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The annual meeting of the Otago Referees 1 Association takes place on Thursday evening, and I take this opportunity of again calling upon footballers who are retiring from active participation in the game to throw in their lot with this very worthy in-f-titution. The association at pre-ent numbers some 23 members, but when the football season is in full swing every man is required to as-ist in controlling all the matche* played. Sometimes it happens that a referee finds himself unable to officiate with the whistle on a certain Saturday Thei» the committee of the Referees' Association, having only a limited number of men to drew from, arc put to a good deal of inconvenience and worry to find a man able and willing to take up the duties and fill tho ■vacancy. It is to lessen that anxiety and to improve the position of referees and also the game itself that px-footballers aru invited to join the rank* of the Referee- Assoeirtion. 'flip Pitate= have again secured the Agr • '•yliura! Hall for training purposes this year, and the members aic taking full advantage of tho opportunity offered. The hall is available two nights a week brfore the flag contests take place, and for one night a week throughout the remainder of the season Tho umi-iial spectacle of a footballer plating in b.ue foot wa^ witnessed dining th« practicectice of the Union on the North ground on Saturday This was a player lumml Jolin-tono, wlio hails from Wangamu, in which town he represented the Pirates, a junior team, which he "-ays won the junior flag competition last year. .Jolnit-tone, who plays in the full back or three-quartnr Hnr. intends joining the Union thi- yeai. Hi* barefoot display on Saturday was not a sufficiently brilliant performance to warrant him repeating the experiment, and I should advise John-tone, if he wishes to gain honours in the club which he has elected to join, to don a maroon jersey and tho regulation football boots fcr next Saturday's practice. Up to date footballers in Dunedin cannofi congratulate themselves on ha\ing secured decent practices. The weather which has led up to the ppotaot two Saturday afternoons has been of the worst possible description, and several of the grounds prior to the commencement of play have been laid out m a series of picturesque waterholes. Unde' such conditions it is impossible for players to show anything like form oi to get very much good out of the game, f-aul gaino being more of a mud scramble than a football match. Notwithstanding the unfriendly attitude oi Saturday* weather and the t-till more unfriendly attitude of several of tho ground*, player-i rolled up in numbers sufficiently large at all the venues to pick sides and have,' a game. Alhambra were probably betterj off than most of the other club", as thft^ ground at Opoho takes a lot of wotting bc£ fore it is unfit for play. A good praety^*, was indulged in by the members ■' this*


