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The annual meeting of the Olago Agritultural and 3\wtoral Society v>M lieU at the board room of lho society on J<nday afternoon. Mv James Shiel laresided, and there were also present— Messrs Andrew Todd, W. A. Adam, , C. W. Ken, W Jaffray, James Gow, William Charter:,, A.'M'Farlane, W. H. Taggarl, A. O. Begg, A. Johnston, R. Charters, A Douglas, H. V. Fulton P. Mi"er, W. Tuvnbull, Joseph Allan 'W. Blackie, P. Tattullo J. A. Stewart, U. L. Denmston, IP. Pattullo, U. Sinclair, James Smith, John Moloney, I. Cornish, W. G. Neill, W. J. Eclmona, (r. H. Gilroy, A. W. Robin, J.T. Mackerra., J. M'Ghie, J. Liston, H. M. Uri\ci-, A. Mathieson, C. Morris, J. Arthur \\ . riislop, ¥. Meenan. J. M. "Ritchie, A. Ihoin^o.), J. Arthur, J. Lethbridgc, J. M GaJlmniy, G F. Palmer, A. S. Orbcll. A. C. ytrouacli, John Reid, 0. R. Cheesemnn. John Elliot, 11. Stronaoh, James Gray, W. C. 'iodd, R. M. Clark, J. C! Fonsonby, James Duthie, W. A. Shiels, Fred Stronach, Fred Oklham, lhomas Callender, John Wright, Geor-^o Roberts, Bobert Gawn, R. Cliisholm, J. T. Train, Tompson Lamb, A. Johnstone, E. Bowler, iW. L. Philp, and Dr Fulton. Apologies for non-attendanco were received from jMossr.^ T. iW. Kempthornc and James Onghlon.


The Chairiiak, in movihg the adoption of the annual report and balance sheet, said : It is not necessary for me to $o into details of the society's operations lor tho pa-,1 year, as these are fully commented upon in tho report, which has been circulated to the members. I would, however, congratulnte tho members on the successful year which lias passed, and, although I am exceedingly pleased to see such a large number present, 1 wish to suggest that in future tho committee should arrange to hold their annual meeting during the winter show week, and if this could be managed without in ony way upsetting existing arrangements it would enable a large number of our farmer members to be present to give them an opportunity to interest themselves in, the election of tho committee, and also getting their ideas and opinions on many matters! of vital importance- to tho society. In my opinion it is the duty of our committee lo endeavour to get as many farmers as possible on our list as members, and I look forward lo the time when ire shall have our membership doubled io what it is at present, and we will then bo in a position to further extend the work aimed at by the society. I regret that our farming mends did not support us more loyally in our farm and turnip competitions, 'and to think that there are only five farms throughout Gtafto i and Southland managed and kept in a, condition fit for competition is simply absurd; I hope, therefore, farmers well known as capable and expert managers vull not only come to the front in competition, but will encourage others in this direction also, and which will tend to give an educational nuerest m farm management. The falling oft in the number of entries in (ho held turnip competition was due entirely to the unfavourable season for roots both in Otago and Southland, and in many instances v-nole fields of swedes were completely destroyed by blight which were intended lo be grown as near perfection as possible to meet tic keen competition expected. In this claws the farmers should take a keen interest, and J nope your committee will continue to keen the matter constantly befoie them. On looknig at Ihe financial position of (he .society I find that during the lat.l four years v,u have reduced our debentures by £1652 Is, m addition to paying- for all improvements, made at Tahuna Park. This is a matter loi congratulation, and proves that the society is becoming more popular and is also getting deserving and better support from the fanning community; and, while on this subject, 1 regret to say on looking over our list of fiiibscriberrf there is a large number of firms in this city nho do not accord the society the support it deiervep. The committee do vote a considerable amount of time during the year in nd\aiicing the interests of the socieiy, and it is discouraging not to ha\e their c-ifoiis mpporlefl by all elaf-seq of the rouir.'jiiiJy, especially by tho«o uho diiectly l)eneiii by both onr summer and winter shows, which lu-inq; into town thousands of our country friends. Our cash receipts for Iho year, exclusive of private prizes, were £2003 16s sd. and our expenditure £1707 Os 'hi : and our tolal indebtedness now &tand& at .81S06 Us, as against £4227 18s 7d in 1894. Thin t;i\e-< us hope thai in the com-fv of a very few yeir* lho f-ociely will be absolutely Trcu fiom th'bl, by increasing niii j»ii-:e anoney we s-h.ili make o n- --liovvs nuu-h n ore attir.'-ti\e, and a! 1 -) be i.i a po-itiou to fur thcr extend our ojirr. lin l>«.l >«. 1 regiet to '■<<y that during the ycir ('oath h. I*1 '* removed tv, o of our prominent ine-nber-i— -Mr Cumngham .Smith and Mr ii. M. Bell— both having held ihe position of president: ilr Bmith lor two years, and for over 18 yeirs acted a,< lionorary treo surer, and it was mainly through his valuable hqy\ ices, his energy, and perseverance thai our society is now in existence.

