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'By P\sQfiy Jf. v : ) Loll o Col I . rs v..! 1 - "rf-li!jn" in T.o"J'Hi w'h :. th» ma 1 l o ft ] II i_- . llenrioiia Wai«(in vj- ,il 'j'r->t .-ovto- , d.son zvl'j°'\ ii Ldii'ioi. ! "i3jinl\-" Irene Frai.Lh.i i- .''ri lg a. th» London --jnd.cate iialis ' Thic star quuk-c! rin^e zii. ;- Frcqo'j Uro Biojili, a'iri X A. Ro'nit- " ' I ( ib Sun, t tic Australia: minimal: " t-, a' the Pirr Pax i.ior, Easlbounc i D o.hrry. of Delolici-* Cn.vdr, , ai.d 11..' i «• n cl , 1-, bookmaking m Bn~oaro , Jie-- ? Jl.ijor. ajioilip> well-krnwn actr"" 1 v, .r. lan.-t advice 5 , o t i cv cu''ai .v Lo °" ' , i Ji'i=py LiX ' Lii j*u- ie ii< \ v '!• t' •> ' Pelican's. p i7.e foi the -lr.u'^?' wciiitui j Lfiadon Wirtli'- Cjku^ -s on tl'p = t Coj -• A' | fjic. mouth tho coniijai 1 -. d.d phci < :\,-i j! bll !IPS- J Bob C otuliT nlgc, o* Lo:.doh Caictv Cu'ii pa \ fame, is m:'i:s;'Ujj; ducto 1 " o: JJJ J ' (.'■'- Theatre, Manchester tleorge SuazclSe ha=. not, a f tei all, : t le I from the theatrical nroics-ior. tie it \> j- .4 , ' a Lncrpoo' tae-t'-c j I ..cki ov.ledgc from t',<. .i.a- t 2 o i en < _ •• -i \p'nr programme of 1 Jiv Gji' i( » l"ic \ ai i o.d b.rthoay m Auckland j Bert Ha = lem, of Lokcloii (a 1"\ Compi % ' thioufjh Maoriland, was -..ppcu ii« m 1 Tin •'a.dor. Glasgow, at late: , Kdv.aid Sa«s" tutl M:-, Xi a Bu ... ' TCtro p'avir-.R 11* "The X"w Clcwi >c T T«.r"> - Tlicatic, Loadoi', when t'-? mail lc r t J Ju'lU- Ivi is: 1 !* lv'= co' c'ii'l«d li ~ Ti-aK"-mer' v. th Mait'r Harviy iv Aft 1 All,' ' and is at |jrc- r t cut of mi (i.pasn.'fn 1 I On Easier Me. day 1. "t tie "'.c^l Anurc.i r i)cclrc>ila r draii?. " Ben Hui " was prcui.'.cd at Drury Line. Lfondon. for the first time. MaciQiue ilelba '.cccntly cabled out to Av>=traha to havo New Zealand as veil as the Comxaoaweaitli included in her Antipodean tour. ,

Michael Josephs has aruved m town to make arrangements for the Anderson Dramatic Companj's se.'zon 211 Duned-n Princess on April 19. Miss Kate Bishop L J. Loin) was aj> prariiig with Mr arcl Mrs Kerdal in "A Sci.ip of Papjr ' at the Cardiff Thcatie Ro ; al when the mail lett. The autob.omaphy oT Kichaid Wagner is in the j-os-esbion 01 h»- -on, Sifcined. who mane ;i pionnse i.ot to pub!i-h it until o1)o 1 ) years after the death of \\\ijz!ie r . Cur! Hertz, the cfcei il r-, or; =t, wa=, when the 11ml left, appealing with gloat saccess ot the Ar^\ Ie Theatre of Varieties. He is dv » m Au = t::ilia at an cn*"'y date. Pri'bt'^v's Voiidevi'le Entcrtiiroi*. mchutn.g bri^^o Aithur liahn, Aubrey Dciigla-. I- \ KuKon, aid little ililhe Bertoto, are giving per-formancrs 111 Wpiganui. Has a.ijn'e ever noticed what a striking resemblance* J. C. Williamson beais to M'Kee RanTii '' oi a certain lad- in the Bioug! 1 Comoij to Bland' Holt > Mi=s Ella l'ii«=ell, who came to Australia a = the ot.u of Mu -gin c's Gnnid Onera Conij^any, upp -aring wilu the Mooclj-iiaiiners Opera Cn'!i,i«ir. in th^ Eiiglish p: ovmce=. V^h^n t'>e pcpuuirity of Are You a Ma e on '" has w lined at London Shaftcshury Messrs Edv.ardos ai ci Froh nan wi'.l present a new ccmecis entitled " All on Account of Eliza." Mare L!c>d and A'ec Htsrlcv were eioing tliree halls nightly in London at latest advice 0 . L .u'ci i' t 1 inv.s. who came out lo Australia = (/:"iic tvo ycurs