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The weekly meetiog of the Laud Board, held on Wednesday, was attended by Messrs J. P. Maitlaml (chiet commissioner), W. Dallas, 11. Clark, , aud S. 11. Kirkpatrick. ! MAKinrAO.— Rinjypr Atkinson reported upon section 61, block VIII, Makaieao estate, lalelv . occupied by John Keunelly. — It was l evolved that ' the b-ictiou in question be offeivu for sa'e, with valuation for improvements reduced to £15. John Duncan applied on behalf oi his son, Alfiei Duncan, for an extension of time within which to comply with th° lesidence cqndi'ion of tte lease under which beheld .section 19, block XV, Makareao estate, a m'otalte having be j n made" as to the applicant's ase when the case was pieviousJy de.ilt with — The hoard £ ranted a furtLer extension ot time for the erection c{ a L,on&e on the land. rtoc'K and Pu.nn.— P.»rger Atkinson reported thit A. M. Matheson had not complied with the residence coudition of ths small K r «zine- ran )<jase under which he held section I', block Xff, Rnnk and Pillar dis>crict.— lt was resolved that the lessee ba required witaiu 14 days to eliow cause \vhj r bis \ease should not be forfeited for booeompliaDC^ with the residence coudition of his lease. — -.An application by Alexander l^ter.-su for a portion ot the iniijiig rueeivd, ssctinn 51, block V, Rock and Pillar district, v as declined. An application by Jamei Kerr for a to occupy part of tho mining rt serve, block I, Rock and Pillai Histii^t, was also declined. Upper Taikhi -John C^gau apnlied lo be allowed to acquire section Ifi, block "VI, Upper Teiori districr. — "ihe application was declined. 1 J AUDEii. — A petition was leceived from setilers i.t jVlntskanui reqiiostinsf that Huns 223 a, 223b, aud 2:'3d, Lauder district, bo thrown open for ■■cttlenK ut — Ih'i board founu th*t of Inc runs .-o>pli''d io be opene-J for settlement ISu-. 2£? A and ; 223b have been lic-ns^d as C!a-.s I ruas huh <iro not therefore available for settlement pj!rpo»cs ; thot Rnn 223 dis under license a-, iiClas^ II run to i 1901. The board, however, were of opinion that the latter iun, having more low country than • Rum 223 v and 223«, was necessary for the proper woikiiig of these lvii", and that it would be in1 advisabit- to h~vt:r it tnere'rom before the cad of , the lice a -r. The hoard weve further of c, pin ion. , that Ron L'.'.ld could not be subdivided more th'aiivvo iiiiiil grazing mtiH of abcit acras each with any prospecs of Micces&ful occupation, ', tlae boird'a t-xpsrience showing that smalt givziug runs of siui'lai country of smaller aieci.i have not been occupied with profit to tbe holdt.-i -. i C'Airj.Ns — Aa ajiplicnt'ou byJuniijs Nt.'l-Joa for section 20, Mock 11, O'.tlins distnet, on lease in ■ perpetuity wa? appi-ovi n. \ Akatori;. — Sejtioi 1 . 32, Vock IT, Akatore ciis- ■ tr'ci, formerly occupied by Gbo. Ot.irey, dercaseJ, , was declai'iid for;eited tor nonpayment of rent, and the lvnger was authorised to make a valuation of the Improvements on the section. Transfer? — The following applies lions to be avowed to transfer we>e api>roved : — A. ¥>t. George Rvdpr to Andre.v Btrclay Hall, section J, block XIV, M-U'iotbto district ; Win. Ci->rk, fun , to ilis X IF. Clark, section 4, block XVII Gieenv.ile di-tiic; ; Mis H. Annii age to Henry Armi■tac,'", R'ln ?21.\, Elickstona district ; jfis M. NoVai to Thonr's Slawhinuey, Runs -25c. and 225r, Blu'ksfo'ie IjfX'KOvKD FutM Sjettj.ejiems — 2'he Oliief Suiveyny fotw-rded a report upon the Heatbheld and Waipiata impioved tarm fettlem«nts, and forwaided a schedule of revised capital values.— lt •vas le^olvea that tlie repOt aod sugi?e^red capital value- bo lfconiniended to Government { for apjji-<;Vdl ; ..■ - aibu the sugses r ioi thar. tho amount chprg^d for reading K' limited to 25 per cen*. of or prairie Vdlue. Waiiiejio.— RattKcr Atkinson reported up'in the application by M Lee> for a license to occupy si ctiou 21, block yil. AVdihcmo district. — Tne application was drtclined. Arrears OF Reni'.— The Receiver of Land Rever.ue leportfd that Robert Wai nock aud J. F. Kitto, v hose holdiofts had been declared forft-itej, had now paid all an ears, and the le oiiuiou forfeiting tv-eir lea»es was rescinded. "iSthaih T«i.m. — R.iuger Atkin'on i-tported up-iu the application of Mr T. Chalmer, on behalf of Louis Jucge, for a license to occupy sections 11 j and 13, block XII, Rtrath-TAieri district-Con- ! tbideration of the application was deferred for further lofo'ination. i Suttois. — Ranger Atkinson forwarded a repoit upo/i section (i i, block IV, Sutlou district, held <by P. Moynihan.— ls v> as i evolved that Mr jVloyni- , hx.n be lequired to show ciuse within 14 days why his lease should r:ot beforfeifced for non-compliance with the j evidence condition of his lease. i Table Him;.— R. M'Ara requested that he be allowed one month from d.ite of sale of sections 21? to 23, block VII, Tabla Hill district, to remove his stock, ia the event of hi 3 not again becoming the licensee of the sections;. — It was resolved that Mr M'Ara be allowed 14 dayu to remove btock ; notice of same to be aiveu at the sale. Mvinburn. — An application by Alexander Duncm to be allowed to transfer section 13, block VII, Swinburn district, to Alexander JB. Mann Wf.s approved. liuv 163 a. —Mr R. J. Hendrie wrote: "Re occupation leases ao Tapanui, in Land Boai'd report on same I bag to diaw your attention to tha erroneous or misleading statement made by Mr Quin a3 agent for Mrs M. Reevie's axJplication for 100 acres on Run It3.\. Mr Quin said ' that he , felt sure that the run would have to be woiked, not from this 100 acie<i, but from Molyneux ', Flat.' The stupidity of this statement is ap- . parent from the face that the bound-try of Run • 163 a runs along the tops of the Blue Mountains, • and has nothing whatever to do with runs lyinsr on to the Molyneux River. Further, the 100 ! acres applied for by Mrs Reevie are undoubtedly j the spot where any owner of Run 163 v would | erect his homestead." — The letter was received.

