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4 JANUARY. 1st — Civil war in Samoa (December 31, 1898). Czar hopes Disarmament Conference will result in happiness of world. ' 2nd— Caiedonian Handicap — 350 yds : K. M'Leod, 2f7ydß, 1. 100 yds: J. W.. Green, 7yds, 1.

3rd— Dunedin Handicap— 22oyds : H. K. Mcwgli, 15yds, 1. 440 yds: N. M'Leod, 26yds, .Grand Wrestling Competition, Caledonian sports — 12st and Tinder, Border, Cornish, and Catch-as-oatch-can — Skinner 1. All-comers — Scott 1. . . . Customs convention for uniform tariff in South Africa comes into force.

N. Z. Government take steps to prevent influx of Austrians. 4th — Obituary: Duke of Northumberland. Lord Kitchener selects site of Gordon College, Khartoum. Lord Curzon makes state entry into Calcutta.

Severe gales in English Channel; steamers Voerwaxtz and Augers wrecked; 11 people drowned.

5th — Annual meeting at Auckland of N.Z. Branch British Medical Association; Dr Scott president. Educational Institute meetings Close at Christchurch ; Mr J. A. Johnson president.

Pope suggests setting up permanent " committee of arbitration in connection witb Czur's peace proposal. Lord Kitchener installed Governor of Soudan. 6th— Mr W. Y. H. Hall, Invercargill, and Te Ou. a Maori, discover 12 new lakes between Lake T-e Anaii and Bradshaw Sound. American forces land at 110 Ho, Philippines. Lord Cromer lays foundation of Gordon College. Kl.artoum. Obitusury : Mr H. Aitken, old resident and Mayor of Oamnru. •7th — Mr Joseph Choate appointed U.S. Ambassador to England. ' 9th — Sir G. Grey's estate sworn at under £866.

Great damage in N.E. Valley by violent hailstorm.

12th — Professors for Victoria College, Wellington, appointed.

Hearing of old age pension claims commenced at Dunedin.

13th — Obituary: William' Smith, Stirling; arrived Otago by Larkins, 1849 ; aged 85. 14th — Oceanic, largest steamer built, launched at Belfast.

Miller's Flat bridge over Molyneux completed. 15th — Obituary : Nubar Pasha. By foundering of ship Andelana 19 lives lost.

Riot at public meeting at Johannesburg.

16th — Heavy rain raises Leith 6ft at St David street bridge; floods in Waitati and Silverstream do much damage. 17th — Obituary: Father Chiniquy. 18th — Officer of N.Z. Marine department suspended for wrongfully granting marine certificate. 20th — Miller's Flat bridge over Molyneux opened for traffic. Anglo-Egyptian Convention published. 23rd — Public meeting in Dunedin decidee to raise funds for memorial to Sir G. Grey. 24th — £70,000 in notes stolen from Parr's Bank, London. Earl Beauchamp appointed Governor of New South Wales. Earthquakes in Messina, Sicily. South Australian 3 per cent, loan placed on .London market. 26th — Madame Patti married to Baron Ccderstrom. " _, 26th — Earthquake in Mexico city; 100 persons injured, 200 houses damaged. 27th — Philippine Republic proclaimed, and war declared agairst United States. Rink match at Bowling Tournament at Christchurch won by Christchurch Bowling Club. 23th — Plot to assassinate Sultan frustrated. Conference on Federation of Australian Premiers opened at Melbourne. N.Z. Champion Regatta (at Auckland) — Fours, Picton; Pairs. Wellington; Sculls, Graham (North Shore); Double Sculls, Star Boating Club. 30th— N.Z. Cricket team beat Thirteen of Otago by 6 wickets. Obituary : Earl' of Lindsay ; aged 84. Czar orders that all high officials in Finland shall speak Russian. 31st — Obituary : Sir Francis Ford, many years in British diplomatic service. FEBRUARY. 1st — Judgment of Supreme Court in favour of colony in Midland Railway case. Rev. W. Scorgie inducted to Mornington Presbyterian Church. Obituary: Dr Berry, Congregational ministor at Wolverhampton. Sine!— Lord Tennyson appointed Governor of South Australia. 3rd — Obituary; Rev. W. J. Habens, Secretary of Education ; aged 60. New Zealand loan of one million issued at 3 per cent. 4th— Obituary : George Bell, lete proprietor Evening Star; aged 90. Dunedin A A. Club win. champion banner at Amateur Athletic Championship meeting held at Dunedin. Filipinos attack Manila and are repulsed. 5th — Rev. Dr Bevan preaches at Agricultural Hall, Dunedin. 6th— Horse - fiend stabs three stallions in Christchurch district. „ Congregational Union meets in Dunedin. Obituary: Count Caprivi, ex-German Chancellor. 7th-— N.Z. Cricket Team draw their match with South Tasmania. Obituary: Prince Alfred of Coburg. Bth— Deputation request City Council to make reserve opposite Gardens ' available for sports, etc. House of Commons session opened. Heavy gales m Cook Strait district. Oth — Mr Alex. Black secures moa's ' perfect egg for Otago Museum. Branch of Daughters of the Court formed in Dunedin. Tenders for N.Z. million loan amount to £3,020,000. 10th— Presentation to Premier Seddon at Garrison Hall. Obituary: Rev. W. Colenso, first printer in New Zealand; arrived 1835. 11th — Queen assents to N.Z. Divorce Act. 13th — Unparalleled cold weather on east coast of U.S. N.Z. cricket team defeat North Tasmania. Tidal wave on coast of South "Wales. 14th — White Star steamer Germanic sinks at moorings, New York, owing to weight of ice on decks. Rev. Thomas Tait inducted to Cromwell Presbyterian Church. loth — Rev. Mr Stcele elected moderator of N.Z. Presbyterian Assembly. 16th — Otago Education Board adopts new scale, of teachers' salaries. Obituary: Mr Justice Chitty; aged 71. British send ultimatum to Sultan of Oman, who had leased coaling station to France; he withdraws lease. 17th— Obituary : M. Faure, President of France. 19th— M. Loubet elected President of France. By railway collision near Brussels 21 people killed.