brck, is now at the Lo>:dc P, \ i':o"*. I'ad^Towski's opera "Manru" has been prociuccd 111 Xcv; York by Mr G r ar,'s Company, at the Met'opohtaa Opera House, with gre^t °ucce c s T!ie composei-pianist was sever?! times called before the curtain. Mdnie Do ! o..e= (Trebr'li) commences a shoit season of song recitals 111 the Gamsou Hail on Wedi*e;Jay c -pning. The talented \oca!i = t will b^ a=s:s f ed by Mr C!aia:ice Xewe!!. Mr J Ta:t it looking -after the business end of the tour The* «r-le of the lr.atenal composirg the Clique cles Chainps-El\s?es, Paris, took pl#te recei:tly. The 'upbeat bid wt; 530nf. The time accorded Tor ihe riemclit on of the encus :s two n->.o:ith=, a ,KI work v. ill be begun immediate!} . " dir'y " Ilellew recently lecuued at Columb a L'hiveTS'ty or the mo-t intcicstir.g features of gold mining in Australia, arc! illustrated his subject b> nv«y personal experiences. He is to cellar "with Miss May Mauiiering at a s.ilary of ljOOcio' per week. " Cat King ' Leoni Claike and his 170 royal cats ure look'ng fc engagements and cat's moat. London It will be remembered by local p'pvgoers that it was Mrs '" Cat Rm° " Clark 0 v. ho put the annuals thiough their lacings at Duriedin Princess. Mis? Ai'iuci Austa. Inl'ed as ' the Aiislr.iuan comedienne nrcl step and sard dnncei," is appearing at the Palace of Varieties. Northampton. Not made in Austiaha. Also a tioupe of cyclists nt th<- Empire, Portsmouth, call themsalves "'the Dtriedin tioupe of cych&ts. On April 9 >oang Amcrittin acts ess Xance O'Ncil "ta:ted a ino'.th's sersan .v Cipatown. While ei-i :ovte to Engltird sV? will give performance ot A'cnndrn, Ma T la. Alg:er=, and C-Sibralti* Oj> S?r>tpir.ber 1 she will make her fiist« m London at the Lyc*nm Yovi" S'.okespiauaii actress J«net Walcloi f n on th" Wc=l Coa=t oi S-.uth Is'.nr.d . Thea'-e Roya'. X-l--n, nt latest, douis "Twelfth Xi"ht " »nd "The- J<-wv«s. Ha-.old Smith is iWdviice. Mi---, Waklon o-peu.s uiiclei J C. Willinnison's ma^a^fuient in Theatre Royal, Sydney, 0:1 May 3. "Aecoicluig to n Gcmin publication, during ihe Gemiar ope-a season of 19U0-1901. '•Lo'ien«nn" was rla'-ecl 294 time?, "Tannhausei" 27:^, "D,e Meislersingcr ' 371, "D:e Wulkure" 11)1, "Caiiiicn" -77, Faust" (b\ Gounod) 18J, "m"i°'c Flute' 185. •'Ha'isel and O-retel" 15' i, "B-rbrr o'" VW. "Aida" 11C Mr Plulbns's '•UJvfscV -s not to be un=atirispd 'lluv clevei author Mr H Chance Nowtori has wn^'jn n liurlesque of *i, entitle! I O iou-K-sscs, ' wine 1 ' lie clescnbes as p '•Bpei-bolni'ba-Mc rrecasestie" In the "skit" th; £,od-. -md goHdp=--;s becoruo quick-change art,,*'-^ -d r-'.iy a'l the principal paits. L./ Wallace'? <=tory. Ben Hur," va= ot.Qina'lv published m ISSO, and so ij!rjspd w.'s the late President Garfield with the v.ork that he appointed the smtkoi to be Urnted States ilini=ter to Tuikcy, the unwritten stipulation being iat lc sbo^'d. write a novel having its scene in Constantinople. Mr Paul Kester, the American dramatist, has prepaied a stagi \ ersion of 2>[ark Twain's stoiy "Tom Sawyei, and the play will be produced b\ Mr Oiirle-s Frohni?n. "Hucklebeny Finn, tuo, has beer diamatiseuMoi Mr Jerome Sykes, and an -dantj^on (■{ "A Yankee at the Cotut of Kirg ArMiui" ha*, been prepared foi Mr Da'i Dais or Ma'CPgni, the? couaposei 01 " Cavaller> T llihtici 'S. I'ji quite a ma,jia foi ■.