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Tho ordinary meeting of the High Schools Boarl of Governors was held on Monday afternoon; present- -Di Brown (chairman), Dr Shand, Messrs* J. F. M. Praser, J. M. Gallaway, J. R. Sinclair, anil h:- v.'oiship tho Mayor (Mr E. B. Civ-uH). The Treasurer reported thai the ciudit 1 nlaneo at the bank stood at &1W 9s Sd. .dtci paying accounts amounting to £*37 14«. The Dunedin and Iv^'koiai Tram Comp-vny wrote with regard to repairing a road loading to tho rectory.— Kpfcivctl to a special committee, consisting of Me^rs Fro mm- and Sinclair. . Mr William Watkins. le«Fce of sections 13 lo 2.3, block IX, township of Ardcn, wrote applying for permission to transfer his interest to Mr A. Stewart.— Agreed to. The Ilev. T. N. Griitin wrote asking tlie board to pay his daughter's school ieo at the Girls' High Hchool in (Jhribtehureh, aw sl-e vvis unable to avail herself of tho scholarship to which hho was pnlitled at the Dunedin GhV High School.— The loqucst was declined. Mi- Mungo Watson wrote as follow*: — '■ Dunedin, July 30, 1897. (J. Macandrcw, Esq. Dear Sir,— As the rector returns to-morrow my temporary position as acting-rector is at a:i end. Owing to the very generous assistant 1 have received from my colleagues and to tho excellent discipline which prevails in tho bchool, I lutte had little to do outside of my own class room,, and tlie work has gone on very smoothly. Kindly convey to the

chairman and other members of the Board of Governors my thanks for ih«ir suppoit." — Tlie letter was received, ana on the motion of Mr I ( *m.BEU it was resolved — " That the hearty thanks of tho board be convoyed to Mr \Vai.-on for his cfiiei«nt sen ices as actiugrcctor."


The ordinary meeting of this County Council was held in the Council Chamber?, Ilawksbtuy, on Monday last, at which there vi ere pie-'Ont tiio Chairman (Mr A. >S. Orbell), and Crs C. Uuko, J. l'ooto, A. (.'it'ham, J. Poiieou;, and J. fjouier.


Account-, for th<; month amounting to £370 14s ?A won' passed for payment.


Tlie inf-pceUn- toporied as under

PuraUuu'u l'tstuct.— The application of Mr W. i'\ (.'lulls and other r.-itcpayeis in the Purak.unui district, to luve tin* road tommd from tho foot of \Valkei street lo llm -Mam road and leudei it (it toi tvalUc would m quirt; about 60 chains oi light formation at a:i climated co?t of Irym £10 to £1.2. — Ttio petitioners to be informed that tho council will undertake the work applied lor providing they guaictntcc to pay half the expense. Kdik Load. — The application of Mr James Apes and other Kitcpayers at tho Maun Kaik to havo tho road at the loot ol .Scarp sheet opened for traffic would iequne a cutting at the junction ot tho road i'2lt in depth at the deepest part and 1 chain wide, which would give a gradient of 1 in bO, and to reduce tho pinch in the Harbour road would requuo 3?t taken out of the crown of the pinch ; estimated cost, about £13. A deviation could be got through section 8, block XXV, and a much better roivd made for about £7. — Report received and mattei adjourned for a month.

Huminocksule Road.— Tho application of Mr Thos. Smith, Waikouaiti, lo ha\c the track leading through section 10, block VIII, to Clyma's hut, could be attended to by the surfaceman; and there were several slips on Nankevill's road that rcqnnecl attention, and could be done at. the snmo time.-— The inspector was instructed to ha\e the -work done by tho surfaceman.

Allcock and Aitcheson's Application.— This application, lo have the roads leading to small grazing runs in their possession put in order, would require about 97 c-hauia ol formation to rendci the road fit. tor dray traffic; estimated casl, about £7. r ). To gravel the two portioiib on the road to connect the two metalled portions leading to the Waikouaiti River would require about 26 chains of gravelling, at an estimated cost of about £22.- -Tho council decided to call for tonderb for the gravelling, and consideration of the formation was deferred foi the pie&cut.

