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Medical. V FOB THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." THE WORLD-FAMED BLOOD PUKIFIEB AND RESTORER <*> 13 WARRANTED TO CLEAE THE BLOOD fi-ozli all impurities from whatever cause arising. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and Blood Diseases, Blackheads, Pimples, and Soi-es of all kinds it is a never-failing and permanent" Cure. It Cui-es Old Sores. Cures Soies on the K"eck. Cures Sore Legs. . Cures Blackheads Os: Pimples on the Faca Cures Scurvy. Cures Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Clues Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter, From cause arising. ■ It is a real Specific for Gous and Rheumatic Pains. " It removes the cause £rom the Blood and Bones. As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted iree irom anything injurious - - to the most delicate constitutron oi either sex, the Piopiletors solicit sv.fEe.era to give it a trial to test its value. '•COMPLETELY HEALED." Mrs E. Berkshire writas : — "In the yeai 1833, whan residing at Tiuibridge Wells, Kent, I caught cold, which loci to inflammation of the bowels. I was attended by locol doctors, and received some lelief, but the follo-.ving year it lur±ied to fistula, fvoia v-tich. I suffered, for eight years; and it v/as lonstanxiy discharging. I \vas put under ehiovofonn by iwo dootors, vuth a view of an op-sr&Uon, but they found, that the fistula was too far msiue, and an oporption would have been too cu'nftcicus. In 15-8J a second abscess formed, a.».j xv. 1831 a third. These were r.ll dischrrgin? at the same time. The end oi 1893 I was pgaia examined by two doctors to see if an operation was possible ; it was found that an operation was out of the question, as they stated the inside was riddled with, abscesses. D-aring the whole or ' this time I wa& receivnig medical attendance, one year beiag treated by a herbal doctor in the town, and icceivnig advice for four months from a London doctor. During tho greater part of this time I was a confirmed invalid, h%ving to bo earned tip and do-vn stairs, md the doctors gave up all hope oi'my •'-pr-overy. In. June, 1595, I wa- advised by fri.-n'ls to tiy" Clarke's World-famed Blcod Mixture. Mt?.£ > taking one large bottle I found one large abscess giadually drying up. I thqrelorc continued til-mg tho mixUire, and also Claike's Aperient Pills, and m time all fchiee abscetcea were com.pletely healed, and I was able to walk as well ad ever, and could eat and diink nay ordinary food. lam pleased to say ifc Clarke's Blood Mixture that effected the cure, having received ' no real benefit from doctors. I ,=hould have written before, but wished to see if the cure was lasting. "Post Office, Cotlonwoocl, Assiniboii, N.W.T., - " Canada, October 17, 1808. "P.S. — I may say that I ca.i gi\c you electors' names and names ox friends to prove the tiu'jh oi! what I state. X purchased the mixture at the Sussex Drug Stores, Timbridge Vv T ells, my name and addiess then- being iliss E. Horncr, 5 Warwick Cottages, Frank Foresc, Tiinbiidge Wells." SAYBD MY LIFE. Mrs AMY CHURCHER writes: ' "It is with earnest thanljs and heartfelt gratitude that I vvnte tliese few lines to lei jou know that I am at last completely cured of the dieatlful disease called eczema by taking your wonderful Blood Mixture. I commenced taking Clarke's Blood Mixture on June 8 last, and since then I have had 17 boUles, 2s 9d size, three pots of ointment, also three bottles of Clarke's Skin Lotion, which I found was of uijtold value in allaying the irritation. I -was in such a feaiful state that the sheets in my bed had to be changed every clay, also my own lircn, on account of the fearful discharge from th' sores. Mv harrlo also were very bad, the backs of them being so dreadfully encrusted with yellow scab that one would think they were covered with rock brirn&lone. I never expected they would resume their proper shape, but bow I am able to do light household duties, and I feel I am getting stronger every day; in fp,f liu^bpnct. my nurse, and nr' 1 -. elf truly believe Clarke's Blood Mixture saved my life. I have much to be" thankful for, and if you like to make use of my letter you arc welcome to , do so, as I am fully convinced I should never have been lierc if it hacl not been for Clarke's Blood Mixture. " 2 Kynaston road. Stoke Newington, Lon"don, K. October 22. 1888." Mr E. TAYLOR writes : "I send you this testimonial, for I liavc derived a great benefit by taking Clarke's Blood Mixtuic, after two years of great suffering with a very bad leg. I have been in a Birmingham hospital i 8 months, end six months outpatient a 4a 4 - another hosmtal pi Birmingham. I ■was turned out incurable, as I would not con-_ sens to have my leg tsken off. I was told to try Clarke's Blood Mixture by a friend oi mine, so I sent for a large bottle, and by tha tirna I had taken it I was ab T e to 30 about on my crutches. I had anotaer bottle, and by tho tiroe I had finished it my leg was quite we!!, and I am able to go to my work. " I a.m a Birmingham man. but am working at p rese nt i a Halifax aad I am willing to aEPiver any questions that snyone may wish to ask, for I cannot speak' too highly of if. I recommend it to all. You may make use oi this if you like. '■ 2 Ilansen sauai'p, Fleet slvoet, Halifax, "York"-., Oriobpr 23, 1897." Mr W. BIASS writes: " I suffered from a wound in my, leg for six years. Seeing Clarke's Blood -Mixture advertised in the x^aper, I thought I would give it a trial, and I got a bottle. When I had "finished it I saw an improvement, and therefore contirued with the medicine, and it completely cured mv leg. This was several years ago, ?nd I am pleased to say it has not bvoken out since, except once, when I struck it with a stone. I then took another bottle of ClarkeV J - Blood Mixture, and it again cured me, and it has been all right ever since. " Level crossing, Shepton. Mallet, May 26, - "1898." THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS OF WONDERFUL CUKES FROM ALL PARTS OP THE WORLD. Clarke's Blood Mixture is sold in Bottles 9s 9d each, and Lx cases containing -six times the quantity, lls — sufficient to effect -a permanent cure in the great maiorifcv of longstanding cases— BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world. Proprietors, The Lijtcotaj and Midland Counties Dbu& Companst, Lincoln England. Trade Mark — " Blood Mixture." I CLA®S€£'S BLOOD MIXTURE. CAUTION".--Purehascrs of Clarke's Blood Mixture should s>ee thai they get the genuine j article. Worthless imitations and substitutes are sometimes palmed off by unprincipled * oiidors. The words " Lincoln and Midland CV.vnties Drug Company, Lincoln, England," are , engraved on the Government Stamp an;l i ."Claike's World-famed Blood Mixture" blown in the bottle, WITHOUT WHICH NONB 1 ARE GENUINE.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2413, 31 May 1900, Page 63

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Page 63 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Issue 2413, 31 May 1900, Page 63

Page 63 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Issue 2413, 31 May 1900, Page 63