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Chapter XXV.

A Woman's Diplomacy.

Gemma stood immovable ; a deathly pallor overspread her cheeks, her eyes fixed themselves in terror upon this tall, well-dressed man who was her bitterest enemy. With one trembling hand she had clutched the revolving bookstand for support ; the other held the envelope containing the secret document. She dared not to breathe ; amazement and alarm held her dumb. " And by what right, pray, do you enter my room?" the Ambassador inquired, after a few seconds of silence complete and painful. His face was blanched in anger ; in his dark eyes Avas a keen glance of suspicion and hatred.

She laughed— that strange hollow l.iugh which her lover knew so well.

" I came to call on yon," she answered. The door was closed, and they were alone together. " And you entered my private room to pry into my private papers ? " he said, his blood rising. " What's that you have in your hand?"

She set her lips firmly. She was no longer the sweet, almost child-like girl, buC a liard-faced desperate woman. "A paper L..want," she boldly answered, at the same moment doubling the envelope in half, and crushing it in her palm. " Then you have at last become so bold that p-ou actually have the audacity to enter one's house and steal whatever you think proper? " he cried, in a towering passion. " Fortunately I've returned in time to frustrate your latest bit of infernal ingenuity." " My action is but fair, now that we are enemies," she answered with feigned indignation. "If you could, you'd ruin me, therefore I'm entirely at liberty to return the same compliment." " I thought you were already ruined," the Count exclaimed. "Your reputation, at any rate, cannot be rendered blacker than it

matist, who would stake his very soul in order to get the be' ici of his adversaries. " Once you spoke of love to me," she said, drawing herself up proudly. " Now you ruthlessly oast my past into my face. Even if I have acted as a diplomatic agent you know well euough that all these scandalous stories about me' are foul libels set about by Montelupo and yourself for political purposes." " Enough ! " he cried, incensed ab her words. "We need not discuss that now. I demand to know why I find you prying here, in my room? " She smiled. " I came to sec Carmenilla," she answered. "And sl*e invited you to lunch? — you •whom I have forbidden her to know?" he

exclaimed, exasperated. " A woman of your stamp is no companion for my daughter." " Yet you once, told me that you loved me, and I might, if I had felt so inclined have now been the Countess Castellani and done the honours of this Embassy. Ah, ray dear Conte," she went on, " you are a noted diplomatist, and no doubt as wary and cunning as most of your confreres. But you forget that every woman is by birth a diplomatist, and that in politics I have had a wide and perhaps unique experience." "Yuu possess the ingenuity and daring of the very devil himself," he blurted forth. •"Show me that paper." "No," she answeied firmly. "It is in any possession and I keep it." "You've stolen it," he cried, advancing towards her determinedly. " Give it to me this instant." "I shall not." From where he stood his eyes wandered to the table, and he noticed that one of the drawers stood open. Within her hand lie saw the envelope was a blue one, secured by seals. In an instant he clashed towards the drawer, rummaged its contents, and finding the document missing, cried : "Your infernal impertinence is really astounding. You enter my house, commit a theft, and when charged with it refuse to give up the stolen property. If you don't return it to me at once I'll call the police and have you arrested." "Really?" she exclaimed with a sarcastic laugh which caused his cheeks to become flushed with anger. " I think after so many years of diplomacy you ought to be aware that such a course is impossible. If you were a young attache just fresh from Rome, my dear Count, you might be pardoned for not knowing that here, in this Embassy, I am on Italian soil, and being an Italian subject the London police are unable to arrest me." " But they could outside — in the square. "Certainly. But if I choose to remain here, what then? " " Remain here ! You speak like an imbecile. Come, give me back that envelope." " Never," she replied, still holding it firmly in her small hand, and regarding him in defiance. Castellani knew well the contents of that envelope, and w#s aware that Gemma must have been employed by those implicated by the proofs it contained. Fur months he bad held this in his possession as a weapon to use as a last lesource, and the manner in which .she had entered his room and filched it from the drawer made it plain to him that those to whom he was now opposed were piepared to go any length to gain their own ends. But he likewise knew Gemma, well, and was aware that as a secret agent of the Ministry she was without equal, fearless, resourceful, and versed in every art. of deception. He. hnd mci her often in society in Rome and Florence two years ago. been struck by her marvellous beauty as others had been, and had offered her marriage. In a word, he had made a fool of himself.