club, several of the juniors showing excel- \ lent form. The Pirates were to have played on Carisbrook, but the heavy shower which fell at 1 o'clock on Saturday afternoon put that out of the question by flooding the ground. The University, however, kindly dnvited the Blacks to join them in a game : at Tahuna Park. Thi- ground, owing to the sandy nature of the soil, soaks up a great) 'deal of water before it lies on the surface, feo that, despite the amount of rain which tfell on Friday night and Saturday morning, jit was in fair condition. Mouteeillo and the £sorth ground wpre in a very bad state for {football, and the practices held by the feingari and Hie Union on these grounds Buffered greatly in conspquence ; Having dealt with the prospects of the "eenior clubs and the various changes which 9iave taken place in the team« there refcnains little for me to say until the opening of the Flag contests. So fai the two jpractices which have been held, owing to ,the wretched state of some of the playing iireas. reveal nothing brilliant in the^ approaching season's football contests. Union 'and Southern, by tha losses they have sustained, and by the further deplorable fact )that no new blood of any con>=ecjuene c ha"come forward to fill the gaps at this stage 'of the game, appear to be the two weakest /teams in town. Kaikorai and Aihambra .will again be very strong, and 1 eNpect they /will be fighting to a finish for the premiership when the other clubs are counted out |*Zingari, Pirate 3. University, and Dunedin jposse.«s very much equal strength If any jone chib of these four be selected to give 'Alhambra or Kaikorai a big game it will be Next to the Black* come Zmgari, who have several promifing junior- m thnr ranks, and for a stiprise I look to that in-land-out team. University. All the •ilubr. with thp e\i nation of the /Wairori Club, that la-t year belonged to Jthe South Otago Football I'mcei have now 'affiliated v.»th the Otago Rugby I 'num. A sub-committee of the 0.R.1' U ha = |>een appointed to sustgr-st an atmvthe fixture, to be playpd vnier the auspice-, of the JO.R-F.I". on .Tune 26 (Coronation Day), at /which time it ib expecttd the town will be j lu'l of visitors. The first match in the Southern dhi-ion »f the Otago Rugby Union ua< played on the Lower Reserve. Balclutha, between Ba'- , pi it; ha and Clinton, and after a wry even I and kcenly-conlesjed game honouifi resulted ' ci en. each team, scoring seven 2><->iii {^- I 1 The annual meeting of the Ale\«indra , Football Club was held on April 5. Me«s=iv I tJ. M'Cabe and W. Crombio were elected I ro the respective offices of cnptain acid deputy-captain, and Mr L. F. Parcell undertakes the secretarial duties of the chib. Win* club has be°n practically dead for the Sa?t two Feasonp. but in view of two country teams being taken to Dunedin thi> yeai, a j revhal ought to take place in the game. | Jacobs, who last year was on the threequarter line of the Southland "rep." team, end also played for New Zealand against CCew South Wales last season, has returned to Wellington, and thrown in his lot with the Wellington Club. ; The old veteran of Otago ha» sgaVi announced his intention of retiring from the game. This is bad news for those who have Btated that " Jimmy " will be fouud playing i Sn 1910 — but there is still a long way to go. | iaiid before a month James will prcbably be : hacking up the backs, leading- tiie forwards j and giving good *advice to the whole team ] Sn his well-known style. — "Touch," in New Eealand Mail ! D. Donaldson has thi° year been dec tod captain of the Invercargill Star. Thit. form*. something of a record from the fact