-.uWr.e-, lu'l ulwa\i carries thre? in his poe- \,.{, (). . c <-,' 00. d, with his moiogiam .11 dium'nd^ .iroi.h'l 1= of siKei and the th'rd, which -- ol huge pronortioi I-,1 '-, is of nickel. At hi* house he has a most wonderful collection of .ill son-, and pc-nod 3. M.s 3 Amy Castles, was picsent at the perfo'inauce oi "A liit-uKay Girl" at Uei Ma i'.-t'.'s 'Ih.-a'ic. Melbomne. 'v a lc-cent Saturda-. l'l^ht ai.d in the • 1 v voice fron the'iv .rec 1 , •'T'l-i-p tlioei^ for Amy Ca-,t'e« 'll'o ..ndiri-'.. if>,nnid-d veiy heart ly _ The f>r< 'ic-tia pluved "Hoiiie, -weet home,' anc! Mia- CMStIV*," , lsns? n. tl*-> iuai agei's box. bow ft 1 , reppated'", to the applauding asterub ]a t e (.if M c - M.,ud A'lani- the American actre=a, who-e stitu' 1 m sold vv.«<- 01. f o. th" fcatuies 01 th-> Pj .s r.xhibition, and v.ho ib to \.-it All-ti-aha iih'Ji the I'loiinuu- Wi'K.'iu-or' iirrdipe riicnt, M:-- V 'ci. Tiir 1 s-s\-. alter witne-sing '•i-i .j t.i'iL' .' J M Barr't'-, ph.\, "Qual.t. St--c, .i- t'if ili.ickprbc. t '.:c-i Ihtjtre. Xev. Yori "It - worth a much Icigei ;ikcl more ('.fnui 1O!1MP\ tile t'rtt to sec- --o tin in "»;* and ivafti'lr - a.ll -jctres^ aud •■o \, ctt'- v I del.shtiii' -' pla\ She i« trem-r iJnu'-lj hie, aud pcrcctK nniarkiblc m ;hi- pin Mi--Ad'iin- 1-. =o 'ii-- -'- so sp'^i-Jid 1 ' lilf> „;, ; 1.,1'r 1 . KII'KIJ'.U ] dl"Jl!?r <-.< ii, xtoi'v 't ' Ai.i'kui. .ii 1 '! the Wo, diiiu' Lamn. hi- tin- st-ai-op ljr«.| th- --1111ject i) -" nid'iv paiitoiui.up*- bolh 11 towi a' d coiir<i\ fi !\ (late= back a coupe nf centurie- .Iw-t 200 \enrs ago the rei.owned Oriii'..'|-*. An. 0,1 i- G ■.''and, aiitqu:.i\ to Lnu'-> | XIV b'^a-i the trurslition from MS» 111 Ara- , lii. of h - Mille c* nne Xirt'," m whicn I • A'a'ld'ii i*- pprh.-ps the raost popular stor". I The 'ir-t i"stalmer.t wai published n> Par's . II 17'»4 The* quaint ri-native nt once urousc-d I giest 1, i'ic-i mi literary circles thi-ouKliout j Kiuope. and tlie \er=ion wa= tiai^'ated into 1 tht- various Continental la'-guajies It was first rp-dpied ■ nto English 111 17H. two \?*r= | before the orig.n-al irsrslator'H dei'li j Ih" lrr.ding members of the fivndical Cnani , l.oi of l-'re- cli h.ridaru? rc-icnilv decided the] ui-pu'.e beU-.L-'i Mad.imp Saiah Bpinharclt and ' M i-"r\. th« -cilpin-, respecting TheodoraS -tv-uu> '1 •" - Ulll4 teak jih-c^ at thr- "suniu tt.t 11- m.i --ion' of tli" chaiiman of tlie Cham-Ij'-r r,r Lapidar.-'s ar.d Wiamoncl Mcrcn^i.tAl! the big dea!ei= 111 prec inu= fctnnoi- in PuT'wrrp pr/>,pnt Madamo B. rnhardt sii d to liicni "(jcnilcmen, hore ■« the sceptre thn.- ,', 'if jewel*-, \a"-;c<.- '•In'ios of diTeipnt K.iids I am no expert J don't know the lu'i'it of <- ur-fi ilmic" When I place J w. , oiclris v. it 1 M Fuy i agreed to pay him from 1 'JS,OJ(J|- to in.OO'i/. He hafe had '21,000f .rom me j Now he claimß lO.OOOf jnore. I ldive the (jucs 1

tion to you, gentlemen. You are the judges. You will decide how much I now owe. ' The eoi'dave decided th?t the sculptor's bill should be definitely settled at Sd.OOOi.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2509, 16 April 1902, Page 57

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THE GHOST WALK. Otago Witness, Issue 2509, 16 April 1902, Page 57

THE GHOST WALK. Otago Witness, Issue 2509, 16 April 1902, Page 57