It is now just 20 years s'inee th° late Mr v. M. Bell was president, and during ihe early career of the society he took a most acthe part in its affair,-), and for many yors afterwards acted as one of our judges'. There arc a few important matters that will require the careful consideration of the incoming committee, which are— the necessity of con necting Tahuna Park by railway (this question has already been discussed by your committee, and I hope to see the work undertaken, «:> the advantage of having a line direct to the show grounds! would be a bonofit to nil concerned, and none would appreciate this improvement more than our exhibitors); tho ach inability of holding a fat stock fliow in conjunction with our next winter ftho".-. .and it' rc-ty with the committee to see that thi? mit < er is suecP'sfullv carried out, as T Icpl suic the undevViking will have the i all support it deserves ; the other question is a necessity of increasing prizes- in fome of the classes at both summer and winter plyowp, and thus encourage outside exhibitors to come and compete with those we know so well and see so often. I have recened n letter from Duthie Bros. (Limited), of this, city, offering a 30-guinea tropliy for compc tilio'n at our next winter shov, and I trust this firm.* generous example v ill stimulate others to follow the same .course. The letter is as follows: —

"With a view to encovrape tho whole of the counties to exhibit at youv society's annual winter .show, I am instructed by my chvectora to offov "youv committee a silver trophy (tcpre-BC-rliuc a horse fhoe), volued at 30 guineas, iov co.mpitii.ion in that ekf-s. They ronsidnr that the county exhibit? at your lite f liow were one of its chief fealiues and would inr><;c=sl that the troplr. be competed for mulcr the following conditions-— (1) That the prize be awarded for tho best and most comprehensive collection ot agiieultural, dairy, and pastoral produce exhibited fiom any county. (2) That the society erg-rave the name of the v/inrec each yc-ar on a silv-n- pbte to 1)6 nttiched to each nail, or othoiwi'c, thus e e 'tsbhVhinc; oiio win to such county. (.*) That the trophy be competed for annually, and as f.oon as the nine nfiils have be-^n won the trophy to become the abjolulc property of the coiviij gaining the largest number ofawaicls. In presenting this prise, although not, wHr'ns to dictate, we do not co'isidci- it fair to pllow mamifacUucd aihclc~> to compete, as it won'd ,<_rv an undue ad', antflgc to some counties. T now bee; to tha'A all our subscriber*, who have loyally stuck to ihe society, lothc various firms that have devoted speci-il prizes, and to all those who have assisted to carry out tho work of the socieCy during the year, and also to the members! of the. committee for their genei our. support accorded me during the past year, and \v\\o have ell worked a&Mcltiously to make our shows a sucoers. I have now nvurh pleasure in moving the adoption of o\ir repoj t and balance shoot.