20th— Fire- Brisade Conf»i-puce inect'3 at

21st— Victoria, defeats N.Z. .at cricket by «jj innings and 132 runs.

22nd— Obituary: Sir G. F. Bowen, ex-Gover-nor of N.Z. - - # 23rd— Rudyard Kipling seriotisly ill in Neil York. General Booth quarantined at Perth. ■ Cycling Championships: Half-mile Amateur — G. R. Bell ; . half-mile cash— Sutherland, Three-mile Amateur — H. Thompson; cash — E>. Reynolds. Five-mile Amateur— H. Thompson j cash — E. Wall. Ten-mile amateur — Crozier; cash— E. Wall.

25th — Obituary : Baron Reuter ; aged 83. • N.Z. Rifle Association annual prize-firing opened. 27th— New South Wales beat New Zealand by an innings and 384 runs. 2Sth— Society for Protection of Women and Children formed in Dunedin.


2nd — Arbitration proceedings between Harbour Board and City Council re disposal of aewage commenced before Mr Napier Bell. Mr G. Hogben appointed Secretary of Education. Successful operation performed on the Pope, Obituary : Lord Herschell. 3ra — Freemasons of Scottish constitution re* cognise N.Z. Grand Lodge. Bandmaster King (Oamaru) "wins the N.Z, Champion Rifle**! Belt.

Wireless telegraphic experiments permitted between Boulogne and Folkestone. • -. 4th — Rudyard Kipling pronounced out of dan* ger. - Naval magazine at Toulon explodes. 8th — Carnmoney, barque, puts into Port Chalmers disabled.

Oth — Mr Seddon receives notice that Austrian Government will prevent further emigration of Austrians to N.Z. N.Z. cricket team return' from Australia. 10th— Mr Goschen submits new naval progrnmme to House of Commons. Serious losses through hurricane to Queensland pearling fleet; 400 lives lost. Mapourika successfully launched at Greymouth.

11th — By railway collision at Rakaia four persona killed, several injured.

12th— H.M. battleship Implacable launched at Davenport. Obituary : Mrs Keeley, actress.

Queen visits South of France; respectfully received. 13th— Obituary : Julius Vogel. H.M. battleship Glory launched at Birkenhead.

15th — Otago Daily Times enlarged to eight pages. Wesleyan Conference concludes sittings e& Christchurch.

.^agio-French agreement re Nile question announced.

ICth— Antarctic exploring steamer Southern Cross arrives at Port Chalmers ; press excluded from vessel.

Petition to Czar -signed by 520,000 Finns protesting against RußSiiication of Finland; petition not received.

17th— Hotel Windsor, New York, burned; 14 killed, many injured. 18tli — Governor Ranfurly receives Maori King' Mahuta at Auckland Government House.

20th— General Booth, Salvation Army, arrives at the Bluff.

