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l Opoho v. Carisbrook A. This ma'.ch w«i ccntirjued afc Opoho, and resulted in a win for the borne team by 27 ruas lon the first inuings. Cariabrook, with five i wickets down for 79, started with Hope and i Siedeberg, the not outs from the previous Saturday, but the former only managed to add 2 when he was bowled by Webb. • Rahtr&y, the incomer, coaimenced slowly, bub j lost Siedeberg at 89. Howden and R^ttray, batting care'uUy, took the score to 106, when Howdem was smartly stumped. Harkaess was run out almost at once, aud Austin, the last man, only came in to see Rar-tray caught, tie inniugs closing for 110 Opoho cooiraesiced their *econd innings with Gollar and L3'G*7m, The former was dismsscefi without scoring, but j Webb at once settled to work, and with Nichol carried the score to 34, when r*in stopped tbe game. On resuming tbrea wickets fell quickly, but a good stand was made by Webb and Gooch, the latter contributing a neatly compiled 22 bsfore bsing caught smartly by G. Austin ac point. With nine wickets for 103, Hayden joined Webb, and by good sound cricket assisted to take the total to 123, the innings closing by Webb returning ona to G. Austin. The retiring batsman scored freely all round the wicket, and his psrformances of 62 and 50 in this match we>t a good way towards securing the victory for his club, j i Gunthorpe and Webb bowled throughout for ! S Opoho, while for Carisbrook the honours were j shared by G. Austin and Howden. Scores : Opoho. First Innings 137 Cabisbrook.— First Innings. Broad, c Webb, b Gunthorpe 10 Spraggon, b GuHthorpe ... 1 Fisher, b Webb 19 G. G. Austin, b Gunthjrpe 1 Hope, b Webb .„ Li^giua, run out 14 Siedeberg-, c sub., li Gunthorpe ... 3 Itattray, c Gooch, b Gunthorpe ... 11 Howden, st Kilgour, b Gunthorpe ... 6 Haikness, run out ■ 1 E. J. Amtin, not out ... „. ... 2 Extras „, ... 19 Total 110 BOWLING ANALYSIS. I Balls. Mdns. Runs. *Wkts. 1 Webb ... 93 5 51 2 Gunthorpe 91 4 40 6 Opoho —Second Innings. Gollar, b Austin , 0 M 'Gav in, b Austin „.. ._, „„ 5 Webb, o and b Austin ... 50 Nichol, cE. J. Austin, b Hope ... 9 Whitn, b Austin , ... 4 Gough, b Austin .*, 0 (Jooch, cG. G. Austin, b Harkneps ... 22 | Gunthorpe, nt E. J. Austin, b Howden 1 I Collett, b tfowden 0 Kilgour, b Howdan 5 Haydeu, not out ... „. .„ ... 11 Extras ... „ 16 Total ... ; 123 BOWLING ANALYSIS. Balls. Mdns. Runs. Wkts. | G. G. Austin ... 63 3 40 5 Fisher ... ... 40 2 16 — ' Hope 35 — 23 1 Harkness ... „.20 — 9 111 1 Howden ... ... 30 — IS) 3 ; Dunedin v. Carisbeook B. I This match was continued at Carisbrook on Saturday in showery weather. The Carisbrook ] with six down 52 continued their innings, t which closed for the respectable total of 138. ! Whyte (36) and G. Thomson (29 not out) were j y mainly responsible for the additional runs, the ' la<st wicket adding 67 runs. The Dunedin, who j in f h«ir second innings had six wickets down for 163 when time was called, won on the first innings by 7 runs. Kinvig played a fine free innings fcr 75 before hp was stumped by Whita off C R. Smith. M'Kenzie also showed sound ' defence for 32 ; M'Farlane (16 not out), Beck < (14), and M'Kersey (10 not out) also got into < double figures. Croxford and G. Harraway * were absent from their respective team?. Scores :—: — 1 Carisbrook.— First Innings. ITorice, c M'Crorie, b Skitcb 7 D. Oookc, c Kinvig, b Skitch 2 I Burt, b M'Farlane „. t 4 ( C. R. Smith, b M'Farlane ... „. 17 J. Fa-rawiy, b M'Farlane ... „.. 2 < Butler, c Clarke, b M'Crorie 3 G. Thomson, not out ... , o . .. 29 Metcer, run out ... 