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The annual meeting of fcbe Danedin Fanciers' Club was held ia Mr Myers's rooms at tbe Octagon on Wednesday evening. Mr Myera presided, and there was a good attendance. BEPORT AND BALANCE §HEET. The balance f>heat showed that there wae a debit balance at the bank of £50 6s, but against fcbafc the club had assets worth, at a very low • valuation, £243. The a.nnue.l report set forth that the extra dog show held during Jubilee week was not in point of numbers up lo the show of previous years, but the quality of the exhibits was fi'-sfc class, especially c*Uies,rctrioverfl, and spaniels. Mr Smyth, of Melbourne, could not officiate ns judge, and hia place was taken by Mr Clifford' Bramah, of Wellington, who, although not pleasing to a good many exhibitors, on the whole gave satisfaction. The result of the show was disappointing, there bsing a loss of £25. The annual chow of poultry, pigeons, canaries, and dogs was held on the 6th and 7th Df August lasfc, and, although nob quite up to previous shows in numbers, it was so far as quality was concerned considered the best enow ever held in Dunedin. Local judges were appointed, and gava every satisfaction.

There w»s a loss of a few pounds, due fco fche show following co soon the one held during fche Jubilee time. The thanks of chs olub were duo to Messrs Myers and Aifcken for the use of their rooms, aad fro Mr Charles Bills for assistance in receiving entries. The club suffered a loss through the retirement of Mr J. H. Jowifcfc, and eonfit quenl on his retiring fche committee had to eleeL snot her gentleman to act as a guai antor to the bank with Mr Myets, Me P. Aitken kindly coining to the rescue Tha (-hanks of the club were due to him and to JVIr H Bailey, who fitned up snd superintended the show. The report was adopted. sy&thm or judging.

Mr S. S. Mii:H3 moved the following motion :—": — " That it be an iustruclion to the incoming committee to eulhorise the secretary to comjHume&te with the vaiious swieties in fche United States of Aaieneii with a view to getting ir formation as to the card system of jadging." In moving the motion he said : This ia, I think, s.n opportune time to discuss our present system of judging. If it is continued it will, I feel sure, so rwluce exhibitors, if not fanciers, fchat a poulVy show will lose a.!l interest fco bjfch breeders and the general public. If, however, we can gffc over the old prejudice aud bave our judfeii-g cVne by points, on eaidc, in black aud white, t-xlaibitors will be more sat'i-fi^d. They will be able to rnooguiae and apprfcciifce the shortcomings of their birds. They will know what to rectify, and be >)&Vn&^d that they have received their just dues. Yesrs ago, when I fiissfc commenced hammering away for this reform, I thought that New Zealand would first adopt it, but I 'fi-.d that thie syfefcfem of card jtidgifg ia almost universal iv the United States. Some little lime ago there were a few short articles and some corresponds uce in the papers from the agricultural peoj.iJo regarding judging c»tUc : sxoi efeeep by points, but it seems aimos(. hopeless to break down fche waft of prejudice that favours the haphazard ineUi«d of jad^ing by comparison in thgee anitaals. PouJfcry-breedere, however, ccifcicise their exhibits much more closely, aud I hope bha time is near whtn Dunedin will b'&d the way, if not with ail breeds, at aiiy rate make a s-fearfc with some clasaes, 80 tliftfc exhibitors, judges, and paWic m*y be kd up to a systetsi th-afc ha^. come fco efcay in Aasefica, aud woald do bo wherever adopted. There is natural^- a oertain aiacuafc of opposition fco overcome, opposition by men who oppose fcb.3 system because tAwy thought ifc bad and unwurfeable ; bu"i while I court healthy and fair opposition, those opposed musi; admit that all we want is to give ifc a trial. Ttte haphazard S;*fcem has never given satisfaction. Ifc has fco nay knowledge closed tbe doors to many an enthusiastic biveder. aad therefore those opposed have surely nobbing fco loee by trying so«i«tbing new. If you will bear with me a little I should Hke fco p&infc oufc soaae of fche advantages that must accrue, and I d»aw my conclusions from articles rn&-d in Aawriefui work* and (Upo th<' N^w Zealand Far«ii«r. We R-ll &dmifc that iv thoroughly judgiag several pens <»f fowls pa,rticu4a? stotiou of eacb. bird muso receive special afcteuiion. Bo if the judge who is jndging by corauarison knew* the value aeoording to the sfcandatd whioh we are expected fco breed to and which tb.j association bas publiahtd — aad eucely &ie judge should bo kfiow — where e*n be the objection to put it down in black aad white to bo k^pfe and prized as a reoord of a bird's real icerit and n, proof of good, painsbakfag, and conseienfc'ous work thafc must be done by a wise j'ulga ? Now, by this method fchse ia saved and nofc l^sfe, &s some of the opponents of tfais syetetn advance, as fche bird is only goae over once, entry made, aad the dedueUous drawn us soon as fcfce class is fiai.-becs. A j«^ge can tell at once, looking at two biws, whwli bas the b&fcfcer comb, colour, feAtf l er, or graiTal ehipe ; but unl<rss be pubs down & dtbifc and credit, s.s it were, for tach seofcion, how in ifc possible for him to say if fcbe be»k, bead, eye, aad ue-sk of one bicd which has bad wiog, leg, tail, and feet are sufncteutly good to beafc the ofch«ir, wfeich h%s good wing, leg, fciil, and feet, but bad ben.k, eye, head, and n«*ck ? Coqi-pKrisouiscaUt'-d idone p'-.rter, "look and B*y." lfe was practised no doubt; by Noah wh«n he picked his pairs for the ark, bufc t-he re^sulfc does cotgive s&tisfaetiou— did nofe do go iv America, and tiiey bow bave juJgicg by fche card ; — and I say let «b instmc*; cur &gg« fcary to write to setae of fch« secretaries of shovrs in the United States and ask them For particulars. Ifc naighb also be made a sowee of revenue, nob lorn as some advene?. — (Applnisd.)

Mv R. Ferguson seconded the motion, and stated that he saw it mentioned in several papers that the system gave great satisfaction in the Uuited States.

Mr Williams said it was tbe most perfect system of judging he ever h»ard of. Every m»n vro-uJd iika to know how his bird woa &-r how it was b'.-aten by other birdi. — (Applause.)

Mr Townsend a*so sp^ke in faveur of the motion, which was carried unanimously.


The following effi^e bearei'3 w<-re elected :—: — President, the Hot). George M'Lean ; viceprrsidenf 6 — Messrs S. Myets, J. A. Millar, M.H.R., S James, R. For uson, F. Rog-'n, W. Aitken,- J. Kerr, L. Kemni'z A Cowia, E. A. Donlop, H. GoT>s-l<y, J. M'Ghie, acid the Hon. T. Fcrgu« ; com.-nittes— MvO'-rs T. Hidw, H G. Williams, EL Thomas, P. Howrth, P. Aitken, N. C. Cooper, H. 11. Bailey, A E. Math- ws, G. Stratbon, J Rose, C Morton, A. KUthew*, R. Moss, H. B'-owulie, H. Spiv sen, John Maitland; s-cretary, Mr R. A. Crawshaw ; hon, treasurer, Mr S. Myers ; hon. auditors — Mo^rs Maoc'otiald aud Tovvn&end.

Some alterations in the rulea were then made, after which the meeting closed.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2292, 3 February 1898, Page 34

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DUNEDIN FANCIERS' CLUB., Otago Witness, Issue 2292, 3 February 1898, Page 34

DUNEDIN FANCIERS' CLUB., Otago Witness, Issue 2292, 3 February 1898, Page 34