Mr J. M. Ritchie, in seconding- the motion, said he would not take up the time of the meeting by saying much, but he would like to point, out (wo things which lie thought it would be well to keep in view. In the firs.l pl..<-e, there was the matter of getting" an in cioa^c of subs-c-riLcis. In thin connection ho thought it w-a* n good idea that the chairman had brought forward, to have the annual meeting at the time of the winter show, ft would be well that all their country friends) should have an opportunity of becoming members and of taking an inleie«t in the work of the society. 11 he other point he wished to make was that he would cvunrel tho committee to peivevere and not be disheartened •by an apparei t want of success which mi<;ht have been noticed with re--pect to ar>v of the projects of the society. He did not take much account of any f-uch apparent want of success. The- lara lair might, not, perhaps, have turuo'l out as might have been wished, and other things had possibly n«)L oomo ou( n^ could inve been cleared. Tfo notice'! lac-l year in Christ i.-!u,i-Hi thai a p,ie;'!. many pooplo mado the renr.rk that the committee of th" Canlorbuiy hocioty was apt to fall into a t>roo\e and th°.l that committee wa* not, \tp tv dale as it should be. and one ol the newbpapciP there had ;> leading article on the f-rrno lilies. This f.houhl be avoided heie. The main thin»'. lie ( ( 3 1 r Ttifchv) should f-.iy, \\r. for the committee to be aluny- .iltemplhig £omoLhin<r nc^v, H-melhing would tend to keep i>p the intcie.4 in the society, and t!ie Focieiy ousht not to br> dif-heaitened foecau-a any one of lhe°e developments might not succeed ay was expected. There was leason to be proud of the position of the society, r.nd he had no doubt v ha lex or that both for town and country ii was serving' a great purpose, and had boon of gieat -wiiuc in many cih option*. I' should not be forgotten, too. thai another society, the Agrieulluial Hall Company, was also vorlnng for no other aim than the weliarc of the Agricultural Rocicly.

The motion foi the adoption of the report was then put and carried.

life GOVEn?;ons.

Tho OiiauiM \x moved that Mr Thomas Erydone bo eloc-i >d f>n honoiary life go\cmor of the MX'itly.

Air A. ToiiD. in seconding llio motion, '.aid l\lv f'lydor.G lie lily deserved the honour the "-ociely sought lo be low on him.

The motion was carried

The CuviKitAK paid the committee had received and accepted 1 1 us r«nißiiati'>n of Air J affray, who had been associated w itli Uve peciety f,ince il-> inception. Mr .Tnfi'rnv's- onljvcTson for rcignin?, now lii'J :>i'' ;mcin;; j cai'j. lie (tho chairman) had much picture