Scratchbaok Road. --An application was received trom Mr .1. II alia m and other ratepayers in the RummocLpido district to havo tho road opened from Mount Walkins across tho Waikouaiti Kivor and up through section 7, block IV, to the road at Seratohback, "which was 3i miles in length and was impracticable for dray traffic owing to the steepness near the river and tho roughness of the portions impassable. Should the council decide on opening the road v de viation was recommended' through Mr Douglas's property, and a slight deviation through section 'I, block IV, when the caos?mg couhl be made passable, but the road could only be used as a bridle track. — Tho council resolved that atter careful conpideratiou th-oy find it quite impossible to make si practical dray road ov> the piesent surveyed Huh, and <won with a deviation the co&t of forming tho sania would be quite beyond tho finances of the county.


Mi A. Gardener and 19 ratepayers in ihe Warring lon-Seacliff district, Merlon Hiding, drew attention to that part of tho \V:imn{j-ton-yeacliff road from Wyalt's boundary to the corner of Tuueskin Bay, opposite Gardener's property, which was in a very bad state. It had been formed for the last, 30 yeais, and not one load ot metal had been bpread ou it. They asked the council to have the road metalled.— lief erred to the inspector for a report. Mcs'-is 'I', fc'itzgorakl and mx othei ratepayers in the Purakanui district drew attention to the state of the Heyward Point road, between Mr Harm's and Mr Fitzgerald's gates, and asked the council to have some repairs effected as soon as possible — The inspector was instructed to have the necessary Vi ork done, provided the settlers interested put the necessary metal on the ground M: J. Paterscm and 15 other ratepayers in the Ilawk&bury Riding petitioned the council to have the grade in the cutting, known as Fullarton's Gutting, reduced to some extent.— The inspector was instructed to have a few loads of gravel put on tlie embankment, in question. Messrs Hansferd, ft. Thomson, and Mrs M'Lean petitioned the council drawing attention to the hardship suffered by thorn owing to the road, leading to their properties not being completed, and reminding the council that no money had been expended in forming the road, and asking to have it levelled and metalled. Mrs M'Lean was wiling to contri bnte to the extent of £5 for a practical cart road up to her gate, or £2 IO for a footpath. Referred to tho 'port Chalmers Borough Council tor their faxourable consideration.

Mr D. C. Sharpe and 10 other ratepayers petitioned the council in reference to dispensing with tlie services oi Mr Harknoss as surfaceman, and asking that ho be continued in the position ; aKo drawing attention^to tlie dan?crou« condition of the road at Lvans s house, wlioro a oart could liavdly pass, lhey acked to havj the complaint attended to, and pointed out, that at this and other placet, it was necessary to have a man near at hand to attend to them — Ilofm-red to the inspector. Mr J. Pullar and 37 ratepayers in the Riding petitioned the council drawing attention to tho state of the road leading from ■Seachli along the boundary of the Asylum reserve towards the Natu c rc=orv«. and asking to )tavt-> tho road formed and aclalled.—Ke.olipd- -•' That the petition bo. forwarded to Mows Allen and T. Pratt, M.H.R.'s, asking them to u?e their influence with the (Jovornmont fo obtain a grant fo that the very necessary v><>ik can be carried out."


Tho Secretary of the Treasury, Wellington, wrote intimating that the sum of £70, grant for repairs to Loww Harbour road, and £15 2e goldfields revenue brought to credit during the month of Juno, had been remitted to tho credit of tho council at the Bank of New Zealand, Waikouait \. — -Itocoivwl.

air JR. A. S. Cautroll, Waifcou.-ili. wrote drawing attention to the lodgment of water in his paddock, caused through a defective culvert on fche Mil) road, and asking to have the drain lowered.— The inspector was instructed to examine the same, and if he considered the culvert in question was blocking tho water back, to have the same attended to. Mr J. Douglas, Mount Royal, wrote applying for two or throe bottle^ of strychnine, as ho was about to commeuce making poison for

the destruction of small birds.—Request to bs granted, provided Mr Douglas will undertake to supply the council with a bag or two of n>i\od poifeon at co3l price. 'iho Toivfl. Clerk, Borough of Hawksbury, wrote slating that the Borough Council wore ot opinion that the road leading to the Tumai eiUlo v, as <it present in a good state of repair, and that the council iv the meantime did not intend doing anything to the road. — Received. The Receiver of Land Revenue, Dunedin, intimated that tho sum of £131 15s 3d, land re\onuo, had been paid into the Bank of New Zealand to the credit of the council.—Received.