On making inquiries respecting tho statement made in the North Otago Times to the effect that between 2000 and 3000 carcases of frozen sheep had been • railed fioai Dunedin to Oamaru attd placed on '• board tha Pakeha ah that port in order to avoid , wharfage charges &c , at Port Chalmers, we ficd that our contemporary was grossly mißini formed as to the true facts of the ca"ip. Tho ' explanation of the matter is very simple. Tho j refrigerating company's stores at Burnside were so crowded that in order to avoid a stoppage of the works until the P*keha'a arrival at Porb Chalmers ib was decided, as the best way out of the difficulty, to rail a few truck loads of frozen sheep to Oamarn, to ho shipped on the Pakhea lying there. Thab there is no truth whatever in the allegation that this was done to avoid the charges at this porb is besb proved by the fact that the Pakeha ia taking in 10,000 carcases of frozen mutton at Port Chalmers. We understand that the chairman of the Obago Harbour Board will refer to the matter at to-day's meeting of the board. A strange case in bankruptcy came before Mr Justice Conolly at Auckland on the 21st; February. A debtor named Archibald Henry Bell

J appeared in person to apply for an orcfer of j discharge. The order was opposed by Mr ■ M'Alister on behalf of the official assignee. J Debtor was examined, and in answer to a number of questions «nid he did noi remember the circumstances. He commenced to cry during the examination, and at the corclusisn of the hearing the judge made some scathing j remarks which caused the applicant to again I burst into tears. Debtor blamed another man i for his misfortunes, and said he had been mesmerised by him. ,The hearing of the Bilverstream murder c\sa ' was begun at the Wellington Supreme Ceurc, j before Mr Justice Edwards, on tha 15th February. Mr H. D. Bell, with Mr My^rs, appeared for tbe Crown, aud Mr Je'licoe, with Mr Hindmarsb, for tho accused. The hearing J has been rernarkabls for sharp passages-afc-i arms between Mr Jellicoe and his Honor, the latter remarking on one osc-s : on that had the case nob been one of murdsr counsel would nob have dared to have acted »s he did. Fortyseven witnesses we^e clltd ror the Crowu, ( nothing fre*h being broughc out, and the case , is not yet concluded. I »aon«ww.»PM ».»■» ■■ii.ii.iik i^aro.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2295, 24 February 1898, Page 26

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LAND BOARD. Otago Witness, Issue 2295, 24 February 1898, Page 26

LAND BOARD. Otago Witness, Issue 2295, 24 February 1898, Page 26