The revelations contained in that envelope she held were sufficient to ca.use the present Government to be hounded from its office and fat emoluments, and possibly force a criminal prosecution against ceitain Ministers for misappropriating the public funds, theiefore lie was determined to regain it at all hazards and use it for his own advancement. He had, only a month ago, been promised by his paity the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the next Government, and this single document would place him in high office in Rome.

"If you defy me,' 1 he said, after a pause, Ms menancing gaze fixed upon that of the pretty fragile woman, " I must be ungallant enough to wrench it from you."

"I scarcely think vou'Jl do that,'' she answered. "If you did, wo could never come to terms."

" Come, to terms? " he echoed, Tesentfully. "I don't understand you. I've no intention jof coming to any arrangement with you."

He was standing before her in the centre <of the room, but she watclied his every toovement narrowly. She saw that he was

is. " That's the truth, no doubt," she laughed, with an air of gaiety. " But one who makessecret diplomacy a profession must care nothing for the good will of the world outside the diplomatic circle." "Those who make love their profession should be constant if they would achieve success," he retorted bitterly. At that moment a recollection flashed" across her mind. Ifc had slipped her. memory till that instant. This man had on one occasion in Rome, two years ago, spoken tenderly to her, and she scorned spoken tenderly to her, and she had scorned, his attentions. With a. woman's quick she had rejected him still rankled within his mind. Yet she was still young enough to be his daughter, and had always held nii» in dislike. He was a, cold, scheming diylq-

desperate, and intended to regain possession of the envelope. " Or,ce again I ask you to give me that paper you have stolen," he said, in a voice that quivered with rage. "I have already replied, Count Gastel-

lani," she responded, " and I wish you good afternoon." Then, with her skirts rustling, she bowed and a-wept past him towards the door. " 2^o, ' he cried, sj>ringing forward and arresting her progress in a moment of fury. " You shall not escape like that. Give me the paper or — or by heaven, I'll "

"Well?"' she cried, turning upon him with flashing eyes. "What will you do?" He drew back abashed.

" I apologise, Contcssa," he said quickly,

" But- give me back that paper. Remember that you've committed a bare-faced unpardonable theft. " And you, as Ambassador of Italy, utter bare-faced lies every day," she retorted. " Diplomacy is the art of lying artistically," he answered. "It is impossible to achieve success in diplomacy without resorting to realistic perversions of the truth. Every diplomatist must be a born liar — bub he need not be a thief."

" Some are," she retorted. " You are one." His face went purple in anger. "I— a thief ! " he blurted forth. " Have you taken leave of your senres MouiaiiV" " Not entirely. I believe I have some remaining," she replied. " I again repeat that you, Count Castellani, His Majesty's Ambassador, are a mean, despicable thief whom the Tribunal at Rome would sentence to seven years' imprisonment, if they became acquainted with the facts."

" Enough. Not another word, woman," he cried 111 a towering passion. Then, grasping her arms he, after a short desperate struggle, succeeded in wrenching from her the envelope tor which she i»ad risked so much.

"Now you may go," he said, as she stood flushed, panting, and breathless before him, her hair a trifle disarranged, the lace upon one of her cuffs torn and hanging. '" If you don't leave at once I'll ring and have you turned out." " I shall go when you give me back that paper," she answered, facing him.

"You'll never have it."

