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DUNEDIN V. GkANGE. The return match between iliese two teams ■was commenced on the Caledonian ground on SafcurdAy before a good gathering of soectators. Tiie grenwd was i« good bonditiou for run-getting, but the wiokefc, for sooie uaaceo»intable rsasoD, helped the bowlers a. great deal, aad as a eon^equat'ee fcho Hcoring was small on both side?. Parker (Greusgo) won the toss and elected to bat, sending in Baker and C-amond to face the bowling of Kiavig and M'Farfane. The first-named batsman was decidedly uppish ia his strokes, and should have been caught off Kinvig from the first ball of the match. Bung leniently traafced by tbe fi^ldftaen the score was ttken to 23 before Kiimg got a good one pa6t Orsmond, who bad been shading niceiy. R&}>iaspu was the incocaer, arrd ps 'u'.e runs wre coming ft-esly a change was made—with the happiest results, M'K>'<reey cl- an bowling Baker in his first over. Park«r was out shortly afterwards to a splendid catch by Beck &t square leg, and Rcbioson was also caught at the same place by the same fieldsman. Downes knocked up 15 by good cricket, but none of the remaining batsmen troubled the scorers mnch, and the inuings closed for 71. Tne Danedin staited ba^ly, B«tsk, who witit Kinrig opened the c».mpa»gn, being clean bow'.ed by T. Down«s in his second over with a fast shooter. Croxford was out shortly after, a good one from A Davmes bsfcfciug him completely. Clarke filled the breach but did nob &fcay long, being magnificently taken by Parker at cover off T. Downed with a catch that " brought down the house." M'Fariane added 3, and Fisb, after making 7 in two hits, was,splendidly taken by Baker at third man. M'Ket.zie helped Kiuvig to raise the total to 4-7 before the latter gave a chance to Rob^on off T., which was accepted. M'C"orie and M-K'Mszie becoming associated, the G-ange total was passed. The Utter was the first to go, being bowled by T. Downes after batting for about threequarters of an heur for 8 runs. M'Crarie was the only other batsman to make any stand, and he played a useful innings for 2\. The inniugs closed for 87. With half an hour lefb to play the Grange Io&fc two wickefca (Robirsou and Rob&on) in their second inninga for 12 runs. Scores: — GnANGE.—First Innings. B'xker, b M'Kersey „. „. ... 20 Gvamond, b Kinvig ... .„ „. 10 Robinson, c Beck, b M'Kerßey... .... 11 P«rker, c Beck, b M'Kersey 0 A. Downes, c M.'Kersey, b Kinvig „. 15 Haydou, b M'Kersey ... „. ..0 Restieaux, b M'Kcrsey ... „. ... 3 Lawrence, b Kinvig 5 J. Dovnes, c Skitch, b M'Kcrsey ... 0 Rob?>on, not out , ,„ „, 1 T. Downes, b M'Kersey .„ „, „. 0 Extras .« ... ,„ ►.. M. 6 Total fft «m in »• 7X

BOWLING ANALYSIS. Balls. Mdns. Runs. Wkts. Kinvig „. „ 115 14 19 3 MTurlane 50 3 22 — Jl'Kersey 64 G 24 7 Dunedin.— First Innings. BecV, b T. Downes 0, cßobson, b T. Downes ... 29 Croxford, bA. Downes , 4 Clarke, c Faiker, bT. Downes ... 0 M'Farlane, bA. Downes „, „. 3 Fisb, c Baker, b T. Downes 7 M'K'JEzie, bT. !>ownes... , 8 M'Ororie, b T. Downes 2i Piain, lj A. Downes ... ... ,„ 1 M'Kersey. b T. Downes 0 Bkitch, not out 0 Extras , , ... 11 Total ... 87 BOWLING ANALYSIS. Balls. Mdns. Runs. Wkts A. Downes 95 6 38 3 T. Downes 91 5 38 7 Caeisbbook A v. Cabisbroqk B. This match was commenced afc Carisbrook on Saturday, the B being allowed a handicap of two men by fche A eleven. The B team winning the loss elected to bat. but with the exertion of Leary, who made 14 in good style, could do nothing with the excellent bowling of Either and Harkness. The opening batsmen for the A team were Broad and Liggins, bub the former was beaten in Butlei's second over by a ball that kept very low. Austin was bhe incomer, but he speedily losb Liggins, who was caught' in trying a bib to leg eff Stni'h. F.sher acd Austin then made a shorb stand, Lub with the score at 54 Fiater was caught ab the wickets off Butler. Hope then came in, and the total of the B team was quickly passed. With the Fcore ab 76 Hrpa was oub Lbw. to Harraway, who had jusb gone on. Austin kept going till the score was 101, when he also was bowled by Harraway. The remainder of the team were uncble to do much with the bowling of G. Harraway, and were all disposed of for 134, giving them a letd of 83 runs on the first innings. G. Harraway, who got seven wickets for 34 rune, kept an excellent length, and seems to be returning to his form of previous years. R. D. Spraggon was absaufc frata the A team. Scores :— Cabisbroou B. — First Innings. Cooke, run out 7 Harraway, J, b Fisher ... „. ... 