22nd — General Booth at Dunedin. Convention delimiting French and English" spheres in Africa signed. Courtier wins Champagne Stakes, Brisa. tha Publicans', and Djin Djin the Dunedin Cup at Autumn meeting D.J.C. ; first race meeting on Wingatui course. 23rd— Boreas, wins D.J.C. Hnndicap. Reunion in Dunoclin of passengers by Ajar, Mary, and Mariner (arrived Otago 1849). 25th — Elections in Queensland result in victoTy for Government party. Cambridge wins University boat race. Boreas wins the Anniversary Handicap and Mutiform tho Eclipse Stakes at D.J.C. meetfng. 27th — Petition forwarded to Queen, signed by 21,000 British^ subjects in Transvaal, for redress of grievances. 28th— Obituary: Birket Foster, artist. Mr R. Jordan, champion draughts player of the world, arrives Dunedin. Presentation and banquet to Hon. J. M'Kenzie at Pivlmerston. 29th— The Times publishes the first press message sent by Marconi's wireless telegraphy. Fighting in 'Samoa. 30th — Award in arbitration case between Harbour Board and City Council lifted by Harbour Board: found to be in its favour. S.s. Stella wrecked on the Casquets, English Channel ; 80 persons drowned. 31 et— Prohibition Convention meets at Dunedin. -APRIL. 1st — Otago Rowing Association Regatta «.f Henley. N.Z. Government offer services of volunteers for Samoa. Obituary: Hon. W. H. Reynolds. Fighting in* Samoa; three officers (1 British", 2 American) and three seamen killed. _ 2nd — Le Figaro prosecuted for publication of evidence in Dreyfus case. - 3rd— Otago beats Canterbury at lawn tennis by 269 to 207. ' ' Monument unveiled at 'Kaia-pohia to Ngaita- , hu tribe. 4th— Sergeants Wilson, Kiely, Macdonell, and - Detective O'Brien appointed sub-inspectors. Obituary: Dr Cunninghame, Port Chalmeia.5th — Suspension bridge over Waiau at Clif-' den opened. ■ * 6th— Gcswoiks at Balclutha burned. Obituary : James Wyllie (" Herd Laddie "), ex-drau?hts champion. 9th— Presentation to Bishop Verdon on eve of his departure for Rome. By fire at Wallace Andrews' s house, New York, 17 people killed. Obituary: Richard Fry; arrived by John Wickliffe 1848; many years resident in Waikouaiti. 10th — Colonial presentation to Hon. T. M'Kenzic at Wellington. D. A. Brodie wins draughts championship of N.Z. Dxike of Connaught accepts succession to Dukedom of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. 11th — Higher educational institutions cloßfcd in Russia by Government order. Obituary: W. P. Street, formerly mayor of Dunedin. 12th — Mr F. R. Chapman elected chairman of Otago Conciliation Board. Obituary: Hon. James Service; aged 76. Captain Boyd, manager N.Z.S. Company. 13th — Obituary: Archdeacon Stretch, of Melbourne; aged 82. Women's National Council meets at Auck- V land. 16th — German warship Kormoran, ashore on. Winward Reef. Roman Catholic Church opened at Waihol*. 18th — Tutanekai aailß for Samoa with despatches. 19th— Dr Brown re-elected chairman of Education Board. Legislative Council of N.S.W. • passes tho Federal Enabling Bill. 20th— Premier Seddon examined in Supreme .Court re marine scandal. 22nd— Mr Justice Pennefather retires from Supreme Court Bench. 24th — At Sydney wool saleff merino -wool fetches Is 9d— highest price for IS years. Obituary: John Mowbray; "father" of llouso of Commons. 2Gth— Obituary : Captain H. Anderson, mar I'iue superintendent Shaw-Savill C.ompsD&

■til ir ■ n... , liev. Joseph, Parker delivers sensational 3er> ■lon in London. 27th — Siberian railway opened to Irkutsk. 29th — Referendum in South Australia. .on Commonwealth Bill in favour of proposal. Anglo-Russian agreement with, respect to.China announced. MAY 1 . 1st —^ir* - City Council make .amended proposals td Harbour Board re disposal of sewage. General elections in South Australia result in return of majority for Government. Through derailing of train at Ottawa 12 passengers killed, 40 injured. 2nd — Mr James Smith retires from Bruce" County Council, having been member since counties formed. Obituary : James Brown, arrived by Bemicia, 1848. London wool sales open with sharp advance. 5th — England offers subsidy for 20 years to Pacific cable project. 6th— Hon. Messrs Best and Trenwith, Victorian delegates, arrive in Dunedin. Much anxiety for safety of s.s. Perthshire (Sydney, April 26); Morayshire returns from unsuccessful search. Kurnell, Botany Bay, dedicated public park, commemorating landing of Captain Cook. Barque John Gambles aEhore at Timaru; refloated immediately. 8th — Protests made by leading London clergy against Sunday editions of London Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail. 9th — News arrives of wreck of Loch Sloy on April 24 at Cape Borda, S. A. Chief Justice Prendergast resigns. - 10th — House of . Commons rejects Discipline Bill (re Ritualism) by 310 to 156. Match between Australian Eleven and South of England drawn. 11th — Reports by Messrs Hay and Reynolds son extension Dunedin water supply published. IQth — Balclutha lighted by acetylene gas. General Booth sails for England from Adelaide, after tour of colonies. Pope 1900 universal jubilee year Among Catholics. 13th — Explosion at St. Helen's, Lancashire, kills three people and injures 14. Australian Eleven defeated by Essex. Heavy gales in Cook Strait; Ohau lost with all hands; seaman washed off Takapuna. 14th — Railway collision at Reading, U.S., kills 30 people and injures 50. Signor Pelloux re-forms the Italian Minis-

