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April T]ic A> i'_l:oi"-M.v.:im Company have -übmittec' to tiie W.t O'lkc rv imnourod motor car .'or ( ■ t cc." "\z-.~. ;-.nd adaptable fry '■orvii-e in t!:o field, carrying one pom-pom ,mhl t'.vo gun-, of the -Maxr.a pattern. Eu-ton Hall (SuiTolk). the coal of the Di'Lc of Cr.if'on. lia- lven cit -troved by fire. T'iO ;\ Til collection oi pair.ii:! L,> «> rc-ru^i . Tv. only person- v.-ere killed and 200. injured at the international football content in GMa>-£roiv. April 8. Afi'T exhaustina the reserve the Australian and .Ne", /<•■ ilnud ilort^aoe Company '-how-, a debit balance of £'6820. The chairman recommended a gradual and judicious liquidation. Several additional deaths a'"c reported as a result of the collapse of the stand at tlie Glasgow football match. The British submarine beat at Bavrow-in-I''iime v-% travrrs-ed six mile 1- at a depth of 13ft. The Licen-ing Bill has been i\ad a second time. Admiral Raw-on hu-> i-.iiled for Sydney, via America. The King,, who i< or. a yachting cruise, unexpectedly vi-ited the Scilly I>Liiids and inspected the Dorien-Smith fiowevgarden'-. The P>o.ird of Trade returns for March show that the imports decreased by £0..V25,100, includino 1:1,370,000 for wool. The other declines were cl leily food«tufi'<-. The exports decreased in r -£2,804,055, including, £2,107,225 for new '■hip-. April 9. The Right Hon. the Earl of Kimberley is dead. A syndicate, not connected with the projected combine, ha- purchased Westralian javrah forests for £15,000 ca^h, or at the rate oi £25,000 if payment is accepted in shares. The American Beef Trust i- limiting; the export of live cattle, hoping to increase the price.- m England. Lord Duudonald has been appointed to the command of the Canadian Militia Force". Queen Victoria's London memorial fund i^ still under £200,000. j Captain Jellicoe. C.8., has been appointed uaval assistant to the Controller of the Navy. This is a new post. j The deaths from smallpox during the two weeks were 01 and 41 respectively. Outlaws on the Mahend border waylaid and killed eight Sepoys. The Mahends repudiate the crime, and are anxious for the arrest of the author*. The Government will hold an inquiry : into the cause of the Glasgow football ; di«a?ter. Three hundred and twentyfive per.sons were injured. The King j has expressed his grief and sympathy i with the bereaved, and frequently inquires after the condition of the injured. i'he Hou=e of Commons ha- adopted a rule to tit on Fridays from noon until 6. An amendment to take private member- bill- on Thursdays and Government business on Friday- was negatived by ! 174 to 145. * ' I Aj-iil 10 Sir Henry Moore Jack-on, Governor of the Leeward Inland-, succeeds Sir George O'Brien as Governor at Fiji. Sir I Gerald Stickland, Chief Secretary of ] Malta, has been appointed Governor of the Leeward Islands. It will be recollected that Sir George O'Brien, th* lule Governoi. leceived what amounted io a severe leprimand from the Secretary of State for the Colcme3 for a speech he delivered in which he leflectrd upon the manner :n which the Mions had been treated m Xew Zealand The rciuo\.t! of Sir George v.ill probably tend to pave the way for a closer union between Fin iind New Zealand if the opposition n; the AiWrahan Commonwci'th can be M'lOi^ed of Four Bulgarians killed and mutilated three Mu--ulman peasant- and a boy at Kirkili-f, with a view to provoking repn-aK. The Rev. Hugh Price Hu^he- and Dr (/uiiines- Rogers (editor of the Independent) endor-e Dr Parker'- militant policy on the Education Bill. The Daiu-h Landsthiug have resolved not to -.-11 the Wc-t Indie- until a plebiscite of the i-landers ha- approved of thi* s.ile. There i- .i heavy decline in American beef -hipi'iont- to England. Tlie Sh.iw. Shy ill. and Albion ('s -t earner ('ornithic ha- been hunched. The Timoj Odes.-j forre-poudent -a\--th;it a sirnulti'iieous mobilisation by Ru--ia of the Black Sea and Baltic fleets at the end of .July has been arranged for, while thcie will a!-o be .in unprecedented concentration of troops north of Odc-'-j. The movement i- not without .siumlic.aice. April 11 The Standard publishes a rumour that t Sir M. Hiek c-Beach will place an import ' duty of 5d per cwt on flour and 3d on I :_niiii without a drawback on export 1-. | An inipre-sion exists in the City that it is possible he will i=sue a permanent debt stock amounting to 40 million 1-. The Daily Expre-s ktates that Sir H. Maxim offers a prize of £50,000 for a hucces--ful nyiug machine, if of ba,li->-factory speed and suitable for military purpo-e-. One of the conditions is that it must not be foruml in the ihiipe of a