0 hutler, c Fisher, b Harkness 4 Burt, c LiggU'S, b llarliiiesa ... ... 0 Thomson, c Hope, b Fisher 3 Smith, C. R., b Ha kness 4 Spraegon, P., c Liggins, b Fi.sher ... 4 Mercer, b P-aikneß3 0 Leary, c Hattrav, b Harki^ss 14 Lawsou, st E. J Austin, b Haikness 0 Harraway, G., c Liggins, b Haikcess 0 Why te, b Fisher 7 Kingston, not oufc 2 Jixtras ... <i Total 51 Carisbrook A.-First Innings. Broad, b Butler 5 Lig^in?, c Thomson, b Smith 4, G.G.bU. Hairaway 31 Fifr'aer, c Whyte, h Butler „ 12 Hope, lbw, b G. Harraway 31 Sitdebergr, b G. Harraway li) Jluwden, b G. Harrow ay 9 Ratbray, c Butler, b G Harraway ... 7 Horice, c Kings' on, bG. Kanaway ... 4 Harkness, c J. Harraway, b G. Hanaway 4 Austiu, E. J., not oub 3 Extras 11 "Total 134 Opoho v. Albion. The scoring was small on both sidts in fche return match befcvpeen the Opoho and Albion clubs, which was commenced on the North ground. The Opoho were dismissed in fc'ceir firsfc innings for 47, tub the Albion could not reach even this modest total, being dismissed for 39, of vbieh Ufctley claimed 14 by patient cricket. The Opoho mede 77 in fchsir second innings, and before stumps were drawn captured two Albion wickets ia the latter's seeoud innings for only a few runs. The fielding on both tides was abominable. JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP. The match between the Albion an 3 Op^ho resulted in a win for fche former by 18 run*, fche scores being : A'bion, 110 (Murdoch 29, Lockhaib 24. D. Thomson 19) ; Opoho, 92 (Muichie 25, M Mullan 21, Jelly 13 nob out). The match Dunedia No. 2 y. Oaritbrook D, played afc the Caledonian ground, roMilte^ in a win for the latter by 40 runs oa the £rat innings The Carisbrook, batting first, knocked up 113 (Herbert Harraway 33, Adams 29, Hartnttt 15, Vrquharb 13 nob out) ; and the Dnutdm responded with 73 (Wilkie 36, Spence 13, Reid 10). For Carisbiouk the most successful bowlers were M'Leßuan (two for 4) acd Catworthy (four fo: 27) ; while for Dute^iiu Wilkie captured six wickets for 28. The match between Grauge Second and the Union Steam Ship Company, played ab the Ova], resulted in a win for the former by 85 ruus.- The Grange batting firsb fcotalk d 122, of which Parker, King, Lawlor, and Chadwick contributed 26, 25, 19, and 18 respectively. The Union Company oaly made 36, Wilkie playing atlracbively for 18. For the winners Stewart and Henderson captured five wickets for 15 and five for 17 runs respectively. Ab the Oval the University defeated Iho Privateers by three wickets and 31 runs. Eich of the Piivafceers, who batted fi-sfc, added hi 3 little to the score, bub not one of them managed to reach double figures, with the result thab their innings closed for 42. The Uuiveisity mado a bad sfcarb, for although Adams made a useful stand, it was nob uutil, with three wickets down for 5, Williams came in that a combined stand was made that gradually brought fche score to 35. Afc this point Adams was bowled, and Williams (26) soon foUowed suifc. Bast (19 nob out) and 61'Aia (12) tben gofc agoing, and it was not until some time after Ea6fc had made the wionin# hib thab M'Ara ran himself oufc. Shoifc'y after thia play was stopped, the University having seven wickebs down for 73. For the University, East (with five for 11) and Neil (with two for 8) bowled best, while White and Heasian took most of th-j University wickets. The match Mornington v. Waverley was won by Mornington by 36 runs. MorniDgfcon batted firsfc and pub together 97 (J. Howison 48, R. Howison 15, Lowry 11 not out). Eekhrff secured eight wickets for the Waverley, who batted very steadily and took exactly two hours to make 61 runs (Chudvrick 10, Fearon 16). Payne (seven for 27) and Macfarlane (three for 29) trundled well for Mornington. The match Dunedin No. 1 v. Hendley was played on fche Caledonian ground, the Dunedin ■winning by 31 ruES. The Dunedin going in first started badly, losing five wickets for 10 runs. A. Maclean, howtver, came to the rescue with a hard-hit 54, and the inniogs closed for 90. The Hendley could only total 59, Moore batting freely for 29. L-.tham (four for 26) and J. Wilkie:(five for 27) bowled well for Dunedin. The match between the Albion snd University %vas concluded on the 26bh ult. and resulted in an ea=y win for the Albion by 56 runs. The University with four wickets down for 67 required 65 to win, but the remaining batsmen only added 8 runs to the