try. loth — Obituary: Professor M'Coy, Melbourne. 16th — Tekapo wrecked at Marouba Bay, iN.S.W.; no lives lost. Four missionaries murdered in China. 17th — Plot discovered in Transvaal; eight Itingleaders arrested. Sunday edition of London Daily Mail (stopped. Australian cricketers defeat Surrey. 18th — Hon. J. MacGregor moves at Education Board meeting to abolish individual pass exam. Obituary : M. Sarcey, dramatic critic. Mr R. Slieppard, many years chairman of Vincent .County Council. Czar's Peace Conference opened at The Hague. . 20th— H.M.S.Pylades, ashore on Thursday Island, floated off. Australian Eleven beat English Eleven at 22nd — Pope says Queen Victoria is the greatest benefactor of humanity. Paris, s.s., ashore on the Manacle Rocks, off Cornwall. - Meeting of ministers, Dunedin, decide to fornj a council of Christian churches.. 23rd — Fire at Messrs Cossens and Black's foundry does considerable damage. Literary and Historical Society inaugurated at Auckland; Mr J. H. Upton president. Commission reports favourably to English Government on Newfoundland's claims with regard to French shore rights. William Watson, old Dunedin resident, killed by railway accident. 24th — Starshot wins Birthday Handicap and Brisa the Tradesmen's at D.J.C. Winter meeting. Great rejoicings throughout Empire on Queen's 80th birthday. 25th — Obituary: Sonor Castelar; Spanish statesman; aged 67. Lord Esher, ex-Master of Eolls; aged 84. Jupiter wins Provincial Handicap, D.J.C. meeting. 26th — Australian Eleven brat Lancashire. 27th— Win. Patrick wins Otago A. and P. T?&rw Competition for large farms; James Hunter that for small farms. Free Churcb of Scotland Assembly adopts union with United Presbyterian Church by 665 to 30. Fire at Coney Island destroys 200 buildings. Obituary: Rosa Bonheur, painter; aged 77. 28th — Wreckage from Ohau washed ashore near East Cape. 29th — Czar orders Siberian prisons to be modernised. ■ 30th — Court of Cassation meet to deal with JDreyfus case. ' . Full judgment in Midland Railway appeal case published. Mr Seddon meets Mahuta at Waihi, near Huntly. Sir Julian Pauncefote proposes international 'arbitration tribunal at Peace Conference. 31st — Memorandum city solicitors re drainage of city and suburbs laid before city council.

Dunedin City Council decline to grant concessions""^ sale of city trams to syndicate for purpose of working them by electricit5 r . Flying Fox wins English Derby. Australian cricketers draw with Oxford.

JUNE. 1st — Major Marchand "frantically " welcomed at Marseilles and Paris. 2nd — Accident to boat's crew of Hinemoa at East Cape; four men drowned. Fire occurs on board s.s. Banffshire in Victoria Docks, London. V Zola returns to Paris. Sir Alfred Milnei and President Kruger confei on reforms in Transvaal. 3rd — Spain cedes the- Cprolines to Germany. First test iricket match, Australians v. Englishmen, drawn. Esterhazy confesses to having written the bordereau. Shylock wins Auckland Grand National Hurdle Race. 4th — Court of Cassation quashes first courtmartial's sentence of Dreyfus and orders new

trial. - Obituary : Johann Strauss, musical coni.poser. 5th — Box containing 5000sovs stolen from the Alameda on voyage Sydney to 'Frisco. Demonstration against President Loubet on French racecourse. 6th — Grant to Lord Kitchener passed by House of Commons. American reyerses in the Philippines. Uiots in. Belfast. 7th* — Conference between Kruger and Sir A. Milner- ends abortively. Opening of Otago Winter show; record entries and attendance. Australians win match against M.C.C. and Ground. lOfch— Obituary r Mrs- A. D. Silk. Australians defeat Cambridge University. 12th. — Mainari, 5.5.,. disabled off Monte Video. 13th — Kaiser informs Peace Conference that permanent arbitration tribunal would interfere with sovereign's divine prerogative. M. £upu£'s Cubing fr&i&A-

14th — Port Chalmers burgesses vote in favour: of loan f6r abattoirs. Casts riots in Madras- Presidency. Yorkshire secures a draw against the Austialians.

15th — Tender accepted by Roslyn Tramway Company for electric power tram on extension. Graduation ceremony Otago University at Choral Hall ; Sir J. Hector presides. 16th — Admiral Pearson despatches H.M.S. Mildura to search for the Perthshire.

Arbitration Board to settle Venezuela boundary dispute with Britain meets at Paris. Esteve Iron Company, Paris, make tool steel from Taranaki iron sand.

17th— Owing to probability of war women and children commence to leave Transvaal.

Australian Eleven win second test match by 10 wickets.

18th — Fifty passengers drowned by collision of two steamers in River Oder.

19th — Talune arrives at Sydney with s.s, Perthshire in tow.

20th — Cardinals' Consistory select nine Italian and two foreign cardinals, one of whom will be elected the Pope's successor. Referendum on Federation in New South Wales results in favour of proposal.

21st — Otago Education Board carry resolution in favour of abolition of individual pass system. '

Samoaii Commissioners' proclamation re affairs in Samoa published. Australians win match against Oxford. 22nd — Sit Robert Stout accepts position of Chief Justice of New Zealand.

Messrs H. Gourley and F. H. Fraser and Colonel Pitt called to Legislative Council of New Zealand. House of Commons pass military loan for strengthening military defences, etc., of Empire. 24th — New French Ministry formed under Premiership of M. Rousseau.

New Zealand Parliament session ojiened.

Peace Conference condemn the dumdum bul-

24th — Eclipse of moon visible in Dunedin. Australian cricketers beat Leicestershire. Obituary : A. C. Purdie, botanist, old resident of Dunedin, arrived 1860. 25th — Cardinal Moran makes charges against Protestant missionaries and officers engaged in Saruoan war. 26th — Obituary : A. Scoullar, formerly Mayor of Dunedin. 27th — Captain Russell moves amendment on Address-in-Reply, which is treated as a want of confidence motion. Sir i\ Lipton's yacht Shamrock launched. Mr Chamberlain makes minatory speech at Birmingham against Transvaal. Rev. L. M. I&itt returns to New Zealand. 28th — Obituary: Arthur Tennyson, younger brother of the late poet laureate. Australian cricketers beat Derbyshire. 29th — Earthquake at Christchurch. Commission to inquire into Rakaia railway disaster commence sitting at Christchurch. Serious riots in Brussels. 30th — Ohau Disaster Commission report that vessel was in every way seaworthy. Duke of Connaught releases his claim to the heirship of Saxe-Coburg-G-otha, in favour of Duke of Albany.

