended in the meantime. Mr Kyle, one of the directors, will proceed to the claim in the course of a fow days, in order to see what is the best course to adopt under the circumstances, after which, the position of the company will be considered. Tho director of tho Molyneux Kohinoor Dredging Company have declared a dividend (the fir«.t) of Is per shnre, payable on Monday, July 7. The directors of the Upper Waipoii G.D. Company have declared a dividend (tho seventeenth) of Is per share, payable to-morrow. An Auckland telegram states that the Royal Oak Company treated 2721b picked stone for a return valncd at £513. Mr J. Tay'.or, West Coast director of the* Giey Itiver Extended Company, telegraphed; to the secretary at Christchurch on Saturday night as follows: — "Will start dredging on Monday. Splendid ground. Tho Ahaura BiveF- dredge has "been closed down pending a- decision being arrived at as to the future of the company. A proposal to form aa amalgamated company, including tho Ahauira and Watterson's claims, with the two dTedgos, on a. capital of £3000, is being favourably received by those interest-ad. The proposal 13 to place the Ahaura dredge on tho German Gully end, either at the top « end of' the Ahaura claim or on the Wattercon's portion of it, following up with tho Wattfcrson'a dredge if the Tesurt s are favourable. The dredgemaster of the Upper Magnetic dredge wires that there was no wash-up lasb week. He stnick a false bottom on Friday. The dredgemaster of the First Chanco dredge wired on Monday that he resumed work at midnight on Sunday. All the machinery is working wellj but the drift is proving troublesome. At a meeting of tho directors of tho Clyde Dredging Company on Friday last the financial f.tatcmcnt submitted by the secretaiy showed that there vas •.' balance of £375 in hand. Of this amount £100 was placed to tae reserve fund, mid the remainder was carried forward. The necessary material for the extension of theiadcjrr of the Alpine No. 2 dredge left Dunpdin on Monday, and ao everything else is reedy to enable the alterations to be proceeded with as soon as tho machinery now in transit arrives at its destination there should bo no delay in getting the dredge to work again. Arrangements -for a supply of coal to the Alpine Consols dredge are about completed, and the dredge was expected to fitart work again, either on Monday or Tuesday. Over 5000 shares i had beon applied for in the new company up to to Monday, and a meeting of the provisional tiirpctors ivas held en Tuesday .for the purpose of allotment The rise in the river last week proved rather

detrimental to povne of the dredging companies in forcing a temporary cessation of operations, but it proved a boon to the Golden (Jlen Company, who have been waiting patiently for some little time for a riae to enable Ihe dredge to ha shifted, that work being impossible while the river remained so low. The secretary has re-

cc-ived a telegram from the dredgemaster stating that he has shifted the dredge, and started ballasting her ofl Monday. As the operations of the Central Electric dredge on the Hcyal Maori claim have not proved so successful as waa anticipated, it has been decided to abandon the tribute agreement, and the dredge is to be given another trial on the former company's liottoni claim. The dredgemaster reported on June 26 that he commenced that afternoon to shift the dredge down to the company's bottom claim. He stated thSt he would shift all the mats, and fcLeam down, as soon as ho had fixed up th: watoi p^e, ..Inch, carried away the previous mormi.g There was, however, very little gold to slic.'iu down.

as the* ground was too rough to enable the bottom to be -worked, and he could not tafcs the risk of having the machinery broken. A telegram received by the secretary on Monday Itated that the dredge had been shifted to the bottom boundary, and would be ready to start wcrk an Tuesday.

A meeting of the shareholders in the Extended Fourteen-mile Beach Gold Dredging Company (in liquidation) was held on Monday for the purpose of appointing a liquidator. After some discussion on the assets of the •company, Mr S. T. Spain was conditionally appointed liquidator at a fee of 25 g\unea3.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2520, 2 July 1902, Page 35

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THE WEEK'S MINING NEWS Otago Witness, Issue 2520, 2 July 1902, Page 35

THE WEEK'S MINING NEWS Otago Witness, Issue 2520, 2 July 1902, Page 35