score, being unable to do anything against the splendid bowling of Permin and Hurdccb, the former taking three for 5 and the latter dismissing the three ksb batsmen with tha " hat trick." THIRD CLASS CHAMP FONSHIP. The match Dunedin No. 1 .v. Taieri wan played at Mosgiel, the visitors winr-ing by 55 ruDS. The Dunedin made 130 (J. Drumtn 28, Fleming 22, Sincock 20, Healey 19, Harrison 17, Wallace 16 uot out). The Taieri were all dismissed for 75, B. Inglis carrying his bat through the innings for 40. Healey (seven for 29) bowled well for the winners. The Grange defeated Duaedin No. 2 on the North ground by 23 runs on tbe fii'sh innings. Scores : Grange, 46 (Wylie 33) and 49 (Wvlie £4) ; Duaediu, 23 and 30 for live wickets (Fish 14-, Stalker 14). For the Grange Crosbie took six wickets for 7 runs in the first innings of Dunedin. The Carisbrock E team oefe&ted the Carlton by 50 runs. Scores : Carisbrook, 85 (Munro 22, Smith 14, Maitland 12); Ctrltoc, 35. F^her (four wickete for 10 runs) and Maitlaad (fi?e for 18) fo? Carisbrook, The Oceana No. 1 defeated the Trinity at the Gardens by 33 runs. Osoana put together 95, towards which M. Casey maie 23 (including five hits clean out of the ground), Burke 16, aud Blakeley 12, wLils the Triuiiy male 57 (Brt inner 20, Kif.naisd 19). Bjrka (four for 22), Paris (one for 6). and C.*napbill (Wo *'or It) bowled well for the Oveana, atsd Host (four for 28) secured the best average for the Trmifcy. Tae Privateers defeated the Ro lj n No. 1 by 5 •runs on the firsb inniDgs. Scorts : Privateers, 73 (R. Smith 28, Banks 13) ; Rcslyn, 68 (W. Dobson 20). The Op^ho disappDinted the Oceana for the s?coiid time this seasoD, and did cob have the conr'esy tv let them knew of th?-ir inability to put a term in the field. The Hesdley defeated the Albion after an cxcii ir>g math by 11 runs Scores : Hendley, 49 (R. Abbott 10) and 24 for seven wickets ; Alb'on, 38 and 52 (R. Duthie 20, Lawry nob oun 13). The ma v ch R r slyn No. 2 v. Mocningtoxi No. 2, played afc B shopscourfc, v.-as won by the foraier, who made 70 (Davle 15, Wilkinson 14) to th-ir opponents' 22, the Moruington players not being ab:c to do anything with the bowling of Watts (five for 8) and P. Bl'AliUan (four for 10). Port Chalmers defeated Moruiogbun No. 1 by 41 tuns on Saturday. Motnmgtor, g' ing in fir. t, put together 44. Port Chalmers responded with 85 (Hunter 37, Ward 17). Jack (four wickets for 16) aud Ward (rhree for 12) bowled very effectively for Port; whilst Gjw gob the majority of the wickets for Moraingbon. NEW SOUTH WALES V. VICTORIA. Sydney, January 25. The cricket match was resumed oa a wab wicked New South Wales were disposed of for 273, Gregory (73) making the only score worth recording. M'Lecd (tA - o wickets for 88) and Roche (sis for 88) carried eff bhe bowling honours. la Vie'ori&'s firtb ianingrj seven wicktt3 have fallen for 153 (Worra'l not out 91 andil'LecdSl). January 26. There w*s a large attendance tvb the ersekt-t match. The wicket was sticky. The Vietoi-ian firit innings closed f.L- Ib 7 (Worra)l 103, Sfcuckey 31). Newell Jook eight wickets for 56, and M'Kibbiu two for 68. The New South Wales second innings only resulted in 90 runs (Donnan 19, Gregory 15). Trotb secured five wickals i'oT 21 Roeho three for 29, aT>d»Trumble two for 24. With 177 f;o win Vic^oiia began the second innings, end a!; tie close of the day had knocked up 150 for the lo?s of six wickets (Worrall 33, M'Michael 30, Brucs not out 33). J.vnuary 27. Victoria with the loss of sevpn wickets made 179, thus winning by three wickets and 3 runs. Bruce increased his gcore to 37. and Trott made 24. Noble took two wickets for 33, M'Kibbin four for 64, and Newell one for 45.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2292, 3 February 1898, Page 34

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SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP. Otago Witness, Issue 2292, 3 February 1898, Page 34

SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP. Otago Witness, Issue 2292, 3 February 1898, Page 34