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— Secrecy pulled up lame at Egmont. — The goldfields horse Silver Crown has had to be destroyed. — Mr Gollan is said to talk about returning to New Zealand. — Mi J. O'Driscoll bought Indian Shot at the Egmont meeting. — Venus is still out of form. She ran last in the Hobart Cup. — Graystone, winner of two races at Halswell last week, is by Stonyhurst. .— A Melbourne cable says that Bendigo \vaß kiLed by falling down a mining shaft. — Kosella, winner of the Hobart Cup, is the first of Irenton's stock to race in Ta mania. — The Witcb, by Cuirassier— .Sibyl, is the third member of the Hon. Hugh Mossman's team. — Bundook, winner of the Hawksburn Handicap at Caulfield last Saturday, is by Carbine out of Moonga, — The Bnglish Waterloo Cup was woo by Mr Jl. H Hardy's Wilduight. The runner-up was Lang Syne. — The death is announced of the Hon. J. D. Ormond's brood mare Sister Mary, by Ingomar — Sister Agnes. — An outside meeting in Melbourne on Friday had to be abandoned in consequence of the pievalent hot weather. — A C ty Tatter?all's Club, opposition to Newcastle TattersalVs, is being formed in the coaly town of New South Wales. — The amount put through the to+alisators at Eginoat for the two days- was £8118, against X 730 1 U«t year Aii.i 7?BS in 1896. — Wild wood trotted smiu 3Jsec in the Riccarton Hanaicap at Plumpton Park and then got done ea-ily. We shall have to kill handle .ps or they will kill trotting. - . , — Chit-Chat 8 6 won the Geelocg Cup, a mile and a-quarter, on the 2nd -inst , beating Nancy Lee 6 13 by a neck. Miss Carbine 7 0, the favourite, got beaten out of a place. — The Sydney two-year-old Lu-ky Dog, by Mprtini-Henry— Uralla, who has bh^wn such good i..rm iii i-ydney, has been sold by T. Pay ten to a West Australian pportsman- — Foi as-aulting Mr W. P. Considine, secretary of the Sandown Park Racing Club, the wellknown Melbourne bookmakers John Coleman and Lew Li 0113 were fined £1 each. — Word comes from India that in addition to his ether successes Le:<nidas has accounted for the Turf Club Cup at Tollgunge, cai-rjing the steadier of 10.2 over a distance of ground — J ha Ksw Zealand horse Norton 10.0 has half a stone less to carry in the Liverpool Grand National tt eeplachase than the weignt he failed tinder in the .same lace ],ut year. — Loehiel'a ptogeny had won .£9IBO up to the half-year ending January 31. Next on the list are Caibiuo, £0083 ; Glzo, £'5514 ; Trenton, £3247 : Keckersgat, £3110 ; and Absrcorn, £2533. — The Moonee Valley (Victoria) stewards have recommended that the remainder of the six months.' su'-penfcion inflicted on September 15 last on H. Underwood for careless riding be remitted. — Mrßiotb, owner of Rpx, bought Thehna at the Egmont meeting. " Buffer " remaiks :It is doubtful if any money would have bought Thelma if the had got home in the Fourth Handicap Hack Rice — No le-s than four hnrse3 made a brace of wins at Egmont— namely, Plain Bill, Indian Shot, Swordfish, and Adam ; whilst Crusoe, King of the Duwns, aud Iliot scored a cuuple of seconds each — The polic* continua to make the keeping of betting-shops in Sydney a very expensive business. Hairy Wilmoie and Jack Williams were lecen+ly fined £25, with costs, or three months, ior keeping a shop. • — Bet->y Prig, by Grand Flaneur — Mother Gamp, won the Februaiy Handicap at 110-ehill. carrying 0.12, out-tajiDg First Mate 82by a neck. Aure.s, 90, one of ihe favourites, finished fourth. Mr J. M.-.yo owns the winner. — The Aiutialasian publishes a list of winning owners for the pasb half-year Mr W. Forrester is on top with a total of £4460 fur five races ; W. r>nggan, for a similar number, won £4426; Mr Kelso conies thud with £33(J9 — Homo uews includes the death of Mr Rice Meredith, cf Kilsaliaghaa, lielatnl, a well known £.poit, who got tirrt iv the huutiog-finld. His counf ebon with ad is that he at one time trained Mtlil'ffiUi, now in South Canterbury. — '1 h'j s-pKnt iv un» of the fore legs which has kept the Melbourne Cup winner Gaulus idle for several wefks past hhoa o been blistered and removed, and in consequence the horse has been able to resume work at Warwick farm. — T',e well-known ]OLkey P. Harris, of Marvel celebritr, was suspended fruin riding at Randwick this nion'h for a breach of agieement in ref citing to ride Rifleile in the Nuivery Handicap. He is to be fuither dealt with by the A.J G. — From -Eu-'hsii files it is gathered that in connection with tho Mai-gat" lifeboat disaster, the ex Austialian leviathan, Mr Joseph Thompson, inteivstei hiaiself in the collection of funds in aid, and up to the departure of the last mail he had been successful in obtaining nearly £500. —Mr Justice Williams, ,afier hearing the application on Monday for th^ dischaige of John M'Milian from the Bankruptcy C, urt, remarked that bookmaking cam-; within the meaning of the clauses of the Bankynp^cy Act which make it an offence to become insolvent as the lesult of rash and hazardous speculations, and the order of discharge was refused. — Boston, who is m the Newmarket Handicap at 7.4, was ag-nn -successful on the 5Sh, taking the Beachgiove Handicap at Aspendale Park (Vie) with S') up. He started a warm favourite, but only managed to " scrape " home from Alaska. Boston's staUle companion, b'ortunio, will, it is quite likel v, be tbe elect of the stable for the Newnwket His weight is 79. — The disappointing Regret, by Sheen—Farpwell, has at last made n contribution towards the £1000 paid for him at Nevururket last July by winning the Twickenham Maiden Hurdle Kace ot Kymptoa i'ark. Sub.s autiil outlaj's made him a 9 to 4 chance atflaefall, and he earned the colours of hi" pnrt-owner, Lord Dudley, to a rather ea&y victory from Bonnie Dundee. — The German Kmperor's saddle horseß are s n l"cted with special car>» The qualities requiivd of an aninial to wh eh William II trusts himself are speed, stayingpower, peitectbecurity in action, feteatiiues-s under fire and amid popular demoustiation, quick obedience, a &oft muuth, and uoble appearance. It is put thiough a daily exercise in order to maintain it at the i-aniH perfect standard. — The winner of the Trial Sriike? at As{.endale P*rk (Vie.) on the sth is aptly named Adnmal Cook, a combination whifth iccludes the names oe his .sire (The Admiral) and breeder (MrS. G Cook). Admiral Cook is the first of hL sire's stock to score a winning b acket. His dam, Siiona, is half sister to that good mare Semirnmis, being by Welcome Jack (son of Traducer) fiom impoited Security, by Loid Olifden. — The death is announced of Mv Edward Giveji, at ons time a celebrated and prosperous Ehglkh sportsman. He owned a half-share in Em.granT, who won the Grand National in 1857, and had. a sbare in Rocket, who won the Cesaiewitch in 185S, and ran iv his own sume many good steeplechasers, of which The isun, who defeated The Lamb at Kingsbury, was perhaps tha ny st prominent. — Says " Irrlineta" ; An attempt seems to have been made to frighten owners from entering for Ouk-ipariuga (S.A.) by publishing reports that there would be no money to be won from the ring. The attempt, I am glad to say, proved a failure, and Mr Yon Doussa must have been delighted with the entries he has received. They show that rich stakes and the totalisator are all that the average owner wants. — At a meeting of stewards of theHawke'sßay Trotting Club the question of the refusal of the Hawke's Bay Jockey Club, as the metropolitan, to pass the pony races was discußsed at considerobl" length. Moat of the stewards considered the action of the metropolitan club harsh and arbitrary. It was decided that the pony events be replaced by a one-mile trot, to be called the Disappointment Stakes, and a selling trot. — After the Egmont races there was a sale of blood stock got by Vanguard, Gipsy King, Foulshot, and other sires Twenty-two lots changed hands for a total of 326Jga, an average of a little under l~gs, and included in this is the 175gs paid by Mr W. Young for the crack sprirjter Telephone, by Billingsgate. Next to this one the beat price was 16gs, paid by Mr Hardley for the three-year* old filly by Gipsy King out of Steel AIL

— The Melbourne Cup v inner Glenloth had a S*-aHling experience in connection with the Gippslaad fiies. The son of Glenmarkie was located at 1 L 'iigwanie, when the stable took fire, but he was j t cued from the burning building without iv jury. 1 >/• i»uloth arrived in Melbourne on the 4th mst , I ;. .'I under Carmody'" rare at (Jaiilfield, he will be j T..r into active training at once. Ihe Melbourne C.:p winner is to be looking well after his tiiourn in Gippsland. — Excitement prevailed at the Louvre Magaf'.us (Paris) one day I'st month, when it became k uown that Mrs LaDgtry had looiied in there on IT way to Monte Carlo. The lady had told .