Italy's diplomatic relations with Switzerland are ruptured, ov-iuo, to the re-h\-A io prc-ccute Anarchi-'i nev,--papers. j The Cape I'nion, Ca-tle. Clare, and oHier South African «hipph>£ lines ?nd t he City Hall and Haivi-on Coinprnic, a ggi coating 000,000 ton'- stc--. rre combining with a view to a better and more frequent .-er\ice between Great Britain a nd South and East Africa. | Mr Yerek-. the American capitalist, has- secured capital to the amount of £!•".' JO. OOO to com crt tlie pre-ent , nn-clerizroun'l railway of London into an 1 electric railway: also to construct four j other electric lines in London, j There i- a 'criou- native outbreak on the French Congo. Many factories have been looted, and a number of Europeans ■ killed. The hi-h . I'nioni-t AIL nice have ln^moiiau-cd Lord Sali-bnr} to mamtain order and Mippre-*- -.e-uitio.i. j Mr Arthur Lynch, the member for Gahvay City, is still absent. He Ins, I however, -ecured at Kilru-h decrees again-t hi- tenant- for non-payment of 1 3'ent. j The Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons have approved of a scheme for the systema f ie re-oarch of cancer. They propo-e to rai-,o £100,000 to erect j laboratories, and to collect information on the subject. | April 12. The troubles in the French Congo are attributed partly to the collection of the head tax in the s)ijp r^ of rrbber, but chiefly to the Tact thai cempanie, holding conces-ion- are depriving native- of trading right-. Tiie simultaneou- pre .once at Tangiers of the Ru--ian and French fleets is con"'clcred to imply that Russia supports the French m their African ambition^. Apiil 15. The I'liion Company's steamer Kinfaun- Ci-tle. from Soiitb. Ahica, was stranded on the Isle of Wight in a douse fo^. Tlie mail- ;;nd 20S passengers were landed safely. It is hoped the ve-sel v\ ill be .'-a veil. The deat'< i> annoar.ced cf Dr Thomas De Witt Talma go, the famous American dn me and lecturer. \piil 15. Baron Mount-Stephen, of Canada, who is pre.-ideut of the Canadian-Pacihc Railway Company, lias endowed the poorer parishes of Scotland to the extent of £SO,OOO. The Duke of Manchester, who recently married an American millionaire's daughter, has settled with his creditors on payment of 12s Gd in the pound. The Leyland line were awarded £11,000 for salving the !**truiia, which recently broke down in mid-Atlantic. Several additional companie-, including the Aberdeen line, have joined the recently-formed South African steamship liners' combination. April 14. The Kinfauns Castle was refloated. She sustained but little damage. Lord Cromer reports that the Egyptian surplus for the year is 2,000, 000d01. VIENNA, April 8. The Nieue Frie Pressp foreshadows that Austrian troop- will restore order in the town of Novk bazr, on the Montenegran frontier. Apnl 11 Potocki, n Pol'-h count lost .'1,000.000 crowns ;it baccarat at the Vienna Jockey Club in 20 minutes to Szfmcrne, an Austrian sport-man. Both player- have been banished, together with other | aristocratic gamblers. ST. PETERSBURG, April 8. A spcond attempt has been made on the life of Trepoft, chief of police, at Moscow. The assailant, who u=ed a dagger, Jailed, and was arrested. NEW YORK, April 7. The first case to come before the Hague Tribunal is a dispute between the Catholic Church of California and the Government of Mexico involving one million dollar-. An educated criminal, in conjunction with the District Attorney of ~Sew York j and reporter- oi the New \ork Herald, bribed th<= Howery police, who promi-ed them immunity from arre-t a- the reteiver- ot -tolen property, the police supplying them with house-breaking implement- The exposure has caused a panic amoiu-t the police. They have retained the be-t luu^tis to defend them. Ap..l 3 Tlie Cinne-e Exclusion Bill has pa-"-cd the American House of Kepre-entatives. j Patrick, a lawyer, has been convicted i of the murder of William .Rice, a y\o\v ! ork millionaire, and has been sentenced | to death. I The New York Chamber of Commerce , is inviting the Prince oi Wjlps to at- | tend the dedication of the new chamber ' in September. The incrca-e in taxation in Jamaica is causing trouble. A citizen having | been arrested provoked riots at Montego. Reinforcements of armed police were sent. One civilian was killed and s-everal wounded. Three police officers ' and 16 of the ieve were wounded, one j being disembowellerj. The cruiser Tri- J bute has been sent to the baj'. April 9. Major Mailler te-tified before the Philippine Atrocities Com mis-ion in , New York that General Jacob Smith had ordered Samar to be converted into a howling wildernps-j and that no quarter WA3 to be givcu to anyone over 10 ye-io

•f a^e. Three officers confil'med this statement. _ April 10. The chief hardware jobbing firms in America have combined with a capital of Gonciv.l Smith admits ordering bis troops to nro on 1100 Filipinos v. ho were carrying the white ila«. The Now York newspapers declare that £20,000,000 was squandered cv antiquated transports and fraudulent commission- for -upplies to the Philippines. April 11. Tiie Banrit!,h's boilers are bnrned out, her machinery is deranged, and 'he is unable to leave tiie Port of Spain without repair-, which will not be allowed unless it is acknowledged tbst the vessel belongs to the Colombian Government. Ihe Haurisji is noi permitted to laud or transfer her laij^e cargo of munitions of war. Apiil 13. Major Mjllor, who recently gave evidence bifore the Philippine Atrocities Commission, insists that American and European troops in China committed similar acts to those of the Bush Veldt Carbineers in South Africa, without any protest being, and they summarily -hot mutilator- dead. Apnl V Congress has granted the widow of the late President M'Kinlcy a pension of GOOOdol. A dynamite bomb exploded harmlessly outside the British Legation at Caracas, Venezuela. SAX FRANCISCO, April R. The Franki-tau, bound trom Xcwrastle to San Franci-co, took fire, rud liad to be abandoned, in latitude 4.38 N., longitude 127 W. An American schoorer rescued all and landed them in San Francisco. OTTAWA. April 11. Mr Borden, Minister of Defence, has proposed in the Dominion House of Commons an increase of the militia to 100,000, largely by the establishment of rifle clubs.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2509, 16 April 1902, Page 20

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BRITISH AND FOREIGN. LONDON. April 7. Otago Witness, Issue 2509, 16 April 1902, Page 20

BRITISH AND FOREIGN. LONDON. April 7. Otago Witness, Issue 2509, 16 April 1902, Page 20