that fchis is the third brother of the Donaldson Erniily who lias been elected to fill this nn [portant position in Southland* rhampion iteam. _A. Donaldson (now of Gore :«d a jpaßt captain of the now defunct Gor" Cin^) /\va« amongst the first caotain* of the Srsu\ mid a few years later R. D DonaUlson fill- d rtho po?t. Further than this, each of the brothers has gained a place in interprovin eial teams. Talking of records (says a Southland toaper), it may be mentioned that thp preM Scat of the Excelsior Club (Mr YT. Wright) pholds the unique position of ha\ iiir* held ,oSce as president since the inception of the club in 1£95. Two other offic bearer? jfMessrs D. Macara and A. Cuff) have ali-o Billed some office or other t-ince the fcrm;%juon of the club. Mr Wright, in the course <if some remarks at Friday night".-, meeting, ireacl out the names of the first fifteen c-hoseu jco play for the club, and amoii'st thr"=e mere R. Stewart and .7. Saytr«. who left |Oore last week as members, of the tenth (contingent. i In presenting the fifteenth annun l report sof the Southland Rugby Union, tie mmhnifctee state that the first season of the new fcentury should, from the result of the mbprprovinoial matches played, be long ;e Vr.cmbered at Southland* year The South land representatives played four inter pro. matches and one against New Soulh Wo'.c-s. with the following results: — Againft Otaao, at Dunedin, drawn, no «core ; against Wellington, at Invarcargill. won by 8 to 3 ; against Canterbmv. at lnvereanri'l. !o=t by 5 to 12; against New Souih Wale- at Invr rargill, won by 17 to G : aea.«<-t Otn»o nt Invercarsill, won by ]1 to 5. Pe.iiit henred : For, 39: against. 17. At a meeting of the Cs>rtei bun- Kutr! v Union held last week, the Syd'^iham Foot ball Club wrote comnlaininc of the trr-al-irent received at t!ie hands of the railway official? on the return journey from Dui> pdin. A carriage had been v^'P^ly rr p^rvod and marked off ft Dniici'm bii+ :tt Timaru the "tatk-nm.-uu 'r had Hi* l. dewn (the tick 0 *- with "ro?er\ed" mivkH en i!. and told r. lot of pa=-eu2;er- to r< : into the ianid;'P. Further, the J»uard '<a<! stopped jnernhr-i- f>f fhe trim from <-iri('k:ng It \\a-> reaolvcu to t-ommun'c ate witli the traffic iii'inajrer c.n the- m.ittc!. It v.,i~- ir-.i \i< . nn the motion of Mr C. H. M.i or. tin' the I"i. ion*- deli to the \ih '/.< ;i' i n 1 X 'by I'moii b" it>-trm!< >' in -;,f .'; imi>'Vi t 1 . ■mf.n-il ti> "-"-nd a New Z ' r-ir -i '! t- uin to ■ 7 >r.gland. mil a c ;t it- vi 1 rt< n,l ;l >o l tt ■ i r.n ■-etr^t.TV of t' c- N^v Z> >I. l 1 I'ltpr!'*. TTjiion '- M-itint; 1' ''jl.'i.d. tl'U ,i'U i!t.'t;i> should bo Ul-'i of t)>" oDjic , tin it\ to jjl.-c Hl» wo'it'on .if Nov. Znl: id p'.iM ! it'_"M>l incr th<? E::^li-I> in 1 '- on unifr--^! ih-m »'c«Drlv before the Kimb-h Union \wt'. .t \uw t-i nrjf».-ory anii-ncnneiit in the 1 p»]i-h !;■:-■*» Union rue- to ',er:.nt a U iin btn.; r ; litm«' fi'un tin- co .v Tie o-jenir? of the Rngbv footb-11 -c\ tn:t 'vjre- mv Ai'c'v'ind eorres}. oni.i .it en tv U-li : n-t ) ha- been fixed frr .^att^-da^ . ?,Inv 10 v li«n a c i;iMP.eiicnnrat 'iiU b ■ n,p:'f wii'n the <up roiTin>'tni' n- and on > Sit" > -'ay the \:iri<-iiie ch'b- n .'< a pi-'i tl"-ir iir-ct-c" i-nprp 1 --. .\, f.n a- nn be "rr it prP-« nt t!.e pro\ ince v, '!l I'c Bbf.ut a- -irons? in rcpre-»ntati.e p'.ivci - ;n wis the ta-e la-t vfan a- n.utli the same man xre still wixh us and intend auain. dcv-