11 ' Rpraggon, o Pram, b Skitch ]0 ' Whyte, b Kinvig ... ? 3G < G. Harraway, absent ' .. , — 1 Extras 13 ] Total „ ... 138 j BOWLING ANALYSIS. , Balls. Mdns. Runs. Wkts. Rkitch 120 7 37 3 M'Farlane 135 5 44 3 M'Crorie ?5 2 16 1 M'Kersey ,„ ... 45 3 12 1 1 Kinvig 30 2 12 I 1 Dunedin.— Second Innings. ' ■ Kinvig, st Whvte, hC. R. Smith ... 75 J M'Kenzie, c Whyte, b Cooke ... ... 32 • Clarke, b Butler 3 < Beck, c Spragjton, bC. R. Smith .„ 14 Skitch, run out , ... 5 1 Flaming, c sub., b Harraway 0 ] M'Farlane, not out .. 16 < M'Kersey, not out 10 ' Extras -t ... 8 '' Total for sixwicket3 .„ ... IC3 1

BOWLING ANALYSIS. .Balls. Mduß. Runs. V'kts. Smith .., .„ „. 70 1 50 2 M-ioer „. 30 — ?5 — S>i'-a;cson 15 — IS — Butler... ... ... 4'J 2 17 1 Oooke 30 — £3 1 J. Hu-rsway 30 1 28 I Grange v. Aj.pjon. The match Albion v. G-ange w«s cc»tir-ued for a abort time on Saturday. The former had made 80, while the Grange had six wickets dnwn for 92 Continuing, J. Dowries carried h'f> score to 20, when he ran himself out. None of th-; others reached double figures, the innings closing for 127. The Albion, going in for the second time, had loßt one wicket for no runs when raia put a stop to further play. The Grange thus woa by 47 runs on the fir*t inniags. The following is the bowling analysis of the second inniags of the Grange :—: — 8.-tlls. Macs. Rups. Wkfcs. Jot! ... .„ ... 12 4 32 2 D?kts 15 3 46 3 Gib- os '6 — 1G 2 UUlcy... , n a 11 2 £v 1 JUNIOR OIT * JrU'IONSHIP. The Dunedin No. 2 and Albion met afc the Caledonian ground. Both teams were well represented. Albion batted first ai)d carried their score to 96 before the last wicket fell. Interesting and effective cricket was shown by D. Thomson (15), A. Spence (11), J. Peake (15), and F. Black (12). Amoog Dunedin's bowlers Stalker, who aloue proved troublesome, secured seven wickets at smn.ll cost. Dunedin then went in to bat, and with onij' one wicket down for 13 they were hope'ul of victory ; but when Perrain with four successive balls sent dH&ppohited batsmen back to the pavilion, th'-re was little chance of their expectations being realised. Ultimately their iauiogs closed for 28. Kreace (11) alone secured double figures. Permin obtained the excellent average of eight wickets for 19 runs, and Murdoch, secured two for 9. Tne match Hendley v. Opaho, played on the Oral, resulted in a decisive win for the former by 45 rues, thanks to the splendid bowling of jW. R'stieaux, who secured the splendid j average of seven wickets for 12 runs. Scores : t HeDdiey. 76 (F. Rowlatt 21, W. Charles 13) Opoho, 31. A gre*t amount of interest wag taken in the match Mornington v. Taieri, as the result meaj^t that the winners were left iv the running for the Junior Championship. The Mornington skipper won the toss atid elected to bat. The first wicket madu a good stand, end the score w?s 27 before i Howisun ff>.s bowled. A heavy shower tben came on and the next four wickets fell quickly. Holgate then came to the rescue with 10, and the innings closed for tbe small score of 58 (Gregory 18). It was thought that the country eleven would easily pass this tot*!, but to the surprise of the spectators their bost batsmen had thtir wickets «ca*te«-ed in quick succession, i Macfarkne, with a ball that camdn sligbt'y from leg, clean bowled Ludbrook (11), and . shortly afterwards P*ynt» did the g»mcj ior Dr Allan. Wi f .h the five best wickets down for 19, i the chances of tbe Taieri looked black, and the innings closed for 38, leaving the country \ ttam 20 runs to the bad. Inglis and Lud- j j brook -tor Taieri each obtained five wickets, ! whilst Mac'ail tne (six for 18) bowled splendidly { for Morniugiou, and was well supported by j Payne (three for 19). j Roalyn gained a meritorious victory ovp.r the University at IT.