"Then listen," she went on calmly, taking a few hasty steps towards where he was standing astxide before the lire. "The worth of that document is to you considerable, I know, but there are others to whom its value is even greater. Just now I charged you with theft, and you feigned to have forgotten. Well, I will recall a fact or tivo to your memeory. A year ago at Como there was an inquiry into certain scandals connected with the Bank of Naples." Then she paused.

The Ambassador's face had instantiy blanched.

"Ah!" she went on, "I see that event has not quite slipped your memory. Wai!, as the result of that inquiry, in which rertain statesmen weie implicated, two wellkuowii public men received sentences of ten years' imprisonment, and others ranging from two to five years. But at that inquiry it was shown that .11 certain cheque was missing, and il was further proved that this cheque had been drawn for half a million francs. To whom that sum passed iemained a mystery. ' " Well?" his Excellency gasped, still pale, glaring at her as if she were some obj^L supernatural. All liis self-possession had left him. "The fact is a mystery no longer. 1 ' "Why?"

" Because the identical cheque h,i«- bfen recovered, and bears your endorsement," she answered in a plow, distincL voice.

"Who has recovered it?" he demanded quickly. "Who has it?"

She smiled triumphantly. This elegant man who but a moment ago had talked boldly, oss became the Ambassador of Italy was now cringing before her seeking 'nfnrmation. His cool demoaroiu- had altogether forsaken him.

" I have thai cheque." she <-aid, her clear, unwaveting eyes fixed upon him. In an instant, Castellani perceived tha'. he was in ihe power of this pretty woman who, out of sheer pique, he hnd denounced and condemned. lie knew well, too. that she was not the gay, abandoned woman that La Funaro v> ao popularly supposed -to be.

'"' Reflect for a single moment," she continned ruthlessly. " What would be the result of the production of thai missing draft about which so much has been written in the newspapers?"

The Ambassador bit his lip. Never in tlic ■whole course of his long and varied diplomatic career had he been so ingeniously clieckmated by a woman. The estimate ha had formed of her long ago was entirely

correct. She possessed really lemarkable talenK " The result would certainly be rather annoying," Qic observed, making a sorry attempt to smile. " It would throw a very fierce light upon the ways and means of the party of thieves and adventurers who are endeavouring to grab Italy and grow fat upon the Treasury," she exclaimed. " The situation at Home has, I understand, changed considerably within the past week or so. The public mind is feeling the influence of unfavourable winds. Well, it is possible before long that ilus misMi.'g cheque will have to be produced." "Which will mean my ruin," he blurted forth. " ifou know that well. If that cheque ever gets into the hands of the present Government I shall be recalled and tried in a criminal couit as v. ci/mmon thief.'" '" Ttiaf's exactly what I ?.oU\ not long ago. You then {declared 'that you had never lunched -1 soldo of other per&oiis' money," she observed, standing with her hand rest-

ing upon the writing table, a slim, graceful figure in her dark stuff die-^. "No, Gemma, no," he exclaimed earnestly. " You can't mean to expose this. I—lI — I don't believe you have the cheque, after, all. How did you learn nry secret?"

"It is my duty to become acquainted with the secrets of those in opposition to the GoAernmeni," she answered simply.

Remember what you have said of me since we have been together in this room. Of a vromr n of my evil reputation what can you expect but exposure? " ' Yon have resolve;! upon a vendctt-i,'' he cried in a tone of genuine alana.

" 1 have resolved to treat 3-oti fairly," she replied, so cahn that not a muscle of her face moved. "In return for that envelope and its contents which you've snatched from me, I will give you back your cheque." "When?" he cried eagerly. "Now — ;it this moment."

"You have it here?"

" Yes," she replied. " Give me that envelope at once, and let us end this conversation. It is painful to me to speak like, this to one who once offered U> make me hirf wife."