! ning the jersey. Malcolm Buc^land. who last season made his first appearance a-, an Auckland rep. and won a big reputation m the three-quarter back line of the touring team, is thinking of going farming, in winch case he will probably give the game be«t : while Gco. Sniitli hai gone to the old cotiii try to represent th° co'ouy at tl-« Ei' = - lish athrletic championship*, and v. ill not return to up until after the I'o-e of the «eason. Ihese appear to be the only uvo b; 1^ gun 1 - we are likely to 10-e, while it ianticipatet! that the ter\ k f of that old lepreseutatne and cl:ver wmg fuiwaid, D. Uallaghei. who i^ on h:-> way back from Sout.h Afiua witfi one of tLe i .mtu;gcnt=, v. ill be pprain at the «erMcc-< of tli« pro■\ince. provided he regains Ins old-time form. The annual balance sheet of the New Zealand Rushy Union ••how* i credit bal°nre of £?9 7s lOd. at- aganiit £40 when the tea <-on opened. The principal item* of expenditure, arc:— Fare delegate to Sydney Conference, £10; bonui to secretary. £10: printrag and advertising. £11 B*. " The -penal t'-ur account ■.hows a trccht of £610 lfc-. Tiie net receipts of t!ie vaiiou^ New South Wales matches were : —Wellington. £127 2-: Otago. £153 3s 3d: Southland. £50: Canterbury. £59 9- 4d : New Zealand (Wellington), £239 Is 4d: Wnnganui. £33 7- lid; Auckland, £125. Against tin-. trar-'H and lintel cxpciisfs of the New Zealand tcim amounted to £IC9 15s, entertainmc-nt £30. drags and cartage (New South Wales tca-n) £ 4 5= 6d. Some people ha^e funiiy uotioiid of who cf>mpcsed the Native team tlut went Hnn» m 1888-9 The. team was composed ol 25 player* (not 15. a« one football scube declarer), and besides there was :i nidi'.ia:' l^. treasurer, and trainer, making in -ill kd in' mbcr*-. The team did :k.i tour Croat Britain and lieiand, bu«- only Kngbnd and Ireland, Scotland not being vi-ite. 1 . Tiie football tenbe abo\e referred to says the Njii\e cmbinatioi) nai not a represeiitati\ <* Maoriland teani". Perhaps it mss iiot alto gether irays the foorbiill writer in r!.e Waiinrapa Daily News), but it was qootl enough to more hold it- ov.n against "rep." teams m tins colony. \ga>n. if a New Zealand "'rep." team ,uu\ lictu pit Vcd then. I is it not moio inobablc that sufii player-- a< Joe \ x ai brick. " " Kcogh. Dave (t.i»c. KP'-on. Dick" Taiaioa. l.c€. Wyiiyard. Billy Waibn<k. and Stewart j would ha^e been incKuk'l in ir. Then again 'what about "The Smile-r." Dick M;>ynard. Klliott, (reorge Willia'ii-. M'Causland, Madi1 gan. Alt". Wai brick, and Andei>on .' Weren't i they worthy of a place in a Nev. Zealand j "rep."' teJinV The name* of the player^ of that famous Native combination may be of interest. They aie a= follows: — Arthur Warbrick (East Coa^t). Ihimaira, "The Smiler"' (Hawke's Bay), "Pat" Kcogh (Dunedin), A. Webster' (North Shore). R. Maynard (North Shoie). R. (i. Taiaroa j iDunedm). Wi Karauna (Llawke's Bay), I (Dunedin). Wi Karauna (Hawke's Bay), W. ! Wynyard (Noitli Shore), W. Klliott (AuckI land). D. Stewart (Thames), D. Gage (WelI lington). G. Williams (Wellington), J. I Warbiick. captain (Hawke's Bay). W. Nehua ! (Whangarei). T. Ellison (Wellington), K. M'Caukland (Auckland), W. Warbiick (TauI ranga), C. Goldsmith (Hawke's Bay). C. j Mauigan (Auckland). T. Rene (Kelson), G. Wynyard (Noith Shore). F Warbrick 'Tauranga). Alf Warbrick (Rotorua). W. Andei- ' son (Thames). H. Lee (Riverton). .1. Lawlor (coach), T P^yon (treasurer), J. Scott (manager) Mr T. Ellison, who has been appointed sole ••elector in Wellington, ha- on 23 occasions player for the Wellington Union m its representative matchc-, two years (1891-1892) • lie wa- captain of its team-, and in the 13G8 i season he acted a-, manager "f the tea'Ti j that travelled to Auckland. He \va- a ! member of the Natue team « hat. \iMtcd tiie j old country in the 183S-1889 ,-eason, and in i 1C93 he (aptained ihe New Zealand team tl-ai toured Auttralia. I At tiie annual mcetni? of she New Ze-a j land Rtigliy Union the p»opo-al to -end a 'team of representative footballti'- 'o Kngj 1.-.nd will be brought up. Tlic Canterbury I Union will pmbably instruct it^ delegate to guarantee £100 toward-, the rxpcn=e-, of cath Canterbury man .n any turn that is '•cnt to Knghnd The !a-t, and on!y. team of Nl-.v Z'Hland footbdlle-r, th it \i-ited Cleat BnirU ■ ua- the fanioits Nat no ti am of H ycuis <igo. Most cuditablv riid they lip I hold the lioncui of MiK.nlanil. I don't thi'ik iiny Nev\ Zi aland team could do bcttoi than tl.ey did. One thiup, i- c-ertam (*ays a Wairarapa writer}- -a New Zealand team will be a long time before they ever have such a flying half-back as '" Pat " Ke-ogh. of Dun c-din. whom the Kngh-h fcotl'allri-. and critics i.)n*idcred the best haif th. y had e-vrr seen. Aye. e\en the if doubtable Jimmy" Duncan could not compare with the- famous "Pat." and n will. I think, be many a long day before MaonKmc'. pos^eb-«s such a ciark at- tl>e old Kaikorai p'ayei . Speaking on tiie adoption of the anntirl I report at th- N.S.W Ruprbj !'!■ on's, Tn-ct-I ir.g one &peal:"r that a team bhould Ibe -out to England 'ie\t -i.v-on. To tin. there <aine a ret<nt that tie union must he prepared for .i lo<-- of £1000 a'thouqii the tour ma} ri'-uh ip a p'ofit Th" <-erietary I (Mr W.A R -l'di icai' h letter from I F.neland, i-tat'P'4 that the Knsli-h Union would no: j<ci^pl a-.\ f,'ia:n :.l :?-pcn ibiliry .'' tbc tear:> vc c mi '. \\ n hiiiiii).' ' ' fllp Ni v. S> nth Wal^= j ■Rt.'ji'v Vi ie-1 tin- *v i'"k>! 't.'terient hbowed ' ibtt" the \eai,n«'i.ifil v ith a ciecbt bal : piu-e of £1663 9- 9. :n.<l i!o-ed with a < rech* 'l.aLmie of £1 7 -1 V' ?d The pnn(ipa\ • -...urn ofi-. vnm- vc -c £1107, receipt-, fiom ilie (111 en l.i.w! n a' 1 !n . aid £92 from in 'titz ' on im.: iSM£i r '< The co,t of nc'i ,i i-irat!'jri wa £119. lie cxpfli-f J - of tiie V- w Zeil^'id tri" w«- £7^o. a'-id of the •J'-r-n-'w' t"» £?S r ) The New South Wale- T\i"rl'V I"n»"n. in i 1 Ljilnit; X<< ii i'r t!)' 1 Kiib l?!i X 'u'>y Union ' ro ' 'id a t din t -i A u-t.u -t. Ma in 1914-. i- inak 1 i-i" a mo\e tli-r las \]\c- avpro^nl and be = t v. -he of e-ir'i." c ;"'(dnni. -ay- "Cynic," mi Svlrf-v P. ffiC-~ 'I'lir- 1. t fjm did a •' .il rf •_' ' <■!. ar (< f jit ctV - t' am tan be li. ,r,in o-t -t. by 'iic'i a fiiie exponent cf t!,r- 'ramp a>- M> (Iwvuu \n h"l'- 'now ' c '*.• niiijr Wale-I. it -'iouV Kelp to improve Ait-ti il'au football up to a noce1 "-;irv for tie m *uc\ ement of fair 'htp-' on • !