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A mee'ing oi fie Jub le» Bail C.'mmitte? w<ia Leld on ths i7th, and attended by Mci»s r s P. R. Sargond (chaicmai)), S. G. Stni.h, N. Granr, Kay, F. Ulrich, S5. W. G h s, Arthur Ciotnier, Cr sby Morris, J. H. Ho-kiua, J. A. P*rk, B. Moller, S. Gillies, K. Wafcson, T. A. Huntpr, aud J. A. Cook. Apol«gien wfre received for tSe non - attendance ot Lii-ufcenan'j - colonel Webb, Dr Baruett, Messrs G. L. Ddimistou s J. Robert?, and J. B. Caiiari. t His Honor Mr Juatic« Williams and Mr John Robert's wrote ttiriog that the/ and Mri W'lhama and ftlr3 Roberts were willing to act on the Reception Committee. His Worship the Mayor wrote that be will kivp great pleasure i'l acting as host afc the citizens' ball. He added that, apart from liin offij'.al pomfc'on of mayor, be greatly nppreciited the coraplimont to himsblS 1 ' p^'Sjaa-ly. Ib was decided to ask Btr F. M. Oampbfll to act on thi committee i:i the i'laca of Mr H. O. Fenfcorj, who had resigned. The Dunedin Eugme^r Volunteer Corps wrote that it' they secured their orderly rooms adjoining the Garrison ffull betora the Jubilee cJ.p'orahonß they would be glad to hand them ov j u to tho c >mtnittcc. It v\as deoiddd to accept the oflar of the