JULY. 1st — Third test match Australia v. England abandoned through rain.

Dreyfus lands in France and is lodged at Rennes.

2nd — Boer Government deny suzerainty of Britain. •1th — Rev. J. Gibb elected first President of Council of Christian Churches, Dunedin. Imperial Government agrees to share cost of constructing Pacific cable with colonies.

President Kiuger proposes that differences between Transvaal and England be referred to arbitration.

5th — No-confidence motion in New Zealand House of Representatives lost by 7 votes.

Mr J. Hutcheson resigns seat in New Zealand Parliament.

Australian Eleven draw match against Notts. Gth — Attempt to assassinate ex-King Milan. 7th — Obituary: Dr Reimer; arrived Dunedin 1862.

8th — Australian Eleven beat Lord Eobartes'a Eleven by 8 wickets. Emperor of Germany and President Loubet exchange greetings at iiergen. 10th — Indian Currency Committee recommend adoption of sovereign as legal tender. 11th — Obituary: Prince George, Czarewitch. 12th — Australian cricketers "beat Midland counties. 13th — Barques Carlisle Castle and ship City of New York wrecked on coast of West Australia; much loss of life. 11th— -Obituary Lieut.-general Fulton. England wins Kolapore Cup. 15th — Obituary: David Curie and James Campbell, early settlers. Australian cricketers beat Gloucester. 19th — New Zealand Education Conference carry lesolution in favour of abolition of standard pass. Transvaal Government propose seven years prospective and letrospective residence to entitle tc franchise. Australian Eleven draw with England in fourth test match. 20th — Earthquake in Home. Transvaal Raad pass amended franchise. Mr Algier resigns office of U.S. Secretary of War. Hon. John M'Kenzie undergoes operation in London. Captain Baillie elected chairman of committees of New Zealand Legislative Council. 21st — Freedom of City of London conferred on Mr Hcnniker Heaton. 22nd— By explosion on H.M.S. Bullfinch 8 lives lo3t. Australian cricketers draw with Dr Grace's team. Private Priaulx, Guernsey Militia, -wins Queen's prize at Bisley. Elihu Hoot appointed Secretary of War in U.S. 24th— Dunedin High School defeat Christ's College at football. 25th— Mr John Hutcheson re-elected for Wellington City. Cold lldeg below zero at Gladbrook station, Central Otago. Labour riots at Cleveland, U.S. 2Cth — H.M. battleship Vengeance launched at Barrow-in-Fumees. Peace Conference at the Hague adopt optional arbitration. 27th— Obituary : Mrs J. Logan ; arrived 1853. Victoria and Tasmania vote in favour of Federal proposals. Australian cricketers defeated by Surrey. 200 people killed by earthquake" in Hawaiian Islands.

President Heureaux of Hayti assassinated, 28th— Australians draw with Sussex. 30th — Peace Conference at Hague adjourns,


ldt — Mr Seddou delivers Financial Statement. Obituary: A. R. Livingston: arrived Otago 185(5. Wellington defeats Otago at football by 6 poiuts to 3. Australians beat M.C.C. and Ground. 4th — Kaikourn Club beats Alharubra at football and wins Senior Flag of O.H.F.CJ. Tornado destroys seven towns in Florida. Australian cricketers diaw with Hampshire. 5th — Japanese Government make vnccinutiou of children compulsory. Cth — By railway accident near Pariu 17 people* killed and 7.3 injured. 7th.— JliiaßivFreQcii iillikucQ ie-s£lrm£d