■"> nsit of an AuMiahan team vifsiting Ivi^ , Hi <1 Tiie laitei i-> n pi ojert whitli mu-c | be <.'irie-l out at no di-t>uit dat" j ?»fr -F R Ifenderson, who came ncros- to , \"r* Zealand a- manage r of the New South Vi'a'f! t»,ra In-t year. l\a? arranqe-d to in- ( 'ide in tiie New Souti, Wale- Rimliv Union Xnnml an account of th^ N.S.W team' 1i -in in New Zealand Vh'.i should be mt rf>-t,'>" >-n ' 111 1 it. Mi Hen'lrr-'m'* view-, (j'l N r w Z' -i'h'kl font ha 11 nit) jinnt,' in Svd i.«y Rn'eree i> Sordid a ao>id deal of comment la-t year H. I[ Bul'more, the Oueen-lai'd fo'H bailer, pnir.ed -i i;Lue at tiie la-* moment in the Scotland F ft"en ii the recent mte ma 1 tioual match a;rainat Ireland, and allkou^ii

Ireland woi>. Bullmore acjuittcd iii.iitt j! well. Surgeon-captain F. J. Crcan. who 'ia= jum been awarded the V.C . ]•=. acciTclitic? te> Mr Kipling, a "mudd ed oaf." He was an Iri*h International Rugby forwaid. ami wpnt out to South Afnra a- v mrmbei ct Mr Maclaga:i"b- team '.f fcotbo'l'MThe g'-eat match for thi Sc>tti-'i Cup between Ediiibur^h Uni'pr-'tv aid Kdi'i b'irgh Ac adem uk played at Kc'^h on Man h 1, resulted in a win fi-r 'he U r\ii --ity by 1 (5 to nil. Tinr^s, tho e\ Au-tr-j' [>n player, scored the t;y for tno 'Varsity nfter a great urn Fl tt placed rle tji-al. Tho side- comprised rm fewer !h:'ii 11 of the «m : wi' infniMinii.,-. and threepast Internationa 1 - Nolan Fell. t'"f e\Otago three-quarter back, played for Kdtnbuisjli (Jniver-itr. Arm-tronj. Otago r. pre-entati\ c and l-a T f hack for Union Club, i- at nre- >iv ni Chintcl'urch looking for a situation. If -uccc sful he intend- joinms: Linwood, m who-e ba< k division !ic wi'l be of pr^nt rfiM'c. Th» "\ Otesii re pre-entatno foi v- -,rd fieorge sFatthe»«. who payed for I l ion last year. ; 'itenel< tnkii.g t:n h s rermaii'-i.t rer-idenc3 m Clr l-tcharch. H" will pli<y toi Lmwood tin 0 seat-on. The v,cH knov.n Cl.riitchure h cub arc to bo congratulated on sfiiring a for'.varJ Olel-tmio Hi^h School bo> - will be m tcic-ted m th 1^ following, appe.irins; in th" Jap. o''0 '' G.'zette c/ J.inuarv "5. :> > .y oT wh.i'li has ju-t been forwaidcd tc me: — "Mr .1. H. Bathgate ha* been in\.icri byb v - Kobe to e,frie late a- re-frK-vp "l the f<j;-th coining football mati h. It i- a [zra'i ful .inri wpll-dc£sr\ed comi lm-'iit. a. <! T hooc "\f'Bat' yntr will f^ hi- \. ay to accept. Theic i- iui one in .1 iiirir who e-njov- nil re popuIsiuv m athlciiic- than Mr Baihgate. and in- knr,'.ilc<lge of all cpoit. i< vci-y valuable to ihe community He i- always wi'lincf to ;<--i-t clean sv>on, and \\,> fair c'eci-ior-3. tini' lj ~ti^^.'stio:i=. and umaried c;ood nature lia\e mrnr to be ic'iee! unon as uiif."iing.'' 'J bo secretary of the Ot.igo Uiii\e«hity Fi o:ball Club ha- reepj\cO a letter fiom the Sydney Univer-ity Club, -ii^^e^tmcj an li.ter \*'rAy fixture on =im;lai line* to the n iti1 \ ir'-iiy fixture's m Kngiand anel Amenta. The local .m'vpr-ity arc to at a spe ia' meeting what airaogcnic-it i..n be made in regard to the propo-ed fixtuic.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2509, 16 April 1902, Page 51

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NOTES BY FULL RACE. Otago Witness, Issue 2509, 16 April 1902, Page 51

NOTES BY FULL RACE. Otago Witness, Issue 2509, 16 April 1902, Page 51