< -c of the salesmen there, who had attended to ! •r for years past, that Merman would win the j 1 ' luewttcb, and as a consequence over 1000 of ■jfi backed him and broke no end of small book-j>j- .> .' i-rs. The advent of the giver of such good j ,l 1, was hailed with quite an ovation. < — It is not often in midwinter that we find 6 ■ 111 1 1 laid on the field in the Derby. Such, how- 1 1- . ci , was the case at the London clubs last ■>! th, when Dieudonne held command at the J ■ 'c Disraeli' was backed at a point more ; aud ! I3*t,i figured at 100 to 6, St. Maur, a. stable j !j'jii in the same ownership, was intro'j j . and backed a,t 33 to 1. St. Maur is by Orme fSt Mary, and bas yet to sport the yellow ; '> I '.ck rap of the Duke of Westminster. ; — 51:. s Thompson (the wife of Mr J. Thompson, ■ <» bnckmaker) met with a singular accident • •••cntly in London. Whilst her hair was being j i^std the curling tongs came in contact with •I ignited a large comb she was wearing. In a 5 "luent Mrs Thompson's hair was ablaze, and ; ■ 'r'Ti her maid could extingirsh the flames the • 1 ' 'ftunate lady's head was severely burned. The < ';.':> which Cook fire was made of celluloid, in»s •"" of tortoisoshell, as had been supposed. — A horse thvt is likely to be a good deal , Fo.iken of before Newmarket Handicap day (says { "Uuodwood" of the Argiw) is North Bntisb, a i 'i.r year-old Gozo gelding, ia I. T. drslake's ■ ' ble at Caulfield. Sume Sydney ricing men 1 K.iik a grtat deql of him, but on any -public form > has shown he is wll looker after in the New- j 1 u'l.'pt Handicap at 80. Ou February 3 a wa»er •J2OOO to jgf-0 was booked agoinst him in ons I IJ, a'jd this will probably be the prelude to ; 1 oner backing. i — A lite Sydney paper reports :—" Bob Ray is ! ' > ig solid work every day, and the old kuee ' i uiMe seems to have lift him entirely. Should I ■- litHe son of Welcome Jack go right through ' .i-epsration he will be a useful customer to have -V<?\v Zealand. Charge is again looking 3head, ' •. "r a ftllijd out anti brightened a lot since he re- • ."•! Lamond's team, and True filue moves with m o'd freedom. Ko hoise at Uand'viek looks , -„ t than Astronomer, but Toreador does not j ,i-Ov'p as hs grows older." I - "Milroy," of Sydney, writes : The St. Albans : ■• i'.lc appears to huld the key of the situation in ' Australian Cup with Aurum and Eleu'-ive, •. judging by the tono of the betting market, '.:.n appears to be the stable choice. As yet . g 11 has not fully decided about taking j • .T'*e across, and if he holds back for Uaud- \ , diswav in both St. Lfger and Cup will ba ' ■ ijiuch cleared for Aurum. Should anything ' •■ vn to Auutm, Amberite will be sure to make ! ■ 1 .urney across the Murray. j - Ihe llawera writer "Buffer" says that a j •iiia gentleman who had five tickets on the 1 race, and was waiting his turn to receive his i ■ 'tend, was asked by a peivon who leaned over • ail and coolly handed Inn a ticket, to ' 'i; dividend whiht he was about it. The m a gentleman was in the act of doing the I,' c yi hen the person came Lack hurriedly and • . " ( 'h, never mind, tbank you, I'll get 11 my "." whereupon it was returned. However, whea j ■ "Uanaia gentleman presented his tickets at tho 0 11 hole he found that only four out of the • Tickets were negotiable. The fifth vvus a 1 . good" ticket, which the ar'ful person had . r>o'i off and received a good onn in return — 'the Shorts at Kosehill (N.S.W.) ou tho sfch ■ ■■ deemed such a good thing for Prs,:aution 7.12 ■ ' ud'iS were laid upon her. Thoae who did so, ■ " Martindale," must have felt anything but : • .sed with theiriuveitrnent, as she 1 in past the i -;mce with Giril 7.7 and Wpnlock 7.12 aloegsido, | ■i wherry 9.7 coming veryfas*-. Fiom theie to I * winning post it was a mo^t rxcitiug struggle, | * favourite, to the relief of her backers, wearing- ! ■ pair down and winning bj' a hsad. Had ' .•i\-y beea favoured with a clear run it is just I i!)Ie that she would have defeated both. Pre- ' Lou and Giiil. The race proved th.\t Piecau- j ■"■ is game enough, but the form as shown is , ._^idly good enough for a Newmarket Handicap, j

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Otago Witness, Issue 2295, 24 February 1898, Page 32

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IN A NUTSHELL. Otago Witness, Issue 2295, 24 February 1898, Page 32

IN A NUTSHELL. Otago Witness, Issue 2295, 24 February 1898, Page 32