*hopscouro by eight wickets and 23 runs. University winning the toss elecoed to bat, aud had lost five wickets for 13, when an adjournment whs made on account of the rain. Upon resuming, owing to the greasy state of the ball a bsUer stand was rnide, and tbanks to Moore (12), Mosalj (11), and Thomson (13) the innings totalled 60. Eoslyn made a fine stand, and owing to the steady batting of Qaim (46 not ont), F Anderson (16), Jamieson (10), and Armit (6 not out) only two wickets were down for 83 at the call of time. Of Ihc numerous 'Varsity bowlers tried Mosely and E^si; each secured one wicket, wh'lo for Koslyn Hector Fisher (seven for 23) bowled splendidly. Hurtlf Fisher securing two for 25. In the match Grange Second v. Carisbiook D, at Caritbrook, the Grange totalled 96, Lawlor, Henderson, s.nd Cunningham coritri* buting 34, 20, and 11 respectively. At th« call of time five Carisbrook wickets were down for 47, Smith (12) and Cook (12 not ©ufc) being the ouly batsmen to reach doable figures. Headerson (four wickets foe 20) was the most successi lul bowler ior Grange, Bl'Lennan and H. j Harraway dividing the honours for Cariabrook. The match Dunt-din No. 1 v. High Seliool was played oa the Caledonian ground on Saturday, the Dunedin wiening by 60 runs. The Dunedin winning the to<« went first to the wiobets, and the iunings closed for 107. Wilson (25), Diumra (22). J. Wilkie (17), A. Maclean I (15), snd Latham (15) reached double figures. ! Th« School were unable to do much with the , excellent bowling of Latham (eight for 18) and '• J. Wilkie (two for 24), their innings realising 47, Campbell (19) and- White (14) being top scorers. Lorn as and Campbell were the most successful bowlers for thf- School. The Wavetloy and Privateers tried conclusions on the North ground on Saturday. Waverley winning the toss elected to bat, and when stumps were drawn for the day had lo«t eight wickets for 144. The principal contributors ' were Baird (41), A. Anderson (23), Fe»ron (17 not out), Hutchinson (17 n»t out), and Cramond 1 (16). Hessian was the most successful bowler 1 for the Privateers, capturing three wickets. | THIRD CLASS CHAMPIONSHIP. Trinity met and defeated Waverley by 41 runs on the first innings. Soores : Trinity, 67 (Nagle 16, Kennard 13, Coventry 12) ; W*verley, 26 (Ueugh 10). For Trinity Kennard (four for 8) and Ross (four for 16) bowled well; for Wa\erley Nees and Corbett secured the ! wickets. The Dunedin No. 1 tried conclusions wirhtl.e Dunediu No. 2 on the Caledonian £>'<-nnd, fbei forjner winning by 21 rung. Scores : No. 1, 54 j (Faulks 35 not out) ; No. 2, 33 (Hume, 16). Wallace, Fergusson, and Courtis bowled well ■ for their respective sides. The Carisbrook E and the Oceana No. 1 mf.t at Carisbrook on Saturday, and the latter wen by two vickets and 70 runs. Scores: C«i?brock, 35 (Bell 12) ; Oceana, 105 for tight wickets (Hutchison 40, Campbell 18, Ca««j il, Bonrke 10). Uourke (five for 19), Cs.mpV.ell (two for 7), Casey (two for 8) bowled well for Oceana. JSwisUie an<i liatttay ssccrevt tive besb ■ average for the Caris'M'ook. 1 The Privateers met and defeated the Albion ' on the Asylum ground by 21 ruDB. The home team batting first to'alled 74 runs against the bowling of Dray, Miscall, and Ilinia, Keogh being top scorer with 21, and Black next with 10. Albion (batting one man short) made 53. Dray (13) and Miscall (15 not out) ranched double figures, 11. Smith and Duval doing meß'c damage with the ball. The match Marnington No. 1 v. Grange was won by Morninfft-on by 18 runs. Scores : Mornington, 68 (Cameron 20, Orchard 10, Gow 20) ; Grange, 50 (Wylie 21). White, Orchard, and Morrißou bowled well 1 The match Mornington No. 2 v. High School j wag won by Mwuing.ou by 17 ruus. Scoraa :