Three men killed by explosion of guncotton at Mahauga Bay, near Wellington forts. 8th — Otago Council of Christian Churches declare in favour of daily opening of schools with Bible reading and Lord's Prayer. j Memorial tablet to C. M. Mouat placed in High School. j Commission exonerate New Zealand Ministers re marine scandal. I Court-martial to re-try Dreyfu3 meets at Rennes. j 9th — Obituary: Mr Thos. Murray; arrived by I Ajax, 1849. Official returns of referendum in Victoria on Federation: For, 152,653; against, 9805. Australians win against Warwickshire. Barque Tacora sights overdue Waikato. 10th — British mau-o'-war fires at and captures French trawler. 11th — Terrific hurricane in Caribbean Sea; immense loss of life and property. Earthquake at Cromwell," Lumsden, Bluff, and other places in Otago. 12th — Otago beats Canterbury at football by 12 points to 6. Australian cricketers defeated by Kent. M. Guerin, threatened with arrest for conspiracy, barricades his house in Paris. 14th — M. LaboTi, counsel for Dreyfus, shot while returning to rooms from court-martial. loth — Scott anniversary celebrated in Duriedin. Methodist Union completed in Adelaide. 16th — Boer Government distribute Mauser rifles to burghers; great war scare in Tranavaal. Australians draw with England in fifth test match. 17th — Obituary: Professor Bunsen, famous chemist; aged 88. 18th — Scene in New Zealand Hoifse of Representatives, owing to- statements made re land grants to Captain Russell in 1868. Education Department of New Zealand decide to abolish individual standard pass. Earthquake at Arrowtown. Eunedin City Council decide to acquire water rights at head of Leith and Waitati streams. Yacht Shamrock arrives in American waters to contest America Cup. 19th — Portuguese authorities stop 15,000 Mauser rifles intended for Transvaal at Delagoa Bay. Obituary: Robert Wilson, merchant; arrived Dunedin 1861 ; aged 67. 20th — Obituary: Andrew Gemmell Watson; arrived Otago 1863 ; aged 66. 21st — Riots in Paris result in 75 persons being injured. 22nd — M. Labori, counsel of Dreyfus, resumes defence of accused. Australians win match against Middlesex. Mapourika, s.s., recommissioned. 24th — Widespread treason reported at the Cape. 05th — Numerous prosecutions instituted in Dunedin under Stamp Act. 26th — Australians draw match with Somer?et. Football match Taranaki v. Otago ends in draw ; A. M. Armit seriously injured. Murder of A. Farquhar at Wellington ; Henry Erwin arrested. 28th — Otago Professional Athletic Association holds first meeting. 30th — Australian cricketers draw with Lancashire. 31st — British forces defeat dervishes on Blue Nile. SEPTEMBER. 1st — Serious famine in Rtissia reported. 2nd — Auckland wins football match with Otago. Queensland referendum on federation in favour of joining Commonwealth. 3rd — Johannesburg editor arrested fo2 treason, and warrants issued for arrests of 300 other persons. 6th — M. Labori appeals to Kaiser and King of Italy to allow attaches to give evidence on behalf of his client. Australian cricketers score a win against South of England. Southland draws with Otago at football. Transvaal replies to British demands; reply considered "prolix and impertinent." 7th — Obit.: Peter Dunlop, arrived Dunediu 1858. Evidence in Dreyfus trial concluded. 8th — John Sahnond, old resident of Milton ; arrived by Larkins, 1849 ; aged 71. Reid Government in N.S.W. defeated by 78 votes to 40. • 9th — Dreyfus found guilty; sentenced to 10 years' detention in fortress. British Government demand categorical reply [ to Sir A. Milner's proposals. [ 11th— Great indignation throughout world at verdict in Dreyfus trial ; threats to boycott Paria Exhibition. 12th— Revolution in Venezuela. 13th — S.s. Thermopylae wrecked near Capetown. 14th — New Ministry formed in N.S.W. under Mr W. J. Lyne. Mr Chamberlain repudiates Transvaal's claims to soverpignty. Mr Joseph Malms, head of Good Templar Order, arrives in Dunedin. 16th — Obit. : Barou Watson, Lord of Appeal ; aged 71. Boers Teject British proposals, repudiate British sovereignty; adhere to 1884 convention. 18th — Medical congress of Australasia meets in Briibane. 19th — Number of people fined in Dunedin for breaches of Stamp Act, by transferring shares in blank. 20th — Dunedin City Council offer £48,240 for tramways. President Loubet pardons Dreyfus. M. Guerin surrenders to gendarmes. 21st— By earthquake in Asia Minor 100 persons killed. Battleship London launched at Portsmouth. 22nd— Mr Steyn, President Oranjre Free State, accuses Britain of bad faith, and advises cooperation with Transvaal. 26th — By earthquake and phenomenally heavy rains at Darjeeling, India, 400 people killed. 27th — Admiral Dewey arrives in New York. 28th— N.Z. House of Representatives offer contingent of 250 men, fully equipped, for service in Transvaal. Great enthusiasm in House : members and "strangers" sing National Anthem. 23th — Obituary. Tames Walker Bain, old resident of Invercargill ; aged 58 years. 30th — Enthusiastic reception to Admiral Dewey at New York.


lf»t — Archdeacon Beaumont resigns 1113 euro at Tuapeka, which he had occupied for 30 yeara. 2nd — Fire at Otneo Daily Times Office. 4 th — Tfirufc race for America Cup not completed in time stipulated. Awa-d of Venezuela arbitration commission in favour of Great Britain. Jupiter wins Mosgiel Handicap and Blazer thS Electric Handicap at D.J.C. Spring meeting. 6th — British Government accept services of A'ew Zealand contingent; also of contingent from Australian coiomc. Second race ior America Cup fails owing to calms. 7tli — Paladin wiiia Banfurly Handicap at O.J.C. Spring meeting. Bthj— Thud attempt to sail America Cup race fails. S.s. Waikato, which Ijroko her tail shnfc on Juno 2, towed into Frcmantlu by s.s. Asloun. 9th— Boera ill-treat British refugees.