His Excellency frowned, meJitaliv.g deepty. He saw that La Vnuaro had entrapped him so ck-\erly thai tlie.o was no loophole for escape. fc>ho oj;is lornorseless and unrelenting as !ay as political affairs went, and he knew that if she had decided to hand the drait to the authorities the result must prove utterly disastrous. Not only would he be ruined, but his party who sought oiuce would be held up to public opprobrium and hopelessly wrecked. "That paper is a purely private one." he said, '' I cannot allow you to take it. Gemma."

"You prefer exposure, then?" she inquired, slightly inclining her head. " The Ministry of Justice are exceedingly anxious to recover that cheque, 1 assure you. Prrbably they will compel you to disgoigc the substantial sum you received from the national funds w hen yon endorsed the draft.

He paused again, his eyes fixed upon the carpet. " I'm not. anxious for any revelations," he answered in a sudden tone of confidence. "2'ut your price is too high. The document which you so nearly secured is to me worth double that which you ofier."

"Very well,'' she- said, shrugging her shoulders impatiently. "If that's your decision I am content."

He was silent. His heart was bent upon his breast, his arms were folded. " Let rue see this cheque of yoius." he exclaimed at last, in a dry dubious tone. She unbuttoned the bretst of her dress 1 , tore awoy the stitches of the lining, and took out a small envelope from which phe drew a large green-coloured draft. Then, turning it over, she exhibited his own angular signature upon its back. Afterwards, she replaced it iv its envelope, and then paid :

"Shall wo make the exchange? Or are you still prepaied to face exnosiue? It will not bs pleasant for poor Carmenilla if her father is sent to pnsmi for embezzlement."

" Yes, for CarmenilLi ! " the Ambassador gasped next instant. '" For Carmemlla's sake I will deal with you, and make the exchange. You are a truly wonderful woman, j Gemma, the most shrewd, the most cunning, ; and -'" he. pau--ed, ' and the most bcami- '! ful in all the world." i

" Vuui' compliments are be^fc ivnuitered, niv dear Count,"' she replied, the inusclos of her face unrelnxed. " Remember, "like yourself. I'm a diplomatist, and it is scarcely necessary for us to bestow praises upon each other — is it? Give me the envelope."

Slowly he walked over to the table and took the document from the drawer wherein he. had placed it For a moment he hesiI.3 l p<J with it still in hi*, hand. By givig it to her he was throwing down his. aims : he was relinquishing the only weapon he held againFt his enemies in Rom 2.

But in her white hand he saw the piece of green incriminating paper which wa.- such incontestable pi-oof of his roguery and dishonesty in the past. The sight of it caused him serious misgivings. Oj)cc that v ere destroyed he need not fear any other proof that could be brought against him. Jfp had a reputatii.n for probity, and a! fill hazai'ds must rct;>i>i it. This ]\-l n-O.lion. decided him.

lie crossed to where Gemma stood, and haniiing her thf so.ilcd envelope w'rh the blue cro«s upon it, received iho v ui.^ell". d cheque in exchange.

His brow was heavy, and he .mVIk-.I a-, at the window, he cximincd it to ieci.---uie himself there was no mKlrike Then, returning to the file, he lit it ni one corner, and in silencu held ib between his finger-: until the iunes had consumed it. leaving only a Mmll piece of curling, cuc'cling tinder.

(To be co -/tinned.)

Napol'on won battles because JiO 1 pvsr waited for the enemy. He gol there firsl. Example Round and sensible and well worthy of emulation. Don't wait until 3-011 ffpf, half dead with a cough. Keep a bottle cf Woods' Great Peppernienl Cure, in the Ikjuao: it's a good honest family remedy, and infi iiitelj" superior to anything of tLe kind in Ibe market. Is 6d and 2s 6d«

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Otago Witness, Issue 2317, 28 July 1898, Page 49

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Chapter XXV. Otago Witness, Issue 2317, 28 July 1898, Page 49

Chapter XXV. Otago Witness, Issue 2317, 28 July 1898, Page 49