School, 39 (Stewarb 14) ; Morningfcon, 56 . (Marks 27, Ward 12). Ross, Marks, Permin, and Faiquliarson were the most successful bowlers. The match between Port Chalmers and C'«rlton resulted in a win for the Port by 40 siuii. Port, winning the toss, weiit in, aud pub together 95, Jack playiug splendid cricket for 63 not cut. C*rlton could ouly respond wich 53 ' (Marks 16). Braithwaile aud Ho;<-j«y bowlvd ' w?ll for Port, whiiafc Marks iad Stawarfc did 1 likewise for Carl f on. ' As the U«iver*ity coald not ra'ae a Sttc^ud 1 eleven they gave Hefidley notice, so the tt&toLi ' UnlTsrsitj v. He tdley was not pluyei. 1 OTHER MATCHES. \ Trinity B defeated Port Chalmers Bby 5 runs. -Jjcozes : Trinity, 32 (Nagle 12 not out) ; Port, 27. For Trinity Vanes (three for 4), Nagle (ioai for 11), and Walton (three for 10) bowled well, and for the Porl Ward and Dougharty. The match High School B v. High street resulted in a draw. For the Joaiots Coven, (12) and Adams (13) batitjd wall, whiio Goyen (twelve for 20) aud F3.rCjuhs.-60a ('• weue ior k 24) obtained good bowling avei^gts. Loriias aud Weir bowled well for High street. 1 Parkside defeated Museelburgh by two wickets and 61 runs. Parkside, with eig!st ; wickets down *for 70, declared tbeir innings , closed (Urquh'irt 23). Hus3el!.urgn could otily [ make 9 against the bowling of Kindly (five ior 2) aud Stanley (four for 7). At Mornicgfcun the Port Chalmers School ; defeated the Mornington School by 40 runs. ' Scores : Port Chalmers, 100 (Buudli 43, Dale 14, Sutherland 13, C. Moouey 12, T. Moon^y 10) ; Mornington. 60 (Lees 20, Wyinks 17). j M'lnnee (six lor 20) and Murray (two for 9) j bowled well for the winners, as did Wyinkd and Gow for the losers. An elevta representing Fergusson ond Kitchell journeyed to Outram 011 Sa.tu-day afternoon to try conclusions with the West Taieri Cricket Club. After a most enj jyable and keenly-contested game F. and M. were declared the victors by the narrow majority of 4 runs. The West Taieri bathed fi'sc, ard were all disposed of for 49. E. M'Puail (18) and L. S.- Monk (11) were ilxe only ones to reach double figures. F. and M. pub together 53, Croxford and Hutchison contributing 21 ami 16 respectively. Then followed a luccession of •'ducks." Croiford and &I'G't>shaii trundled well for the victors, and Low, K*y, and Monk shared the honours for the vanquished. After the match the teams adjourned to Mr O'Keefe'a hostelry, aud did ample justsca to the good things provided. A &raoke concert was h<"ld in the evening, at which, songs, rtc^tstiong, and speeches flowed on unceasingly. Mr S. Leitb, the whip, brought the tesun safely to town, one and all expressing themselves delighted with the day's outing. The High School A defeated the A-thur street by four wickets and 32 runs. Tne Arthur 6tcee» made 38 (Miller 10), and the High A made 70 fcr six wickets (Earron 30 iiofc ont, iifid 16 not out). Raid and Fermfn bowled well for the winners.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2295, 24 February 1898, Page 36

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SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP. Otago Witness, Issue 2295, 24 February 1898, Page 36

SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP. Otago Witness, Issue 2295, 24 February 1898, Page 36