Otago volunteers for New Zealand African T contingent leave Dunedin for Wellington. 11 th — H. Payne wins final of the Labour Day Handicap and A. Huston final in Grand Labour Day Wheel Race, Sir E. Braddon, Premier .of Tasmania, resigns. 10th — Boers telegraph an ultimatum to Bri,tain. „ ilth — War between Britain .and Transvaal commences. 12th — Tasmanian Ministry formed, with Mr Lewis as Premier. Contractor for laying Kaikorai tramway commences operations. 13th — Obituary: Lord Farrer; aged 80. By an earthquake on island of Ceram, west of New Guinea, aiany natives killed and injured. - j 15th— Obituary: T. M. Wilkinson, chemist; ! arrived Dunedin 1862; aged 75. Boers derail and seize a train near Mafeking. 16th — Shock of earthquake at Napier. Boers occupy Charlestown and Newcastle. Treasonable appeals circulated among Afrikanders in Cape Colony. Columbia wins first completed race for America Cup. * 17th — Queenstown Brass Band wins Quickstep and March and selection at second-class Brass Band Contest at Queenstown. British evacuate Dundee. Scene in N.Z. House of Representatives; Mr Pirani accuses Mr G. Fisher of making an offensive remark to him. Columbia wins second race for America Cup ; Shamrock disabled. I Commercial Congress meets in Philadelphia. 18th— Special session of British Parliament opened to deal with Transvaal question. J j British and U.S. authorities arrange modus j vivendi in connection with Alaskan boundary : dispute. I 20th— Obituary : Signor Foli, famous singer. ! Columbia wins third race for America Cup by a mile. British defeat Boers at Glencoe; General > \ Symons seriously wounded. Boers also defeated near Ladysmith. i 21st — New Zealand contingent for Transvaal leave Wellington in Waiwera ; great enthusiasm | throughout colony. i Battle of Elaadslaagte ; Boers defeated with I heavy loss ; squadron of British Hussars cut [ off when in pursuit, and captured by enemy. | Boers capture Kirnberley waterworks; but aro defeated at Mafeking. 22nd — Lieutenant-colonel Yule retires from I Dundee and effects junction with General White at Ladysmith. ! 23rd — Portrait of Sir G. Grey unveiled in 1 N.Z. Parliament Library. $ | 24th — Obituary: James Smith, arrived by Kelso, 1819. N.Z. Parliament session closes. Sortie from • Mafeking inflicts loss on Boer force. i British success near Kimberley. | 25th — British fleet mobilised. | Kimberley completely invested by Boers. Duuedin Anglican Synod meets. I 26th — Otago 'Harbour Board meets in new offices at Rattray street wharf. I Obituary: Grant Allen, novelist. Steamer Hesketh ashore at. Greymouth. | 27th — Battle of Reitfontein ; Boers dislodged. i Death of General Symons, wounded at Glencoe. 2Sth— Obituary: Florence Marryatt, novelist. N.S.W and Victorian contingents leave for • South Africa. \ \ 36th — Heavy engagement in vicinity of Lady- j smith ; General White retires ; 42 officers and*j 1100 men taken prisoners by Boers. I

Presbyterian Synod meet at Dunedin — Rev. W. Bannerman, moderator.

31st — General Buller, commander-in-chief, arrives at Capetown. Barque Pleiades ashore at Akitio.

NOVEMBER. 1st — Presentation to Mr A. Morrison, M.H.R., at South Dunedin. * 2nd— Hon. J. G. Ward, M.H.R., received Ly Knights of Labour on arrival in Dunedin from England. Captain Lorraine, aeronaut, killed through balloon accident at Christchurch. 3rd— H.M. battleship Venerable "launched. Canada offers another contingent for South Africa ; offrr declined. Ladysmith bombarded by the Beers. Mr Embling appointed general manager of Bank of N.Z. 4th— Earthquake felt at Dunedin. Heavy snowfall throughout Otago. Obituary : Robert Watson, mayor of Roslyn and eld resident of district. Battle at Colenso. sth— Boers occupy Colesberg. 7th — jooerß sustain heavy loss at Tatham's Farm, in vicinity of Ladysmith. Merriwee wins Melbourne Cup and Seahorse N.Z. Cup. Violent storms in Australia. 8th — Obituary: Lieutenant-colonel M'Donnell; veteran of Maori war. 9th — Great Britain renounces her rights in Samoa to Germany and America. Heavy engagement at Ladysmith ; Boers defeated. 11th — N.Z. wins Australasian Amateui Athletic Championship banner. 12th— Boars repulsed at Mafeking. A. M. Armit, injured in Taranaki-Otago football match, succumbs. ,14th — H M.S. Magicienne fires upon French steamer cutside Delagoa Bay. General White inflicts heavy loss on his besiegers at Ladysmith. 15th— Boers ambush an armoured train near Estcourt ; and destroy bridge over Tugela at Colenso. 19th— French Senate try M. Deroulede for treason. 20sh — Kaiser lands at Portsmouth and receives a great ovation. 21st — Obituary : Lady Salisbury. N.Z. contingent arrive at Port Elizabeth, Cape Colony. Fire at ii J hosnix confectionery works, Dunedin. 23rd— Estcourt isolated by the Boers. Battle of Bolinont; General Methuen successful. Jupiter wins Otago Cup at D.J.C. Spring meeting. 21lh — People's Day at Otago A. and P. show. N '/.. contingent arrive at Capetown. Khilifa defeated and killed by Major-gene-ral Wingate's forces. Lancers have first brush with enemy. 25th — Earthquake in Victoria. Dundai wins St. Andrew's Handicap and Blazer the Glasgow Plate at Dunedin Summer meeting. General Redvers Buller arrives at Durban. Queensland Government resign. 126th — Boer reverse at Willow Grange, south of Estcourt. Battle of Grass Pan ; General Methuen successful. 27th — Social to Hon. J. M'Kenzie at Palmerston. 28th — South Australian Ministry resign. Battle of Modder River ; Boers retire. New Zealand contingent go to the front. 29th — Mr R. Chisholm elected Mayor of Dunedin. Rev. James Mackic inducted charge of Presbyterian Church, Alexandra. "30th— Mr Solomons forms Ministry in S. Australia. Mr JJa'vsou forms a "labour" Ministry in Qupen?lar.fL Children's waid, Dunedin Hospital, opened. Populace ol Sheerneea cheer Kaiser and fa-