Garrison Hall Trustees of the use of the new gymnaeium. The New Zealand Engineering and Electrical Company offered to Bupply ths electric cunent for one night at a cost of £14 10-<. — On the motion of Mr Smith, the chairman of the Lighting Commitred, it w°.s resolved to accept the offer, and a vote nf thinks was passed to the Otago Daily Times and Witness Company for the use ot tha nece*su'y motive power. The Programme CummiU'e brought down a programme, which was finally revised and passed. The Chairman stated fchab Mrs Cutteo wished to express tier thinks for the honor conferred on her iv b°iug s-Iccted as bosons. Sne and Mrs Sargood ftls>o irprf ciit'd iha honour that; had been conferred en them by being selected to form part of the S 'foction C )mraittee. ! It wiia rsgolved taat each member of the ! committee be furnished with tickets for sale. JUBILEE INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. | Am«tu'£[iif tho General Committee of tho Otago Jubi'<;e Itadu-itiial Exhibition wan held in the board room. ■Agricultural Bui'dings, on ; the 16oh iusf\ ; pivg. n*- — Tae Hjo. T. Fr-r^us (ia the char), Dr H°cken, Messrs A. Barr, J. R. Morrison, John Mill. R Glenuining, T. K p mptLornp, X Ranasay, G. M. Xhcmson, A. Thomson, J. Hs-zlp^t, O. Haynes, T. Young, K. V. Hvid'u-k, C. Zi-Je, John R-'id, J. U. Thomson, R. Jpncs, J Arg'is, W. Henderson, P. Pftttnlln, J Mitchell, A. Hamilton, A. Bart, A. O. Begs-, T. Brydone, and J. M Ruchie. Mr A. Lee Smith wrote apologising for his non-attendarce, stating 'hat he, would be out or" town for tv. o or thrae weeks. The Mf d&ls and Awards Comrnifc'ee reported that the tender of Meisrc C. SSolier snd Soqs for the die and the qTik-ng of gold, silver, and brorz" medals had been acapp'ed, and fchafe Messrs Fereussou an-i Mirchfck's tender had besn accepted for the certificate I*,1 *, aiso theic tsuder for season tickets. The tenders for the sols right of pho f ographii g in the exhibition v?ere held over. — Ttie report was approved. The Early History and Maori Commifetee reported thab they had invited Mr H. E. William* tn .join the comtoi^tee, and that ha had consented to do so. They had applied i.o tho secretary < f the Art S )ci-fcy for the loan of two picturps of old Duneoic, whicn rcque3*; had been granted. They drsirrd to know what space woald be allotted to them in tho exhibition, at & c Mi-'idprß.bla amount would be r« quired to exhibit; photographs, new^pipers. pietuns, and other bistori'snl illustration 1 !. — It w»8 df-cid«d th»t 'he bo"rd room 'f the Agricultural Bu>ldinga should be devoted to the purposes of the committee. The Musical Committee reported that th^y had decided to in\ite church choirs to oner into comcttition ; the firntj p-iz 0 to b-- £10 and a silver m p dal co the condnctnr, and the second prtzs £5 and a b'Muz*! tned»,l to the coriduero 1 ", with certificates (o the c'aoirs. Toere would also be cotKp(."ti'''.iocs- as under: — Solo voico congest, open to honi Tide raemberi of tha co-xi-petjngr clnir? — first prize, silver medal; second pnz=», bennz* .mtirfal. CJomncsMtion for country braa<? b<>nd» — fiish pr'f: •, £25; second, £10; third. £5 Solo <3 7ajp«>'itio»iß for coroet, tenor bora, ami t-uphrmiurp, for m^mbera of tha competing bind", — n -c ifc j-riz" 1 . silver medal ; second prize, bionze mod" 1 Wilh regard to the opening eeremenv, ib was r°ralved to alt-r the musical proffrvroinF hv stiV\<i'i'uLi'tg Cjwph's " Es'vlti of Tfca«k?giv'n-'" t r a chorus frjm "Elijah'"' and the " Ha'klnjih chorus," as originally intended. It was decided to advertise for lendois fot the services of a band cf eight ov twelve members, to perform every fifterrooa ard iver-'ng, wh»revpr rfqn-t'ed, in tho exhibition. Tee Pb.otogr=spbio Society b?-d drawn no a vt>iy c tnp'eto schedule, inviting exhibits from a'! thi Aus'i'dliau colonies. — The report w.s ad'pie«l. Tae B^rly Sftfclpr*' Cotnmit'-ee rpr>orted thai maiters were progrp-sing satisfactorily. fiTessrs .T. H^z'ett, ' J . Glendining, J. M. Ritchie, J. Rsid. &n<\ A. Thomson sre-e appoinhpd a commit tse to wait o i tn n Education Boni'd next; day to revues'"- the «sr n[ t.hf nev , BduraMon Boird effici? for t'jf- accomejod-itioa ■ of e<rly suttlerr diving: the Jubilee period, ?>r,d, f'irth a r, to irrangoas to the orgauiaalion of the B *uea'i<-H'il pourr. Ths Hon. W J M LarnacV^ tffer of a coir lection of photna^apb. 1 ? of the narrow-gange -maJlfnv, cs rnnniug i.i Tasmania, was aceppfced with thaiiki. T*ie c^llecHo^ will be exhibited in the Machine*"? cou T '^. Mr R. C. Jonfs, ch'irmin rf 'he Lighting Committee, rail hp hid bopp-. of beior anH to report to nf-xt< meptirsg that he be ablf to light the whole of fite ba'Minir *vii,h eleo'ricit.y. The secrefc^-y of th« Obaero Jabilei? D-mrn-Btration Commitnee his received rep'i^s from the following old identities intima'ing theif it— tention of taking p».rfc in i,h« Jubilee proceedings: — Tffrs O Findlav. R. Birr, a*id Mr and Mrs Ad^m Olliver (Jros^ie'), O. S. Taylor (Stirling 1 ), and James Dii<g-iU (North Head). As i'; h^ 5 ? bfi"n mrrenily reported fhab rhe Dm^edin Oan-isoT B'nd ha^ joiaeel fie New Zealand Brass Binds' As^rcia'i^n, the following letter frjm Bandnaao^r G^frj^p, of the Garrison B»nn, io Mr K. F. Bnthie. seer^tiry of the Ohvco Jubilee lii'iiisirial Esb.ibitior>, (ist^d tht^ 27th J-iunpry, will be intt-restin^ : — " I hay? much p'pasnre in nlnoiag the s'rvieps o? tb Q Danedin Garrison B <.ud a f . the disposal of Tear eomnait';f>e on th^ occ%sion oi' the Jubilee dem jnstraiion for ui-oopssional purposrs only. As a rue baud? l«ok upon occasions such 9.9 these ai a rnnnß of I'.ugmpniing furid", but as tLii is an occasion of n Jite'ime my bard 'men are willing to do their mite towardi mak<pg ihe deraonafcr.itioa a encoei". I would like to mention tha 1 ; the Durifdin Garrison B<<nd is no', roanecbed with the New Zealand Brass Bands' Association, and the secre'-arj'- of that a*socta'ion ba<i no right to speak on bebatf of tb" Garrison Band." The Schools' Jub-lpe Denjosjsbration Comraiftee visited Tallinn IJark on rhe 16th to make necessary arrangements for the sporti to be held on that jn'ouud under their supervision on tho 26'K March. The Donedin Burns Club in'-en''' to hold a Scottish concert; in the Agricultural H*U on the vening of the 24 Ja March. A meeting of the Mining and Metallurgical ComsGDifctpe was hi-ld on Monday ; present — Mr J P P-mith (in the cinir), Pro^e^sor Ulrich, and Pr-if° iir B'^clr. Tip Ohairman rpported thit fcbe Zeehan School of Mmpa wtrs about to foiwAtd a ton of Fpecimens. Tbe rector of the Tethuologicid Mnsoum, M^lbournp, wrote ptating that he wou'd fond ovpr a collection of metallurgical specimens. Prcfo^aor Ulrich said he had Rommnnicated with the manager of the Moun*i Bi-c!ioif mine asking for specimen ' of fcii ore md ihe model of an ore-dre»sii'g mßcbme, which would be a vrry infcprpst - n<!f px'viSiit Sotae Mount Biech' fE ore<». which had bpr>n found in the musenm, won'd alsi ho shown. It was deeir'ei Io a^k t'^c Si>ac» Coremitfee for an area of 70fft by 32) t. Mr Walter Cutteu's name wan added to fche committee. The Picture aDd Art Gallery Committee met ypsterday afternoon, Mr J. M Ritchie in the chair. It was decided io write to thf local Art Society and the Public Art Gallery Committee for a number of their pictures for the exhibition.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2295, 24 February 1898, Page 22

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THE JUBILEE CITIZENS' BALL. Otago Witness, Issue 2295, 24 February 1898, Page 22

THE JUBILEE CITIZENS' BALL. Otago Witness, Issue 2295, 24 February 1898, Page 22