in men ing tV-t he be elected an honorary lif» | niembor oi tho society.— (Appluu-e.) _ \ i[f J. Smith, jw.. seconded the motion. | which \ias carried. j M\. Jmuim. in returning thanks for the ) honour conf cried upon him. said he had been a member of tho society for thirty years, and although he had retired from the committee he would htill continue to take an interest in the bodety. 1 elbctiox of office-beahetis. j The Cii.UHMAir said as there M-as only one j nomination for the position of president, ho had much pleasure in declaring Mr Andrew Todd elected.— (Applause ) . ilr Tom? then took the chair, and briefly returned thank?- lor ln& election. The Chmum\>" taid that the only nomination ihat had boon received for the position ot vico-M evident was that of 3ir A. C. iSirpnach", ho had much pleasure m declaring elected. ' Mr A. Douglas moved the re-election ol i Mcnsr* '1. A. Gilruth, SV. D. Snowball, and A. Hamilton as Aoteriimry burgeons. I The motion was .seconded by Mr K. Char- j tbrs and carried. j Mr Wikoxacu moved the election ol jlr 1. . Callender as auditor.— Carried. ! On a ballot being taken for the election of a committee, the following wore declared elected : —Mr 11. Buckland, Waikouaiti ; Mr, H M Driver, Clarendon ; Mr A. Douglas, i EastTaieri: Mr J. Gow, Mosgiol; Mr J ha?, , lett, Dunedin ; jlr V 7. tfouter, Flag Swamp ; Mr J. Sl-iel, Diuiedin ; Mr J- bright, Dun- j c ,li n . Mr A. y. Orbdl, Waikouaiti; Mr J. | Oug!) ton, Mo^iel; Mr P. Tat-tullo, Dimedin : , ant:' Mr J. Ri»s, Jlarfcigi. I COMI'LIME:;TARy. I On the motion of Mr G. Roberts, seconcied by Mr H. V. Fvl'Cqs, a hearly vote of tnankb i was" accorded to Mr Angus, treasurer. i "Mr G L. DcxxisroN moved a vote of thanks to* the retiring committee. In doing so, he caul he did not know of any .wciety that was , cakulUcd to bo more helpiul to persons eon- ( ree'ed Avilh agricuUuiM] and paslora) {mrSlits- nor did he know of any society ri a., more iwo a porous position or more popular , He nlu-ibutod this to the fact that the founder., . o. t!.e society had laid its foundations wisely "'i-ifi-VtriSßorv seconded the motion, which. %> On t'io C moliou of Mr Pattpllo, secontled by Mr liKGO, a vote of thanks was accorded _ to the judges, tho public who supported Lho , society, the press, and all who had as-wlod lo , further the interest, of the society. Sir Mackekkas moved a vote ol thanks to the retiring president, Mr Shiel. Tho motion was seconded by A" J 1 - CxiMtTEi^. and carried by acclamation. Air 1\ L'iriSKOLM mo-\ed a vote ot t.iankb to 'the secretary, Mr E. Duthie, and bore testimony to that gentleman s energy -mil ZDr Fcltox seconded the motion, which was carried. a wr,ovn dpks ox frozen meat. Mr A. DoucaAS said he would like an ck-pre^-icu of opinion from those present on . a matter ihat -very gre^tjy interested country ; people. He refca-eJ to tho matter of the J-ieri o'.ai-pcd by tho Harbour Board upon h\)?.en muttoi-,. The question was whether they did not think lln,o duw too lugli. He wo\pc.— " That this meeting i« of the opinion that the dues at this pirt on fro?en meat are too hiah. and that a committee be appointed i to wait on the Harbour Board with the \ievr i of obtaining an altci-ation in the cxi-tmg j Mr A. C Bei'ig seconded the motion. He said ho thought the members of the society should lake the matter up and pa*s a motion. There was no doubt that the harbour dues j on frozen mutton were extremely exce^ue. ; Tl'c charyps on frozen lambs were 22 2 times i what l'>e> yore at Lyttclt-m. and the charges . r>n tV'-c'-i mutton wove 15 times what they ! v.-o-o at that port. These high charges no j dou'jt militated ,n£ the succeed <>f vie , fi>-«:'.cn moat trade here. Thou-.aucN and ! thnu-andtf of s-.hcep during the last month or . two had been wiled to Canterbury in orcW j that they mig'it be converted into " prime i Canicri"':ry " "mutton. This was a state c,f ' tilings tb'it ' ! >ouM i.ot e\is{. The e'lor'-c . ( in Utap,o no d>>u K l formed n con .ideiv.'.ne factor in making froven meal pa*s thi< port. J Mr J. A. Stewaut f-aid it was not alto- j eetlier « question of whether exporter,; , f | h'ozen me-'l were, charged so much higher j than they were charged in other rtVce-. Hj ( thought they r-hould tind out in tho first \Am o j vhut iiisiihf ation tho Harbour Hoard ha«'_ in , chanjinf? 757 5 6d a ton on fro/.on lambc, \\i'ii!i were only uorth id a lb, when they only j charged 5s a ton on butter, which wib wort'i ' Is a' Hi. Ho thought that the rates should J be on a i\iir and equitable basis-. Exporter.:, of frozen meat did not want to get oft' liajht^v j than other people, but they wanted to pay , on a fair basis. He thought if tho board were to look at the matter from the point of , ■we\v of (heir own interest they would -cc ' it to be to th&ir benefit to tis^ibt exporter* of i frozen moat. ! Tho motion on boino- pu! was carried, and the Chairman and "Vle-wrf ':!to\\ari. Dmiyla.-, \ and I'atuillo v.eio apjxiiuvod ;■ (onunittcc to ; \\;iit on the board with ielereu'o to 'he matter. A committee mcelinn -^as held immediately afte,r tho oenewl meetinL-. 3>!r J\ . Todd b%iii.u j in the (hair. 'I lie No\ii m Werdc Bill and tho ncM Dairy Ac t weiv io v.idercd, t','d after iuuiß di. 1 . .'s, vjn it was deckled to n "point a

| sub-cmiraittee to go carefully iuto U.CbO bills 1 and to communicate any suggestion to th© 1 .Secretory ior Agriculture. T'no annnnl hor^e i parade v..v IKetl for September 29, and the ' annual Miinn.ei f^how lor N( >\ ombor^ li> and 1 ?A. On the motion of ih Jamet. Shiel the sum of £5 fas Mas donated towards the Agncultural Conference prize to be competed ior at Hie ne\L ChrKlehurch summer sshow, as , sujjgebted by the ltawke's Bay A. and i. (Society.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2318, 4 August 1898, Page 14

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OTAGO AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL SOCIETY. Otago Witness, Issue 2318, 4 August 1898, Page 14

OTAGO AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL SOCIETY. Otago Witness, Issue 2318, 4 August 1898, Page 14