mily as they embark on conclusion of tneft visit to England. DECEMBER. 1st — Obituary: Mr John Joyce, a candidate for Lyttelton seat in Parliament of N.Z. Mr Chamberlain, in speech at Leicester, hints at agreement between United States} Germany, and Britain for mutual defence. Victorian Ministry defeated. Mr Dawson's new Queensland Ministry cl« feated. 3rd— Many British building firms withdraw from exhibiting at Paris owing to anti-Britisll feeling in France. 6th— General election in New Zealand; Go* vernment party returned with large majority^ New Queensland Ministry formed under M< I Philp. j Mr Solomon's Ministry in South Australia defeated; Mr Horder forms another. 7th— G eneral Hunter inflicts loss on Boers by 1 sortie at Ladysmith. ; 9th— Obituary: Mr H. A. Field, newly-elected member for Otaki. 10th— Bridges over Tugela River in Natal and Modder Rover in Cape Colony restored. Boers attack Maf eking, but are repulsed. General Gatacre repulsed with severe loss at Stormberg by the Boers. 11th— Denmark offers to sell her West Indian! possessions to United States. <■ Obituary": Lord Penzance, Dean of Arches and Chancellor of York. Arbitration Court holds it has no jurisdiction to hear grocers' dispute. 12th— British cavalry drive force of Eoers across Tugela River. - After three, days' battle at Magersfon'tein. British retire to Hodder River. I 18th— Major-general Barton," bombards Co> lenso. . Boers repulsed at Zoutspan drift. Dunedin City Council make amended offer ol £45,000. for city trams. 14th — Governor Ranfurly returns to Wellington after visit to Australia. ! General Gatacre repulses 1800 Boers at Arundel. 15th — Industrial Association of Otago foinied; Mr J. C. Thompson first president, j - Lord Salisbury signs the Hague Peace Con--j vention. I Lyttelton election : Laurenson, 2697; Jacques, 898. General Buller repulsed with severe loss at Chievely. " • ' 16th— First sports meeting of Otago Professional Athletic League. I War Office notifies that it will accept further j contingents from colonies. 17th— New Roman Catholic Church opened ; at Tapanui. Dutch in Cape Colony North said to be in revolt. Boer force of 1200 repulsed by Australian and New Zealand contingents. 18th — Lord Roberts appointed Commander-in-Chief in Cape Colony, with Lord Kitchener chief of staff; General Bullor to act in Natal. Another Australian contingent to be sent to South Africa. Trooper Bradford (New Zealand contingent) wounded and taken prisoner by the Boers. 19th — Canada's offer of second contingent ac»'' cepted. ' 20th— Mr Lethbridge elected for Rangitikei seat N. Z. Parliament. Foundation stone of North Dunedin Presby* ; terian Church laid by Rev. W. Bannerman. | N.Z. offers a second contingent for SoutK j Africa. t\ 21st — Dining cars used on north express for first time. Second contingent from Australia accepted/ Hon. J. G. Ward sworn in as a Minister;' N.Z. Ministry reconstructed. 22nd — Monster patriotic meeting at Agricultural Hall, Dunedin ; over £8000 subscribed for Patriotic Fund. Services of second New Zealand contingent accepted. Obituary: Mrs Purdie.; arrived by Mooltan, 1849; aged 88. 23rd — Bubonic plague reported at Noumea. Obituary: Duke of Westminster; D. It, Moody, evangelist. 24th — Captain Crodock appointed to com« mand of second New Zealand Contingent. Mr Albert Scheib, brother of Mr W. A. Scheib, returned from ELlondyke to Cromwell last week. Mr Scheib had varied experiences on the Klondyke goldfieldg, and slates that while there he met with many New Zealanders. The highest mountain is generally supposed to be Mount Everest, in the Himalayas, bub a recent traveller in India reports th;{ some of the Thibetans say there is a still loftier unknown peak directly north of Everest. He also asserts that the name Gaurisankar, sometimes applied to Mount Everest, does not belong to it, but that its Thibetan name is JombKankar, meaning " The "White Glacier Lady." At the Brisbane District Court the other day Edward Howard "Wallace "VVhrtehouse, Congregational minister, was charged with j bigamy. The evidence for the prosecution: showed that accused in September last werifc through the marriage ceremony with Miss Phillips, of Brisbane, his first wife, to whoJn lie was married in Gympie in 1893, being stijl ' alive. Ho was found guilty, and was remanded j for sentence.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2391, 28 December 1899, Page 48

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CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD. Otago Witness, Issue 2391, 28 December 1899, Page 48

CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD. Otago Witness, Issue 2391, 28 December 1899, Page 48