TlH'^iMioial mamger Railway department, WVHmgtoij., wrote stating that the applicatio i re the. erection of a small goods shed at tho Morton railway station would be con-sidt'i-ed and a reply sent at an early date. — Rtcoived.

Mr Allen, M.H.R.. Wellington, wrote acknowledging his appointment hb delegate to rcpicpent tho council at (he Counties' Confci fence, ami asking for information as to any matter the council wished him to advocate; also pioinising to do all he could re goods shed at Morton station.— Received.

The secretary Charitable Aid Board, Duncdiii, furnished a list of persons in tho county in icccipt oi outdoor io.lief. — Approved.

TSio district agent Public Trustee, Dunedin, wro'n re the loaning of money (trust funds) ou approved security at lowest rates of interest.— Itecei ved .

Mr J Storey, Bcaconhfield, wtote lequesfcin_> the council to widen tho track Ihiotigtt the biish from Mr G. Wilson's to his boundary, :is it was too narrow for a sledge nnd dangeious for h horae to travel o\cr. — Referred to the inspector to do tlie wo: k if ho considered it ncecssiuy.

Messrs Lindsay and M'Calluin, (.'"la^ Swamp, wrote drawing attention to (Uo road lejiduig over Hosie'B Hill, the embankmenl having give i way when tho last contract woik «as clono, and was now unfit for traflic. The road required widening and raising up 3ft.—llofcrrc 1 to tho inspector lo have the neeepsary work dono.

Mr J. LI. Rochfcrt, Evansdale, wrote drawing attention to some much-needed repairs on tlie district road at his house. — Received, suid referred to the inspector.

Mis iM 'Bride, St. Kilda, wroto requesting (ho council to repair the road loading to her pinicrfy at Mount Cargill. — Iluforiud to tlie insi eclor to have Ihe necessary work done.

The inspector of slaughterhouses for Ilsuvksbmv, Morton, and IMneskm Hiding); for.vaili w l :etiuns of all cattle Rlaughtcro.d and the foos collected for tho quarter ending .lima 30. 1098.— Received.

The Commissioner of Crown Lauds, Hunedi.i, forwarded a return of all land Iriuvsaclions that had taken place within tho. comity during tho month of June last.- -Received.


The resolved to levy a ijo.nenvl rate of tin bo fa>-thii>gs in the pound for the- year ronurwieing April 1, 1898, and ending March 3', 1899, payable in one sum on (lie IBili tioptejpber, 1898; to will for tendon; by tu\\.t nieoting for (ho expenditure of the Oovcrnn»3»it grant of £30 on tho Pukcteraki ltralway Station road ; and to insure (ho. new county buildings and furnituie in the sum of £300.

Out of 10 applications for the position of surfaceman for tho Noith-J^ast Valley Riding, Mr Thomas Lang received tlie appointment.

Tlir^ council went over the defaulleis' list, mid icsolved to hand ovo.r to the Kolieitoi tiio names of all those whoso tales romnni unpaid on and after tho 14lh nipt., with inr.t motions to take proceedings for their imm«i'i .to rcooveiv


Tiio council held a special meting, the sumo ineiiiberj being present, to receive tho auditor.i report and considoi tho annual balanvo sheef. and statement of accounts for the year emli-.l March 31, 1898, after which (he chairman was authorised to sign the same. Tne coui'cil then adjourned.

A< showing the large amount of traffic on tho continuation of the road to the interior from the present terminus of the Otago Central railway, the Alexandra Herald mentions that one night last week there were no fewer than eight waggons camped at (Jliatto Creek. The friends of the Otago Central railway have every reason to be satisfied with the evidences on all hands of the success the hiia must inevitably prove long before it teaches its destination at the Wanaka.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2318, 4 August 1898, Page 15

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HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD OF GOVERNORS. D Otago Witness, Issue 2318, 4 August 1898, Page 15

HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD OF GOVERNORS. D Otago Witness, Issue 2318, 4 August 1898, Page 15